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Yuki and Masha are highly overrated. Alya is best girl and it's not even close.
>school princess
>has pantyshots
>has nice thighs
>has a cute smug
>knows how to wink
>gets flustered
>has the best fashion sense
>is bilingual
>the next student council president
How can Yuki, Masha, and all the other literal who girls even compete?
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If this doesn't convince you that Alya isn't best girl I don't know anymore.
all boring
What's all boring?
EP preview is out for those who haven't seen it yet.
>best girl
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So she is the most generic "perfect girl" romcom world has seen, this could describe so many romcom girls at this point, shit's boring, I'm tired of perfect girls.
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Yuki is best girl.
Go away heretic
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They can't. That's why the series has her name on it.
Where's the Alya Russian ASMR?
I want Alya to put me to sleep in Russian
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>Friendless loser
>best girl
Alya doesn't need friends, she only needs me
>the most popular girl in school
>friendless loser
this trope has never and will never make sense
The fact that her russian voice is utter sex is what actually sets her apart.
Yuki-chan has already won our hearts and minds.
Just plain wrong.
The most overrated girl of the season
It makes sense, you're idolized by your classmates but they never approach you out of intimidation. Rejection means social suicide
>captcha: twat
We need Yuki fanservice
It's a cliche
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Russian underboob08ap
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Anon, who is a retard, sometimes whispers sweet nothings to me in Danish
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I'm an imouto enjoyer but I have to agree
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>better girl
>better love story
Alya lost
>latinx cuck
Why is she dressed like a prostitute
I finally have a silver haired waifu.
she's not a prostitute until she gets undressed
What kind of boob size are we dealing with here?
because she's slavic
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lmao why the anger you future Philosophy Nobel recipient
i dress like that and i'm not a prostitute
E (estimated guess)

Any visual proof?
Probably none until we get to the beach episode
>wrong hole
i love panties so much
Do they ever explain why the MC lies about understanding Russian? Seems pretty stupid and just to drag the story forward.
And does Alya ever finds out?
Onsen episode when?
males can't be prostitutes
>product of yellow fever
>best girl
I see through these tricks
How much drama bullshit is this student council election going to eat up. I heard somebody say thay the books still aren't even done with it either. Is there still going to be cute russian romance breaking up the super serious student council election?
Weird thing she wasnt buying adidas jackets
Why does this show have so much forced bullshit anyway? Everything from the premise to the way the characters act, just feels designed to be as contrived as possible and just be frustrating.
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Irl a Russian girl named Alisa is just called Lisa, not Alya. But that would be boring...
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>gets flustered
This is key.
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They have official nicknames?
But they can
Imagine how many dicks have invaded Alya's vagina.
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Pain. Masha looks better now
Alya is beautiful in every single frame
The protagonist of this story irritates me.
One hand, he has a personality. That's better than most.
On the other hand, his personality is wish-fulfillment cope. It always is, but this is a specific brand. He has every negative otaku stereotype, just recontextualized.
>He's not shy, he's aloof!
>He's not autistic, he's direct!
>He's not lazy, he's just so above it all!
If someone is a shy incel who needs to conjure a delusion about how others perceive them in order to cope, this is the fucking guy. Every fat, retarded incel, upon being asked what they were like in high school, will try and explain to you that they were essentially this guy.
I just think that's grating and I think the author is probably a total fucking loser because of it.
This is so true
So smug
She is unironically TOO pretty
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Imagine Roshidere but as an Isekai
>Yuki is overrated
(You) are gay.
But thats literally me
I need every girl in this anime to ride my face.
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Would Alya-san notice if I wrote Я тебя люблю with my tongue or is that too subtle?
>Alya is best girl and it's not even close.
She is the main girl so she is shit by default
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Maou Yuki?
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Yuki is carrying the show
>main girl
>shit by default
Nikke anime confirmed it will make the Main heroine great again
Does Alya have white pubes?
Of course
She's half-Russian, don't Russians shave? Or does her Japanese side and their lack of shaving prevail.
Maybe she half shaves then
It's like how Richard is called Rich(y) or Dick. But not Rickardo or Ard.
No more white women.
It's obviously a gimmick included purely for plot convenience. Not only does it limit relationship progress while still allowing her to literally beg MC for his cock (while he answers along the line of "eh, nandatte?" and pretends he didn't understand), I'm sure it will also blow up as a big drama lately when she inevitably finds out he didn't tell her and her sister knew about it. It's just another excuse for the gay MC to avoid answering feMC's extremely obvious feelings and it's wearing thin very quickly.
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So why stall

