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Previous threads:

Characters not in the anime that were introduced in the LNs:

Numata Ryoko: Sara's new delinquent classmate friend.

Kenmochi Mikoto: Livia's deceased girlfriend/employer who was a gang leader. Gave Livia her identity when she passed away.

Heiwajima Himari: Trainee idol at the same talent agency as Sara, yankee at heart.
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A reminder that we're just coming off of a 2 year timeskip at the end of the last volume. Livia's criminal empire turned legitimate business is doing well, Sara is a trainee at a talent agency, and Yuuna has become an apprentice detective. There's also that ominous assassin being sent from the other world.
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Assassin Alba

>In Sara and Livia's original world, a captured prisoner who was a former assassin, Alba Du Romadeila receives a new assignment. She is to go through the supposed portal to another world in pursuit of the escaped seventh princess of Ofim, Sara Da Odin and eliminate her. Alba complies without complaint, having no other choice. Her captors promise her a high position in the new government if she's able to return successfully with proof of Sara's death, but make it clear that there is no proof of the existence of a return route or even of the portal's efficacy.
>Alba jumps into the darkness, and finds herself in present day Gifu. Unable to control herself, she cackles joyfully. She is free, having never planned on following through with the mission in the first place (she's deathly terrified of Livia after having fought her once). Alba slinks off into the night, and gets to work gathering information about her new world.
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Apprentice Detective Naganawa Yuuna

>It's the first week of Yuuna's new job as Sousuke's new apprentice. To get a better idea of what he's working with, Sousuke puts Yuuna through a few tests. He makes her tail customers of the cafe downstairs without being seen, and he's surprised at how much natural talent Yuuna has for being a detective. She's observant, meticulous, and above all melts into the background effortlessly.

The Middle Schoolers' Next Steps

>14 year old Sara is beginning her last year at middle school. She finds out she's in the same class as her friends Yayoi and Ryoko yet again, and they begin talking about what high school they're going to. Sara has decided to go to Yuuna's high school, Inokuchi High, the most prestigious prep school in the city. Yayoi and Ryoko both say they want to follow Sara there, but Sara and Yayoi make fun of Ryoko's average grades. Ryoko becomes agitated and says she'll prove that she can do anything she puts her mind to.
>Ryoko: "Kusanagi, if I get into Inokuchi, go out with me!"
Everyone is surprised, but it seems to be a genuine confession. Sara apologizes and says she can't be Ryoko's girlfriend, but tells her about the homosexual customs of her homeland, and basically offers to be friends with benefits to both Ryoko and Yayoi once she turns 15. In public. Students who overheard turned this into a rumor of "you can fuck Sara-sama if you get into Inokuchi". That year there were a record amount of students from Sara's middle school who got top scores.
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Birth of a Phantom Thief

>Since arriving in Gifu, former assassin Alba has been living quite comfortably. Aided by the fact that the other world also speaks Japanese, Alba was able to quickly gather information about the modern world. In addition, before she went into the portal, she requested gold bars to use as currency for the mission, reasoning correctly that gold must be valuable to the inhabitants of any other world. So now Alba has information and money, but no identity. She's still only 17 by modern world reckoning and looks like it, so she has trouble finding accommodation.
>To get around this, she's been sleeping at manga cafes and has picked up reading manga to pass the time. She's especially fond of stories where "bad guys" like her are the heroes, stories about assassins, yakuza, and of course the phantom thief genre. Since she can use magic, maybe she'll try her hand at being a phantom thief too, Alba thinks. So she easily breaks into a large mansion at night (rich people must be bad people), but finds lots of family photos and nothing incriminating that would justify the owners being stolen from. Disappointed, she leaves empty handed, but not before drawing her family crest, a peony flower, on the family's mirror. Thus begins the legend of Phantom Thief Peony.
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Aspiring Politician Female Knight

>Livia is invited out for dinner by the politician whose life she saved, a cabinet minister named Satoyoda Seira. They bond over their shared history with reforming organized crime (Seira's husband was a former member of a Korean gang), and Seira says she's interested in Livia's company's efforts in sustainable development (she means the grasshoppers as food thing). Seira says she would support Livia if she ever wanted to get into politics, and suddenly Livia is now seen as a successor by a woman who would one day become the Prime Minister.
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The no fanservice girl.
I dropped the anime the moment I found out Livia became a carpet munching dyke to her now dead gf. I was ok with her fucking the Slut or the Cult babe but her fucking some random yakuza dyke killed it for me.
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The Crouching Dragon Awakens

