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>trying to find a manga to read
>translation's dead
>on haitus
>translation's dead
>on haitus
>3 chapters a year
>translation's 30 chapters behind
>on haitus
>4 chapters a year
being a hipster's hard.
If you want to read non-mainstream stuff then learn Japanese.
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i'm 27 anon
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>lurk /a/
>click on any manga page shitpost thread
>pick up multiple 10/10 life changing manga each month
Just use filters to browse only the completed series.
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I'm 31, what's your point?
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Well in that case don't even try, brainlet. You were born too late to learn Japanese.
>no raws
>watermarked raws
>watermark is in color so b&w pages aren't grayscale raws
>shitty jpg raws upscaled 2-4x with bilinear filtering (saved as png for maximum quality)
>inner margin added to raws
>outer margin added to raws
>raws offset horizontally by a fraction of a pixel
>3840x2160 screencap of a browser window of stretched raws
>phone screencap raws (your battery is low)
>high-contrast raws
>raws assembled from serialized chapters with no padding pages added to keep left and right pages on the left and right
>so blurry the screentones are a solid color raws
>missing pages raws
>raws are a completely different series
free space:
>raw quality was pretty damn good for the first 2 volumes
read only completed mangas, or read arcs/volumes, if you catch on you will be left wanting for more
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>Translation took a nosedive in quality because the last translator got busted for cp
It was over before it even began
Hope you enjoy MTL translations
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Never forget
>Bro just learn Nip
I don't see the problem, why doesn't he just release it
>relying on translations in 2024
EOPs just really enjoy being inferior, huh.
ignoring all of the obvious questions, 1.5 chapters of tl is literally nothing
Moralfags are like that sometimes. Probably considers it "contaminated".
i just watched a cartoon of a low iq hillbilly getting upset that his second hand golf clubs were previously owned by a murderer so i guess its like that
>reading manga
>great fantranslation
>manga gets licensed
>fanTL stops
>official TL will take years to reach that point
>50 chapters of untranslated manga to go
>even worse when there is a 2nd garbage fanTL that doesn't care about the licensing but is a pain to read
I'm 28, I've learned enough to read manga and I'm improving every day.
Maybe younger minds learn quicker, but it doesn't mean older minds can't learn.
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27 is too old to learn japanese unless you have talent (i don't)
>on haitus
>on haitus
>3 chapters a year
>on haitus
>4 chapters a year
just realized OP spelled hiatus wrong lol
The age isn't the problem. The problem is you're a zoomer retard.
>for japanese
being old just means you will likely never be a highly eloquent speaker or writer, it doesn't have a very big impact on your ability to learn to read.
I always expect the best posts from a phoneposter
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>raw quality was pretty damn good for the first 2 volumes
>translation's 30 chapters behind
Snipe one of those manga's translations, see how quickly those niggers react and start posting translations that they've finished months ago.
You forgot
>three different low quality MTL's made by third-worlders
Time to learn Japanese

The real trouble is memorizing or looking up kanji.
as someone who grew up speaking spanish, my japanese sounds too fluid while simultaneously being too foreign
This is so dumb to post.
If you believe that "You can't learn anything after 25" bullshit then your IQ is the issue, not your age.
>vtuber shit
the real issue is finding anything you should actually learn because school likely didn't teach you jackshit
it is fucking ridiculous that i do not even use 80% of what those faggots tried to ram down my skull
now is not the time to be retarded, anon
You were stupid to begin with. You don't magically get restricted to what you learned in the first half of your life.
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You absolute moron. Close /a/ and go learn Japanese.

>the real issue is finding anything you should actually learn
Japanese is what you should learn. Now go and do it.
私は 日本語が 読める
go to nyaa and start looking up K-manga, Manga-Up and Manga Plus ripped series. guaranteed they will continue to be (professionally) translated as they are simulpub. many rippers also package back releases in volumes with tankoubon cover and extras.
so close
That's why I only read manga with more that 300 chapters.
Trannylators want you to never learn the language and always be enslaved to them, gay cuckbro.
just because you don't do anything useful and just scroll on your phone all day, it isn't their fault.
t. useless school teacher
I'm an aerospace scientist.
cool story bro
im a nuclear physicist
I think that's the biggest revelation you have when you become a serious manga fan: Despite there being millions of choices of things to read or watch, the vast majority of manga are so obscure that they can fall off the Earth and no one would even notice.
Take the LN-pill, anon. That way you can probably also see the continuations of several of the "canceled" manga on your list.
It could be worse... it could be LOCALIZED instead of translated. Now it will be stuck being shit, because no one is ever going to go back and fix it. At least when it was untranslated there was hope.
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I just check every now and then.
I tried doing this for Eminence in Shadow. Liked the first season, read the manga, half-watched the second season and tried to read the new novel which came out. Can't disassociate LN from being fanfic and the animation and art in anime and manga makes it much more palatable.