It's so she's basically just a trophy for the loser MC to claim so he gets back at all of the "normies" and other girls that made fun up him
It's just a typical LN romcom revenge fantasy for incels
Bottoms can be prostitutes
Alya's white pubes
How thick?
Yuki's black pubes
Masha's brown pubes
Alya's thick black pubes
Yuki's non-existent pubes
If he admits to knowing Russian all this time and understanding every embarrassing thing Alya has said to date it would generate a situation where both of them want to die.
It's a bit contrived but I get it. It's too late to turn back. I had a similar thing happen when I pretended to not know any Japanese in Japan after two store staff were shittalking a policy involving not being able to clear the deal I was trying to use. They had been extra polite the whole time and even searched up the problem on their phones so I didn't want them to feel awkward.
You somehow have a serious misunderstanding of what this show is. He is explicitly not shy and autistic because he's extremely extroverted. He's the furthest thing from a shy nerdy autistic loser. Every episode you see him chatting up other students and that's the whole thing that made Alya have an interest in him. It's even more wish fulfillment than the usual premise but you've gotten so mad at the genre you managed to get it completely wrong.
The real reason he's relatable to otaku isn't because he's a loser, but because you can write the biggest, extroverted normalfag and just make him be into gacha and anime. Otaku will immediately relate to him on sharing the hobby alone because that's how men are. You could probably take fucking Sunohara and make him racist and immediately /pol/ will start self inserting.
Nonoa's yellow pubes
Will she be in the anime?
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She's in the OP and a few flashbacks
But we won't get her pantyshot right?
Pitchads it's our time soon
She only cares about the MC's D.
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Is it this episode? I don't see that scene in the episode preview.
I'm saying that this dude a shy introvert's attempt at recontextualizing themselves as a successful extrovert.
>Was shy and lonely
>Tried to play it off as being a cool loner
>Was lazy and stupid
>Tried to play it off as being bored and above it all
I'm not saying he's an autistic dork, I'm saying he's an autistic dork's fantasy about being perceived as charismatic while remaining who they are.
I want them to confess but apparently that hasn't even happened in the LNs that have been going on for years.
The progress is really damn slow. Right now Yuki is dying from the same sickness as her mother and to avoid any more misunderstandings Kuze finally told Alya Yuki is his sister. At the very least he now 100% knows he likes Alya and no longer in denial
Their mother is dead?

>Right now Yuki is dying from the same sickness as her mother
So she's gonna die too, or will she be miraculously cured?
>is bilingual
I'm sure her English is pretty good. So she knows at least 3 languages.
There's a thing: you don't need to be an autistic loser to enjoy anime, manga and games.
I don't understand this image.
She is beyond gone but will probably die at 25 so she has enough time to keep teasing MC.
>She is beyond gone
Explain. What about the mom?
It's the eyes.
>Right now Yuki is dying from the same sickness as her mother
What the fuck? Fucking excuse me?
So when's the next episode?
~9 hours from now
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So this is why Yukiposting slowed down recently. She lost.
She was never winning to begin with.
>Yuki is dying from the same sickness as her mother
Fuck, I thought it was another lighthearted fanservice harem series
there are many more pleasant ways to go than Novichok tea anon
What kind of sickness is it that kills you at a predictable time like some kind of dramatic plot device?
When people like someone they try (at least) to get closer to them
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You forgot this outfit
>Soon you would be dressed in wooden Macintosh and there would be music playing in your house. But you wouldn't hear it
What happened to the mom?
im anime only, but how is the mc shy?
i was shy, some people literally didnt even know i existed unless it was pointed out to them, in my own class
i didnt talk to almost noone, most of the time i spent sitting in some corner or a crevice like a cat and reading books 24/7
when i had to i did talk to people and didnt drop my spaghetti all over the place, but it was a huge endeavour and i avoided it like a plague
how is the mc anything remotely like that?
yes he is direct, he knows when to speak the truth, but also when its better to sit one out
i didnt
i though it was too bothersome for both parties to keep playing word games, so i always just spouted what i considered truth, even when i knew other might not want to hear it, i just wanted to get over it
thats more autistic
and yes the mc is lazy, but in a sense where he just doesnt do things that noone asks or needs
which is good, why would you do something pointless just for the sake of doing it? always pisses me off

