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Describe how you would meet her for the first time. How does it progress from there?

What's the relationship dynamic like? Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around? Is there a lot of teasing going back and forth?

What kind of subjects does she talk about in her daily life?

Post a line from her you really like!
>a Waifu Wednesday thread actually made on a Wednesday for once
It's a miracle! And it surely means it will likely be deader than last week's thread.
What are you, a euro? It's been Wednesday every other time I made the thread.
>What are you, a euro?
Nope, Asian.
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I'd imagine she would randomly pop into a new universe as she always does, only for me to witness it. Realizing she's become stuck in this universe she seeks help from me and things go on from there.

She drags me around everywhere and while i act grumpy about really i love getting to go out and spend time with her. She would try and tease me about it but would fail and get it turned on her almost every time.

Swords and Udon. Her favorite things ever, asides from me of course.
Love waifu
Before meeting (you), was romance ever on her mind? Did she talk about finding her soul mate, or was that stuff completely alien to her?
Sounds nice.
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Damn it's perfect
Why didn't I think of that
Who we should all aspire to be.
Staring contest with waifu!
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>Describe how you would meet her for the first time. How does it progress from there?
I imagine we meet at work, and I get to know her more and more as we work together. Even going out to do work lunches or staying late during crunch time which leads to us growing closer.

>What's the relationship dynamic like? Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around? Is there a lot of teasing going back and forth?
She's definitely the one to get me out of my shell, she'd love to take me to do new things with her and keep me on my toes. I don't know how much she'd tease me, but it'd always be loving.

>What kind of subjects does she talk about in her daily life?
Likely her kids, her work, science fiction, maybe cars and motorcycles.

Post a line from her you really like!
Kissing waifu on the lips
Kissing waifu on the cheek
Kissing waifu on her tummy
I can only do this so many times.
Kissing waifu on her other lips.
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>Before meeting (you), was romance ever on her mind? Did she talk about finding her soul mate, or was that stuff completely alien to her?
There is one scene where all the club members try writing new lyrics. It sounds like Azusa wrote a love song but it's really about feeding Ton-chan. So probably no.
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For me, it's Towa.
>What's the relationship dynamic like? Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around? Is there a lot of teasing going back and forth?
She would be the one to pull me around and show me new things, but I think I would be the one to tease her more

>Post a line from her you really like!
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I imagine that by chance, I would come across Moroha in a forest, as she's training her archery skills by hitting the targets attached to tree stumps. It would be from a far distance, making me impressed at the girl making it harder for herself, and still getting amazing results. All while her arrow shots look very beautiful, as if each is covered with special flower effects. I would find the courage in myself to come and speak to her by complimenting her unusual skills, and it would start from there! Then I'd notice that Moroha is also carrying a sword which would impress me further, and I'd mention how I'm a fan of weaponry. Moroha would be happy about the compliments and slowly start to like me.
>Is she the outgoing type?
Oh yes, definitely! Moroha is one with nature, and would love to spend time with me outside.
Her favorite subjects pertain to fighting skills and weaponry, but also building cool stuff ala MacGyver. Moroha also really loves collecting rewards of all kind for job well done! She is very happy to be rewarded, and of course money is more than fine too!

A simple line from her I like is
"Am I a genius or what?" after Moroha manages to free herself from the enemy's hideout jail, letting herself get caught on purpose beforehand to eavesdrop, but coming up with a plan beforehand. It all worked out, and she said it with a cute expression on her face!

