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Stage 46 - The Awakening, Part 1

Previous chapter: >>269115186
Archive: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20Neon%20Genesis%20Evangelion%20Chapter
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(Misato's fan service extras)
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This is like the third time now you guys really shouldn't be surprised
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Creepy hands
What would have happen If Zeruel eat 01 core?
I both like and dislike how other Gendos seemed more annoyed by the blood than shocked.
That bottom right Zeruel panel is a good reaction image if you ask me.
cute happy Shinji
Chapter theme
2.0 did a really good job in this part ngl
Mommy's back
Only thing I dislike is the way Rebuild 01 regrows his arm from pure energy instead of Zeruals ribbon
Also Mari not jobbing as much as Asuka did.
Is the manga similar to the anime in that Gendo's eyes are visible when he is actually showing what he feels or thinks?
Is Zeruel AT Field weakened from the previous battles or is Unit01's AT field that strong here?
If it wasn't for the time limit it looks like Zeruel would have been fucked.
It would realize it's naked.
This kid will not smile again like this.
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I prefer animoo Gendo's more non-chalent response to getting drenched in blood
Probably the only scene other than the aquarium trip I genuinely enjoyed more than the anime.
Cool sequence, makes Shinji look smart.
He got good grades in school
Thanks OP
Unfortunately not much to talk about this chapter, pretty straight forward fight chapter similar to the anime
Wasn't he just meh
Was Rei really worth ruining the earth for?
At least to Shinji it was. And Misato encouraged him.
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It wasn't the whole earth, the damage was mostly around nerv
keeping the camera tight on its face is so much better
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just a clumsy big boy.
didn't deserve what happened next
He looks more intrigued. This is all according to plan after all
Manga Shinji is smart, anime Shinji is a brainlet who needs Asuka's boobas to understand thermal expansion
Zeruel seems to be really pissed off.
I look and talk like this.
How can it even move without energy anyway?
Sheer girlpower
Of course, Gendo has the big brain for mental gymnastics through which his 400iq keikaku was never even in jeopardy
>cruel-angel-theses.mp3 starts playing right in the middle of the song
That smile is what she's trying to protect.
Thank you, OP.
Shinji TANKED that arm loss
Unit 01 has the best screams
Thanks OP
One of the coolest fights ever
>the damage was mostly around nerv
that's only because Kaworu stopped it
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For this smile? Absolutely
I think Rebuilds 1 and 2 are worth watching because there are some very nice scenes in 2. I wouldn't bother with 3 or 4 since so much gets changed and never explained.
What are the other 8 smiles?
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One of Evas top moments, I love that whole fight. The way everything shakes and crumbles under the titanic strength of the Eva and angel is just so cool.
Angel Attack cutting off right as the power shuts off is a great use of the score. You go from a triumphant theme to silence as Shinji starts panicking at his lack of battery
>It's over 9000!
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Ayanami Rei desu!
I demand rei smile3.jpg
Gendo doesn't even flinch. He is otherwise never that careless. Maybe I'm missing something.
Mom's love
jesus christ no wonder they ran out of budget
>just a clumsy big boy
read sirp if you want more of that
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Well bros does shinji cry when angels deserve to die?
I only just noticed now that EVA-01's midsection is shaded completely black and featureless in a bunch of these shots. Stylistic choice or goof?
only if he has Marlo Brandon's eyes, or something.
adrenaline rush is one hell of a drug
I’d say it’s a time saver. The end sequence with Unit01 crawling around like an animal goes super hard. To make the due date they probably had to streamline elsewhere.
2.0's DBZ-esque remake of this scene is overrated as shit and completely betrays the original intent of this scene (and I'm tired of pretending it does not). It also just doesn't look as visually appealing.
>implying he doesn't have more above 9
He's gonna rip you off.

