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Chapter 65: Mikura Manaka (1)
Pages may be out of order for some reason
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????? wtf is the same as the bird hiruko
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Oh shit
What the fuck
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neets takahara helped...
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She's cute
rabid mako...
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looks like the stalker guy from perfect blue
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chapter is not wholesome anymore
Is he about to Robin her?
I was curious why he reacted like that, and apparently he asked if she would marry him here >>269148403
So I guess this >>269148549 isn't a coincidence
Connection error while posting. [More info]
Post a different image somewhere. It fixed that issue for me.
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4chins please...
why is this happening, i post a lot in other generals and that happened to me multiple times...
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Pls fix
try editing the page a little, maybe.
like 1 pixel dot somewhere
That only works if it thinks you’re uploading duplicate images. I doubt it would work for a connection error.
damn she's activating her green thumb abilities... kowai!
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.png let's go
Post the image on litterbox then another anon posts the image and OP continues.
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Nah try it bro.
I think it's some AI detection thing
sakuya is already full of her shenanigans
fucking finally
its a long wait for a new chapter even without hiatus
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What the fuck for a second time
it's bird shaped
AHHHHHHH no Sakuya, don't make my red beans grow ahahah so scary
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Some charts need to be revised.
>super eye
>she's spying at the lady and the creep
kinda lame power desu
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Is Mako about to kill this guy
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i think he's gonna make a hole where the woman is sitting to rescue her from the guy
Sakuya cute as always
Nice. Definitive proof he's the Hamamatsu hiruko. But how the fuck is Sakuya the bird? Was there any foreshadowing for that?
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>she’s not the fungus
I'm just here thinking that maybe the fact bird hiruko had 2 different patterns might have to do with this...
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fug where is the bird hiruko found again, not hamamatsu, i am high.
But mt fuji is visible from the inn right
Kirubeam time?
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near Izu peninsula, but yeh close to Mt. Fuji
But that raises the question of why there would be two kids who became nearly identical hiruko.
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is the heels the woman wearing practical, post apocalypse?
after sawatari sniffing THAT HEELED SHOE, i am paying attention to footwear

yeah aside from the hirukofied kids panel with sakuya and no taka, only myths are the clue i think.
Goddess Sakuya flies around mt fuji and the area surrounding it.
I love this genocidal maniac.
>Taka isn't there.
I somehow never realized this. It's pretty obvious then huh. It baffles me how blind and retarded I can be sometimes.
She's so cute
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So who the hell was the fungus?
I'm just thinking the second pattern is his original one, and the first one he got from eating Sakuya's hiruko. But that panel from ch57 kinda fucks me over, we got the right idea all along and just ignored the fact Taka wasn't there.

>Goddess Sakuya flies around mt fuji and the area surrounding it.
I guess there's more to gods than just fluff. Michika's god being from Ibaraki and all. Get to it god-anon.
sorry that was me
wait wait im coping again. the bird is Sakuya, but the power is from Taka's hiruko... yeh yeh... Ishiguro, I kneel

we just don't know then, for the time being
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Jesus Christ, how horrifying
Nata's power maybe?
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maybe mako's reality warping but not committing to make holes
That makes more sense.
>anata wa mou shinde imasu

Best lolibaba ever
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Thanks for the raws
"old heaven" was called "new heaven" back then
and somehow they lost it, so make a new new heaven.

My theory on who the fungus is... Japan defense forces tried to take old heaven with the hiruko children in their possession and that kid turned
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ishiguro i kneel
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thank you anon... some stuff to change with this chapter, but damn it. I guess it really was there in front of us all this time huh?
Timeline for those who need it
What if the fungus was the pieces of Mimi that got cut off?
>anata wa mou
>shinde imasu.
>that's some old shcool anime you know here!
>little girls should only watch anime for little girls!
>how prejudiced!
>the Takahata Academy is for people who suffer from prejudices and discriminations!
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too far away
dont mind the other things, what matters is mimihime's location
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and the character sheet, same thing. this one will be harder to rearrange now
Thank you for the dump. Praying TL anon remembers it's today. Mikura was too cute this chapter. I'm so glad it continued right where it left off and didn't skip ahead.
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I guess also makes more sense, didn't interpret it correctly the first time around
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> mako's reality warping but not committing to make a hole
wonder if the detail where his eyes are half-opened when using his powers are in older chapters
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it is
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The book Maru is reading. From the wiki
read the summary of that book, i think it's a story spoiler.
it's a sci fi with suspended animation (hiruko things)
Oops. From the wiki
>The romantic situation in this story is a very interesting, very odd one: it is nothing less than a mutual sexual interest between an engineer of thirty and a girl of twelve
Based Ishiguro
so what exactly is that thing doing? Is it just pointing where the lady is?
mikura suggested sakuya to call her ability "super eye"
she can project her tentacle bird thing and see what it's seeing
alright, I've got something to read till next chapter
>MAL mentioned
Definitely. This part too.
>Belle injects him with an illegal "zombie" drug, reducing him to somnolent compliance.
You reckon this could be what Mikura's medicine is?
yeah i believe the medicine isn't a cure since meena is up to no good! and tricking shino!
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it's so prominent now
but did nata always have those full lips?
can't believe she prioritized stealing lip filler after apocalypse!
no, I think this is a thing only after Shino got in.
I had been asking myself that for a while, but how would Taka have turned into the Bird Hiruko if he died before succumbing to the disease thing? In my mind that has always been the pre-requisite for Hirukofication
Otherwise, Shiro and Mimihime could also turn into a hiruko even after killing themselves, something they did specifically to avoid that fate

Keep in mind I'm a retard goldfish memory speedreader so I might be forgetting something
She started duckfacing after she got her memory back.
shino is so funny
Taka turning into the bird Hiruko was the biggest counterpoint to the children needing the disease to turn. Now that it's confirmed that it isn't him, there's nothing contradicting Aoshima's explanation. They will only turn if they die while having the disease.
mimihime couldn't turn because she had no core, but Shiro could, yes. His POV suggests you need the disease, he doesn't know about the cores. In my mind only a core is required to turn, the disease only makes them turn quicker. but that's just me, there are people who think the disease is required.

that's true too, I still think we can't assume it is required just yet anyways. Aoshima just explained what her experiences suggest, since she probably hasn't seen a kid die without the disease.

