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From Shinkai's recent Q&A session in Ikebukuro:
>Q. In "Too Many Losing Heroines," there's a scene where the heroine is rejected by a boy and secretly takes his straw in her mouth, how do you feel about that? Felt very Shinkai-like to me.
>A. Don't know about that, lol. But I thought it was a great scene. I think scenes that give a sense of fetishism and eroticism in general, are necessary. I still include them in my work despite facing opposition, lol. Latest one was having Suzume sit on Souta as a chair. I think such scenes are wonderful.
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What's next?
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I wonder what fetish does he have?
Shinkai movies need more pantyshots like Mitsuha's upskirts.
The greatest artists inject their fetishes in all their work.
Idk, you tell me
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Feels well-established that Shinkai has an Onee-san/mature woman fetish
all shinkaitards must die
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Okay Shinkai, you've earned a place in my based list. Just don't make the same movie for the fourth time ffs.
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Not good enough
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I kept telling you, but you contrarians didn't listen just because Your Name was popular.
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More Shinkai films need pantyshots, just like what Mitsuha got.
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Unbelievably based and beautiful opinion.
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>I still include them in my work despite facing opposition, lol. Latest one was having Suzume sit on Souta as a chair.
I take back everything bad I said about him
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The more the better
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Remember to drink your miko spit.
Any news about his next film? Theme and such.
>"The most personal is the most creative"
Someone from the oscar or something
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>Any news about his next film? Theme and such.
What we know about it:

(Officially stated by Shinkai)
>"Next time I should go to a different place, I'm thinking outer space. Space exploration."
>Aesthetically, thematically and story-wise it's completely different from Your Name, Weathering With You and Suzume.
>It's really difficult storyboarding something so different from everything else I've made, but I have a clear vision now.
>Characters and story contents are already decided, I need to start writing the novel.
>Expecting significant changes to staff.
>I've been reading Chinese sci-fi book series "The Three-Body Problem" for inspiration.
>Toho confirmed for new film. STORY not confirmed yet.
>I'm done with depicting modern-day stories centered around Tokyo. Next film will be set in a different era.
>It's by far the biggest endeavor of my entire career. Production and scale are on a completely different level from everything I've made so far.
>It's scary making something so big.
>There will be a "band-aid" scene in it.
>Students in high school now might not be able to watch it before they graduate.

(Reliable info from multiple sources)
>100% confirmed full Sci-fi
>No "spiritual magic"
>No natural/magical disasters
>No romance
>Not related to any previous film
>Likely set in a very distant future
>Likely not only in Japan
>Full production started in May 2023
>Full planning stage to be concluded by August
>More authorial traits
>Reveal in December 2025
>Release in 2026
>By far Shinkai's best production schedule