>Maybe I'm missing something.
Getting cucked by his own son was a shocking experience, please understand.
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Sorry, was busy (thinking about Rei)
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Coolest shit, too bad they never show Kaworu piloting Mark.06 ever again after this
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This is probably one of the coolest scenes. Imagine being a Nerv operator and seeing that thing right in front of you, about to blow you up but, then out of nowhere Eva-01 punches thing right into the face.
>400% Sync rate
That was also DBZ coded, not like it's a bad thing though.
They still have the lance.
Gendo has everything under control.
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>Longinus' Lance will bring everything under control.
That is unless Gendo gets cucked again, this time by his daughter-wife, in which case it's already over for him. Haha, just kidding, that would never happen!
My fuhrer, Ayanami has…
Ayanami has taken possession of Adam from Gendo and has merged with Lilith. She is now in the process of merging with Unit01 and the Lance of Longinus which is under the control of Gendo’s son, Shinji Ikari, essentially giving him the power of a god. It’s over, sir…
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>400% Sync rate
What does this even do? Pilot synchronization operating beyond design limits? Said synchronization balance being swayed in favor of the Evangelion as far as what takes input damage? Overclocking and incrementing the FSB? How does the scale work exactly?

As far as I understand, it mostly affects your input latency and the ability to feel things more clearly, but also with nervous feedback becoming more prominent. A 50% ratio would be 1:2, a 100% ratio would be 1:1 (perfect sync within design parameters). Anything higher with a 400% ratio would be what, 4:1? As in the pilot now feels and experiences everything 4x as much for everything the Evangelion does?
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For me, it's Adam x Lilith
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For me, it's Jet Alone x Unit-01
I…wasn’t going to mention it, fuhrer but the boy is also pretty unstable right now and that red headed she-devil reaaaaally isn’t giving him an inch.
Why does he walk?
>within design parameters
is the operating phrase. think of it like rated power vs what you can actually push an engine to do, it's a maximum set for the sake of operational capacity, or like how an airframe won't just break if you exceed the G-maximum
So Unit-01 can run
>Anything higher with a 400% ratio would be what, 4:1? As in the pilot now feels and experiences everything 4x as much for everything the Evangelion does?
Shinji literally dissolved into the Eva at 400%. Once you go above 100%, the Eva has more of a grip on the pilot than the pilot does on the Eva. In EOE, Asuka's synch rate shoots up (I forget what to) and as a result she is able to control it without touching the in-plug controllers. It moves like how her body does
The world was too small a price to protect that smile.
I thought about comparing it to WEP (except instead of fucking the engine after 5 minute, it fucks the pilot) but it felt like too simple of an analogy for something likely more complicated.
>how an airframe won't just break if you exceed the G-maximum
Not unless you push it past rip speed so fast you might not even think it was flutter that did it.
eva is a lot more direct than most people give it credit for i think.
If the Evangelions can somehow survive getting every limb and their head chopped off, does that mean hypothetically Unit-02 could have been repaired after EoE? Or did the MPE's consume the core/soul like the Dimensional Shamblers they resemble?
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Nothing would be able to stop me from saving her
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Evas are like angels, the only thing that needs to survive is the core. If the core remains, the Eva can be rebuilt
>does that mean hypothetically Unit-02 could have been repaired after EoE?
It looks like the core is gone
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>it looks like the core is gone
rip kyoko
Funny how you can tell the later reis from the earlier ones very clearly, Sadamoto's art really evolved
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Sometimes I forget NGE really is an incredibly good anime
And then it rapidly devolved once the manga finished. Take a look at any of his current drawings, it's tragic.
I swear one of the panels is yui.
Decades later and still remains of my favorite Eva moments
Thank you for posting.
Thanks for dump
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Why do people meme about the 60 second elevator and Kaworu scenes but not the 90 second scene that's just this frame and Misato sex noises
using the Angle part to regenerate is cooler than at field hand
agreed but also the AT Hand Shotgun was fully sick and I'm glad it exists
It’s not that bad for a guy who is like 64
Because there's a relevant conversation between the moaning.
when is there an AT field hand
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In the only good rebuild.
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Gotta love how wholesome this part was.

