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I enjoy big guns mounted to trains.
Mami is cute and have style even when fighting.
>I wish for a weapon that one shots witches without me needing to even do anything and turns them into humans
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>Contract done
Now you can turns them into human.
>Do they come back to their human form in dead state?
Not my problem.
kybuey is not monkeys paw and has never been shown to be.
the wish would do what anon wishes, but he would eventually become a witch that cannot be saved or something
>I wish for magical girls to not lose their humanity when becoming magical girls
Does that work?
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And? I said that anon will get his wish.
>kybuey is not monkeys paw and has never been shown to be.
Of course he is not that thing he is kyubee, but it can act as a monkey paw (i will guess what that thing is because i don't know)when people make ambiguous wishes, One example is homura and there are more in magia record. That is why wishing for money is boring but good wish.
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is my wife to rough with the cat?
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Anon, kyubey can just grant wishes, that is what we know so far. The only way to know how your wish could end up is making the wish and see the final outcome. But most likely you will end up being fucked up because:
>We don't know the side effect of that big wish
>We don't know how your magic potential will limit that wish.
Anyways not kyubee problem, it's not like he do it on purpose, in fact, it's your fault for not asking something more specific.
>i will guess what that thing is because i don't know
Are you ESL, retarded, or both? You could just google it. It takes 2 seconds.
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>You could just google it
No, i don't want. Still not that retarded like the anon who assumed i was treating kyubey like a monkey's paw.
Guten Morgen
HomuSaya = kino
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>One example is homura and there are more in magia record
Homura got exactly what she wanted. The only girl in MR I can think of who fits the bill is Felicia, and her entire deal was that she actually didn't want for her parents to survive, she just didn't want to deal with the guilt.
>kyubey can just grant wishes
Kyubey says explicitly that he doesn't grant any wishes. He just initiates the process, and the girl's innate magic does the rest. Girls are the ones who grant their own wishes, so it's physically impossible to get scammed unless there's a serious disagreement between conscious and subconscious desires (like with Felicia). The wording of the wish literally doesn't matter.
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Toxic yuri my beloved
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>Homura got exactly what she wanted
Yes but there were more ways she could get what she wanted, we still don't know why she got the time rewind skill.
>The only girl in MR I can think of who fits the bill is Felicia.
So they exist and there are more.
>Kyubey says explicitly that he doesn't grant any wishes.
Interesting, i didn't know this. I will believe you.
> Girls are the ones who grant their own wishes, so it's physically impossible to get scammed unless there's a serious disagreement between conscious and subconscious desires (like with Felicia)
I never said they got scammed, it's more like they can 'scammed' themselves and should not blame kyubey.
>The wording of the wish literally doesn't matter.
This is dumb, will you tell me now that "i want to protect madoka" and i "want to save madoka" are the same?
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>we still don't know why she got the time rewind skill
Because Madoka was fucking dead in the present? She had to go to the past.
>So they exist and there are more
My point is, all of their wishes got granted exactly as they wanted.
>will you tell me now that "i want to protect madoka" and i "want to save madoka" are the same?
She could've said literally nothing and her wish would've still been granted the way it was granted. Words are there to aid the visualisation a bit, at worst. Remember, Sayaka didn't say anything at all when she made her contract.
total kyouko love
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Kyoukonigger improves Madoka threads. They wouldn't be as lively without him
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>Because Madoka was fucking dead in the present? She had to go to the past.
The wish could also be to revive madoka and homura would still be able to protect her, but protecting someone doesn't imply you will save her from her fate.
>Remember, Sayaka didn't say anything at all when she made her contract.
I don't want to carry this to an autistic discussion. We still can't be certain if sayaka talked with kyubey previously in that scene. The wish could have been through telepathy too. I don't want to discuss something that could lead to autism. Anyways even if what you say is truth then why magical are always shown telling their wish to kyubey if it was never needed? It seems like contradiction and for me is still necessary to tell kyubey the wish in some way(Through words or telepathy).
>Words are there to aid the visualisation a bit, at worst.
If they 'aid' something it means words still affect the final wish at a small degree.
True, Madoka threads recently are becoming /dbs/ levels imo entertaining. It’s always funny to see random anons innocently use a Madoka character for the OP of their thread and then not understand what the fuck is going on.
It’s also been proven that kyoukofag isn’t actually the one shitting up the threads.
He’s also right on every account.
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Mami is lovely even when she is brainwashed by a cult
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>It’s also been proven that kyoukofag isn’t actually the one shitting up the threads.
>He’s also right on every account.
Do you understand now? i always told you he was not the bad 'guy'. But then who is? why is everybody so scared to point out the people who shit up these threads?
He's a bit retarded, but I appreciate his presence nevertheless. I'm going to keep shitting on him though because it's funny.
I mean, it’s pretty obvious. Look at the old threads and search of the first off topic or meta post of each.
It’s pretty easy to pinpoint the posts that derailed a thread.
Anons have just grown soft because of the lack of truly psychotic people here in the recent times. Who have we had in the last couple of years? Rare sightings of ack and that one madokami avatarfag? And the guy wasn't even that insane, more like really fucking stupid. Truly, good times create weak men. Kyoukoschizo is nothing compared to the psychos we had in the days of yore.
>Truly, good times create weak men
Our grandpas fought in the trenches so we can fight in these threads.
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Who doesn't love a big gun?
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Nothing like a fresh madoka thread and 1 day less for the movie.
>movie cancelled
>gacha released
Nooooo, worst timeline.
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Are you drunk? We will get both Kaiten and Exedra. I will enjoy both.
The gacha is what even keeps Madoka relevant
Which PMMM doujinshi do you consider canon?
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None of them are.
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>Are you drunk?
No, if i become drunk i could die so i'm never drunk. Apple-kun, i hope your wishes of having both become true.
Sorry i don't like gacha even if keep madoka relevant but i will play exedra. Doing it could change my views on those games.
The more I rewatch rebellion the more i fall in love with it
it also helped me learn more about nietzsche and psychoanalysis
it gives a lot of insight into homu's character so thats a huge plus since im a homufag
unpopular opinion here but i think its a worthy sequel of the anime, and i can only hope kaiten is also a worthy sequel
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Thanks senor.

