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Chihiro is saving EVERYONE
Hakuri will be FINE
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Chihiro will fail. The slaves still trapped in the Storehouse will die. Mr. Inazuma's sister will die. Hakuri will die or end up comatose. Mr. Inazuma will become a vigilante fueled by rage and grief
Sorry pal but Hakuri is going to die.
Command &Conquer
Caves & Cliffs
Cute & Canon
My Quartet
I think the sister dying then Chihiro only finding out afterwards that she was mr Inazuma's sister is the best outcome. Though I wouldn't exactly be mad if she survived either.
There's no way he can save everyone though. At best he'll save a bunch of people by infusing them with his energy and Hakuri teleporting them out, but there WILL be casualties.
Chihiro will fail
>Ms. Inazuma will die along with everyone
>Hishaku will retrieve Magatsumi with a shit-eating grin
>Hakuri will also die
>Mr. Inazuma will become a jaded young kid due to this
Then Mr Inazuma will become Chihiro edgekino in the next generation with char
>his bloodline actually has thunder sorcery
>thunder infused katana mc
>berserker tank main heroine
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>Kagurabachi Next Generations coming in 2029
don't forget farmer coping a feel once more.
chihiro's FAT ASS panel is a foreshadowing
Hakuri isn't even OP he's only useful in this fight. If the opponent is outside of the store house all he has is a shit ass Isou
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>2 million views
Hakuri is NOT dying. He'll go into a coma at worst.
He should die in the background during all the commotion. Chihiro comes back to thank him and praise at the end. Sees his Hakuri's lifeless body on thr ground. A smile still on his face. They managed to save everyone (who deserved saving) and brought down the auction forever. He died satisfied. Homoerotic close-up of Chiro pressing his teary-eyed face against Hakuri's before losing consciousness from all the physical, mental and emotional toll. He dreams of Hakuri.
>get grenades
>teleport a bunch on the enemy
And that’s the real nerf because how many times can he register an enemy and fight them in the storehouse it’s practically impossible without careful planning and teamwork
>Mr. Inazuma will become a vigilante fueled by rage and grief
He will become Chihiro's sidekick and they'll sleep in the same bed.
Shiba is there to teleport him if he flatlines
Weird to think there was a time where two men could sleep in the same bed without being called gay
lmao even
Chihiro will dream of Soya pounding Hakuri in a cell and all he can do is watch.
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Mr. Inazuma? An orphan? Well, I suppose Chihiro could use a Robin.
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Fine. Everyone dies except the glowies and Chihiro of course. Complete massacre. Chihiro failed to capture the sword much less contain it. Hakuri is dead, Shiba is dead, everyone is dead. It's even worse than when his father died. Tomboy takes him in in secret and grooms him.
Hakuri torture porn is still better than the schizo.
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Male rape is even hotter than female rape. Maybe it's because women are so weak and worthless and bitchy, while men become melancholic snd cute.
would like more bare chihiro skin onegai
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Do Shiba and Chihiro do this?
Hakuri dies
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Hakuri is alive and kicking
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Why is Hakuri such a slut?
How many old men did his holes service before meeting Chihiro?
Did he at least brush his mouth on their first encounter?
The raid will fail
Why is Mr Inazuma such a slut?
How many sumo wrestlers did his holes service before meeting Chihiro?
Did he at least brush his mouth before storming into the auction?
Wtf dude
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A cultured sumo wrestler doesn't bind himself to one mere woman.
This scene better be made in a well directed slow mo in anime adaptation. It warrants to be seen in every detail.
uh, batman and robin had a whole controversy about whether they were gay or not back then
And further back then you had Abe Lincoln sharing a bed with his bros, sleeping in the same bed as your homies being gay is a more recent thing.
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You now know
He has natural bimbo energy
Is it waiting until the anime for fanart with their correct heights? Because hakuri is a bit taller.
He is also one year older
Takeru is so stingy with chara data that he can't even afford to give out names on some characters.
the anime data sheet is the only hope to clarify all of these things
Hokazono is such a tease
He really should start doing character data as volume extras. Super easy and lazy and people want it.
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Surely we'll get a name for Ice Hag eventually, right?
Only in the anime.
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What did Tafuku mean by this?
What for, it's a corpse
>Honestly the most dreadful reading I can give off is that Kunishige sold his daughters as weapons (Oiran) , and now chihiro has to take them back. However the daughters managed to achieve power and status

