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Reminder that Griffith was raped daily while being tortured for a whole year.
he deserved for being a pedo groomer and raping that poor girl
Do you think the King would ever come down to rape him for fucking his daughter?
I like going to flea markets. You wouldn't believe how many of those get sold there.
How did you know what that was?
He already knew what it felt like anyway
Just selling rectal dilating devices? Why?
Grooming yes but idk about rape
Anybody else think the King went a bit overboard in Griffith’s punishment?
Yeah, he should have just killed him.
No idea. Either there was some wide spread scam to get intimate pictures of women or my nation's image as the biggest fetishist central of Europe is true.
I'd guess he had hot coals shoved up his ass and shit like that. Being raped would be nothing compared to how he ended up.
Not like that was the first time that faggot took it up the ass.
Too easy for Griffith, and to be fair it’s not like he knew he would ever escape.
Daily and nightly!
I keep coming back to Berserk for some reason. It's such a masterpiece. I almost want to give Vinland Saga another chance because apparently it's the most Berserk-like out there, but I didn't really feel it the last time I tried.
Hxh is berserk but better
Does anyone have the links to the /a/ storytime we did after Miura died?
I bet the torturer have him a griffussy
Think you can use the tool to spread a vagina to see the cervix?
they do in fact use in the obstetrics and hentai
He probably was castrated
don't care
author is dead
series is over
By me.
Imagine how neutered he must have felt. The empowerment restored with the Femto dong must have been exhilarating. He just had to use it on Casca.
Not probably, certainly. He was basically completely crippled when they rescued him. Torturing him was a punishment, not means to some end like it usually is. Genitalia would be first on the chopping block for causing a man suffering. His vocal cords were cut for gods sake so he couldnt even scream, they were just torturing him to death as slowly as possibly.
It wasn’t to death, the King specifically said Griffith should not be killed. So it was basically a torture/imprisonment for life type thing. To that end, I think it’s likely he wasn’t castrated. Genital torture sure, but not full severance. He was to be tortured for decades so they would have save that for the end. I think the torture wouldn’t have gotten rid of such a “fun” part to play with so soon either, since he was supposed to be there for the long haul.
Hope you’re proud of yourself.
where did you get this picture of me
Maybe try Claymore manga
crate fell off the back of a truck of medical supplies
>It's such a masterpiece.
Berserk and Neon Genesis Evangelion both present an audience with a 10/10 premise, demonstrate that they can deliver on the premise, and then proceed to routinely fuck it up and waste the audience's time with no end-game.
These properties suck raccoon testicles and are the equivalent of a Patreon that promises greatness but never intends to deliver once the sub count reaches critical mass.
They will remake NGE again and are having no trouble milking Berserk post-Miura because they know you're all a bunch of pachinko-addicted, critical-thought-averse faggots.
So Griffith has been raped more than Guts?
Griffith male pussy must have been immaculate
She wanted it, and back then there were no such things as grooming and pedophilia (with a teenager lol) because people weren't as mentally ill.
Why isn't it specifically mentioned in the manga then?
So if "back then", genders didn't exist, would it now be considered mentally ill to think men are men and women are women?
So is nobody going to point out that the tool on the left is totally different from the tool on the right?
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Before he started looking all emaciated maybe. Btw what’s up with the helmet they had him wear?
It was a jab at him being the Hawk or Falcon iirc.
Yeah the tool on the left is a vaginal speculum. Griffith has a vagina.
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I wonder if the torturer made Griffith run through this torture gauntlet.
back then there wasn't such thing as "rape" either, especially not anal rape with non-penile instruments, so who cares that the little midget stuck shit in his butt? he was a prisoner. at least they didn't kill him
i visit them too
you can find some good bargain used sex toys there
>at least they didn't kill him

