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Chapter 146
I hate Asahi.
Yuna will avenge Itsuki
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The end
>Asahi won
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>asahi chapter
Final part? Good
This has been the worst arc EVER
Shirahi's arc at least didn't last this long
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>he didn’t accept the marriage vows
Asahi lost
This arc just made me hate the annoying midget, thank god is over.
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Didn't you read the chapter?
There has to be three exchanges for the marriage to be completed, just one left
We love /a/sahi here
>final part
Finally. Can we get a timeline rewind and go to another route? Yae's please.
uh, isn't this game over?
Don't worry, Yuna arc (best girl) will be longer and she will win
>Mildest tsundere ever
Even the slav one is better
Shirahi should have been a main girl.
Very cute and canon chapter
Does Yuna still believe in Santa?
next chapter preview?
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>Yuna's Santa Claus operation/mission
I like how the author used the hoodie to look like the shinto wedding dress
She always forcing but he always rejecting.
>This has been the worst arc EVER
>Shirahi's arc at least didn't last this long
I think the author wanted to make happy Asahi fans before he will focus on the real deal Yuna and Yae.
I think she does >>269118600
Yunna are is coming.Everyone and their grandma celebring the end of this arc.
Pedo Author ended his spam.
>Asahi won
Riho next
I don't mind her too much, but this arc was shit
idg this guy, he confesses to asahi and when she confesses back, he acts lukewarm?
The funny thing with this long arc, it's that the readers started to hate Asahi character, so I don't understand if the author tried to boost her popularity or to kill her popularity. Too much screentime = overdose.
He's a harem MC, you should be used to that by now
Kill in order to set up the inevitable Yuna ending. This arc was all about shitting on Asahi and sinking her chances.
Is this the new cope?
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Asahi's face should be permanently stuck in this ugly ass expression for the rest of the manga for blessing us with this shit arc.
I hope Yae and Yuna will get the same amount of chapters.
Maybe the author will act like he didn't spend 5 months working on Asahi shitty arc?
>Yunakek having a melty
Good chapter today
Yae already had her arc. But upcoming Yuna arc will be longer than Asahi's. This is basically a straight repeat of the supernatural arcs, with the same order of Yae -> Asahi -> Yuna and Yuna being the longest.
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Again her arc ends with no monologue by Uryuu
Author is really biased against Asahi for some reason
There's already a setup for a last minute race to the airport at the end, MC will monologue about her as he runs and give his side of the vows when he reaches her
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Yae sex
>Supposed to be the chapter where Asahi won according to Asahikeks
Not even a kiss and they end it with some comedy where Uryuu tells she's getting ahead of herself.
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Asahi first needs to do the giving up on her feelings routine and tell Uryuu he should marry one of the other two since she won't be around anymore
Yuna is the best sister. I tired to pretend she isn't
you were pretending for 3 years?
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>he always rejecting.
>The cups represent past, present and future
>First set of arcs themed around past present and future
>Uryuu gives something to Asahi in each of the second set of arcs
Now I see
I doubt the editor will let Naito do an arc this long again
Asahi's PEE
Who's the nini avenger in this?
...and we're back to the regular teasing Asahi. This arc was such a waste of time and introduced the worst side characters yet as in her parents.
It wasn't a complete waste. It shit on Asahi a lot to remind readers that she's only a joke heroine like Yae and that Yuna is the main heroine.
Absolute cinema
Isn't this too much favoritism?
A long and boring arc with nothing happening, and then the author goes "oh shit people are not happy" and decides to vomit all the good stuff in the end hoping we are happy.

Also I still hate Asahi's parents, and their problem is still not resolved
Asahi's PEE
>their problem is still not resolved
Obviously author is trying to keep things open for a possible third round of solo arcs. The entire Shirahi diversion, Azuki diversion, and this second round of solo arcs have all been so bad so far because it's obvious he never really planned much of the story past the first round of solo arcs and resolved too many plot points in those.
>Also I still hate Asahi's parents, and their problem is still not resolved
I don't think you are supposed to like them they clearly are shit and their issue won't get resolved since the father is delusional.
>I don't think you are supposed to like them
It looked like the author was trying really hard to make us like them with the "dUUUUURRRRRR DADDY IS FREE SPIRIT IN LOVE" and "dUUUUUUURRRRR MOMMY MAKES SHOE FOR DAUGHTER SO COOL :))"
Asahi best girl and wins
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She's been losing this entire past arc. 23 straight chapters of losing.
>we're back to the regular teasing Asahi
Was she different at any point?, and why would that change?, we've already seen she's still a tease in the future
This arc was so fucking boring.
Based and morningpilled

