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I think my main problem with the show is overuse of chibi/simplification especially for reaction faces.
I think it's a very boring visual.
It’s like Gabriel Dropout in that it’s overage moeshit.
Koshitan's song WARPED me
>show filters ironic weebs and retarded normalfags
no wonder its good
>uses "moeshit"
>can't even spell
Many such cases.
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>show is based moekino
>anon is a faggot
Many such cases.
based moekino
moe hags
What's the over under anko has sniffed koshitans dirty underwear?
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We get it you hate it. Okay. Good. Get on with your life then.
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the chibi faces are the best part of the show
It's budget Kill Me Baby
This is the first time I've said anything negative about it
gotta sell the nendos somehow
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love the cute girls, love the chibis, don't understand shit, doesn't matter 10/10
Gabu was cute unlike the deer club girls
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Chibi gags are older than you are.
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You are (not) alone or special.
haha shikoshikoshiko koshitantan based
>supposedly hot new meme anime
>can barely get a constant thread going on /a/

Give it to me straight, deersisters
It's over, isn't it?
Why did that bitch out Koshi?
>Sabagebu & Gabriel Dropout director
>he took liberties with Sabagebu and Gabu’s anime to improve it
>the liberties taken for this show don't do anything better
What the fuck happened?
reminds me of one show that kept doing the goofy gag faces for the two characters that you barely ever see them being normal anymore, it's just muppet face and ( o A o )
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Gabriel Dropout had a better cast.
So that's what would have happened if Koshitan just left her hanging in the wires.
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I like it. It's cute and funny.
>It's cute and funny
It has lolis?
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It made me sick.
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No. I mean cute as in cute, and funny as in funny.
Also auto-resurrect on death. Deer builds are broken.
The fuck happened here
Looks like it fell in that crevice and got trapped, pretty grim desu
The only fight you lose is the fight you quit, deerfucker
>Anime must have constant generals
Go back
This, it's funny (for me)
it's pretty damn unfunny, so I dropped it

then again, I only bothered watching it because of the 1 hour shika vid, and I'm sure most people picked it up from that too
nonsense. Lots of funny faces is good. Lots of funny small bigheads is good. Everyone who disagrees is wrong.
Looks like she's not holy enough for heaven
The problem is that the show is simply not funny and the creator thinks being as wacky as possible is comedy.
I hope more wacky shit happens this time, the trailers made it look CUHRAZY but it's mostly been two characters standing in a room talking nonstop
Shikanoko talking to the deer was cute
my main problem with the show is the "jokes", if you can even call them that, are shit
gonna find this episode's karaoke song on youtube ASAP
they know what the people want https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc2Qp0-Nats
Kill Me Baby was the budget Kill Me Baby.
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Thanks abema shiiiikaaa noko
torako seething over the new girl appreciating noko better was pretty funny
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Ilike crackers song
Comedy is subjetive and depends in everyone sensibilities.

I like the Energy of the show.
Anko VA Is great
Nokotan Is basically a Looney Toon
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Meme saved the show
literally Kill Me Baby
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ha ha
a song
about deer crackers
get it?
so funny l m a o
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Oh yeah, I'm gonna like the disciplinary committee.
That's not how skeletons work.
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I want to meme my Bashame.
English is not my first language.
Good episode
subs WHEN
MTL and speedsubs in a few hours. Actual subtitles in a few days. It's the same thing every week.
Rotting meat and muscle doesn't last forever. We all get eaten by bugs and buzzards eventually.
Neither does cartilage or marrow. Skeletons fall apart.
I think my main problem with the show is that it's dogshit for zoomers.
Pretty sure there won't be any today. Anon said he was gonna stop on ep 3.
It's torso is LONG, either a freak of a deer or fake.
Who has been doing actual subs (not MTL) aside from LWL/Anon?
My problem with those show is that it made me fall in love with a delinquent.
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It's sexy when having a pussy doesn't make her one.
Its weird, Nichijou had me in stitches every episode, but at most I get a smile from episodes of Shikanoko. Its just a sort of different type of humor I guess.
My main problem is that tsukkomi shit is never funny
My problem is that it not remotely close to being as funny as a slice of wet bread. The comedy is either too japanese to translate over or timing is completely off and cliche.
I like tsukkomi in Fairy Tail, it's even the same seiyuu doing it.
This group (anon) has been doing them 2-3 days after the episodes come out. Then these groups a week or so later:

From what I can tell the first two are regular groups going under anonymous. While the third is the cartel. Pick your poison. you should learn Japanese
>This group (anon) has been doing them 2-3 days after the episodes come out
ep 4 subs?
Is it bad that this anime is the reason I stopped my no-anime hiatus, watched all the eps that are out today.
What is this and why is it popping up all over youtube a twitter being remixed with heavy metal music?
A fun show about a cute deer girl doing cute things.
Can someone explain the cinema meme?
Same as kino but for normalfags.
I wouldn't worry about it
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What does she taste like?
Virgin (not for long)
Yankees taste like hot dogs
deer crackers
An entire series based on that one lucky star meme
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Long Deer is Long
Haha Pepsi for TV game
This is popular on youtube?

About 1/3 of what you think is its torso is actually its neck.
How the fuck did it even fit its fat body into that 6 inch crevice enough to get stuck? Deer are like 3 feet wide.
normalfaggots cant create a single meme, its unreal.
Let's go to Nara

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it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
Truly a heartbreaking tale
Where is ep 4..
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I feel like i can't relate to most of /a/ since i get a severe visceral reaction of repulsion towards anything i feel like is trying hard to be cute.
The raws are up now
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Shika kinokinokino Koshitantan
Metal you say?
Oh no
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My problem is none of the characters are likable
Even something like Asobi Asobase where the characters are shit to each other they still have moments where they are likable
The show only has defenders because the OP went viral. If that never happened, the number of people defending it would be cut in half.
The show was a meme on /a/ before the OP came out.
*Oh deer
The number of people attacking it would also cut in half.
>The show was a meme on /a/
Not really
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Gabriel Dropout actually made me care about all the characters and their mundane lives.
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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand My Deer Friend Nokotan. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Torako's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike My Deer Friend Nokotan truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Noko-tan's existencial catchphrase "Shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Oshioshio's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Noko-tan tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
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Your subs here, sirs.
>le même
I'm waiting for anon's mega
Are these real or AI?
This shit is ass.
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Man I really wish I were watching Gaki no Tsukai instead
>Straight man ruins the joke by explaining how absurd the concept is and thus ruining the entire point of the skit.
This shit is deer.
This is my biggest problem with comedy anime, they almost always do this shit.
she definitely needs some corrections
a cat is fine too
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Oh deer..
Is he okay?
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On my way to page 10!

I took this blurry-ass picture in Nara last year
The Deer or...?
very fast deer running at incredible hihg speed
I think /a/ needs overage age verification so that if you are older than 30 you shouldn't be allowed to come to the cartoons for children board to whine about cartoons for children.
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Of course the deer. Who would care about a h*man?
It's time for the japanese to stop pretending manzai is funny.
go back to england
bitch nigga hands wrote this post
Why is everyone so gay for deer?
and it's time for me to rewatch Touhou M-1 Gran Prix.
she has big horns
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They taste good.
You mean a literally who show.
They will never go back because the mods let them get comfortable here.
That shitty 3DCG show is still getting generals despite being over and nobody ever discussing the show there.
"She" has a "mushroom" huh?
Black Shadow got bodied offscreen
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This is a standard manzai comedy. We were promised a better Nichijou. We wuz robbed.
What do you think Nichijou is
Mio is basically Koshitan
Yeah but she cute. Deer being cute is the selling point. The comedy is secondary.
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>Helvetica Standard
>Principal wrestling a deer
>Talking cat and child prodigy w/ a robot