they wanted him to suffer
Still don't understand why they changed what the torturer looked like in the 90's anime.
by not killing him, he was given a chance to live and become what he did. death is the ultimate punishment. i don't have sympathy for griffith for being tortured and "raped" by inanimate objects because he actually did rape the princess, with his penis, that's how he got in that predicament, and he then turned around and killed everyone who ever cared about him and brutally tortured and raped the woman who freed him from his torture
what is he pouring down that woman's throat?
not even the same tool retard and you already made this thread multiple times
The king only kept him alive so he could continue torturing him. Griffith was completely destroyed, physically and mentally. Hardly an act of mercy.
Probably like hot oil or something like that.
>The king only kept him alive so he could continue torturing him.
the king didn't even want to torture him, griffith provoked him into doing that because he wanted to be tortured
>Griffith was completely destroyed, physically and mentally.
griffith destroyed himself and blamed other people which is why he ended up doing what he did
>Griffith destroyed himself
No, I’m pretty sure that was the little guy ripping him apart everyday.
>Griffith wanted to be tortured
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he could have said anything else, he have apologized to the king for raping his daughter and taking her virginity so hard she bled into the sheets, he could have begged him for mercy, but he didn't. he called him a pedophile who lusted after his own daughter and a failure of a king in order to anger him and amp up his own punishment because he felt guilty and wanted to punish himself. he smiled when the king whipped him harder because that's what he wanted
This is ridiculous, Griffith was completely correct in his assertions about the king. He absolutely lusted for his daughter. Apologizing would have been pointless, the king would have tortured Griffith no matter what. Just because Griffith was defiant doesn’t mean he wanted his situation. And if he wanted it so bad, why did he try to escape? Clearly Griffith was hoping to obtain kingship by sleeping with Charlotte. He just got caught.
Wtf does Griffith feel guilt for? He’s incapable of it.
Even if it’s just water, it can still kill you.
Too much can dilute the sodium in your blood, I know.
Unless you meant she could choke on it
he was on a high, forgetting his goals he acted out
even sleeping with Charlotte that early was acting out and out of character. It was all because of Gut's defiance. If he was on his normal he would have slept with the king instead, twink faggot
Yeah water intoxication. Though pneumonia is also possible I guess.
Killing him wouldn't have any satisfaction.

Tormenting & butchering him would be infinitely more entertaining
Until it bit him in the ass and he escaped.

