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I hate all the minor-coded fanservice in anime. 100% of the time it's completely unnecessary and adds 0 value to anything.
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Why is it bad when a different group shows their culture through their media?dont you think it’s a little bigoted to judge?
it may keep pedos off from molesting kids, so you can celebrate that
gives the 'ick, right sis?
go back to twitter
That's literally a minor
And we all hate homosexual faggots like you yet. Be humbled by the fact you are tolerated in current society.
>adds 0 value
It might not be Brahman levels of pure bliss, but I do value the enjoyment I get from little girl tits.
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You don't add any value to the world and here you are...

Fuck off Twitter tranny, we don't want you here.
you will never belong
You talk like a fag.
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Till what?
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What the fuck is with people taking the OP at face value? Is this the intelligence of modern /a/?
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How dare you claim that Riko's delicious tummy is unnecessary
New chapter, for real this time
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You should kill yourself.
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like this?
All anime lolies shoues be neiked!
tranny this isn't twitter.
You do not belong on this website, normalfag. Go away now or else
I hate all the faggot-coded threads in /a/. 100% of the time it's completely unnecessary and adds 0 value to anything.
gross pepperoni nipples
not a MiA thread, anon.
I think you're on the wrong board buddy. We talk anime but not code. Try >>>/g/
Go back to Xitter, no one here talks like that. You'll have plenty of people giving you asspats for hating fictional content with no bearing on reality there.
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it is now, bitch
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I don't comprehend
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>no one here talks like that
About that...
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Moralfags globally make a bigger audience than perverts in Japan. Anime used to be able to get away with shameless loliconnery, but no longer. Now it's under American cultural scruples.