man wtf is with this manga and men selling off their women?
Is he? I thought he was 16/17. I want him to be older too but I'm doubting it.
women are just a form of currency
>Authors name is Takeru
>Editors name is Takuro
What is this Luigi Waluigi bullshit
Tafuku won
His prize? He gets to watch.
Watch Mr Inazuma get fucked by Chihiro while Tafuku keeps Char for himself.
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Mr. Inazuma's sister and Hakuri? Both dying next chapter.
Kyora? PROCEEDING with selling his merchandise and completing the auction
kyoura is better written than cuckren
The Daurma guy could do that to but he ended up being low diffed
to think the next time we’ll see our goat is when the anime comes out.
Jumpfesta 2025 (totally happening for realsies)
leaks when? toc when? bejita when?
~30 hours from now.
not even wednesday in the west coast yet, calm your engines
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saucesbros won...
Holy shit. Someone buy this dude a mirror.
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>Bejita out of literally and I mean quite literally NOWHERE
What's going through her head here?
Yakuza are like that, and well, war never changes, chihiro saw his older sister used as a weapon and went to rescue her
But muh HECKING honorable Yakuzarinos
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>war never changes
What would a Chihiro Rokuhira build in NV look like?
I hope this arc won't cause any fallout between el hermano and chihiro, imagine getting trapped by the glowies while your wife gets violated and sold by various men on the black market
TES would be a better game to do that
Heart goes doki doki
>I hope this ends already so I can go home and fuck Tafuku
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Probably, but the more I think about it the more a Chihiro build in NV could work. The only thing I'm unsure of is if Chihiro would side with House or go Independent at the end
Rokuhira Chihiro*
are you a faggot because you’re anon, or are you anon because you’re a faghot?
Not totally wrong... she was stressed, and the page before this one is filled with the intense version of doki doki
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Mah wife....
what's with random kgb won in the make the exorcist fall in love thread fallas
False flag? False flag.
for what reason
Don't know what that is.
Make KGB or at least its fanbase look bad, why? Mental illness.
It's J+ shotalust
It just needs an anime to blow up
to make the fandom look annoying obviously
ToC when?
Never ever.
God I cannot wait to see her animated
You can't wait for a slideshow?
Shoseki Ranking Top 500 (July 22)
3. Jujutsu Kaisen #27
4. ONE PIECE #109
50. Kagurabachi #3
>82. Kagurabachi #1
>85. Kagurabachi #2
106. The Elusive Samurai #16
169. Astro Royale #1
198. Akane-banashi #12
215. WITCH WATCH #17
332. Nue's Exorcist #5
431. Me & Roboco #18
>50. Kagurabachi #3
>out of top 30
yeah. it's kaguraover
>Yep, thats my future husbando
ss or pure man & shota? there’s a difference
I deluded myself into think that squid division would actually put up a fight in that CSM chapter
Just realized Hiyuki keeping up with Chihiro despite not using 100% of her fire skeleton thing kinda messes up the power scaling
Why? Chihiro is still relatively inexperienced compared to war veterans, according to Shiba
>war veterans
>has sorcery on par with enchanted blades
>erm how can she keep up with a rookie blade user!?!?!?!
rip Hakuri ;_;
What about it? Shiba says in Chapter 2
>hes only been fighting 3 years, he had zero combat experience when he first started, though he's come along well
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Even then Chihiro, is a great younger brother, kinda like Gyutaro except Daki is older instead
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>82. Kagurabachi #1
>85. Kagurabachi #2
#2 bros not like this
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Bazed Brazil
Chihiro's power level
They're just foot soldier, while chihiro has a WMD
>Regular sorcerers
He has struggled against them, specially if they gang up on him, carried by the blade
Lost round 1, on round 2 sojo was weakened after fighting the kamunabi squad
Had to sacrifice cloud gouger, and that guy just retreated because he got bored
If not for Hakuri, Chihiro would've lost, also hiyuki is helping him
>also hiyuki is helping him
she also wasn't able to do much but to tank a few aoe hits
give it more time, she tanked the sword saint's ability, I think
Shoseki Ranking Top 500 (July 23)
5. Jujutsu Kaisen #26
6. ONE PIECE #109
51. Kagurabachi #3
123. The Elusive Samurai #16
214. Astro Royale #1
250. Akane-banashi #12
327. WITCH WATCH #17
372. Nue's Exorcist #5

70. Kagurabachi #1
80. Kagurabachi #2

Vol 2...
Also good hold for vol 3 I guess, it was never going to chart for week 4.
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Kyora dies next chapters thoughts o him?
Glorious bastard, have chihiro a run for his money with his storehouse.
German physical release has apparently been confirmed for November 7th
Nevermind, apparently it's the English release just being released in germany?
Definitely stronger than Sojo.
Chihiro needed someone on his side the whole time while fighting him whereas he has beaten Sojo alone.
>Zipper vs button
one day germanbro, or if you’re a french speaking german you can go to france in february and pick up a copy en francais
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>Surpassed Akane, WW and Nue
You're next Kagurabachi
I'm not German, I just saw some article about a German release
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>all of them are well 10k at least above astro
Who the fuck are you?
El procededor will be remebered
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Hopefully when the rakuzaichi is finished we can start getting more non-chihiro merch
I'm not sure how to characterize Magatsumi and Sword Saint's bond yet. Maybe she really is the crazy bitch sword and they're very loyal to each other.
no there should be more chihiro merch actually

