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Final chapter is out
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Dumping the final raws
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Garbage ass ending. This was definitely axed.
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The END. Hope you fags enjoyed Ryo's wild trainwreck
>dat title drop
I love the Goddess of Salvation and Justice. I can't believe you all said her love wasn't pure. What an amazing character. She truly did love Reiji the most to the very end. I hope Akane from OnK gets this much love from the narrative.
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Now that the dust has settled. Best love story ever told?
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>everything wouldn't have happened if Esemori had had some balls and proctected her crush Yuko
I only know about this series via memes. Did Sensei get a happy ending?
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He tried, but Yuko No Way Fag'd him.
Probably not, she's MIA.
Wait, that's it?
Committing homicide is a bit too much. I don't really blame Esemori.
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Yuko's schizo delusions is at it again lmfao
one last shitty unfunny memeTL and we'll never have to see this schizo again
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I fucking hate you too...b-baka!
he's posting it in both threads lmao
>Did Sensei get a happy ending?
Yes. Maobaby soon.
i want to see him again
which series are you gonna migrate to?
Pure love yandere teacher lost for a whore idol. Hack shit and rare female mangaka L.
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This translation is kinda sus
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Definitely up there for me.
Sensei carried the first half, Yuko and Esemori carried the second half.
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So what happened to sensei in the end?
Felt kind of abrupt. What a trashy manga. 7/10, I liked it
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So did reiji and nagi an hero'd themselves or not? Is the man in the truck reiji or just a random man waving just because.

This, I feel like it should have ended in 2-5 more chapters, its like
>And then everybody just calmed down out of nowhere and everybody is happy now
What yuko did at the end seemed out of character, she could have done one last thing to fuck everything up at the end.
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Do not look up the source for this image.
It was a fine telenovela manga (manganovela?)
I recognize the artist
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oh no
He just needed to realize she wasn't smiling because she got fucked, she was smiling because he was there for her (or so she thought)
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>well that just happened
Kill yourself
I've never read this manga, give me the qrd
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This was a great page. Height of the manga. The last shining sliver of hope in a little girl's eyes.
Everybody is whiny fuck up but the mom in it is hot
>Yuko lives
>Yuri lives

Thank you, Ryo.
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Why did you edit out the pubic hair?
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i want something similar to abyss with a girl like sensei, onegai
you cheeky bastard
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You couldn't protect her smile: The manga
I read it and I can't even tell what happened to her
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It's funny because sensei got the male version of Nagi lol
I'm gonna miss these thread, there is even a manga that have a setting like abyss?
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Mao is scum, Nagi isn't. Yuri is scum too btw
Sensei is based tho, crazy but based
>male version of Nagi
No. How did you even come to that conclusion?
Just walk around rural Japanese TOWNS anon
I don't live in japan for that
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Esemori was the real Shounen in Abyss all along.
Not with Hacka writing it
Esemori dies?
Nagi&Reiji leave abyss?
Yuko stays?
Chunko writes a book about all this shit?
Sensei who?

>Reiji's reaction after reading the fake spoilers
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I still love Yuko till the end.
In the end Reiji learned from his parents mistakes
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So is Esemori actually Reijis father or was that dude in the hospital someone else?
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I still remember when we said that Reiji was just Esemori substitute and said what she wanted to hear from Esemori theories back then.
Is this memeTL or anon scans?
That is the face of a woman in love
meme tl anon
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So looks like Nagi and him finally left the town together.
gotta wait for the Epilogue for that Yuri Pregnant page
I'm too dumb to understand this chapter, someone explain it me thanks
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gotta wait for the Epilogue for that Nagi Pregnant page
Reiji found his balls
Yuko went to jail
everyone else pretty much did what was expected
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Esemori dies.
Yuko lives only to go to jail.
Reiji chooses to live with Nagi.
Nagi accepts.
They live happily in the town.
Yuri puts Mao into her pingpong donjon.
Gen gets out of jail.
Ishibashi did nothing.
Chako holds the Boy's Abyss.
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Esemori is Reggae's father, he confirms it to Yuko (although we don't exactly know if he knew what she was referring to so you can have your own thoughts about that)
CHACUTE WON the Gen bowl
>Ishibashi did nothing.
We have some rando dying from cancer in a hospital far away from his home, and Reiji was bailed from it, my HERO works behind the scenes.
nah, her eggs were too poisoned with all those Old geezers cum and probably had like like 3 abortions. she's used goods. mvgn
The cope, it never ends.
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I mean it is canon. Not the abortion or poison thing, but she did get Old geezers cum all over her and probably had to drink cum martinis.
She has a very long arm
was this a fucking axe ending or what? feels rushed as hell. almost no closure on anything or any character.
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I think this was a pretty good ending, how else would you want it to end?
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yuko dying together with esemori
reiji committing suicide with nagi
This is what a seinen ending feels like, kid.
just would've liked to see more of everyone. can't believe reiji actually killed himself, also.
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End of final chapter.
It's been nice seeing you guys.
>can't believe reiji actually killed himself
>how else would you want it to end
Either with a grim reminder or a happily ever after.
Honestly, not a bad manga, but the Nagi's plot did seem a bit flat to me though.
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NTA but the ending didn't make me feel shit, it didn't make me feel happy, sad or angry and that's what I expected from the ending of a manga that made me feel a lot of different things throughout it's run. It was just lukewarm.
>This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
What's a good mexican telenovela manga to fill the void now?
The story is about breaking a cycle, it was clear from the beginning that Reiji/Nagi were very different than Esemori/Yuko, I don't see how a sad ending would work, only if you distorted the characters
> t.retard
> Either with a grim reminder or a happily ever after.
There will be epilogue
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since Reiji and possibly Nagi are still alive, then wth was the point of the bridge scene? Nagi WANTED to die, and so did Reiji too. None of them had any intention of living so why would they choose to live all of a sudden?
Nagi's whole purpose from the very beginning was to die with someone she loved and if it was Reiji then why the change in outlook? Im hoping the Epilogue can give better answers but the bridge scene was a huge waste of time and served no purposed if they just suddenly decided to live and both work for Shino'oka.
Feels like Esemori was actual main character and the story ends with him dying.
Reiji is pretty much where he started except he just randomly meets Nagi towards the end and like lol I guess I'm fine now.
>I don't see how a sad ending would work
This chapter was a pretty big letdown anyways. Might as well have given a double death ending for both yuko/esemori and reiji/nagi
Has the epilogue been confirmed? If so do you know what is the ETA?
It is finally over. Now all of you illiterate virgins can fuck off
Let me guess, your favorite character is the teacher
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End of dump.
What did you guys think of the last chapter?
Should yuko have died with esemori?
Should reiji have died with nagi?
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20 yo Reiji and 23 yo Nagi
No, my favorite character is the abyss.
Reiji better NOT wife this woman. Just as much of a whore as Yuko
The manga was about breaking cycles or something
Nagi looks like a housewife in this
>Might as well have given a double death ending for both yuko/esemori and reiji/nagi
Basically missing the entire point of the story.
To see how the main character's doing, what he's been up too and I guess Nagi as well. Instead we get a timeskip that ends it with chako and buffalo bill barely discussing them at all.
but that was the point of the story though. Reiji and Nagi choosing for themselves to die on their own. Hence Lover's Abyss Legend, everyone else kept getting in their way but this final chapter went the other way and suddenly made it seem like they both wanted to "Live" like some sort of epiphany happened on the bridge.
This mangaka is continuously reinforcing the notion that Japs can't write good endings
>missing the entire point of the story.
Please, don't be faggot.
>a pretty good ending
The only good part was Reiji and his mom saying they hate each other.
EVERYTHING else was meh.
None. No interesting manga has come out so far.
> Epilogue
Ryo has to bait sells for volume release please understand
>edgefags lost
>senseifags lost
Good ending.
Try LostEnd.
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Lucky Reiji
>used goods
You're gonna have to settle for used goods too anon and she's not going to look half as good as nagi.
Wow i knew it was shit when the story kept going in circles but i didn't think the author would just give up.