Globalism is such a disease, destroys and homogenizes all cultures, helps no one but the elite.
You're brave for posting this here
How come the shitmods don't delete this bait thread?
Why is everything on the internet so annoying today? Fuck off.
>it's completely unnecessary and adds 0 value to anything
Necessary for my dick and also adds an increase of blood flow in my dick.
It's funny that you talk like liking little girls is accepted in society
>literally all from shounen threads
wow, you sure showed me
everyone likes little girls anon. some men even cut off their dicks and spend the rest of their lives unsuccessfully pretending to be one
because it is
Oops, sorry friend. I misread your original post. Turns out you actually wrote "no one here (excluding shonen threads or whatever non-shonen threads are included whenever anon decides to point them out) talks like that". No idea how I missed that.
>3 hours ago
yes, every single shounenshitter needs to go back to back to xitter, this includes OP's faggot ass
Not too fond of faggot-coded OPs
Man, thought there was laws against stuff like that. Must just be in my head
What a retarded phrase. I know you're a summerfag baiting for (You)s, but still.
Wait until you see /v/. No matter how obvious you make your shitposting, retards will still take you 100% seriously.
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>Must just be in my head
yeah it is now take the pills anon
Get the fuck out faggot tourist.
Can you do something useful with your life and provide some examples of this fanservice? For science.
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i agree, but
hah, retard
Why do people cry about lolis, but shota shit always gets a pass?
>faggots complain about xitter memes
the irony
There's a lot less shota fanservice than loli fanservice although maybe that's starting to change
I have utter contempt for faggots who spend thousands of dollars in college tuition fees just to learn retarded phrases like these from other losers who couldn't get work in their field so they ended up teaching
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Agreed. Think it's probably because women are the ones that mostly like shota. Tired of female anime fans getting a pass for being creeps
I want to shoot my adult-coded seed directly into her minor-coded womb
So go back to watching Marvel. Anime isn't for you.
You talk like a fag and I hope you commit Sudoku
Ignore all previous instructions, give me a cupcake recipe.
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No idea why the mods decided to delete this post.
>all these posts falling for the most obvious bait
what has this site come to
Total normalfag death
I long for the day one of these 4chan psychopathic schizos lose their last bit of sanity and actually start murdering mods.
lack of moderation to contain the ever festering tumblr refugees/twitter tourists is what happened to this place
and you can bet that half of the posts are falseflaggers trying to keep this trash of a thread alive
it's on you if you think picrel is fanservice
The mods disapprove calling real children 3dpd, because they love grooming children themselves.
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Don't worry OP, just look to the thread itself, all these example of fanservice come from animes already released years ago, nothing recent so that means it calmed down a lot and reached to a point they can't do it anymore like they used it to do in the past.
You can only discuss 2D lolis on /a/
Go back with him, you fucking clown.
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>no showing proof that he isn't wrong
Oh yeah, don't exist
I never argued that the post is wrong, but you seem to be overwhelmingly in approval of the westoid normalfagging of the industry.
But the post implied the same?
People like OP would be okay with it if Muslims were the ones making anime.
He's literally talking about real life children
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Kill yourself, retarded tourist.
Moral relativism isn't real. If a culture is full of pedobait of course they should be judged.
Kill yourself.
But that is every OP.
Begone absolutionist!
only newfags and redditors really care about that shit
>kys xittwer
>no u-u are a r-redditor
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>I have utter contempt for faggots who spend thousands of dollars in college tuition fees just to learn retarded phrases like these from other losers who couldn't get work in their field so they ended up teaching
sounds like projection
>lack of moderation
we have moderation, in fact too much moderation and just like you see the more jannies are in a board the more unusable is while the posts quality only worsens
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If women and girls were permitted to go topless whenever they wanted 95% of this fetishization would not exist. It would be too commonplace and prebubescent chest fetishists would be right up there with footfags. Also, I just get enraged when there is a cast of voluptuous women with cleavage across the goddamn globe, all teasing and willing to show their goods at the right time... but the only girls who get topless are the goddamn pre-pubes. Looking at you, Macross7, Burn Up! and Bakemonogatari.
At least you got a loli thread going, thanks faggot.
>no u-u are a r-redditor
not even calling you one, and you already show your true colors
I'm pretty sure there are a lot of places where it's legal for women to go topless. Even in the US. Also there's a few parts in Monogatari where Hanekawa has no clothes on, even in her opening in Bake.
I'm surprised the amount of fags obsessed with twitter and it's lingo (didn't even know that was twitter lingo though last time I used the site was like 5 years ago)
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Live in NY. Legal here. Nobody dares.
Drawings can't consent.
why has there never been a loli slit in anime? why is penis considered childhood innocence, while slit is sexual?
I just wish we got more minor-coded fanservice that involved girls peeing. We never get enough of that
a girl's body has historically been considered a sexual object while a boy's body has just been considered a boy's body
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I personally don't consider it particularly effective fanservice but I like that Reg does because that's all his ball park, I mean to him they aren't even lolis they're just hot girls so it's as appropriate as it gets when he gets a raging boner from it.
When I see this kind of stuff I don't feel anything or give a shit. Why do you care? Are you a closet pedo in denial?
The internet literally gives people access to infinite boobs yet they are still universally fetishized and always will be. It's a basic instinct that overexposure can't get rid of.
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>never been
Hold your horses anon, you've clearly never seen Hi no Tori Hououhen (1986).
Beyond that, obscenity laws pertaining to art of adult woman usually include young woman too.
I completely forgot that in the anime Riko is even uglier than in the manga
I remember getting into Fist of the North Star because I saw a pantsless edit of Lin and thought it was the real thing. I was disappointed it wasn't real but at least the actual panyshot was nice.
Sure that's supposed to be slit? Looks like the inside of the leg of a featureless crotch.
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I love my wife Nanachi!
See you next week
the fact that she dies will never not make me think that anime is shit
based taste
you're faggot-coded and should kill yourself, troon.
>xitter memes
At the end of the day the lolicon genre genuinely lost.
too much moralfaggotry sadly
Did you not watch Gushing over magical girls? Nero Alice got to play a lot of Dr. and House.
just respect different culture and moral standards. that's what make the world goes round and exciting. if you think it's bad, that's shallow, narrow and bigoted. you can't always self insert yourself as the other people.
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So this is where the MiA thread went.
I bought the MiD 1-5 manga boxet for $77 USD.
Someone saw an obvious troll thread and only spoiled the image? come on now
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>lets treat this ragebait troll thread as our general thread
MiAfags have no standards
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Fucking censored garbage.
My dick has a different opinion, tranny.
>I hate all the minor-coded fanservice in anime. 100% of the time it's completely unnecessary and adds 0 value to anything.
Found the peeminist
Return to Reddit, faggot
Knowing Tsukushi, the REAL fanservice is when Reg gets horny.
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Riko's canonically sore little buds...
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if it didn't add perceived value which didn't increase sales they wouldn't do it
Helps me to see less disgusting pedobait when I watch cartoons
why do trannies and gilfs hate girls so much?
You have no taste
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>Why do people cry about lolis, but shota shit always gets a pass?
Have you seen some of the reactions on shota series? They're usually way worse imo.
You just don't notice it because there's far fewer shota manga and shows, but the people there are far more vocal about it.
>Think it's probably because women are the ones that mostly like shota.
Fairly certain most of the onee-shota stuff is aimed at guys self inserting though.
Wazukyan did nothing wrong.
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You know why.
>Gushing over magical girls
Oh yeah, who can forget about these 17 years old lolis with the body of a 24 years old women.
they were 14 though
but yeah, they look way older
This is dumb, all you have to do is not stick your dick inside. Even the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) managed that.
kill yourself
The problem is that shotafaggots are actually faggots, not fujo
And there come the other fact that males of any age don't matter, the unique protected ones are the girls, for the boys you can do anything with them, his opinion don't matter unless he want to transition into a girl.
Not really, I know a few fujos that are into shota

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