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ITT: Canonically "ugly" girls.
Hollywood homely.
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Your mom
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She's not exactly ugly, but she could certainly be described as homely.
Canonically ugly and smelly highschool girl
I forgot to add, my wife
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Homely is not ugly anon,
post ugly bitches or gtfo
>bad hair
>nerd haircut
>ugly skin
>too white, don't see sun often
And I'm not even starting with her personality. Yes she's ugly.
very ugly
The only time I've ever seen anime characters actually drawn ugly is when they're a joke side character or villain. An anime with an actually ugly girl protagonist would probably flop super hard.
Well, Watamote flopped, so...I guess you're right.
Implying she looks ugly. She's just petite with circles under her eyes, never really ugly.
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Lies. She's the only fuckable girl in the show
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my obese, glowie gf is so sweet
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What about them?
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>not wanting to hold hands with the princessninja
my paizuri slave
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ugliest shoujou girl
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Any day now
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She is ugly by plot
Tomoko isn't ugly
>disgusting pear shape
yeah... not just canonically
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The girl on the right.
Best girl.
every trap and reverse trap.
Near every other female in Dr. Stone looks inbred, so not really.
Plus DSL
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>An anime with an actually ugly girl protagonist would probably flop super hard.
We'll find out about that fairly soon if the production for this one doesn't fall through.
I know nothing about this series but it immediately reeks of author self insert
Is this the actual dialogue? I can't imagine some SoL thing actually referencing LoGH. Does anybody outside 4chan even know about LoGH?
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Surprisingly, it probably isn't. From her other work it seems like Mamakari just likes to make manga about atypical women. If anyone's her self-insert it's her kickboxing androphobic mangaka character.
Considering its original run was a 110-episode OVA (a nearly unheard-of scenario) and it got a remake a year or two before Eizouken came out, I wouldn't be surprised if it's considered a cult classic over in nipland.
Stinky basement dweller that looks like a literal child (in canon)?
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Kanamori is sex.
>Near every other female in Dr. Stone looks inbred.
They are.
The only actually ugly characters in this thread thus far. The 2D filter does a lot of work but it can't fix everything.
Maomao isn't ugly by any measure. She does however try to make herself as plain as possible with cosmetics. When she doesn't go out of her way to make herself look plain then, as shown in canon, there are plenty of people who find her to be very attractive for better or worse.
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>Canonicly "ugly"
Emphasis on quotes retard, OP means the troup in which a character is supposed to be ugly in the world they're in but obviously are not for any real person watching.
I don't think an effort was made to draw her ugly, he just can't draw female faces
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>gets bullied several times by MC because she's a washboard midget
>is actually self conscious and grumpy about it
What Azuma even sees in a girl with a body of a toddler
Your reading comprehension needs some work.
>"ugly" characters
>posts fanart
are you retarded?
No such thing as an ugly girl. They don't exist. ugly implies someone so repulsive they will never be loved and that can only ever apply to men.
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Would molest with great arousal.
I'm reminded of the glasses girl from that Green Green adaptation.

>Treated in-universe as a gong in terms of appearance
>Just as thirsty as the boys
>Wears provocative lingerie.
I searched for this series name and the artstyle looks completely different from that image.
What gives?
Go kill yourself.
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She isnt that bad
Don't confuse ugly with unattractive to you.
She's smoking hot. wtf
I've always thought she was gorgeous.
She's actually a friendful adult JK well integrated in society and she doesn't smell any more than kagami. At least she's ugly.
Cute (and funny)
some of you are missing the point.
OP is talking about girls that are considered ugly/plain in universe.
Other then being on the heftier side of things. She doesn’t look ugly.
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I simply have a butterface fetish.
Are girls with absurdly sexy bodies and plain Jane need faces the ideal wife?
when on earth did anyone in-universe call her ugly?
I love her
she's cute
>We will never get her arc because Slutneki nuked the series
It's not fair
I can fix her(with anal)
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canonically fat, lazy, perverted and undesirable.
That tummy...

