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Short height.
Big boobs.
Wide hips.

That is the apex of female form. No other can compare
>Short height.
>Big boobs.
>Wide hips.

>That is the apex of female form.
What the pedo's cope is this.
>wanting womanlets
Sounds like me, except I’m a guy.
enjoy your manlet son with taking a dwarfism wife
>forcing your daughter to suffer being TALL
big boobs are ugly as fuck
When did /a/ get filled with raging homosexuals?
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I'm not a pedo myself so I might be wrong, but I feel like they might not be really into fat tits and wide hips.

Am I right?
all ugly and unappealing
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I want to see these sluts raped savagely by black futa cock
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Oppai loli > shortstacks
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Would sumata.
Who the fuck is this and what is she from
She's What's-her-name from Bokuben
>Harem series
Oh no
She's got losing heroine written all over her
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Dude. This says fucking nothing. It's a cute chapter, but don't act like losing girls never get progress chapters.
Anyway, I just checked out the final chapter myself, what a fucking nothingburger. Congrats to author-san to find the only harem ending worse than all girls but one eating shit
Shame of a cute shortstack too
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Okay, but that isn't the ending of the manga. Yuragi-sou did that too and it felt like a cheap cop-out then too.
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I forgot about this retard.
>Big boobs.
>Wide hips.
That's no child you reddit pleb.
Nene is a smart girl
Me on the left
Fishnets are pure sex
Shortstacks with tall flatty friend suffering from breast envy is the best
Bejitabro btw
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Uh huh
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>Big boobs and wide hips
Stop projecting.
>Wide hips
You lost me.
Forgot to add I'm a massive Jojo fan, hope that clears it up.
Ideal woman form.
Teasing tomboys do that so you'll eventually snap and rape them pregnant, it's in their nature, it's how they reproduce.
That's a squirrel
Hi squirrelanon, long time no see.
Probably when >>>/lgbt/ was created, but according to desuarchive, it was 2009.
woman spotted
>has extra-tall heels
>is still head shorter than a man
The best!
I wish huge breasts were real
So do I.
/a/ is also filled with shonen faggots, the kind of people that used to get bullied out whenever they showed up, but then things changed at some point with mods supporting them. Fags are hardly the only issue anyway, y/u/ri fags constantly escape their containment board too, and you can bet your ass that some upset child will report my post to his discord mod friends to get me a vacation, because warnings went out of vogue.
>imagine the small body of a toddler sucking on mommy's big booba
>short stacks have every aspect of it
Pedos are deep.
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behold marumaru's marus.
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Shortstack is disgrace
Pailoli is pure grace
Why do female artists always draw the hottest sluts but also the most deranged fetishes
Rizu is a human being
Just the best!
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>if you like adult women, you're a pedo
>if you kill you enemies, they win
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Because women are much more perverted than men.
It's a new american codeword for slabs of lard.
It's actually the codeword for a biological woman
You aren't allowed to be vocally into that these days
I like my women looking elegant, so I prefer model tier height and small breasts instead of lard poor looking women. Liking big breasts means you have no exquisite taste, and preferring stunted growth over one that can pass on well genes, is well, telling, but I suppose those with low IQs shouldnt give onto superior genes anyway. Only those with urbanite mindsets could like such things, the superior races will one day have sovereign over your brainlet inferior children when the day comes.
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best of the best.
>I like (extremely common body type) and you have no taste
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Some extremely quick and dirty percentage guesstimate math implies that Draculina would actually be ~135cm or so in this shot if compared to the 180cm person here
I prefer this lower standing height so I'll roll with it
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These girls are the outcome of precocious puberty. Girls stop growing in height two years after menarche, and its rare for a woman's height to increase by more than 15% after menarche regardless of when it occurs. So short stacks tend to not only look underage, in everything but their bust and hips, quite a few of them really are underage.
Weight gain and muscle gain continues in women after they stop growing in height. So bust, hips, and shoulders can continue to widen after these girls are no longer getting taller. Pic very much related.
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How does her girlcock smell? Is it pussy-flavored?
>smallest body
>biggest tits
This... this is the right way to be....
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You're right to be embarrassed.
Back to the barnyard with you.
Second best girl, best ending
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My kind of thread
She's too M for payback...
I wish to brush her hair.
Slutty shortstacks like her are only useful for one thing.
>giant rack
>no ass
why does is this transgression allowed to continue
What about lolis with giant asses but no tits
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>Just a single page at the end of an unrelated h-manga
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
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Agreed. Oppai loli also great. >>269139906
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If only I could have IRL.
No Shonen and No Gay-Shit, there won’t be anything left of anime at the end. It’s all escapist weirdo shit at the end of the day.
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We must secure a future for shortstacks and a homeland for oppai loli
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>Short height.
Yep, needed.
>Big boobs.
Also necessary
>Wide hips.
Not a qualifier.
Pretty much this, hips are the thing assfags co-opt when they don't want to immediately out themselves as assfags.
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>We suddenly hate ass
>author draws a fuckton of nudity in the Nisekoi spinoff they worked on
>absolutely ZERO in their own serialization
Bokuben is so gay it's insane, and so is Tsutsui Taishi.
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I don't hate ass, I just hate when assfags try and co-opt blatantly titty threads and tit focused stuff like shortstacks.
It's like how musclefags ruined tomboys.
Tits are better anyhow.
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Ass guys and boob guys should each get their own civilization and female population. Let the baboons have their flat chests and big asses while we can have oppai loli short stack utopia. We should divide up humanity on the issues that really matter for once.
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Too good of an idea to ever be realized.
any stories where the shortstack wins or is the main focus of a romcom?
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Uzaki chan wants to hang out is the only one that comes to mind. Nips rarely ever have the girl with big tits win or be the focus for whatever reason. Tomo chan is a girl is a great love story where big titty tomboy wins but she's tall not short stack.
it's not fair that leaders in the past have done eugenic practices for dumb shit like white or smart or strong humans but not shortstacks
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it'd be nice if this artist drew even just one vanilla thing for once, all of his OCs are huge sluts that fuck several dudes
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Would you lovingly fuck her big loli tits?
Strawberry print is top tier
The problem with shortstacks is that you could just imagine them a foot taller but with the same proportions and they become 30% hotter.
The idea of "if you kill your enemies, they win" is that you've sunk to their level despite being a hero.

