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Chapter 576 - The Great Pirate Edward Newgate
Last Thread (572-575): >>268987184
The Beginning: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/246835384
Previous Chapters: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20One%20Piece%20Chapter/
Arc List: https://pastebin.com/fjeg9Qwa

We are on the cruise!
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Reminder to keep all discussion of future chapters that haven't been posted yet under spoiler tags / images. This series may be 2 decades old and unfinished, but this may be some Anon's first experience with One Piece.
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An Emperor dies standing without any regrets.

End of Chapter.
Tomorrow: Outrageous Events One After Another
How many chapter's are colored?
>You're not him
kek. Also does this mean that Whitebeard knew about the world sinking
Unfortunately almost all of them were ruined by colourisation.
What a chad. I hop we get more memorable deaths like this in the future.
what a fuckin badass
thanks for the chapter, op
>has an OP devil fruit
>still gets shat on every time
being Teech is hard
The problem with him is his endurance, guy receives double damage and yet he gets up from shit like a quake punch meant to kill like nothing.
Where's the dongs?
Thanks for the read, OP
I almost get the impression that there's something about the Dark-Dark fruit we don't know yet. It looks like injuries just don't stick.
>inherit Ace's will
What will? He didn't really do shit.
Thanks, OP.
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The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cultivator of Class. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Passion. The Que-hagen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultan of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.


What the fuck are Lafitte's powers anyways? He has wings too doesn't he?
I heard something recently I can't believe I never considered. Next chapter, when Blackbeard does the thing, he cloaks himself and Whitebeard's body. That does hide it from the audience, but we've seen what water does for Crocodile, turning him tangible. What is darkness's weakness? It's light. Simply being in any kind of light makes Blackbeard tangible, and weakened. Under a black shroud, he's at his peak...granted, we know his trick involves his body moreso than the fruit, but the fruit could be a step towards getting what his body can accomplish.

Nobody knew it was Laugh Tale until at earliest in manga, Wano, or in One Piece Stampede. Raftel was what EVERYONE was saying for fucking 20 years until Oda spelled it out with the Roger flashback.
Big if true.
It's just skills he picked up like Marianne's magic paint.
Supposedly there was some fringe LatAm fan group that were arguing in favor of the Laugh Tale reading long before Oda confirmed it.
Thanks OP for the daily OP!
He put on a tight top and belly danced like Vivi did back when she was part of Baroque works
>Even in death, even with half his threads deleted, he would never fall. He will forever be remembered as a monster for the way he destroyed his enemies that day. In this one battle alone he suffered 267 sages, his posts were struck down 152 times, and 46 reports. And yet neither that mighty ip nor his poster's pride suffered even one "coward's wound"!
I prefer this over the anime, where Whitebeard tries to use his fruit several times and takes a few hits before wising up. Here, he immediately goes for a melee attack after seeing his DF power not work, making BB look more like an overconfident bitch.
>I respected and looked up to you more than anybody! But you got old!! You couldn't even save one of your men from execution!! I spared his life on Banaro Island, but it was a waste!!
Interesting. It's easy to see Blackbeard as a 1-dimensional villain who was just on whitebeard's ship for opportunity's sake, but I wonder if there's more to Blackbeard's grudge than we know about.
For someone with the D. in his name, Teach is surprisingly afraid of death.
I remember people speculating that Pizarro might have been the one to create level 5.5. He's the only one without prisoner clothes, and his hands seem to be covered by what might be some weird drill things. The theory was that he kept himself hidden between the walls but couldn't manage to actually get out, nobody apart from Shiki has ever escaped Impel Down after all, and his meeting with Blackbeard was a lucky coincidence.
the only time guns did anything outside flashbacks?
I wonder how different things would be if the level 6 prisoners freed along with the rest of Impel Down. Would these guys have followed Buggy as well? Decent chance they would have, I think.
another instantly memorable scene. I’m starting to get jealous of those who read this as it came out, the last few chapters have felt like a nonstop climax.
Can we get much higher? (So high)
A great final image.

Thanks OP OP
shit was hype back then, ngl
Only 1004 chapters, so everything up until volume 100. It was released in batches, I think the last one was in September 2022
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Thank you for posting.
Whitebeard's coat falling off revealing he had not a single scar on his back is absolute kino. His speech and death is an amazing milepost for the series. RIP Whiteboard, you magnificent bastard.