the mc is far removed from the literally me cope and anyone with a semblance of truthfulness will agree
he is more of a wish fulfillment for losers like me and not even in the typical isekai power fantasy sense
>he is more of a wish fulfillment for losers like me and not even in the typical isekai power fantasy sense
Yeah that's what I'm trying to say.
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between this and the attempted sleep rape, there's no question that she's the best. she has 50 times the personality of alya, who only character traits seem to be brooding and not being able to sew for shit.
Can any LNfags tell us more about this illness?
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I like her now!
But that says nothing about dying
https://glucosetl.wordpress.com/roshidere-v8-chapter-10/ tbf that one was a flashback explaining a bit of what happened in this chapter, although this one ended in a cliffhanger with the next vol comes out next month
>Yuki is dying from the same sickness as her mother
That's the only way to prevent her from winning. Thanks author. Fucking rigged.
Will volume 4.5 be in the anime?
>The flu
So it's just the Japanese flu and not something more serious?
When will you stop acting like she ever had a chance? The story is fucking named after Alya.
I called a Richard Niggardo
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from a Russian buddy about the show
She will die if shes doesnt suck my peepee.
Can your Russian buddy get me a mail order bride?
It's been implied she has a mystery disease. See the OP or the scene where Yuki says she'd stay with the mom when the divorce was brought up.
>Yuki is dying from the same sickness as her mother