>Yuuna is on a school trip with her new classmates. It's a sort of orientation trip designed for the students to get to know each other. When she lets it slip that she knows the legendary Kusanagi Sara, Yuuna is slightly annoyed that her classmates are more interested in hearing about Sara than about herself, at least until she brings up the fact that she's an apprentice detective.
>Later on at night, Yuuna heads to the baths late trying to avoid the crowd, but ends up falling asleep in the bath and misses the lights out time. Hastily drying her hair, Yuuna walks out into a nearly deserted hotel. She walks past just one lone guest on her way back to her room, but suddenly hears a loud noise coming from a staff only area. Investigating, she discovers a man collapsed on the ground, blood pouring from his head. His fall must've made the noise.
>Police and emergency services are quickly summoned, and the commotion has dragged out almost the entire hotel out to the lobby to see what's going on. Police investigator Houshou Masaki, a young woman in her 20s questions Yuuna about how she found the victim who was now in critical condition. Not expecting anything useful, she asks off hand whether Yuuna saw anyone else. To her surprise Yuuna says she did see one man dressed like a guest, and provides a perfect description. Stunned, the investigator asks Yuuna how she remembered so clearly, and Yuuna says it's because Sousuke told her to remember quantitative physical features instead of vibes based observations, and that she's training to become a private detective. As she's describing the man's nose, she looks around the crowd to find an example and spots the exact person in the crowd, who's now in a staff uniform. An attempted murder case that was looking hopeless has just been solved in an hour thanks to the JK detective who just happened to be on scene.
You should've known when you saw who the author was. It was always /u/ all along. >>269133773
sounds based to me. the more she fucks the better. I love prostitute Livia
Yeah not a fan of the dyke shit either, and it seems Sara is gonna follow Livia's steps now too.
I have no problem with the /u/ just who my favorite character fucked.
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Birth of a JK Detective

>Yuuna's next meeting with investigator Houshou Masaki was faster than she expected. At a school assembly one day Yuuna spots the investigator on stage and gets a bad feeling in her gut. Sure enough when Masaki is invited to speak she invites Yuuna up to the stage to officially thank her for helping solve the case and presents her with a medal. News crews happen to be at the assembly (it's the best school in the city, so they usually shoot stock footage of school events at this school) and catch the entire exchange.
>Back at Sousuke's place, Yuuna is eating dinner with Sara and Sousuke when the news comes. They're running a story on her, the real JK detective who solved an attempted murder within the hour. Yuuna's going viral on social media. Sara and Sousuke relentless mock her for being the real life Kudo Shinichi, and Sousuke jokes that she's already more accomplished as a detective than he is.
>Elsewhere, investigator Masaki sits down at a ramen shop to have a meal, and finds Takeo (Mr. reseller, revealed last volume to be an undercover cop) sitting beside her. She recognizes him as her straight laced rival in the police academy. She asks what happened to him, appalled, and he replies that he found gambling and drinking more fun than being a police officer, trying not to blow his cover. She leaves, disappointed with what he's become and with the fact that he didn't ask to see her again...
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Commuting Wife JK

>Now that she's officially hired, Sousuke takes Yuuna to greet their biggest client Brenda. When Brenda's butler opens the door, she announces that she is no long Tateyama, but now Inuyama, having married Inuyama castle in Aichi. Ignoring Tateyama (Inuyama?), Sousuke introduces Yuuna to Brenda and reminds her that this is the girl who was being bullied some 3 years ago.
>Brenda of course knows all about Yuuna, having sensed she was a romantic rival long ago. Sousuke and Yuuna talk about how Yuuna's at the office almost every day after school and on Saturdays (when Sara's usually in Tokyo for talent lessons, leaving them along for the entire day). Yuuna says besides helping with detective work she also cleans and cooks (they don't really have enough work to justify having 2 people). To Brenda it almost looks like Yuuna is here to flaunt her victory, and she remarks that it's almost like Yuuna is a commuting wife.
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Bishoujo Phantom Thief and Bishoujo Detective

