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Chapter 49: Potted Plant
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Misa is too good for Light.
Matsuda is a brave man
true, poor Misa.
This scene looked way worse in the anime.
Matsuda really carries everyone.
Didn't Light misspell a name on purpose on the earliest chapters?
So does this imply Misa isn't actually a ditzy retard she just pretends to be one?
That's been her character from the get go
he didn't do it on purpose tho.
but he wrote it like 6 times wrong and it still worked so dunno
I wonder if this would still work if you give Kira a call and spell your name 4 times wrong on the phone.

So Kira would not die since he didn't do it on purpose and I would be immune to the Death Note.
What if the guy who writes it down isn't a Death Note owner and just writes it on one of Light's pieces of paper?
One of his first four tries was the right one.
I doubt that Light knows about the four times name rule.
Maybe but how do you know about this rule?
I doubt most shinigami even know about this rule. But maybe they do I could imagine them sometimes doing spelling mistakes.
just read it for the first time and it's a lot better than the anime.
Also what is the point of anime adding the scene where L washes Light's feet?
The anime was a little bit obsessed with Christian imagery.
IIRC he did it on purpose because he did not know the correct spelling/was testing the Death Note. I don't remember how many times he did it but if it was 6, he should be dead I guess
I think that second rule only applies if you try to make someone immune to the Death Note.
Light tried to kill him but didn't know his correct spelling. That's why he tried to do various spellings to find the one that fits.
And one of the first four ones was the right one.
Another day another based Misa moment.
>gets the correct spelling on the fifth try
>dude does not die
>Light figures it's a dumb joke and throws the notebook in the trash
What the fuck is wrong with them? What about:
> Good job Misa!
> You are clever Misa!
> I always knew there is something about you Misa.
> Misa really solved that for us.
> I apologize to you for earlier, Misa.
> You can get fined/prison time for discussing Death Note in China.

The most illegal thread on /a/ right now.
whats the point of the death note manga, the anime adaptation is the best
this gives me chatGPT hacking vibes
this is not team friendship
honestly with how she's written i get the feeling even ohba wasn't 100% sure how much is she retarded and how much is she merely pretending

would've been a fun AU, tho with ryuk coming who knows what would've happened, perhaps he would've still ended up killing criminals, it would've only taken longer for him to start.
that or ryuk kills him for being "boring"
time to start the best sequence in the whole anime medium. thanks
Correct, she is much smarter than she looks.
L will never give it up.
I hate demegewa so much.
misa is cute
Why do people hate Misa again?
> we'll have the screen slide
Matsu will be cooked if Higuchi has shinigami eyes
Based matsuda moment.
You literally just have to not show Matsuba's face.
My man she completely dabbed on Light on their first meeting.