I dont know why, but the idea of having a rough sex with a dying girl sounds hot in my head.
That's not a high bar to clear.
You don't want to deal with russian girls, believe me.
The Tsar approves!
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>the Main heroine great again
Which one?
The mother is dead but she's not with her father? I think I remember someone saying the mother's family was a big deal but it couldn't have been simple winning custody over the father.
its cute that he thinks like that
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it's Doro
Why are you keep posting the worst Tzar of all? There are Peter I, Alexander II, Alexander III, even Alexander I whose army captured the fucking Paris. But not, you are posting the only one who literally lost his country
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He's the martyr tsar of Russian nationalists. The most Christ-like one, and his family's execution is basically like the crucifixion of the Russian spirit for them.
Seems like she eats a lot of spicy ramen to grow tolerance towards spicy food
Ever heard of ladyboys?
>some cunt talks shit about you in another language
>thinks you don't understand
>but you actually do and are getting a kick out of her ignorance
Go out and meet some people, anon. Just don't forget to learn a language other than English first.
>best girl is so much better than main girl she needs to be killed off
Haven't seen this since Your Lie In April
Classic trophy girl that only exists for the MC so all the self-inserters can get off to it. In reality, boys would be constantly trying to hang out with her and girls would hang out with her just to get attention by proxy.
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>in reality
But this is /a/ not /3dpd/
Alya-chan.. What have they done to you?
But in that series it's the main girl who kicked the bucket
She looks like eaten all Nutella stolen from ukies
Hasn't it been said Yuki is staying with their mother? How could she be dead?
Also lmao no main character actually dies in these types of stories. Even if Yuki is sick she'll obviously be miraculously cured.
The thong? Think that's too far into the story. But goddamn we definitely need more thong pantyshots.
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Pic related is a different scene than the one we got in episode 2 right? Since this is from volume 4.
Cute face.
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>no main character actually dies in these types of stories.
Wasn't there also supposed to be a scene of Alya being in a shirt and she flashes her blue panties? Apparently it was from either volume 2 or 3. Will that happen soon?
That's a drama, this is a comedy.
It's still a romance.
Redpill on this bitch
She's hot
So what? There's a difference between a romcom and a dramatic romance.
Bring back Yuki next episode or I will drop this series.
this sounds like projection. an actual otaku would act like MCs spastic friend who was shellshocked when alya sat next to him and was so uncomfortable that he left without a word.
This is more like an exception that only shows how true the rule is. Such a shitty, telegraphed sob story is propped up as one of the most emotional anime by normalfaggots simply because it followed through on its premise in an ocean of milquetoast writing that doesn't even have the decency to do that.
Yuki isn't even the main girl
Based, imoutokeks on suicide watch
They got too cucky just because she had one focus episode.
>they don't know
>they haven't read the vol. 9 preview
Arya is very prudish, she has never been in a Special Reproductive Operation
Does Alya like Luna-25?
Know what?
Still would, it's not even FAT, just meaty
Sex with Alya while Masha watches
Sex with imouto while Alya watches
If my time on 4chan taught me anything, it's this: when in doubt, it's paedophiles. This admittedly doesn't explain Masha simps, but there's not many of them here.
Imagine what if Alya would be Alevtina, not Alisa. Japanese would break their tongues
Sex with Alya while imouto comments
sex with Alya, Masha and Yuki at the same time you faggots
>at the same time
Do you have 3 dicks?
Lisa is Elisaveta. It's a completely different name. The Alisa I know is just called Alisa by everyone.
Elisaveta is Liza though, Lisa can be shortened version of Alisa but in fact Alisa already short name, it doesn't actually need to be shortened comparing to Elisaveta or Alevtina for example
>Lisa can be shortened version of Alisa
Never heard of it and it sounds awkward.
I heard it but agree on awkward part. It simply doesn't need to be shortened, it's already short
Never thought about it that way, but you're right
>Помнишь, брат, как давили эльфийскую мразь?
>Как бежали на запад их злобные орды,
>Как ногами давили гондорскую грязь,
>Чтобы ярче сиял белокаменный Мордор
You both have a point but it's not like nicknaming is an exact science.
I would say for Alisa the most common option is not shortening it and Lisa is nicer than Alya, but it's not like non-standard nicknames are that rare.
Maybe Alya in particular asked to be called like that because she likes the vibe of the name more that way, for example. I don't think this is a rare case.
Wikipedia at least seems to think Alya is a valid nickname for Alisa, and it's not like it's nonsensical or anything. Though to be fair, I never heard it shortened that way.
What would be a "normal" name for an Alya in Japan then?
We're talking about Russian nicknames, not Japanese.
Unless I don't get the question.
Doesn't Japan have a bajillion honorifics to do the same thing as nicknames do for Russian names?
I mean, if a Russian woman's nickname is Alya, usually what would their real name be if it's not Alisa?
>In Russia, Alya is typically used as a colloquial name by people named Albina, Alina, Alevtina, Alexandra, or Alla. It is formed in a manner similar to other colloquial Russian names (for example, Kostya for Konstantin, Anya for Anna). Russian citizens of Muslim ethnical minorities also have the name of "Aliya" of probably Arabian descent, which is never used by Russians, and is both a full and a short name.
So close
This is English Wikipedia.
Russian actually explicitly adds Alisa as an option to Alya, if you search it. For some reason, the English one mentions every single name the Russian one mentions except Alisa.
Russian Wiktionary also mentions Alyona, Aliya, Alfiya and Alexandria as options.
Besides, not all of these are common either. For example, Alexandra is usually shortened to Sasha instead. As is Alexander, by the way. Sasha is actually for both genders.
Frankly, Alya is just one of those confusing nicknames where you really don't know what it's shortened from. No obvious preference and too many options.
Are Alya and Masha Orthodox? I know Eli from Love Live is Orthodox according to the novels.

Is "Masha" also a plausible nickname for Maria?
Masha IS the common nickname for Maria, and if you hear Masha, you immediately know it's from Maria, since no other names (that I know of) get shortened to it. Everybody knows that one too.
This one is a lot more unambiguous.
Of course, Maria can get shortened to other things, since I as I said, nicknaming isn't an exact science, but Maria is the "common" option, the one you choose by default.
*Masha is the "common" option
Nah. Marina, Marianna, Matilda and probably a bunch of others all shorten to Masha. I think Marina is actually more popular than Maria.
Elaborating a bit more on that, of these names, the most common ones are Alina, Alyona, Alexandra and Alla. The other names are really uncommon and you don't see many people using those.
Alexandra usually gets shortened to Sasha. It is a very common name, though, so it's still an option, even if it's non-standard.
Alla is really short so it might not need a nickname, but Alya does make it a bit less harsh to pronounce, so I think it might be used.
Alina and Alyona both seem like exact fits for Alya to me, it's not an only option, but it's a reasonable one. Though while I've met a few Alyonas, I've never met an Alina. I do think it's reasonably common, though.
Oh, maybe I'm wrong then. I do mostly judge it based on unconscious understanding, so I may be mistaken at times. I did double-check on Wikipedia, though, and didn't mention anything besides Maria, but it is Wikipedia.
I do still feel like Maria is the most common of these, and the one I would think of when I hear Masha. I disagree about Marina being more popular than Maria but it may be a regional thing or just me personally seeing more Marias.
>Aliya is uncommon
Tell me you don't live in Moscow without telling me you don't live in Moscow
Anyone watching it now? The episode already started.
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You've never met an Alisa shortened to Alya, just Lisa?
Why is she so smug?
because of the c@
Never met an Alisa that got shortened at all.
Just think Lisa is nicer since it's easier to reason out what the original name was. It sounds more right to me based on vibes. But it's a completely subjective judgement.
And I didn't meet that many Alisas in the first place, anyway. I'm not exactly sociable.
It's not on Aniwave yet
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sad anya...
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A sad loli Alya
I dunno why she even wants to be president when she's got like zero leadership skills.
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>choosing russian bitch over helping imouto
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She wants experience to replace putin
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Booo no dance
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i really hope you're downloading chihiro's releases for the subbed EDs
this is nostalgic...
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Wasn't there an anon claiming she would cover Hare Hare Yukai? So that anon wasn't lying and it was a real leak? Is there a leak of all the songs then?
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missed opportunity.
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Its already out.