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it's still gonna be with the 30k sellers in the group cover, huh?
I wouldn't be shocked if it's moved near the front, at least by the december group cover, it just makes more sense to have chihiro at the front of a shonen magazine compared to (Not Real Girl) or (Old Fat Guy)
We're already getting Shiba and Sojo merch tbf
Always and forever, sorry.
At least that's the not axe zone, better chances to move up by christmas.
Merch is always arranged by serialization order, unlike group covers.
2023 series together, kinda understandable desu
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Last December Cover for reference, Chihiro was so far in the back along the axebait
It had just started, its rankings were crap and was true axebait.
Honestly moving up a tier or two would be great.
>Cypher above Kgb
>Chihiro is literally on the last row
We really started from nothing huh
Well, impossible for us to be with the axebait this time, and i'm gonna add more, we will be in the front with Sakamoto
Not front, but at least it should be next to akane/ww/tes.
Sadly jump really wants to promote it with nue or something.
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Last Group cover bachi was relatively big, but the cover was so messy that we couldn't get anything from it
Yeah even Necro looks big and is in “front” of OP and MHA
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Probably? We got the names of the kamunabi squad post mortem.
I told you guys they wanted to promote the two together. Now is that a good idea? Debatable (probably not) but that seems to be what they're going for. Even bookstores are trying to promote the two alongside each other.
Why? Arent they for two different demographics?
>H: Chihiro
>H: Hey, Chihiro!
>H: You walk too fast!

>C: Aren't you walking too slow?
>H: Nononono...
>C: Get moving
>H: As expect, a samurai doesn't know fear
>C: What does that even mean

>H: but really, why did I even have to come to a haunted place?
>C: There's no helping it, Shiba-san told Hinao-san that an enchanted blade may me able to cut down evil spirits
>H: i don't get it... you're walking too fast
>C: I'm not fast... this is normal
>C: Here

>C: I'm opening the door, ok?
>H: Wai- don't just go and open it, really!

>C+H: ....

>H: AH- there's someone there!!
>C: Shut up, who's that?

>... A man?

>H: AH
>C: Azami-san, what are you doing here?
>H: Hiii!

>C: Hakuri!?
>C: Azami-san!?
They are promoted as Battle Shonen
They promoted UU and Mashle together, pretty sure having different demographics don't bother them for the promo
So there is always a series overshadowing another
The (actually big) issue with mashle and Uu promotion is that mashle actively suffered because jump wanted to promote UU over it, despite mash selling like three times as much.
What is Enkotsu exactly?
Is it a sacred weapon with lifelong contract like enchanted blades?
A youkai.
If enchanted blades and magic exist, youkais exist too and it's literally enkotsu no gasha dokuro.
Sakamoto is front and centre, only behind the big three. A new series, no matter how well it's doing, can't climb the ranks just like that. There's a degree of seniority to how Jump functions and Bachi isn't even a year old.
Who knows how saito will order things, he clearly is pushing kagurabachi hard
Kagurabachi is a great thing for a new EiC, booming hits with no clear ceiling yet are the stuff that helps establishing your position.
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Praying for Takeru to pay his taxes
He's getting lot of money this year, for sure

Assuming he will sell 400k copies this year he will earn about 20 million Yenfrom royalties (ballpark of 10% royalty per volume)

Paying almost 40% of you income in taxes is fucked.
Absolutely soaking.
Mihara Tafuku?
Hakuri? dies
How many dies?
Two pairs of dice.
What’s he casting in the mould?
Chihiro and Inazuma Sis handholding soon..
There is no way Hakuri will die but if he does then Hokazono really has the balls of steel.
His first…
He's gonna try and dodge them landing himself in prison for 15 years, final chapter before he goes away will end on a huge cliffhanger
Gonna be honest, not a big fan of this spread. Due to the angle making Chihiro look weird
Mangaka are paid by circulation, not copies sold. Including digitals he's probably already made that amount.
What’s making him weird?
His shoe is way too clean. Completely nonsensical.
I see some bird shit there tho
stuck on that room
The angle just makes his body look deformed and his proportions messed up
Meant for >>269145875
Fisheye lens effect? Idk i can make sense of it but I don’t have an artistic background or eye
What is going to be the LCP this issue?
You mean next for the group cover?
Suzuki possible, getting an anime and all that and sakamoto is basically the best selling shonen after the current big three.
Also his art tanked a couple of weeks ago, may have been why.
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Yeah, this is how i read it and it does look admittedly weird, his legs are super long, and his ass is MASSIVE
Like, the leg closer to the camera I get, but the other leg should be way shorter since it's in the distance.
>Writing manga from prison
This is going to be Takeru's next inspiration
He really likes this pose with legs being spread at 120° and it's a cool pose but this time the angle is kinda unfortunate. I think if he put the right leg behind and not forward it would look better, like Chihiro is leaping towards Kyoura.
>Chihiro getting blasted by a water hose
Stone Ocean but good? Chihiro smuggles Kuregumo's broken tip
This spread is so perfect. Very good work from the mangaka.
>chihiro asserts dominance by buttfucking the top dog
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Mah wife.....
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behind her is Tafuku getting multiple kuro slashes
Forgot to mention he's TANKING them
also forgot to mention that Hakuri made her his property so she couldn't be Tafuku's property.
I also forgot to mention that im just kidding
I also forgot to mention that I'm kidding about the kidding
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What's she smiling about...
Tafuku replied to her text.
>Will you be a good girl?
>Yes, daddy.
>Got saved by this hot father figure dude after loosing mom and having real father abandoning her