Vengeance is not a noble thing, it just feels good to think about because modern man is eternally butthurt and seething over the indignities thrust upon them.
is that all on their fanbox? there isn't much on kemono sadly
Stop blaming boogeymen for people having different tastes than you, Christ. Just tell them to kill themselves and move on, like in the old days.
I mean you can see them doing it with at least like 2-3 different guys with what's on there
They're semantically the same thing if we're talking "small, baby-faced girl with big tits". With goblinfuckers and Midna enthusiasts moving towards drawing Alexi (tits!) style top-heavy types, there's no real separation between "I want to fuck Midna/a Yordle" and "I want to fuck a girl who is/looks like a loli with fat tits".
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I would loving fuck your big loli tits if you mixed it up a bit
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I don't see it
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I think you might be misunderstanding since I kinda worded it poorly, it's not like a gangbang or anything. There's just a good few images/sets where that girl especially is doing sexual acts with at least a few different dudes on separate occasions, like IIRC her younger brother/cousin one time, then a classmate another time and then a different class/schoolmate another time.
There are several ways you can make a point about shortstacks being loli-coded. This is not one of them.
goblins and midna aren't shortstacks though, they have zero tits
Having balance is important, and you can't really escape muscularity in a fetish about active, sporty, boyish women.
It's whatever, if it bothers you that much just think of it as alternative timelines or something
>Having balance is important
It really isn't, it just leads to stagnation and becomes boring, and annoying as well considering the co-opting and whining.
>and you can't really escape muscularity in a fetish about active, sporty, boyish women.
It's a personality type and that's all, not a fetish and certainly not about athleticism either. Not like actual fit women look anything like the roidmonkeys nutomboy posting fags spam.
You see more goblin girls with big tits than not nowadays and /d/ co-opted the term shortstack for goblin/Midna types over a decade ago. Even Pixivpedia explains the shortstack tag covers both the original meaning and the post-Midna concept.

More people should use Transistor Glamour for this body type. It's a cool phrase.
> /d/ co-opted the term shortstack for goblin/Midna types over a decade ago
And? People have been misusing countless other terms as well for longer, doesn't mean it's not wrong.
>Even Pixivpedia explains the shortstack tag covers both the original meaning and the post-Midna concept.
I couldn't care less about pages that are able to be edited by any retard, especially ones with agendas. The site also has a fucking "heterosexual" tag that was added by yurifags spamming it for fuck's sake. A completely useless addition since normal people assume porn is going to be heterosexual anyway until gay shit is introduced.
This is not a good metric at all like you think it is.
how hard I got baited by this beauty to watch that shitty series...
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Tits are primarily better due to it having less disgusting stuff attached to it.
All types of gross fetishes associated with ass that can never be associated with tits. God bless.
As a manlett I don't have much of a choice
I've actually had assfags try and claim in past threads that lactation and pampering/mommy play are somehow comparable to those horrendous fetishes.
Like imagine being disgusted by milk to the same degree as literal fucking shit. Some people do take pampering/mommy play too far, to the point it does become another kind of diaper thing, but outside of that it's still way less cringey and disgusting than the ones you listed.
It'd be like comparing femdom to ryona/guro if it had light bdsm elements to it.
> It really isn't, it just leads to stagnation and becomes boring, and annoying as well considering the co-opting and whining.
A coke-bottle body doesn't lead to stagnation. It's one of the many ways to draw a shortstack/pailoli/whatever-the-fuck you want to call it. There's nothing inherently wrong about it.
>It's a personality type and that's all, not a fetish and certainly not about athleticism either. Not like actual fit women look anything like the roidmonkeys nutomboy posting fags spam.
Tomboy as fetish has many, many more associated traits than tomboy as personality type.

