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Good riddance
>no ending
So what will come next?
Animanga is healing.
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I'll miss Nagatoro alot
So will there be an Atsumare anime?
Suzu... we won't get any more Suzu tomodachi
I would've knocked suzu up, the men in the school have no taste
good, nagatoro fans were the most degenerate fucking imbeciles i've seen on /a/. Have you ever been to their dump threads? Mongoloids the lot of them.
>reddit, boring and extra boring are ending

your forgot the [good news]
you sound lost
>reddit tourist newfag calling anything reddit
Worse than Nadeko threads?
Tanaka won
about as bad as CSM threads
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Wow the hate is real in this one
What is that last manga about?
you can't be serious, it doesn't get any worse than that
Indeed, you can check any Nagatoro dumpthread if you want, we were pretty chill
>>Nagatoro fags can finally grow up.
can't be worse than oshi no ko threads
>rampant crossboarders
>dumps are insane and people spamming images
>threads are pretty much fanfic dumps
Yes, in 10 years way past its prime.
Oh my god people come from other boards to read a series, the horror
they were trash like all generals on /a/.
>people spamming images
Please don't post images on a image board lol
not during a dump, no.
OK admittedly it wasn't as bad as these recent CSM threads, at least people were only posting reaction images, not out-of-order pages and spoilers to actively disrupt the dump. But it still made it impossible to actually read the dump.
Atsumare absolutely had an ending, it was just the BAD END because Dai-chan didn't commit. But don't worry, the VN will fix everything
Just ignore the posts and go for the pages, it's not difficult guys.
>atsumare ending
He ends up alone in the future with unstable employment having exhausted all his luck in high school. This is not a joke
>Forgot about it
I'd say good riddance
Luckily no one will ever have to anymore
You were mad at our dumpthreads, but the real question is why did you enter if you didn't like the series in the first place? Please don't tell me it was for hate reading kek
>You were mad
No. But continue your fanfic.
Ah sure, this nonsense giga rant doesn't mean you are mad, ok
>one sentence posts
>giga rant
the future is bleak
So is pretending /a/ hates those the hip thing to do now, or just a form of public self-filtering?
its just newfags trying to fit in
just see all the buzzwords like ''slop''
>t. crossboarder
Oh no, what content will I consume now to fill the relationship void in my life?
they hate it because it gives hope to nerds that the girl who was shitting on you secretly likes you
Your mom

2/3 outstayed their welcome and the 3rd is limping towards an unsastisfying ending.
goyslop is the best meme to ever come out of pol.
It didn't even came out of /pol/, go back
Oh no, ERA ended. What will we use now
We still have Akutsu-san or do people not like that one?
art is shit most of the time but it's actually funny and doesn't have the length do terribly boring arcs of nonsense and drama. just pure and simple romcom
i like her slutty friend
All we need is for Kanojo Okarishimasu and Komi-san to end and then anime/manga will be a whole lot better. I'm so glad I skipped out on this era of garbage.
Kill yourself NOW
What's with their 1000+ post dump threads anyway? Where did all those people come from?
literally the same
>2/3 outstayed their welcome
isnt komi also ending soon? that manga is the worst offender
>Used to be a /v/ regular for years on end
>Decide to give /a/ a chance after christmas because of the Amagami thread
I've been here since, hardly ever going to /v/ anymore (only for a certain thread). Whenever I check on it I'm blown away by what a shit hole it is, being away from one really puts things into context. /a/ is far from perfect, but my god at least there is SOME resembles of normalcy still alive here.
Yeah, the only flaw here is that you have to cohabit with shonentards
Lucky you, Komi's supposedly going into its final arc
It's entirely subjective as to whether they went on too long or not. I can at least symapthise with the sentiment that nagatoro's ending felt rushed, but isn't really the case with takagi-san and others imo. I would only really reserve this opnion for Komi-san.
No you won't, you'll forget about it by next week
Well that and the godawful lingo born from the still-waters of elsewhere. See: slop
sloppa post
Nigga, you in his head? If no then stop projecting.
I was aware of the shonen shitters years before I ever came here, but man is it rough seeing them in action yourself. y/u/ri autists aren't much better if you ask me, but at least they aren't around every corner (yet).
buzzwords are sadly a cancer infecting every board, not just /v/ or /a/
>nagatoro fans were the most degenerate fucking imbeciles i've seen on /a/.
You've never been in a dragon ball thread then.
Or a one piece thread.
Or a MHA thread.
Basically any battle shounen.
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No i wont. I will forever be grateful for Nanashi and Nagatoro to get me back into anime and manga after 10 years of ''growing up''. Last chapter could have been better but i'm satisfied.