No way, they would've easily seen through Buggy's shit (except San Juan maybe?), just like Crocodile and Jinbe. They follow BB because they recognise he has the strength and cunning to back up his ambition and know they can stand to gain from him.
I do find it amusing how so many characters wear their coats on their shoulders and yet they never fall off, and it literally takes a guy dying for his coat to finally slip off his shoulders
Oda did such a good fucking job with Whitebeard, he's the only yonko who really feels like the last titan of his generation and makes you wonder how much of a monster he was in his prime. Other big opponents just have stupidly tough skin/haki and barely get hurt by anything for most of their screentime, while a terminal WB tanks a shitton of nasty wounds and still knocks endgame-tier antagonists to the ground without breaking a sweat. Absolute beast
This is why Ace's anger at Akainu was justified. Whitebeard was no loser chasing titles, he could've become pirate king any time he wanted, he just had no need for that. He already achieved his dream. Akainu could never understand.
Robin admiring Franky's ass
I thought Catarina Devon was the "maiden hunter". Where does "crescent moon hunter" come from?
Thanks OP
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Marianne >>>>>>>>>> Yonko
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Imagine the Wano arc but Kaido and Big Mom slowly get their body ravaged like Whitebeard
Sweet, only 545 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
>They follow BB because they recognise he has the strength and cunning to back up his ambition and know they can stand to gain from him.
Captain Buggy has all of that too!
joking aside, it's actually pretty interesting how much these two mirror each other. Both of their careers began before the great age of pirates, they were both low-ranked crew-members underneath legendary pirate captains (whitebeard and gold roger), they both split off and formed their own pirate crews, both kept themselves low in the face of the government and had very low bounties, both became war lords and both became emperors immediately afterwards
>World's biggest creature
>No one notices him the entire war
I assume that Charlos tier morons are the rarity.
They feel like the type to follow Buggy for all of three minutes before trying to kill/coup him.
It was like a year straight of crazy shit. Kind of like all the twists during a final fight/arc of a battle shounen. IIRC we had to contend with wikispammer at some point during this as well.
Pretty sure Roger lore dropped everything on him. WB should also know a fair bit from being in ROCKs, assuming that he was also chasing after the weapons/history.
>hang out in notJapan once
>turn into a weeb that drinks out of saucers
Do you know why Miyamoto Musashi never lost a fight? (Except for that time he didn't show up because he didn't respect the guy)
Because he was 5'11 when the average height was 5'3 and he also didn't abide by Bushido shit.
He ran away, hid In bushes, stabbed people from behind. He didn't do anything dumb or suicidal for honor. He fought to win because losing meant death.
So while stiff like this is cool it always annoys me because how did Whitebeard never get into a situation where if he stayed and fought for his honor he would have for sure died?
Remembers kids, you can live as a idiot full of pride or a smart man with his whole life ahead of him.
Popular theory is that it's a siren.
>You couldn't even save one of your men from execution!!
This isn't the first time either.
Thanks OP btw.
Better than Vegapunk's dragged broadcast
Can't believe Kaido and Big Mom didn't get anything like this for their send-offs.
This was Bump Piece's peak. It's al downhill from this point unfortunately.
One day is my favorite OP, pure kino
That moron chose that option. Also didn't ask for help. Also 'crew member' in so far as he quit and joined someone else, then quit them too. 'Short' term companion of like 4 years?
>both kept themselves low in the face of the government
Blackbeard did that as part of his plan, Buggy just never tried to reach the top tier
I still don't think they're dead.
Kaido got a flashback of his life that showed his "goal" was either being or finding Joyboy, a symbol with no meaning to him. Big Mom got an inner monologue childishly lamenting Roger and simultaneously driven by his last words. That's enough for me, but I do understand those wanting more from Kaido.
Not like they could have saved him since Wano is closed, they find out about his death years later
>how did Whitebeard never get into a situation where if he stayed and fought for his honor he would have for sure died?
Whitebeard only cares for family. He doesn't pick meaningless fights and based on this, he has a large fleet to back him up, plus for most of his early career, he was on the strongest crew in history; hard to wind up in a losing fight in that crew. . His only chances for people pre-present day that would have a chance to kill "the strongest man in the world" would be Kaido, who has been squatting Wano for a score, Big Mom who is mainly a colony of islands on her own with mob taxes exported, Shiki whose breadth is unclear, and Roger, who he'd fight against to an ultimate parley.
Anyway i liked how fucking 20 years later we learn the actual spelling of the name, it added some mistery to it
Oda just knows how to do it.
Fucking rude of crocus to say raftel, he should know. Has the katakana for it always been consistent? We didn't know the truth until the first time it was shown in english. Was elbaf just to blunt?
...no? She's always been the crescent moon hunter.
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last time I tried doing the green, it came out looking like absolute shit. If I had a cleaner B+W, I'd try it, but...
Has courage ever been even implicit to being a D.? It’s only ever been an ominous coincidence that those who bear it are ones that tend to impact the direction of the world.

If it’s revealed more in egghead please don’t spoil me
We learn utterly nothing about Ds from VP.

Extreme spoilers there. Don't roll over it.
Lmao, we learn literally nothing in egghead.
So he was definitely a buccaneer, right.
vegapunk tells everyone about Ds...except the feed gets cut off coincidentally during the IMPORTANT revelations, so NOPE, we learn ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...except that the One Piece being found will basically destroy the WG as it is.
The pacing from Sabaody to Marineford is kinda insane. It's hard to believe how things slow down to a crawl with the timeskip.
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Yes, you will also recognize this as a haki plothole. As several characters should have been able to sense all the 'will' (inhabitants) of the battlefield at all times. The fool who has been saying haki is only a kuja technique is plain wrong, but Oda did not yet flesh out how haki dependent he was going to make everything postTS.
And he's still trying to cut stuff. World altering events get a few pages, offscreened or aftermath via a newspaper comment.
Huge aoe CoO types like koby are rare it seems. There's also the whole mentality thing. Koby and Asia are presumably massive pacifists/do gooders, their nature rejects sensing so many (on any side) dying/getting injured. With CoO, there does seem to be a thing some users pick up on more than others, probably just what they care about personally and they focus on that. The calm requirement I think is bullshit. Luffy's used it when not calm. Koby and Asia were not calm during their 'I can sense hundreds dying, make it stop' awakening.
o7 ;_;
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>Has courage ever been even implicit to being a D.?
there has been that recurring theme of Ds smiling right before they died or as they thought they would die. Roger and Luffy on the scaffold, Saul as he was being frozen, Rogue at Ace's birth and now Ace in Luffy's arms. Though I'd argue that Blackbeard is in a different situation right now, he's not facing certain death against whitebeard here. The death-smile is more something that pops up when the D in question absolutely knows for certain there is no way out anymore. There have been scenes where even Luffy looked afraid
Blackbeard is everything people think Buggy to be, basically.
And Luffy didn't smile with G5 'death'. Granted I think the idea was that he got bonked too hard/fast to do so.
Never heard this theory before but I love it and can't believe I never thought of that.
literally WHO?
Are we forgetting when he executed a fleeing marine?
>probably just what they care about personally and they focus on that
As we see with Sanji's CoO being super effective at sensing women in need.
>Laffitte lived in West Blue and worked as a sheriff, but was exiled because he was excessively cruel and violent
This guy's going to go full edgelord when we finally get to his designated SH matchup isn't he
>takes a few hits before wising up
i remember it looking like he was just conditioning blackbeard to the same effect in the anime, its been a while since i watched the anime though
They call her maiden hunter in a more recent chapter, because she goes after beautiful girls to kill them out of a mixture of jealousy and homoerotic feelings.
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There should be one wound on his back from when Squard impaled straight through his body
He was bleeding from that one the longest and it took him completely off guard too. He told Squard it was nothing, but I wonder if this wound sealed his face and made him less able to block other attacks as he weakened.
>sealed his face
For fuck's sake.
Do you have slightest idea of how many nations do that during wars?
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>first Magellan, and now Vasco
LusitaniaBros, we've won!
In One Piece or in real life?
We're gonna need more than that.
ZEHAHAHAHA! See? You can't bump your threads anymore!
It's over... We've lost.
Hahahahaha, based.
At the same time any 'righteous' reason he might have for his actions is being fueled by him being a murderous evil bastard. Even if he did have some justification he still went about it in the worst way and got all the most evil people he could find to join his crew.
>The fool who has been saying haki is only a kuja technique is plain wrong
no, I'm not wrong
Mythical Zoan Human-Human no mi: model Archangel Gabriel
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jesus what is this perspective, I'm getting dizzy
>Zehahaha I'm a genius!
>Oh no!
>you can't cause your earthquakes anymo- ACK
>Magellan was portuguese
Thought he was italian like Colombo
Definitely the Sanji of this crew
Roger absolutely demolished three gourds of sake
was cool when big mom got her hand busted/dislocated and used her power to 'heal' by animating it, really wish we got to see these guys get pushed to their limit a bit more instead of just having the big finishing attacks end it. pretty sure they aren't dead so we might see something from them still near the end, who knows.
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Chapter 577 - Outrageous Events One After Another
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Holy shit, why is Zorro nutbusting Chopper?
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TWO Devil Fruits?!?