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holy shit, nice
[SubsPlease] Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san - 04 (1080p) [473A8A58].mkv
Here you go.
post the official one nigga

Very nice
last week someone posted teh ep 3 ed and said hare hare yukai fpr ep 4. I thought they were kidding but just responded "big if true" well here we are lol.
They predicted ep 3's ED too?
you are a better man than he
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no they posted it when it aired with the reference then added this will be HHY
>3d model
I ship these two
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how could you ever say no to a face this cute
>another absolute dogshit episode

God damn this show went to shit fast.
too lazy to draw an animated version?
because that's not the real ed? It's pretty obvious this was just made for fun with a little help from the mocap.
I kneel
This was the most pathetic attempt "drama" I've ever seen holy shit
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Agreed, it also showed how useless alya is
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>No unenthusiastic Sugita on the side
manga-fags please tell me this shit >>269146986 gets better.

this was terrible.
Mimori a cute
Masha > All
i hate alya so much, what a shit femc
She only has good design, the rests are shit..
masha mogs alya
he looks so fuckable here
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Masha is older.
Alya's butt
>see this

what do
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She's so pretty
deport her to russia
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Alya's butt
Is Alya a violent tsundere bitch?
Why bother using Hare Hare Yukai if you don't animate the dance?
top smug
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what a waste
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What 'help' and 'support' are these three managers going to give the players?
The captain and players instantly agreed to such decision. It's like the other side's done with railing their playtoys after reaching a higher level of competition (more access to girls) while the less experienced group are happy to have their own moving onaholes/fucktoys to run their group over.
I am starved of anything officially Haruhi related. This satisfies my need, for now.
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the budget went to other eds pwease undastando
Dibs on the right girl, you guys can have her after I'm done
>gets his hand crushed and face slapped by a girl
what a bitch boi
He's weak and probably gets pegged by Alya.
At minimum they could make stills of the iconic poses like the final poses, they did not give a single fuck
Sorry but for reasonable anons it's [BasedGlobal]
Literally everyone on earth knows what it means. Is she retarded?
shut up zhang, i'm not watching your chinese mtl garbage
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>Is she retarded?
she is russian, so yeah
It's literally 1:1 by actual English speakers
CR is (((localized))) with westoid joggerspeak and leftmeme references combined with mtl, yes they (crunchy) were caught using machine translations.
ngl this episode felt forced and boring
So what does is it mean? iloveu?
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why the fuck am I getting constant Connection Error on 90% of my posts
Yo, it's your girl yuki
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Watch past the ED, anon.
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based 4ch filters filthy russroaches
Violent bitch
Seriously what the fuck, that posted fine but for some reason this image makes 4chan shit itself
What's the difference?
I will breed Yuki before she passes.
Right thanks kind anon
angry cute
I think it was guessed based on some promotional material that had hints about it, so it's just a one-off case, not some big leak with all songs.
i think 4chan is dying because i'm also getting nonstop errors
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>be alya fag
>try to post worst girl
>4chan blocks your post
>be based imouto fag
>post best girl
>4chan embraces your post
>shut up zhang, i'm not watching your chinese mtl garbage
>It's literally 1:1 by actual English speakers
the duality of autism
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pure maiden in love
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Russian Elaina
It's far more likely that the Russian government is trying to block 4chan or at least make it unusable so that everyone would go back to 2ch that's 75% paid shills and bots (especially the mods).
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why are tsunderes like this
Can confirm
you don't say >>269148068
anal sex with which of these girls?
Is this show excessively full of feet or is feetshit simply mainstream now?
Japs have autism and don't understand you if you don't use the same 5 pre-approved cliche phrases to express your sentiment.
rip kyonkun season 3
Its slow with every anime, it's a reencode fatter all.
Never heard Marina being called Masha
Made for footjobs
>getting releases marked red ever
>retarded reencodes by some faggot which will have lower quality no matter who does it
storage and net just keeps getting cheaper and faster, it sounds ever more pointless - and it was already that from day 1 with how multiple countries giving net services are using bitrates akin to crunchyshit
just get a rip
How the fuck do you "hide your feelings" "in Russian"? This is a complete meaningless non-sequitur, like "genocides Jews internally". This phrase makes no sense.
Why is Alya such a bitch
>this low budget