Happy Waifu Wednesday!
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>Post a line from her you really like!
It's difficult to cut just a single line so I'll post this page
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>Describe how you would meet her for the first time, how does it progress from there?
Depends on the setting honestly
FGO- she is one of the first Servants I summon in response to the incineration of humanity crisis and through our journey and getting to know her personally and her quirks, likes etc. we grow closer beyond Master and Servant and into a couple
Extella- Pretty much beat for beat the plot of her route and the game with some tweaks to end up as the couple but basically going to the zero dark to kill Sefar, hesitate to kill Sefar, split into 3, the body goes on the journey with Altera, learning who she is, spending time with her and her Titan self, and helping her accomplish her dreams and prove how human she really is.
I imagine myself meeting her in a hypothetical United States Holy Grail War and it follows very much similar beats, learning who she is both historically and as Velber 02, accepting who she is and was and what she wants, helping her with said wishes and growing into a couple by the early to midpoint of the war.
>What's the relationship dynamic like, Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around?
The other way around for sure, she thinks all she is a thoughtless killing machine without feelings or emotions, and can't do anything with her hands besides destroy and murder. So it falls to me to get her out of her shell and show her how human she always was by taking and showing her all our wonderful civilization has to offer, doing things with those hands that don't destroy but create like she always wanted and acknowledging everything on Earth. So that's the dynamic normal human boy showing this larger than life hero our planet and all the joys and wonders of it all to fulfill one girls wish.
>Post a line from her you really like!
"I would love to be able to do something non-destructive"
"I want to acknowledge everything on Earth not destroy it"
And so much more
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How do you deal with a growing age gap between you and your waifu? Do you imagine her growing along?
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I love and adore my wife Chris!
I think it’d be a mutual doing more things together that are more outgoing.
Probably the topic of her friends comes up a lot and ofcourse her future plans
There’s a song lyric I think is really cool I’ll find it
Simple. We both stopped growing at a smol size, so no matter the age we'll look youthful to others!
Y-san from Chiba prefecture is a lucky man.
She got older in the show so it wasn't really a problem
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"All I can do is shove my tears crying, "I want to protect you!"
Into one of my cartridges (Trust heart)
This time, I've loaded in my bonds with the friends
Who I never stop believing in, even like this…!"
She doesn't age alongside me but our relationship does advance
Short hair is a good look!
>What is your waifu/husbando's favorite thing about YOU?
Kissing waifu on her neck
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Eating with waifu
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>What's the relationship dynamic like? Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around? Is there a lot of teasing going back and forth?
She is more outgoing then me, but I would probably more willing to do things if she was with me. I would definitely be teasing her though.
>Post a line from her you really like!
Don't waitresses normally wear cat ears?
>How do you deal with a growing age gap between you and your waifu? Do you imagine her growing along?
We have the same birth year, so I like imagine her growing along side me. Plus it would be weird to celebrate her birthday without her age going up.
I stopped aging the moment I fell for her. Did you know being happy keeps you young?
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Kissing waifu on the back of her knee.
>Describe how you would meet her for the first time.
It's hard to pick one because I've thought of many ways this could happen. One of my favorites is seeing her before actually meeting her. Finding her lounging around the mansion's theater, (I don't know what reason I have to be in there, but never mind that) maybe our eyes meet or maybe her focus is elsewhere. Whatever the case, it's a picturesque scene where I'm stunned by her beauty. Later on I run into her somewhere like the clinic or the castle when I finally meet her.
>How does it progress from there?
I try to think of plots that put me in her circle by necessity, namely the clinic.
>What's the relationship dynamic like?
She can be kind of stiff at first, and she's known for her sharp tongue. Considering her usual demeanor, I fantasize about being that guy who's always trying to make her laugh, hoping my sense of humor rubs off on her. Once the friendship (and eventually relationship) gets going though, she can be pretty chummy herself. And don't forget Pico's presence adds an extra dynamic. I imagine there would be roughly equal back and forth, with teasing aplenty.
>What kind of subjects does she talk about in her daily life?
Aside from typical things like friends, family or the weather, she participates in whatever the town gossip is at the moment. She talks about her handicraft projects and ghosts, and she also likes to voice her observations of world around her.
>Post a line from her you really like!
If the player dates anyone before her, she says it would be too exhausting having to worry about the needs of a lover. Pico reveals that she's in fact secretly curious about what it's like, which Dolce doesn't object.
Do you guys own a daki of your waifu? How much did you spend on it/them?
I do indeed, in total I spent ~$200 including both the inner and cover.
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I have two! I spent $200~
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Are you going to commission one?
I think you’d love one Dolcebro
Yeah, but probably not soon. There's also the question of which artist. I could do one those partnered artists like you find on cuddly octopus, or I could find one on my own. The problem is I'm going to get very picky when it comes to how she looks. More than usual.
I know I'd love one.
I have 7, they were $100 - $150 each except the one in the Vivid BD box
I kneel
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>Describe how you would meet her for the first time. How does it progress from there?
It would be, well, risky. And risque. I'd try to make the best of the situation, to the degree that it's possible in such an extreme setting.
>What's the relationship dynamic like? Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around? Is there a lot of teasing going back and forth?
Probably both ways - her nobility and elegant confidence are powerful, but there are occasions where she could use the help of an outlook less burdened by the obligations of said nobility. She knows her way around society, both high and low, but she might be out of her element in a genuinely friendly environment, which is something I'd love to help her get used to. As for teasing, mutually enjoyable cheeky banter is something I always appreciate.
>What kind of subjects does she talk about in her daily life?
I wish I could answer without making anyone uncomfortable, her daily life is very unique. I *would* be interested in learning about the supernatural side of things from her, since she's had plenty of exposure to it, but if she's had enough of it and would rather distance herself, I'd respect that.

