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Vampire thread
Cunny playing cards, I need that.
Probably not allowed inside the café.
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PA Works is single-handedly making me hate vampires.
Not all Mayos.
>bad vampires sullying the image of all vampires
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I'm still obsessed with vanitas
Fuck I'm reading the manga tomorrow since the anime will never continue
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I love shinobu
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I love donuts
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Built for ryona.
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For me it’s Yupiel.
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Imagine taking a bath with your tiny vamp.
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Are people actually watching that shit?
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>can almost see it
Lolipoires need to take care of their clothes better.
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Pires should wear pantsu
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And tights!
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I love my little vampire queen wife Krul!
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She is so fucking hot
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Absolutely delicious. These OC vamps are so fuckable.
She was better in the latest episode.
What's wrong with it?
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Blonde vampire pits
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Imagine snapping her cute little wings...
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Now that Nagatoro is over is there hope for more Yupiel?
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Its ok to have shit taste, its not your fault
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Shinobu, it's fang inspection time!
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Flan is more for classic teddy bears.
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Me as the teddy
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I would save a vampire even if it meant consigning myself to Hell for eternity
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Clingy lolivamps.
But would you fly her to the moon and back?
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I would let her play among the stars
I would bring the moon and stars to her
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I should rewatch her anime.
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Let her see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars?
Being a teddy around a pent up naked flan sounds dangerous
Yes, the return of the fear-boner
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Shinobu just can't compete.
Worth it.
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Monogatari thread's two doors down to your left
Cat's pretty good too tho
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Catpire > everything else
Headpat the nekopire
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Cute slender vamp thighs
Ah... The stench thousand-year-old rotting flash.
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Vamp wife happy life
lolipires are pure and don't stink! They smell like green pastures and waterfalls in fact.
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In other words, I'll hold her hand
We need more big vamps
Yes, but No.
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>thick eyebrows
I must read this.
Konya wa Kyuuketsuki
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In other words, darling, she'll kiss (You)
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the vampaiyah OP is fun
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yes, please
this artist draws some amazing lolibabaas
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I love that song so much
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She is all I long for, all I worship and adore!
Ayanami ver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs7eTA1ct8k
Didn't the anime end pretty much where the manga was at?
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In other words, please be true!
In other words, I love Irina!
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I really wish he hadn't changed her design...
Super Love Lotion?
Light doesn't rot!
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Aoi Yuuki, vampire princess
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Is this the new vampire thread?
This one is the best of the bunch in that show so far though.
That story reminded me of Yupiel.
Please let me lick your barefoot soles clean and suck on your toes, Krul-sama.
I fucking love vampire girls so much.
So fucking much.
And all of you as well.
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Same, they truly are the pinnacle.
This Krul image is so hot.
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So is this one
She's doing the pose!
I would cum all over her exposed thighs.
And I really like this one too.
You have impeccable taste, Krul anon.
Not that anon, just an enjoyer!
Well, impeccable taste none the less, anon.
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I would cum all over her feet.
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Yeah, I'm not him lol, but I really appreciate it. I just love posting my little vampire queen wife.
Holy based.
Me too.
May i come ?
Eat up
It depends.
Do you like vampire girls?
And by that, I mean, do you want to fuck them?
What I wouldn't do to lick her feet from top to bottom...
Out of so many vampire girls out there, there's just something special about Krul's feet that make them so good.
Would still lick them clean.
This artist sure likes her.
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Chloe has fallen madly in love with you and is yandere. How do you escape?
I kill my genocidal asshole father again then tell her I must go to sleep for centuries to prevent my bloodline from continuing.
I’m so sorry, anon…
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Verbally abuse her and make her cry
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the glare of a farter
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Pumping and dumping Shinobu Oshino.
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It's okay, I've mostly gotten over it lol Kagami finally got what he wanted, a story exclusively about homos. (not that it wasn't already lol) At least we got to see her in this outfit. That counts for something, right? right?
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pumping and caring for shinobu oshino for the rest of my life
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yeah she may be dumb but at least shes not an idiot
kewl beuty (laughs)
Pumping Shinobu Oshino then dumping her after she falls in love with you.
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Look at this cute, underrated banpire
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>take your vampirelet out for a date
>she just looks at you lovingly the entire way
maximum armpit + wind exposure
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>Kagami finally got what he wanted, a story exclusively about homos.
Dropped like a baby.
And there were some really cute female characters,
Not just he big titied vampire girls Chess and Horn but also some from the Japanese Imperial Army, Like Shinoa, the cheeky brat who wields a scythe and that twin tailed girl she keeps trolling, the one who wields an axe as well as her single ponytail big sister, the one who is a subordinate to Shinoa's big brother and who declared her loyalty to when he was in the process of leading a coup.
As well as one of the girls from Glen's unit, like that red haired tomboyish Juuji Mito.
And there several Homos overtones that did nothing but really make me angry.
What a total waste!
Had to scroll quite a bit for krul, disappointing
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>still getting new merch years later after it ended
What's her secret?
Sophie is too sexy.
Is this a good thing?
show was so boring it put most of the viewers into a coma, they just timed the merch well
This outfit is so dumb
>Swimsuit on the couch
>Bandaid on the sock
>Donut shaped bracelet
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thats a temporary holding spot for the bandaid
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Everybody wants to own their own Sophie
If the hikkikomori Bishoujo vampire suddenly decided to make me her blood familiar if I were summoned to her realm
I pray to whatever is the supreme deity that my cheat ability is Captain Scarlet levels of invulnerability because her orbiters, all of whom are females, all of whom want to munch on her carpet and bump her taco and itch her ditch will all be out for my blood and will have to be dealt with in due time.
>Hey I can't help it if your mistress has had enough of you sexually harassing her to no end.
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Lol i'm so glad i dropped this anime in season 1. The only thing i enjoyed about it was Krul, dodged a fucking bullet by not committing to this series.
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>Konya wa Kyuuketsuki
Thank you sir. I wish I didn't miss lolipire threads so often.
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That's Vampy, right? I kinda wish I had gotten into Granblue back in the day mostly for her. I know they have a new game out, but I hear it's censored as hell, and I'm not even sure she'd be in it.
wait a second..
Sophie is SEX.
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The pose!
She's doing the pose!
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>ended up being yet another dorkpire
I love this trend.
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Can't wait for Fuu's episode
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Hell yeah brother