Hopefully his next serialization with the yokai and the hunter gets announced soon.
in fact he's barely been on any /a/ thread or 4chan thread for that matter
Hey now, Demon Slayer typically has good threads.
I don't remember ever giving the author permission to make a manga about me.
Those aren't frequented by humans. Those are a bunch of chatbots talking to each other ad nauseum to keep the board's post count consistently at 40k per day.

Niggatoro threads are organic, but filled with the worst posters this shithole has to offer.
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I'm confused how you came to this opinion, given nagatoro anons usually stay inside their threads and mainly just talk about the manga they like. You sincerely sound like a tourist or consolewars faggot and that's the flattering options.
Ah yeah, the yurishitters are pretty awful, but worse then them there are the shojofags, if you ask me
If he's a proper idiot, he's probably referring to all the shitposting people do in those threads and taking it at face value. If he's not, he's one of those shitposters and is using his own shitposting as proof that the threads suck.
Probably the second
Wait, what's bad about them? How do they look / behave like anyway? Not sure if I ever met them, or at least not knowingly.
Not him but yurifags are annoying faggots who unironically hate themselves for being men and think all anime should follow their mentally ill ideology
They constantly raid normal romcom threads to say how ''hetslop'' sucks and whatnot. Main drive behind all the posts talking shit about straight romance
Demon Slayer was lucky to be relatively short and concise. Had it gone on for years and years or even decades like those other series I suspect the threads would eventually meet the same fate.
They can come out of nowhere in any romcom thread just to call all the non-shoujo romance "slop"
>>269158170 >>269158299
I was more wondering about the "shojofags" bit, less so y/u/ri shitters, those are pretty obvious and easy to explain. Might've misread it, but it anon made a difference between the two.

>who unironically hate themselves for being men
While I'm far from an expert, that is something even I was able to figure from reading their tribal bullshit. Weird bunch those fuckers, it's not like I strictly dislike yuri either, just fanatics like these.
>constantly raid threads spamming "hetslop"
Before becoming an /a/ regular I've NEVER heard of this kind of insult, it's on my black list ever since learning about it. Instant red flag whenever I see someone use it, unironically or not. One of those retarded "buzzwords" type things used by people that can't speak normally anymore.
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You mean the shitposting term you came up with in 2022 that you spammed 136 times and first used with a Satania troll picture? Or do you mean your "yurislop" spam that you've done 188 times over the same time period that was first used with a antiyuri troll picture that is deleted on sight?
thanks for proving my point, faggot
are you going to start spamming about your boogeyman now?
1. Calm your your autism
2. HE (NTA, I know you don't care) clearly meant the whole "hetero garbage" thing in general, /u/ fags spam it ad nauseam.
>>who unironically hate themselves for being men
Heh not so different from shoujofags, they think that shoujo is better because generally the female authors are very horny and so they throw the MCs easily into sex, but fact is that it's still from the point of view of a woman, so they basically self-insert as the woman at some point and want to become one, just they don't realize it.
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>post proof that your narrative is bullshit
>immediately go on damage control
You /v/ermin shitposters need to be v&ed on sight
There is one person that spams your "slop" phrases and shit up every thread with your schizoposting, and it is you
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Not him but are you happier now fagaroni?
Are you >>269156555 ?
>Look at me posting proof using retarded terms no one uses GOT EM!!
hetshit is what I usually see, not sure if I've ever seen the ones the faggot above posted
>self insert as the woman
What the fuck... No wonder I tend to hear "tranny this tranny that" stuff around them.
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Have more shitposter buzzwords, faggot?
How is 'fagaroni' a buzzword, you retard? Let me guess, you think 'retard' is a buzzword too? Crazy how yurifags like you get so triggered over the most inane shit.
The last time i've been on /v/ was like, 2013 i think
''hetslop'' was just the most recent example my head could come up with
Any post containing het-derivative is yurishitter cancer, and they spread more every day
Just ignore the schizophrenic, he is clearly aiming for attention and he is getting it pretty damn easily. Damn how shocking, when you string together random bullshit you get very few results, wow!
>fagaroni is a buzzword
I say fagaroni since the 90s...
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>Any post containing het-derivative is yurishitter cancer
The vast majority are actually by people claiming that without proof. The complaints always outnumber any evidence, every time.
Rumor has it that your mother is a hetshitter, as is your father.
Nagataro was boring near the end
It's the end of the story, it just ended softly

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