Intensely and whole-heartedly.

It was, but it felt unattainable to her, and to some degree she feels unworthy of that sort of affection, both due to her past and due to the sacrifices one would need to make in order to be by her side. I'd do anything to alleviate her worries, to make her feel safe and loved in a way that will never change.

She's both older and unaging, so in my eyes, it matters less and less as time goes on.

Reaching a point where you're comfortable enough with each other to engage in some playful teasing is meaningful in itself, isn't it? The way you put it sounds both fun and heartwarming.

Seeing her happy like this is a treasure.
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Is your wife a chronic yapper?

Musashi had multiple jokes made about how she can never shut up.
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I love my wife Neptune!
>What's the relationship dynamic like? Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around? Is there a lot of teasing going back and forth?
She's more outgoing than me, and a lot more optimistic, so I can see her trying to get me to be a bit more positive. I do try, just for her!
There is a lot of teasing, but she's better at it than me. I try nonetheless, because her flustered face is very cute.
>What kind of subjects does she talk about in her daily life?
Videogames, manga, sweets, and just whatever silly thing shows up on her mind. She can be pretty curious.
Goddesses don't age so I just have to do my best to live forever. It's a different can of worms, and worms are icky.
Nep is kinda childish, so probably only in a very basic way, plus CPUs are worshiped more like j-pop idols rather than actual goddesses so romance might not be in the cards. Still, she at least wants to be seen as attractive and she does say some stuff about how she always wanted to be in the kitchen for someone else in a drama CD which is about being newly wed.
Her friends seem to think so, mostly because her way of speaking is very unique.
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She always struck me as the type to not look for romance, especially after what is implied to be a failed marriage to Natsumi and Fuyuki's father.
She'd likely put that off in favor of keeping her kids safe and sound, but letting me into their life and being the dad they need as well as the husband she needs is why she'd likely open up to me.
She is still older than me, and will likely be for another decade and a half.
But even if I'm old and grey, she'll always be a hot older mama to me.
Not yet, but I want one so bad.
I just need my own place first.
She can be talkative, but when it comes to work she's concise yet brutally honest with criticism.
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I love my wonderful wife Nepgear! She's so adorable!
>relationship dynamic
She's probably more outgoing than I am for sure.
There might be a little bit of teasing both ways (probably a little more me teasing her).
Normal things, as well as things related to her techie interests and mecha stuff.
Also games as well of course, they're quite important in her world after all.
>Post a line from her you really like!
Pic related, I just find how she calls nodes and transistors "cute" really endearing....
Well she's an immortal goddess, so she likely wouldn't be aging anyways.
I like to imagine she'd try to put me in a robot body or similar someday to extend my lifespan, and for us to be together forever.
Not yet, but I have a plushie and a few tapestries.
No. Unless it's about something techie, in which case she has been shown to ramble sometimes.h
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It really is, I can’t think of anything better than when Chris is smiling
Chris isn’t much of a yapper but she does love singing and maybe berating certain people
Bump i haven’t posted my wife yet
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>What's the relationship dynamic like? Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around? Is there a lot of teasing going back and forth?
It goes both ways for her. I feel like she can be outgoing if she tries to do can also be quiet if she's relaxed. Same goes for teasing, she can't take as well as she can dish out either.
>What kind of subjects does she talk about in her daily life?
I'm not entirely sure since she never gets to stop working but I'd love to hear anything she'd have to say.
>Post a line
"I want to be by their side. I want to see their smile. I want to gaze at their face forever."
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I'm a fan of a slow build of trust for sure, but it's funny you mention comfort, because romantic passion is anything but. It's like a fire and you can't sit still. You were talking last thread about a calm, unshakable type of love, and I find that contrast interesting. You can have both. It reminds me of something I read years and years ago. It was some guy giving relationship advice, and while I don't remember any of it, one piece stuck with me. It was about being predictable and unpredictable at the same time. Predictable in all the ways that matter most. Being reliable, being on time, being there for her, supporting and providing for her etc. And being romantically unpredictable. Being impulsive, catching her off-guard, shaking things up with dates etc. Essentially it's about being a steady rock, but keeping her heart on its toes, so to speak.
No, but she knows someone who is.
well, time's a wasting
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>Describe how you would meet her for the first time. How does it progress from there?
being summoned by her, and from there is a slow process of getting to know each other with lots of arguing and small moments where we show our true feelings for each other until one day that love becomes too strong and we can't hide it anymore
>What's the relationship dynamic like? Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around? Is there a lot of teasing going back and forth?
im not outgoing, but she is special and something about her just makes me wanna see her happy so i'd always be by her side ready for any challenge, we'd argue about a lo of things but those arguments are part of what help us connect and understand each other
>What kind of subjects does she talk about in her daily life?
magic,spells, noble family stuff, food, honor
>Post a line from her you really like!
Death comes at the very end, doesn't it? Until that time comes, do your best at living!
not really, she had some sort of arranged marriage going on but she saw her more as something she would have to do for her family someday, it was only after we meet that she really started thinking about romantic feelings
im still hoping her official artist draws an older version of her someday, however even if that doesn't happen usually whenever i think about it i see us having the same age, in all my daydreaming about her only around 2 or 3 years have passed since we met
kinda, when she is tsun or when she explains important stuff, but it's so cute specially if she stutters a little bit, her voice is beautiful so she can talk as much as she wants it heals my soul and melts my heart
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I love my wife
The mysterious anonymous artist.
Trails in general is incredibly verbose, basically every character loves a good speech when the mood strikes them. Like the games are literally among the longest scripts in gaming, look it up.
The thing about Towa though is that when she talks, people LISTEN. She commands a lot of respect, even from people much higher on the social and political totem pole.
It gets to the point where even royalty is like "okay guys settle down Towa is gonna say something", no one would just bluntly tell her to shut up.
There are times when she catches herself rambling a bit though.
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She comes into existence BECAUSE of love for (me).
A little bit, but I always just see her as she is.
Since she's always presented as some announcer she's got some pipes to her to explain things but I know that she can enjoy a comfortable silence when she doesn't have to speak.
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>Describe how you would meet her for the first time. How does it progress from there?
I have thought of many ways it could go. But my definitive SI fanfiction has us meet on Grandcypher. After hearing from Djeeta about all kinds of adventures she has had and her amazing crew while eating in a restaurant, I decide I want to see those with my own eyes and force myself into the crew as a chef for hire. Carmelina is the one that Danchou tasks with showing me around the ship and introducing me to some crewmembers. She is very excited to get such role, and asks me to take the room opposite of hers so I can easily come ask her for help with anything. We would meet up to talk about how I am doing, but then long after joining we continue to have those meet ups for sharing our hobbies and eventually just leisure time.
>What's the relationship dynamic like? Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around? Is there a lot of teasing going back and forth?
She is far more outgoing than me, with high energy and unlimited smiles, while I am much more a low energy introvert person. But she chances me and brings me out of shell.
>Post a line from her you really like!