It's just a shame her primary character motivation is being an utterly subservient unquestioning npc
Based action hero
she's only stupid when Light is around
>Also what is the point of anime adding the scene where L washes Light's feet?
References makes nerds and otakus go full soijak. Combined with the rain scene just before it also works as some sort of "foreplay" to the audience, teasing and acclimatizing the audience to what's about to come, hinting about the outcome but not making it a certainty as to build anticipation. There are way more forced stuff from the manga itself that actually affects the story, and those two scenes while forced, elevates the emotional impact of the finale of this part of the anime/manga without having any impact to the plot, so it doesn't bother me.
TL;DR: Just embellishment for the conclusion of Light vs L.
Balls of steel Matsuda.
L out here stacking sugar cubes like it's the coolest thing ever
Yes. I highly recommend rereading chapter 29 again and some of Misa's prior conversations with Rem but this time view Misa's action through the lens of a manipulator trying to get what they want. It really recontextualizes her character and her interactions with the rest of the cast.
Just thinking of the person works. He will likely remember the face of the guy they caught spying and who later killed himself infront of his eyes
Literally a fuck you rule if you try to exploit the misspelling mechanic
>Ending F
I miss Ryuk
I really liked this chapter, it addressed the question about powers being passed on and the plan to entrap Higuchi is well thought, walking through the chain of actions he would take, explaining why he wouldn't do certain things and closing off any alternative he would have, until this >>269152893
C'mon now... Would be way better if the boss just mentioned the resume being on the office and having Higuchi breaking in, as it would only be natural given his circumstances, and likewise easy for L to predict that movement. The author could wave off the risk of having cameras or witnesses seeing him trespassing due to the psychological and time pressure, as killing Matsuda is way more important for the time being than someone potentially connecting the dots between Matsuda's death, the office's trespasser and Kira at some point in the future. I don't think cameras on the streets were prevalent back then, so he would only have to worry about witnesses and the office and perhaps nearby buildings having cameras, so you'd have the cameras from the office and buildings removed and apply some L bullshit "magic" (like the skyscraper) that would guarantee no witnesses when he is nearby, then again this is just me going the extra mile and you could easily dismiss that by Higuchi not being smart enough to consider that, or at least not under pressure.
Anyway, just trying to exercise my brain a little bit, don't take me as a tryhard.
This should raise all sorts of red flags for L right now... I realize he's been REALLY passive since Yotsuba started
She was the 2nd Kira and she just escaped Mogi's surveillance to meet the real Kira, they should be furious instead
What a waste of sugar.
>hey, funny how the moment you slipped under our radar, the guy you went to meet was actually Kira
>even more interesting how you were able to just tell him "yeah I'm Kira 2 :)" without fearing for your life because you can't kill like Kira can
>I think it's really neat that Kira just revealed himself to you based on the fact I interrogated you and let you go! Was your pussy really that appealing?
Come on, L. If Light being too serious gives him 7% odds of being Kira, this is a 85% right there
L, don't eat an entire fucking sugar cube raw.
Wait so they HAD cameras? And Higuchi is paranoid enough to have an anti-camera room but the cat burglar can still get in undetected? Why did they ever allow Misa to do this insanely risky shit when they had fucking cameras?
They want to learn about the killing method at all costs. It even says here >>269152823 "Just in case", which in other means to assure Higuchi can kill him. They know Kira needs a face, but they don't know about the specifics. Is there a time window related to seeing a person's face and being able to kill him/her? Does Kira needs to remember a person's face? If so, does Higuchi remember it?
Plus given their plan is to lead Higuchi to Matsuda's resume, his face should be on it. If they fake his face on the resume, Higuchi wouldn't be able to tell which employee to kill, and if all the resumes have no photos attached, then he for sure would be suspicious, which means he can try and kill every single employee, OR his course of action is to not kill anyone, which means they won't know the killing method.
So basically L concluded here with certainty that Light passed on the Kira powers willingly... and therefore the same goes for Misa as well. It sure would be weird if he let these two do things without surveillance after that haha
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Total Misa Death
Oh, and in case they fake his face, Higuchi may assume that they lost his resume somehow, or that Matsuda himself took it predicting Kira's action, leading to the same issue of him deciding to not use his killing power.
I mean, it's definitely weird that the boss would let you enter with a key but if there's nothing of value and he's talking to a potential client I'm sure Higuchi could discard his suspicions and just accept that the boss would lend him the key somehow
>Are you crazy Matsuda? Aiber's skill are way too valuable for me, I can't take this risk. It needs to be someone expendable, somebody who absolutely won't be missed, somebody whose death might actually be a net-positive for our operation
>it's over
Total Matsuda Death
Light has admited that, without a room for doubt, he was Kira, and he willingly passed the power to kill. Now that he and everyone else in the room is aware of this fact. What he think about himself? Why not telling L about the fact he was the last person to interact with Misora? Why is L not taking any preventive measure considering this entire situation was only possible through Light's will.
L already said that its possible that the first Kira is on his way to regain the power to kill.
Why he's not doing anything with those facts? He should be on red alert because it's only a matter of time a catastrophe WILL happen.
It's so asinine that with so many holes (>>269164820 is a good start, but the actual KEIKAKU DOORI chapters will open up even more), the only thing people bitch about is Gevanni supposedly copying the Death Note in a single night and pretend part 1 has better writing than part 2
Matsuda has been nothing but useful
I watched the anime when I was 14 but even back then I thought that the whole "O MY MEMORY LOSS" mcguffin was a bit too much. Now, older and a little bit wiser, what anon said here >>269161629 stands out a lot: if, like L said, Kira was working on a roundabout way to get his powers back then why the hell didn't he press Misa and maybe Light further? Why not instantly detain both after capturing Higuchi and getting his hands on the Death Note? I really liked the story back then and having this daily threads has been a blast, and while DN is one of my top 10 animes/mangas, I think I can't honestly put it as an intellectual masterpiece anymore.
DN is still a wild ride with lots of entertaining twists and satisfying over the top moments, maybe some subtle well written character beats here and there... and most importantly funny comedy. But yeah, the mindgames writing isn't always up to par, especially when compared with stuff like Liar Game.
The only thing L really seems to care about at all at this arc is at least learning the killing method
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>I think I can't honestly put it as an intellectual masterpiece anymore.
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>japanese *acting*
I mean, they don't know whether or not the 3rd Kira can gain the ability to kill just by looking at a person's face. This is a pointless risk.
>Ryuk morbs into a better timeline where Light doesn't fuck up the spelling
L gives Misa way too much freedom even though he knows she's the second kira
>Wait so they HAD cameras?
Yes. It's far easier to gain access to a home you know will be empty and install cameras than it is within an enclosed apartment or gated community. Bugging two households with consent is far simpler than bugging seven varying homes without consent.
>Higuchi is paranoid enough to have an anti-camera room but the cat burglar can still get in undetected?
Alone it likely took her and Watari a lot of effort, one false move and not only are they detected they could let a potential Kira know he's being investigated and trigger some bad shit.
>Why did they ever allow Misa to do this insanely risky shit
They did not allow Misa to do it, speedreader-kun. Misa deliberately bamboozled them all to do it herself. Jesus christ dude.
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you can see Misas toes here but then next page it seems like they remembered she was wearing nurses shoes >>269120458
She's clever but way dumber than L and Light
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funny panel
They are 99% sure he doesn't because he would probably have used Kira's power to make sure Matsuda was killed, unless he suddenly acquired them after that incident.
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As someone who's watched the anime like 10 or more times since the 00s and never before read the manga, I think the manga is neat
IMO the anime did a pretty good job of picking what material to use and discard so far, but I've been told that the post-Yotsuba arc is the most significantly different in the manga vs anime, so I'm a little interested (plus the manga has really good art for a weekly series)
>Liar Game
Was saving the question "did anyone read Liar Game?" for an appropriate time, but might as well ask now. That shit filtered me too hard. I lasted until the 3rd or 4th "test", "challenge" or whatever. It also gave me "autistic math teacher who is clearly too smart to be teaching" vibes from the author. I usually like to turn off my brain and enjoy the ride when it comes to passive media, but it was hard for me to enjoy it that way, which is something I definitely did with Death Note back then. Liar Game was just puzzles presented in a more palatable way. I also found interesting how the crossdressing character was played straight rather than being a comic-relief, a coomer-bait, an average IQ monkey or anything like that.
Oops, forgot to attach image.
How east would it actually be to use the Death Note for money? With Higuchi it worked because he was working at a company and he was other competitors, but could a regular person use it for monetary gains?
It should be easy enough as long as you don't overdo it.
>short stock
>kill CEO
The problem is that this leaves a paper trail. You could also just have a person place money in a park and then go home to die of natural causes, which shouldn't be noticed unless you do it all the time.
aiber lookin cool
>Rupert Murdoch liquidates all his assets and secretly gives the money to (you) then walks into the ocean and drowns
Life insurance. Controlling a victim to withdraw money from a bank and put it in some obscure place for you to collect. A combination of both. Depends how much money you want to make, as this definitely isn't a method to make you a multimillionaire.
what a triumph is that!?
But enough about Soichiro.
>How does Rupert know this random Japanese guy?
Based Matsuda
how do people know murdoch met this guy? you don't get tailed by the police just for withdrawing money from the bank, no matter the amount
also with the dn you can force murdoch to meet you secretly
CHADsuda. I don't know why he's the buttmonkey in-universe but he's much more useful than that faggot Aizawa.
To get into prison in China for the most based crime: reading illegal manga.
Funny how the makeup ad and some merch have her with crosses, but the anime mostly censored those to be Fleur de Lis symbols.
And then you can't forget Mello's rosary becoming a "lucky chili".
caught doing what? some rich foreigner deciding to fuck his kids and coworkers over by giving all his money to some rando on the street?
and if you immediately left the country before they found the body they'd have a hard time even getting a chance to talk to you. there'd be no evidence of blackmail or anything that they could pin on you
Oldfag here. There's nothing quite like reading a new series that's really hot, and that you know is going to be white-hot when insufferable normies start reading it and more of the same start watching the inevitable anime adaptation.
You can't underrate reading an ongoing series. Death Note's mania was something I didn't feel again until Murata started his One Punch Man series.
>plus the manga has really good art for a weekly series
Yeah, Obata really does a good job of character designs when he's under an editor scrutiny. Too bad he exposed himself as a total hack with the Castlevania fighting game.
L is depressed because evidence is stacking up making him look wrong about Light being Kira, and because fucking MISA of all people managed to catch Kira.
>Alone it likely took her and Watari a lot of effort, one false move and not only are they detected they could let a potential Kira know he's being investigated and trigger some bad shit.
The point is that they were already taking that big risk before sending Misa to apply to Yotsuba, two mutually exclusive plans... You don't need to send Misa if you've got cameras, if anything it sounds risky to do so.
>They did not allow Misa to do it, speedreader-kun. Misa deliberately bamboozled them all to do it herself. Jesus christ dude.
I am obviously talking about the stuff she did two chapters ago before they cancelled that plan... Applying at Yotsuba... The reason why she can do what she just did at all (by escaping Mogi). Looks like you're the speedreader, dumbass.
You read Liar Game because the challenges are complex and have a lot of different factors at play. In that sense there's nothing exactly like it. The contraband game was really complex, some might say too much, but it pays off. I think the musical chair game that comes like 3 games after contraband is one of the best I've ever seen, it's basically a game of nations trying to expand.
Yes he wrote one name 6 or 7 times, he got it correctly on one of first three.
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>You can't underrate reading an ongoing series. Death Note's mania was something I didn't feel again until Murata started his One Punch Man series.
I was only a casual observer of Attack on Titan/SnK but damn they kept up the heat/hype for like 5+ years on this site, probably the most volatile ending among fans I've witnessed for 1 of those hot series
Misa is above average intelligence, but she's not as smart as Light or L, and her priorities are totally fucked.
All she wants is Light's dick, which makes her seem stupid to us, who prioritize things like living.
He didn't. He was just answering L's hypothetical.
Sure, but from L's perspective this isn't really hypothetical anymore. Light is Kira, Misa is Kira 2 and L should take every measure possible to avoid anything funny with that
Well, they are chained together and Misa is under 24 hour surveillance (except when she's not)
Misa's surveillance is too lenient, but yes so far it's alright. This will change soon though
>Melon Husk holds a lottery on twitter, like and retweet his post for a chance to win 10 million dollars
>selects (you)
>then does an unrelated live stream where he operates high voltage cables with no gloves to flex how much he knows about electronics
It's going to be reaaaaally hard to make it so that he picks you. You can't write your name in the description, you need to find a way for the events to lead to you naturally
just write "he picks @faglord99 as the winner"
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I only watched the live action TV series
if only he wrote the name in the notebook...
at least he died before eve killing anybody
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forgot pic
Light is an asshole and I felt really bad for Soichiro in part 2
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Mogi would absolutely destroy Hal Lidner in a fight
But could Light take Naomi Misora?
I dont think so since he was still a kid at the time and Naomi had FBI combat training
Misa is definitely smarter than she appears, and knows how to play up the girly girl vibe to get what she wants. Her true weakness is that she's impulsive. She'll decide on an act to get what she wants without thinking it through. Unless you have her on a very short leash she's a wild card. The meeting in Aoyama is a good example of her at her best I think.
[Spoiler]Light basically destroys his family, and I love that the fact of his father's integrety is one of the first dominoes in defeating him.[/spoiler]
If Light had waited but a year this fag would have collapsed of diabetes. The loads of sugar intake taken by L as the Kira case was prolonged, no doubt, would bring his downfall.
I fucking hate L's insistence. He. Does. Not. Know. Any. Of. This. Goddamn it!
If, however, Light had slipped up and given some damning, although not entirely conclusive, evidence for L to examine and uncover more information, then ok. But it's just "Muh you're Kira bc you are, ok. You are as intelligent as I am, and if I'm not Kira, then IT HAS TO BE you. Also the precision with which he states exactly what happened WITHOUT a single piece of evidence is distressing. The author fucked this up! He refuses to give Light the edgy, so he inexplicably blesses L with clairvoyance, fuck off!
The worst thing is that L is absolutely right, but he obtained all this information from no-fucking-where.
They have definite proof anon. They all concluded among themselves Misa was the second Kira.
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Ah yes... the legendary FBI training, surely a woman will get good value out of it.
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I remember reading Death Note before it was made into an anime, and wondering how they would adapt it successfully considering it was 95% long stretches of dialogue and inner thoughts.
Why wasn't the Death Note taken for fingreprint checking right after they had it in custody? For a criminal investigation, they quickly passed it around like a class pen, especially with L letting his former prime suspect Light put his hands all over it, what's up with that?
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i think light mentioned he took off the finger prints before enacting his keikaku
the Death Note is looks so small in the 3rd panel lmao
In manga, it's anything but uncommon to see women beating men. If it was not for that, she'd get manhandled all the way to a sort of stockholm syndrome.
That's a blatant lie. Light is a fucking fragile fag and his "fights" with L are lame as hell.
this got me thinking, how come a bored shinigami hasn't tried to kill literally every person on the planet yet? Don't tell me it's unrealistic, bored autists on earth do far more silly things with a limited timespan. With infinity at your side, you could pull the biggest prank in the universe, sentencing all Shinigami and the king himself to certain death. Though I assume the latter would step in at some point and turn your ass into straight dust, as he's the king of no fun allowed.
Misa beat Mogi's surveillance
Lidner beat Misa' ass
Lidner > Misa > Mogi
the shinigami king would probably put a rule like "if you accrue more than 1k years in a single year you die". or kill you outright. he can retroactively add new rules to the note, as per the special chapter
i know if i were a shinigami i would probably mess with humans, like fucking with a random guy by killing someone close to them at the worst possible moment
that ending was horrendous. what a fucking piece of shit manga
1k a year is literal baby numbers, 2.73 deaths a day, unless there are billions of shinigamis.
It doesn't look like shinigami kill everyone, most deaths are probably natural or accidental. Considering how much lifespan they can get from a death, multiple a day just seems excessive.
The shinigami king would prevent this and I think the other shinigamis would also prevent that. They would steal his Death Note or imprison him to prevent him from killing off their "cattle".
It seems that shinigami became too lazy to do such things.
humans have natural lifeespans.
If only shinigami were the cause of their deaths then there would be no reason for such lifespans and you couldn't increase someone's lifespan because another shinigami already wrote the name in their Death Note.
They were both so good looking. The world was denied of their offsprings.
The fastest known handwriting is 103 wpm.
Let's say that the shinigami could write 50 names per minute. If he writes for every minute he would need 229 years to kill all people in the 2000s (at arround 6 billion at that time). If he wrote 100 names per minute it would take him half of that time but it would take him too long.
I've heard that during the middle ages Earth's population was around 200 million which would take him 8 or 4 years if he wrote down 50 or 100 names per minute. But I think he would get easily bored.
I always wondered how the lifespan transfer to a human works in the end.
Let's say Rem had saved up 200 years and they were transferd to Misa.
How long would she live?
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Chapter 50: Yotsuba
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Here's some kino for you faggots https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hXKFuwvDWnM&pp=ygUk0KLQtdGC0YDQsNC00Ywg0YHQvNC10YDRgtC4INGA0LjRgtC_
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That was a big fat lie, Light deserved everything that happened to him
sorry I don't speak taiwanese
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I like this setup
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Ohba is really making these guys personality be 90% work, kinda funny
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This is totally the reason Light went and offed Yotsuba, eliminating witnesses aside.
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Namikawa would've been a much better Kira than Light
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Shut the fuck up Misa
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It all comes tumbling down...
I wanna kiss Misas pure lips.
Whenever Misa is reacting to something in the background she looks chinky.
>everyone knows it's Higuchi because he's a huge shitter
Disrespect status: total
This is actually L's fault. Light is not a cop, he's a newbie at this stuff, and yet, to cover his ass handled the call to him, to a rookie.
Imagine Shimura in the Task Force.