My copium for this chapter is as follows: Sakuya is the bird, and she was already an Hiruko by 2029. She ate Taka's corpse before it turned (even if he couldn't because of no disease) and embodied his traits. The lobster looking things always kinda seemed out of place in that bird. I don't think there's other Hiruko who isn't consistent in its design/animal.
>mimihime couldn't turn because she had no core
Didn't Maru kill her by crushing her core?
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my tablet is broken, new one is on the way.
don't mind the ugly lines
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bird still makes more sense for the sword guy who married anzu, I'm not seeing how super-eye is connected
yes he did, what I mean is that the core is required to turn into hiruko, but also to keep them alive, since the kids themselves are hiruko, if that makes any sense.
Oh right, that makes sense
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I mean, they share the same marking, can't be more obvious than that.
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the tentacle bird thing sakuya is projecting has the "3 whips on each arm" too.
the sfx also matches.
She can probably use her projected tentacle bird offensively but chose to use it for utility ( super eye )
Man eater forms and their normal powers aren't a direct correlation. Kuku's monster could shoot water and had a water shield even though her powers were just her sticky hands.
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i can't get over this !
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' 3 '
I kinda disappointed from this reveal, but I guess it makes sense. I wonder if the fungi was an offspring or something else, it was weird that they didn't kill it like the others.
And I wonder if we are going to see how Ohma got separated from Michika, but since we are done with Michika, Mimihime and Shiro, that seems unlikely. By the looks of it, she probably died from the disease before she could meet them again.
text on the right is "Unreadable distance."

>"Today is November 16, 2024."
>"Five days have passed since the great earthquake. I wonder if this broadcast is still reaching you all."
>"As communications with the outside have yet to be re-established, according to information independently collected by Namba Radio,"
>"*Bzzt* -fires are breaking out across a wide range- *Bzzt* -power plants are"

>"Ohh!...what the hell happened here?! Damn it!"
>"Get over here! The door got broken into!"
>"This is the worst thing that someone could have done!"
>"What happened?!"
>"We got hit by a looter."
>"Maybe they're still inside."
>"I can't believe it... call the cops!"
>"Will the police even show up?"
>"If they don't, I'll just beat them to death with my own hands."
>"Calm down now."
>"Someone committing crimes at a time like this shouldn't be considered human."
>"They're lower than a cockroach, like some kind of rotten shitty bacteria-level human!"
>"So you went back to considering them human? Calm down!"
>it was weird that they didn't kill it like the others
They've only done that when necessary. They also ignored the squid.
>it was weird that they didn't kill it like the others
not for lack of trying
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They didn't kill the mountain hiruko, or the squid either. Technically not even Ohma's one, but they tried. So not killing it because its dangerous doesn't sound weird to me.

tlanon welcome
ohma was in the basement of shiro and mimihime's building.
They met.
When Ohma got sick and was about to die and turn, she was isolated in the basement.
That's probably how Shiro got the idea that dying from the bruising disease turns you to a hiruko. Or maybe Taka kept in touch with mimi and shiro and told them about Anzu. Or both
>"It's getting noisy over there..."
>"Let's get out of here already."
>"It sounds like there's a couple of people outside."
>"Nanoha-san, you know what to do."

>"We gathered as much as we could scrape up."
>"Now should be perfect timing."
>"What are all these people doing here...?"

>"Everyooone...! My name is Mochizukiii! I'm the receptionist for the Osaka office."
>"I'm a level one employeeee!"
>"Some of you may have already noticed this..."
>"But as I have just confirmed, this office is just fuuull of supplies!"
>"In fact, for all of you who've come here to take shelter, it'll be a little tough to fit all of you inside."
>"That's how much stuff there is!"

>"Takahara is the only place I belong."
>"Me too...that's why I came here."
>"Yes, yes!"
>"That's how I feel too!"
>"Without a doubt,"
>"this miracle is thanks to the vision of Director Kaminaka! So let's all share in it together!"
>"What the hell are you even talking about?!"
>"Of course, we'll share this with normal people like you as well."
>"Kaminaka-sensei believed strongly in doing that sort of thing."
>"However... first we'll be prioritizing those affiliated with this school and its students."
>"What are we gonna do Mikura...? After all the time we spent gathering, they're gonna take away all of it."
>"Speaking of, is Kaminaka-sensei alright?"
>"Yeah, is the Director...?"
>"Given the situation, we still don't really know..."
>"But the Director...even in a situation like this, she's the kind of person who it's impossible to imagine dying, don't you agree?"

>"You're right!!"
>"If Takahara Academy hadn't been around,"
>"I for sure would have killed myself a long time ago."
>"I- I don't know what the best thing to do here is..."
>"But I want to repay everything that Kaminaka-sensei has done for me."
>"I don't want to let this earthquake destroy Takahara Academy!"
>"As a volunteer or something, I'll do whatever it takes! Please let me help out!"
>"I'll also help out!"

>"*sniff* Uhh...it looks everything I've done up til now"
>"Really wasn't a mistake...."
>"Let's stay here and watch over the birth of a new heaven."
>"Damn it... how could these people make Mikura cry like that?"

>"After all the work we did collecting everything..."
>"Hey kids... no need to cry, you'll still get your share."
>"Takahara Academy has always been the ally of the weak!"
>"I love you!"
A genocidal maniac shouldn't be this cute
Thank you TLanon!
I know they ignored the mountain because the family told them. But I was sure they killed squid. I remember they escaped from it, but came back because they wanted to avenge a girl they found. Or was that another hiroku?
>"Once this disaster has calmed down, please marry me!"
>"Ah....I actuallyyy"
>"Already have a husbaaand..."
>"And a chiild..."

>"This isn't good... that guy must have spent all his time as a NEET building up his muscles,"
>"on an exercise machine..." (TL note: Power MAX seems to be some kind of popular exercise machine, unless I'm missing a reference)
>"-ure...impure, impure.."

>"Goddamn it!"
>"Nobody get close!"
>"If you come over here I'll kill this dirty whore!"
>"He's gone ahead and holed up in the middle of a mountain of supplies..."
>"He's a genius among NEETS... a wild hikikomori..."
>"C-call the police..."
>"It won't connect, the power lines and cables are completely dead."

>"I'll go to the police station!"
>"How annoying... in times like these, there's always crazy people who panic and start committing crimes..."
>"Why is always it like this?!"
>"Let's roll out!"
they wanted to go back because they thought Helm wanted to kill it, but they misunderstood, they Helm wanted to kill her rapist
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nanaki spider escaped
I think knowing that hiruko used to be people affected Maru
>"This should be right above them, around here."
>"Yep, got it."
>"No, not that..."