This series should of just been like 50 chapters.
used goods
>EVERYTHING else was meh
Reiji finally asking Nagi her name was touching. Even the way he phrased it, not "What's your name?" like an imperative but "I want to know your name."
He finally spoke with "Nagi", the person, not some betta fish or shinigami, and he finally sought out something that he wanted for himself.
Why couldn't they chose to live then? There is no one in their way, there's no reason for them to die, even worse, because they have each other, there's a reason for them to live. The whole suicide thing was Esemori and Yuko's thing because they had their versions of who the other was in their minds. Reiji and Nagi were never like that since the beginning, you can recall the first scene that he asked her to drop the "idol" thing
I want to know what this epiphany was because I sure af never saw it leading up to the final chapter.
>Reiji finally asking Nagi her name was touching
Okay, fair enough. That was definitely above 'meh' as well.
She better hurry, that ending makes me want to jump into the river instead.
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>just have no standards, just don't. Okay?
You do you, bud. I'm not
Chako won
>He finally spoke with "Nagi", the person, not some betta fish or shinigami
He said he was going to do that back in tokyo arc when he saw her again. The more impressive part was his asking Nagi her name and Nagi not immediately answering but saying something else.
Gen is so lucky
I wish it was that easy, if you don't want used good nowadays you'll have to date a 14yo
> if you don't want used good nowadays you'll have to date a 14yo
> Nagi
fuck you mean final chapter? did this retard somehow manage to get the manga axed?
I bet Ryo will want to show more of them in the future.
Tourists are annoying
...the losing contest
All the losers are speedreading copefags.
yes, it was confirmed >>269147509
>major additions
inb4 it's just a bunch of character art
>then wth was the point of the bridge scene? Nagi WANTED to die, and so did Reiji too. None of them had any intention of living
That all changed when Reiji said he wanted to know her real name

>Gen and Chako
Happy ending
>Reiji and Nagi
Happy ending
Seems like a bad ending with no catharsis. Unless she is living with them in the mountains (it seemed ambiguous)
In jail but probably happy
Who knows and who cares
Was thinking the same.
>That all changed when Reiji said he wanted to know her real name
her next line is "reiji, we're about to..." about to what? they're standing on the suicide bridge. what do you think they're about to do?
Sashas's artist kek
>reiji, we're about to...
Not what she says.
Last chapter confirms it, if it wasn't obvious. Esemori putting her mind at ease by lying is what allows her to move and subsequently gives her the strength to kick Reiji out and set him free. Akira managed to save a part of Yuko in his final moments.
Looks suspiciously like Reiji
>if you don't want used good nowadays you'll have to date a 14yo
That's already too late from my experience
>which series are you gonna migrate to?
In the end, I think people who read this manga in English really got cucked by the subpar translations.
Every single chapter, there'd be a dozen people who couldn't figure out what was going on because the translations were unable to and/or didn't convey subtextual nuance present in the original text.
For a while I thought that it was just people speedreading. But looking at When's release this important final chapter, it's full of small mistranslations that build up to something that's increasingly difficult to piece together.
Now imagine this happening for the entire series.