End of Chapter.
No SBS / Afterpage Tonight.
Tomorrow: A Gift for the New Era
Y'know, when the final confrontation happens, I'm kind of hoping it's not really a fight but a complete blowout of Blackbeard getting smashed by Luffy. It'd be weirdly fitting for a character like him.
Never understood why Akainu was so cordial with Jimbei.
Best Akainu.
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>fight starts with Luffy smacking BB around
>cut to another fight
>come back to the main fight with Blackbeard having already defeated Luffy
I can see that happening too to some degree - BB is an extremely underhanded person.

If it was up to me, while Luffy is dealing with the inevitable Imu clash, I'd have Usopp fight BB.
>TWO Devil Fruits?!?
More like THREE devil fruits The other one is the Offscreen Offscreen no Mi
So they are giving Whitebeard's corpse to Moria to be used as zombie, right? That would make the most sense
thanks for posting, op
I just noticed the crying
>His body is odd. Maybe that explains it.
>As you know, Teech isn't normal.
>His body is... odd.
Now that we're getting close to endgame, what do guys think the explanation for this will be?
My money is still on Siamese twin theory.
Wouldn't be surprised if it's some Bucaneer trickery and the reason why the WG wanted them gone.
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He offscreened his brother while still in the womb
pretty weird that the admirals care more about the stragglers than dealing with a warlord betraying them to do ??? with whitebeard’s corpse.
The offscreen haki of the king...
The fact he could do that without any training is pretty impressive, fruit users tend to need some time to learn how their powers work. Wonder if he steals some knowledge as well as the power or something
I still like the Cerberus fruit theory, so he has one logia, one paramecia, and one zoan. Fits with his 3 headed flag too.
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I feel like I have seen this exact image like 10 times already in this arc
how is that building still standing?
Why don't the 3 admirals, Garp, and Sengoku immediately jump him?
Akainu is more focused on killing Luffy, Aokiji was dragged along for that, Sengoku is busy holding Garp down because Garp would really like to kill Akainu, and Kizaru is too busy being incompetent.
Extremely cute.
I know that you're probably joking, but Chopper is holding onto Zoro's leg because he's afraid of the alligators.
I've mentioned it before, but Blackbeard is clearly more of a chosen one than Luffy.
Thanks, OP.
he has two penises
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Multiple souls in one body, somehow
Thanks OP! This is still the sickest reveal in all of OP, I remember being shocked reading it as it came out. Wish I could've seen the threads back then, but I'm too much of a newfag.

BB's concept art from Road to Laugh Tale included two sisters, I assume he absorbed them somehow and became three souls in one body, which is also why he can't sleep anymore. My personal theory is that he absorbed them in the womb, and the two adult sisters Oda drew are visions of them BB still sees in his mind and what keeps him from sleeping at night.