You just know that Chihiro will face the raging ball of the wildest hormones when she hits puberty and the only person nearby her is her stoic handsome step daddy.
Leaks tomorrow
Toc tomorrow
Pray to Saito
She can’t wait to see Hakuri again
It's more like 10 hours really.
Still tomorrow if he lives in Europe or Asia
Top 5 ToC again hopefully. Chihiro will either not save Mr. Inazuma's sister or Ms. Inazuma will become Mrs. Rohukira in the future.
Kyora's body gets taken over this chapter.
I sure hope so, I want to see a full powered something magatsumi blow up the building.
There’s no way she doesnt crush on him lol. It’s gonna be a nightmare for her to date once she’s older, she will compare everyone to him and he’s gonna be so overprotective.

Then Chihiro has to break her little baby heart under his heel.
while he is in the nude, right? and after a cavity search where he has to have a fat bastard shove his fist inside?
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Reminder, Chihiro is only 18, and Char is gonna be legal in roughly 10 years.
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he wants me
I think the age difference is too much to be into it anymore with any sincerity but I still think it’s kinda cute in concept.
She saw Hakuri's big Sazanami schlong
>Chihiro will be a blind and deaf nugget by the end of the series
Doesn't stop Tafuku.
You people actually follow this manga? I thought this was just a meme
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so glad this whore is dead and definitely never getting reforged
It’s a copypasta.
Don't forget that Chihiro left her some bite marks
CHADhiro will purify re-forge her in fire and you specifically will seethe when Cuckqueenten gets sidelined.
>Takeru confirmed he still has the upper half of the blade
She'll be back but I kind of hope not since that would diminish her "death"
Did he just pick it up and put it his coat pocket?
Hakuri dies
I forgot his coat got recked
and then resurrected as a god
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Since the Sazanami clan is getting obliterated and the Tou is no more then what should Soya wear now?
A suit like his new family wears, he'll also be sporting a hand tattoo
kuro... shred!
mei... shred!
takeru... KINO!
>magatsumi... shred!
I'm glad that Takeru gave Hakuri a proper send off at least.
Rip ;_;
At least wait until the kyora is done for to start killing him off.
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It's here. Comiket 104
>completely harmless cover
Only the anime will deliver on the extra lewd ones.
I only upvote and retweet Hiyuki and Chiyuki art on twitter to try and get rid of fucking Hakuhiro in my feed.
Would probably report every art with them but too lazy to do that.
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Hakuri vs Soya round 2 in Hell is going to be KINO and whoever wins gets resurrected
Ihagine the self insert fanart if Chihiro takes inazuma's sister's hand as she falls and then hug.
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Can’t you just block the tag?
Anon doesnt want to block ALL gay shit from his feed, prease understand, he is a very selective homosexual
Now that Hakuri is dead, I hope this manga will now become a Chiyuki romcom soon and make Hiyuki a qt blushing tsun every chapter.
Everyone else can just FUCK OFF.
It’s going to be CINEMA when Hakuri dies but god himself resurrects Hakuri
it doesnt block all hakuhiro art
yeah, that would be nice
the revenge plot got tiring quite fast and chiyuki content would be more appreciated
who’s on bottom
Cafe Haru Haru irl when?
It was a mistake to open the gates to fujos
I hope Hinao dies soon so Hiyuki can join in seamlessly
She can take care of Char better than that bitch
I hope the new chapter is good :)
What’s with all the antiposts? Just the same person?
Chihiro in this case.
Pretty versatile ship fandom wise.
Hakuri is dead btw, i saw the raws.
good riddance.
Last panel on raws is a faint resemblance of a goddess reaching Hakuri’s heart.
Will she resurrect him?!
Hakuri’s soul is bound to a new sword
Thats actually Hakuri's heart getting ripped out.
Hiyuki dies btw, I saw the raws.
Good riddance.
By being replaced with a golden heart! Our golden boy Hakuri!
The chapter ends with Shiba setting Chiyuki up for a date btw.
here's your pity (You)
oh i almost forgot
hakuri is dead and just left lying there like some garbage lol
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By the garbage man Farmer-kun and resurrected him because Soya begged him.
Great meme!
upboated :)
I just want to be part of the schizo posts
Will Saito-san cuck or glaze Bachi this TOC?
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A new sticker?
nice love me some official merch
Chihiro (Kaneki-like) nugget when?
Kagurabachi hack and slash game when?
I’m ok with Hinao dying honestly. She’s the one character you could kill off for pure shock value that doesn’t affect the plot too much.
>could kill off for pure shock value that doesn’t affect the plot too much.
That would just make it a pointless death. It should at least lead to Chihiro or Char's character development.
Her death will lead to Hiyuki's character growth to be a better mom to Char than Hinao will ever be
Tafuku, Hiyuki and Char... the happiest family.
*Tafuku, Chihiro and Inazuma
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Let the thread die so we have a fresh thread for the leaks
TOC when? Saitobros, is our FAURKING hero going to come through for us again?
Yeah, stop bumping
start the sage train
Mr Inazuma dressing like a girl
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Chihiro having six older sisters will never not be great
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Kys faggot
that's six more wives!
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we can do this anon, keep the thread alive
The swords will be traps.
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Nue won.
...Tafuku's cock.
it didn't but thanks for bumping
Astro Won
Boy? Yes.
Royale? No.
fuck no leaks yet…
Kyora singlehandedly saves the spread
not til 45 minutes at the earliest for toc to drop, then mha and jjk spoilers appear a bit after that.
Tafuku's big, fat belly.
holy shit. Hakuri really died
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FUCKING lost. Thanks for reminding me anon
Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #36-37 (Information)
Cover: Group WSJ
Cp: My Hero Academia (End of Serialization); Kagurabachi; Kochikame
Kinobachi won yet again
nice, colour one chapter before arc end
Magatsumi CP... onegai...
predict where chihiro will be on the group cover! hoping for the middle next to luffy
on the very back
Hakuri bros..
where will the leaks be dumped? this thread or a different one?
If they're already ready, dump them here and hopefully TL anon can translate it before we start a new thread, after that if no one does it I can post it again in the new thread with the translations.
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ToC out
The cutest.
His ass looks massive because of the coat mainly.
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>Top 3
Some pages are in the Discord