Light had to make the call because Namikawa thinks Light's voice is L's.
No way... The 4chan girl????
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Aren't most of Yotsuba guys unmarried?
They are the stereotype of the workaholic salaryman.
Yes, but I think they'd be more focused on Kira's arrest than the Yotsuba consequences. They're not even sure they're in the clear legally yet. Not complaining, I actually like that we got to enjoy this corporate theme for a while.
>Higuchi invited Takahashi just so he can call him an idiot every meeting
i actually really like this group setup. like other people keep bringing up, shimura's actually insanely competent. him stressing over the small stuff so much to the point it actually leads into him catching onto things nobody else would is pretty good. namikawa and mido are also pretty cool, even if they both share the "cool and smart" personality. iirc, wasn't it even said they were specifically designed as "throwaway kiras"? like, you'd assume one of the two was kira at first glance because they were both intelligent and cool, plus their good designs made it seem like they'd be main character material. either way, the three actually look good working together. it's a shame we don't get much of them working together since we're near the end of the arc, would've been nice if the three teamed up earlier
Imagine being outed that easily.
Light should be smarter than this, lmao.
> It's all true!
I can see why SakuraTV regarded as lowly as it is,
Misa's pure lips...
>they're not even sure they're in the clear legally yet
"L" already told them that they will be considered as victims of the actual Kira. Going along with his plan it´s their best bet.
That Shimura guy should stop memorizing all those pesky details. These memories just create stress. Just forget and chill.
I like Higushi seething part of the story.
Cops say this kind of stuff all the time, but they're not really bound to it, usually it's merely a cheap trick to make the fools do their work. In their place i would have been more wary, though the kira side it's not exactly a safe one (unless you're kira, of course).
No, he wouldn't have been.
>Considering how much lifespan they can get from a death, multiple a day just seems excessive.
Not really. Take a couple of minutes to raid a daycare, and you have enough lifespan to last you 1k year.
Isn't there some rule that the child has to be of a certain age to be killable by the Death Note?
Wouldn't you still need the kanji to write the name down? Does katakana work, even if you're transliterating the name?
You need to be at least 780 days old, which is insanely young.
Raitobros.......not like this....
>Wouldn't you still need the kanji to write the name down?
presumably yes, but the kanji for "tarō matsui" are in relative terms not hard to guess, and, checking the wiki, they're exactly what you'd expect them to be
Yotsuba and mansions
Killing Lind L. Taylor is something only Light would have done, and even then having no access to police records means that they cannot reduce the search to only police members and their families.
naked Misa sexoooo
why isn't he Light-kun anymore
Tomorrow pure kino will start. Thank you
I think you need the kanji. Light's name showed up in kanji when Misa saw him.