>"Have you ever thought about making up a name for that amazing power you have?"
>"Like "Super love!" or something."
>"No thanks! That'd be way too lame."

>"I see it..."
>"The man is by the window..."
>"The woman is..."

>"Can you walk up to the wall behind me?"
>"From there go a little to the right."
>"She's trapped right below there in a little room."
>"That location...I guess that must be the bathroom..."
>"Thank you, Nanoha-san."
>"Let's save Mochizuki-san first. Based on the layout, I suppose the only way to get to her is from above."

>"A hole big enough for one adult to fit through should be fine."
>"Just be careful not to hit any pipes."

>"Shh! Don't say anything!"
>"We're dropping down a rope right now."
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I've been using this font for robotic text but I was wondering if I should use something else.
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yeh, you're right forgot about that one

I think you're good with that one TSanon
>"Thank goodness!"
>"She's gone!"

>"Goddamn it!"
>"How the hell did you get out of there?! Do you take me for an idiot?!"
>"This slut!"
>"Stop right there!"

>"You are"
>"already dead."
>"That's an old classic anime you're referencing."
>"Girls should just watch anime for girls!!"
>"Wellll! Sexism!"
>"Isn't the whole point of Takahara Academy to help people who can't find a place to belong because of prejudice and discrimination?!"

>"I don't recall ever"
>"admitting any children who would say things like that!!"
>"Uwaa!" "Kyaa!"
>"My vision is.. weird..."
>"My eyes are..."
>"My eyes....my eyes...!"
>"Release!" (TL note: I assume もんじょ means 紋除 or something but not sure what the reference is)
>"What... the?"
>"I released the Divine Fist of Kaminaka."
>"If you're also a student of Takahara Academy,"
>"then keep your heart pure and honest!"

>"I'm... I'm sorry..."
>"Excuse me... just who are you..?"
>"If you're a level 1 employee then shouldn't you also know? Did you forget?"
>"You should be able to check the registration files while supplies are being distributed, no?"
>"We're the fourth generation "Amatsuhito" of Takahara Academy." (TL note: not sure if this term is already translated, would probably be something like "Heavenly Children")
>"Sakuya" "Mako" "and Nata."

>"I'm so sorry!!"
>"Of course I would never forget that...!!"
>"Well well, thanks to that crazy guy we managed to recapture our base of operations."
>"Now, the rest is from here on out..."
>"Creating a new heaven..."
>bottom box: "In the next chapter, Kiruko and the others will go to Kyushu in search of Maru's twin brother."

that's it for this month, ty as always to the anon who posts the raws
self-correction - the name she suggests is "Super eye" like the anon above wrote out, I'm just stupid and assumed she meant アイ as in 愛
Super love... that's Robin's power!
Thanks anon, appreciated
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this guy does super love too
thanks for the fast translation as always anon.
I wonder if tokio is still alive and we'll see her soon
Im a retard, what's the reveal of this month's chapter
sakuya is the bird hiruko
the material of the bird looks like the fungus
Amatsuhito just means something like "heavenly being"? I'm even more impressed they can actually know about the kids, thought that there would be more secrecy around them.
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Sakuya is the first kid that shows up in chapter 1, kinda. Although the seconf page has a little more focus on her. I guess it can't be a coincidence she's the first Hiruko as well.
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Left is the fish girl, isn't it? She's also the second hiruko.
yeh its her
well, she's technically the third hiruko, if you count the Asakusa one. just take a look at the second page though...
What an ideal little slice of heaven. You got tomatoes, a big pillar, rocks in the water. What’s not to love?
Hmm, one could argue that the first page shows the order in which Maru and Kiruko will encounter them, while the second is the order in which they will appear on the manga, but that seems to farfetched.
>In the next chapter, Kiruko and the others will go to Kyushu in search of Maru's twin brother