He was on the verge of death. The king doesn't care an almost dead guy escapes. It was only through miracle that he was reborn.
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I mean the king was clearly pissed Griffith escaped. He knew he missed his chance to execute him, and was getting desperate trying to kill him before it was too late. He obviously wasn’t satisfied leaving him alive.
Griffith being a glutton for punishment and the king torturing him regardless of what he says can both be true at the same time.
Griffith does apparently have a self destructive streak. He scratched himself until he bled after prostituting himself to Gennon and thinking about the boy soldier who died in his service.
Or he could just let Griffith have his daughter? How about that? He won the fucking war for him.
Similar to the Man in the Iron Mask, and to constantly obscure his vision/breathing
The king is a psycho and wanted to fuck his daughter because she looks like her dead mother.
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it doesn't matter if griffith was correct or not. my point is that he wanted to be punished more
>Just because Griffith was defiant doesn’t mean he wanted his situation.
mhm yeah okay. it's not like he pissed the king off intentionally just to get him to whip him more and then smiled masochistically
They could also heat the mask to scalding temperatures as well.
Hardly seems like a smile, more like an acceptance of your fate. And again why would Griffith want to escape?
Funniest thing is that the King would've executed Griffith for defiling his property, no matter how much she wanted it. Griffith inadvertedly saved his own life by shittalking him.
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>king torturing him regardless of what he says
since the king calling on the torturer is only brought on as a response to griffith accusing him of sexually wanting his daughter, i hesitate to agree with that. i think if griffith had apologized profusely he might have taken pity on him, maybe let him go under the condition of banishment. he would never have had a chance of becoming king though. but griffith didn't want that, he wanted to stay and be punished, and he sealed his fate by hitting the king's nerve so badly he was shaken afterwards
The king probably would have gone up to charlotte’s bed, seen the blood on the sheets, and just get worked up again. I think his resolve to torture Griffith was too strong. He was basically obsessed with it.
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>How delicious, I feel it all over. love, hate, ultimate pleasure, ultimate pain. Life and death, all here to enjoy before our very eyes, The true nature of man and the devil... is here and now !!!
the king had even more of a reason to kill griffith after he said what he did. he had revealed a secret, and then inspired him to ruin his relationship with his daughter by molesting her. it was only after griffith said what he said in the dungeon that the king wanted to kill him after he escaped. first because he thought he had captured charlotte, and second because what griffith said caused him to ruin his own life
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If Griffith wanted to be tortured, why was he screaming in pain so loud the castle could hear him?
screams of pain aren't voluntary
What a cuck.
I don’t think a guy screaming blood-curdling is a sign they enjoy it.
Shit that’s actually true. Griffith probably saved himself from immediate execution like the rest of the hawk by pissing the king off so royally.
that's the point of masochism. it's not that you don't feel pain, it's that you do feel pain and enjoy it. griffith literally dug his nails into his own arms so hard they bled. self-harm is pain and pleasure all at once >>269139046
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Self-harm is one thing, Griffith had zero control of his situation and when it would end. I don’t know how you can look at Griffith’s broken condition and see enjoyment. Why would he even want to punish himself when he’s such a narcissist?
The scene where they take off that mother's shoes and get ready to put coals on her feet is so fucking hot
The king probably would have just executed him normally. The only reason he didn’t was because Griffith’s words got to him so much that he couldn’t bear to end his punishment. Griffith honestly made the right choice.
Probably piss and shit, the creator was annoyingly edgy.
>I don’t know how you can look at Griffith’s broken condition and see enjoyment.
gee maybe it's because of the creepy masochistic smile he gave after the king whipped him that even freaked the king out and struck him as arrogant so he ordered the torturer to wipe the smile off his face
>Why would he even want to punish himself when he’s such a narcissist?
i think you need to reread. griffith feels guilty for being a piece of shit, but not enough to actually stop being one
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If there were ever a word for Miura, it would be edgy.
poor resized asshole woman
I could maybe see more of your point of view if Griffith didn’t blame everyone else for his predicament. Be it Guts or Casca. He took out his frustrations on them because he can’t take responsibility for himself. I don’t see a guy like him wanting punishment.
NGE has a clear end and delivers on everything it promises, aka characters and themes. If you expected reasonable answers out of the actual plot when characters are like “Gendo the blue-blood pattern of the Angel’s third Dirac Sea is interferring with Moses’ string theory dimension” I don’t know what to tell you.
griffith isn't stupid, he knows he's the cause of the problems in his life, he just blames other people to avoid having to hold himself accountable because, like you said, he's a narcissist
Very standard inquisition things, really
I see, so you think he subconsciously wanted to subject himself to torture and punishment as a way to deflect in a sense? To not feel responsibility?
Or tits ripped off woman
no. i think he subconsciously wants to hold himself accountable because he feels guilty for being a bad person, but his ego prevents him from doing that so he blames someone else instead
Do you think it’s another hellraiser thematic borrowing? The intersection between pleasure and pain?
>back then
It is a fantasy world dude
Him having a Daughter probably means he's not a Faggot.
This. The only time they actually fucked she seemed more hesitant about doing it right there and then, than anything. But she seemed very open to the idea and into it (it's Griffith who was thinking about Guts while doing it)
>back then there wasn't such thing as "rape" either
You what? There are laws how to punish rapists /defining what counts as rape from the damn bronze age, anon.
Not all heroes wear capes.
>It's such a masterpiece
there are parts which are good
vinland saga is horrible
nerve gas
Griffith was a faggot that loved Guts so when he lost him he did something retarded that set the wheels IN MOTION to current day. Miura should have cut the story in half.
OP is blind, that's just a wide clamp or weird scissors.
Vinland saga has one of my favorite arcs in manga, the manga prologue arc is really fucking good. The arc following that is still pretty good but drops off hard. Overall it's definitely still worth it.
>Guts avoided this
Look I know the giga Chad warrior storming the castle is a cool trope but how the fuck did Guts survive the conviction arc?
He was surrounded by thousands of armed train guards in their castle full of traps.
It doesn't fucking matter if Griffith was right or not, the point is that Griffith who sold his ass for money to further his campaign and to reach his dream decided to further enrage the King for some fucking reason to completely cut that path to his dream
In which case indicates he had forgotten about his dream because of Guts
HxH is nothing like Berserk though.
But i do say that after watching and then reading HxH, Berserk feels really not that good by comparison. I feel like reading HxH in general made a lot of works in anime/manga medium to me not that good, despite the fact that i loved Berserk and considered it 10/10 story before
The internet in 2024 is rife with seething 30+ women who failed to make the jump to wifetown and now make every discussion of media terrible.
probably but that thing in your image is not what you think it is.
doesn't look like it first of all, second it wouldn't make sense to draw that in the manga's setting
Vinland saga kinda falls flat post Askeladd's death.
*hits pipe*
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Vagabond is actually better and the only manga which i feel is close to berserk in soul and art
What's wrong with being a pedo groomer and raping some worthless whore?
Humiliation ritual
wine of the highest quality
At the time of the conviction arc Guts is several times stronger than his hundred man slayer self. He's not just a really, really strong guy, he is significantly stronger, faster and more durable than any human being could hope to be, to the point that he can wield his iron door of a sword faster than the eye can see, tank blows from apostles and move too fast for human eyes to follow. You could probably throw a thousand people at him and he'd plow through them like a lawnmower.
Grimdark inquisitions are always like this. The real inquisition had plenty of edgy and insane characters as well, y'know.
how kind of him
Statutory rape
>he actually did rape the princess
Of all the evil things Griff did do you choose to hate him for the one time he unironically did nothing wrong? Charlotte was madly in love with him and wanted to have sex with him.
>taking her virginity so hard she bled into the sheets
That's just how that goes, virgin-kun. Even some non-virgins bleed if they haven't had sex in a while, whether or not they're aroused.
What's the Midland federal and provincial ages of consent?
They knew he was getting fucked up and just waited? Lol
He was already fucked by that point. By insulting him he probably avoided execution.
I like how no one EVER discusses how ridiculous the king-Charlotte thing was. He was the fucking KING, of a pretty significant kingdom for that matter. He could have gotten a dozen girls that looked like his wife, dressed them up and trained them to be wife-replacement concubines, he didn’t need to fall into life-ruining misery pining for a daughter he couldn’t actually have. "I want my wife back" should have led him immediately to finding a concubine who could have satisfied that better than his own daughter ever could.