Would Higuchi kill Lind L. Taylor?
Thank you for posting.
> Would Higuchi kill Lind L. Taylor?
Yes, but would he have made a hasty decision? Light decided to kill Lind in the heat of the moment because Lind said Kira was so damn evil. Higuchi... He wouldn't have cared at all. I can see Higuchi being more pragmatic, meeting with Yotsuba's peers and then deciding the best way to deal with L... I can also imagine that Higuchi felt threatened and killed Lind just in case as soon as possible. It all depends on how well L can pressure Higuchi with the broadcast.
>Considering his looks
what did misa mean by this
>Would Higuchi kill Lind L. Taylor?
It think it´s a possibility, but not for the same reasons Light did. I think Higuchi would kill Taylor just to mock about how he can kill L that easily, not because Taylor calling him "evil". Higuchi couldn´t care less about that.
That should help them but not put them completely at ease imo
>Mido trusted Ooi
Matsuibros our boy had a good guess too!
Speaking about that. I wonder why Ooi decided to not attend to this particular meeting.
I imagine he isnt as worried about being caught by the police, or was worried he would end up killed by Kira if he found out about a secret meeting.
>gigachad american lands a inteligent devoted asian wife
>seething chink kills him
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It must be great having a son like Light!
Light just had an extended ricecel moment
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Misa cheated
not fully related but they did the same bathroom switcharoo in hunter x hunter, practically verbatim, but I've heard both DN and HxH draw some material from each other (the girls dad here in picrel name is Light Nostrade)
>but I've heard both DN and HxH draw some material from each other
That would explain the direct mention of Death Note in HxH.
Misa bump!
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>Then those other six will be...
Be what? nakedmisasexo
The 1 time that Demegawa actually seems like a somewhat decent guy, inadvertently
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There it is, I thought that might have been a complete anime filler scene
>the L lick
Going on from the discussion last thread on how one could get rich from the Death Note, Is it possible to kill multiple people at once with a single cause of death? Say you decided to kill CEOs of major Fortune 500 companies in order to get rich off manipulating stock prices. You wrote all their names in the Death Note, put those names in brackets, then wrote “dies in an plane crash”, next to that, so do they all get brainwashed into getting on the same plane which then crashes, or do they all die of separate plane crashes? And if it’s the former, would any assistants or pilots being on board be enough to nullify the cause of death as per the rules and give those whose name were written heart attacks? Or would the plane be made to crash but leave those not in the DN alive?
Maybe Sayu recovered? Maybe Matsuda helped?
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I'm not sure what this is from but posting anyways
Hopefully Matsuda takes responsibility.
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In the Madhouse adaptation Chrollo has Light's voice actor, though there's a bunch of other VAs used between both shows since it's in a similar era of Madhouse, but Chrollo being the guy with the book is the cherry on top
I'd say the character who takes the most flak in the Madhouse HxH is the Chimera arc narrator and its Higuchi's VA
Many such cases. The anime often mishandled the presentation
If Sayu was more of a brothercon she would have kept Light on the good side of the law
>Higuchi outed because he was known to be incompetent
Fucking gold.
I doubt you can get them all to take the same flight, so if you write "on the same flight" or "at the same time" they will die of heart attack. If you don't specify it, they'll find their own way of dying in due time (like when higuchi said you can just write "illness" and they won't die right away but I guess within 23 days?), but the plane crash is still a bad move because every other passenger must survive the crash, and I think the DN would nope it and kill them with cardiac arrest.
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Wedy thigh sex
Why is Kida's handling of money and Coil proof that he's not Kira?
I guess Kira wouldn't want to do this directly? But it's not like Kira could choose
>Mild Turkey bourbon
I like L's reply here
>Namikawa wasn't smart, Light was just an idiot
This is actually a somewhat shaky moment, the part where Matsuda trips the wall over. It's not that easy to make it look like a natural incident. What if he failed and merely pushed it a bit? Trying again would look suspicious. So they needed to be fairly confident about Matsuda's sleight of hand.
I know it seems minor, but their plan is full of small stuff that could have gone wrong.
Honestly the plan isn't really worth it when compared to watching the cameras and arresting Higuchi later. Especially considering Higuchi could start killing a lot of people. What if he manipulated the manager to get there and open the door for him or something? What if he could manipulate people to get Matsuda's name? Who knows. But I guess Matsuda practiced this sleight of hand.
This entire setup is super convoluted. There is just no way to predict someone's actions with this level of detail. This is Winnie the Pooh level planning.
It doesn't matter. If Higuchi doesn't act on all these breadcrumbs, then the Sakura TV show ends without revealing anything and the investigation goes back to simply using the camera. Thanks to the setup they all pretty much confirmed that Higuchi is Kira, so it's only a matter of time
Man, this stunt placed Matsuda in so much danger. The L investigation team has no idea how Kira's powers work and should always plan for the worst. They know that Kira normally needs the name and face of a target in order to kill them, which can be done in a delayed manner, and they know that the second Kira can cheat these rules, bypassing the need for a name. The big question is: is this also a "can be done anytime - anywhere" power? What if it's not? What if the second Kira has to meet some conditions, say, they need to actively be looking at the target's face (real or picture) and point at the face and say "ha ha, die!", and if they don't do it while having access to the person's face they just can't do it later, the opportunity is gone. Could it be something like that? There is a non-zero chance that this is the case, and if that's the case then perhaps Higuchi *can* kill without a name, but right now he cannot because Matsuda is behind a screen. He is safe from this trigger-specific version of the Kira power for as long as he is hiding his face. This power doesn't work through memory alone - how infuriating! Higuchi is done for!