Your complaints are more annoying to me than the things that annoy you, tbdesu.
>that's the only time the artist ever draw her
Big shame
>A woman properly being a mother is a bad thing
I don't get it. Granted, they are at the end of the bloodlines anyhow.
The only thing that matters in shorstacks and loli kyonyuu is the fact that big tits are present, nothing else. Trying to railroad it into "coke bottle body" or whatever else like you idiots keep trying to do only leads to stagnation in design.
>Tomboy as fetish has many, many more associated traits than tomboy as personality type.
Extremely dishonest semantics. Tomboy is not a fetish, it's a personality type only. musclefags co-opting it with their fetish does not suddenly separate it into two things.
Seems I was spot on here.
Pick one
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Short stacks never pop out their nips.
You both have valid points, but at the same time, it isn’t purely negative, the phrase child bearing hips exists for a reason, and that’s the main appeal for me
Also I like women smiles with tits. I can't exactly see that with asses.
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Hips are separate from asses though? I don't know why you guys keep trying to pair them together as one unit just because they're in close proximity on the body, it's confusing. Like if you like both then just say that instead.
Don't misunderstand though, I don't hate ass.
Men are bad at choosing good asses anyhow.
Around when the He Who Must Not Be Named started using this god forsaken place then.
Author really really didn't like her kek
I don't care how big her tits or ass are or how cute she is. The only thing I care about is her power level and how strong she is.
Shamicow my beloved
I prefer Sailor Moon lanklets tho
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>>Big boobs.
>>Wide hips.
>pedo's cope
What are you, a games journalist?
I think it's just a bit of a shame considering how cutesy the style is and how intimate some of the scenes look, but then it turns out to just be casual flings with randoms and whoever. I don't really mind it, just even one like bf/gf scene would be nice though.
She's third in her own manga...
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what is you obsession with the archive. I guess you're the one. If I ever make a post only 2 times you're always here to point it out and imply we don't have the right to repost. what is wrong with you?
this dude needs to stop being a pussy and make some onimai porn already
>posting the shitty gif that doesn't even loop properly
Then again, it depends on which fetishes the artists' work(s) contain (besides Asanagi).
Samefagging as I should've indented after the first two arrows.
asanagi is not a woman
saucenao is right there
Oh that's the guy who did the char designs for the onimai anime
All oppai lolis are shortstacks but not all shortstacks are oppai lolis.
Ilulu is an oppai loli and a shortstack. Rouge the Bat is a shortstack but not an oppai loli.
>It really isn't, it just leads to stagnation and becomes boring, and annoying as well considering the co-opting and whining.
You mean like the whining you're doing? God, you sound like a fag.
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Any new shortstacks in mango?
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Height is largely determined by protein intake in youth. Put a scoop of whey in with their milk once they turn one and you won't have to worry about their height.
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Nah, you're just mad I'm calling out your bullshit.
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The ideal female form is that which not only can be carried easily, but fits perfectly (except for one part)
The anon you were talking to liking proper balance instead of being a weird who likes flat asses and no hips isn't "bullshit". You're just strange.
Iluli is literally the same age as Tooru. She's by definition not an oppai loli.
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>making shit up I never said
Nah, the only weirdo here is you for trying to railroad terms into fitting your retarded definitions.
why must such a great body be ruined by such an ugly mug and horrendous haircut
That's why her mother is better
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>Small and tall rule all.
What's the deal with the girl on the right? Why is all her fanart ryona stuff?
You've got my vote for president of the world
her face is fine, short hair really isn't great though, longer is way more feminine
You can't say that without posting the non shitty one
You can't fight the drift of colloquial terms. And the heterosexual tag is a necessary thing with the rise of BL and GL for people to filter out art of a character that involves homosexuality.

