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How do I stop having boring taste?
stop being an insecure faggot. whoever made this image is also a contrarian faggot.
Stop trying to fit in to social media's ""standards"'. I love anime that makes both /a/ and xitter seethe.
Watch something you want to watch and not what the internet tells you you should watch.
Keep watching stuff
Be a lolicon
This guy has better taste than most of /a/
>no FMA shit
Like what you like, whether or not people dislike it or think it's over rated or whatever. Might as well enjoy what you enjoy and not let yourself get pulled down.
Also, it's refreshing hearing other people saying this same thing in this thread.
It's impossible on this board with schizos that seethe over you liking what you like.
and on the rest of western Internet for that matter too. I can like what I like for myself, but posting about it is a pain.
Most people with taste like this, with all their favorite anime coming from the mal top 500 or recommendation charts or whatever, just haven't explored much because they're new. So in most cases >>269135877
But there are also the terminal cases of jaded old fucks whose taste stagnated after 5 years and they'll never get over the idea that their old favorites are really unbeatable. They might as well quit watching anime.
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I always love these kinds of posts. They're pretty much guaranteed to have enjoyable anime that will piss off isekai/harem slop fans. Needs more shoujo though because there's only like 1 in there. I would suggest something like Natsume Yuujinchou
Name 10 good anime outside MAL's top 500
Welcome to the NGK is genuinely great tho… and I uhhh… also really love Berserk
It always infuriate me how epic stuff like LoGh or Ashita no joe are usually associated with pretentious crap like texnoloze or tatami galaxy
I could with ease, but I don't care enough to see what MAL's top 500 is and I'm not going there to be checking that out.
Stop watching popular Anime, that only leads you to being a npc faggot that doesnt know what is even good.

Just go open the Anime/manga directory and pick one that piques your interest based on the cover. do this a hundred, 3 hundred times, and then and only then you'll have a taste Your taste.

>B-but nobody likes what I like! how will i be accepted by others!?
you don't the point is not to fit by knowing the same things they know, if that was the case there would be nothing worth discussing, you'll be seen as someone with the same taste, not even worth looking as you bring nothing new to the table.
Be different walk you own path, achieve your own wisdom and spread it to the ignorant masses.
They won't listen, but a lucky few will, and recognize that there is worth in following you rather than following the worthless mass of ignorance around them.
name 10 good anime you think won't be in MAL's top 500. You have such good taste it's unlikely your taste would coincide with MALs.
>Ergo Proxy
>Porco Rosso
>Angel's Egg
>Haibane Renmei

All of these are not in MAL's top 500 by the way.
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For at least a year, watch anime and read manga without looking at anything anyone else has to say about it. No reviews, no discussion, nothing.
Go to a streaming site or a manga aggregator (not databases, those will tempt you to read reviews) to browse, choose whatever catches your eye, and then download it from the usual sources to watch/read locally.
It's that easy. Bonus: don't look at any genre or demographic tags either or else your anti-[thing] irony poisoning might kick in.
why would you use that over AniDB?
>Just watch random anime bro!

Idiots. 99% of anime is trash. Taste is looking at the 1% the few intelligent anime fans have currated for you and realizing half of it is also trash. Picking out which half is good and which half is overrated is where taste comes in.

For example. Monster and Bebop are overrated tash, Ashita no Joe is good.
FMA reigning supreme in MAL is enough indication of its worth (none at all).
Imagine being too retarded to get a good sense of how much you'll like an anime before you watch it
>piss off isekai/harem slop fans
They don’t get mad about people watching anime, that’s what you do.
to add to these>>269137142 , >>269137194 try developping taste outside of anime. Music, films...etc
People who are obssessed with anime and make anime their entire personality don't have taste and are the most boring ones of all.
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>(only one You)
Anime easily has the best music in the world though. And films? You're noticing the trend of anime movies winning more and more awards, while people are getting bored of real life stuff.
Look more into the staff behind the stuff that you did like and go from there.

If some f/a/ggot thinks you've got boring taste that's their problem.
>don't read comments or other people's thoughts because they'll influence your tastes
It must really suck being this gullible lmao
npcs really exposing themselve, lol.
Why do people even care about other people influencing their tastes lol.
I have been watching anime without reading any sort of recommendations or reviews at all for decades, do people really just watch only the top rated shit on whatever review source they consume? I can't imagine living like that
I have no idea. Zoomers or schizos. Perhaps traumatized purist faggots. Antisocials that get too scared of the label normalfag, i.e., must be anti everyone to become someone.
It's all sounds puerile to me. The irony is that they're into a culture that nothing like that. Hell, I'm pretty sure there's a handful of anime that deal with this coming of age, ego development nonsense.
Not really. Very few people bother to watch top rated shit. Most normies and npcs just watch whatver currently popular seasonal anime is.
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>They don’t get mad about people watching anime, that’s what you do.
Mhmm, that's why this thread was made, right? Because they're too busy watching anime?
>saying your 3x3 was Cowboy, NGE, FMA, Naruto, and One Piece was both newfaggotry and bannable years ago

>more people irl who fit exactly that with vapid pretentiousness
>what was bannable was at least a sign of investment

turn the tables
99% posters are trash. Same goes for the "90% of media" ones which is a new trend I noticed.