I grow up but she will always remain the same with my SI. At least for now

I had a plain daki for many years before but recently finally got one with waifu in it. The art commission, printing and pillow all together cost around 280 euros with shippings included
>meet her
One scenario I ponder quite often on is where I'm lost in her world. She approaches me seeing that I'm fumbling around my belongings looking for some sort of guide. Instead, she offers to show me around. Slowly but surely we would get acquainted and talk more and more and meet frequently.
>relationship dynamic
She's definitely more outgoing than I am. I can see her inviting me to all sorts of places, just for the fun of it. She's the type of person who doesn't want to waste a moment to experience stuff and live life. Teasing her would be a mixed bag, there's definitely a line she would impose. Depending on whether she thinks it's acceptable or not she would react in different ways. Either laughing it off or getting flustered, even a bit annoyed.
Any fun experiences she had recently, sweets, (wildcard) weaponry, people she cares about or admires, sometimes even vulnerable topics like things that have been worrying her.
"The tombstone that belongs to me once bore the inscription "Glamoth's Iron Cavalry," then it changed to "Stellaron Hunter," but one day...
It will bear the name "Firefly" and the brilliance she showed at the end of her life."
I will!
Just very subtle hints at romance but she never really references it herself or expresses it towards anyone in the story. I think her main desire is to live as herself and love is most likely included in that.
Her age is a bit irrelevant since her entropy loss syndrome means she won't age but she'll just disappear suddenly. My hope is that she'll definitely find a cure before that comes to pass.
I have an urge to spoil her.
Maybe if an official one is made I would be tempted to buy one. Other than that, I'll probably save getting one for a special milestone!
Maybe not chronic because there are times when she needs some silence but she does tend to talk quite a bit when she's excited or in a good mood.
Kissing waifu on her forehead
>Describe how you would meet her for the first time.
I would be walking at night and would suddenly see her. Similar to how it goes in Tsukihime.
>What's the relationship dynamic like? Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around?
She is definitely more outgoing and full of curiosity. She would say "screw your shell we're going on an adventure."
>What kind of subjects does she talk about in her daily life?
She is very interested in humans. She would constantly ask me questions about us.