Even from the very beginning when they were Black Cat, they called the morning after pill a "red pill" for what I can only imagine was for the memes. They threw out easily and widely understood language in Japanese for (lack of) control of the narrative in English. If the translations weren't intentionally tampered with to cause misunderstandings, they were also inept at actually writing coherently in English so that the story flowed as it did in Japanese.

tldr - translators are shit, go learn Japanese
>Esemori putting her mind at ease by lying
holy cope
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I love sensei's body
Manga turned to shit after they stop plagiarizing trail of blood
this is a series where i don't think it'd really make that big of a difference desu
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Based, it's true
I just see Denji and Conquestkima after the inevitable universal reset there.
I dont understand why this manga got fans on /a/ this manga made every nonsensical decision while being boring. Everytime something interesting was about to happen the retcon it the next chapter. This ending feels rushed and out of place + is so vague, like the author got bored
Then Sakuraba shouldn't have wifed out Reika in D&S. She's as much of a haunted pussy as Nagi.
>is so vague
What part of it was vague? Rushed sure, but this was only vague, if you were braindead or not paying attention. We know what happened to nearly everyone.
It happened after Reiji got the answer he wanted from his mom. A question that was torturing him since his 1st failed suicide attempt.
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now it is
I'm fine with used goods, but Nagi took a mile of cocks before even finishing high school, that's just too much.
>Everytime something interesting was about to happen the retcon it the next chapter.
name 3 times when this happened ESL-kun
>but this was only vague, if you were braindead or not paying attention. We know what happened to nearly everyone.
hahaha great joke
havent kept up with the manga, did we ever find out who the real father was?
Official spic translation is quite good and faithful to the JP, although the cani slangs abuse were cringe.
VIZ english tl sucks dick.
actual pajeet post
Tits should have been bigger to make it look like Nagi.
You anon. You're the father. Pay that child-support motherfucker.
Need netorase sequel
That specific example doesn't matter because the line is doubled at the beginning and end of that chapter to make it circular. The only way you could be confused is by completely ignoring the gyaru's dialogue at the beginning
> VIZ english tl sucks dick.
Why? I have it downloaded because the panels are higher quality than the japanese raws available, if there was a high res japanese release I would swap it (or at least an official digital one)
>Gen - freed
>Chako - novelist
> Yuko - Prison
> Sensei - capturing Mao
>Reiji and Nagi - living in the mountains
> Esemori - dead

What part did you not understand?
Some random kid that was Esemori's relative and was admitted to the hospital Yuko worked at.
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here you are scribble-chan...
He's right.
>And then they fucked off to the mountains forever
Is a such half assed way to send off the protagonist. Yuko and Esemori were the main focus after flash back namek.
should i pick this up? it seems interesting but I've seen some anons giving mixed opinions
was the ending satisfying?
>by lying
You lost, NTRcuck.
>boy's ass
>every doomfag lost and is seething
the ending itself is very good but it's also very rushed
How fond are you of telenovelas?
It actually makes sense, because it rounds up to whatever the fuck those chapters with Shinooka and her family were supposed to mean. He saw a good family and a good life, so it makes sense that he'd end up there. If anything, if he didn't, I'd wonder what the point of any of that was.

The issue isn't the ending. It's that it is so rushed.
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Yuko should of had a happy ending...Esemori should have survived and married her. That would have been the best thing ever...
She wouldn't want to marry him though, too much pent up resentment.
Is this by Ryou?
>Boy's abyss, Jujutsu Kaisen and Elden Ring all have shitty translations

It makes me wonder if all the manga have shitty endings meme is caused in part by shitty translations.
Still Vince.
holy this manga was just terrible, I guess not everyone can be Asano levels of written
I felt like Esemori was eventually working towards rekindling a relationship with Yuko. Even if it wasn't exactly romantic it felt like he wanted to clear the air between them. He was also just hanging around that town for ages up until he died.
Sure, but that's such a leap even if it makes logical sense. Like you said the ending is too rushed, but maybe we'll get something for Reiji and Nagi that isn't just some offhand comment.
most of the manga pages posted here are MtL like the subs from Crunchyroll, super sus if you ask me
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>reiji & nagi didn't get to see the ocean
>we still don't know nagi's name
>sensei's yandere thing went nowhere
>what was the point of the fight between reiji and his mom?
I didn't really get this ending.
what did yuko even go to jail for?
For making kid gen murdering the dad
I don't know about the other two points, but the general consensus is that Yuko is basically disowning Reiji so that he can move on and forget about her.
>but the general consensus is that Yuko is basically disowning Reiji so that he can move on and forget about her.
it feels forced like 90% of this manga
this isn't even the first time she's expressed the sentiment of hating him, is it?
Oh, nice, thanks
I think before she was content with Reiki living in the town with her, even if they had some growing animosity towards each other. But now she's throwing him out and even telling him to leave the town. You're supposed to read in between the lines, especially since she is implied to be shedding tears the panel after.
>too much pent up resentment.
She should've relieved those pent up frustrations on esemori's dick.
>She should've relieved those pent up frustrations on Reiji's dick.
>what was the point of the fight between Reiji and his mom?
they were being honest with each other for once
neither of them had anything to hide anymore so Reiji just laid everything bare so that he could do what he really wanted to all along.
Anon look at him, he's shriveled up like a raisin. He's not getting anything up except his soul at it leaves his body.
Editor anon, the translation from the abyss group is fucking terrible, could you do your version of this chapter with the translation from tl anon?
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Ignore him, here's the real chapter.
>He's not getting anything up except his soul at it leaves his body.
Yuko should've sucked his soul(and semen) out of his body before he died.
>Seems like a bad ending with no catharsis
Yuri literally has no closure.
Their translation is shit
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>Gen didn't become a tranny bimbo in prison
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do you think this is a mistake on Ryo's part ? she stopped using honorific in the previous chapter
>2 years later
Why is she leaking milk, and why is there milk dripping down his chin?
What was the point of it all
It was a small town, they surely had to have known that he was crossdressing. There was no way they didn't gangbang him in prison like he wished for, which was to be yuko.
Nagidumb was waiting in the rain this whole time? She is going to get a cold like that.
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It's a hopeful ending. Even people as broken as Yuko and Esemori can try to redeem themselves. Broken people passing on their traumas to other people and continuing the cycle, but managing to pull themselves together just enough to do some good.
that just raises even further questions like how Reiji walks to the hospital and back to the bridge while its still raining and Nagi just waits in the exact same position standing there with no umbrella for who knows how long.
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How many children?
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They truly were the Shounen no Abyss
0. her eggs are scrambled from all those years of Geezer sex.
That's not the fucking ending, the fuck si this shit?.
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4 like Shinooka family
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It's conclusive enough for me, but Ryou tweeted it will be significantly expanded in the final volume epilogue this October, so more to come!
It's trashy soap opera stuff, so go in with your expectations set appropriately.
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Damn she's cute
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So we still have a chance to see tranny mommy Genko in the volume epilogue
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that was just straight up inconclusive and bad, I am disappointed in Ryo
what a waste of the past few years, it feels as if she kept writing herself into plot threads without realizing where it should lead and eventually just decided that this one would be the one to end it
I liked it because mommy issues manga but even that didn’t get any real resolution besides yelling at each other, that should have been the starting point
so many plot threads built up to then dropped
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This is Esemori thinking she's asking about the time he went to the town for his mom's funeral. He didn't tell anyone, so in his mind, she's confirming that it was indeed him that bumped into Reiji.
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>Hey Reiji
>Right now we're going to Boy's Abyss