I wonder if Yamato is going to be a sperg like Maru is or if he's going to be more normal since he actually got to grow up (as far as we know) relatively normally with Kona and Tokio.
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They looted a moving company
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maybe he has maru touch and accidentally triggered it as a toddler like juugo and killed a random kid (this one that's suspiciously missing)
and he grew up angsty because of that
What the hell is a power max machine?
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this i guess.
Can you even get strong from cardio? I only lift to michika max
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Chapter 65: Mikura Manaka 1
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A terra formars cameo?
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And that's it. Shino using the power of autism to build heaven.
Thanks raw anon, and thanks TL anon.
See you, bye bye.
Thanks TSanon, very cool
>Shino using the power of autism to build heaven
Ahhh so I could create heaven as well!
>is the heels the woman wearing practical, post apocalypse?
Bad idea for hauling supplies or running, perfectly fine for overseeing supply distribution, office work, and light to medium city walking. It's completely possible to fight in these if you're experienced, which she isn't. It's still early enough in the apocalypse that she doesn't have to forage and clearly isn't worrying about fending off looters and gangs. Boots will always be more comfortable than pumps. For all heels, the wider the heel block, the more comfortable it'll be. Her's looks like a tapered stacked heel, maybe a 2.5", so not a great idea, but you can get some pretty comfortable ones nowadays (not enough detail to ascertain if they're good quality and comfortable or cheap and painful).
Thanks anons.
So, Takahara also had academies for regular people?
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yep, this is why they know about Shino
The TL note is kinda confusing and pointless since "Powermax" was omitted.
The Uwaa bubble is messed up. That's it I think. Thank you as always.
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lmao, I really have to re-read the series
I bought all the available volumes but they are collecting dust on my desk, still sealed
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I love the way she walks out here.
why is she making that duck mouth?
thats just how some characters have their mouth, even tooru has some big lips
She likes to look cute.
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Could he be the Asakusa hiruko?
eheh nice catch, something for him to fix for the volume
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I wonder what kind of clothes I would wear in the apocalypse of this manga? the tactical chubby guy's clothing makes sense but it's very eye-catching, I would wear a bulletproof vest under a jacket to avoid drawing attention
ty for the excellent work TSanon
I made a mistake labelling the TL notes, these ones were just for any anons who might be able to correct possible mistakes, and not for average readers. next time I’ll make a note of which ones shouldn’t be included in the scan
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Kid thinks she's Jesus
she's so evil and sassy
So what's the reason why the academy children are known to the receptionist?
well, she created hybrid children with superpowers and cheated her own death by taking over the body of one of them.
what did jesus do? make magic wine, walk on water and visit some people as a ghost after dying.
she's not entirely unjustified to act a little cocky
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updated the timeline, kinda of an easy fix anyways
almost forgot, catbox link for the pdf, if anyone cares
The glasses and the shade of her hair made me think she could be related to the owl manga woman but after looking at the chapters she was in she looks a little different
Did not see the bird hiruko connection coming at all, but the way the symbol is drawn here with the groups of three does remind me of the way the whips were grouped
>Pages may be out of order for some reason
11 had the best outfit. The poncho was good for hiding all kinds of things.
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another one
Kindle rip was unordered. Idk why
Remember that this now implies Sakuya could've seen Kona and Tokio's business through the walls.
And also Sawatari and those shoes
good point, also means she was probably aware of soto no soto
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She wants to recreate what she saw with Mako.
wasn't the bird Hiruko canonically Taka? maybe its just a detail
No, that was just a theory based on his name and ability. The symbols are unique to each hiruko so this debunks that theory.
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you forgot to bump the chapter number in the corner
No fucking way. I'm still in denial about the bird hiruko. /a/ was wrong?
>some mistery still surrounds this Hiruko
Anon, it's spelled mystery
No, I guess we were misled because we never saw her powers.
These characters have been around for over 20 chapters.
isn't sakuya the girl from like page 2 of chapter 1 watering the plants?
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time for you to reread all of it fren :D
That was when she was first seen, yeah. She wasn't named until after the bombing arc though.
>The lobster looking things
It's not a lobster but a Leanchoiliid.
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Since Mikura/Shino died from the disease, did she also turn into a monster? Or Maru destroyed the core before that happened?
>Or Maru destroyed the core before that happened?
Maru had no idea he could do it on "humans" at that point, so no.
She died before Maru found out that humans could have cores since he only found out with Totori. It's likely that they left before she transformed if she transformed at all. It's possible that she could have the disease but the core (and powers) stayed with the real Nata.
It was a perfectly reasonable assumption based on the information we had.
We were tricked by the hawk name.
This made me think something. Considering how hell bent Shino was into getting Tokio's child and reach her, it would not surprise me if "her" hiroku form (if she turned into one) was on her way to find her, all while Kiroku and Maru were traveling around the country. It would make perfect sense if they encountered it on their way (i.e. the following chapters) and Nata recognized that the monster is using her powers, especially now that the plot is about Shino's shenanigans during the restoration period.
Let go of the weird cope, it only discredits anything you can come up with. In the first place the link between Taka and the bird is tenuous at best. A vague name motif that isn't replicable with the other children and a slashing attack (of which it was never confirmed that it was the same mechanism). A reasonable enough conjecture at the time, but one that is now clearly wrong. Taka was never shown with a tentacle.
>don't think there's other Hiruko who isn't consistent in its design/animal.
None of them have been consistent, ever. Take it from someone who actually studies animals scientifically for a living.
Kek, even after all this time i love this shitty granny
Sakuya is too hot to die. I refuse to believe she was the bird.
She is Ursula von der Leyen/Hillary/Kamala of that world why are you surprised?
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nice. still goes with my point though

She died in Tokyo, its unlikely they'll find it (if it exists) going the direction they're traveling now

>Let go of the weird cope, it only discredits anything you can come up with
I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll stand by it, until I get disproven by something that was in front of our eyes the whole time again. The merging stuff the Innkeeper yaps about probably has some truth to it in some sense even if she was just saying it to cope (like me).

This is the only Hiruko to have such conflating elements in its design I think. A bird with arthropod looking appendages? I could say I always found it odd out of the bunch, but only saying it now is too convenient, I guess I should've spoken my mind about it sooner.
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a Leanchoilia huh.
After watching Ponyo, I've read Japanese kids like cambrian creatures the same way american kids (back then? gen alpha is into weird shit) like dinosaurs
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Jesus? No. She thinks she's Izanagi and Izanami.
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I've corrected what anons noticed, and added the markings we know connect hiruko to the children. I know there are more markings, but no others have been shown by the kids.
thanks for the raws, translation and typesetting anons!
>Asura kills herself after realizing why she was born for
I think it should be either 'why she was born' or 'what she was born for'
t. ETL
you are correct
the hiruko's design in the BD booklet is so chicken
In 1994 there was a big Japanese documentary series about the history of life (with a banger soundtrack by Michiru Ōshima. I've heard motifs from that soundtrack in later anime series she also worked on). It was also released an Germany, where I watched it as a kid. It had a big part about Cambrian organisms with amazing CGI for that time.

Seems there was shitty English translation too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7M348dVaio
Now I feel bad for Mako. I never thought about it before, but he never meets the real Nata again.
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>But that panel from ch57
I don't think anyone posted it yet, so here it is.
thanks anons, if you spot anymore let me know please, even if it is just a tiny thing
>Man eater forms and their normal powers aren't a direct correlation
they are tho, Ohma and Mako both retained the exact same abilities in their monster form that they had in their human form. so why would Sakuya change hers from seeing through walls to slashing attacks?
that anon meant the water spitting gun attack the fish hiruko does.
Anjoulas can shock people and make them levitate towards her.
They can gain abilities they didn't have while as a human.

her projection has the whips the bird hiruko has. >>269152839
She chose to use it for utility and not offensively. Probably because it's not necessary and Mako can do it. Sakuya seems to be the refined and elegant type that won't do the dirty work unless necessary.
>There's a legend where konohana sakuya hime felt like destroying the top of a mountain for the dumb reason of being taller than mt fuji
Is MC still a cuck or has he made a move?
Taka's slashing is not from a whip but an invisible katana. You can get Katana from the characters of his new name, Minakata.
The God he was based on, Takeminakata, is a wargod worshipped by samurais.

Michika has the slicing power too, Michika's god is also the god of swords.
In Shinto, the Gods are kinda redundant (there's a lot of gods of related to agriculture, blades, etc) so the kids might have some redundancy in abilities.
Maru and Michika share hiruko sense. Most of the kids have varying levels of precognition
maru told kiruko's father figure that he's the boyfriend
Oh? Based. What was her reaction?
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tsun tsun
>Maru reads classical SF
>Meanwhile Kiruko reads a guide about eatable plants
*pretends to read
Any new rape?
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That's interesting I guess that explains some of Ishiguro's interest in cambrian creatures. Not that it would be weird to be fascinated by them if there wasn't this documentary.

It's the sole reason why I'll never forgive Shiro (her being a genocidal maniac doesn't really bother me that much).