Speaking of homosexuality, you sound like a gigantic faggot.
The artist drew a shortstack but forgot the "short"
It's not a drift, it's co-opting. Definitions need to be upheld.
>And the heterosexual tag is a necessary thing with the rise of BL and GL for people to filter out art of a character that involves homosexuality.
No, the only tags that need to be present are yaoi/yuri. The standard is heterosexuality, if people want to find faggot shit then they can use the faggot tags, simple as.
When someone says a girl has childbearing hips, they generally mean there's ample padding on the hip/thigh/ass region. Also, the hip measurement in BWH includes the ass.

Semantics over specifically the hips instead of the general lower body is pedantic.
hips in the form of thicc thighs are false hips
bubble butt asses are false hips as well
do not lump me with assfags
Definitions are shifting things, as words and meanings evolve. Faggot meant a bundle of sticks, and also is used for pork sausages; are you willing to uphold those definitions instead of the one you can use to weep about the gays like the tremendous boy-molesting fruity prancing la-la homo man you are?
Because the author draws ryona stuff of her and posts it on one of his 2 twitters.
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>the only tags that need to be present are yaoi/yuri
without a blacklist/filter in place, hetero would be a single tag while -yaoi -yuri would be negative searching two tags
I need to cum
small but big
I have never considered Suguha as short.
How tall is she supposed to be?
I need Yaia
No official height that I know of but someone purported that she's 5'3
I don't know if that's bullshit or not because of the first seven words of this post
>When someone says a girl has childbearing hips, they generally mean there's ample padding on the hip/thigh/ass region.
No, it literally means she just has wide hips, the fuck are you on about?
>Also, the hip measurement in BWH includes the ass.
Dishonest. The bust measurement in it includes the fact that it goes around the upper back and ribcage, and yet those aren't ever included with people who like tits. It's all about the actual breast volume.
>Semantics over specifically the hips instead of the general lower body is pedantic.
Nah it's important or else we get loons like yourself grouping them together. There's a reason they have distinct names.
I feel for you bro, I really do. Fetishists always shit things up.
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>more babble that betrays the real message of "let me continue shitting up terminology"
Disregarded, retard.
Shortstack = short and has big tits, any other qualifier is superfluous.
Tomboy = boyish personality, any other qualifier is superfluous, especially ones about appearance.
Simple as.
What is this retardation? That's what searching is for and it's expressly designed that way.
Want to see only faggot shit? Then search for fag content. What exactly is the issue there? Why does any given site need to enforce tagging straight content so 3% of users can filter it out easier?
In an ideal world fags would be kept to separate sites and then none of this would be an issue at all. Sites like DLsite had this mostly fixed, minus the fact they allowed gay trap/otokonoko cancer on the normal site, but then they just merged all gay content onto the main site like a bunch of retards.
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I'm not >>269177990 and I'm not talking about pixiv specifically (I wouldn't know what's going on over there).
Technically it future proofs for a hypothetical scenario where gayshit becomes majority so we don't suddenly have a situation where half the site is "untagged", and people can search hetshit to encompass everything-not-non-hetshit since there may be multiple non-hetshit types.
I never needed to search hetero on danbooru, but how would the tag hurt me? It's just there.
You make "enforcement" sound like it wastes a ton of your time every day to "comply".
Another hypothetical use of having tags is go through "posts that don't have any tags at all" to apply the correct tag, or to curiously check out "stuff we don't even fucking know what it is".
her spine broke
This but ironically
Anime girls have extra-strong spines and back muscles. It is necessary evolutionary adaptation.
>if you let the enemy go any innocents they harm or kill is your fault, their blood is on your hands. Witness the result of thy compassion hero.
I just struggle to see how gay content would become the majority on most popular porn sites, even with the insane amount of faggotry in the world currently this scenario is completely ridiculous and my points still stand.
Posts that aren't tagged at all is an issue with users that is usually punished in some capacity on any competent site, or at least easily remedied by other posters. AKA not pixiv, which not only almost never punishes users for misusing tags, but also limits if users are able to edit with long cooldowns, or simply does not let users edit posts all.
It's a platitude that has no weight to it in reality. Putting down faggots that have nothing but a net negative impact on society is a complete net positive, this is especially true for violent and murderous retards, and there are those out there who want you dead for being ideologically different, who usually end up sympathizing with said violent and murderous retards at some point.
And it's not "sinking to their level". Right and wrong really aren't remotely as nebulous as pseuds imply. You are objectively a far better person morally for killing off violent criminals than said violent criminals, and you're also better than those who justify violence against ideological opponents. It's baffling that anyone would imply otherwise against such self evident truths, and is definitely suspect behavior/speech.
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One thing that a boys me about Japs is that they never give enough attention to the hips and butt. Big boobs with narrow hips and a flat ass just looks absurd
I can and did. What are you going to do about it? Cry?
Based Yaia poster.
thank you Yaia friendo
Built for Ahagon's big Okinawan dick.
pedos are specifically into prepubescent bodies with no boobs and slim hips
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Cunning creatures....
Go back to twitter you fag
for me, its big boobs slim hips
what about people who are into postpubescent bodies with no boobs and slim hips?
What is this post-modern bullshit? There are tons of stories about heroes who kill their enemies.
The anime pailoli drought will end one day....
>pailoli only anime
What would it be about?
oppai loli are a specific kind of shortstacks, they specifically have fat tits and young-looking faces
asobinin no kenja
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While fantastic, Shuz is way better at oneeshota than pailoli
Not enough pailolis in it, but a step in the right direction that we sorely needed.
His oneeshota is fantastic too, I personally find his pailolis themselves sexier. Either way, I'm just waiting for the next twins sequel update right now.
Midna is all ass and she is the shortstack queen
>not running genetic strategies to create generations of short women with big tits and asses
male height may suffer as a result, but it will be worth it
>breeding a dwarf, get manlet sons
>surprised pikachu face.jpg
My Tiny Senpai as well.
>manlet sons create even shorter women
It's a win win anon
you can also breed with your manlet sons, turn them into daughterwives(male)
Fair point
a win win win
Name 1 (one) shortstack winner
Thats why you kill them for the greater good if they refuse to change. It's about intentions, you sink to their level if you kill them for revenge but you don't if you protect more lives by killing them.
The asobinin party
Nobody else
Oh I didn't mean 0 tag but for example, lacking an orientation tag. General tag autists look through the front page.Other autists pick a random subset like fellatio which would likely to have a tag from category X (like orientation) then stick the missing tag on it. 0tag uploaders would be yelled at.
>pixiv not only almost never punishes users for misusing tags, but also limits if users are able to edit with long cooldowns, or simply does not let users edit posts all.
It's a completely lost cause on that site yeah
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>mob face lewds
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So is Kanna. Age isn't that much of a factor when it comes to immortal shapeshifting vampires and other fantastical creatures.
>immortal shapeshifting vampires
There aren't any immortal shapeshifting vampire shortstacks.
take a titty shortstack character
if she didn't have tits, would she look like a loli?
yes: oppai loli
no: not oppai loli
165-175cm height for women is the ideal along with the rest you mentioned
Age is the literal sole factor between whether they're purely a shortstack or an oppai loli as well retard. And no, Kanna is not the same age as Tooru and Illulu. The later are literal teenagers in dragon maturity. It's explained that their human age reflects their maturity as a dragon in the manga. Ilulu literally has a high school boyfriend ffs.
Height is 95% genetic
>Age is the literal sole factor between whether they're purely a shortstack or an oppai loli as well retard
200 years old can be a loli
1000 years old can be a loli
7 years old can be a loli
So no
Would induced high estrogen end up giving her bigger tits or just cancer?
>not wanting a superior society of short, beautiful people
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Kanna is the same age as Elma's grandma?
It's explained in the hot spring chapter that their human form reflects their maturity stage as a dragon. That is why Iluli and Tooru are teenagers.