Personally I don't buy that theory. Marco and the WB pirates apparently have a pretty good idea about what's letting him use multiple devil fruits, and if they knew that it was due to another fruit then they'd have no reason to be surprised about him using WB's fruit. They'd have to be shocked about him using the yami yami no mi instead. Didn't actually catch it before, but Shiryu asking wether they'd disband if Blackbeard fails heavily implies the BB pirates weren't sure he was gonna survive the process in the first place. That wouldn't make sense if he'd already done it once before. I don't believe he just means BB wouldn't be worth following without the gura gura either, since he was already on board before he knew his plans.
I do think that it's very likely he's gonna get a third fruit, likely a Zoan, at some point to fill out his three-headed theme, but I think either the Nika fruit or whatever Imu's fruit is, are the most likely candidates.
>overconfidence and carelessness.. those are your weaknesses
I like how Blackbeard actually takes those words to heart and becomes a lot more careful about picking his fights after this.
>visions of them BB still sees in his mind and what keeps him from sleeping at night.
I prefer the idea that the 3 souls can take turns controlling his body, and he never sleeps because if he gets tired, his active soul can sleep and another can take over
>Waited until WB died
>Personally I don't buy that theory
If BB was honest about his "condition" to Marco and the others he would have been a real big idiot. He's the crafty type, he wouldn't just spill his secrets to people he would betray in the future. He probably showed/told them he was born with 3 hearts or something which is just a passive side effect of the fruit the same way Chopper has human intelligence in all his forms after eating his fruit.
Him having 3 "heads" also explains his sleeping condition, at least one of them is always awake. The failure thing is probably just about stealing the fruit rather than dying from trying to eat another fruit. And he's definitely right about WB not being worth following without the EQ fruit since he almost lost to Ace who wasn't even a captain
Not only that, he literally tunneled all the way to the edge of the plaza, on the other side of the crevasse from WB. Dude literally crawled away from Whitebeard as far as he could.
I've seen some theories suggesting BB getting Orochi's devil fruit, as it would fit with the whole multiple head asthenic
>That's the power of my Sage-Sage Fruit!
Sweet, only 544 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
>or whatever Imu's fruit is
Imu doesn't have a fruit. The Yami fruit is somebody's dream of being like Imu.
>...The power of the report-report fruit that destroys all the threads!!!
it's really sad because Rayleigh in particular spoke about how he'd love to meet up with his old pals again some day
oh no, he's desecrating his body! will these sick fucks take turns?
he's fat enough for two people, that's what Marco is getting at
>I know that you're probably joking, but Chopper is holding onto Zoro's leg because he's afraid of the alligators.
wait, is that what's happening? I figured Chopper was begging Zoro to stop hurting those poor animals
>he likes those gross ass pies, his body is clearly abnormal
Thanks OP.
And just like the manga, Sagebeard won this time...
Thanks, OP.
Thanks OP for the daily OP!
>zehaha my era
>never relevant again
good one dude
I don't care about Big Mom possibly still being alive because she was defeated by Law and Kid and she have a devil fruit that could easily save her from manu things, Kaido however should remain dead because having the man that Luffy had to defeat to become a proper top tier return like nothing happened would be very bad.
>Seven warlords of the sea
As if they did anything
>Kaido however should remain dead because having the man that Luffy had to defeat to become a proper top tier return like nothing happened would be very bad
I dunno Croc returning wasn't really that big of a deal and he's basically the same but for that part of the story.
Look at the building, it had many Down D Stairs protecting it
He might still think there's a chance to appeal to Jimbeis shichibukai side, he's a master manipulator by one piece standards if we go by squard.
The thread is hanging on by a thread.
Given that we've seen respawn mechanics, why did it take so long for WBs fruit to 'leave him', I'd have thought it would be near instant upon death.
Probably just died very slowly
Or fruits with stronger attachment to their previous user take longer to spawn
>"Jimbei please rejoin the warlords, we need that fishman representation. You are the only fish worth of the title, if we just hire a human Morgan will write an article on how the WG is racist."
Ah, the Blackbeard reveal. My favorite thing to tell friends getting into the series when they reach this is WE'RE STILL FUCKING WAITING FOR AN EXPLANATION

I never liked the Cerberus theory, because it's too cliche to me and as we know it's not another fruit that gives him his unique ability. Even moreso, because his animal inspiration isn't a dog, it's a hippo. Did you know hippos have multiple-chambered stomachs and sleep 16 hours a day, by the way?

The craziest part is that, since this point, we only have learned his "never sleeps" deal, which informs the SBS of him as a child looking upset with a moon in the background (plus Shanks' line about his life being "twice as fun" and the throwaway convo between Luffy and Sanji in Drum)...but we DO have an example of dual personalities with one that emerges when the other sleeps: Cavendish and Hakuba. If BB has three personalities, they can alternate every 8 hours...so each personality can sleep 16 hours. If it's gonna be any animal, I want Hippo.
With Pizarro and San Juan, it's an iberian sweep
Luffy... LIVE
hes tunnel visioning Luffy.
huge loss for the WG here
they defeat Whitebeard through great cost and effort, and the power vacuum is filled almost instantly
Buggy is ever merciful. Whitebeard lived and died at his whims.
>the power vacuum is filled almost instantly
But how many times can this happen?
Sagebeard struck us in our weakest hour...
>literally oozing magma
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
He doesn't look too intimidating either. No bark, all bite. What a fucking legend
Fantastic escalation
Almost makes me want to basedpog
My theory that uses info from Egghead.
I think Blackbeard is a Buccaneer and they naturally produce Green Blood. "His body is different"
Vegapunk uses Green Blood and Lineage Factor to MIMIC paramecia fruits, such as the Quake fruit.
Blackbeard used the Yami fruit to steal and fuse some of Whitebeard's DNA to his in order to gain that Lineage Factor. Now he can MIMIC the Quake fruit but didn't actually prevent the fruit respawn.
I don't think you can be a buccaneer and a D at the same time? I guess several hundred years of descendants might change that I suppose
I think BB is lying about being a D. Hence his crying when papa spanked him.
If you have to go that far to justify your headcanon I don't think it's a theory worth considering, sorry
If buccaneers are really some sort of specific human/giant hybrid, and Saul is/was a D., why can't they be?
>no wounds on back
So was Squadro the first one ever who pierced through his body? Otherwise he should have scars on his back from previous decades.
Who is this guy?
my take is that he wasn't doing anything and everyone was focused on the bigger threats. we know haki isn't omniscent both luffy and katakuri don't see flambé and she's actively attacking
huh, that would explain why he can't be intangible like other logias but i think having two fruits is a different thing. he never slept his whole life and was described as "living two lives". the dark dark probably "just" lets him extract the "devil" and put it where he wants. that's how he can steal powers to give his crew later on. having two fruits is just him being weird
probably one of the few deaths that can rival raoh from fist of the north star

i like the theory where he took the D. despite not being one it is implied the D. can be taken up by anyone who understands its meaning. Teach is a history buff and probably liked it, but he may have not taken its true meaning into himself.
that's probably why whitebeard tells him "he's not the one"
they're both actual pirates. buggy is basically a Charisma 10 Luck 10 build, but while he's weak he has the ambition and the charisma to pull people under him. he's also a parallel to luffu because he also has the ability to turn everyone into allies.
power wanking isn't the only way to make it through the pirate life and buggy shows it
also i trust for him to unveil he has CoC, he simply never awakened it cause he quit his ambitions until luck landed him in the spot to chase them. he completely btfo'd croc and mihawk
we learn that dfs effectively rewrite the user's dna. you can probably copy their powers with the dark dark and maybe the respawned fruit becomes inert. the fruits can seemingly tell when one bite has been swallowed, even if you cut it in half
This daily? Never existed
I really love how they colored Akainu's magma
Will never understand why the fandom love to make this overcomplicated theories, there's isn't a single time something was revealed as a complicate thing
It's both hilarious and sad how people say that this is Shanks brother only because they both have a sword with the same handle
Yea there's some weirdness to the meta magic system. Fruits just know/apply to one at a time, zoans are clone-able and paramecia can be 'copied'.