Kaiten will be so amazing, it will blow us all away.
Kyoukoanon is just the only hetposter who's as dedicated as yuriposters. All yuriposters are like him, very authoritarian and convinced of their opinion being canon. While most hetposters just don't care, even when they will occasionally argue back against yuriposters, it will be for a thread at most and then you will never see them again.
Kyoukoanon basically cares about the characters being straight just as much as yurifags care about their ships being a thing, so he's often found arguing about it. The only difference between this and shipping wars is that he doesn't support any ship, and the only reason why he stands ou is because he's not a yurifag.
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>why didn't Homura just resurrect Madoka?
That's actually a really important plot point that feeds into Madoka's and Homura's conflict and the whole Apollonian vs Dionysian struggle that comes to the forefront in Rebellion. Sadly, it's also something that majority of viewers completely miss.
The important thing isn't just that Madoka died, the important thing is how she died. Despite Homura's pleas, she died in a suicide charge to protect Homura (a person Homura doesn't give a fuck about) and civilians of Mitakihara (people Homura doesn't give a fuck about). From the viewpoint of the world at large, it was a righteous act. Madoka did the right thing. Homura understood that fact, and she completely loathed it. She loathed the world and society where something like that could be considered "right". She doesn't so much deny Madoka's sacrifice as she denies the world where such sacrifice could've happened in the first place. This is also the source and reinforcement of Homura's misanthropy, like how she wishes on the cusp of witchhood to destroy the world together with Madoka until no evil or sadness remained in it, or how she shows zero reaction to witnessing complete extinction of humanity, or how she refers to the world as "unworthy of salvation" in the final episode.
Resurrection is simply insufficient for Homura's desires. She didn't want for Madoka to live, she wanted to erase the very possibility of the world where she could've died.
>I don't want to carry this to an autistic discussion.
Yes, you are right, this tangent is completely worthless. It doesn't really matter how exactly the small details work, the bottom line is, there was never a girl in the anime nor side stories who didn't get exactly what she wanted from her wish.
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I'm sorry, but all Maitake's works are canon
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I forgot about that.
Of course you did, silly.
Wasn't the Mami manga originally doujinshi?
I think it's less about what he argues for, and more about how he argues for it. He's extremely emotionally invested in his headcanon (which is only partially based on the anime itself), so having any in-depth discussion with him, even about the themes completely unrelated to yuri or shipping feels like banging your head against a brick wall; something I experienced firsthand. This absolutely enrages some anons, who seemingly believe that they can crash through the said wall with their forehead if they just try hard enough. So now we have a small crowd of haters that tries to engage with him at every opportunity instead of just ignoring and hiding his posts.
Good analysis.
That's exactly what i said though.
You just described the average yurifag, as well as that particular hetfag.
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I need just 1 glass of water.
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This is canon
Mami would look better in a cow outfit.
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Which one is real?
Both are Nagisa's victims
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How about that Madoka Magica? The big cake clearly wasn't the girls because they all denied it.
madokabros still got it
Shit I just jobbed to Kyouko
Every single life form in existence…
Anon are you still around?
>jobs to herself
The only person who could ever make Kyouko job... herself.
Shit I just fapped to Kyouko
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>mami madoka
Best girls.
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Homuanon idk if you're here but i just wanted to thank you for recing me Mirai Nikki now that i'm finally done watching all of it including the OVA, i only knew it through memes and didn't expect it to actually be good, it was great
Minene is so best girl it's unreal. I'm glad she (and pretty much everyone else) got her good ending at the end. I wish the megucas could get their good ending too...
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Buump. Mami likes keeki.
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3D mammies
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Mami tomoe i admire you. You make me believe in justice.
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I just found a way to do glitzer popping in clover, ebin
good night
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>he said good night
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It's not what you think, it's just that i like to tell him buenas noches but in a "better" way.
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Fuck you
Fornicate thou
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I can't i would break my back or my weenie.
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That's a big gun
Sex. Sex with Homu
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mabayu strikes again
i wanted to draw mami at first, but i thought it might fit with mabayu too since she's a cinephile
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'Twas a good chuckle.
It's ok Mami, you can shoot her in the back later and pretend it counts.
Can you cheer your #1 fan up? He is on a rampage in the lycoreco thread.
you ruined your life for nothing !anon stop derailing threads.
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My last post was that Sayaka image. He's still replying to it so I don't think I can. Not like I could in the first place.
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In this thread everyday you can find a reason to laugh. gfdgdf
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But oriko i have no idea who is that witch who will end the world. oyasumi...
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Shhh, Madoka is sleeping.
How can she sleep if she is not in her pyjamas?
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She is cute, but i'm more of a shield person.