Oedipussy goes hard.
Damn does anybody actually feel bad for Griffith?
That is some serious head-cannoning.
He just pretended that it was Guts.
They are unmarried and not prostitution
>and just waited
it seems everyone in this thread needs to reread the story. casca was working tirelessly to come up with a plan to retrieve him, and even managed to get the princess to work with her, but between constant raids from enemy bands she could barely hear herself think, and without guts or griffith there as their strongest fighters, they lost a lot of men and half of them deserted. only after guts came back and kicked ass and fucked casca did he give them both the manpower and the morale to execute casca's plan
I guarantee you his urethra was thoroughly explored
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Only two kinds of men.
>those who would Slan
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Are you calling Guts a eunuch?
Not even the first demon Guts would. He just wanted to give her his much too big, too thick and too rough slab of iron.
Thoroughly exploded as well
He penetrated her with his big steel cock didn't he
I thought the pyramid in asshole was a science project made by academics at the time and not a real tool of torture/execution

saw it at a museum
he probably wanted a virgin
People in the medieval era were just bored. Torturing people in increasingly awful ways was just time-pass.
Czech republic?
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Most were.
Medieval tortures were typically done in public and were designed to fit within like one afternoon, so that they could be displayed for the masses and then cleaned up afterwards.
Red-Hot Tongs, the Breaking Wheel, hangings, decapitations, etc., where more common than anything that elaborate.
Stop liking evil women, especially literal demoness
Yeah, cause in that hypothetical scenario reality would be fundamentally different.
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I'll probably start Berserk soon, only watched one anime. Is it just me or the womens enjoy the troll sex?
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Hxh is a shonen for babies
What can you find in Berserk that you couldn't find in a random isekai?
You can't rape the willing. He was just in a frisky mood!
I like how these images are so complicated in detail that you have to concentrate in order to see what the fuck is actually going on, and when you do it hits you that much harder how fucked up it is. And everytimr you shift ylur focus to different part, it happens all over again. Miura was master of this. I can't say I have seen another manga like this but I have not read that much.
Yeah that’s a pretty common part of Miura’s work
ive read one piece im used to clusterfuck
Why didn’t charlotte try to help her man? She heard Griffith screaming in the dungeon, but didn’t decide to help?
That sounds like it'd be too easy for that to cause a fatal infection, and the king was clear that he wanted Grifith alive for quite some time so he could keep getting tortured.