>Before meeting (you), was romance ever on her mind? Did she talk about finding her soul mate, or was that stuff completely alien to her?
Romance would have been the last thing on her mind in the many years before she met me. Human romance was totally alien to her.
>How do you deal with a growing age gap between you and your waifu?
She's 800 years older than me... hehe
Homicidal waifu…
How well can you read her? Is she an open book?
>Describe how you would meet her for the first time. How does it progress from there?
A chance meeting at the hospital? He barges in on me having an appointment, and I can't help but be intrigued by him... or something. We get to know each other over my time there during regular appointments, which leads to us making plans to meet outside of that, which leads to a relationship...
There's also the obvious option of a direct patient/doctor dynamic but I don't think he's quite morally dubious enough to cross that line. Probably.
>What's the relationship dynamic like? Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around? Is there a lot of teasing going back and forth?
He's super outgoing! I used to be very reserved but he motivates me to put myself out there more. I mean, I'm still a degenerate posting on a nepalese woodcarving forum, but I think I'm a little better now at pretending to be a normal person in my day-to-day life.
We love teasing each other though. My natural sense of humour is very dry and I often have to reel it in somewhat, but he can withstand the full extent of my bullying. We both love doing stupid shit as well. We'd definitely egg each other on into all kinds of stupid situations that would make people ask 'why?' To which we'd respond, 'why not?'
>What kind of subjects does she talk about in her daily life?
He's a psychiatrist, so he does a lot of talking with patients about what they need help with. Although he has a habit of going off on tangents that may or may not be relevant. He often accompanies patients outside the hospital as well, observing their daily life and really getting to understand what they're dealing with. He'd definitely love to tell me all about the stuff he's gotten up to after a long day of work.
He also has a habit of picking up hobbies and getting very invested, only to get bored after a few days. So he'd tell me all about those as well and try and drag me into doing things with him.
>Post a line from her you really like!
'Right now, as far as I'm concerned, all women are my enemies.'
>Describe how you would meet her for the first time. How does it progress from there?
I always imagine her just coming to life in one way or another. Being already in love with each other is what makes the most sense for us. From there, we'd probably have to learn how to express our love, live together, marriage, family, and such.

>What's the relationship dynamic like? Is she the outgoing type trying to get you out of your shell, or the other way around? Is there a lot of teasing going back and forth?
I think it would be the other way around, but neither of us is particularly outgoing or teasing. I'm just more confident in general and maybe more open to experiences, so I'd probably be pushing for her to join me. But in general I rather imagine us being more harmonious.

>What kind of subjects does she talk about in her daily life?
I imagine that she'd be talking about things she is passionate about like music, singing, art, etc, and really just her daily experiences, worries, etc.

>Post a line from her you really like!
I want to try, I want to make it real
Let’s enjoy it all, even our worries
It’s alright, I won't let you go
The knot between us will never
come undone

I enjoy it.

Niku with Miku.


I have 5 covers and 3 pillows. My main daki was like 180$ for inner pillow(inc. shipping) and 90$ for cover.

Not at all. I think she'd be more reserved and considerate.

I think it would be rather easy.
Take a bump
What song would your waifu/husbando sing to describe you or how they feel about you?
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Quick post your cute lover!
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She's so cute, cool, beautiful and sexy! How is she so perfect! I love her so much!
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Absolutely, keeping things exciting is key to a lasting relationship. Surprising her, experiencing new things together, reminding her how much you love her, and that your thoughts are always centered around her happiness. The way you phrase it is beautiful, and I fully agree with what that person was saying.

What I mostly meant was the kind of stability that eliminates any doubt or insecurity. Offering her a lasting kind of comfort and affection, until thoughts like "he might not be here tomorrow" or "I don't deserve to be loved" are completely gone, and she knows that I'll be there to greet her with a smile no matter what happens.

Congrats on the new outfit, it really is eye-catching, and it beautifully follows her theme of adaptability, and combining the modern and the old-fashioned.
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here's one for a janny
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New Aki before thread dies!
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Oh, autosage?
One more for the road then.
autosage is the easiest way to increase posts per minute

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