Holy fucking shit what incredible ending
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So were there any momcest scenes like this? never read it was only interested because of the momcest scene in ch 35 but learned that it had no chance
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forgot pic
>Hey Reiji
>Right now we're going to the mountain to fuck like rabbits, have a lot of kids and have a happy life together
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Sensei gave up too easily. I hope she at least raped Mao.
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most likely for the Epilogue, she'll show up with Reiji's Kid. Ryo may not know how to write an ending, but at least she has ideas in place. Execution not so much.
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Wait this and the next one are different than the chapter posted on mangadex, wich one is correct? the one with yuko dying or the one she get arrested?
Sensei tackling Nagi like an offensive lineman during a super bowl will always live on in my heart.
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These words are ironically the most genuine affection Yuko has ever displayed to Reiji. After she received what she coveted most (Akira's love), she was finally able to release her suffocating chokehold on Reiji and set him free. Kino final interaction.
The ending is the one that you prefer.
Let’s all love sensei
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End of dump.
How did you like the ending?
The one being posted here is another meme translation.
>Reiji tries to commit suicide
Yuko does nothing
>Reiji says I Hate You
Yuko tries killing herself
>Reiji takes care of her
Yuko does nothing
>Reiji insults her man

I had a strong dislike of it when it released some hours ago solely because sensei seemingly going full schizo but I've already come around to it. Looking forward to the tankobon extras.
Not gonna lie, I think this ending is actually better than the original one.
>I hate you

It triggered her because of Esemori, otherwise she would have rolled with it as usual.
ahh ok, thanks
That's it?
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It felt like it didn't really go anywhere.
Sensei was this turbo yandere who couldn't leave Reiji alone, but then she just let it go and that's it.
Nagi didn't reveal her name.
Reiji didn't really leave town.
Yuko didn't get to die with Esemori and was just put in a bus to prison.
The misunderstanding between Yuko and Esemori will never be cleared up.
Genko went back to being Gen.
Chaco is still bland as fuck.
yeah I was disappointed that we didn't get to see mommy Genko too

actually she laughs when Reiji calls Deademori a kuso oyaji, it gives her the warm fuzzies and makes her feel like they're a real family for once in their miserable lives.

It's only when Reiji makes fun of her inability to die that she gets mad. As the resident shinigami of the town, it probably pissed her off a lot.

what I find most comforting in the ending is that they're basically a proper family unit in their final interaction. Reiji is being a whiny brat, Deademori is the deadbeat (hue) and Yuko is the exasperated fed up mother. It's the most genuine they've ever been with their feelings towards each other. It's like literal pottery, the more I re-read this ending, the better I feel about it.

Sasuga Ryo-sensei
So did Reiji finally an hero?
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What we need in the tankobon extra:
>Nagi's name
>Sensei and Mao's situation
Nice coping mechanism you got here Nagatoro faggots
Your manga ending is dogwater so you come here and shit on the ending of this one to feel better
Fucking tourists, go back to your nothingburger and highfive till you rope
No, he lives happily with Nagi I'm the mountains
Esemori isn't the father though
Now that you say it, is a really good ending for the Kurose family
With tons of kids in the future(probably)
i like how everyone here called Chako ending up with Esemori's final book
her visiting his COFFIN at SPRINGtime is also a nice touch
otherwise the timeskip + sensei were the only weak parts of this chapter
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>we were truly boy's abyss all along
Doomfags keep posting fake translations.
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Just like Boku no hero and jujutsu Kaisen I stopped reading Shounen no Abyss but I will celebrate it finally ending. Relatively speaking I didn't hate this manga but I thought it was a Mexican telenovela (I've never actually seen one, I hope I'm using term right) with lots of shitty overdramatic drama and the mangaka tried to make everything about it dark and blah blah, felt like a baby's oyasumi punpun, but written by a harem romcom artist or something.