Also remember that rape is as much about humiliating him as it is about punishing him.
I mean they were already scalding and burning him with iron rods and rocks. Is hot coals in the ass any different? I mean it was a whole year, they had to get creative with where they would target him.
>it's the most Berserk-like out there
lmao, now that is horseshit.
she was working with casca. what could she have done on her own? maybe speak to her dad yeah but she couldn't even look at him after what he did to her. and even after she did try to run away with them and got brought back to her dad, the only thing she could muster was to ask him to please let griffith live
He went underboard
She knows where the dungeon is and could have gone to see him. I just find it weird how she can sleep at night while her supposed love’s screams are echoing the castle each night for a year.
because Guts has the same statlines as untransformed Zodd, he's basically an apostle that thinks he's still human
Agreed, he should have just killed him to avoid the predicament that came after.
Areas that can be cleaned and bandaged pretty easily vs a wound that it guaranteed to be septic. He still eats and shits.
A cut tongue and tendons should also cause infection. If it were realistic Griffith would have certainly died from infection already.
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SHE raped HIM, not the other way around
>she invited me up for coffee
>climbed up to a girl's window at midnight during a storm unannounced after not talking to her for half a year, invited himself in and then kissed her with no further conversation
I thought im on xitter for a second
Honestly, Charlotte ain’t bad as the last thing Griffith stuck his dick in before being sent to the dungeon.
>could have gone to see him.
says what? the king had her on lockdown. she had to wear a disguise to sneak out to even meet casca at the back of the castle. going down to the lowest pits of the dungeon would have just infuriated her father further and made it worse for griffith. hopefully you're not insinuating she didn't care about him. she risked her life and took an arrow so that he could escape
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Worth it.
>This is ridiculous, Griffith was completely correct in his assertions about the king.

anon..... if someone holds a gun to your head and you tell them to 'just fucking shoot me you pussy' instead of calmly trying to talk them out ot it, it's partially your fault if they do it.
To be fair to Griffith, it’s not like he knew the king was gonna put him through such grisly torture as punishment.
I’m just saying that as someone who knew her lover was being tortured literally in her basement, she could have done a bit more.
>I almost want to give Vinland Saga another chance because apparently it's the most Berserk-like out there
It really is, it even becomes a parody of itself later on, just like Berserk
sweet cunny honey
>she could have done a bit more.
...like what? just ran down there and be immediately taken back to where she was by guards? somehow manage to bypass all of them herself and get to him and try to free him herself even though his legs and arms didn't work? risk getting him killed by her dad? try to appeal her dad to stop torturing him (just like she asked him not to try to kill him and he did anyway?) none of that would have worked. charlotte was powerless on her own and she did want to help him which is why she met and worked with casca
Ok so this is more hypothetical than anything, but do you think if Charlotte offered sex to her father in exchange for Griffith’s freedom, would he accept it?
charlotte would never do that
and he would probably go through a whole identity crisis or some shit
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Wouldn’t be surprised, he held sexual frustration from Charlotte’s avoidance, and jealousy to Griffith for “having” her. I can definitely see him going down and taking his rage and sexual frustration out on Griffith. It could even be his “outlet” in a sense. You can tell when he lost Griffith as an outlet, he lost any semblance of sanity.
Wyald was underrated. He should've been a recurring villain wanting to rape the shit out of all the hot bitches nearby but especially Farnese and Casca to spite Guts
I don’t blame her at all for not doing that in particular, though it’s interesting she never considered it. I kinda doubt she TRULY cares about Griffith beyond a teenage crush.
do you really think charlotte was smart enough to even think of doing that?
charlotte didn't care about griffith because she didn't have sex with her father? even though she jumped in front of griffith and took a poison arrow to the arm intended for him so that he could escape? you're bending over backwards
Not necessarily. Trial by ordeal, i. e. be tortured until you confess what they want you to was legal in most regions up until the late Renaissance. The HRE was a pioneer in getting rid of it, and they still had that shit up until the early 16th. The Papacy officially held that judicial torture of any kind was retarded, but extra-officially many clergy members still employed it during secular trials in lands outside the Papal States (think Simon of Trent's murder trial, for example), even if only to be censured by the Pope or his delegates.
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Hi Guts!

Have you finished those errands?
The fuck is wrong with this guy? His hatred of Griffith and desire to punish him is almost comical. It’s like the dad in fairly odd parents muttering dinkleberg.
Fuck Griffith
>lowborn scum defiles the king's daughter
Honestly not too far fetched
>a whole year
should have been more
I don't know if it's intentional (shading style is very similar, at least), but it reminds me of Renaissance woodcuts used in the early press, like link related

