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Chapter soon. Next week are center color pages and the poll results.
You're not even hiding your origin.
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Chapter 40
Dump it
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Why do you only rip Mayonaka and never all of the WSM romcoms
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Didn't they just do a poll?
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Others already have their own rippers don't they
Lemon won.
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Same poll, they just released partial results before, now we'll get the final count
They're much slower than you. Mayonaka is the only one thay gets almost instant rips, the rest have to wait up to an hour.
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Well as long as they get it I don't think it's worth it to do it myself considering all of them are 99p and never cheaper. I could help here and there with another series maybe, but probably not every week
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Slight beer belly. Lemon doesn't give a fuck.
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Lemon-chan supremacy
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Well it's been almost thirty minutes and none of their rips have shown up anywhere yet.
I always wondered: was this manga putting the chapter titles at the end an Oshi no Ko homage? I can't think of any other manga that does it but the Oshi no Ko episodes leave the episode titles at the end, just before the credits.
>still won't remove her shorts
Iko loses hard this round.
It's a practice Aka popularized with Kaguya (i.e. "I can't hear the fireworks"). Mayo Tuna has taken the practice and abused it.
But Kaguya didn't use it in every chapter.
I have seen some manga use it on occasion, but it's usually as a one-off. Mayonaka is the only manga I can think of where it's every chapter. Why do that? To be different or to stand out?
Shinobu>Iko>Rikka>Nene. Though i'm curious on why there is another popularity poll so soon. Wasn't the last one only 2 months ago?
yeah, the first instance of the character speaking leading directly into the ch title drop I can think of was Kaguya's famous fireworks ch. OnK manga doesn't do this though.
Nagatoro's chapter titles are all quotes from the actual chapter, but the titles still go at the front or near the front rather than the end.
Going through them, some have already started dumping their respective chapters. Which one do you need rips for the most right now? It'll be easier that way
Cuckoo and Cafe
Scratch that, Cuckoo had rips linked just now.
The most modest one wins by default
Yeah I saw
Posted Cafe here >>269115866
Iko's cute and beautiful swimsuit is the best one!
Yeah, that was Lemon-chan.
Thanks. Do you also have Medaka?
Doesn't have a thread so I'm putting it here https://imgur.com/a/6rLIIHY
I might try getting Cafe every week since it's only 70p and I got a bit more points to spend since Nagatoro's over, but Medaka is 99p so yeah just this once
The author tries to avoid the most overused beach/swimsuit chapter tropes, but he doesn't introduce anything to replace them. The chapter is so plain and unmemorable.
I've seen it used in "Make the Exorcist fall in Love"
Most based MC in history.
She’s wearing a string bikini bottom too… why must we suffer?
She could have won easily by showing off the bottom, yes. She took the L instead.
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It's pretty creative nonetheless. I love it.
Shinobu is such a fucking snake and she's so desperate to one-up them. I hope she's the first one to lose.
So. Who wins, /mayo/?

Hard mode: no Lemon-chan.
If we go by lewdness:

If we got by reveal:
LEMONBROS! She’s officially in the race!
This chapter confirmed for me that Yamabuki's little sister is the super popular vtuber involved in Iko's arc before. She and the older sister will be key in the story later for sure.
Probably. Writing and drawing a manga is about selling your product as hard as you can.
That just means Iko won
But there’s nothing here to imply she’s the vtuber. She’s been mentioned several times already, even before the rival vtuber reveal, so this one isn’t anything special. Not saying I disagree, I do think she’s the vtuber. But there’s nothing here to reinforce that idea.
It's not every chapter, but it is most of them.
>there is another popularity poll
Where do you see that? Although considering how poorly managed the last one was, I guess they would want to do a proper one.
Pretty sure that's the first time we've seen the imouto's hairstyle, no? She's never pictured when mentioned I think, and it matches the vtuber.
Ah, well in that case the results don’t really mean anything. It’s the opinion of a very small subset of Japanese fans (those who use twitter) and the raffle prize for voting will draw in more Rikka votes than she would normally get. The popularity order can’t even be trusted because we have no way of knowing how those Rikka voters would have voted in a normal poll (or if they’re just randos trying to get free headphones).
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What hairstyle can you even see there? “Not a pixie cut” leaves a huge range of hairstyles available. All we can tell for sure from this chapter is that she has dark hair, which we already knew from her being Yamabuki’s sister. And like I said, I agree with the theory, but this chapter gives literally nothing. Here’s the vtuber for comparison because why not.
>What hairstyle can you even see there?
This, it's entirely irrelevant because the imouto's hair style can be completely different the next time we see her. Since this is a flashback to a conversation with her. It could be a bob, shoulder length, ponytail. braided etc. or even tucked into her asshole the next time we see her. There's not enough to go on here.
The look on Iko's face is making me unbelievably horny..
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Ad at Ikebukuro station.
If Nene doesn't win I will burn the author's house...
Iko best girl and will win!
Lemonbros, she just wanted to show off.
Jesus fuck. I hope this doesn't get axed simply because of the art
I hope this gets a payoff and not just bait for Lemon-chan.
We know that will Apollo will approach him during the fireworks, so how will the fireworks watching scene play out?
Who the hell brings their cat to the beach?
Plump Nene SEXO
Are you ill? This isn’t a setup so there can’t be any payoff. ,
>bait for lemon
I refuse to believe there are people stupid enough to think Lemon is suddenly going to be in the running simply because she was used as a punchline.
>We know that will Apollo will approach him during the fireworks
Anon… all of the girls are trying to hit on him during the fireworks. That's been all but stated.
But one of them will hide her identity and approach as Apollo.
I was leaning more towards Rikka but Lemon is too sexy bros. Maybe she’ll be in the slut running too
How anyone can fight the others to be more attractive than Rikka is beyond me.
>hide her identity and approach as Apollo
Where did you get this idea?
Why? Apollo has no reason to do that.

Also, why did Apollo chose that broadcast name anyways? Apollo is a boy's name.
From a chapter PV.
That’s not what that says at all. You’re taking what you want to happen and asserting it as fact.
Kina similar to the Yotsuba swimsuit. Of fucking course.
total lemon OLEV
>yfw we get another bokuben
does this mangaka use AI ? this manga's color pages always look so slopp-ish
Shinobu is basically the authors favorite design, since she's the 3rd iteration of his black straight haired heroine etc.
I personally think he likes to draw Iko the most with all the cat chibis, and milking the booming Vtuber industry by making her win might not be the worst idea.
Rikka and Nene are hard ones, especially since they received the most redesigns from the initial draft. Idk, I just don't see the author envisioning his new final girl only to change the her design later down the line.
Apollo obviously isn't going to reveal her identity and approach him so she's going to hide it. That doesn't need to be spelled out.
out of these 4 I have to say
rikka > iko > nene > shinobu
with that said I do agree with our MC in chossing Lemon over the girls
rikka looks great in her bikini but I dont like the strips, I wouldve preferred it without them
iko I like the short but not the strings
nene I dont like the top at all
shinobu too childish compared to the others
not only shes a snake but she has the personality of a doormat which fucking sucks , its like the worst of both worlds
Anon I’m starting to worry about you. When you posted >>269126011, you said “hide her identity and approach as Apollo,” meaning she would hide her actual identity, aka the name she has in real life. This goes against what you’re saying right now. So either your English skills are incredibly poor, or you could just be trying to backtrack after realizing you misunderstood your google translation.
I think you should work on your reading comprehension. Obviously I was saying she was hiding her real identity and approaching as Apollo and that's what I've been saying the whole time, but what else should I expect from some retard that assumes I use Google Translate.
>that's what I've been saying the whole time
Do you have schizophrenia?
Your first post >>269125378 implies that Apollo specifically will approach him for some reason. All 4 girls will approach him as themselves, but you seem insistent that it’s going to be an Apollo interaction (like the string can interaction) despite literally zero evidence.
Now read what you said in >>269126011.
>Approach as Apollo
Same thing. You’re saying it will be an Apollo interaction with zero evidence.
Now again >>269127659 you’re saying she’ll approach “as Apollo.” The only possible reason for your insistence is that you don’t understand what that sequence of words means.
>All 4 girls will approach him as themselves, but you seem insistent that it’s going to be an Apollo interaction (like the string can interaction) despite literally zero evidence.
If by zero evidence you mean the PV, sure.
The pv that doesn’t say what you think it does?
Well gee why don't you give your own interpretation then.
Also she's the only one that doesn't really do anything for her career. Instead, the story mostly focuses on her studying.
>so many promotions and pushing
>sales could barely hit early Medaka numbers
lemon-chan and imouto stocks are rising
>physical sales
WSM pushes MagaPoke heavily. It's how Kanokari can consistently rake in cash despite seemingly losing sales on volume releases in Oricon. It's consistently one of the top ranking romcoms on the site. Medaka and Yowa Yowa Sensei also do really well on the platform.
Best swimsuit:
Yet Yowa Yowa Sensei didn't that much promotions until recently, despite running for over a year. It didn't get a voiced PV until recently, and even that recent cosplay thing didn't have Hiyori. Mayonaka had much more promotions right from the start. It's clear that WSM has much much higher hopes for Mayonaka than Yowa Yowa. I don't buy the "Yowa Yowa is ecchi so it's more niche and thus they're less willing to promote it" thing, because Kanan isn't an ecchi and also sells pretty well, yet still lacks in promotions compared to Mayonaka.
Yowa Yowa Sensei doesn't get good until later, like around the scene with Hiyori and the fireworks. It takes time for the romance to really get moving.
My point is that Mayonaka was getting heavy promotions (for a WSM manga that just started anyway and doesn't have an anime yet) right from the start. Most other WSM manga didn't get equivalent promotions until deeper into their runs, if at all.
Manga get more promotion the more audience attention they get. MHT started off strong and got a quick reprint so the magazine put strength in it earlier. YYS needed time to gain steam and get audience attraction.
>MHT started off strong
It was getting promotions right from chapter 1. The promotions were already happening even before volume 1 was released. Other series didn't get that except maybe the ones they had massive hopes for like Cuckoo or KmK.