Then L does his stupid stunt with the screen falling and Matsuda insta-dies. Why, just why?

I'm saying all they had to do was send someone with a body shape that vaguely looks like Matsuda, have him read from a script and have the yotsuba group members call Higuchi and tell him the screen fell earlier and they confirmed it was Taro Matsui. He would have no reason to doubt it's true. The outcome is exactly the same except this time if Higuchi was a "second kira" with sight-activated powers then he wasn't given the chance to slam dunk Matsuda on live TV.
I think the idea is that they rehearsed it quite a few times like when L was directing Misa to act with that weird foreign guy
One doesn't have to be Kira to conclude that since he's still alive, Matsuda is unkillable by Kira for some reason.
And if he can't be easily killed, then, while stopping the program is suspicious, letting Matsuda point to Yotsuba at national TV would be even more suspicious. So that part of the rationale is moot.
Getting the kanji wrong counts as a misspelling and won't work. That's by Light had to try multiple versions of the rapist's name, way at the beginning. Kana isn't enough.
To be fair, if Higuchi WAS Kira 2 and had on-sight killing powers, he probably wouldn't be fast enough to trigger them, this was like a 2 seconds window he didn't plan for. And they said it was still risky, even if they thought Higuchi wasn't Kira 2 and didn't have this power.

The setup isn't THAT bad, it's just bad because they have the infinitely superior camera/arrest option.
It's almost like your very concern was mentioned in the manga and Matsuda decided to take the risk anyway
Their plan is to agitate a superweapon-wielding mass murderer, in hopes that he will choose one very specific route while going on a wild goose chase. It's super dangerous for everyone involved and for like half a million civilians.
To be fair it will backfire on at least one dude
You overstimate how much actually happened in their initial plan
>Get him to watch TV
>Make him want to find out the guys name
>He calls Misas boss to get the name of the previous manager
>Gets him to drive to the office and look for the name himself
>Somehow see him try to kill Matsuda
that's all. You don't have to be a genius to expect this sort of events to happen with all the knowledge they had.
Anything that happened after that was improvised
Everything after your step 2 is one option of a wild array of possibilities. Real plans don't work like that.
They already tried the cameras on Light and it didn't work, I'd say it's a risk worth taking from their point of view
They're not losing anything by just waiting 2 days and looking at the cameras. Light isn't Higuchi and even Light slipped up in front of the cameras by killing purse snatchers. Not to mention Light wasn't followed so it's possible he killed outside.

Most importantly, this whole setup is a big cameras plan. You want to get Higuchi to kill Matsuda in front of the cameras, but since Higuchi already kills criminals, you can watch him do that in his home.
Well, I want to give the benefit of doubt and agree that perhaps the L team assumed Kira 2 has powers that can't be activated under a window of opportunity of only a few seconds, meaning that Matsuda was relatively safe, but they've seen Kira 2 cause the death of a police agent who was rushing on the premise of Sakura TV. Poor dude died in the few seconds between leaving his car and rushing to enter the building. Whatever it is that Kira 2 does, all it takes is seeing someone's face for a few seconds.

Nah, the concerns addressed by the manga was that perhaps Higuchi could use memory-activated Kira 2 powers to kill him. Technically it means Matsuda could die from this plan even if they sent an actor pretending to be him on TV. Maybe Higuchi could just think real hard about his memories of Matsuda, twitch his nose and cause him to fall dead, with the actor on TV being unharmed. The danger lies in letting Higuchi know that Matsuda faked his death.
If you think everything part step 2 is "wild" then you need to get out more. It's really REALLY not that complicated to expect him to call people from the company to find out the name of the guy.
Remember, he expects that his name would be revealed as Kira, that the life he worked towards all his life would be gone in a few hours. And you think he wouldn't try to find a way to kill that guy, especially with the personality profile the investigators have about him?
Pretty much every undercover job people had in the past and present is this level of foresight. "Go there and act like a person that wants to buy drugs" "Get him to admit to wanting to sell you drugs"
>kill Matsui
>Matsui leaves a dead drop
>"Hey Higuchi, why did you call Matsui's employer to get his name?"
Would have been the first thing to go through my head if this happened to me.
The insight you're missing is that those drug operations are opportunistic. They don't have to succeed, and they often don't, but the investigator has a safe fallback (he just walks away). They are far from surefire, but it doesn't matter.
In DN's case, the police are betting everything on events playing exactly as they expect, with the consequences of mistakes being potentially catastrophic. It's the inverse of your investigation scenario. What if Kira decided to control the presenter or Demegawa to stop the broadcast? What if he had investigated "Matsui" earlier? What if he had some allies the police didn't know about? What if he decided to leg it out of the country? What if he decided he was busted anyway and went on a killing spree? The future is unpredictable, human behaviour even more so.
>Imagine Shimura in the Task Force.
Unfortunately, not much would change. He has no backbone and honestly doesn't notice anything that L wouldn't.
He'd make valid points about why Light is undeniably Kira, Soichiro get angry that Shimura is accusing his son, and Shimura would meekly shut up.
>What if he decided to leg it out of the country?
This part he can't do, they're watching him closely. But yes they're not in a position to arrest his as flawlessly as they did for Misa, which is a huge downside.