You people need to read how the assassin of William of Orange was executed. I'm not going to post it here because it genuinely sickens me every time. protestants are not human.
Does anyone know if since the merging of the worlds if the behelit still activates?
Does Griffith get teleported to where it's activated like the rest of the Godhand still?
What makes no sense to me is he didn’t even set an example of Griffith publicly as a way to say “hey, this is what happens if you fuck the King’s daughter”. He just tortured him in a dungeon like he gets some sick joy out of making Griffith suffer.
>hands on hips, ass, or right by both
these trolls knew how to fuck
Probably? That was the presumed narrative role for Becchi.
>announcing to the entire world a commoner fucked your daughter
>He just tortured him in a dungeon like he gets some sick joy out of making Griffith suffer
He did.
I don’t see the point, it’s not like Griffith will ever take responsibility or change his ways. Better to just kill him and be done with it.
Miura drew the girls smiling more than once, though not always. Probably meant to show string interstice areas like Qliphoth fuck if your sanity and allow your shadow to go wild. Kinda like how Guts was smiling like a maniac when he tried to rape potato Casca.
Reminder that Griffith's bussy was fashioned by the Gods. His bussy is the result of centuries of selective breeding to create a pucker so pink, tight, and gleaming that it would make a pedo lord forfeit a hundred years war.
At least it sends a message and has SOME sort of purpose that way. literally what’s the the point of torturing Griffith in a dungeon?
And that’s what’s so pointless and gratuitous about it. There’s no message sent or information gained. It’s just torturing Griffith for the sake of torturing Griffith. How does it change anything?
troll pipe too good
they were enjoying it
Torture was the point. Suffering.

>How does it change anything?
It's not supposed to, it's just selfish gratification and revenge. King dude wasn't mad someone illegally fucked his daughter and tanked her marriage.value, he was mad someone fucked his daughter instead of him. He's obsessed and deranged, actually insane.

He wanted to make Griff suffer and then quietly sweep the whole thing under the rug.
Do you have any idea how disastrous it would be to tell people that the King's daughter lost her virtue?
The entire Kingdom would look bad
Charlotte is unironically a very, very stupid little bitch.
causality has dicatated her to be griffith's semen recepticle
Can Griffith still have kids?
Better question, can Slan get pregnant?
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Can Griffith still get pregnant?
Is Guts or Casca the father?
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Be honest anons, would you do the same?
Berserk is edgy garbage
How can anyone be mad at Griffith after all he’s went through? Anybody would go insane after such treatment.
Historically, people would have been pretty viciously tortured and executed if they did something like that.
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I'm willing to test that out
Why does the devil have to be so angelic?
She wanted it
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The escape from the Tower of Rebirth is peak Guts vs a bunch of dudes.
> The magistrates decreed that the right hand of Gérard should be burned off with a red-hot iron, that his flesh should be torn from his bones with pincers in six different places, that he should be quartered and disembowelled alive, that his heart should be torn from his chest and flung in his face, and that, finally, his head should be cut off.
Yeah that’s fucked.
That’s a pretty interesting history actually.

based Judas Cradle
>who is this semen demon
Selfish gratification it may be, I can’t have any sympathy for Griffith either.
Report back
fujo thread confirmed
She was old enough and it was consensual
>most berserk like
only up to the 50th chapter
the author went full cuck retard and broke his own story's rules. I can't believe I read up to the fucking Native bullshit. I've never felt frustrated with wasting my team reading a manga up until Vinland saga. And he took so many years just for the protag to get off the fucking farm.
Griffith dindu nuffin wrong, and even if he did they deserved it. It's all that mean Guts's fault!
She was underage.
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Never forget the prototype, what would you do anons?
she's old enough
That's disturbing
Vinland it's shit
I mean, when is a punishment ever pleasant?
This. Assholes who raped virgin girls before they were married off to a worthy man who truly loved her were usually "dealt with" (beaten to death or lynched) by her father/brothers and some of the villagers.
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Griffith wanted to marry Charlotte to become King but he slept with Charlotte that night to assert dominion over someone he knew he could easily after he lost control of Guts. He didn't find it fulfilling and getting caught compounded his self loathing. I think in pic related is when he realized his plans with Charlotte was no plan at all, he would have never risen past the position of an esteemed general with the King wanting his daughter, who he decided he'd rather hurt because without Guts or a dream to fulfill it made no difference what happened to himself.
I think they meant that "rape" back then meant a man forcing his penis inside of a woman. Not someone shoving a torture instrument up inside some random faggot's ass
Ah, I see. That's what I was talking about.