Also, fanart fuel
What the fuck is arcane?
>league of legends
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>back to random page leaks
It's over.
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Also, he’s watching the Boys

Last page here
Better days....
Dump then all, guys...
Don't be like this...
seriously not getting a shinuchiman takeover? Kind of lame.
It's joever...
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rip hakuri
RIP, he was the superior villain in the end
can someone translate takerus comment for this week
He's going to be in another arc there's only like 2 chapters in this volume he had no shot of showing up.
>My Hero Academia (End of Serialization)
It's honestly surreal to see it happening. I was there in the very beginning in 2014, in the threads, back when it was a new scrappy underdog series that everyone here loved. How things change..
[Spoiler] WTF bros I think he is at least equal to Sojo now... [/Spoiler]
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Yep, totally needed for the war
Fucking hell
>He capitalizes his spoilers
what did Kunishige mean by this?
where's the daughter
He’s loving Arcane’s (the League of Legends series) camera angles and is now watching The Boys
I was hoping for a temporary takeover that wouldn't last long because of the dying body rather than a full on battle. Well, new arc to look forward to anyways
Who is the black haired person?
This is going to have really big ramifications I feel
i remember that feeling when haikyuu released its last chapter. like damn we really grew up together
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Until the very end
Anon, on the contrary there are only 2 chapters left so Kyora (dead) might stand up again and transform into Kyora (zombie) for the cliffhanger.
>hopefully TL anon can translate it before we start a new thread

>The camera work of Arcane is so fun and I'm looking forward to season 2. I also want to really watch The Boys. - Takeru
This is dumb, but I honestly couldn't find the KGB comment for a bit because I kept on looking at the bottom half of the page. I just wasn't expecting it to be up top. Lmao
Thanks good anon
the one who shall not be named
>Full leaks are out
Alright someone dump em in order
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I love this crowd
Oh, hey. Thats the mom, right? The black haired chick. Nice.

>his dying vision has the ice hag in it
I'm surprised he even remembered her
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It was nice that this was the last thing before lose my internets access forever tonigh