Basically things stopped being efficient once they told Misa to go apply at Yotsuba. This is the worst mistake, not the Higuchi stuff. Higuchi could have killed Misa right there.
Sad but true. L would've needed either strong allies or to remove the dead weight. He got the worst of both worlds
I don't think L's plan was entirely keikaku doori but I also agree that some possibilities weren't explored. Well, just one really: the possibility that the panic-stricken and adrenaline-fueled Higuchi wouldn't bother doing last-minute detective work. No, maybe he'll drive straight to Sakura TV and shoot Matsuda in the face. Is that really a bad plan? Get in, shoot, get out. Sakura TV isn't a big building, there's realistically 30 to 60 seconds between solving the Matsuda problem the american way and then being back behind the wheels of his car. Since he's not 100% retarded he'd probably figure he could dress like a thug, put on a ski mask and announce himself as a follower of Kira on a mission to cleanse the unbelievers. The rest is easy to figure. He goes school shooter, he drives off, drops by the harbor, dump his car underwater, take a taxi home, sleep well, and the next day he ties any loose end with the Death Note. Just make a random-ass punk go to the police, confess stealing a rich guy's car and doing the Sakura shooting, and then he hangs himself in his cell.

He would still be 100% confirmed to be Kira and L would still get him, this is just a matter of L's script going completely wrong. L was absolutely sure Higuchi would solve the problem using Kira powers. Well maybe he wouldn't - he'll use them to solve the clean-up.
These have decent fallback options (just catch him at the entrance), the worst threat is a DN murder spree or a DN murder with manipulation (it really well could happen)
>No, maybe he'll drive straight to Sakura TV and shoot Matsuda in the face
nothing in the way the new OR old Kira acted indicate they would do such a thing. And in case they did, like he did later on, they already planned for that.
Your entire "What if" hings on the idea that he would act completely out of character.
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He brought a gun my dude. If he wasn't the type of person to get rid of annoying people who stands in his way by shooting them in the face then he wouldn't be carrying a gun in his pocket. Why would he need a gun for anyway? Who did he expect to shoot on his way way to looking up a guy's resume in an empty office? The janitor using kung-fu to block his way? No he obviously wasn't planning to use a gun there. Kinda safe to assume everything I've said was his default plan B. Like, why wouldn't it be? You got any better suggestion of what he should do if he can't sleuth Matsuda's name and the program is about to end?
>To be fair, if Higuchi WAS Kira 2 and had on-sight killing powers, he probably wouldn't be fast enough to trigger them, this was like a 2 seconds window he didn't plan for.
They don't know that. The only reason to think it can't be done instantly is because Misa didn't kill L on the spot, but Misa didn't know he was L at that moment (they don't know that the shinigami eyes just tell you a name, they think that it lets you kill with just a face, so the discrepancy between L's fake and real names would not be red flags) and it's possible that there's some obvious tell required to kill without a name that would've made Misa unable to do it in front of anyone.
I just meant that as a human, Higuchi would likely be too surprised to react and kill in the span of 2 seconds. Again, not 100% by any mean, but this isn't the weak link of the plan, the fact that they have much better alternatives is the weak link.
keikaku status?
how would tucker report on the kira case?
>Would Higuchi kill Lind L. Taylor?
Yes, but I think he would've consulted the Yotsuba guys first, so the trick wouldn't have narrowed down his location unless L used different prisoners for each prefecture and the news didn't spread online.
That gun was a last resort deal, as it actually happened in the story. Of course the presumed Kira would try to use the Kira-method to kill the guy to not leave behind any evidence of his involvement. How fucking retarded are you? You're worse then Higuchi
If Ryuk had given this guy the Death Note he never would've gotten caught. He'd notice immediately all he has to do is leave the country and keep killing japanese people as if he never left.
Kira 2 doesn't have to keep looking at the person to kill them. Just long enough to read the name. The police don't know these exact workings, but they do know "a few seconds" is enough.
Matsuda is taking a huge risk, going both by what we know and by what the NPA assumes.

>have the yotsuba group members call Higuchi and tell him the screen fell earlier and they confirmed it was Taro Matsui
What if Higuchi was watching before they called him? What if Higuchi saw a recording afterwards? Or if just one of the six don't play along, on purpose or accidentally, and say it's not Matsuda?
We're operating under the assumption that if Higuchi has "Kira 2" type powers, these powers require KEEPING line of sight, otherwise Matsuda "Matsui" would've been killed even after his falling stunt.

You don't want to agitate a Kira type murderer because he can kill random people and possibly try to manipulate them to get to Matsui, but Matsuda getting killed after revealing his face is one of the least dangerous parts of the plan.
honestly L was very lucky that his "it's a student" theory ended up being right. had it been someone pretending to be a student he would've merely alerted kira.
either way, he shouldn't have revealed the gambit and figuring out it was kanto, merely taunted kira to get the "kira cant kill everybody" hint
They don't know what the Kira method is. You say they should expect the Kira guy to solve the problem with the Kira-method. They can't, because they don't know what it is. From L's point of view it is entirely possible that Higuchi can just point a finger at anyone and they drop dead - face visible or not. It's a plausible guess of what the second Kira can do, they made a cop drop dead before he could enter Sakura TV, maybe they can just make people drop dead by pointing a finger at them, maybe it's what Higuchi can do. The implications are enormous. Higuchi being able to cast finger-of-death means that even if he drives up to Sakura TV to shoot Matsuda in the face and he finds a police car parked in front of the building - filled with cops eating donuts - he'd just shrug. How is that even an issue? He points a point a finger. Now they're dead. If he wants to be extra safe he can shoot people in the chest after he does this - now people can't even tell if it was a Kira heart attack.