>He didn't find it fulfilling

Yes, he's actully a fag. Gut's cock is what he really wanted. Charlotte doesn't know Griffith's a fag.
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I think the kind of rape you’re talking about is much better than the sadism Griffith experienced.
Considering how Griffith basically asked for the torture. Do you think he wanted to be punished? A “rather feel pain than nothing at all” situation? Because at least with the torture he gave himself something to overcome each day. I think he frankly preferred that over boring solitude and nothingness.
why he so small
Griffith was defying the King, after the King whips the hell out of him and looks at his face he says he wonders if that look will last forever and gives his orders to the torturer, it's clearly defiance the King sees in his face, not sadomasochistic pleasure in being whipped. Griffith intensifying the torture he was going to receive was a byproduct of his reckless defiance, not a goal of itself.
Read chapter 49, Griffith's POV isn't about the pain at all and he's very much feeling nothing bodily, he's obsessed with Guts. It's easy to say it's all faggotry but I think it's more nuanced, and he partly hates him for being the one person he's ever met that distracted him from his dream. Guts is supposed to be an unnatural force for the God Hand.
>Because at least with the torture he gave himself something to overcome each day. I think he frankly preferred that over boring solitude and nothingness.
If Griffith had his tongue, or his limbs, or could even hold a sword, he could still get his kingdom one way or another
Everything was taken from him, his only chance was the Godhand, which is what they wanted
just because he only talks about guts in the chapter doesn't mean he didn't feel pain... the chapters before literally describe his screams of pain
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Griffith knew the behelit would come when it needed it most, right? I think it’s possible Griffith wanted his physical turmoil to match his mental. When he had nothing left like in >>269139196, I think he decided to push himself in a bodily sense. That only strengthened his mental resolve as well. Even the torturer was surprised how long it took to even get Griffith to start responding to the torture. Of course when it started it kept going >>269139079. But even then Griffith only funnelled that agony to guts, the physical meant nothing to him. He felt like he had no meaning left anymore, but the torture in a sense kept his fire and determination alive. He would have died without that hate, which eventually lead to the behelit.
He does physically react with screams of pain. That’s basically involuntary. But when we look into his mind, all he cares about is guts. Everything is leading back to that. The torture itself is “meaningless” to him, but he’s finding a strange last refuge.
guts was not a refuge for him. him ruminating over guts was another form of self-flagellation. he was angry at him and blamed him for his own actions and the fact that the first thing he did upon seeing him was try to strangle him should tell you everything
i agree that a parallel can be drawn between the torture itself and the idea of guts both keeping him alive through fueling him with the anger he would need to get out of his condition
Desperate need for Griffith pussy
>the first thing he did upon seeing him was try to strangle him should tell you everything
He hated Guts for leaving and spent a year boiling his hate for Guts
Once he feels Gut's tears that hate goes away and he embraces him, and spends the rest of the time switching form love to hate depending on what Guts does
yeah, but the primary emotion was hate, anger, blame and vindictiveness and you can tell since that's his first response to seeing him. and it makes sense that's how it ends up in the eclipse too
>that's his first response to seeing him
Did he even know it was Guts?
He hallucinated Guts before so maybe he thought he was in another dream?
Surely he didn't except to be rescued after all that time
>and it makes sense that's how it ends up in the eclipse too
He ends up that way after he becomes Femto, which is after having a hole in heart being filled with darkness, and even then he couldn't bring himself to kill Guts
His feelings towards Guts are more complex than just hate.
>Did he even know it was Guts?
does it matter? my point is that the thought of him angered him more than anything. if he thought he was hallucinating strangling him, doesn't that prove my point?
>He ends up that way after he becomes Femto,
him deciding to sacrifice guts and the rest wasn't after he became femto
>and even then he couldn't bring himself to kill Guts
that's after having his strength, virility and mental faculties fully restored, and also after he had already tortured guts by killing everyone, raping casca and watching while he tore his own arm off. also guts was now his biological father at that point. after he raped casca he seemed to have an aversion towards hurting them at all, seeing as they're half-his biological parents and all
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Guts and Griffith could makeout and it wouldn't be as homoerotic as this page
we get it, he had "complex" feelings for guts aka love and hate, blah blah. the point is the first reaction we get when guts returns is him trying to strangle him with whatever strength he has left. while he hallucinates him he blames him for everything he did wrong. he ultimately decided to sacrifice him and force him to suffer. while it's a mix of love and hate, hate is the dominant emotion
>him deciding to sacrifice guts and the rest wasn't after he became femto
He didn't feel any hate towards Guts or any other members at that moment, he just knew the only way forward was to sacrifice them and even then it still broke his heart