Non-confirmed rumours (from 2ch leaker)
>Codename: ネビュラ (NEBULA)
>"Space exploration sci-fi with alien life, big focus on gravity as a concept"
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does mitsuha swallow?
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>shinkai will finally go full autist and make his own version of interstellar
anime might unironically be saved whenever it comes out
>Artists are perverts
More news at nine.
Expect 100 seething threads and another 100 thread saying that it's shit compared to *insert 90s sci-fi ova*
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I completely agree with the FeetMan
I still think Suzume sucked ass though, or at least i consider it way inferior to any other of his previous films
I like you anon
Did you not watch Voices of a Distant Star
WTF I love Shinkai now.
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Yeah. It's not really about space exploration though, more like mecha-autism.
why is she so smug about?
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Wish it would be something like the Space Chapter from Live a Live
He would probably make the robot a girl, but i can live with it
God bless Tomino
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Don't worry, other people are also mentally disabled
Teen girls love sexually teasing older men
Shinkai can't even include an actual kiss in his copy and pasted movies
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Once again these posters criticize things they haven't watched.
Shinkai is the most sexual anime director which is why /a/ can't stand him
He should of done yuri instead of this shit
He actually wants to be successful.
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I'll give Shinkai a pass, just this once.
So Shinkai will ripen with age, that's good.
>reading 3 body problem
I haven't watched a single shinkai movie, but if it's a scifi next I'm so hype
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chocolate fetish?
Nice. I hope he inserts fetishes into the fourth copy of Your Name
It's what the people want.
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>big focus on gravity as a concept
>"Stories about a boy and a girl who are always stretching their hands toward each other
>and yet the boy's hand never reaches the girl's crotch"
Fucking lol'd.
I believe Shinkai's goal is to remain family-friendly because of the big audience his movies receive.
Tomino is just a salty bitch because despite how long he has been in the industry no one considers him a prestigious director, just a good salesman for toys.
Tomino shit talks anyone and everyone else that he thinks is getting more praise than he is. Its his most consistent quality in interviews.
Unironically sounds like he wants to do Interstellar. Is this his chance for an Oscar?
They are right.
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>big focus on gravity as a concept
Is "straw" an euphemism?
I don't think he's that salty, he does the same shit talk about his own works as well.
I wish I was that chair
He should incorporate scat into his next film
No, quite literally a straw. Crazy stuff that teen girls do nowadays.
Well, Interstellar is his favorite film. If it really has aliens and all that, should be very different though.
>mature woman fetish
Tomino is a shitposter, it's just what he does
he's a hack getting worse with every film.
Suzume was so terrible i couldn't believe it made the amount of money it made with the exact same retarded rehashed story
You're going to be watching the next one, and the one after that. You can't escape.
You're acting as if this indirect kiss thing isn't something guys have been doing for a long time.
That was literally sexual assault though.
Shinkai peak was Garden of Words, and that was still a solid 6/10, why people worship this dude...
He praised Oda even though One Piece is massively popular.
Only if she gave it back
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>executive producer
>visual arts teacher
>has a masters degree in japanese language and literature
>former video game producer and marketing director
>made his 1st film entirely by himself
>wrote the best-selling japanese novel in decades
>directed, edited and wrote the highest-grossing novel adaptation in japanese history
>last remaining auteur in the anime industry
>only anime director with 2 entries in the Top 4 highest-grossing Japanese films of all time
>voice actor
>manga artist
>best-selling author
>independent creator
>industry consultant
>marketing director
>acting coach
>storyboard artist
>background artist
>professional photographer
>3DCG animator and designer
>director of art
>director of sound
>director of photography
>director of animation
>director of vfx
>digital painter
>graphic designer
>character designer
>sound designer
>color designer
>web designer
>music video producer
>music video director
>film critic
>bequeathed family's construction empire to little brother to fully focus on anime
>Apple's poster boy in Japan
>has an asteroid named after him
>the artist most plagiarized by generative AI since its inception
>only 3rd anime director to be honored by the Academy Museum
>director of music and visual production for the Planetarium and Space Theater of Omiya
>owns all of his works
>married to a retired actress and tv producer
>little daughter is already a child actress, voice actress, dancer and singer (amazing genes)
>will still make at least 7 more feature films before retiring
>will likely end his career as the most successful Japanese director of all time at the box-office
The most talented Japanese man in history.
the Tomino bullying finally worked
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I think Shinkai is a pretty great guy and none of his works so far were bad. I just wish he would get a firmer grasp on thematical coherency in his films. Suzume especially almost feels like a recap movie for a longer TV series (in terms of story, not the animation quality of course). Most of his films feel a bit aimless, so to speak. I think he'd be absolutely incredible if he just made SoL shows.
>I think
Who are you?
Based retard incapable of understanding how discussion works in a chinese basket-weaving forum.
I can't remember who she is but I just know she has no porn.
>how dare you express your opinion
He's not wrong. Pic related for example was referred to as a "mature woman" by her designer even though she's canonically in her early 20s. I think Japanese care more about subjective vibes than the "objective" essentialism of Americans.
Because anime only has three mainstream directors: Miyazaki, Hosoda and Shinkai. They all make recycled films and their fans continue to consume the goyslop
We need to bring back Satoshi Kon through necromancy.
>I think Japanese care more about subjective vibes
Yeah, that's why you'll sometimes see people mention a character has a mature or motherly aura even if they're only like 25.
The world would be a better place if he lived to 83 instead of Miyahack
Or how Japanese otaku don't care to define what precisely counts as loli meanwhile American anime fans freak out over it.
Wait, the chair movie was real? I thought people were just making fun of Shinkai. What the fuck.
Yes, Hosoda. The only one to be nominated for an Oscar outside Studio Ghibli
Interesting. I love sci-fi, soft sci-fi, time fuckery, whatever all that shit. Let's see what style Shinkai will take with this movie. Just, don't mix too much teen romance in it. (Please)
Not only is it real, but also the 2nd best-selling anime film of all time in number of tickets sold.
What would that have to do with popularity? Literally no one knows what was even nominated for the last Oscar or whatever other awards thing. Hosoda just can't compete commercially.
Suzume is mid.