>forced drama activated so let's kill off imouto aka best girl to hit the feels
pronebone you mean
No, ASW releases 4 anime that subsplease uploaded AFTER roshidere. roshidere is still not up yet
i guess no more ecchi panty shots? yare yare
made for surprise prone bone
>"hide your feelings" "in Russian"?
she normally speaks japanese, except she's a tsundere so she hides her feelings in russian (she says what she REALLY means and feels in russian, the dere, while being tsun in japanese)
>Right now Yuki is dying
what the FUCK man
wtf can girls really do that with their feet? I tried and got the mother of all cramps
bruh, do some stretches goddamn
Give japanese teen free reign to have sex with russian women.
This will save the world.
I understand all that, "hide your feelings in Russian" is not a valid way to express this idea because it makes no sense grammatically and semantically.
>it makes no sense grammatically and semantically.
no one cares you fucking sperg
>another episode without fanservice
it's over
Let's be real. Your dick reacted to Yuki straddling her brother and giving him a sneek peek at her tits and belly. That's why you are obsessed over her.
There's a reason why female feet are adored and male feet are disliked.
>t. 60 iq
we got it, now go play with rocks or something
>Author can't make Alya likeable so he just kills her entire competition
Masha's death soon
she deserves some feet massage
With a dick.
Playing with rocks requires a lot of imagination, therefore, intelligence, as opposed to videogames.
But anon, you can't smell them while you rub your dick on them.
Feet are for smelling or licking while you receive a handjob.
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wtf? is this real?
Arya was so likeable that everyone died!
don't you DARE to insult my culture motherfucker
Clean feet don't smell like anything.
This looks shopped. I can tell because I see a few pixels.
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>wants to defile a goddess with his short cut joke of a penis
mine do
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>he downloads reencodes
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Is it bad if I started crying when I heard the ED?
Visit a dermatologist.
When was The Melacholy again? 2006? good fucking god where does the time go
>the same sickness as her mother
the dreaded jap flu?
my feet look fine, no signs of fungi infection
and they don't smell when they are dirty
Looks real to me
radiation poisoning
If you can't smell the pheromones in female feet, you must have COVID
Jeez why did the author have to add such a gloomy premise for the MC’s sister and mom in a romcom story.
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>dat toe curl
Why are burgeroids so ridiculously obsessed with genital mutilation
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>yet another episode without panservice
I cry everytime.
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Present from staff.
why is this so true
Skipped half the episode, was ready to on hold/ drop but then it hare hare yukai'd me. It survives for another ep I guess.
staff? or just the manga artist?
Yes. And?
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>Present from staff.
Know a better present? Since they're already reusing shots from previous episodes, as early as episode 4 then I'd rather have them add bits of panservice here and there.
Haruhi was bad. I like how everyone just forget Endless Eight existed.
sorry, I didn't know that wasthe manga artist.
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the russians will announce haruhi s3
wait for it
wait for it
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I know, how about actually doing fucking the dance.
I don't even care if you have to cgi it.
what killed the hype?
for it was 2 eps without imouto
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This so called ice princess is really emotive, cute.