Is OP going some weird meta narrative like Ohkubo took FF? He cracked the code years in advance and decided to do the whole MC is a metaverse creating/rewriting god thing first? OP is just fundamentally bizarre at times, but also doesn't as yet go too far. But hell, would people be mad if nika was full on reality warper, almost final god boss of the setting like shinra? You pushed him too far and now the world and reality bends to his whims.

Like ultimate power, isn't that what people often wish for? To set the world as they want?
Young. Sword user. As yet unknown character. I'd have guessed ROCKs, but he doesn't look 60-70. All you need to know is that someone was listening to the broadcast and it made them decide it's time to join the fray.
a spoiler

kek classic meme
(You)? Never posted
This spoiler? Never existed.
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Chapter 578 - A Gift for the New Era
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robin is a bird goddess.
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That bird is clawing Zoro's eyes out
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Sengoku is a fucking joke
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croco d. ile
Bullshit that Jimbei survived this, he should have been fried Kujira.
I like how he goes all feral Fishman in the anime here growling and hunched over.
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Marineford is where wounds just flat out stopped mattering.
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End of Chapter.
Tomorrow: A Few Seconds of Courage
what was /a/ like when this happened?
I really hope the akainu military coup happens because I'm starting to feel bad for marinefags.
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It was glorious
So Jimbo doesn't know haki either?
Otherwise he could have actually touch and hurt Akainu
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Akainus haki is stronger, pay fucking attention.
Cumming bricks.
that's not how haki vs logia works
so why is there a hole?
Deus ex Law.
Thank you OP.
>Zoans can't just warp around attacks like tha-ACK!
Did anyone use this to theorize Jinbei as the next straw hat?
We saw him leave Sabaody, which is very close to Marineford, around the time that the broadcast got interrupted the first time. He did arrive in the nick of time but he arrived in literally the last moment to be useful given the war is already basically over.
"God from Law"?
>what is Kuma's backstory incorporated a history of slavery, revolutionary, tyranny, warlord, etc.
Thinking about this, you might be onto something. GIven the green is just a gag of Vegapunk's "failure" it could very well be derived from an existing sample. I dunno if I'd go as far as saying he could be a Buccaneer just because Saturn was nonspecific about his bloodline, but there could be something to it.
Akainu has observation haki, could've just dodged it
I expect Akainu to be doing the same trick Katakuri does. A skilled logia user with good observation haki can reform his body to avoid the haki
pls bump
>and who are you, kid?
>it's actually law
>bro he just morphed the exact part of his body to avoid being hit xd
Please stop this madness
Get help
Ok then think of this like thisObservation Haki is a kind of future sight where you can sort of experience an attack before it actually lands, then as a Logia you just need to change to a similar feeling of the possible wound
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Thanks OP
>logia can morph their body
>logia don't have to maintain a humanoid shape
>so they can dodge with that
>logia can morph their body
>logia don't have to maintain a humanoid shape
>so they can dodge with that
>so they can morph that specific part of their body to exactly pixel-perfect avoid any attack
The anime staff know that fishman are animals
So what's your cope gonna be when it's literally explained that's exactly what logia users do in WCI? Because I WILL call you out when we get there.
it's a retcon oda didn't plan anything and it's unique exactly to katakuri
ok... which logia user does that in WCI?
Kuma backstory is him being a slave, becoming free, join a group of people that fight for freedom and turning into a slave again, there's nothing complicated about it unlike this theory of Blackbeard being part of race of DNA-absorbing people, green blood doesn’t even work like that and buccaners probably have will based ability from what we have seen. Many One Piece (and anime in general) theories are just some fanfiction tier trash
When something happens first and is explained later you call that setup, not a retcon.
wrong, never happened until WCI and never happened since it's headcope
Damn that's the lamest cope yet.
>get destroyed with facts and logic
>no refutation, just giving up
so you admit I'm right
>get destroyed with facts and logic
>no refutation, just giving up
Strange description of yourself but okay.
>We know haki users can hit and hurt logia user's at this point (whitebeards goons explicitly said they expected Aokiji to be hurt because of a haki infused attack, and we saw Rayleigh do it as early as Sabaody)
>We know Logia users can shape their body into their element at will
>We know all the admirals are haki users skilled in observation haki
>We know from Skypeia that observation haki users can accurately predict how their opponents are going to strike
With all this informationvalready provided to us ahead of time, the logical conclusion is that high tier logia users use their observation haki to predict their opponents attacks and use their logia powers to dodge them. There is no retcon going on, everything is already there, it's just a case of looking at all the clues given to us.
>Inb4 but I need writers to spend half a chapter spoon-feeding me every bit of information because I'm too dumb to read even slightly between the lines
That's your problem. This is probably just some elaborate bait and I fell for it hook line and sinker but fuck it, I just can't stand this level of retardation.
So Trebol moving his real body into a different section of mucus is fine as a paramecia but a Logia can't...just morph out of the way? Even one of the three great powers, a fucking Admiral, somehow can't dodge just because you're too autistic to understand it? Do you think Haki stops it from being and behaving as the element or something?
That dragon is so happy. is that a tontatta on Nami's shirt?
Jinbei TANKED that.
>when the villain sees something so fucked up, they decide to side with the hero
Love that trope.
I always forget about this part.
Thanks, OP.
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with haki (no matter how strong or weak it is) you can hit the real body of the logia user
that's it
the admiral's in this arc are not "dodging" any attacks, it's just Oda being inconsistent with haki
if they were actually dodging we would see them doing the actual dodging part
look at this image
look at it and tell me with a straight face that this is a dodge
You are such a stupid zoomer.
Sweet, only 543 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
Thanks OP
I love how crocodile may be an absolutely reprehensible piece of shit, but he pledged himself to help luffy here, and he fucking followed through.