Reject the mystical noble vampires, embrace the cute dorkpires
Every character you just described aside from Shinoa is completely non existent and hasn't been around in god knows how long, in fact, Shinoa has become the de facto antagonist.
The anime does an original ending iirc, so watching season 2 should be okay. But, do not read the manga. It's pure shit.
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dorkpire bros eating good this season
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We also have the lolipire from Shinmai Ossan. We 'pire lovers are truly eating good this season.
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I love her.
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Never forget!
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Dorkpires or Dumbpires?
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Dumpire sounds better because it rhymes with vampire
Dorkpire also rhymes with vampire
Based anon.
Love 'em both
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useless NEET bratpires that needs to be reminded of their fucking place
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Imagine using the sun to take advantage of a pire
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This gave me an idea for a room dedicated to taking advantage of vampires. The basic idea is that since the pire can't ever leave the shaded area, due to sunlight or the visage of our lord, she will have no choice but to do whatever you ask her to do.
Well, I know what I am going to build now. Just need to find me 'pire to put in it.
System completely relying on weather, pire would get ample time for rest
Shaded area too big, plenty of space for the pire to feel safe
Pics of Jesus pointing in the wrong direction, pire can still escape
4/10 design overall
>System completely relying on weather, pire would get ample time for rest
>Shaded area too big, plenty of space for the pire to feel safe
This isn't a vampire torture pit, it's a molestorium. Maybe you prefer your pires tired and cranky and scared, but my design is meant to allow ample room for the gentle /a/non to do whatever he wants with the pire. If there was no room to move, you could barely touch the pire without exposing it to the light.
>Pics of Jesus pointing in the wrong direction, pire can still escape
What? The arrows are pointing at the walls. The inside walls would be covered in the photos
why not just love her normally so you don't have to keep her captive

pires deserve love too
isn't that much normal?
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The molestorium fills a niche. It's for people who don't have a working relationship with the pire in question. If you are, say, Araragi Koyomi; then you wouldn't need the molestorium because you get along very well with your pire. The molestorium is for people who have a pire that the want to have "anonymous relations" with but who don't have the charisma to earn it
>my design is meant to allow ample room for the gentle /a/non to do whatever he wants with the pire. If there was no room to move, you could barely touch the pire without exposing it to the light.
The parasol structure would give ample space for the tiny pire to move while getting in the way of the normal sized anon trying to love the pire. It is a design flaw, it should either be higher or not connected to the floor at all. It probably shouldn't be in the middle of the room either.
Anon's body being one of the few things protecting the pire from the sun should be part of the system in my opinion. That way she'd quickly come to associate anon with comfort and safety.