Yuna will win and she is beat girl
The overall plot feels mostly planned out, Yomiko's arc set the idea of the girls finding what they truly want and Uryuu resolving to help them achieve it, the first set of arcs told us what each of the girls need to be happy and this second set of arcs is leading to them achieving it, Yuna's arc will deal with her parents like the other too and with her becoming the heir to the shrine, after that there should be an arc for Uryuu's entrance exams and then the final arc where he makes his choice
At some point the arranged marriage will also get cancelled since it's not needed if Yuna becomes the heir
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It's been foretold
My cute athletic wife
Will Yuna's arc include more asahiwank like Yae's arc did?
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Speaking of Yuna's arc, does anyone else think she and Uryuu will be revealed to be half-siblings?, it's kinda suspicious how he's never met his father and we've seen nothing about Yuna's bioparents
Is this a polygamy series?
too early to tell
Hibari avenged...
Yaes fat tits are the only thing keeping me coming back
Harem end got confirmed on the first volume
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Bs way to kick out Yuna out of the bowl
I liked it
Even if that's the case japan is much more accepting of incest than the west and Yuna will still win like Ruby
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Vol16 cover
Hot hags
Shirahi when?
Yeah!!! It's finally over! Side note, it's going to be embarrassing if she doesn't end up as his wife in the future, with the things she says.
Icky green hair for big titty Azuki and Mahiru reminds me of Ichika.
Azuki is a cool beauty (LOL) with this color.
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Of fucking course, the author's waifu gets this while all Yae gets is a haircut, and people have the gall to say there's no favoritism in this manga
Hey, at least the anon(s) who claimed Asahi's view about love is the ultimate win con now can shut the fuck up and move the goalpost that this is the real win con. Kek.
>Yae gets 14 chapers
Out of those, 2 are straight Asahi chapters, 2 are mainly focused on the forgotten Mibu and Yuna, and 1 is about coping that Yae left. Yae herself barely is the center of attention, rather it's the reaction from parents, Dyke, Uryuu, Asahi, Yuna. Shitty haircut at the end. And what the fuck are the 'three paths forward' anyways? Compared the 'now and forever' it makes no sense.

>Asahi gets 23 chapters
1 pity chapter for Yae and 1 pity chapter for Yuna. Just as Asahi's first arc, it's one big Asahi shilling with plenty of favoritism. True borefest.


Placing my bets here. Yuna's arc WON'T BE LONGER than this. The only slight condition it could be longer if others get massive chunks in it to pad it out. Be it the girls, the fox spirit or Dango. But if it's Yuna, her parents, her issues, it won't be this long.
>Yae gets 14 chapers
Fuck, you are right. Also, the haircut chapter is the first in volume 13, where the volume cover is also short haired Yae, spoiling the event spectacularly in advance.
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Beautiful spread
we just need another Shirahi arc
Bottom panel looks really erotic
I don't know which one is worse
Asahi ends up winning, making it the most unsurprising development with all her endless shilling
Asahi not winning, which makes this long ass arc that lasted almost half a year ultimately empty
Yuna end would be also boring and unsurprising since she's default tsundere main girl, only good end is Yae end
... that's some ara ara mother energy in that page.
Is it true the japanese like to eat KFC for Christmas?
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Best girl and winner
Yeah, there is obvious favoritism: author’s favorite is Yuna, audience favorite is Yae.
He might be a fag but at least he's not trying to deny he likes her or take back his confession
Yep, KFC is a juggernaut because of that.
>KFC won
Their style of chicken is the best, I don't understand why nobody else tries to make leathery breaded chicken.
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Since that necklace wasn't related to her mom after all, maybe MC will gift it to her at some point later on after all
East Asia in general seems to have a strong love for fried chicken. There's a whole bunch of local fried chicken fast food chains in East Asia in addition to KFC.
East Asian cuisine has a tradition of deep frying, which gave KFC a "safe exotic" niche. It's probably why KFC has been much more successful than other Western chains in breaking into the market, not just the Christmas thing.
Yuna will win
did the pedobait really win?
Asahi just lost this chapter
She's the least likely to win, her wish is to defeat the Shinto patriarchy and become chief priest, ending as "the wife" would be a bad end for her plot
After becoming head priest her first act will be to officiate Uryuu and Asahi's wedding
Do you seriously believe in that shit? It's like the Nini bracelet, come on.
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Does Yae still have a chance? I only ever see people claiming Yuna or Asahi will win in these threads.
>Does Yae still have a chance?
Routes could still happen
Yuna Cuckitini.
Isn't she too old for that already?
What's the problem? Next chapter is a Yuna chapter.
If Asahi doesnt win we riot
Thank you, OP.

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