I love when villains, who are 100% villains, agree to temporary truces with the hero to do what needs to get done.
fucking ENTER
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this whole arc was a nonstop fucking hype train.
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Even when armored, magma still behaves as magma, whether that means getting cut, or getting a piece blown out. Logia users aren't invulnerable via their element form, but Haki does not stop them from assuming their element. Cutting magma might hurt Akainu underneath, but it doesn't make him not react as magma would react.
The damage is passed on, which means it can be defended against by Haki. We know, demonstrably, that Haki lets you touch a Logia's tru form and damage them as well as manhandle them, but they're still made of that element.
>if they were dodging we would see them doing the actual dodging part
Like sculpting a hole where you were about to be hit >>269189397? Would we see that dodge on-panel how it is? Or do you need another example of an admiral molding around an attack to believe that's what that is?
Akainu did not dodge WB's punches and you saw what happened to him there
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>it's unique exactly to katakuri

fucking KAIDO was able to do it.
jesus those scribbles on a napkin
>i will not ask again
>asks again
>running away, need as much speed as possible
>keeps the sandals on
Thanks OP for the daily OP!
More proof that Haki did more to strengthen Logias than it did to give them another weakness. Seastone haters have zero arguments.
>Seastone haters have zero arguments.
Other than the main one that it's really fucking boring to win because you have a rock rather than your dreams and experience outweigh your opponent's. Yknow, those driving forces behind why we care about a character? Yeah making those the power source was way dumber than just giving everyone magic rock weapons.
Didn't help Enel
Don't have the fluffly tail so no
I am insanely glad that Buggy seems to be one of Oda's favorites, he's always great. If everything built up with him pays off in the end I think I can pretty much forgive every iffy part of the manga
I honestly believe Buggy will become the pirate king
for me it's basically a certainty. either luffy is the actual one but everyone thinks buggy is and luffy doesn't care or after luffy completes his dream he doesn't need the role anymore and buggy takes it
that's how it works, nigger
Oi Sengoku what about holding done Garps murder boner?
>gets hole'd
>we've never seen the wound
>tires to haki karate punch
>it doesn't work
I don't think jimbe got that much stronger over the TS, he just was really up there in the worlds strength hierarchy.
He's not bleeding, he has no scar, the attack did not land and hit his real body.
He's got his own hax with that heartbeat revival thing. But yea, if you're worried should have just left the seastone skates on top of him. That said, skypiea knows what seastone is, some primitives have skates, does someone up their have carving capability?
Aokiji just dodged WB. The fuck are we even on about here. At least two instances in this one arc of a logia morphing to avoid an attack and there's paramecia to come later who do the same.
Yeah, it's not actually impressive for an attack to be no-sold it just makes the attack itself seem weak. Whitebeard tanks purely because he won't quit and it gives the idea that he's always gotten blown to bits in big fights and needed Marco to patch him up. He just doesnt care about pain, pure willpower
Literally every time
It's still funny
>fuck you, don't you dare let them win
Man hates being told what to do so much he'll turn hero out of sheer spite.
name 50
Was the crocmom theory solidified here or later on? I believe the theory just because it would be funny but I like to know the history
Think it was more with the kid version and Croc facing away during the execution. So you can't see if he's a man face.
literally how it works when you face skilled Logias.
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>the shot of roger's execution in the live action series, where croc should have been, had a woman
I get it. It's like how Zoro has been completely empty as a character so far, because he's just waving around a piece of metal. There's nothing about his dreams of being the greatest swordsman and his experience as a swordsman that have any visible payoffs in his waving of that piece of metal around, or how he picked out his particular pieces of metal. It's nothing without a big ol' heaping vat of Dream Juice poured over everything. It'd be a total cheat item to have too: see how Smoker absolutely trounced Hancock in this arc; especially since we've seen no situations so far where any stresses or stakes have been placed on his access/ability to use that piece of metal.

Same with Luffy. There's somehow actually people out there that are dumb enough to think that Luffy should rely on his teammates for fights with Logias or other weird fruits. They say dumb things like "oh it expresses how Luffy's dream of freedom has inspired others, and exemplifies the bonds he's forged with them, so it'd be cool to see them use their unique skillsets to contain, capture, or defeat logias even without seastone." It's retarded. Luffy should just be able to punch everything because he's dreamed hard enough, and has trained his dream-having ability. That's the coolest way to express his dreams pushing himself further, not relying on his nakamas as a captain.
Garp love for Ace was worth only a couple of minutes
Half the crew are just liabilities in some fights.
Someone seems really mad their Seastone rings and shoes idea was called fucking stupid...
>where Croc should have been
According to what, just who's meant to appear? Calm down, crocofags.

At every stage of the Crocomom theory it falls to pieces.
>ohh Iva knows a secret!!
Iva's a revolutionary and Crocodile isn't so sexist as to see women/being a woman as a shameful thing. "Knows a secret" is a really odd way to phrase "they're in my debt" when they would have had to have direct contact to switch Croc.
>oh Croc was mad in Marineford! after Dragon was revealed as Luffy's dad!!
Croc has no reaction panel to that and immediately after is still aiming for Whitebeard's head, he only acts mad after Whitebeard gets stabbed by Squard and made a fool of (in Croc's mind).
>it would be funny
It would ruin Alabasta as a story if the ultimate villain was also, unbeknownst to either of them, Luffy's mom. That's fucking idiotic.
There's literally only two possible details that actually support it and nobody ever brings them up.
that was based directly on a scene from...I think loguetown? Or possibly later, where we saw mihawk, smoker, and other characters watch roger's death.