>The arrows are pointing at the walls. The inside walls would be covered in the photos
The walls are at an angle, this creates a blind spot near the glass ceiling the pire could take advantage of at night.
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It's important to love your lolipire and not torture them
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Not even a little bit?
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>The parasol structure would give ample space for the tiny pire to move while getting in the way of the normal sized anon trying to love the pire. It is a design flaw, it should either be higher or not connected to the floor at all.
I see what you mean by this, but the heights of anything isn't set in stone. The parasol can be as high as you want. As for suspending it from the ceiling, I'm not an engineer, so I don't know how best to do that without doing something that would add more shaded areas
>It probably shouldn't be in the middle of the room either.
I think it has to be, to prevent the pire from having a place to really distance herself from the light. I think the light being on all sides of the pire is an important psychological aspect.
>That way she'd quickly come to associate anon with comfort and safety.
I was tasked with creating a room designed around "using the sun to take advantage of a pire". Making the pire trust anon feels like it goes against the design philosophy.
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Evageline is my favourite lolibaba vampire, shame that the sequel ruined her character
I'd argue grooming a pire into relying on anon's body for safety counts as taking advantage of a pire.
Nanashi , i humbly ask for more ero content, if its nagaroto im happy if its more Yupiel im also happy. Nagatoro had a happy and wholesome ending, show us more LOVE! please!
>Eager and Clingy
HOW have i not seen this before?
>Konya wa Kyuuketsuki There are Vampires Tonight
I know what ill read tonight, thanks anon.
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Wholesome vamp lover.
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vamps are for hugs & fugs!
Yeah, that makes sense. Though designing a room that is dangerous but not when a human body is around perplexes me. Also, what would stop the pire from killing it's captor and using the lifeless body for shade?
I just want the pire to be happy, man. If she's gonna be in my care I don't want her to be sad for a second.

Cuddle your pires, don't molest them
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In theory, there should not be anything inside the room that is dangerous to the human body. Sunlight and Jesus would be deadly for her but they do nothing to people. Ideally, the pire's will would be broken first to secure the safety of the anon but keeping her chained up in the early stages of the relationship may work too.
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>In theory, there should not be anything inside the room that is dangerous to the human body.
Vampires themselves are quite dangerous.
>Ideally, the pire's will would be broken first to secure the safety of the anon
Sorta like how the Ringling Brothers break the will of an elephant/tiger before trying to get it to do tricks? The scale/complexity of this is growing quite a bit. I'll need time to think about how best to do this
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You're a good pirehusbando
Would a good pirehusbando really be hugging their pire's imouto like that?
Shimaidon is holy.
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Are vampires really that dangerous?
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Remi sometimes asks me to help her frustrated sister, so it's okay.
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No torture whatsoever, only love, cuddles, kisses, and procreation.
Cute blushy red knife ears!
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Remi in a swishy white dress!
Uh, yeah. They eat people and stuff
They just like to drink a little bit of blood, what's the harm in that?
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Dress needs less opacity.
No harm in a little blood. But I imagine that a pire under the conditions previously detailed would be quite angry at first and very capable of doing extreme bodily harm
Duh. This is why you treat them with love.
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Duh. This is why you chain them up and break their spirit first.
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Well, yes. I understand that cooperation is inherently superior to coercion. But again, my task was to take advantage of a pire
I know, I'm just saying that vampires are inherently dangerous
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Shinobu my beloved
Best one ITT
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She looks very worried here...
>page not found
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Can your pire headscoop tho? A healthy pire should at least be capable of a clean headscoop.
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Is that supposed to be impressive?
........................................i realized just now, 6 years late, that this was a jojo reference.