Anyone who doubts this go read Ruri Dragon and try not to die of cringe.
Skill issue. Just learn japanese
no you aren't, otherwise you wouldn't be whining about learning stuff in school like a fucking loser.
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>3 chapters a year
Stop whining. The only manga I care about isn't even getting that much this year.
There is zero impact on ability to learn languages later in life, this is well established by recent literature. The issue is one of exposure. Children spend all day learning language (when they're not playing and even then sometimes). Most adults spend like one hour a day in the class room, never practice it, then come onto 4chan and bitch about how they're too old at 27 like a faggot.
If you put in as much effort as a child, you will learn. In fact it may even be easier because you can construct logic systems or relay it to one you already know.

It's the manga that was fanfic.
>There is zero impact on ability to learn languages later in life,
Objectively false.
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My favorite is
>Japanese raws are strictly and tightly paywalled, so you have to look at the Korean scans
The older you are the easier it is to do.
Basically me with Asper Girl. Was getting into it and the translation just stopped at like chapter 70 for like 3 years. Also, I was enjoying that needy streamer overload manga and then the writer had to get back surgery. Such is life.
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Maybe its time to start reading westslop?
It’ll take you like <6 months of actual effort to be somewhat proficient in reading. Hell, most shounen mangas have hiragana next to the kanji in the text bubble because a majority of their readers are teenagers. You’ll be 30 eventually, so might as well just learn a language between now and then. You can be 30 not knowing Japanese or 30 knowing Japanese
I need some recommendations. I like my manga depressing. Like full-on, “I want to look at the ceiling and kill myself after reading this” type shit.
Language is a skill, anon. You’re not too old for anything. You’re just too lazy. Are you too old for working out? If you do something consistently, then you’ll get better at it. Simple as. I’m 22 and learning Chinese right now. I talk to Chinese speakers so they can cringe and correct my pronunciation. Also, once you learn a language, learning other languages get easier out of intuition. Russian grammar made basically every other language’s grammar I’ve studied so far feel like baby shit.
no u
I could spend hours spoon feeding you citations, this was once an area of study for me.
Early research had to deal with all kinds of non-easily testable things like "feral children not taking to language well so this obviously means it's impossible for anyone to learn languages easily later in life" despite the obvious problems said feral children have such as integrating back to society, residual / later trauma, etc.
Children have an easier time because a desire to fit into the world + immersion. Adults tend to drift back to their old language because it's "easier". The american living in china may take his news in english from the BBC site rather than read chinese newspapers because he doesn't want to engage the difficulty early in morning before coffee. The child doesn't have that option so is forced to read (or ask parents in said language).
Agree, text to speech, hover dictionary, a ton of youtube/TikTok vids.

Back in my day, we only have 1-2 "learn japanese in 60 days" books in a store....
if the ability to do flash cards counts as talent to you, you need to go to the doctor and start getting treatment for your ADHD.
I've seen people learn a new language fluently after 40
The best way to learn anything is immersion. Start indulging in media of your preferred language of choice. With the amount of anime/J-Pop/manga we wll consum, learning Japanese is probably gonna be super easy if we put the effort. Problem, really, is that it’ll be what I like to call the “Dramatic version” of a language. Japanese people don’t speak like anime characters. Hence you’d probably need to expand your horizon to watching movies with good acting or even talking to Japanese people. All I’m saying. Nothing makes learning a language faster than having an SO who speaks it
More and more series are gonna have dropped scans due to the number of series that are getting licensed.
>tfw have to wait 10 years to be old enough to learn a new language
the suffering never ends
Japanese is the easiest language to learn considering all the tools available and the amount of content Japan produces for someone who sits in their computer all day
>ackshually anyone can learn any language really really easy so you should let foreigners swarm your country
I don't care about your globohomo propaganda. Observable reality deftly slaps your nonsense away.
Just MTL bro. You’re a human being, working off limited linguistic knowledge by combining it with context clues is one of your strongest evolutionary advantages.
Always funny to see lingua lift crew in these threads defending their sunk cost without fail. You could have spent 2200 hours on literally anything.
It's weird to find machine translated manga that's practically nonsensical. Was the uploader lazy? Or not intelligent enough to fix it up to a readable level?
I guess this is why gooktoons/long strip comics are getting more popular. I don't even know how they manage to constantly shit out chapters every week with no breaks/hiatuses. I get that there's a lot less background art and the art itself is subpar, but it's not like the majority of manga is super detailed either. And these webtoon chapters still take the same amount of time to read as a manga chapter would. Heck, sometimes even more, considering there's some manga that only shit out a whopping 10 pages every 2 fucking weeks.
alright easy there matt
This is why I have to wait for official translations for Succubus & Hitman because the scanlation team behind it were "disgusted" by the content.
That has nothing to do with globohomo. Lock down all borders and shoot refugees I don't give a fuck. But telling yourself "boohoo I already passed puberty so I can't learn to speak swahili anymore :(" is just doing yourself a disservice as well as others dumb enough to believe you.
I'd say English is even easier but Japanese is second easiest after that, at least for the persons posting here.
these studies are mostly for first language acquisition
Specifying second language then.
5) The process of acquiring a second language grammar is not substantially affected by age,
but that of acquiring pronunciation may be.