Crocodile was in the original shot.

honestly, crocomom is the biggest stretch, but it's a fun as hell theory IMO.
Chapter 0.
>Crocodile was in the original shot
It's not a shot. There are several panels, not one. And we don't see fucking Moria in live-action either, maybe he was Unnamed Extra #2 who looks nothing like them? There being a shot of A Woman in an adaptation is not proof of fucking anything.
>it's a fun as hell theory
Enlighten me. What's fun about Luffy beating up his mom? What's the Oedipal humor I'm missing? OH WOW THIS GUY WAS ACTUALLY SOMEONE ELSE how fucking funny is THAT
Yeah we still don't know his fruit even though we know what the others ate.
Interesting, he just tanks them anyway.
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>What is darkness's weakness? It's light.
>Under a black shroud, he's at his peak
>Blackbeard's wins happen offscreen
>when he's out of the spotlight
Wait a gosh darn minute.
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>Showrunners put this in trying to be sneaky because Oda isn't gonna pick up on some random extra in the crowd or realize it's supposed to be Crocodile
>Live action reaches Alabasta
>"Look Oda-san, we actually cast Crocodile back in season 1"
>Showrunner gets fired and gets replaced with someone who doesn't think Kamala Harris embodies the spirit of Luffy
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>kills ace
>melts half of whitebeards face off and donuts his torso, basically kills him
>punches a hole through jinbei and scars luffy
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Bumpffy will defeat you one day, Sageinu!
The Gomu Gomu no mi should have been a real fruit which looked identical to the Nigga Nigga No Mi. That's why the Gorosei didn't go as hard for Luffys head since they thought he just got the Gomu Gomu No Mi since he didn't awaken it. Also get rid of the whole Whos Who and Shanks shit.
Nami confirmed man
we are!
We Are!
>Jimbei?!!! As the next straw hat?!!!!
Over my dead body!
Oh, shut up, Law! You're nothing but an opportunist.
that's probably why oda didn't let him join right after fishman island. tho i wish he didn't wait until fucking wano act three
Thank you for posting.
>page 10
lol no
>page 11
It's over...
So outside of San Juan, did the others also had devil fruits before impel, or did they get them from BB?
That would have made for a fun cover story after Luffy goes Full Nika/Gear 5. The cover story is a flashback of this other guy who had the Gomu Gomu no Mi being mirked by admirals before Ennies Lobby, because he'd died his hair white.
It was a good time to invest in Akainucoin.
My hero, so brave
How is crocodile simultaneously so weak and so strong?
The REAL Pirate King right here.
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His power is like a shonen protagonist rather than a villains. It goes up and down based on his motivation.
>All commanders + Crocodile vs Akainu
>Akainu comes out of this unscathed
Yonko commanders have always been giga jobbers.
These threads bringing up the goodies as usual I see.
>That neck
Was he the original
>I am a genius!
>Oh no!
I love Bepo, he’s so cute
No, the original is from Gundam
>And to start with...... I'M GONNA SINK THIS THREAD!!
Abandon ship!
A thread can always be remade! But the thread of Bump Piece is the hub of our board!! For all the posters of the board who fear an invasion of tourists!! This is an ominous day... but posting and discussion will never be defeated!! Don't you dare speak lightly of sinking this thread, you fiend!!
>I'll help him bump!!
>Leave him to me!!
>I'm a bumper!!
where is op
a bumper?
Believe in OP
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Chapter 579 - A Few Seconds of Courage
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I wish underage newfags like yourself would understand that "crocomom" was just a shitpost that left its target audience and never a theory at all until normie One Piece readers like yourself intervened and took the shitpost at face value.
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RIP chin tattoo guy
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Iconic face
>Something's wrong! This isn't justice.
How is killing murderers, rapists, thieves, criminals not justice?
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what a little bitch
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what was Blackbeard thinking right here
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A SECOND Emperor has entered the War-torn field!!!
End of Chapter.
Tomorrow: The War's Conclusion
They're abandoning dying marines (innocent lives) to punish the guilty.
they are risking their lives every day to dispose of those criminals
they know what they signed up for
I never understood that box format. Is he only saying "It's a waste of human life!" and then thinking "Each and every soldier..." or is he saying both?
There's a pretty stark difference to losing one's life to save another and losing one's life so someone can sate their petty bloodlust. The fighting is over, the pirates were routed.

Maybe you're trolling, or a speedreader, but this entire arc is/was driven by the navy killing someone not on their actual crimes but on the fact they were blood related to someone who was.

I don't necessarily disagree with your initial statement, but it's coming at the cost of innocent lives when any sane individual would agree it's not worth it.
No, the thinking is done in though bubbles, which looks more like a cloud
The box textbox is usually reserved for the narrator
risking their lives every day so the celestial dragons can hold their annual slavebol extravaganza
Yeah, it's usually a narration box, but here it continues the speech of Koby so it gives the impression he's saying it. How does the anime handle this moment?
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Did he intend to arrive sooner to prevent Ace/WB from dying?
I think it is you who misunderstood the point of this Arc
The whole point of a public execution of Ace was to lure out Whitebeard into a field where they have a disadvantage, to kill them all (freezing them to death, boiling them alive, firing with hundreds of cannons at them, use terminators to terminate them... these all happened here)
Losing a few navy lives was always in the calculation. The Whitebeard pirates have to die. All of them. None shall be left alive.
to be fair it's triennial, so organized every 3 years
only realizing now that the story so far has only taken up like 2.7 years and the next slavebol is definitely gonna be the site for the final war
Thanks OP
>finally shot a laser at someone's head
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it's especially weird with Vista's sword-attack. If Akainu actually morphed around his sword-attack you'd expect the sword-slash to go all the way through, just like it did earlier with Smoker when a non-haki-user attacked him. The fact that the sword only went as far as his neck indicates at least to me that Vista hit some kind of resistance and didn't slash through pure air
Seeing how he waited to go after the One Piece only after Kaido and Big Mom defeat I could see him parking the ship near Marineford and waiting for the old man to die
>the voices in my head.. they're disappearing one by one!
good to see his meds are finally kicking in
Where does this stupid theory even come from, anyway? It’s super popular but as far as I can tell, the only evidence is that Ivankov knows a secret about Crocodile, and people just assume the secret is Crocodile is transsexual? That’s a giant leap in logic, unless I’m missing something.
Balls made of Tungsten.
You're assuming I'm taking it at face value and actually believe it. I know it's stupid, I know it's a joke.
i'm not sure how the croco-mom-theory came to be, must have happened while I was out of fandom, but the femcroc-theory came about specifically because iva's gender-changing powers were pretty much the only thing we know about him at the time, and because it was funny.
Honestly, Koby's being kind of stupid
>A pirate managed to get a second devil fruit, and it's the strongest devil fruit known to man?
>Let him run away and get used to his power, what can go wrong?
Kizaru JOBBED.
Thanks, OP.
The Kobester origins
Thanks OP btw.
Thanks OP
Thanks OP for the daily OP!
>When the chapter was being serialized in Jump, it was just the English title.
Feels kinda crazy that they'd let Oda get away with that. Wonder how many people at the time understood the reference.
Koby says the line in the anime.