Why Rei reminds me of onizuka from GTO here?
Great sense of weight.
Just on this picture, must be thick eyebrows and smug smile
god damn
he could be my father
62 actually, my bad
Anno is 64 tho

Okay, I guess
Old fuck
Good morning sunshine
Yui's on her period
fucking kek
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Stage 47 - The Awakening, Part 2
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Nice page
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This page is moving!
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>It was my plan all along to get cucked
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(Misato's fan service extras)
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Nobody is this smart. Not even the supercomputer he has.
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>al qaeda is full of ugly guys
I see...
Thanks OP
Have fun everyone, this is our last chapter before he appears
Jesus, Carl sure loves to see himself write.
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Bullshit. You were shitting bricks when Yui rejected you an the Dummy Plug. It's only because Shinji was man enough to run into danger that you survived
Thanks OP
Just like your mom lol
Is Maya only reason to exist is to almost puke on anything that happens?
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And to be seduced
Kino shonen trope
Did she puke on his Kaji?
He's a kensuke fanboy
Kaji's kaji was too much for her to handle
I like those parts at the end of some scenes where it just pauses but there’s still ambient and stuff going on in the background, like I think when Shinji changes his mind from leaving the first time and him and misato just stare at each other. Although they aren’t, it just holds the moment for significance or whatever aka kino
What was Kaji's plan for Seele?
Gendo looks way to smug for a guy that got his plan fucked 3 times in the last few hours and had to be saved by his son.
spooky Yui
don't be rude to Maya
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nightmare fuel
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Kaji was just looking for an excuse to die.
Sub-IQ people in this thread thinking Gendo didn't plan this all along... bakas
Asuka should learn something here
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I really would destroy the world for her
Ok rebuild shinji we get it, sorry nigga but she aint yours.
The bottom panel looks oddly sexual.
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Please do not sex the angels
>had to be saved by his son.
Yet he still treats him like garbage.
Gonna be honest everyone here deserved exactly what they got.
Gendo is really bullshitting here.
She wouldn't want that.
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Doesn't matter. I would do whatever it takes to protect the ones I love
> What was Kaji's plan for Seele?
He wants them BTFO for staging second impact.
Rei teeth
Given the state of her apartment do you think she brushes regularly?
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Don't we see her brushing during one scene? I'm certain I've seen it before
Evangelion mandela effect
She's one of those people that brushes in the shower.
Doesn't everyone?
The fuck even is an S^2 engine if it appears to be eating what looks like flesh
Don't ask question just goon to 14yo girls and keep the shipwar alive forever
Genetic material of the fruit of life, pay attention.
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>no you don't understand, I need to get cucked by my own son, it's all part of my master plan
Just make a new and improved one.
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>Yui? My dead wife you are still here? What? you want to come back to merge with my son in human instrumentality and fuck him in every way possible, letting him fill your every hole with semen. And i who will also be merged with everybody else will be forced to watch, but only I will fell pain for ever thrust of pleasure my son gets? Will slap me silly sally that sounds like a great idea sign me up Yabba Dabba Doo!
Just the two of us?
Don't do it Shinji!
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Local pilot continues to do nothing wrong
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Can’t let you do that, Star Fox.
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I don't think I can save Rei, it looks extremely painful.
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Baloney Pony
Shinji's "spear of longinus" that he stabs "Lilith" with
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Sometimes you have to suffer so the ones you love don't
rare footage of kaworu actually angry
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...for you
>she doubted the prowess of an Ikari's phallus ever to begin with
shitposter sisters...
Well congratulations, you got yourself cucked. Now what's the next step of your master plan?
>He wants them BTFO for staging second impact.
Didn't he help them with that though?
You are Jewish.
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That's his knee, Shinji is canonically a dicklet
>Kaji helped with/cover for second impact
anon... anon you can't be this fucking stupid...
Oh I thought the post was replying to Gendo.
You are canonically retarded.
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About what?
>Shinji has tiny pp
>Kaworu self inserts into Shinji
Kaworu sisters...
trying way too hard to up the ante desu
people before me have already explained this in depth
the colors palette and grading in these features also just don't look as visually appealing, they feel really washed out and lack the same intensity/grit
Maybe shinji is just a grower
isn't he like 13 years old and barely pubescent? seems a little weird to be obsessing over a literal child's genitalia like this
Listen, dude, you don't judge a man's penis when they're in water. It's just poor sportsmanship.
Why are you talking about penis sizes instead of boobs?
Rei has the biggest boobs in the entire series because she merges with Lilith
did the thermal expansion segment make its manga appearance
i forgot
that's not in the manga, dipshit
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We need a doujinshi + be parody, at once.
This logic... it's undeniable
Why are a bunch of manga angels unnumbered again?
there's only one that's unnumbered because sadamoto fucked up
It was intentional by Sadamoto, exactly as he planned
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Nope, it makes sense it's jsut hard to understand
Once they defeat Sahaquiel Gendo tells Fuyutsuki 7 have passed, which if you discount Adam (that Fuyutsuki probably doesn't know about) is accurate
Then he says five remain, and he was right. Bardiel, Zeruel, Aruel, Armisael & Tabris
Based manga shinji
1. Speaks coherently
2. No more bullshit shipping/harem/ambivalence nonsense
3. Cares about Misato and Kaiji
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Why wouldn't fuyutsuki know about Adam? Even if he doesn't know Gendo has it as an embryo he knows it's the thing responsible for the second impact and would count it
This theory would make more sense for Lillith.
I like to think that Gendo is actually retarded and making this up as he goes along and just got it wrong
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Kaworu's cock is canonically massive, Shinji could never.
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>You are Jewish.
SEELE's bottom bitch? probably a eunuch
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Same but for Asuka
Humgry Yui
Unit 01 was always the strongest unit.
It doesn't get restated but you don't get the berserk state without the pilot being super high sync. See Asuka's final failed berserk.