None of you were ever right, limiting yourself and trying to get some gullible anons into believing that shit.
Unironically just watch more anime or at least anime other than the highly rated, there's a reason most AOTS always have low numbers.
>limiting yourself

Yeah I am limitng myself by not attmpeting to eat shit, rocks and plastic. I just don't understand man, I don't have a sophisticated palate like you.
Too lazy to search for the rest but easily: Vampire Hunter D, Super Crooks, Gunslinger Girl, Bastard!!
Are you retarded? OP's question implies being excessively influenced by others and having no personal taste; the remedy to that is cutting off that outside influence. That doesn't mean you can't read anyone's thoughts ever or else you'll assimilate, just that it's a good way to assess from a fresher lens what (you) like.
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>Gunslinger Girl
not with s2
That's the joke
Ofc, someone told me to only watch s1 and I did just that
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I enjoyed Etotama more than anything here, though to be fair I haven't seen yet:
Ashita no Joe

I am missing out that much?
I do not believe people genuinely like Texhnolyze
I kinda doubt that you'd find the value in them, but it doesn't hurt to try them out to see if you like them.
You are limiting yourself. Trying to look for "le deep and praised shows" would mean you wouldn't be here anymore because there's like 6 popular anime you constantly spam that have been overdiscussed to death.
>sophisticated blahblah
Nobody cares. I'm a person who loves watching what I find enjoyable, without trying to fit in.
This but Mushishi, it doesn't matter if you write an entire book explaining why you liked it, I just don't believe you.
what r*dditor made this garbage? Regardless good taste is just what you like after you've read a thousand or so series. If your newer there is no point in trying to "pretend" you have sophisticated taste, just start reading a bunch of shit. The only true "good taste" is when you yourself have curated the manga you like out of the many you've read.
Delete your MAL account, stop listening to anitubers, don't get reccs from other people.
>but no social interaction
>but I can't show off my good taste
Good taste isn't meant to be flaunted around. It's moreso for yourself, your wellbeing and your enjoyment. Some sacrifices in "community" must be made but you don't need that rage-inducing shit anyways.
This honestly.
>No isekai
>No One Piece

Makes you think about the tastes of the one that made it, huh
just watch all of those plus everything else.
if you like 1000 anime you wont be boring (if you really actually care about this shit)
>the remedy to that is cutting off that outside influence
It's a shit meme for dimwits and your remedy is retarded. It reeks of projection or simply a very narrow mindset. By definition, you'd already have a taste. In reality, you'll try to expose yourself to other stuff. MAL's 500 means dozens of genres and styles.
In reality (ii), there would be no remedy for someone pretending, and if it's meant to insult those types that hardly watch anime or have barely scraped the "classics" (you know this boring people) they would be tourists or newfags, and you should tell them to fuck off.
At any rate, never feel judged by strangers or let /a/ control your taste.
Add Kaiji
Cowboy Bebop is isekai.
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It's better than your isekai/cgdct shit. It's funny when you ask what the critics of this picture like, they call the series much worse. The more I watch anime, the more I understand why such a picture was formed, the more I watch, the more disgusted I am. I watched this shit recently, I just got disappointed again. The anime in this picture is hated by the shit eaters, they want you to eat slop like this
Watch Erased.
>T. Doesn't listen to music or watch movies outside of anime
if you have that taste you will also get criticized as being boring
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average taste of the people who unironically believe this
the only thing more sad than someone with boring basic taste is someone who's so insecure he has to pretend to not like something just because it's popular
>Average taste of the people who unironically believe it
Looks pretty good to me.
Except I do. Video games :)
Oh wait, that's not gonna count too because "zomgz he didnt watch my LE GODFATHER MOVIE HOW DARE HE!"
Actors suck 99% of the time.
No, what is even worse is people pretending to like garbage to "pwn the ESS JAY DOUBLE-U FAGGOTS". Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid being a prime example.
I'm sorry to inform you that you have the most boring taste in anime
There are better shows here yeah.
Try an isekai fren
This post proves why /tv/ is the better board
Same here, it's just so slow and the mc is so retarded punching everyone he sees
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OP's pic isn't just a case of "boring". It's also a case of "I only watch DEEP stuff". Try watching something lighthearted and dumb instead.
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Estrogen, my sister.
You have to be above the age of 18 to post here anon.
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Yea, I like all of them, they are classics for a reason. I also like new stuff, what of it?
Dog signal is modern classics.
Whoever made this image is definitely just trying to bait insecure chaps like you into getting angry (he succeeded)
Both of you are morons who missed the point. The image didn't say that the anime in it are bad or that it's wrong to like them, it's making fun of the kind of person who cares so much about what other people think of him that he has to curate hit list of favourites to only include series that are generally liked and rarely criticised.
Helck flopped so hard, even in this shithole of a board kek
Watch mecha.
watching random anime that piques your interest is how you discover underrated stuff
>b-b-but 90% of anime is le shit, smart redditors said so
just stop watching and move onto the next. also go back
I see nothing
> Mecha taste is original.