Today I've started getting a bunch of CORS errors whenever I try to upload an image for whatever reason. Not russian btw.
If you don't express emotions even when alone, you're not an ice princess, you're severely autistic.
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Attraction's gotta start somewhere.
wtf I got a jump scare with the Haruhi ending song.
okay boomer
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I feel embarrassed when I try to talk to myself
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No, this was the moment I realised she was best girl
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That's incredibly unhealthy and can actually give you mental trauma. Studies show that prisoners who talk to themselves in solitary confinement cope well, while those that keep silent go insane.
Are you using some kind of filter?
I would ravage Sumipe asshole.
>un~ matta matta!
>un~ matta matta!
>un~ matta matta!
No it isn't, literally everyone talks to themselves.
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At least I don't feel too embarrassed about my incredibly stupid posts. I really should use my voice more.
I miss imouto. Shows is going downhill fast without her.
How you know?
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So much gfg on here lately
Girl with pants is the best dancer, is she the big sister?
I like her design and personality. Stop projecting your weird fetishes on me, anon.
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Haruhibros, we are so back...
How badly does imouto mog the "heroine" this ep?
Spoiler, SHE DIES
yuki was only there for a flashback, nothing more
I don't understand why they would write the MC as knowing some Russian, if they want the harem hijinks to drag out. If he doesn't know Russian, he can plausibly not advance anything too much, because Alya is giving him mixed messages. Or if he were incredibly shy, he could realize what Alya is saying and choose to not act, too scared of a relationship. But to act like it doesn't affect him at all? To hear her confessions all the time and act like it has nothing to do with him? He comes across like an indifferent prick, who probably doesn't even like her.
No, it means you remember when you were happier.
ESL brainlet detected. that's a perfectly valid english construction.
Feetbros can't stop winning
It's not, jamal.
The animators know their audience and they keep it hooked.
Haruhi S3 confirmed!!!
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Leg worship with Alya!
>Or if he were incredibly shy,

So, you want the classic romcom MC?
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Holy based.
The protagonist of this show is literally Elaina
Alya (proper noun, subject)

sometimes (adverb, modifies the verb "hides")

hides (verb, present tense)

her (possesive pronoun with "feelings")

feelings (noun, object)

in (preposition)

Russian (noun, used in the sense of "the Russian Language", object of the preposition).

You fucking retards can't even diagram sentences right. Go back to first grade English.
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what's the appeal of this show?
Because her stupid whore face is only made to be punched.

She is stupid and weak and effeminate and inferior
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Extremely, extremely generic LN, but with a superficial "Russian" theme
>an insult regarding a female
Watching it to see if the creators get her squatting in full adidas tracksuit while listening to hardbass
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I wish orc girls were real.
it was cringe
I was so sad to discover she was on a timer on wonder their parents separated.
that's the point, bro
it was the classic "hero comes to the rescue" scene
Russian is a cute language
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the only cute languages are japanese and french
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That's the idea behind the character though, to contrast her with the main one and say she is weaker and lesser.

Jesus, the fucking Japs write the same story over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and somehow you still are incapable of picking up on this shit.
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White haired russian tsundere
Jesus Christ imagine having taste this bad
Fuck off frenchie
I'm not afraid to admit that i picked it up just because the femc has silver hair.
I am a slave to my desires
I like Russian girls
A lot of guys prefer women weak and effeminate though - actually I'd say the majority of guys do.
Alya's fertile pussy...
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I wonder why
Alya sometimes hides her feelings in Russian
wtf dude spoilers
anons here are milashka
>why doesn't anyone listen to me? :( *cries*
that was worse
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That is the moral of every single one of these story though.

*Those* guys are weak and immoral men, the main character is the most morally enriched man in the world, the strongest, the sigma, he is "not like the others guys".

The girls that exhibit these feminine traits, and therefore are only for the dogs, the weak degenerate men, only for rape and death.
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The sexy imouto
because gfg's been a shithole since the spin-offs/sequels released?
But it's strong men who prefer weak and effeminate women.
yeah it's this and the attempted sleep rape. She didn't just talk the talk. She walked the walk.
This was based beyond believe.
>yuki is dying
holy based
she looks like Ubel here
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Russiaboo anime
That's an insult to the uncontested /a/'s waifu of this year
they put Friedrichs and Ludwigs in every european inspired setting, and their tongues are fine
What is she doing?
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wrong thread bro
>worst Tzar of all
Commie propaganda.
When does imouto main event again
i hate divegrass so much it's unreal
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That is literally not the moral of the story
Funny you say that because the story says she might actually be infertile. Her imouto genes end with her
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Never tell me the odds.
Nigga, you have hearing impairment

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