The panel that broke us... and we almost had a whole year to get it right. I feel partially to blame, because I was one of the few anons that noticed it at the time, and I stirred it in the direction of Sakuya being the fungi ("hey here's all the kids we've seen hirukofied... and Sakuya! I wonder when she will appear!" that's what I got from it). At least there really was something to panel, but we kinda decided to ignore what was(n't) on there. Damn it. We had the technology anons...

This panel (recontextualized) and this page >>269157015 converted me into a Kona=Isopod believer. Sorry I ever doubted you anon... it does raise the question though... Sakuya's markings are the same as the bird, but why aren't the ispod markings the same we saw in Mimi's visions? Even if we go the route of merging Hirukos, the mark should be the same, right?

This is something that boggles me right now as well. I'm thinking... why would Ishiguro shows us an electrical Hiruko (fungi) after we just saw one (anjulas)? Could fungi be its offspring, maybe? Ohma's Hiruko also seemed to be different than the main one. Although the speculation surrounding it stems from the fact Ohma's a hermophrodite, while Anzu isn't (from what know, there's no way she is). I'm sure we will get stuck discussing this sort of thing until we get another chapter like this. Oh also, the cover for chapter 54 also shows us Anzu's markings, not sure how to represent it as an icon though.
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>Ohma's Hiruko also seemed to be different than the main one
Not the main one, I meant the little ones. You get the idea.

>Maru and Michika share hiruko sense
If I had to guess that's shared between all the kids, some just feel strongly, kinda like the precognition you mention. Taka seems to sense Ohma and Michika just as they're approaching, but that could also be him hearing them screm. Either way, his sense seems weak at best.

isn't that nanaki? the longer hair version

>This is the only Hiruko to have such conflating elements
Just remembered that the spider Hiruko has weird stalk eyes, I guess it stands out from the spider design.
Based, she wants his cock
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>isn't that nanaki? the longer hair version
yeah. I think it's nanaki. Could it be the "updated" version of the image is the one in the guidebook and not the one in ch1?
there's no gen3 kid that matches the ch1 image.

>Maru and Michika share hiruko sense
>If I had to guess that's shared between all the kids
yeah. Momoika felt Maru too and was even better because she can tell he looks like Tokio.
Maybe Shiro going to the basement to see Maru and Kiruko is not a coincidence but because Shiro felt Maru?

I think the features hiruko kids have is given to them with a purpose.
Are the kids meant to find each other if they ever spread out?
Perhaps to find each other, procreate and make an amatsuhito race that inherits the world after the old world's destruction?
or maybe find each other after getting hirukofied and merge and make a giga hiruko and destroy the survivors
In the legends, Izanami who was seething from getting sealed in her underworld cave promised to kill 1000 people everyday.
So does it hold true that the author makes sure to introduce the human version of the kids before their corresponding maneater form appears in the story?
ohma appeared after her hiruko.
mako was a background character and had more screentime after his hiruko appeared.
(as far as i remember)
>Could it be the "updated" version of the image is the one in the guidebook and not the one in ch1?
I think so, even Shiro and Anzu look a bit different there. That one kid was just a placeholder pretty much. I think Nanaki's hair is like that because of spider chelicerae or maybe the pedipalps, but that's a long shot and obviously I only noticed after knowing she's the spider hiruko.

>Maybe Shiro going to the basement to see Maru and Kiruko is not a coincidence but because Shiro felt Maru?
I wouldn't be surprised

>Perhaps to find each other, procreate and make an amatsuhito race that inherits the world after the old world's destruction?
I think that's a trait Meena wanted, not necessarily Shino. Although, if Hiruko reproduce with normal people and yield hiruko, it would be a moot point...humm

>maybe find each other after getting hirukofied and merge and make a giga hiruko and destroy the survivors
its a bit of tangent, but this kinda reminds me of gu
>The traditional preparation of gu poison involved sealing several venomous creatures (e.g., centipede, snake, scorpion) inside a closed container, where they devoured one another and allegedly concentrated their toxins into a single survivor, whose body would be fed upon by larvae until consumed.
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>they’re into big mutating explosions
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damn it anon
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Pokémon era kids were into these sort of beetles.
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taka is so handsome...

>why would Ishiguro shows us an electrical Hiruko (fungi) after we just saw one (anjulas)?
my current theory on the fungi is, it's another kid taken by JDF.
The JDF/the remnants of their government were also the ones that messed up the takahara office in chapter#47.
Losing Old heaven is another takahara raid and the JDF/gov brought a kid (weaponised) and that kid became the fungus.

In the mythology, there's a lot of thunder related gods. Michika (god of swords and thunder), Raijin, Ajisukitakahikone , 8 ikazuchis

>I think that's a trait Meena wanted, not necessarily Shino.
Agreed. A lot of us think Meena is rogue but got away with what she's doing because what she tells takahara has double meanings in a monkey's paw way/has plausible deniability

>Nanaki's hair is like that because of spider chelicerae or maybe the pedipalps,
I can see it! that's what it's called huh

>its a bit of tangent, but this kinda reminds me of gu
>Gu (Chinese: 蛊) or jincan (Chinese: 金蠶) was a venom-based poison associated with cultures of south China, particularly Nanyue.
I have to look into that.
Checking out JP tengoku blog posts, I saw that there might be a wordplay between "lonely blood" and chinese "blood poison" (mountain incest family).
The 7 lucky gods are foreign gods introduced by Chinese trade too except Ebisu ( Hiruko's transformation )
bleh so many things to search

beetle hiruko soon
>The story tells that Hiruko eventually washed ashore—possibly in Ezo (蝦夷, ancient Hokkaidō)—and was cared for by the Ainu Ebisu Saburo (戎三郎)
a foreign God to the Yamatos i guess...
I suppose all the thunder odd job gods were just local variations?
Gu ritual is where you bunch a lot of poisonous insects into a jar that's sealed the one that's left alive is then used as the source for poison in occult ritual type poison use.

This is a theme for a manga series that's one of the worst in survival manga (people are made to eat each other and shit to survive in that one), Kengan Ashura/Omega has a ton of Gu ritual mentions.
We have “arrived” in the heavenly delusion.
he shouldn't grown to be 20 feet tall in the fourth panel
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I think he's gonna show up/have importance later
my retarded ass was going to say he's in jail, but I guess that doesn't really matter now
Where did you got his name from?
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Just saying this should've give them a food poisoning. This bitch dumb, you don't eat grass! Fking hell.
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In the anime credits. It's his job title instead of name
I think I preferred the word "prejudice" being used there, as she talks about prejudice in the next panel
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After the Kaminakas and Dr. Sawatari, he probably knows the most about meena.
If the government/JDF/Robin/Robin's group wants to do something to Meena, he's one of the best bets they have. ( i can see them starting to reverse engineer/ study meena)

based and kona-isopod-pilled
So when is season 2 releasing? I remember it ending on a cliffhanger.
all this time I was thinking ispod hiruko was kona after changing, but what if it is before turning into what mimi saw? that would explain better the issue I noticed with the markings. So it really is Kona (could still have been messed with by Robin), but eventually merged with another one, I'm assuming it was eaten, that's why the markings in mimi's vision are different.