That genre is the least original in the world man, let's not kid ourselves, you have severe autism if you can't spot the repeating stories with Mecha shows, there's only so many ways you can spin that shit.
I am :)
No, what is even worse is people not letting you enjoy what you like and throwing a tantrum like the manchildren they are.
Oh? Angry because I don't care about your overrated ass movie? It sucks, deal with it.
>the repeating stories with Mecha shows
You can be a Mecha show and have a non-repeating story. It applies to almost everything in this world.

You can use mechs for defending the world, but also for rivalry or just exploring.

Code Geass mechas aren't made for the same purpose as Gundams.
This one is so good, how the hell can you like texchnolize, flcl and lain at the same time, it's like watching paint dry
this isn’t developing taste, this is just giving yourself a false sense of elitism to boost your poor self esteem. developing taste is reading shit, liking it or not liking it, and aggregating that info. simple as. up to op to have the balls to not care about other people mocking their tastes if they end up liking shit that the elitist dork crowd shits on.
Good things are good. I've watched so many anime but most of my favorites haven't changed from when I started out by watching the most recommended ones. 99% of anime is dogshit so the few ones that are anything decent immediately stand out.
>another 99% poster
Fuck off already and take your boring taste with you.
Nah don't think I will you should kys lol
This >>269140282
Kys faggot.
bluds don't know about strugeon's law. moefags/shounen spics triggered
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Ok and?
For me, looking through it, I'd say
>Gundam: Zeta
>Arslan Senki
>ef (not as good as the VN)
>Hokuto no Ken (jankiness be damned)
>Jigoku Shoujo (especially the first season)
>Kara no Kyoukai: Movie 3
>Kimi ni Todoke (both seasons)
>Koi Kaze
I could go on if I wanted
Stuff like Koi Kaze in particular is great but it gets knocked down due to the taboo subject matter. Older Gundam series aren't going to be popular with MAL's userbase
Without recency bias, a lot of very good shows gradually end up sliding further and further down the rankings as they're not having an influx of more casual fans to give them glowing ratings. Shows that were insanely influential for their time (something like Shakugan no Shana) aren't given their dues because most people using MAL don't have any appreciation for the history of the medium and only watch a handful of classics and the popular shows of the newest seasons. Call it cliche, but the fact that neither Eva or the End of Eva are even in the top 100 is a massive red flag as to how MAL is ranking shows.
>liking good shows is...le bad....
Insightful. If this is your taste, you have good taste, simple as. Boring or otherwise
Or maybe those series are just that good. Am I supposed to include all my favorite wish fulfillment harem garbage despite knowing they hold no literary value?
>literary value
/a/ cries about series that have that too
if I want a surgeon I'll go get one then faggot,
It's possible that you just happened to like what is also generally liked. But when your list of favourites is all like that, it makes people think you might not really like them that much and that you might be using them to mask what you actually like.
It's your list so you're free to put literally anything you like on it.
Watch things besides the ultra mainstream shows and the respected classics. You can still watch and like them, but don't limit your tastes to them. Watch weird niche oddball stuff too.
>Paprika instead of Paranoia Agent

Retard, it's about people lying. Some people really do have Moby Dick as their favorite novel or Citizen Kane as their favorite movie but they're so outnumbered by people lying about those being their favorites (a teenager trying to seem mature, someone insecure about their taste, a pseud trying to fit in, someone who doesn't care and is just picking the most generic answers, etc.) that those preferences are immediately suspect at best and discarded out of hand at worst.
>pingpong and ashita no joe are boring and people only read them because strangers online tell them to do so actually
i can understand monster, maybe lain and berserk as well, but people calling pingpong pretentious genuinely have no taste in comics and art whatsoever
>people calling pingpong pretentious genuinely have no taste in comics and art whatsoever
The art is a massive pleb filter.
>hurr durr let people enjoy things
What if I enjoy bashing your head in? Huh? Will you let me enjoy doing that or will you insist that I didn't do it? What then, faggot?
It's just dudes playing ping-pong in an unconventional art-style. How pretentious can it even be?
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>No Fullreddit Malchemist
You already have good taste.
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retards get filtered by the manga's artstyle and cant appreciate the intensity of the composition in game scenes.
Also the whole "fly" thing, or any kind of symbolism or metaphor present in the story sounds pretentious to some people
>immediately resorts to violence
Get help at once. I sincerely hope that your parents aren't around you.
My hero academia
Interesting thing is that these are all "respected" when some aren't really that great.
Then say which ones you don't like coward.
Or maybe theyre just that good that lots of people recognize them as some of the best anime and manga has to offer.