Oyasumi my sweet prince
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>lose my internets access forever tonight
Damn, good luck bro
>no Sazasis
lmao whose child was she
I think that’s his wife
Rest in peace, anon.
soya rekt
good night my tradwife enthusiast, there's a new tradwife in spicland named roro, bet he'd be into her
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Dumping now, Page 1
Chihiro and Shiba ruined this perfect family by brainwashing Hakuri btw
Sayounara anon o7
>high fived instead of holding a woman's hand for the first time
please have some random bomb go off next chapter
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Page 2
>Hiyuki 's been Moe-ifed like a lot it seems lol
>Clapped her hand and left spirit energy
>good guy wins
who gives a fuck anymore
>not grasping her hand
is Chihiro autistic?
Yup, she's the love interest.
Kamunabi arc next.
>handholding DENIED
Based catduck.
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Page 3
He doesn't believe in hand holding before marriage
it seems that saito or his editor demanded a heroine, and since cloud gouger is a slutty older sister she just won't cut it
should've stopped with ms inazuma alone
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Page 6
Kyora flashback incoming?
Kunishige, explain
batman would've done the same
So what did Hiyuki even do this arc?
not everything can be kino anon, there's no such thing as a perfect manga
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Setting up her future character development.
she defended poor little hakuri from random mobs
looked pretty
tafuku paizuri
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Page 8
>i bit off more than i could chew and got fucking owned. how could this happen to me
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Page 9
cool page at least, kyora's sheer autistic willpower is great
>who the fuck cares about FAMILY
>ive got an auction to run
he's based at least
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Page 10
What a beautiful page.
Man, should've listened to your wife...
Soya seems normal here, did he only start becoming a creepy abuser after they started to think Hakuri was incapable of performing sorcery?
that fucking hiyuki kek
kino actually
Bottom panel is sick as fuck, way better character art than Hokazono is usually capable of. Maybe an assistant? Or is he just improving still?
>Pure unfiltered dedication to his auction
God this guy is so fucking good
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demasiado kino ...
>damn these niggas crazy
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Page 11
does it all for love of the game
>That final panel of Kyora
Reminds me of the panel of Chihiro reminiscing about the good times with his father before he wiped his eye and said "Keep a cool head"
manyuki is gone
He's always improving
He isn't even at full power yet since he only works on chapters half a week
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>Kyora is the protagonist of the arc
Holy kino
did the whole family just go off the deep end once mom died?
his oneshots are of similar quality to that one.
also, the assistants only work on backgrounds and stuff.
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Page 14
Kyora's ACK faces are the best part of the chapter
do does this imply that these three are his only real children? or at least the children of his main wife. maybe ino and sazadude are just with his concubines or not related to kyora himself unless its been hard confirmed all of the sazanamis are kyoras actual children. for all we know they could be kyoras relatives children
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Page 16
>Our HEROES won! However..
TLanon please save us I need to know what kyora is saying right now
His wife (black hair) seems to hate Rakuzaichi and there's implication she might be coerced into marrying him because of it. There might be other women who had similar circumstances, but she's the only one he remembered at the end of his life because he loved her?
the long haired one called him papa
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Page 17
>another lucky seven trips
TLgod we need you
If she truly hated the Rakuzaichi, then she loves Kyora for who he is and not the status he holds. Maybe he remembers her because of that.
fuck, soya is dead too?!
Hakuri is next
Oh shit he might actually be dead
Admitting Chihiro was right about him getting fucked because he ignored Hakuri.
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>One kid exploded
>Another on deaths door
>The third literally coughing up their guts in front of you
Was it all worth it bro?
>JOBBri lying face down in a pool of his own blood
>that jawline
GOD FUCKING DAMMIT. I got like six pages in and closed the reply box like a retard.

>Blurb: Save the people left inside the storehouse!!
>SFX: touch
>Chapter 43 - Fulfill
>Chihiro: Alright....

>Chihiro thoughts: I just have to touch everyone
FFS Chihiro, we're just coming off the Doc and Ava Kris shit. Do better.
>Chihiro thoughts: and save them!!
>Hiyuki: How many people are left inside?
>Hakuri: ...Twen....
>Hakuri: ....36!
>Shiba: Can he do it....
>Chihiro: !!

>Chihiro thoughts: Hurry!!
>Hakuri: The only thing delaying the storehouse's destruction is Father's will struggling against it.....!!
>Hakuri: If Father's will is engulfed by the demon blade and disappears, the storehouse will...
>Hakuri: Along with Chihiro and everyone--....
>Shiba thoughts: Its all up to Kyora....!!

>Audience: Hey what is this!!
>Audience: Keep it going, dammit!!
>Audience: Are you stupid.... We should escape from here

>Audience: He's out of control!!
>Tafuku: ....
>Kamubro: We're getting out of here
>Kamuwaifu: Huh, but
>Kamubro: Do you want to die? No matter how you think of it, the Rakuza Ichi is over.
>Kamubro: Even the auctioneer has lost his mind now!!
>Kyora: AH
>Kyora: AH
>Kyora: UGH
>Kyora: UH
>Kyora: AH
>Audience: Get awaaay!!
>Shiba: There really is no way he could control Shinuchi
>Shiba: Its impossible now....
>Shiba: Even now.....!!
>Hakuri: ....
>Flashback Sazawife: You can just end it now.
>Flashback Sazawife: The Rakuza Ichi
there's those two younger kids from the beginning that called him father too
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Page 19 - Chapter 43 End
>It's over
>Despite being a bastard Chihiro still showed him some respect and honor in his final moments
>face down
I don't think he has a face anymore....
that's just his hair, the skull is gone.
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Now that the dust has settled we all agree Kyora is better than Sojo, right?
Amazing end for Kyora, Shane the side text never makes it to the translation because it's damn good.
thank you for coming to our rescue TLbro
to the arc conclusion
so next chapter is the last and new arc in 2 weeks
He too shall proceed... into the halls of legends...
is that a tear? or just sweat. also BASEDAsisters... we have to keep believing...
The theme this chapter is a continuation of last chapter.
Kyoura is lamenting if he should've chosen to be a better father, husband, and son everything instead of being one patriach of an auction that made people miserable.
You did well, Kyora.
>I just have to touch everyone
you monster, the children too?
Yapping a whole lot of tough talk only to end up on the sideline, watching real men putting everything on the line for their beliefs >>269173576
Not TLanon, still on N5 but i do believe he says:

First panel: smth like "rakuzaichi needs..."
"Wrong... The cause of the defeat in my life wasnt that (?)"
"Like you said... Rokuhira Chihiro"