It ended on a reveal, not a cliff hanger
anon, it's a tardigrade
You can clearly see from the picture that it's not grass and the translator is an idiot.
guidebook calls it isopod, anon is right
guidebook said isopod, read the entirety of the pic first
i translated the caption myself... Even though mimihime's vision looked like an isopod, it's the asakusa hiruko that was called "オオグンクムシ" (Bathynomus doederleinii)
it's a clue not to take the tardigrade looking hiruko at face value.
I don't give a fuck what they call it
the toed legs, the weird protruding head, the general body shape even, it's a tardigrade.
Kona hiruko is a pokemon... The tardigrade turned into an isopod!!!
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many wild grasses are edible (typically the roots rather than the leaves, though sometimes the leaves too), some were cultivated by humans before they got better crops, others are common fallbacks during famines.
I agree with you. 100% a Tardigrade.
They're definitely going to fuck soon.
I mean, originally people called it tardigrade until the guidebook came along. although the carapace thing is more isopod like. regardless I agree with you, looks more like a tardigrade, isopod is just for consistency. it's common name nonsense anyways, I want to know its scientific name (what kid it is).
none of the hiruko are exactly real animals either way, they all have some anatomical aberrations.

It reminds me of the recent episode of Elusive Samurai, they fought a forest creature called a "ox-demon", but that thing was very obviously a monstrous boar (really more like a warthog) regardless of the name.
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The fungus hiruko was inside of a department store but was not mobile like other hiruko. I guess this means that whoever the kid was, died inside of the store or nearby. It's likely that the kid was living inside of the store and since the store was already picked clean, it's likely that it happened years after the collapse. This doesn't help to narrow down who it was but it's basically all I can come up with relating to it.
who is the girl at the top right?
despite being from the same group as Tokio's, I don't think she ever got some focus
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It's Anzu, she appeared plenty, but yes never really focused. Best we had was her getting flustered at the pool and her wedding.
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You mean Anzu? She married Taka then turned into the behemoth. She doesn't have as much focus as some of the others but she had plenty of screen time.
wait, I meant top left, sorry
Has Kiruko blurted out anything new concerning her homo(hetero) lust for Maru?.

not this chapter.
Maru will impregnate Kiruko on Robin's birthday next chapter, trust
how about the last 2-3 chapters?
Well she was blushing about Maru calling himself her boyfriend in the last chapter. Then there's her dressing like a stripper a few chapters ago. Aside from that there's the Maru sniffing from the previous volume.
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oh it was fixed in the volume release
It really is nanaki
Cute Mako. Too bad he is getting by the old hag.
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She's going to be bouncing on his cock and still not know what her feeling mean.
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I don't think so, and I have proof
Ayyy lmao girl is creepy
right, it's weird how sidelined she and Iwa were
maybe it was in stasis like Ohma
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>maybe it was in stasis like Ohma
it is.
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I like having reasons to repost this silly images i make!
The stasis form was just it waiting on the ceiling. The awakened form was still just an immobile fungus.
wonder what triggered the awakening.
If it's "food", there was a frog in the water for the fungus.
Fuck Maru
Robin WILL
Maybe they prefer to eat humans. Have we seen them eat any animals?
no, we haven't
>In the legends, Izanami who was seething from getting sealed in the underworld (cave?) promised to kill 1000 people everyday.
Hirukos really are made for total human death...
I thought the maneater part is just dietary preference, they're obligate human-vores huh
God willing
At this rate, we'll need a Tengoku chart for all of the gods.
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>Best we had was her getting flustered at the pool
You should add on that it was because of Taka. He made Anzu flustered by teasing her. She also had another focus scene.
Anzu is so pretty.
In certain sense, the series reminds me of Shin Megami Tensei. Not just the post-apocalyptic setting, but the play between japanese deities, especially Tokio and Izanami.
While, in Megaten, Izami represents an old deity, Tokio signals the revival of that deity as a renewal symbol of Japan. In Tengoku Daimakyou, one could interpret Meena as Izami and Tokio as the new goddess, which is why I think that Tokio or Yamato are either a terrible threat to humanity (created by Meena?) or a seed of salvation (created by Asura?). Shino realized that at some point, which is why she has to cure one of them before they become monsters or something like that. But given for how long they've been traveling, it's hard to tell if any of them have become monsters by now.
You can also make connections between Mimihime and the Hare of Inaba (both were torn apart) and Anzu and Ame-no-Uzume (both gifted dancers). Asura can also be evil or a protector, depending on the religion, so it is possible that her entire plan is to stop Meena, or to bring the end of humanity.
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thanks for sharing anon,
i wonder if you can see more similarities with this:

>gods the characters are based on , according to the guidebook
(captions are what i think relates to the story)

Tokiokishi no Kami -> tokio
>Created after Izanagi had to purify himself after sealing his wife Izanami (in the underworld cave)

Mimihime -> Ame no oshihomimi

Kona -> sukunabikona
>god of medicine
>he got sick in the legends. got revived after dipping in a hotspring
I think this is a clue

taka ->takeminakata no kami
>a war god that's worshipped by samurais. that's where taka's katana and powers is based on.
>dueled with michika's god and lost
I think if he was the bird hiruko, he would be haunting the area around lake suwa

tarao -> ame no tajikarao
>god of physical power
>helped to get amaterasu back from hiding in a cave
he will probably return in some way because the manga teased us with his core.