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Is that supposed to be original?
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How much longer will I have to wait before someone draws a loli vampire wife manga?
Until you make it yourself it seems.
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Anon if that's the case we'll be waiting a very long time.
ok now draw her pregnant
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this is why I always pack a can of garlic spray
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I wonder how you'll feel about vampires in The Witch and the Beast. The relationship between vampires is always dominant males and submissive females because the males are that much stronger. A male vampire can perform something called "blood servility" on a female vampire by drinking her blood then mixing his own blood into her bloodstream (and it looks like he's raping her but that's unconfirmed) which will bring her completely under his control.
When I was little, I thought the reason vampires had fangs was because the fangs functioned like straws that they vamps sucked the blood through
thats a thing in lots of older vampire lore
unironically still the best, the negima version anyway
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this one is high res enough to be printed out and glued to my wall beside my bed..
There's plenty if you consider yuri
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Why does a pire need such cute feet?
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No thanks.
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When Ellie looks at girls and calls them delicious and talks about wanting to drink their blood it's cute. But when I
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She really is so absolutely beautiful.
>There's plenty if you consider yuri
Any recs?
So many OC lolipires with great design. So few actual stories.
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If anything, we need more cute OC lolipires.
There can never be enough.
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Sylvie copycat.
She looks so smol!
And defenseless...
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Smol tubes
needs vigorous licking and tummy worship
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Lickable tube
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You shouldn't lick tubes
You should definitely lick tubes
I'm going to lick that tube.
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>two dubs in a row
I guess we must lick tubes now
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Why lick tube?
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Because tube is there
I want to bury my face in her bare shoulder and die
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I want to nibble on a pire's neck
Is this an achievable natty?
I want to hug this crispy pire forever and ever and protect her from every evil in the world aaaahhhhh
fork putdowns x failure
Can you do it with a tubepire?
tubes can be a rather strong shape, so it is not surprising.
what a lucky bastard Arararagi is
autistic flavored garlic cumshots
Cute Krul pantsu
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my beautiful little vampire queen, you didn't deserve it :(
Which one of you started the thread on /k/?
lol, forgot /k/ had those occasionally.
Some anon from there then some people from /a/ arrived.
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pire pits and collarbone!
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Would you eat Shinobu's donut?
What does that even mean?
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I should really attempt to watch Bake again. I was in a horribly depressive state when I first tried, over six years ago. If nothing else Shinobu seems worth it.
please do, if you like shinobu that much you're gonna love Nise
I will anon. If nothing else, I'll have more to talk about in these threads instead of lurking. These and what fox threads USED to be are the most comfy on /a/.
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Is this enough to convince you?
It certainly is. I don't even like feet that much.
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>90% of the thread is shinobu, krul and sophie

Why is japan starving us like this? We need more pires...
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I like Sophie
I want to bury my face on those soles.
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On a scale from 1 to 10, how vicious do you want your vampire to be?