Only us, the readers, are aware of how much the Death Note has shitty combat potential which utterly limits the actions that a presumed Kira would undertake.
Yeah. L was retarded for announcing that he knew Kira was in the Kanto region of Japan… Kira could have just…. Moved? What L should have done, is pretended to be one of his high-profile alias detectives like Eraldo Coil, and have him be killed, then, he would not announce a SINGLE thing to Kira. Just have the fake detective killed and have it be left at that. Then, it probably would have been better to cease cooperation with the Japanese Police. L doesn’t know who Kira is, whether he is an organisation or something. Preventing data leaks that L knows Kira in Japan would be vital. L just got extremely lucky that Light is a student who couldn’t reasonably leave the country entirely
The student theory didn't end up being part of the investigation methods
L knows that Higuchi probably needs to know the names of the people he kills. He deduces this because Matsuda is still alive after giving the Yotsuba group an alias. It is common sense to assume that Higuchi wrote down Matsuda’s name to ensure he was dead (which Higuchi actually did) the fact that Matsuda is still alive proves that he does not have this power yet.
It wasn't just the schedule that made L think he was a student, but also his personality.
taunting was necessary to prove he really needed face and name to kill
They're not entirely sure Higuchi isn't a Kira 2 but it's very likely. If Higuchi was Kira 2 and also very neglectful, Matsuda would be dead, but it's a stretch.
Fair enough. Just taunt light but don’t reveal you know his location. No need to show your cards
>I can also imagine that Higuchi felt threatened and killed Lind just in case as soon as possible.
Tbh he's already seen the guy's name and face and killing him immediately or a day later most likely wouldn't make a difference in terms of hindering the investigation, so I could see him waiting for an emergency meeting to decide, and then someone smarter than him like Namikawa figuring out it was just a trap set up by L. The only way L could make him feel seriously threatened to the point he thinks he needs to get rid of him immediately would be if he had already narrowed down the suspect to being a member of Yotsuba, but then killing him would just make himself look more suspect.
>that L at the end
oh boys
>L knows that Higuchi probably needs to know the names of the people he kills.
That doesn't seem quite true. L acknowledged that broadcasting Matsuda's survival could result in his 's death. The way I interpret it, L considers the possibility that Higuchi could easily kill Matsuda any time, if he bothered to activate his powers for that purpose, except he never did because Matsuda was presumed dead of natural cause (drunken balcony stunt is natural Matsuda behavior). If it turns out the natural death wasn't one, Higuchi will just activate his powers and kill him for real. Hence, the broadcast was inherently dangerous for Matsuda and the reason for that is because L acknowledge how little he knows about what Higuchi can do.

I guess the issue I'm raising here is that if L is going to acknowledge he doesn't know what Higuchi can do then can't predict his actions with accuracy. At least, he can't consider that Higuchi would never skip the detective route and go straight to Sakura TV to end the threat at its source. It's a dumb move if his powers have no combat potential (we know that) but L would be wrong to assume they don't. If Higuchi wants to personally kill everyone at Sakura TV does he even need to enter the building? Could he just park in car in front and point at the building and everyone dies inside? Shit maybe he can, who fucking knows. Not L for sure. There has been three Kira's so far and the first two had different powers, seems fair to assume the third of these asshole won't play by the same rules.
it's at the door, it's not quite doori but we're getting door-ish
slice into her
I bet this bich is cake
what did anon mean by this
>There has been three Kira's so far and the first two had different powers, seems fair to assume the third of these asshole won't play by the same rules.
That's a really good point, and one I've never seen anyone mention before.
The logical assumption here, at the first knowledge of a third Kira, is to assume that there's an extra ability/more power added, as that's what happened in the past.
Maybe he could control someone for longer/better, maybe even control without killing.

They knew nothing and just assumed it worked like the first Kira without even considering a sequential power-up.
They were right, of course, but they didn't know that.
That cake is generous and he's eager for it to be cut Thanks South Park movie.
He didn't kill "Matsui" so chances are he's reverted back to Kira 1 level rather than being another instance of Kira 2 with another powerup.

Remember that Kira 2 told Kira he didn't have "the eyes", so it's not too weird to assume Kira 2 is a one instance powerup
I know, that's why I said "at the first knowledge of a third Kira".
It's something that should have been considered, at the very least, but isn't touched upon.
Once they've got that knowledge, it's less important.
Their first interaction with the new Kira was the Matsui stunt that confirmed there are high chances he doesn't have Kira 2 powers and therefore fits the Kira 1 model
Yes, which is why I mentioned having knowledge of the third Kira.
They still knew a third one was operating before that stunt or Matsuda going to Yotsuba wouldn't have ever happened.
I'm talking about well before that.
Do I need to spell it out any clearer?
I don't think they ever started debating the new Kira's powers or did anything that required knowledge of these before Matsuda's stunt, it was still in the air
That's literally my whole point.
Are you a bot?
Your first post:
>They knew nothing and just assumed it worked like the first Kira without even considering a sequential power-up.
They never had the time to assume anything about Kira 3's powers. They were still trying to figure out if their suspicions were founded. They only started making theories about his power after Matsuda.
>and because fucking MISA of all people managed to catch Kira.
Oh yeah that would make a world class detective depressed
>He didn't kill "Matsui" so chances are he's reverted back to Kira 1 level
I think this is a common problem of perspective between what we see as the readers and what the characters see in the story. We know that Kira 2 powers are divination-type, they reveal people's name in order to fuel the primary Kira power. From our point of view it's obvious that Higuchi can't have the shinigami eyes - the Matsui trick would never have worked on him. He would have known immediately that Matsuda gave a fake name and in order to make sure he's dead he would have writen the correct one in his Death Note. The thing is, I can't think of a single piece of evidence that hints to L that Kira 2 powers are divination-type. From L's perspective, it strongly looks like as long as Kira 2 has direct eye contact with the target they can temporarily skip the name requirement, causing people to die without ever knowing their name. To add evidence that it's how it looks, L assumed that Kira 2 was physically present nearby Sakura TV, that's how much he put faith on the hypothesis that Kira 2 uses powers enabled by direct eye contact, nothing divination-type, just simply killing by sight. That's completely wrong, but it's what he seems to have guessed back then. Makes sense too.