She was too sleepy.
>She was too sleepy.
Homura ought to dress her properly.
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Homura is a good friend. She will dress her up without awakening her.
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I watched Madoka many years ago and liked it, but after several years I watched rebellion and I didn't understand shit.
Why was the witch that ate Mami a magical girl now? Why was everything a different timeline? I don't even remember the details but I was super confused. Also Homura being an evil Satan allegory was so stupid.
I should rewatch it all.
You should. Rebellion is very different from the series but it's great in it's own way, I think it's super cool once you understand what the movie is trying to do.
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I really have to get to Edgerunners.
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The no-think tank
Mami's solar beam...
Kyouko’s solar beam for anti sayak coverage
Solar beaming the twin towers of posts
Sitting cowgirl with Kyouko while kissing her everywhere
!Akemi dying alone in a empty room.
His corpse rotting for months before people find it.
Not a single person remembering any of his "trolls".
Everyone will remember him solely because of you.
Nobody would know who he is anymore otherwise
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fuck it all
What happened?
good show and nowadays even good game
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so much love!
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Meds, schizo-kun.
Ah yes, Mami whose whole personality is tea and cake...
AKB-030… home.
Posting kyubey now is being your boogieman?
Actually oriko killed me.
Interesting how ack quoted this post.
>Of course he is not that thing he is kyubee, but it can act as a monkey paw (i will guess what that thing is because i don't know)when people make ambiguous wishes
Nah, Kyubey gives you precisely what you want, he never acted like a monkey paw or a Djinn or a level 9 D&D wish. If you asked Kyubey for a lot of money you'd get it, without any string attached, instead of "lol it's in Zimbabwe dollars" or your money being stolen from Batman.

The consequences of your wishes are often bad but that's unrelated to Kyubey, he's doing his part of the deal pretty competently here.
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You make my life worth living
ACK makes my life worth living
Kyouko makes my life worth living
Homura makes my character worth lvling
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Somebody is REALLY getting eaten tonight.
Me on the left.
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Welcome home Shuu. I hope you see your parting gift. All of it.

This weekend.

QUEEN Sally Amaki in Singapore.
Charlotte will enjoy this.
Homura did nothing wrong.
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That is so nice. Must be nice to have written to someone you enjoyed.
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I wonder if he will come back. こんにちは
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He always does.
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Not yet.
>madoka anons fucking with him
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I would not do that to bebe.
You would not passionately stroke her hair and maybe even kiss her brow?
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No, i'm madoka, nagisa is like a younger sister for my senpai Mami tomoe.

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