That tummy... (imagine THAT webm.)
>Has a perfect figure.
She's still ugly though. Guys I'm telling you, please believe me. No one could possibly want to be together with her! Also I've won the thread.
I was debating on which one to post, but the tanlines version tickles my wiener a tiny bit more. Regardless Hinata is a sex goddess.
What she really needs is vaginal.
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Would anyone even care if she never shows her ugly mug again?
>canonically fat
Some people like it
4u. She's a great cook which is what a wife should be.
With what software do you do that?
Tomoko is unkempt, not ugly. Her body is below average when compared to her big-titted peers and her disheveled appearance is enough of a reason for her to be undesirable in-universe, but she's not a butterface.
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You have no idea how much I lust for this horse teethed skeleton.
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creature on the right from soremachi
>inb4 contrarians
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In the manga, she's usually a fatty, because of her psychic powers where the longer she uses the more weight she gains. That plus her wearing glasses is why she got rated below average by her classmates.
It is interesting that there is no description of being “cute” in the text.
Illustrator deviated.
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Illustration of the first edition
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I really like the thick lipped girls in dr stone
...on opposite day
Mike Wazowski
How would a blowjob from her feel like?
What was the mangaka's goal in making an ugly girl (actually ugly, not "animanga ugly") part of the main cast? Usually the safe option would be to make her fat or give her short hair, but going all the way takes some guts.
she's canonically hot, the first time she smiled in front of her classmates they were absolutely floored to the point where it became lore that if sawako smiles before a test everyone is going to get good grades
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You are my negro
>face of a molerat
>heart of an angel
>great with kids
>gets a part in the anime where it's implied she's goin' commando.
>>269129289 see
Her personality more than makes up for her looks.
Does she count as an "ugly" girl?
That's a gorilla.
finally a thread for rhinobros.
I want her sweaty pubes on my face.
She’s so loveable I want to hug her so bad.
There are no ugly girls with small petite body type
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Jinshi looks cool but I prefer the catcat we got.
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>"Promise not to laugh, anon?"
she is perfect
Nice image. Found it in a bit higher res
I don't like wataten but doesn't Hinata's friends call mya-nee pretty? i mean Hinata eve hipes her up as a model and when they actually see her they just call her a bit plain but not ugly
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Supposedly getting an anime.
I’ve a feeling that this project was quietly canned but I’m still waiting…
Good riddance, hopefully.
Looking for ugly girls in anime/manga is surprisingly difficult
I think people are mixing up plain and ugly.
She really is sort of unappealing but because she has so wonderful personality you sort of forget about her looks.
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You guys forgot the trapfucker
>he just can't draw female faces
LMAO how new?
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She's ugly (on the inside)
>anime, anime, anime, actual japanese-looking girl
what did he mean by this?
Not only ugly but it looks like something from a racist wartime propaganda poster.
"Racist caricatures" are just depictions of particularly ugly individuals from any given race/ethnicity
This one is pretty funny though because the man who rejects her says that he doesn't want his children to have green and pink hair, which is sort of a valid complaint, but he's also the gayest character in anime history and I'm counting the men who have sex with other men.
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Amanda Waller is not ugly according to the world's smartest man (Lex Luthor).
I would fuck all of these girls.
So this where the forty cakes went
Have you seen Mark Zuckerberg's wife, anon? IQ doesn't correlate to taste in women
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You'd fuck anything with a vagina.
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You'd probably even fuck boys.
oh shit it was already posted
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All Bochi girl Ms are U-G-I--L-Y
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Absolutely fucking made.
Isn't it over?
Oh baby
Sekine is the only fuckable girl
Tsubasa is the only fuckable girl(male)
Yes, but the english translations still aren't and the anime hasn't even begun.
Mita-san just has terrible style. A bit of makeover can fix her
She looks cool in her Terminator getup
Waiting for a TL...
The dude’s bangs are cracking me up.
>gets called ugly train-wreck
>still tries to help her friend
she's too pure
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A cool beauty on the outside, though.
I love Takayama's art but how is she different in any way
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Took forever for someone to post this
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It's a damn travesty.
Get that monkey back to the zoo.
make the eyebrows slightly thicker
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Kuragehime, besides the main character though the other girls in the dorm legitamely have weird non-standard designs
I'm listening, go on...
oh shit squealer became human
at least suicide squad gave a glow up (like relativley speaking, i'm not posting the webm rather I hope no one ever makes it)
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So mean!!
You could not pay me to have sex with any of the uggos ITT
Waller is such a weird instance where I think she's the only character I've ever seen people complain she stopped being fat.
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my donkey can't be this hot.
Are you gay?
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Funny enough, drawing ugly characters that don't look too over the top to believe is surprisingly difficult. You need to deal with asymmetries and small details that are hard to draw a thousand times like you'd have to in anime and manga. Most shows will tend to communicate ugliness through details like posture or slovenliness, since that's generally easier. This is made more complicated by how shows treat unattractive features as attractive. Everyone loves a fang girl, but what that actually represents, a snaggletooth, tends to be pretty ugly IRL, so it takes MahoAko giving its MC a double-snaggletooth, persistently drawn with an uneven maw, AND a complex about eating in front of other people to communicate she's actually got ugly teeth, and not just a cute fang for effect.
The only thing I find “ugly” about her is how small her face is. Is this how she’s usually drawn?
This would be called wish-fulfillment garbage if the genders were reversed
Shame about her face
It is woman wish fulfillment garbage. The thing is, most of western media is, so it is less depreciated as the oposite. Think of 50 shades of grey, arcane, castlevania animation, twilight, etc.
Sound liek a skill issue. By my authority I ban you to >>>/ic/ for 2 weeks. Seem like you need more loomis.
What are you doing anon, you want to set him back 5 years? Cause that's what'll happen if he goes to /ic/ and grinds 500 boxes
they’re more unattractive in the manga
Don't worry Hinata is still very dickable.
I was just thinking about Air Master. I liked how solid the girls were.
>maomao with DSLs
What a loss we suffered
i love
>mob face
>shark teeth
>christmas cake
>muscle women
Strong komugi vibes
That anon is a retard, Mine was discriminated against for being a foreigner but nobody ever said she was ugly. In fact, she scored the mc so, unless he had terminal shit taste, she definitely was up there in terms of looks.
Tatsumi in the manga ending, though, yeah he became ugly as shit.
Anime girls that are supposed to be canonically "unattractive" tend to get drawn too pretty. Kills credibility and suspension of disbelief.
ugly chink in Japanese afterlife
>Soi Fong
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can't sew well either
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she is short
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Neia Baraja

a face only her late father could love, improved by covering it up in the end, orcs couldn't tell if she's a female

when she was injured and a literal god of death ordered some dude to carry her to safety, the dude told her to walk on her own the SECOND the god of death was out of sight
Same VA as Bocchi in the upcoming Overlord movie.
You're the one that read it wrong, dipshit.
post the trumpet
Reread my post again numbskull. Pay special attention to the second sentence.
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You mean these girls?
Are all these girls examples of nominative determinism?
It's very common in Japan, kotodama and all that
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her pasty flesh bruises easily
most of the genshiken cast really
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Cute pope. I dropped the series ago but I'm still looking forward to her movie.

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