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If the younger generations actually started watching Haruhi you would immediately cast her aside. It will happen some day.
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It's the biggest piece of dog shit that I've ever watched
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You watched over OP's shoulder as he made this thread?
that's proof of how much i hate this anime
I used to think this anime was top 10 material when I was about 14. Today at 25 I realized I was just trying to fit in and didn't like it that much outside the movie maybe. The irony is that the otaku cred of this series goes out the window the moment you learn the author had no idea what doujins were while still writing the light novel. He's basically a normalfag for Japanese standards.
That's what makes it good, he's a SF/mysteryfag
Kinda like how Toriyama doesn't give much of a fuck about animanga otaku shit either beyond like some entry level stuff that allows him to know how to draw a manga.
Toriyama specifically wasn't into anime. In Japan manga is way more mainstream (or socially acceptable for adults to engage in) than anime. In the West we don't really have that separation between anime and manga.
I've admittedly never read the light novels so I'm not sure how much did Kyoani change things but after learning that factoid I felt the otaku culture references in the show felt dishonest.
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I liked Haruhi and the offshoots, but I would never rank it in my top ten, maybe not even top 20. Yuki-Chan, though, is top tier.
Where is it? It's been 10 months.
I'm so glad this trash is now irrelevant. Cringe show.
I watched it a few years ago and didn't like it.
>le endless 8 is actually good you just don't understand it !!
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I think it's kind of weird to think this is more popular than Death Note, to be honest.
Like, the way I see it:
>Superman, Spider-Man, Darth Vader: Your grandparents will recognize them, they are that culturally defining.
>Dragon Ball: most people in your age group working at your company will have at least heard of it, many will be able to reference some plot elements
>Death Note: depending on where you work, there's a decent chance a random coworker will have at least heard of it, some will be able to reference plot details
>Small chance that even one other person in your office ever heard of it. May be one, may be two if your office has more than 100 people working in it, but that's it.

Do those people who think that actually think that if they walk up to a random cowoker and ask “Have you heard of Haruhi Suzumiya?” that the chance is larger that they answer “Yes.” than with Death Note or Dragon Ball?

Weird people to be honest.
You actually like "rom""coms" which blueballs the viewers into expecting anything to happen by the end?
A large portion of this board does, apparently.
I don't think they like that aspect, they just live with it and publishers keep doing it because they don't turn away due to it either.
Toriyama wasn't into manga either by his own admission. The only mangaka he ever cited as an influence was Tezuka's, which is literally as basic as it gets.

Interview with Rumiko Takahashi and Toriyama together
>Do you often watch anime, you two?
>Takahashi: I watch them when I have free time. I’m currently watching Fist of North Star and some others...
>Toriyama: I seldom watch anime, and I don’t read manga very often either. I know they’re funny, but I am not keen on watching them.

Interview with his first editor
>Kazuhiko Torishima
>Toriyama-kun’s big peculiarity is that he never read or studied manga, but rather studied basic pictures as a designer. The fact that he then hit upon drawing manga by chance after he was out of work is his biggest peculiarity.

And pic related
His works withstood the test of time.
I did not know this, thank you anon. Toriyama really was a genius.
>only otaku should make anime and manga
That’s the exact reason we get nothing but slop.
Are you hallucinating? How did you get that idea from that post.
We get plenty of good things though.
That word doesn't mean what you think it means
But I blame the older generation for making it way too overrated for how boring it is. There's been a hundred anime from the same time that deserved the attention more.
List them, tough boy
I always thought it was shit so I feel vindicated.
Nice catch