Nichijou was not a manzai comedy.
Why doesn't 4chan have an /ag/ board? I mean, 2ch has a place where you can talk about old anime. Is that what /jp/ was supposed to be?
/jp/ is the 2hu containment board
/jp/ is for touhou and sperging out
Maybe 15 years ago. Now it's porn dumps, virtual youtubers, 3DPD generals and a bit of actual Touhou discussion on the side. Technically everything that's "otaku culture" is on-topic but everyone just stays in their generals instead of making real threads.
it was pretty funny seeing it overrun by /vt/ before that board existed.
>filters brainlets aka retards
I think it's funnier the mods still let them be there after they got a whole board for themselves. /jp/ is like the cuckold board of this site.
Average manzai 'comedy'.
which characters are lesbians
They're all yuribait, no actual gays
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I feel like I've seen every single gag or a scene in this show 100 times already with slightly different permutations.
There's nothing interesting going on with the jokes or the story, there's not even really a likeable character to grab on to.
It's like author wrote a gag manga about boke and tsukkomi #524525252515, then strapped on antlers on boke to have it stand out somewhat and then called it a day without really doing much else with that.
Think that deer park serves venison?
It wasn't any kind of comedy.
They will.
Still better than whatever you find funny.
Nichijou wasn't particularly funny but it was cute and I like cute things.
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>hating cute
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shikanoko didn't pyokopyoko so good

So the Deer Club is a:
>Trickster god
>"I wish I was anywhere else right now"
>Yandere siscon
>Literal retard with a rice addiction
it's called SD
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Speedwatch it at x2.0 speed and it will become tolerable
You're AI
It's a DeepL translation of French subs, thus the name.
She needs hugs, a lot of hugs
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Deer are based
My guess is that he got stuck there and he died, then the weight of the body and decomposition made the vertebrae separate from cartilage so making his neck look longer.
Or, what we're seeng here is the vertebrae of his neck and his back in a straight line due to what i said before.
>there's not even really a likeable character to grab on to.
I like Koshitan
Is this one of those rare shows that both 4chuds and ironic weebs both agree it's good?
It's funny. Just admit you can only get hahas out of brainrot or deranged South Park shit.
Konohana Kitan was good you no taste shitslurper.
Not really, if you like to eat shit that doesn't mean everyone else likes it too.
>A not joke.
Okay, gramps. Time to get pilled.
Don't worry. So is 80% of nu-/a/
You can always try MAL, whitey.
Yes, funny and inspirational.
>Nichijou was not a manzai comedy.
it absolutely is
>all these faggots complaining about wheteher or not they like the show
This isn't your blog, no one cares and no one really asked. Discuss the show or just get out of the threads.
Pretty much.
I can tell
Those aren’t moose antlers anon
Go, ex-delinquent Koshi-tan!!!!!
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Who WOULDN’T be yandere for this?
They said it was going to be more work this week. If you go on their IRC channel you can watch them work in real time
This is not an edit. I repeat, this is NOT an edit.
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Is this anime supposed to be funny?