>also guts was now his biological father at that point. after he raped casca he seemed to have an aversion towards hurting them at all, seeing as they're half-his biological parents and all
The fetus is corrupted but he doesn't become the Moonlight boy until his rebirth.
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It's longing, he's the King of it. Look at all the "..." speech bubbles Griffith gets when he's getting rescued until he takes the cart on its final ride, he's invariably longing for whatever he's looking at, mostly Guts. Not in a homosexual way, but everything Guts gained that he lost. Guts didn't think of Griffith at all after he left, he didn't believe Casca that he was that important to him. Guts became an unparalleled swordsman which is the closest thing to his castle on a hill. Guts has the respect and admiration of what was left of the Hawk. Guts fucked Casca.
>He didn't feel any hate towards Guts or any other members at that moment
you're right, griffith did it out of love and altruism and wasn't mad at guts at all in the moment he decided to sacrifice him. he did it out of pure practicality and was so heartbroken. if only there was some way forward... "forward." what does that mean? is it ok to kill the people who saved you because your own actions led to you becoming a mute cripple? no. there was no way "forward" except griffith letting himself rot and die like wyald. luckily, he had friends that were willing to nurse him until his dying day. but he traded them in for wings and a sham kingdom built to drag its citizens into hell
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Another one. Guts was sort of enigmatic to Griffith while he rotted in jail. Once he saw him again he comes to hate how Guts flourished in his absence.
when is the new chapter?
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Read Berserk through the deluxe editions and enjoyed it, started to buy the singles to fap to and I nearly got whiplash.
Everything is so fucking small and the print quality is dogshit, have no idea how people read this with the regular editions.
Griffith is like that Japanese woman who stabbed her boyfriend and her reason for stabbing him was that she "loved him so much".
why is it always the fucking cute ones?
Double torture. So that you can never lay your head on anything soft. And the ironing of his noble visage being humiliated
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I guess it's because his face is totally fucked up. Notice the torturer has an ugly as fuck face and he praised Grififth's face as beautiful. He probably made Grififth's face as ugly as his own. Griffith probably looked like Void underneath that mask
I don’t think he enjoyed it or anything, just that he embraced the pain and fed off it. I think Griffith basically didn’t care by that point what happened to him.
until he realized torture is painful
I still think he was looking past that. For him it was never about the physical pain itself.
Even the torturer commented on how he wasn’t able to break Griffith’s will. He could make him react physically and scream, but he couldn’t extinguish the determination in his eyes. Griffith knew it as well, because that’s when the Godhand started to become apparent to him.
he was a broken bitch thanks to the torture though
so this really is moot
Yeah but that was afterwards, when Griffith got out and realized his position. I doubt he ever thought he would get out while apprehended for a year. Before that reality set-in, it’s pretty clear what was actually on Griffith’s mind, and it wasn’t the torture.
He essentially asked for the torture, he’d probably be dead if he didn’t. In a sense he did save his own life.
He would not probably have been executed, Griffith's year long torture until the Eclipse's eve was literally fated to happen.
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Ubik mindfucked him
Ubik told him all the people that died for him would've died for nothing if he didn't take the offer, and that they all agreed to fight to the death for him anyway, so it's not like he forced them to follow him
True, but I also think it’s an inevitability because Griffith is the kind of person by nature that would rather receive physical punishment in lieu of complete ennui. He prefers to endure hardship I think.
now post the very next pages where griffith admits this is just what he believed the entire time and was the rationale he told himself. you think griffith would have gone along with it if he didn't agree? they were just feeding him his own bullshit
I truly think ignoring and forgetting about Griffith would be worse torture for him than anything else.
>Not in a homosexual way, but everything Guts gained that he lost.
Nah that was still kinda gay. You can't extricate Griffith's feelings
about Guts from his dream/ambition. They are constantly in battle with one another.
Him having pubes is weird.
He’s a grown man why would he not?
Griffith gives me the vibe that even if the torturer offered to lighten up on the torture, he would just spit in his face and make it worse.
VS is hot garbage, it's shonen-tier slop set in a different world. Avoid like the plague
Really? I’ve heard good things about Vinland Saga and thorfinns arc.
NTA but I can vouch for the first two arcs of Vinland Saga. There’s some good stuff about the rest, but the writing peaks there. If you’re a history autist, it’s really good from that POV too. There’s some stuff you have to suspend your disbelief for, but by and large they craft a pretty authentic viking-age Europe. The later stuff gets less and less historically believable, and they insert a tranny at one point, but the Manga’s actually been pretty good again for the last dozen or so chapters.
I messaged her account when she got out of prison. No reply :(
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Guts blanco

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