The last panel says in how he looked away (From Hakuri)

might be wrong i still suck at this
You were magnificent Sazanami Kyora, I shall never forget you for as long as I live.
>>Flashback Sazawife: You can just end it now.
>>Flashback Sazawife: The Rakuza Ichi
>Chihiro thoughts: I just have to touch everyone
Pedohiro will not be stopped
Actually perfectly fits 13 episode adaptation.
keep going at it and you'll improve TLanon
What and end for this character, while Sojo brought more energy and was far more unhinged, I enjoyed Kyora a lot too. His methods, plans and relationships with other characters where amazing.
Goodbye, sweet autistic proceeder.
so Chiyuki wedding next chapter?
He was too strong to proceed
Kyora was such a badass. Dedicated to PROCEEDING until the end of his life. Rest well king.
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>Sazawife didn't actually die from her disease
>Kyora killed her being unable to cope with having to take care of her and watch her waste away
>Killing her drove him completely mad and made him go full zealot for the Rakuzaichi
>cop woman can't cope when faced with real conviction and patriotism
Should've stayed in the kitchen, Hiyuki
>smth like "rakuzaichi needs..."
"if the rakuzaichi didn't exist"/"If not for the rakuzaichi..."
From his wife talking earlier in the chapter. He's saying his defeat was from ignoring Hakuri since he didn't meet his ideals, not because of his obsession with the auction
Thank you! I'll do my best, even if it looks difficult rn.
actual godly page. the flowers blooming out of him makes it hit wayy harder for some reason.
feels like this page hard confirms chihiro is NOT getting the shinuchi. its literally right there in front of him its just begging to get snatched last second
>I got like six pages in and closed the reply box like a retard.
That is why I always do it in a doc
>its just begging to get snatched last second
how do they even remove the shinuchi now? if someone touches it they're fucked
He was the coolest guy
Hiyuki holds on to it with Enkotsu and brings it back to the Kamunabi.
Oooh, i was following "need" for Nakereba instead, as when you use it in verbs. My mistake. Thank you for correcting! :)

I'll use the TLed chapter to study this one raws , too
well im crying that’s for damn sure! and i’ll make sure to cry again when it’s animated
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>I forgot to tell Chihiro you can just wear gloves! Fuck.
As long as they don't touch it directly, they should be fine, no? Put it in a box and leave now, before farmer appears.
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>I miss mah wife....
Damn Hiyuki really is getting prettier huh? I guess Catduck is getting used to drawing her now.
the box is fucking gone kek
>braidsbro and sazasis weren't shown dead on the ground with kekri and soiya
Shiba spared them...
Make a new one or something lmao
her design is really inconsistent.
i hope it solidifies anytime soon
>>Chihiro thoughts: I just have to touch everyone
The hags were right, he's secretly a giant pervert
chihiro already lost his trenchcoat
this leaves only one option
he must take off his sweater and use the that to pick up the sword
>Flashback Sazawife: I was unhappy the whole time,
>Flashback Sazawife: So at least for now.... let me be honest.
>Flashback Sazawife: Calling it tradition or sacred,
>Flashback Sazawife: You're all possessed by it.
>Flashback Sazawife: If the Rakuza Ichi never existed, then I would never have been married to you.
>Flashback Sazawife: And you... without the Rakuza Ichi,
>Flashback Sazawife: You might have been a little bit of a better human.
Only a little bit, tho. lol
>Kyora narration: Why now. My wife's....
>Kyora narration: final words....
>Flashback Sazawife: Without the Rakuza Ichi---....



>Flashback Sazadad: I have fulfilled my role.
>Flashback Sazadad: From today, you are the family head. ....Kyora
>Flashback Sazadad: I entrust it to you.
>Kyora thoughts: Yeah
>Kyora thoughts: Of course....!!
>Kyora thoughts: I....
>Kyora: will not end
>Kyora: Kill the ones in the way, you scum!!

>Shibayuki: !!
>Shiba thoughts: His obsession to the Rakuza Ichi is holding back Shinuchi....!!
>Shiba thoughts: These children were betting on that....!!
>Shiba thoughts: How tenacious....
>Shiba thoughts: Each and every one of you are insane!!

>Kyora: I will give as much as money as you want if you kill these guys!!
>Kyora: The auction will continue!!
>Kamubro: This is just crazy now
>Hakuri: ...
>Hakuri: !!
>Hiyuki: I won't let them touch you
>Hiyuki: Keep your focus!!

>Shiba: Push on, Hakuri-kun!!
>Hakuri: Yeah!!
chihiro is getting independent, need some new bloods to groom
either these are his favorite children and his children from his first wife or these are his children who've died
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Kyorabros she was a fucking gold digger....
all things considered, Takeru has the goods, batting two out of two for arcs and villains as a newbie
Next arc antagonist please be good
>>Shiba thoughts: Each and every one of you are insane!!
>Hiyuki: I won't let them touch you
>Hiyuki: Keep your focus!!
Hmm.. Hakuyuki isn't so bad.
>Shiba thoughts: Each and every one of you are insane!!
He's unsheathing Shinuchi next week.
Season one of the anime has not only Sojo, but Kyora too.
Fucking imagine.
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>Next chapter opens with Hinao rushing in and grabbing Magatsumi
>Hakuri thoughts: Never again,
>Hakuri thoughts: will I let it slip through my fingers!!
>Hakuri: Ten people left....!!