Eva-01 only ever berserks with pilot effort. Shinji pretends he remembers nothing from his first fight, but he was in there the entire time.
I don't see how that body armor is supposed to restrain Eva from doing anything
Like, even when we ignore impact-related power, and just consider Eva unit vs the army situation
The armor works well as armor and doesn't hold back any of its limbs or muscles.

Fuck Rebuild Eva02 by the way. Fuck it.
Oh fuck Japanese VA has aged

It's Ultraman, lol.
This part doesn't really work when they just stick the armor back on.
I'm still really amused that Asuka was just mad at Shinji about this whole thing for the next two movies. That was one bit of characterization that was right on point.

You know she was mad he didn't do it for her
Yep, Za Beasto was dumb and superfluous, just have them go normal berserk mode
>he didn't do it for her
girl spent 14 years obsessing over a bento made by a boy she knew for like 2 months tops
you're damn right she was mad
Zeruel wouldn't consume her in the first place. She's not tasty enough.
How do the knives and guns EVA units carry damage Angels if the AT fields prevent damage from normal weapons?

Does the random rifles (not the fuckhuge charge up one) they carry and used to kill the spider Angel really hit harder then an N2 mine?

Also what's the deal with Rei III? She doesn't remember what Rei II did at first but then seems to remember/have memories of Shinji during EOE? How does she get Lilith's soul again, for that matter?

It's weird that Kaworu is technically two angels at once. How does/did that even work, and how did he know/communicate with Seele? Did they make him the same way NERV/Gendo made Rei?
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The Eva's AT field degrades the Angel's, making them vulnerable to attack
AT fields follow the inverse square law, which is why melee combat is usually the most effective
>The Eva's AT field degrades the Angel's, making them vulnerable to attack