Why does she have antlers in the first place?
Nokotan gets to eat THIS?
I don't know what this is but i like it
She's a deer retard.
don't look up KOMODO DRAGON EATING ALIVE DEER on youtube
I'll look up giant anaconda cock destroying your mom's pussy on pornhub instead
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Of course you would, Spics.
Deer got moves
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Shikanoko made it meme tier popular but koshitan carries the show.
Westoid seethe
Is fine.
I like chibi but Shikanoko failed to interest me. I think Hare+Guu did it better the "only the mc sees anything wrong with the reality warping girl" and Abenobashi, Nichijou, Excel Saga, Pop Team Epic did better the absurd humor. Maybe if I had watched this before other stuff with similar humor/premise I could have enjoyed it.
Watch something that failed like Maitetsu and Shika will improve exponentially.
Why is the sister so gay
Anko is perfect that's why
Because Koshitan is so desirable. You're left with no choice but to be gay if you're her sister.
How is this show controversial here? This bloody show, of all things.
It's a nonsence SoL anime with an absurd setting, like Pani Poni or Sabagebu or something.
Are all of you complainers so young? Or what?
You don't have to like it, sure, but it's bewildering how much ire it draws.
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5 million of views
Splitting off jp was already a mistake. Splitting the board even more would likely only make things worse.
Banning phones is what would help.
>How is this show controversial here?
Its not.
>Are all of you complainers so young? Or what?
It's a bunch of brain dead underaged faggots that follow internet drama by "influencers" churned out through places like youtube and instagram. It's very obvious when they come here and start quoting them directly. You can tell they're watching them when they repeat the same lies. Last week they were here claiming anons were in-fighting with each other. I didn't understand why until I saw some low subscriber youtubers peddling the same lie. Then it made sense. Either that guy or one of his 7 viewers came here to stir up drama. That's all these people do. Post outrage click bait and try to fish for content.
>tl;dr: influx of foreigners trying to touch the Nara deer, local police launches emergency patrols
Well, how should I know that? I don't care about influenzas.
but I was right, those morons are likely young.
Oh well, social media, how better the world would be without.
>Well, how should I know that? I don't care about influenzas.
Good. I don't care either. I just know because someone linked me to it.
>Oh well, social media, how better the world would be without.
It has ruined most everything I liked about the internet.
Yes I use le meme because fuck waiting days for other subs just to put stupid shit like "sussy baka" in their shitty subs
>I can't understand Japanese and download reaction images from google image search
Koshitan's pheromones
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you nigger wouldn't recognize a good comedy if it jumped you
what the fuck. Someone killed a deer with an axe? The hell is wrong with tourists?
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What is the point of this character?
To lust after deer
Getting a new job after her disastrous role in Franxx.
redditnoko is dogshit
I feel the opposite. I'd prefer it if it were all chibis.
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>complains about internet slang subs and praises MTL like le meme
Well well well
how the turntables turn
A water bottle did this.
I laughed. good episode. Sex with Nekochan
Why don't deer like water bottles?
>singing the OP in my head
They're not biodegradable. Deer hate pollution.
>Chinese subs are out but not English ones
which shika is straight
Wasn't the early release supposed to end..
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The ones in the committee
I really like the Koshitanta~n part.
Where’s the porn of Nokotan mole/ss/ting the deer kid from Sweet Tooth?l
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My favorite so far is Anko. Her pathological obsession for her sister is very endearing to me
she is clearly the best girl of the show.
I think I actually like the deers from this anime.
>argh stop talking to my sister!
Riveting character.
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Yeah she's pretty one dimensional but I'm a simple man and it makes me smile seeing her deep affection towards her sister
t. anon who formerly had a sister complex
Are those CR subtitles? They look like shit
that pic is me waiting for fresh subs
idk I got them from the SubsPlease torrent on nyaa. Also, they look fine to me
SubPlease is just CR rips. Same thing Horriblesubs used to be
>they look fine to me
They aren't horrible. But the typesetting on the cups and signs are fucking awful and low effort.
Love to break it to you, but 4chan is social media too.
normally, it would be just another wacky show like Jashin-chan. But it got a lot of views on youtube. It's a famous anime in the halls of history like Nichijou. An alleged masterpiece. There are expectations people have from it. If I watch it, and it's unfunny, I'll HATE the show.
>Love to break it to you, but 4chan is social media too.
4chan is an imageboard. We used to have these fun places on the internet called forums and imageboards. Where people discussed interesting things and shared content with each other.
>dur hur anything on the internet is social media
No. Social media is TV 2.0. The internet used to not be TV 2.0. It took millions of brain dead cell phone users and ESLs to turn a wonderful thing called the internet into a garbage heap people refer to as social media.