I am sharing this because I want my opinion to be affirmed I guess. Hope you guys enjoyed the wild ride.
>felt like a baby's oyasumi punpun
Ironically, this was written better than Punpun.
How mamy men do you think she sucked? By the infamous page at least 30.
Only if you are an edgy 14 years old.
what's your point here?
that PunPun is better written?
or that SnA is badly written?
or are you just stirring shit up in hopes of a (You)? In this case, here. you got one
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How do you reply to this?
the way he did was the best and the desired outcome desu
Well that was underwhelming. Esemori was Reiji's father through some stupid "misunderstanding." No real mom closure. No sensei resolution. I'm disappointed, but glad it's finally over.
Wait, of how many years is this timeskip?
Wait what? Yuko actually died?
>fuck you, old-slut
Have they entered the boy's abyss yet?
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Yeah what's the correct translation here?
I recommend finding and reading the translation in this thread
Abyss When translation is kinda ass
Esemori lies to Yuko to put her at ease and allow Reiji to be free. That's her closure
Yuko is not dead, she's in jail
The timeskip is 1-2 years, not sure
>Sensei resolution
you got me here
>in this thread
these threads
It's not in this one, it's in the previous one, my bad
He didn't lie. He's not even awake. It's just Yuko having delusions.
> Esemori lies to Yuko to put her at ease and allow Reiji to be free. That's her closure
It's never stated that he did that or didn't, he just says "yeah" (probably didn't know what she was referring to)
Timeskip is 3 years, Chako is 20
>Esemori isn't [HEADCANON]
my bad
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>How did you like the ending?
I was more interested in Yuko and Esemori's story so finally getting an answer about Reiji being their child was all i wanted and Ryo delivered. Reiji is a fucking imbecile but i guess I'm glad he lived. As for Sensei......those extra pages better give her a proper epilogue because she basically got a nothing-finale. Disappointed in that regard but I'm gonna wait for the volume before complaining. Overall I'm satisfied which is something i never expected from Abyss
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I don't know what kind of ending I wanted for Yuko but something more cathartic than being shafted in an offhand speech bubble.
So Yuko is in jail and not dead? When are the real translations coming then
Ishibashi turned Gen straight
Is that Yuko's brother? Why?
Both are at same level.
We did closure on Reiji, Nagi, Chako and Gen tho. Esemori died. Yuko will live till she finishes reading his love letter and she is bad at reading books. Who else even matters.
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i have to read the whole thing outside of /a/
Yuko is in jail, I don't know about when the translation is coming but exepect it because When? is expecially bad this chapter
There arent reliable TLs at the moment, only the text in the previous thread
Honestly Yuko went out pretty pathetic…
At least sensei has a new potential lover to be bat shit with
Chako and Gen can be the best of friends like any female with a gay man
Esemori dead
And Nagi Reiji together…

But Yuko just whatever fuck her. I would’ve preferred her dying with Esemori
>Feels like Esemori was actual main character
esemori got most of the development throughout the story and honestly, his story with yuko is much more interesting than reiji's
>that woman is living with them isn't she

I'm confused. Is Sensei living with Reiji and Nagi?
How come the other thread suddenly became more active than this?
No, Nagi is "that woman"
>them = shinooka's family + reiji
>that woman = nagi
the context of that page is that chako was asking if its fine if she's the only one who came to see him and gen doesnt want to see reiji at the moment
That smile... he's free from the generational abyss of being tethered to the town at last
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is ryo-sensei into younger boys?
Chako's husband who looks like Reiji
Link to raws plz?
All shit endings are delivered by frustrated writers. Writers that don't write what they want either because of cowardice or forced by others.
Can’t believe years ago I thought we’d get a incest ending where Yuko groomed Reiji
Thanks. So Reiji has a job with Shinoka(hataraku) and Yuko was arrested (tsukamaru).
Yes, exactly that
Great job TL anon!
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It was disappointing how little she did after running in front of the car. I really expected her to do some final boss shit.
it's finally over
I was so fucking tired of this bullshit but we made it through
honestly, the ending wasn't THAT bad, but there's no way she was going to save this crap
only 1/3 of the manga is worth reading
Wait so who the fuck was the dad?

And what the fuck happened to sensei?
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Implied to be Esemori's 14 year old dead cousin. Ryo left it sort of ambiguous to the very end
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>gen imouto never showed up
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>14 year old
Fuck yuko, I wish she got a more depressing portrayal in the ending
Instead she gets to live happy in a cell (that we don’t even see), because
>yay Esemori and I had one last cute moment before he died!
Punpun was edgier and more bleak.
Abyss at least had a more happy/hopeful vision about escaping the cycle of misery.
From my current understanding, Esemori's relative was the father.
As said in the other thread >>269169527
Also, taking into account Reiji's age, both Yuko and Esemori should have been near 30 years old at the time of conception. Esemori was well into playing with other women by that time.
Aside from the requirement of having to trick all hospital staff that he was deathly ill to receive hospice care, I cannot imagine him reverting into the persona of some virgin kid and then forgetting all about the encounter with the love of his life.

Sensei and Mao's status is unclear. Wait for the last volume to see if their situation is expanded upon.
I guess that makes sense but why leave it ambiguous like that? What's even the point? This was not the kind of series people will be debating for a long time.
>why leave it ambiguous
Japanese people are generally fine with things being left in the air, reading the room for context, and coming to their conclusions.
Much to westerners' chagrin that things aren't directly spelled out in black and white.

It's a classic dilemma where Japanese people speak indirectly and foreigners fail to pick up on cultural cues.
it really isn't ambiguous. esemori did not pull off some kind of ridiculous secret infiltration of the town hospice ward involving disguising himself as a child who yuko couldn't recognize and him forgetting everything afterward. he sees that yuko finds a lot of comfort in thinking of reiji's father as him, so he humors her before he dies, a nice act of love after a lifetime of resentment.
Let someone truly unbiased decide here. SENSEISCHIZO, who is the father?
>Sensei didn't even get an ending