>started off strong
Even volume 1 got outsold by most of the magazine. It didn't really get "decent" sales until volume 4 and even then the "sales" it got were worse than early Medaka.
*even then the "decent" sales it got
>It was getting promotions right from chapter 1
Every manga gets promotions from chapter 1. MHT got a color page at around chapter 5 with the stated reason being strong reception and the voiced PV was a celebration of V1's reprinting.
>Even volume 1 got outsold by most of the magazine
Because it sold out and needed reprinting.
>Schizo salesfag is mad again
>Akabane got a live action despite being near the bottom of the sales
So were the previous poll results like those halfway through the poll results they sometimes do and voting was still ongoing?
By the time they revealed the halfway poll results the voting was already closed. I don't even know why they bothered to do that.
I think they were only twitter votes. The full results will include the postcards that come with the physical magazine.
When does this get updated?
In the middle of each month
I dint care what anyone say, Shinobu >= Iko > Rikka > Nene, and I say that as a usual tsundere lover.
You have shit taste.
> and I say that as a usual tsundere lover.
>Mayonnaise Ham Tuna thread
Here comes my favourite poison

Well i'll be damned, Buki managed to both pick best girl and salvage these dumb beach chapters. I kneel to the Yamabuki

Ginormous boing

Buki would knock the sand off your pussy Lemon-chan

Shinobu ponytail

Yeah, he's blushing hard for Shinobu! Mangaka's just trying to obfuscate her win flag with the heat excuse.

I thought those were tears falling from Shinobu's eyes in the top middle panel, but those are actually her eyes peering back at Buki

Lemon-chan won and imouto soon?
ugh why stick rikka with worst girl?
Rikka is worst you faggot.
She's not by herself though?
>nene fags go ballistic with bait
I love Lemonade so much
All girls are hot and I want to have sex with all of them. Only gays would not want sex with all of them.
Rikka is closest to Nene in personality.

>No Lemon-chan
Well why don't you just ask me to cut my balls off?
>All girls are hot and I want to have sex with all of them
agree BUT I wouldnt date all of them, nene for example since the ch in which she said she would cheat on you just because of a woman moment thats when she went to the bottom of my ranking
Extremely based
Iko if she removes her shorts and sits on my face. Otherwise still Iko but the victory is obtained with less margin.
For me it's Rikka and Nene. Don't care about the rest. Shinobu is a snake and it's hard to like Iko because she's associated with vtumor shit
What's wrong with Vtubers? I'm watching Vtuber Legend and they seem pretty fun.
Whores and retards.
no wonder this is dead, its USA only
>What's wrong with Vtubers?
nothing and seeing how you are watching that animo should alreday tell you they are more than fine
That's just her being tsun about it.

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