There was a time when you could come to a place like this and share something without some faggot coming to steal it and monetize it somehow. There was a time you could come here without some idiot typing with his thumbs re-posting the same old tired insult or meme. There was a time when people actually wanted to read other comments instead of shitposting over top of them and calling everyone they disagreed with a schizo. You are no clever and you have no right to be smug.
No, it is confirmed.
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If this show was as bad as people make it out to be they would have announced that they've fired the director by now. People talk about how unfunny and boring the first 4 episodes of pic related was and they aren't even that bad. It just takes comedy shows a few episodes to get going. I feel bad for anyone that dropped this before episode 4. They've only just now introduced the entire cast of characters. Mangafags have already been complaining about them skipping chapters. But when you're constrained to 12 episode adaptation you have to do that sometimes if you want to cover the later chapters where dynamics are established and situation comedy can occur.

I'm hopeful Magical Girl 201 will get an anime now if they're picking up stuff like this.
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Bros, is there a way to send well wishes to le même translator anon? The poor guy seems to be getting a lot of insults thrown at him despite consistently and regularly doing his best to put out the best translations he can so we can enjoy the episodes early.
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why isn't she bullied in school for being gay
I laughed at this picture.
If you're the le même translator anon, I want to say that I appreciate your hard work, consistency and regularity, anon.
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Sex with yandere siscon Umika
It's MTL you MALnigger
Don't care. I still appreciate his work.
people give him shit but if you look at the downloads, he has the highest amounts of downloads out of all Nokotan subbers. People don't care about muh MTL, they just wanna watch Shikanoko
There is no place for memes in anime
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Sonya > Torako
Yasuna > Nokotan
Agiri > Anko
Neko > Unused Character

Kill Me Baby: 3
Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan: 1
Her existence breaks the idea of Noko destroying Torako's normal life. She should be used to this shit if Anko lusts after her at home. I feel like it would have been a better idea for her to a random student admiring Torako as a good girl from afar until she sees her with Noko.

I don't know. I watched two episodes and I'm just not feeling it here. I feel like there are good setups and concepts for comedy here but they're not working.
chinese probably
Is Anko's seiyuu a druggie too?
>Neko > Unused Character
Unused Character gave us teh Rie on helium. Nothing can ever win against that.
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>the official TL is shit so that means the subs should also be shit
As expected of an MTLnigger.
Holy cope.
Yeah, yeah, lolcats and trollfaces were the peak of net culture. We know you love fetishizing 2003. Want a this on the way?
This but I ironically.
Gabdrop is not moeshit, it's a comedy.
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this thread reeks of /v/...
ctrl + f tranny. 0 results.
Nope doesn't check out.
the "critics" are just some old grandpas.
>hahaha the gag show 10 years ago in my time was better hahaha
This. If Dokuro-chan came out today, it would've been ripped apart.
>she sees your dick
>deerkicker face blurred
like I said, probably chinese
What face does she make when she sees Koshitan's dick?
Not probably. Definitely.
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I watched the first episode and found it lackluster/mediocre. It felt like a comedy that tried too hard to be funny and fell flat. Does it get better or not really?
The duality of anon.
Anime peaked here, it doesn't get any better
Where is the mega?
Did DeerGod quit?
There are over 50 signs to typeset this week.

They are always a week behind. They haven't even released episode 3 yet.
This shit is really unfunny bu the girls are very cute (design and personality wise) so I'll keep watching
They are cute and (un)funny then?
The narrator definitely is a plus.
Koshitan is way cuter than expected.
Shikanoko is actually the one falling behind, she needs to be more crazy in the gags.
Noko-tan is actually surprisingly more normal than expected from episode 1.
gambare anon
Noko-tan is a chaos God. Chaos Gods don't cause chaos directly. They do it by influencing all the humans around them.
The deer cracker song was nice
Sounds familiar too
not instantly
there was surely at least a few days if not months of a window when the photographer could have found it
To waste airing time on stapling the sheets.
Feel like it would have worked better if the protag was Noko and not Koshi.

Also really hate how they are explaining every fucking joke like the audience is retarded. Koshis sister also really feels out of place

We wuz robbed..
I watched the first episode and don't want to watch the rest. SIMPLE AS THAT
/a/ hates this huh?
/a/ is tsundere for it.
It's like a bunch of zoomer newfags tried to make an anime and they said COPE AND SEETHE every 10 seconds.
Moeshit can be conedic
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