>One day Yuuna is invited to join members of her school's student council to a youth conference/banquet being held by politician Satoyoda Seira on account of becoming slightly famous as the JK detective. She doesn't really want to go, but Sousuke encourages her to go so she can have a wider breadth of experiences to use as topics for conversation, an essential skill for a private investigator.
>Elsewhere, Alba is growing bored of being a phantom thief. Looking for a greater challenge, she finds out about the youth conference/banquet and decides to infiltrate it (politicians must be bad people worth stealing from).
>When Yuuna arrives at the banquet, she finds a lone girl who says the other students from her school had their car break down and couldn't make it. She asks if she can join Yuuna's group so she won't be alone. The good natured student council and their advisor agree. This is obviously Alba in disguise, and she's infiltrated the banquet successfully. She looks around at the buffet table, wondering what kind of delicious food will be served by this worlds' kings.
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>Satoyoda walks out on stage and starts talking about sustainability, which apparently was the theme of this banquet. She introduces a startup company started by one of her friends (Livia's), and says they're developing more sustainable food production. Looking more closely at the buffet table, Alba is horrified to realize that Every. Single. Dish. is bugs. Alba runs to the bathroom, and yells out in despair about why she has to eat bugs even in another world.
>From the adjacent stall, Yuna hears this and confronts her, but Alba explains it away (Yuna doesn't know about the other world or Sara's origins) and they decide to sneak out together. Once outside, Alba starts drawing her calling card as graffiti on a campaign van, and Yuuna calls her out as not being a student at all. Alba tries to explain things away but Yuuna points out all the inconsistencies in her behavior and words throughout the night.
>Alba starts getting excited, realizing she was bored because she couldn't be caught. She was looking for a rival. Alba senses there's something special about Yuna and asks who she is, and gets even more excited when Yuna says she's a detective, the classic rival of every phantom thief. Alba declares Yuna her rival before they both run off, having caused a commotion.
>"Phantom thief vs detective. Such a classic tale was playing out without Sousuke or Sara's knowledge right underneath their eyes."
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The Female Knight Buys a Horse

>After losing at the horse races again, Livia gets the idea to go ride a horse herself. She goes to a riding club and rides a white horse named Ranmaru. Feeling a connection with the horse (Livia is a descendant of Mori Ranmaru), she offers to buy the horse and manages to convince the owners to sell him to her. After this she gets a stable built at her company's new headquarters and rides the horse to work.
>you vill eat ze bugs
This is why we hate Livia here.
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The Female Knight Goes on a Journey

>Livia has just built a luxurious penthouse in her company's new office tower. She's lounging around one day when she's notified Brenda is at the office for a visit. Livia's company has had Brenda as their lawyer for a while, and she was in the area so she came to see the new building. Livia offers to show her around and invites her to have dinner with her.
>Livia is in the middle of eating McDonalds and drinking Dom Perignon. Brenda is appalled at this waste, but tries fillet o fish with the champagne. She's surprised when it's actually not bad, and reasons white meat should pair well with champagne. Next they try big macs and expensive red wine. Again it's surprisingly good, Brenda says it's a hell of a lot better than drinking the wine with a badly cooked steak.
>In no time Brenda is drunk out of her mind and trauma dumping about her perceived loss to Yuna for Sousuke's affection. The only reason she even knows about wine pairings and such was because she was studying up to cook for Sousuke, but while she was wasting time making no progress Yuna was already cooking for Sousuke every single day.
>Livia comforts Brenda and sees she's too drunk to walk home, so she walks Brenda to her bedroom. Suddenly she sees Brenda's still delicate (36 year old) body and gets horny. She starts to undress Brenda saying she'll take her mind off of her sadness.
>literally a rapist
This is why we hate Livia here.
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>Then Brenda hits Livia with something she's never heard before.
>"I'm sorry, but I'm saving my first time for the one I love."
>On top of never having been rejected by a woman in her 20 some years of life in both worlds, Livia is shocked at the purity, the innocence pouring from Brenda. Here was a 36 year old virgin who was still willing to wait for her one and only even though she was just crying about having almost no hope with him.
>Livia can't help but compare herself to such a sight, she remembers that she's been here sleeping with hundreds of women starting almost immediately after her girlfriend passed away. As Brenda runs off, Livia sits stunned, realizing how tainted and dirty she always was.
>The next day, Livia's VPs, Noa, Asumi, and Suzuki find a letter on her desk. Livia says she's gone on a journey to find herself. At first they panic a little, but then quickly realize she RODE THE HORSE away, so there are hundreds of news reports about the strange woman riding a white horse on the highway. They decide to leave her alone for the time being.
>Elsewhere, Takeo receives word that his target has left Gifu, and so he follows along to look for Livia. Somewhere along the way, doing surveillance on Livia has become fun for him, and now he follows on her journey.
>Useless CEO, got all her wealth from inheritance
>Invites guests to eat mcdonalds with champagne
>Must rape whereever she goes
>Now also thinking about being a politician

Remember to vote Livia.
I love Livia
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Tabula Rasa