She needs just a tiny bit of bloodlust when she gets hungry to make the relationship spicier
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Funny Vamp
We did get some more pires this season, some of their designs are good, but some are not.
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Hmm, /a/ is moving at a decent pace today in relation to the past few days.
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It's Friday.
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Yeah I know, just commenting on it :) It's mostly a reminder for myself to keep a more active eye on the thread.
I'm keeping an eye on the thread as well.
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Oh no, we'll reach image limit way before bump limit.
Hate when that happens.
It's okay, we can just discuss why pires are the best
As long as you love your 'pire they are best 'pire.
I actually read that wrong lol, pires are the best because they are cute, kissable, marriage material, breedable, lovable, blood suckers, sexy, dominant when you want them to be, submissive when you give them just the right amount/type of attention, cute feet, and always hungry for (You).
I might've missed some qualities, so make sure to add any I neglected to mention :)
Natural AC in summer.
Would you have your pire sit on your computer then to cool it down during the summer?
I would sit her on my lap to cool me during the summer
Followup with Flan getting railed into the matress while Remi watches when?
Why is Remilia so wet here?
She's been schlicking for the past 20 minutes to her sister getting railed.
Uh... are you a dumdum?
Just taking a break from her sex marathon.
I'd like that!
Yes, I misread lol
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She's at multiple points on that scale.
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Bitey moonpire
God I need a pire to suck my blood
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It seems super intimate. Are you ready for that?
I was born ready, need me a pire wife that will lovingly suck my blood
Once again I'm reminded that I should rewatch this.
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Please watch Irina's show!
She is a cute!
I wonder what it feels like
donate blood and find out
I did when it was airing, it was better than I expected.
It's not the same I'm sure. I've given blood many times in my life. I'm certain it pales in comparison to have a beautiful pire suck it out of you. Her lips gently resting on your neck, the quiet subtle sucking sounds she must be making. The feeling of your blood and by extension your life force being stripped of you slowly by surely. Donating blood could never give you such satisfaction.
>over a decade later
>still haven't found anyone better than evangeline (negima)
maybe some day
Is negima worth watching just for the pire? I saw on MAL she's listed as a minor character, but she's a cutie...
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Ask the nurse to give you a hickey while she draws your blood
I'm gonna rewatch it in the fall. The show seems to fit that season better.
all the anime it has except for that one ova series are really bad. you're better off reading the original manga. I finished it literally just for evangeline and it was worth it. I think she's still the best in her character archetype. I remember dropping it a long time ago when I heard the author had conflicts with the publisher and had to rush the ending, but I really liked how it ended. the sequel manga I just pretend doesn't exist
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Okay if blood donation trucks drove around with anime vampire girls plastered on their sides, I think they'd get a ton more donations.
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Feels like a chilly winter show to me, but I won't discourage anyone from rewatching Irina!
Alright, I'll make sure to do that next time. Surely I won't be removed from the premises lol.
Vampire threads unironically made me enjoy getting blood drawn. I imagine the needle is a lolivamp's fang.
According to my doctor, my body produces more blood than the average person, enough to donate twice as much in one session if I wanted to. If I ever meet a lolivamp IRL I'll be well-prepared.
Nice, you would be made a meal of that is for sure lol
Do all anons who are interested in vampires have unusual blood stories? When I was younger I had to get blood drawn but I was told I was "too dehydrated". When I asked why they said they were literally unable to get the blood out of my veins as it was too thick. I didn't feel particularly thirsty or anything.

Even to this day it's weird. The other day I dropped a glass thing and it shattered, and in the process of it dropping (but before it broke?) it slashed my arm to the point I almost immediately lost feeling. A few dark beads of blood came out and that was all. Took a while to get feeling back. Later in the day I showered not thinking much of it and holy shit SO much blood started streaming out with a constant stream of water exposed to it. I'm making sure to hydrate these days so I don't think the dehydration thing from the beginning is relevant.
Blood gummies
NTA but vtubers, influencers, and other modern social media shit is inherently off putting to me.
Not sure if you count this as unusual, but I've always had thick/pronounced veins so whenever I got my blood drawn it was rather easy for the nurses to do so. I like to think if I ever found a hungry lolipire they would have an easy job feasting.
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You get the pinpricks of being bitten by sharp teeth along with the euphoric feeling you get after a really good orgasm.
It can be good if done with taste and it fits the story (e.g. Yorukura) but shows centered 100% on vtubers/youtubers are definitely weird to see. But that only means we're too old, for 15yo kids being a youtuber is a job as prestigious and normal as being a professional athlete, if not more
>But that only means we're too old, for 15yo kids being a youtuber is a job as prestigious and normal as being a professional athlete, if not more
Don't remind me
I've never heard of anything like that. I bet pires would consider you some kind of exotic food
Me too. For now it's tolerable because of the characters, even if I find the setting in bad taste. If it gets worse I'll drop it.
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I'm getting Seras tattoo'd on me in two weeks AMA
Yeah, I really like both lolipires, the rest is meh to me.
What is your favorite thing about her?
What's it gonna look like?
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her beautiful sadistic smile
and her massive tits, and she's definitely secretly a butt slut
Well, I gave that original image to the artist for inspiration and said to include a red/black motif and a gesugao expression, haven't heard back yet on the first draft of the stencil
Nice anon, hopefully it works out well and you like it. You should post it in a future vamp thread if you feel comfortable with it.
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why are vampires so erotic?
It's in their nature.
I REQUIRE a lolipire to gently lick my ass
I REQUIRE a lolipire to gently lick her ass
Just get two and make a Hawaiian donut, everyone eats everyone
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love my pampire
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Are pires with bat-like ears technically kemonomimi? Cat girl, bunny girl, vampire girl...

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