The box is only in the colored version when there's boxless thought text. It looks horrible. Oda doesn't do that kind of text, I noticed it months ago and thought it looked wrong, so I confirmed. It's just the color version so they don't like, muddle the text behind lineless art or anything.
sorry, I can never unsee the Buggy edit.
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Yeah, here's the official manga page.
A classic
was hoping for someone to post this
The guy on the left is extremely annoying
Thank you OP.
for having a seemingly strong fruit Kizaru hasn't seemed to accomplish much this arc
The "mom" part of the theory was made by people who couldn't understand why Crocodile started to help Luffy during the arc, as well as shitposters who thought it'd be funny if female Croc got impregnated by Dragon.
Buggy turned his head the last second. I've seen it happen before irl.
>winpy minor character from the beginning of the story comes back 509 chapters later to have a moment in front of every major player in the series
The admirals in the war are the biggest plotholes, they teleport around the battlefield the entire war and other than Ace none of them are allowed to finish their opponents off for good.
Sweet, only 542 plus some yet unreleased chapters to go
It really is. Koby has one of the best progressions in the series and i hope he gets a really cool moment before the series is over.
>Honestly, Koby's being kind of stupid
He’s a humanitarian that joins the upper ranks of the marines (and therefore has a good understanding of how fucked up the World Government is) without quitting or staging a coup. So, being dumb is completely in character. Especially since he’s Garp’s successor.
Admiral sisters… what is our response here? Yonko chads are LAUGHING at us!
The genuine confusion of BB’s face lol.
Its when he decided he would take his bussy
This entrance is cool, but
>it wouldn't be any fun if he died here
Is such a weird line for law to say
wait till next chapter.
where the yonkeks can only watch as the admirals still attack luffy anyway
It was established in a previous thread that croc's secret was that he was bald
real fans have always sided with the SEVEN CHADLORDS OF THE SEA instead of yonkeks or fraudmirals
The idea of a major villain being the protagonist's mom is an unexpected inversion of expectations. It's funny.
And (you) have autism.
>waaah waaaah waaah
I've never understood how Shanks manages to reach here in time. We hear he's fighting Kaido in the New World near the start of Impel Down, even assuming that's late intel coming a day later, that gives what, 3 days MAX for Shanks to fight and presumably win(?) against part of the Beast Pirates, while also keeping his ship coating intact, descend to Fishman Island, come back up in Paradise, and THEN go to Marineford.
nobody does ugly cries like Oda does
I really appreciate it
Since this arc is pretty much done I want to give major props to Oda for how good it is. I remember when this arc first started it was at the height of "ultimate war!!" arcs for shounen - Naruto and Bleach had theirs started before this this iirc, but theirs were just a bunch of 1v1 fights in a row. One Piece's actually felt like a war, with fast paced skirmishes, fodder, chaos, hype etc. Very good.
he could have killed luffy at least 3 times throughout the entire arc but he just kicks him around or doesnt actually aim for the head
>while also keeping his ship coating intact, descend to Fishman Island, come back up in Paradise
Since when were you under the impression that he went under the Red Line and not over?
His hakimen crew swum here while pulling the boat at supersonic speed.
Hey don't call Red Hair a wimp
My wife is so CUTE...
>Luffy inspires Coby to stand up for himself at the start of the story
>Later Coby stands up to corrupted justice, saving Luffy with the precious seconds he stole
Beautiful writing by Oda Sensei fr fr on god
its going to be the next arc, in elbaf, shanks was scouting the place before dabbing on Kid, and the SH are going to fight the royal knights
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but the warlord disbanded. and two of them became yonkeks...
One Piece peaked here and in the next chapter.
So do you guys think Whitebeard got powercreeped or not as a yonkou in latter half?
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Kizaru can machine gun snipe people from kilometers away. Him not decimating all but the elite pirates is a plot hole, yes. But it's not like it's anymore egregious than any of the haki stuff.
How does he work anyway? He goes massive mode and only up to his shins are in the water, thus safe? Zunesha has legs 10km long, and presumably a good few hundred meters are in the water right? But we've not heard of Zunesha plowing into skyislands or being visible from RL.
I've come...
to bump this thread
we are at 500 posts, this thread is over
Random dead commander?
He's an actual fucking westaboo right?
It's a show case fight for the most part. Kizaru is the biggest plothole even before this arc, he point a finger at you and make a hole, but for some reason he only puts a hole in hawkins side and sanji's side instead of their heads. MF more than any arc before it shows that fights are spectacle that take a huge backseat to desired outcome (plot) and themes. It was there for a long time, but after this you've just got to accept that this series is not a 'character holds back their instakill moves for when it matters/every is going for the kill in every fight' kind of series.
He doesn't want Luffy to die because he's secretly a Joyboyian
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That's no random, that's 10th Division Commander Curiel! The 11th most important person in Whitebeard's crew.

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