Anzu -> ame no uzume

Shiro -> kotoshironushi

kuku -> taniguku

>god of thunder and a sword god
we've seen michika use a blade recently

sakuya -> konohanasakuya-hime
>blossom-princess and symbol of delicate earthly life
>also associated with volcanos and mt fuji
you don't expect the volcano part and focus on earthly life and flowers. That's why we thought she was the fungi.
Volcanos are explosive and powerful, that's probably why people are surprised she has whips that slice people up.
i've mentioned that there's a legend she destroyed a mountain top for being taller than her mt. fuji.
Her shrines are around the mountain in hopes to pacify her.
Maybe this is a spoiler. She seems silent but has resistance to Mikura bossing her around.
She might blow up!
>depicted flying around mt fuji

Nata -> Mikuratana
a divine necklace. A name unlike others. Makes sense because her brain is shino's
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speculation mostly based on how the names sound like.
meena -> izanami ( from i-373)
izanami is the mother of hiruko, meena birthed the hiruko children.
I think she herself is a hiruko and resented the ones who sealed her up in the underworld cave. Like Nata brain on Nata bot.
she promises to kill 1000 people everyday ( thats the catastrophe killed a lot of people, and the hirukofied children kill some more)

Also birthed the main japanese islands which includes Yamato ( thats why I think Yamato is the clone)

iwa -> iwanagahime
nanaki -> nakisawame

hani -> haniyasubiko
>god of earth and agriculture
He's one of the DJs of potato radio. Potato, that's so earth and agriculture

momoika -> omoikane no kami
>god of wisdom and intelligence. His name means "having the wisdom and thoughtfulness of many people
>people pray to Omoikane for success in school and exams.
despite being a god of wisdom, Momoika looks dumb lol...

asura -> AmateRASU???
>He has a variety of abilities, such as the ability to predict the future, heal, and fly, which
fits the image of Asura as someone who is somehow different from the other students.
>hid herself in the afterworld cave ( asura's suicide ) and will have to come out one day and come back to the plot

Robin Inazaki -> Izanagi
he will marry meena one day.
He does experiments connecting humans and hiruko.
Maybe he will connect himself to meena and become an "immortal"?
Might be a part of a group that can access meena.. like the JDF or what remains of the Japanese government..
And it's the JDF and the gov giving him hirukos to play with.
>despite being a god of wisdom, Momoika looks dumb lol...
I find her so interesting. She was a leader of the sealing squad that protected the city, apparently she even managed to get a hiruko to a near death state. She was never seen standing that I can remember so it's possible that she couldn't for some reason. She had strongest hiruko sense that we've seen, even being able to see into Anjulas' mind. All of that and she was never the focus of any chapter.
That's a nice catch with Asura. I think she is related to both the demi-gods called Asura and Amaterasu herself. She killed herself when she realized her purpose, ending humanity like the other hiroku (most likely). If we go by the myth of how Amaterasu hid herself in a cave, the recent appearance of Michika and Anzu as Anjulas, could indicate that her return is near. Also, we are missing matches for Tsukiyomi, Susano-o and Kagutsuchi, the last one which burned Izanami to death.
Another interesting bit, Izanami and Izanagi are part of a group of seven primordial deities, which may be related to the other five donors.
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the roosters making rooster noises too ( sakuya's chicken hiruko )
and oh yeah, gonna add to my to do list if the donors can be related to the primordial gods.
Maybe meena will have a flashback story and we'll see tsukiyomi, susanoo and kagutsuchi
>when izanami burned after giving birth to kagutsuchi, she shat herself and her feces became hani's god
God i love yaoi
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maru with a wig looks like a beautiful girl... maybe a grown up marin would look like that...
Robin is a siscon... robin is the one taking it up in the ass btw
>never the focus of any chapter.
Got cucked out of a chapter cover too. It's criminal honestly. She was the hero of Nara and single-handedly defeated Anjulas with just her mind but got completely sidelined.
I blame Shiro and Mimihime for usurping the first half of the manga, but also the mangaka for introducing dozens of hiroku.
She also saved the lives of the second generation kids just before the bombs dropped. A real hero.
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what did momoika mean by this?
she has autism
she knows Maru can kill hiroku with his hands
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She's seeing her future battle with him as the secret final boss.
Why is she always grabbing her dick?
Are you talking about the girl who constantly has her hands in her pants for some reason?
We saw her standing as a kid.
That's the one. Constantly flicking that bean.
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momoika's a hermaphrodite
sometimes she dual wields
so the hairdryer scene was foreshadowing... sasuga ishiguro...
Is that confirmed? They're not all hermaphrodites.
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It hit me that the comforter is not only to make Momoika feel warm, it hides the fact she's always touching herself.

like half the kids in her batch are hermaphrodites .
She's a futa in my mind
(it's not official)
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I swear she's grabbing her dick here
I won't believe she has one unless it's officially confirmed
I'm sure they all are, the staff probably engineered them on purpose after Tokio got pregnant.
Your timeline is off by many years.
I need one of those
This stuff is crazy. I remember being in these threads ages and ages ago and this stuff was just haphazardly thrown together in paint, now look at them. Wild. Also even though I've kept up with the series, I am so totally clueless on all this stuff from previous chapters. Maybe time for another reread.
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i bet the reason adult momoika is always sitting and wheeled around is because her genitals are too big and sensitive, like a shunga painting
Do we know what happens if a Hiruko eats another takuhara kid?
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we don't know but not impossible. Anjoulas tried to eat Maru, maybe.
It's never happened before.
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Kiruko's bf looks cute here
why is there already a perfect spherical hole (sachio's?) in the corner of the door?
Gorilla woman (male?)
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It's the same office that they broke into in chapter 47, with the Meena terminal. They were staying in the office before that woman with the glasses claimed all of their stuff.
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The bombing is happening right now
We're quickly approaching the asteroid date too. Say goodbye to France soon.
I wonder if the JDF used all the other hirokus to invade the rest of the world.
I don't understand why Ishiguro hates us this much, the asteroid literally is exactly the size of the entire country and falls right onto it.
Still better death than getting stabbed by a random dude in Paris.
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I want her to tear me apart.
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If she is the first hiroku both the reader and Maru and Hiroku meet, what if she's also the last kid we see? In that plotline, at least.
Also, the only kids we have not seen in the Maru's storyline and that had a major focus in the academy storyline are Asura, Tarao, Tokio, Kona (?) and Yamato.
Asura might still be able to show up as some sort of ghost but Tarao is probably gone for good.
ishiguro, i kneel
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I would rather eat tree bark than any grass to be safe.
Further note, use bellies instead of stomach in pic related sentence, translator idiots.