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You have to be an idiot or willfully obtuse to think Esemori is the father.
So how come in this thread people are insisting Esemori is NOT the father when in the previous thread they were claiming he was?
One of the major plotpoints of the entire manga was Reiji finally figuring out that Yuko had spent his entire life alienating everyone from them so he would have no one but her to rely on, her suddenly claiming something so ridiculous as "GTFO, I wanted a daughter anyway" is obviously bullshit
one shitposter really wants to pretend there's any debate
I actually think he's serious, there's people on MangaDex and Reddit that really think that Esemori isn't the father but then again the people there aren't that intelligent
So what is it really? And if Esemori really is the dad, why are anons insisting he isn't? What do they get from it not being Esemori?
just don't reply to him, you can see he's basically trolling on purpose
Are you talking about me or the guy claiming Esemori isn't daddy? I'm asking because I am genuinely confused.
I don't know, maybe he likes that the kid got away without paying child support. In reality I just think that this is to make Yuko and Esemori look worse but reality is that if he's truly the father it's worse for both of them that if he wasn't
please just use the organ inside your head.
did esemori trick his way into the village, disguise himself as a young kid, admit himself into hospice, seduce yuko, fake his death and head back to tokyo, and then forget doing all of this
or did he tell yuko a comforting lie on his deathbed
Nagi a best and winner
If anyone is to know who is the dad of her son, it should be Yuko
You can't make either of them look worse, Esemori used all the kids in his attempt to ruin Yuko's life one last time and only realized what an utter cunt he had been until he later collapsed and went into hospice. Dude literally has an indirect bodycount by way of Chako's dad due to his petty bullshit
you dodged the straightforward question
i'm not replying to you anymore because you're either a troll or a retard
If the kid died, how come Yuko thinks that it's Esemori?
> inb4 you say she's crazy
Then her story isn't reliable and it could just have been Esemori with him confirming it...
Why would she even ask Esemori if it was him, if she knew it was Esemori?
This manga really baited me with those early momcest moments only for Yuko to spend the rest of the manga in a bed. Damn it.
The Esemori-is-not-the-father troll is seething and coping. Why do they try so hard to bury their head in the sand anyway?
If Esemori is the father then it means they had sex then fucked off for 17 years thinking it was all a delusion or they couldn't have courage to face each other
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The ending we deserved
I think the momcest was implied ambiguously, but it wasn’t real. Like it was pretty obvious how it could be perceived that way; and I think Ryo did it to make their relationship even weirder without making it full blown incest
The fuck? Chako is beautiful. Why didn’t Reji choose her over the cumdumpster?
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I hope Ryo's next work is just an alternate timeline SoL romcom exploring what could have happened
Read Dog and Scum, at least that has a happy ending.
Look at the two sides of the argument.
Esemori IS NOT the father because:
He said he learned he was infertile after experience with first wife.
The hospital kid was a kid. Esemori was near 30 years old at that time.
The hospital kid was in hospice care. If it was Esemori in disguise, he tricked maybe 50 doctors and nurses into believing he was dying, then promptly forgot all about it after walking out of hospice alive and well.
Esemori only recounts 3 times he came back to the town. Mother's death (also first time meeting Reiji as a teenager), bringing Nagi in, his current deathbed.

Esemori IS the father because:
His narrative is unreliable because he's a druggie who made up the story of how that one time, it was him who killed Uryuu and not Yuko who kicked him into the river.
retard troll, ignore
>Bullshit manga plot resolved by the power of a single conversation by mature adults
not even mad, that shit was genuinely refreshing
I remember in the early chapters a flasback of someone taking Reiji away and Yuko desperately running behind the car. Was it ever revealed what that hell was all that about?
>the whore got away with everything
>good ending
Honestly the only weird part of the ending for me is Yuko's miraculous recovery, they had warned Reiji that she was so touch and go as to expect her to die at any moment and suddenly she's strong and lucid enough to pull herself up into a sitting position and set Reiji free
esemori just powered her up
Guys I know this is the end but just let the thread die, it's over, no amount of shitposting will make Sensei win
>suddenly she's strong and lucid enough to pull herself up into a sitting position
Could be explained as terminal lucidity but I doubt the author planned that far.
glancing through comments people seem to hate the ending.
Whats /a/'s thoughts? I feel like it dragged for an ending that could have been achieved 75 chapters ago.
>Dog and Scum
wait i was reading that one months ago, i still have to finish it lol thanks for reminding me
the story was just dragging already, and then it ended without much of a climax. i wouldn't say it was a "good" ending, but it's a feel-good ending to a depressing story, which is its own catharsis
if the epilogue is good and shows us where everyone ends up after a timeskip, i'll be satisfied
Ryou is good at using her trauma to write something compelling but she can't close the story because she hasn't resolved her own trauma.
Dog and scum is just NTR and not even good NTR
Read her other work. "Himegoto "
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she's one of the best characters
she's still alive in the timeskip so no, she's just better for some reason
Ok I wanna know what happens with Sensei after this. She's giving some rape-y vibes lmao. The most entertaining character.
>Yuko always believed Akira was the father
>Never asked for child support
Based woman
Yukos brother who ran away from home when she was little came for a visit and took Reiji and Kazumasa to the beach with his own kids. Yuko was chasing to stop them because leaving the town is considered a family curse.
You do know that Yuko was married right? She had a husband
In a lot of ways, it really was a telenovela but a little more tightly written and a lot more melodramatic.
Either in jail or literally hiding a Mao-shaped skeleton in her closet, that said she said they would bury Nagi properly, so maybe not
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Wait, why did Yuko get arrested?
Gen and Reiji explained her role in the disappearance/death of her husband to the police.
did reiji ever get his dick fixed?
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And? You still have to pay child support.
If she went to try anything on Esemori, her husband would probably beat her to death, not to mention her past being even more exposed and all
>How did you like the ending?
Open and confusing /10. Ironically Himegoto has one of my favorite endings ever.
I can't wait for another ride.
To be honest, other than Esemori being father hack tier asspull from hospital visit it was okay overall. Very good even. And japs can't into endings so this disappointing piece of shit chapter is not that shocking but expected.
Expanding on these two points.

Think of the story like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces gradually coming together for the full picture.
There are many things left unexplained, but the reader is expected to figure out what happened or is being said indirectly through context clues.
Japanese people are able to do this with little trouble because the concept of kuuki yomi is ingrained in their culture. Literally to read the air. Read the subtext. Find all the honne (real intent) behind the tatemae (frontal expression).