How does this work with ranged weapons though
the eva's at field clashes with and neutralizes the opposing one or something, specific mechanics are deliberately vague. at fields are not limited to being personal force fields range-wise which is how asuka can neutralize matariel's before shinji shoots it, if thats what you mean, see also: shinji blowing away a bunch of buildings when his field expands to catch sahaquiel
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My thing is I feel like Kensuke would have done more for her than that in the fourteen years they knew each other. It seems like it was more the insult of it that continues to bother her. it always risks thread derailment mentioning this but Kensuke is what Asuka sought but failed to find in Shinji, even if people treat it like a joke.
>risk derailment
Yet, everytime you show up you trun every fucking thread into a "Rebuild wrong Asuka" thread then you say that shit when nobody fucking askes. Like, you do this shit everytime you show up
>risks thread derailment
Bring up either Rebuilds and Shipping os "thread derailment". The other ahit is you just being a faggoy
Interestingly you never make any counterpoints.
I wouldn't have cared if they had actually elaborated but they were so afraid of backlash that the best they could do was an awkward as hell mascot scene that made the whole thing feel like they were only there because they were the last 2 characters left single
They fumbled it, that’s for sure.
But to answer more fully what we see in that particular scene is when Asuka looks at Shinji she sees another child. A screaming baby at that. Someone not in a position to help her. Kensuke by contrast appears as an adult who actually is in a position to comfort to her. The execution is fouled up but that’s the general intent as I see it anyway.
File deleted.
mate I'm literally talking about how it was poorly done and didn't feel well thought out quit crying
Like I said, bring up derails the thread so why even do it?
Go to sleep, what are you doing at 5am?
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I’d like to think that’s me but oh well.
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AT field cancelling works at range but not as well (see unit-01 using it's AT field to slice through zeruel's from afar in >>269190719)
A (bus sized) bullet can penetrate an AT field if it has been weakened enough
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My hero and someone i always look up to
>IMG_ filename
If you're gonna samefag make it less obvious
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sorry retard but she belongs to Kaworuton
based, I love how he works the BBC
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sorry negroids but there is only 1 good piece of evangelion media and it's Petit Eva
Did we really need that many Reis?
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Not enough Reis, I say
for me it's Rei Six. She a little yandre
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For me it's Rei (02)
Nigga what? She only stumbles on kensuke when they left the wunder.
Rebuild shipfags can't even get their shit straight.
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It's kind of implied that they're war buddies of some sort—it's not like she suddenly shows up at the start of 3.0+1.0 and crashes on the couch of a stranger—but, like most things rebuild, they never build up or elaborate on it
no one asked for your dweeb self-insert that looks just like me
>AT fields follow the inverse square law
But do they follow fast inverse square root?
Kaworu has low testosterone level, she prefers someone more manly
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Kaworuton and Kaworu are not the same character retard.
Who the fuck is kaworuton and why should I care?
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You are fake fan if you don't remember Kaworuton and his famous catchphrase "make me an angel"
>Unit 01 was always the strongest unit.
Ignoring plot armor and its "special" function, Units 02 and 04 are just better.
Shielding is shielding, high tech or low.
>That was one bit of characterization that was right on point.
It was the only bit of characterization, she had none otherwise besides being a brooding bitch for no reason by default. I fucking hate the female characters in the reboot, they're so obnoxious or edgy.
>it's not like she suddenly shows up at the start of 3.0+1.0 and crashes on the couch of a stranger
That's exactly what happened though.
>but, like most things rebuild, they never build up or elaborate on it
The rebuilds suck ass but the main reason this isn't elaborated on is because you extrapolated it for self insert ship faggotry, and are now bothering everyoneelse with it. Hope this helps!
Forced meme, and unfunny.
Please commit seppuku.
everybody knows asuka and kensuke are implied to be close in 3.0+1.0. You can stop coping like a faggot now.
Cry nigga
>everybody knows
*One or two autistic faggots who make shit up knows

I'll give you a helpful hint. No one is buying this. No one is thinking "yeah that's a good point" after the years of schizo asuken posting. You would do better just writing some autistic fanfic on your own time than bothering all of us with this.
Asuka's characterization of being a cardboard cut out of old asuka and being obsessed over a kid she knew for less than half a year is better than the utter cretin they turned misato into.

They ruined the most interesting relationship in the whole anime to make her into a complete retard.
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>they're complete strangers!!!
you didn't fuckin' watch the movie, lol
>some dumb nickname implies a 14 year intimate soul mate romance
>when a few scenes ago she was surprised he even existed and he has never set foot on the wunder
This is sad. See what I mean? No one buys this. Why even shill this angle? A cuckold fetish for fictional charecters? You come in trying to play it off as a meme but every time you try this desperate shit to convince people. Then you have a meltdown.
Please seek help.
nta but dude they live together and talk in a good way to each other, are you retarded or what?
Here comes the meltdown.
When he starts spamming threads you'll know what started it.
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>he ruined any possibility of talking about the Rebuilds and specially 3.0+1.0.
What is there to talk about? They're a mess. The only reason the shipfaggotry exists in the first place is because anno didn't give a shit about the last movie and let his cowriter insert whatever autistic shit he wanted while anno was too busy shoving something out of the door.
The kensuke schizo will never complete the self insert because his skin is brown
Which one the yume, the janny self-inserter or the anti-yuri schizo who for some reasons shows up her and does almost all of the spamming
>schizo starts crying that nobody likes him
Every fucking time
Exactly as predicted.
He's melting down spamming now that people call him out.