Note that for "language acquisition" I personally focus on writing / understanding and not pronunciation when I say things like "perfectly able to learn the language".
All men suffer and age. Not all men self-pity. Stop feeling bad about your “lack of talent” and prove yourself wrong!
It has everything to do with it. Your sources are globohomo funded. They want people to believe that everyone can easily learn languages whenever they like, so it's okay to have mass migration of grown men all over the western world.

Though that part isn't important really, when observable reality already makes you look a complete fool, and possibly a subversive. Now you can cope and seethe and pretend people are just talking themselves out of it, you can lie to people here, but it's obvious to everyone that you're wrong. You might as well claim that there's nothing stopping 100 year old grannies from doing 100 backflips, because a recent study said that ACKSHUALLY there's nothing stopping them, and they might even have advantages over the youth!

Now perhaps you should consider the implications of pushing such nonsense and telling people to reject reality. It's really not good.
Is this how young men cope for not wanting to put effort into something?
“Learning a language takes effort? It must be the globos that are the cause of this!”. Grow the fuck up. Rather than argue why not use that type to actually improve yourself?? Even doing like 5 minutes ot Duolingo a day is quicker and better than whining about things that are in your head. Take things at face value
give me a good westslop romcom that isnt
I'm learning a language right now. You're still a retard pushing gay globohomo "let's mix everyone together" nonsense.

Time for you to "grow the fuck up" and not auto believe nonsense just because it aligns with what you already believe. Develop a criticial eye and humble yourself. Accept reality. Learning a language is more difficult as you age. Simple as that.
Sorry. Not into romcoms myself.
That's a different guy. At no point did I use coarse language (directed at you anyway). If you can't even distinguish that much there's little point in me continuing the conversation with you. Good luck with the language.
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Happy birthday anon :>
If someone’s identity is basically “Incest good, diversity bad”, then he will get offended if someone calls out his bullshit ideology. Same guy saying globohomo is also using an anime board and the internet. He’s an actual retard. Best to ignore him. Man has not seen and felt the beauty of a hapa woman with freckles before!
>move on to LN's because the release pace is much faster
>eventually the same thing happens
What are some good LNs? Might as well recommend LNs rather than be disappointed your favorites ended
What kind of genres/traits/cliché/tropes do you like?
What kind of genres/traits/cliché/tropes do you dislike?
>it not me!!!
Nice try, guy. I accept your concession of the argument thoughever.
>weird schizo rambling about incest
LOLWHAT?! Are you intentionally trying to sabotage the guy i was arguing with? Seriously?
>also using an anime board and the internet
So?! What are you even trying to say?! You can't oppose the evils of globalization if you discuss mongolian basketweaving on the internet?! How fucking retarded can you be?
>you heckin CHUD you cant oppose mass migration if you ever ate a spicy food

Hey, original guy here >>269154055 jettison this schizo turd before he makes you look worse by association, lmao.
>source material LN ended over a decade ago, and still has zero translation because the anime was unpopular in the west
I like stories that focus more on a character’s psyche while also containing more darker themes. Think Goodnight Punpun or Welcome to the NHK. Seeing broken people try to cope with life and having uncomfortable situations are things I enjoy in stories. Norwegian Wood and basically a lot of classic Russian literature are good examples of non-manga examples.

I dislike self-insert stories and harems. I wouldn’t want some power fantasy isekai or something that’s just wish fulfillment. I also dislike “chosen one” stories. I find Star Wars boring and find its inspirations far lore interesting. Maybe I just like bittersweet endings….
>>source material LN ended over a decade ago, and still has zero translation because the anime was unpopular in the west
Some weeks on Duolingo and playing Hiragana Battle and I can already easily read hiragana. Stop coping with this "talent" bullshit. Rock Lee was a mistake.

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