Elma's grandma purposely makes herself a loli because she wants to larp as one. There's a reason why she is called out all the time on it.
She isn't a shortstack outside of /d/ retard spaces. No tits = not a shortstack.
>ECM6 never because this retard is too obsessed with trash ass live2d and gayeye these days
fuck this gay earth
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>180 minutes
we are edging ALL NIGHT
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That's not what the hot springs chapter says at all though? Tohru and Iruru are both adults in-universe as well. Both actually and for legal reasons, considering at least Tohru is shown to drink alcohol, which for all intents and purposes makes her at least 20 in human years, so one can assume that is the case for Iruru as well since she's been stated to be the same/very close in age to her, so probably like 1-2 human years off, so like 18-20 human equivalent for Iruru.
Anyway, Kobayashi asks if they're purposefully making themselves cute in their human forms, but they say they're just plainly like that. She comes to the conclusion that their existence, no matter what physical form it takes, is fundamentally attractive.
Also I don't get this autism over loli being specifically about age, Japs use the term all the time for characters that are adults.
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Yaia sexooo
In universe they're 16 year olds. Oppai loli and shortstack are the same thing by your logic.

Iluli doesn't look like your traditional oppai loli in the first place. Oppai loli actually have loli body types but a fat tits stuck on. There's nothing loli about Iluli beyond being short.

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