Fun fact: the rebuilds were shit, the manga was better, and Kensuke hated asuka in the manga
>Kensuke hated asuka in the manga
>You are Jewish.
If it is for Rei...
I wouldn’t go that far, even if it’s for Rei…
Nobody gave a shit about the original character.
Indeed, Jewish demons are not to be trifled with. Lilith is a spiritual and material abomination that Shinji must inevitably destroy.
If you wouldn't give up your soul for a girl, you don't truly love her
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Big chiquita
>What is there to talk about? They're a mess
They aren't, stop being such a bitch a go outside Jesuschrist.
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Need reiplush
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I'm not sure I believe in the concept of true love sometimes. Most girls are dishonorable, treacherous, vain, materialistic and emotional. They care not for the struggle and the common good. This series exemplifies the weakness of both men, and especially women.

Asuka is a narcissistic bitch, Rei is a dysgenic schizoid, Misato is a pedophillic drunkard with poor hygiene, Ritsuko is a smoking catlady whore, Naoko is a poor judge of character and a whore, the rebootshit characters all dress like pink haired dyke strippers or bimbos, Mari is a chronically horny pedophillic whore who flashes people like a prostitute.
>Most girls are dishonorable, treacherous, vain, materialistic and emotional
And most men aren't?
Men only want one thing and it's disgusting
>And most men aren't?
I'm not giving men a pass either, they by default desire nothing but power and have destructive tendencies. Yet at the same time, they also have an arguably more intelligent and wiser potential for good. But in the civilized world, we have clearly seen the disasterous implications of granting unchecked rights and freedom to women without the necessary qualifications to exercise it. And men continue to do irrational things for the sake of women (see; EOE, any time Shinji does something destructive).
Rei's flaws aren't inherent to her personality and she can easily develop out of them in a few weeks.
She's inhumanly perfect.
Tbdesu this sounds like an avoidance of accountability. If men are stronger, wiser, and more intelligent than women, then it is wholly their fault for handing power over and what comes after. Similarly, though men do irrational things for women, as the stronger and wiser party, they are responsible for their own actions. If you accept that women are mentally weaker, then it's silly to blame them for pretty much anything. When a child becomes a delinquent, it's largely the fault of the adults in the kids life
Shin chan is a better show than evangelion, shinji should not be getting that name
And then 3.0 made it all come tumbling down
Why did Anno refuse to explain almost anything after 2.0? I still don't understand any of it
Moral of the story:
Some smiles aren't meant to be protected
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Stage 48 - Eradication
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Damn that eva looks scarier than any of the angels
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time to get gay
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Who the hell is tabris?
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End (+End of Volume 7!)
This is officially the halfway point
Wasn't the whole reason the Nevada branch blew up because they were trying to put an S2 engine in an Eva? Why do they say it wasn't part of their plans now?
>Link connect
Thanks, time really flies
Based pervert old man, cringe sadamoto
Nice duality.
Cause he didn't give a shit anymore, he just wanted to cash out. You must understand what being a bipolar narcissist is like.
shut up faggot
gay board bitch
This fucks are useless without their scrolls.
Fucking hell, poor Shinji
ligma balls
Thanks OP, this was a pretty interesting volume for sure.
Stop looking at me
Unless you thought that letting Shinji to become a pilot was a good idea.
Eva Nigoki...
Rei a cute!
Thanks OP
>This is officially the halfway point
Damn, really? We're at about halfway through episode 20 of the anime. I guess Sadamoto takes his time with the ending arc.
Still though, I don't want these threads to end, I love Eva too much
So they just had these giant bandages laying around?
They have a giant human-like creature. Assume they have giant version of everything around .
but enough about you
They keep it in the same closet they keep the giant screw driver they used to attach Lilith to the cross
It’s just a flesh wound.
Why is she a penpen
Rei o btuse
of course, don't you understand how defense contracting works? notice how they also paid for a second command center that they haven't touched once so far?
for the very first time i see the frankenstein influence, i wonder why i never made the connection before
Why aren't you?
What the fuck is Hayflick limit?
It's probably a part of production process.
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>The Hayflick limit, or Hayflick phenomenon, is the number of times a normal somatic, differentiated human cell population will divide before cell division stops.[1][2] However, this limit does not apply to stem cells
TL;DR cells are not immortal and can only divide so many times before it fucks up
cute Yui
Good for Rei, she finally cares about someone.
ENTER worst Kaworu
There is no need to be physical, Misato.
Asuka's room is such a mess.
Now the fun part begins.
Just another Misato parallel.
Long long man
I thought it was Rei from the thumbnail kek.
Shinji's good at worshipping big dicks anyway
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Karl is the best though
Misato slap counter in anime: 2
Misato slap counter in manga: 1
Was there not a slap in the Ramiel fight?
Nope, you're getting confused on the leliel anime fight because the night time setting looks pretty similar, but that doesn't happen in the manga
feels like a weird place to put this scene desu
>translating εὐαγγέλιον as Gospel capital G
kek you can immediately see the misconception it's created in the very next line
Oh, the people with hook noses ploting evil scenarios. I wonder where Sadamoto got inspiration for these dudes
We already know they're italian you don't need to repeat yourself
Sì signore
the eternal terrone...
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Could Superman defeat the unchained Evangelions and Angels?
Shinji calm down
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Could Shinji defeat dark invader
Karl is not Kaworu, he’s a fake imposter!
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He's one of many
Luluco/Nova my beloved
Why are people so attached to this dead boy? His (if he can be called a man) only purpose in life is to die as part of a doomsday prophecy.
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Kaworu explains it best in the After the End Drama CD
Sometimes I really just wish the series fully embraced its horror nature after EoE. The light hearted spinoffs (like SIRP) were fun and good, but I really wish it was also counterbalanced by just being a part horror series outright.
One of the few heteros
Agreed, we need a spinoff focused on the angels that goes full cosmic horror
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>they keystone of our plans, our trump card
This line would actually have weight behind it if they were talking about Anime Kaworu and not Manga Karl who is just a gigantic retard who doesn't know anything about anything. SEELE are dumbfucks.
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I have always been a fan of having the Angels take on the role of the various monsters from the Cthulhu Mythos, such as Shub-Niggurath. Especially since EoE was basically a cosmic horror film. The other movies are some pussy shit.
>The true path must be redeemed sir
surprised people haven't criticized nge for antisemitism yet
what are some good eva horror fics?
Would Martin Scorcese approve?