"fill our bellies a little." sounds like how a native person would say that.
regional, either is fine, personally i never use the word belly.
stomachs plural in that sentence make no sense grammatically, bellies is what americans/british would most likely use, singular maybe but not plural.
it sounds fine to me (american) and you can google it to find endless examples
Stomach is perfectly acceptable there.
thanks a bunch anon, im glad you like it. ill still try to improve it somehow, im learning while doing it. if you see any errors or have suggestions of stuff to add let me know. visit the spreeadsheet as well, a few other anons also contribute in there
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she's not as chubby back then...
I think I like this better than the jacket
A bit of speculation about what happens with Mikura
Shino uses the NEETs to build old heaven. Sakuya turns into a man eater which destroys their defenses and lets bandits take over. Shino takes Meena before she abandons Old Heaven. Shino switches names to Mikura and builds New Heaven. She learns about Maru from Shimazaki who moved in to New Heaven. She uses Mako to study hiruko transformations and develops the medicine. Mako turns into a man eater and Mikura leaves to find Maru.
This is so hot because of Maru. Where are my Kiruko corrupting and feminizing Maru doujins aaaaaa
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Ishiguro art for Sengoku Youko
Based. Mizukami manga are awesome.
How will thez die?
Yeah but they've been friends since before even Biscuit Hammer debuted.
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This style makes it look Maru has bigger boobs than Kiruko.
I can understand Shino suffering because she caused this in the first place, but the kids suffering is just cruel.
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Everyone suffers in this manga
watch nata die without getting her personhood acknowledged by kirumaru
She's gonna sacrifice herself to save Maru and Kiruko from Mikura/Shino's hiroku form, bookmark this.
>lives with Doc for over a decade just fine
>travels with Kiruko for a few weeks and dies
Both of their marks are on relevant parts of the body and Sakuya's is present the whole time she's using it. So why didn't we see Michika's? Is her sword arm not her actual power and just some kind of death-state manipulation?
The marks aren't always clearly visible when they use their powers. I don't interpret them as being big glowing symbols, they're more subtle in universe so we only see them when the author wants us to see them.
What if the marks are only visible when they get the disease?
where was this symbol first shown?
taka never had the disease and had no marks, shiro too.
There's probably no mark if the ability is physical or intelligence related.

mako's hiruko
forgot to mention kuku
I think it was only on the cover page of chapter 40, on the squid monster.
kiruko soup!
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kuku could have the markings on her palms when she was climbing, like Mako
instead of powers that gets activated, I thought kuku had gecko fingers. A physical feature like Mimihime's ear and the beast boy
I think the hiroku have a set of powers, both passive and active, but that we never see some of them because there was no reason to use them. Like, Taka was very resilient, but he never used his slash attacks (willingly) until he had to kill Michika. Anzu was very agile, but she never used any kind of physical attack, same with Kuku, Shiro, Tokio and most of the kids.
They probably had no idea they had certain powers nor had a reason to use them in the academy, and some times they had no control over them, like Ohma or Mimihime.
i was gonna say we've only seem gen 4 or 5 kids with these symbols (as kids), but i guess we've also seen anzu's... so i dunno
but we didn't see anzu's marks while alive.
My theory is, powers were too strong with gen 1, kona and especially asura.
Takahara toned it down with the next generations and slowly adjusting it/ increasing it with each gen
agreed. Taka didn't even know he slashed Michika back then and that seems to be common with gen 2.
Asura asking Tokio what she's good at is probably Asura wanting Tokio to discover what her active ability is.
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>but we didn't see anzu's marks while alive.
The closest was this from chapter 54. How canon it is is up to debate since it's a cover page.
All I see is two bitches (male)
but one of them is female[female(male)]
an interesting detail here is the flap here being undone
what does it meaaaann
who knows, but it lets me see anzu's collar bones so all's good
Best type of individual
>Anzu was very agile
Agile isn't exactly the right word. She was very flexible and lithe.
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Nice. This is all very interesting. There were some brief discussions in the past of how Tengoku Daimakyou is connected to Japanese gods. But I think this is the first time the discussion is this in-depth and goes into how the Takahara children represent Japanese gods. That's good timing too, right after I picked up Touge Oni.
There has been a lot of discussion about the god connections in the weekly analysis threads.
i'm gonna repost it with more info on weekend threads If i find more connections

have some more
Izanagi -> inazaki
When Izanami told her hubby she'll kill 1000 people, Izanagi told her he'll make 1500 more then
Seems he has an aversion to death. Robin said something like "he won't let anybody die again" and obsessed with immortality experiments

>Ame no oshihomimi was tasked with claiming the terrestrial lands during the Kuni-Yuzuri. After inspecting the human world, however, he refused to proceed and returned to heaven.
Mimihime got out of Takahara and experienced the outside-of-the-outside, human world. Mimihime "refused to proceed" , starts bruising and dies / goes to heaven
wonder if "refused to proceed" is a clue.

I do buy the theory that the hiruko kids can't have any physical ailments but nobody said they can't get mental health ones.
Is "refused to proceed" depression? There is no more air-conditioning after the apocalypse... JK

Mimihime probably thought the outside of the outside world is fun. She likes her new name.
Then suddenly she lost that new world overnight due to the catastrophe.
The mass deaths must be traumatizing. Her abilities are quite stressful too.
What if her post cognition made her relive the catastrophe over and over?
She probably saw desperate people doing scary, desperate things.
She might be getting very anxious too since the day Shiro starts cutting her up comes closer and closer each day.
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aside from looking into gods, I also make weird theory images, details pics and sometimes fan art

I haven't shared this here. Everyone must look at this
Don't unleash that curse here
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this is our 11-11-2024 near earth asteroid.
Hope the artificial warriors or takahara didn't screw with it!
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Nobody should look at that. Some truths should remain hidden.
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Anyone know what the Furutto announcement is about?
15th anniversary celebration for another manga, but I'm not sure about the name.
It's apparently a story collection collab.
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Kuku's monster form had ring eyes that could have been her symbols. Alternatively, she had subtle wrinkles on her feet that could have been the symbols that directly translate to the fish hands.
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Her personhood will get acknowledged after her death
>Mikura/Shino's hiroku form
Wait I never thought about that. Why didn't Maru encounter it?
maybe they need both the brain and body together to transform.
u know whats funny
Sawatari Teruhiko 猿渡照彦 kinda sounds like sarutahiko 猿田毘古
also shares the character 猿

In the myths
sarutahiko saw ame no uzume's top(clothing) undone >>269228503
and got his neurons activated.
sarutahiko marries ame no uzume.
U can say that the scene where sawatari gets eaten by anjoulas is sarutahiko and ame no uzume becoming "one".
It can take days for a dead hiruko to turn. Nanaki took a while after her death. Maru could have left too soon.
damn, nice one, good stuff. I kneel once again
there you go anon

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