I really enjoyed Weathering with You. Much better film.
Belle made $65 million. Only franchises and Ghibli/Shinkai make more than that
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>Only starts sitting and standing on him after it's made clear there are lewd implications.
What a little tease.
Nigger, the RE-RELEASE of Your Name in China just made like 15 million dollars in 3 days. We're talking about different worlds here.
How the fuck.
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If Suzume is always sitting and stepping on Souta, does that mean she's dominant in bed?
See the Japanese box office ranking for 2021. Only Evangelion and Detective Conan surpassed Belle. Jesus, Shinkaidrones are retarded
For the sake of my fetish, I'm going to say yes and assume so for the rest of history.
JK growing breasts and cute tummy...
Also, money is a stupid metric for measuring quality. I'd trade Dreaming Machine for Hackoto Shinkai's career
Still not watching generic romcom slop, shinkai movies are not that good either.
A person in her 20s IS a mature woman
sadly it is true
There has to be a certain perversion or else it won't sell
i think he's looking at it wrong, shinkai is like most disney movies he shouldn't have to make things violent erotic or super deep
Did you take your estrogen today?
That is called a young woman.
she knows...
Holy shit, based. More of this and louder.

You just proved his point and that femishit is now cancer.
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Love how everyone just thinks of Shinkai as this super innocent guy who just wants to write cute romance stories, and he just comes out with stuff like this out of nowhere
are you fucking retarded, she does have porn
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If only Shinkai came back as art director for that
Spit Drinking
>Latest one was having Suzume sit on Souta as a chair. I think such scenes are wonderful.
LMAO fucking admitted it the mad man >>269112134

it's a very "you just know" moment even without it, look at ever the chick flip her hair back let alone Suzume's weird face after she sits down, i'll give him credit for "subtlety" though.
Shinkai is a pervert but he cares a lot more about romanticism
This could ahve been a hit if nuSony wasn't retarded
He already does way too much don't think he can ever go back to art direction
It wasn't very good
This is the test that western creators refuse to pass. You can buy sexy material and you can quietly give an implicit endorsement by making it, but if you won't verbally defend unapologetic male-oriented eroticism in public, nobody will stop the prudes when they come to crack down on it. It's not enough to just say that you don't want ugly women. If you clarify that you don't actually mean SEXY women because you're a pussy who's scared of our shrill harpies who've gotten way too comfortable with trampling on our spaces and treating men as a secondary concern, don't expect to get them.

That's why even though westerners are buying manga like crazy, they won't make anything that isn't a cheap feminist-friendly imitation.
Full on
>Suzume especially almost feels like a recap movie for a longer TV series

Yeah, the pacing on Suzume was weird. You get halfway into the movie and you're still wondering "where the hell is this going?" I think the ending manages to bring it all together in a cathartic, emotionally satisfying way but that doesn't change the fact that when you are watching it you feel like its disconnected.

Your Name, oddly enough, almost has a similar problem but it doesn't feel poor paced in the moment because there is always something pushing you forward. Your Name is basically split into three distinct arcs with very different tones: the bodyswapping at the start, the mystery in the middle, and the adventure to save the town at the end. They all share the same characters and there is a direct throughline that ties it all together, but you could easily split them up into a 3 episode OVA without much trouble.
is it physically possible for shinkai to come up with 1 (one) original idea?

Anime ages have always been fucked up, to the point that's is easier to just treat characters like they act instead of what some side material says they are. There are too many weird cases like "This guy looks 25, talks like an adult, is 6ft tall and is ripped, and is in no way an emotionally vulnerable teenager. Character bible says he is 15." Sometimes its easier to just consider the 'official' age as the one that is wrong, because holy fuck there is no way Jotaro is 17 just fucking look at him. Listen to him speak.
He's come up with plenty, you just bought into the meme that all of his movies are the same because you heard it once and lack the capacity to form your own opinions.
I'd love for Shinkai to actually direct a sex scene to be honest.
Weathering with you is the best.
No boy should care about the world when it's shit & useless and he has a gf with nice armpit.
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