>Hakuri thoughts: This is bad...
>Hakuri: Just one more....!!

>Shiba: ....What happened?
>Hakuri: ...We made it
>Hakuri: Everyone... is saved....!!
>Shiba: And Chihiro-kun....

>Flashback Sazawife: Without the Rakuza Ichi---....
>Kyora narration: No.... My life's
>Kyora narration: mistake is not that.
He says 敗因 which is "the reason you lost or were defeated". That felt a bit weird in English, so I shifted it to mistake. Which is functionally the same thing, in this context.
>Flashback Chihiro: The best would have been to believe in Hakuri.
>Kyora: You were right.
>Kyora: ....Rokuhira Chihiro.
>Kyora narration: Because "it didn't fit my ideals",
>Kyora narration: I turned a blind eye to it.

>Kyora narration: I am the only one.

>Kyora thoughts: I am the only one who couldn't fulfill my role.
>Chihiro thoughts: He pushed back Shinuchi's corrosion.
I went with the literal TL, but I think "infection" might be more suitable here. Its more that the blade was invading and infecting and growing into his body, from what we saw.
>Chihiro thoughts: And as Sazanami Kyora, he has--....

>Blurb: Born into the Sazanami, this man lived for the Rakuza Ichi. That pride, That delusional conviction, until the very end----....
妄執moushuu is "deep seated delusion" as well as "firm conviction". I combined the two meanings here.
>Blurb: A Center Color Page next issue!! We head towards the ending of the Rakuza Ichi's arc and its fierce battles-----....
And there we go, guys. RIP Kyora. You were a cool, awesome giant piece of shit.
straight up, this is gonna be a classic, its the strongest first season it just needs a good studio
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>Ponders how better his life may have been if not fuelled by obsession
>"Fuck that lol"
Based and Jackpilled
I barely watch anime and mostly read manga. Is the expectation that a 13-episode adaptation could fit both Sojo + Rakuzaichi? Or would that be like 25 episodes?
Ice hag wonnered so hard
Thanks for the TL, anon.
I really love Kyora.
Truly a better antagonist and villain than Sojo.
Great chapter. Thank you as always TLanon.
>That pride, That delusional conviction, until the very end---
FUCK. There goes a real proceeder.
Thanks, TLAnon!
it needs 2 consecutive cours, unfortunately.
How did he do it? How did he immediately surpass Sojo?
Too much.
Probably too little.
>His obsession to the Rakuza Ichi is holding back Shinuchi....!!

unfathomably based Proceeder
He did not surpass Sojo, but he was really really good in his own way.
Autism while looking sophisticated. Sojo was just autism while looking dirty and poor.
Only Chuds think Sojo was better.
He followed sojo's advice.
21 for blackjack
sojo was horny
Oh shit, that's right.
"Dedicate one measly lifetime" or something, was it?
Yup, proceed to the end.
25 episodes would probably fit Sojo + Rakuza Ichi + whatever arc comes next desu
Sojo was only a slightly better fighter due to his unhinged nature.
Kyora is better overall.
Better send off that Sojo who died like a little bitch
Yuki Kaji for Chihiro?
Yuki-onee got her revenge. The Sazanamis are fucking dead
Hakuri will be following shortly next chapter
Anyone else think Hakuri's development is moving too fast?
He didn't even pass out.
Anyone else thing Tafuku's development is moving too slow?
No, he's clearly dying
No, it was perfectly paced in these past 24 chapters.
3.5 chapters per episode is average pacing, more if it's action heavy. So Sojo + Rakuza Ichi perfectly fits 12 episodes, can be 13 too.
No it doesn't
I feel like this two arcs fit nicely on a 16 episode cour.
Hakuri will die off screen and will be in his grave next chapter btw
hell no. his vomic va was good
Its really been such a great time reading KGB. Hokazono has this shit down pat. I can't wait for the latter arcs of the manga, when he has more experience and skill. The man is still in babby mode and he's this good.

Keep at it, anon.

Np, buds.
>Chihiro buried him in the same grave as Soya
What was he thinking?
Basedabros we can still come back from this
It's too slow paced.
thinking of cute & canon of course
who's the black haired character
I suggets you typing "souya" instead of söya so the filter doesn't ruin it
totally not their mom
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edgekino goldfish
i haven't seen the filter catch soya for a while
nta, but it happens if you put a letter after soya
soya a?
shinuchi retrieval successful
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>He actually thinks this
Oh nononononono

New thread
His wife or at least Hakuri, Souya, and Tenri's mom probably not the mother of all of them lol or that's some crazy quiverfull going on.
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>TWO (2) new threads created at the same time
Owari da......
By Kamunabi.
Take the fucking sword Chihiro
now you must choose
and canon!

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