>One Saturday, Sara is in Tokyo doing her idol lessons. Honeytrap detective Neya Haruka is her guardian, in fact Haruka goes most of the time since Sousuke and his dad are both busy running their own agencies. Haruka also thinks of this as a good chance to get closer to Sara, in service of becoming someone Sousuke would consider marrying.
>Sara excels in almost every area, and helps all of the other talent at the agency, but is hopeless at dancing. It's so bad the agency has given up on scheduling dance lessons for her, but her friend and colleague, yankee idol Himari still wants to be in a unit together. Himari wants to be in a unit with Sara so badly she's taken to giving Sara dance lessons by herself out of her own time.
>Eventually after some practice they get to the topic of why Sara's so bad at dancing even though she can remember all the steps, and Himari concludes it's because Sara doesn't have enough muscle. She recommends Sara put on some more muscle like her favorite youtuber Pres. Mikoto (Livia).
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>Himari is surprised when Sara says she knows Livia, and as a fan asks excitedly about what Livia's like. She's surprised when Sara compares Livia to a three kingdoms figure who was known as a puppet ruler, but Sara clarifies that Livia is like a blank slate and simply absorbs characteristics from the people around her. She's successful because she's surrounded herself with competent people.
>Himari asks Sara what three kingdoms figure Sara is most like herself, expecting her to say Kongming, but Sara says she's also like the puppet ruler, a blank slate, influenced by people around her. Perhaps one day, she prophesied, the two blank slates will meet in a battle for dominance.
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End of volume 7. No afterword from Hirasaka Yomi this time, very strange. Just an afterword from Kantoku.
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And here are some other illustrations/character sheets from this volume.

(the politician)
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The police investigator.
I can't believe they fucking murdered livia's hair
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Oh yeah right I forgot to mention she cut it even shorter when she went on the journey. We don't have any illustrations of what it looks like though.
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The horse. (Job: Horse)
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And there's this guy. This is Livia's second in command/guy actually in charge of the company. He's hinted to have a thing for Livia.
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And that's it, we're caught up to the LN now. I will return in half a year or whenever the next volume comes out.
Reminder that Sara was left at the idol agency in tokyo for a week. Her coinslot has been polished by a producer or some pick-up artist.
Pretty sure this guy will end up with the dyke knight considering author's track record when it comes to lesbos
im gonna read the ln later this year but from the summaires and the like it seems that sara is the most boring part of the story
thanks and see you later
>Livia says she's gone on a journey to find herself
dyke journey comes to an end
>The Female Knight Goes on a Journey
She's definitely getting dicked right.
>Sara growing up
There's no reason to bother with this anymore. Call me when we get S2
>offers to be friends with benefits to both Ryoko and Yayoi once she turns 15
Making Sara into another turbo dyke slut really doesn't sit right with me.
Wtf get this dyke away from best girl Brenda. This girl is almost rapist levels of bad.
>Sousuke still hasn't tapped that paipan pussy
Come on man...
>but while she was wasting time making no progress Yuna was already cooking for Sousuke every single day.
Yuna won hard
Damn this needs S2.
>Phantom thief vs detective. Such a classic tale was playing out without Sousuke or Sara's knowledge right underneath their eyes
Sounds lewd. Yuba x Alba confirmed.

You differently didn't read his previous work then.
It's ironic how a competent genius princess does fucking nothing and enjoys being a kid, while her dumb guard literally became a Jesus-like figure in a new world.
Though >>269135959 might be foreshadowing their future face-off, which is also interesting.
Holy fuck, Brenda is the kind of perfect woman that could never exist in real life. That pic out of context last thread pissed me off but this is pure gold.
Is Livia confirmed full lesbian, not bi? No guys at all? I thought she had a lot of chemistry with homeless bro.
100% sure this author doesn't plan ahead and writes shit on a whim, it's fucking ass.
Glad the anime stopped before it got to the shittier parts.
t. haremfag who got tricked into watching yuri
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Best show of the spring season. Thanks for the dump
I'm not sure how to feel about this anymore, especially with Sara.
Thank you for posting.
It's their tradition bro
brah when can we get more seasons of salad bowl... reading the novel just not enough anymore for me without livia voice and sara stupid song....
I still replay Lettuce & Cabbage song every few days...
for me, it's the fish song
Alba a cute
Any candidates for the position?
Seems like a gradual and organic transition into sluthood to me. A couple friends who would otherwise be upset, hold them closer. Her mother was a courtesan. She's had the skills to be a much bigger slut since she arrived, but managed to find support without needing to.
That's an awfully form hugging yet loose shirt. Is it tailored to her just for that effect?

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