Abyss When's bungled translations throws English readers into confusion because in addition to being a western perspective, they make a large enough amount of translation errors (be that out of incompetence, laziness, or fear of being sniped) that the pieces are warped and don't fit together as they should.

So something that may appear clear as day to a Japanese reader might be "ambiguous" or might not make sense to westerners who read a faulty translation.
What's the actual source of this?
That's one of the main characters from Himegoto. Also it has boobs and sex.
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you will be missed, sensei
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It's been more than 4 years, hoboCHADS we fucking won the Yuko bowl
no one else was competing
everyone else was trying to get as far away from her as possible
also she's the most used goods that have ever been used so you didn't "win" you came in like, 50th
Get cucked by his son, doesnt give a fuck and use the opportunity to see her ex
*Get cucked by his son, doesnt give a fuck and use the opportunity to saw his ex
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We truly were the shounen no abyssu
>written better
I don't know about that, but Abyss was so real at times it's uncanny.
t. lived in a small town
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Her other manga, Himegoto, is a thousand times better than this turd
Aside from Yuri's character who turned into a complete plot device with no closure but a nonsensical plan (providing she didn't end up in jail offscreen), it was nice. Copefags will cope for being speedreaders.
>The boy aiming for the light with the woman he loves.
>Wanted her to drop her idol bs and show him her real side.
He's in love not bc if her havijg huge tits, but bc she's someone he can relate to for having the same Not!issue.
Hearijg Nagi's backstory gave him a venue to vent his pent up rage against his ancestors
I’m gonna be real /a/ Abyss hits too close to home for me. Sure its comically depressing at times, how mundane events stacked up into a complete shitshow. But as someone that has also been (and perhaps still is) trapped in a neverending cycle of pain, anger, regret borne of societal expectation, familial expectation, expectation of your own standing, seemingly conspiring events that intends to put you down ar every corr. It really does be like that sometimes. I even relate to Yuki, wanting to keep people around my misery. That feeling just cant be repressed, and I simply shut up and allowed people to drift away.

I frankly don’t learn anything from this manga (since abyss when seems to suggest that the ending is telling people how to move on), but boy its been a hell of a ride watching a grnuine doomer kino.
Yuri moved on. Thats about it. The generic “good” conclusion of characters from “bittersweet/doomer/tragedy/psychology” tags.
so... who won?
The 3 boys and girls from The Town and the woman from that (wiped away) northeast Town.
Felt super rushed as soon as Reiji tried to kill that guy and I don't get it. Very unsatisfying and stupid, but I guess that's the point?
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You unironically believe there ever was a mystery there?
Everyone sorta won in the sense they're all free now despite still living in the town, esemori being dead and yuko in prison. Whatever trauma the town was holding over them seems to have passed and at least for the main trio and gen they're finally freely living their lives
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Yuri and Nagi are both living with Rei. Haremchads won.
The actual point: Reiji is a selfish shitty brat who was using an outlet to vent his rage against Yuuko, Nagi realized his mommy issues were actually legit bc he left Esemori's book in the ground after Yuri "stole his reason to live" and that he needed a closure with her (a major plot point of this final arc was that Nagi first wanted him to leave everybody behind and when he didn't want to, she had that boohoo you not my shinigami anymore and was about to sever things with him before turning around to chase him back) so, she prompted him to sort things out with his mom. Long story short, Reiji finally realized Yuuko "did hate" him and men in general and told him to gtfo town, Reiji got the answer he wanted, grew a pair, told her to go fuck herself and go back to Nagi free from the burden he had.

In a more tl;dr issue what Reiji and Nagi had was extreme mommy issues and a chronic childish naivete reapectively. No fucking way Nagi killed her parents.
What would have been different if Reiji were born a girl like Yuko wanted??
Only Nagi.
When?! fucked up the tl for this chapter, but Gen actually asked if Reiji was living with that woman (Nagi, but remember Nagi was a stage name, so it makes sense her name is kept a mystery until the tanks. The point is that she isn't Nagi anymore, she's only the girl from that wiped out town), not that if that woman is living with them.
I'm starting to think not even the tank will reveal Nagi's real name. If Ryo didn't reveal it now, I doubt she ever will. I'd love to be proven wrong but I'm not keeping my hopes up.
The cycle would have repeated. The Kuroses are a bloodline of whores since the original Kurose who failed in Tokyo.
Yea. However pretty sure her real name is related to light. Ryou gave the hint in that riddle she posted on her xitter.
>The light my mom let slip away, until the idol i admire was born.
Anon. She didn't actually want a girl. Pay the fuck attention.
The cope is still going strong.
Us knowing her real name is irrelevant, what matters is Reiji asking to know about it.
The manga said the three of them would live together. Nobody ever contradicted that. Yuri won.
Not him but it's not like letting the readers know about it would cuck Reiji or anything, I don't see any reason to keep hiding it.
Is this where Harekon got its idea from?
>No fucking way Nagi killed her parents
We know she didn't they were simply victims of the tsunami and she overreached to explain why they might nkt have evacuated
>no okaasan pussy
>no sensei pussy
what's the fucking point
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>Fat gravure producers got to fuck her as a JS
>Fat AV producers got to fuck her as a JC
>Fat idol producers got to fuck her as a JK
>Reiji has to settle for
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Alright, let's settle this once for all. Is Esemori the bio dad or not?
It's the first time she's told him to leave her and the town. Before she was fine with him hating her as long as he stayed when Esemori finally helped her feel happy she no longer wanted to keep Reiji caged.
Yep, this theme is obviously beyond author league. She didn't know how to handle this kind of story, lots of things going nowhere, lots of unnecessary side plot being forced unto the story. It was supposed to be a mommy issue manga at first but ever since the gang went to tokyo (or maybe after yuko arc), the manga lost its own identity.
Tldr, another manga with a shit ending, as expected
But if he is the dad, then its a complete asspull or just another plot alteration
It's not concrete, but I'd say no.
I don't think so, the kid was just too young.
>But if he is the dad, then its a complete asspull or just another plot alteration
Yeah thought so, but Esemori was a pretty unreliable narrator just like with the flashback arc. So he could have gone full schizo mode, banged nurse Yuko and forgot about it, lol
Honestly I'm glad that Ryo keeps this one open to interpenetration.
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Reading her replies on X it seems like Ryo doesn't want to draw explicit happy scenes in the ending because she feels it'd be out of place in this manga, which would explain the absence of Reiji and Nagi in the epilogue. I wouldn't expect any in the tankobon either, unfortunately.
Well at least Reiji didn't die a virgin.
>Committing homicide is a bit too much. I don't really blame Esemori
Esemori stop simping!
>ex-AV used good
Made in heaven
It was a pretty obvious setup, to go and live with someone who had already faced the abyss, hit rock bottom but ultimately showed there was a way to learn from it, walk away and be happy. I hope the epilogue is a genuinely quiet little chapter of Reiji and Nagi just fucking about and having good times with Shinooka and her family.
You forgot the most important reason - Esemori IS the father because:
Anon is a narcissist who can't cope with his failures.
See: anyone who would bother to screencap >>269160377
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We know Akira, we know.
i want to wife ryo sensei
I can't wait for the kino epilogue
about that...
This ending was so bad, Holy shit.