Methinks yes.
I watched the original 1995 tv series, but which one should I pick up next? Isn't there is 4-part modern remake? I'm interested in picking that up, where do I start?
The 4 movies are a sequel, you can watch them right after the TV series
Watch EoE after the TV series. Don't watch the Rebuilds because they are shit.
>EVANGELION:1.0 YOU ARE (NOT) ALONE. - Movie [2007]
Is it really a sequel? I'm looking the screenshots and it's slightly shinier looking versions of the 95 series.
the 4 rebuilds are their own thing, End of Evangelion is an alternate ending to the TV show
>End of Evangelion is an alternate ending to the TV show
Thanks. Going to watch this. I do remember getting pissed at the ending of the 95 tv series.
Just watch and you'll see, it seems like a remake at first
Dibs on the LWA one
Tanks OP
They're building the MP Evas, they weren't expecting one of their prototypes to grab one by method chomp.
They make up some bullshit about repeating timelines and shit. Just ignore the Rebuilds.
Thank you for posting.
They fixed a mistake here. In the anime it was a plugsuit even though during the fight Shinji was wearing his normal clothes. So this makes more sense.
Pretty certain that in the original Ritsuko admitted at this time the energy/armor was actually used to control the evangelion, not to actually move it
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>alerting the subject thus missing out on a candid moment
never gonna make it as a photographer like this
that's very funny anon
Is that what they call reboots/soft reboots these days? Or did you just read that off 9anime?
he's an overenthusiastic spastic who takes pictures of female classmates underwear for money, subtlety is not one of his strengths
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They're stuck in a looping narrative.
>Sadamoto takes his time with the ending
Well, considering the vast amount of shit, both in terms of action and introspections, it would be more appropiate to think that Anno actually rushed the movie/last chapters instead to avoid making it a 3 hour madness (and end up going full crayons again), while the manga has more time to explain itself

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