Getting defensive that your favorite isn't as well known as these series isn't making you look as cultured as you think it is.
Angel's Egg
Perfect Blue
Haibane Renmei
Tatami Galaxy
All of these are strong 7s at best in my book. I get if someone else might have a soft spot for them and appreciate them more but the near universal acclaim is kinda ridiculous.
You gotta start watching bottom of the barrel otaku wish-fullfillment isekai, moe slice of life, and shonenshit and seethe whenever someone states to like anything that is slightly above average, then you'll finally fit in /a/.
>Perfect Blue
Yeah, nah. You're definitely the kind of obsessive stalker of young women the movie is making fun of. Fuck off.
Its well-liked but I have never seen someone say it's their favourite anime.
Its short and universal themes are easy to understand and relate to (also nostalgia for the early 2000s).
>Haibane Renmei
I have never really seen anyone hate it. Anyone who would be interested in Haibane would like it.
>Angel's Egg
I don't particularly like it but it's an arthouse film that's incredibly well-animated. Most people like it because they like arthouse anime or just like the atmosphere and vibe.
Why'd you remove Bakemonogatari?
>You're definitely the kind of obsessive stalker of young women the movie is making fun of
Did you miss the point of the film?
>Getting defensive that your favorite isn't as well known as these series isn't making you look as cultured as you think it is.
How did you even arrive at that conclusion from what I wrote? I was very clear with what I said.
Did you?
I'm just not a schizo so the "OMG WHO AM I IS THIS REAL" stuff doesn't appeal to me. I appreciate Kon's work but I like his other movies more.
Paprika and Millenium Actress embrace the cocept fully which makes them way more enjoyable to me.

I get the appeal I just think they are overrated.
The antagonist of the film is the female manager who was a former idol herself. She rather obviously manipulates the obsessive fan.
It's spelled out pretty clearly by the end.
Wrong. The real antagonist is the idol industry.
Damn we have the exact same tastes, I’d shake your hand if I could
Reminder that Kon said in interviews that he was surprised when he heard that Western viewers thought the movie was a critique of idolshit and that that wasn't really what he was going for.
In other words, you didn't watch the film to engage with the messages that it was presenting but instead used it to bolster your personal ideology.
If anything, it's a far harsher criticism of the general entertainment industry in Japan than it is of the idol industry. The two girls in her unit being pretty much consistently portrayed as happier and more secure than Mima is another plot point in the film and is one of the big factors that speeds up her mental decline.
You're a woman?
As always, keep watching anime and eventually if you break you own trail, you'll find unique shows that you really love and others don't appreciate as much.
There two things that are true here.
>these are all great shows
>if your list of favorites is only these shows, that is an extremely limited cross-section of anime
There definitely is that group that thinks anime peaked exactly around the time they got into it.
>these are all great shows
Berserk is unfinished. LoGH is talking faces the anime
Kazemakase Tsukikage Ran
The Girl From the Other Side
Black Lagoon
Black Magic: M66

There's 5 for you, because I half-ass everything.
I've only read 2 and watched 2 from this list
clap clap clap
>literary value
Holy midwit
Half my favorites aren't even in the top 5000
Good taste anon.
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>all the best the industry has to offer is from 20 years ago or earlier.

Sad. The anime industry really has gone to shit in modern times.
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Why is joe bad?
what are your favorites?
People will look back at the current time in 10-20 years and talk about which classic shows aired during our times.
You're getting confused on two counts: firstly, that it's difficult to realise how influential something will be until enough time has passed for people who watched/loved it to produce works inspired by it, and secondly, a lot of these lists are clearly cherry picked over large periods of time. The picture you're replying to has shows that aired over 25 years apart. Welcome to the NHK is closer to the current era of anime than it is to Ashita no Joe.
Go back over the last few years of anime and find which shows are still being held up and revered and you'll find that there are still great anime being made, just don't take too much stock on /here/posting because there's always be a few retards willing to bait and argue about anything, moreso if it's popular.
The original "boring taste bingo" chart is about 10 years old itself
This is what a person with a boring taste would say.

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