Yuko pretending to be in coma is an insane and retarded revelation at the same time.
There is no fucking way Yuko as a nurse didn't recognize Naoe when he was at the hospital at that time when they made a baby (Reiji) please tell me i misunderstood something because it's one of the dumbest thing i've read in my life
Learn japanese
待たないで いいって 言ったし会いたくないだって あの女と 暮らしてんだろ
>Matanai de ii'tte ittashi aitakunai...
>...datte, ano onna to kurashite'n daro?
>I told'im he doesn't have to wait, and i don't wanna see him. Besides, he' livin' with that woman, isn't he?
Gen and Chako's talk subject there was about Reiji himself. And if Yuri was with them, her telling Reiji to live without her and taking Mao to her house would have been pointless.
But if a shit translation makes you cope better, then sad for you. Learn japanese and the kuuki yomi concept and then go back and read again the scene. When?! TL quality went down the shitter after Jakal left, and Muphrid wasn't very involved with Coffee Addict and Zess's script corrections. That's what happens when the fear of being sniped rules over wanting to give a good TL quality.
Wasn't pretention I think, she willed herself back up out of sheer spite (love) to tell Reiji to fuck off and never come back. Probably gonna spend the rest of her life in a medicalised prison, struggling to read that book, all alone.
They look more like Dennis and Conquest tho.
so the epilogue won't show a happy Reiji and Nagi? Good! I don't care about them
>the epilogue
there probably won't be any epilogue, just additional pages here and there
She didn't say that wouldn't have a epilogue tard. She probably will do an extended ending, it's the same shit
believe what you want but don't cry about it if there's none 3 months later

Yuko was able to let go of Reiji because Esemori embraced her feelings fully in the end. That's something his younger self wasn't able to do.
Read another way, by playing along with Yuko's delusion, she realized Akira was no longer the incel he was in the past who rejected her because she was defiled. He accepted her entirely despite not being the real father.

While he didn't take her with him in death, he took the emotional curse that she held all those years off of her shoulders.
>Sensei was the heroine all along
That honestly makes the scene even more powerful
>That honestly makes the scene even more powerful
LOL what?
so did they commit suicide together? what a shit manga man it was so good at the start
It makes more sense, do you have low IQ?
>she willed herself back up out of sheer spite (love) to tell Reiji to fuck off and never come back.
That is worse
>so did they commit suicide together?
nope, they're married and happy
That is quite litteraly probably the best thing she ever did as a mom.
Dude it feels forced
In the end he took with him the Abyss Yuko, he made a chad move at the end at least.
Living together.
If Yuri won, Ryou would have drawn her in the final doodle instead of Nagi.
Seriously westoids have to have everything spoonfed to them.
Ryo said she was the best heroine, even if she didn't win in the end, she still was the best girl
>Living together
same shit

>Seriously westoids have to have everything spoonfed to them.
the translation was pretty awful this time, it's not really their fault
Final word: rushed end aside, it's obvious translations fucked up the experience.
Jakal's final chapter as a translator was 168, after that. You can tell When?! TL quality went down the shitter when Zess took over and that's a shane. Can't blame yurifags for still deluding themselves into thinking she won or is part of a harem.
Mayble she draws their happy life in some extras insted
She took Reiji's psychopath tendencies with her and chose to give free reign to her sadistic nature with an actual PoS.
She was the best girl besides Yuko until the very end, she is too based for beta Reiji
Still going?
The "how about we..." spread lost its meaning in the translation too, I might talk about the implications of that page if a new thread comes by.
it was fun following this and shit posting with you, guys. thanks to everyone who dumped and translated. until the next time.
See you in november
She doesn't want to because it clashes with the series tone.
May it mean she chose to die and sensei won in the end? It would be quite sick of an end if true
>complete asspul
Yeah because a random relative we've never heard or seen before looking identical to Esemori, and also terminally ill, is NOT a fucking retarded asspull. Yuko apparently just also suspected this all along for some reason
Thats why i say extras and not the main story, extras are usually more light hearted independent of the story
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>In the end Akira was able to understand Yuko and transmit he accepted and loved her
>Died taking her abyss that no one would ever truly lover her with him
>She'll read the book to understand him
>He'll wait for her until she's done
K-kino ?
Yes, it was and an epilogue with her finally dying and meeting him would be even more kino.

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