The references are more about meta/fiction which connects to the main theme
I hate you all
This aint gonna make haruhi a good anime.
This aint gonna make haruhi a bad anime.
Wasn't there a remake or something coming? Zoomers will ignore it, like Spice and dog
Well I don't know about that anon and what exactly do you mean, but I have very slowly sitting at chapter 67, it feels like such a slog, like When Will Ayumu Make His Move, but that one had much better art at least.
If it wasnt the spinoff of a big IP it would have never got this many chapters.
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Tell me more about what I would do in [hypothetical situation]. You seem to have been blessed with God-like future prediction powers and what better way to use them than to tell anonymous faggots what they would do when it comes to anime on a Nigerian water bucket hauling forum.
No, i would tell them to fuck off, like I already do with retarded zoomers calling Haruhi "bisexual" or other twitter memes
Back to the gas chamber faggot yaoifag
Why? Let them get filtered
Subhuman retards don’t belong in the Haruhi community anyway
I'm a zoomer and I watched Haruhi almost 10 years ago.
Toriyama came from another time. Anime wasn't as famous as it is nowadays and more associated with children even in Japan.
And the anime otaku didn't exist for a long time yet. Anime otaku began to become a thing when he wrote Dr. Slump. That's also one of the reasons why japanese anime otakus used to have many other nerd hobbies and nerd interests like planes, sci-fi movies etc.
Anno and Gainax as a a whole for example were huge Toho fans. And of course they loved anime which was seen by their work Otaku no Video.
With the Haruhi author it all sounds like a failed author who used LNs as a way to get into literature.
But Haruhi had lots of tropes from anime and manga. That's why I think he at least watched a few anime or read a few manga. Yuki Nagato being a Rei Ayanami clone is a well known fact for example. Evenn her name is a reference to Rei's name. Although I've heard that EVA used to be and still is famous even among normalfags in Japan.
I think the average westerner have at least heard the name Luke Skywalker and it's possible it's similar with Japan and EVA names.
I really wouldn't give a shit what other people watch.
Why do you?
>it's possible it's similar with Japan and EVA names
I heard every person in Japan knows the EVA OP for some reason even if they can't name the anime
/a/ is looking for drama because they have absolutely nothing better to do
Whenever I look at this guy's art I realize Haruhi would have been an iconic romance anime if the author was a woman. I love what Lord Tanigawa gave us, but part of me wishes the series was more focused on Haruhi and Kyon's cute wholesome dynamic as show in Taiki's art.
That's what makes it good, the romance is so understated that it, instead of being another dime a dozen teen romance, it's closer to being the rare if not non existent example of a genuine male-female friendship in young adult fiction.

Even in all that time since I read Haruhi thing I can really think of off the top of my head with a male-female lead dynamic that doesn't lead to romance between the two is Hare nochi Guu. But Guu almost doesn't really count. And if Hare was a teenager when the series started then it probably would have.
I mean like a tsundere boy and a high energy girl, but more shoujo-ish. Agree on the understated romance bit.
Haruhi? GOAT 10/10, best thing I ever watched
And I watched it last month for the first time
My thoughts exactly when I first watched it back in 2019.
The people blaming Haruhi’s popularity on nostalgia are retarded.
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Fuck the janny who prevents this thread from being bumped, may your wages be garnished, oh wait..
Why do you have sage as your name
>didn't like it that much outside the movie maybe.
The movie is such a masterpiece even if you didn't like the anime it was worth it for that alone. Utter perfection.
Came back from saging a /lit/ thread
Single ponytail Haruhi was the best.
The movie isn't a masterpiece it is perfection even standalone. But with it elevates both itself and the two seasons if watched together.
Kyon in the thread
Well maybe that’s why the thread isn’t bumping when you post…
Hare Hare Yukai in RoshiDere
I forgot to remove the name, not the sage in the options tab (4chan carries over the name but not the option)
>Ah there he is. Care for a glass of sake? I heard "God" and her odd little friends have formed some kind of brigade.
>You better not be wasting my time.
>Of course, I wouldn't dare waste a time-traveller's time. On the contrary, I was just celebrating your latest failed attempt to capture that girl. Why do you keep trying to kidnap her anyway?
>None of your business.
>You owe me for saving your life. How would "God" react if she found out you were going to hurt her plaything?
>I wasn't. Once my job here is done I leave, you can do whatever you want with the hairband chick, I don't care.
>You don't understand me, do you? Our objectives are aligned, so it is not wise for us to waste time fighting each other. We need to level the playing field, Fujiwara-san.
>To put it plainly, shouldn't we, have a Brigade of our own?
Imagine if this year's Disappearance screening had this conversation as a post-credits scene. Then next year Kadokawa would announce OVAs for Snowy Mountain Syndrome, Indignation, and Surprise.
>The irony is that the otaku cred of this series goes out the window the moment you learn the author had no idea what doujins were while still writing the light novel. He's basically a normalfag for Japanese standards.
No, he was a literature nerd, not an akihabara-style otaku. It's most evident by the fact that most of the "otaku references" it made were to popular light novels of the time like boogiepop, not anime (although it did reference a few super mainstream shows like NGE).
I would groom qts
haruhi in 2024! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdMxdWc3NG0
Thanks, Yuki
that's a really big if, those broccoli-head faggots don't touch anything older than 2015
nta but
case on point, only a few among the modern anime viewers actually watched Evangelion, the vast majority only knows about the scene of Shinji jerking off a comatose Asuka and that's it.
It got a new BD release with a new dub on netflix like a few years ago, that's why. It's new to them.
s3 is real, haruhi is that highly anticipated kadokawa x aniplex project
State of Evangellion rn:

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