Thus from L's perspective Higuchi can be a Kira 2, one that failed to seize the opportunity to use his sight-enabled power while best boy was partying drunk. He was going to but then the alleged Taro Matsui unexpectedly fell to his death, was carted off to some morgue, was never seen again, and now it doesn't matter if Higuchi is a Kira 2, he missed his chance to use his extra spicy Kira 2 power variant. Now all he can use is the vanilla flavor of kira powers: killing by picture and name, which wouldn't kill Matsuda. None of that is true, but from L's perspective it's an extremely plausible guess with his limited information.
I agree, so with that possibility the only protection Matsuda has is the brevity of his face showing up onscreen. Still a risk, not a huge one but I wouldn't want to do it especially when they have better choices.
Where does this assumption come from? Kira 1 obviously has no need of continuous line of sight. Why would the police assume Kira 2 needs it?
That's the only way Matsuda survives if Higuchi has "Kira 2" power types. This or Higuchi is a lazy idiot
>/a/ hates wojaks but laughs at this cancer
Kek, you're all disingenuous retards
Not the same.
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Desu noto
There was a slight amount of thought put into this compared to playing with digital dolls.
Fuck off, you whining faggot.
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it's raining snek posts
Is that image even still a wojak anymore, considering that it doesn't even have a single pixel in common with the original wojak?
It's not. The joke is obvious and perfectly lines with old style chan culture but dumb anon got triggered because he saw a wojak pattern and his lizard brain reacted to the stimuli.
It's literally derived from/based on wojak shit you retards.
You're the retard. The joke is associating this one minor character to this archetype that describes an overly cautious and observant person, and the comedic effect relies on the the contrast between the two initial characters and how he appropriates the archetype visually and with regard to his actions in the story. It's a perfectly fine joke and the wojak stuff is irrelevant to it.
Tldr, you're trying way too hard to fit in.
Kira was here.
You could write a paragraph describing a wojak post like that too, but it's still just a wojak post. You're a pretentious idiot.
I'm pretty sure it's just you being a pretentious midwit trying to police valid OC
i mean it's basically the chad vs virgin format
If only you had that determination for swimming, Matsuda.
A lot of the shit L's team does is wagering on how they think Kira's power worked, imagine if Kira could kill anyone at will but only made it look like he needed a name and face just to throw off the investigation, L probably accounted for this but still bet on the fact that Kira needs a name and face and taunted him into killing him. Most of the time L is just hoping that Kira's power works exactly how he thinks it does and makes his plans based on that and each time he gets lucky.
He wrote it like six times.
This sorta implies that knowingly writing multiple versions of a name, of which you logically must know that all but one are incorrect, then that still doesn't count as an "intentional mistake". Begging the question of what the fuck "intentional" means.
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>valid OC
This should also count as "valid OC" according to retards like you.
I assume it was made to amend the previous rule about making someone immune to the death note if you misspell their name a few times. So you have to have the intention of making someone immune by intentionally misspelling their name.
You would probably need to have knowledge of that rule though for it to kill you since the book is magic and can tell what your intentions are anyway (like how it decides if a shinigami killed with the intention of lengthening a humans lifespan).
probably means "with the intention of making someone immune". light simply got the name right before the 4th attempt, every name after didn't matter
Nah, fuck off
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Chapter 51: Misunderstanding
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See? It was a really dumb idea to send Misa at Yotsuba
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Rem knows about phone companies? Interesting
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Can Misa see Rem through the camera?
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Like, two guys? Jumping Kira? You're not even hiding your faces.
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Is Rem thinking about killing Higuchi?
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Come on, you've got footage of what he physically did before expecting the murder to work. At this point it's either telepathy or it's writing the name. You can't do any more than this, and if he kills more it falls on you, L.
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He kinda looks like Yumigahama from Kengan Omega here.
Would you say he was too strong to beat Matsui?
Thank you.
Poor policeman...
And it's L's fault.
i think about this line a lot when i'm playing video games and get to where i'm invincible and have tons of options
It's important to note that this state of exhilaration can only work if you're not invincible AND have tons of options, but rather that you have so many options that if you apply them properly to answer your threats, there's no way you'll lose. Invincibility AND options leads to apathy!
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Welcome back, monkey
Incoming just as planed
>that face
Higuchi has returned to monkey
Rem is being surprisingly knowledgable.
Turns out even Light can't figure out Death Note.
Begs the question - could Light catch Light?
fuck you L
So... does Higuchi have a way to avoid capture at that point, or is he cooked no matter what he does?
His only way out would've been giving up the Death Note as the TV broadcast started. He loses his job, but he keeps his life and might not end up in jail. They have his name and he's clearly being Kira, so it's done for him now.
Isnt it crazy how misa got in contact with shinigami three times?
First she was saved by one expending her lifespan. Than she was given a death note and after that she found the guy who the other note belongs too
Imagine how pissed L would be if they captured Higuchi and he started acting like he didn't know what they were talking about
>Not this shit again
This chapter was great
Rem probably asked why is she sending letters to a TV company instead of using her phone, back when she was Kira. Maybe she was avoiding using the cellphone when checking with stores in regards to potentially buying disguises or the tapes and envelopes. Something like that.
if it was nowadays producers that would happen 100%, and we would have 200 chapters of death note until sales crashed
everything is L s fault . he could have won ep 4
I can't wait for tomorrow's chapter, thank you. It's going to be fucking kino
>Higuchi using his brain
>caught on 4k (1080p at the time) talking with "himself"
>killing method exposed but not realized by L
>L realizes they're not dealing with Kira anymore, but with El Matador, fuerma de los ojos rojos, with extra mojo
Good chapter, things are going down hard.
Death Note came at the same time One Piece, Naruto and Bleach were running in Jump, I don't think this period of manga is more characterised by long running series than the mid 2000s.
In hindsight he really should’ve returned the ownership at this point, would’ve been better for him in the end
I think Death Note was always planned to have 108 chapters because of the symbolism.
Becomes a game of musical chairs where L has to chase the Kiras playing amnesia until one of them slips up.
Light still would've killed him either before or shortly after L died
My headcanon has always been that Japan had travel restrictions for years after that.
Honestly, if Higuchi hadn't confessed to being Kira to Misa, he would have gotten away with everything.
The shinigami eye deal is honestly so shit.
>yeah, let me give up half my remaining lifespan so that I can see people's names floating above their head
the death note's mind-control-abilities are pretty broken, even with the limitations in place. As long as the instructions are somewhat reasonable you have foreknowledge of the stock market and can abuse it.
>billionaires X, Y and Z all decide to sell their google-shares at exactly the same time before dying of heart attacks
>market drops, you take the opportunity to buy shares at low rates
>billionares A, B and C each decide to buy a large amount of google shares before dying of heart attacks
>market rises, sell shares at a much higher rate, profit
The SEC prevents major shareholders from selling stock without at least 6 months notice.
ryuk said the other shinigami will bully you if you're too active and write too many names
It's funny how Demegawa being a scumbag is an important plot point on three separate occasions
I'm wondering if a Death Note user can use his shinigami to kill people of whom he doesn't know the name of.
If the shinigami was as much attached to the Death Note user as Rem is to Misa I could imagine that the shinigami could kill people for them to not make the eye deal as long as the persons are unimportant to the Death Note users lifespan. And most shinigami don't even seem to know that it would kill them if they rescue a humans life through the Death Note that they are attached to.
I think it's still possible to manipulate a billionaire that he takes out a few million dollars and send them somewhere where the Death Note owner could become rich. The only problem is to explain your bank and your government how the hell you became rich.
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I think the cleanest way to use Death Note to get rich is to short the stocks of companies and force their executives to do stupid things that ruin their reputations and then die in an accident. There's also betting and gambling: betting on something improbable and then forcing it through sudden death. The prediction market says a candidate has a 90% chance of becoming president? Bet against him and win billions after a suspicious death. Just don't do too blatant manipulation and you'll go unnoticed while increasing your wealth.
Shinigami can kill someone on behalf of a Death Note user. Rem wanted to kill L and saw no problem with it.
> from the heavens
Shouldn't they rationally consider other options? Like unknown technology or ayyliens.
Yes. Shinigami eyes must be a noob's trap. The deal doesn't make sense to a sane person. You have to have very specific goals (like hating a guy whose name you don't even know, so much so that you want to kill him at all costs) to benefit.
The shinigami in general seem to be well-informed about the human world. Ryuk didn't express suprise at a single thing he's seen. They don't even do that thing where they use archaic words for modern objects, like calling a car a carriage or whatever.
They are perfectly at ease with present-time technology. I guess all that staring at Earth from above has some educational benefits.
Ryuk seemed really interested in selling the eyes deal to Light.
Maybe the eyes deal is for situations where the Death Note user has to make the deal to protect his life?
Someone whose name you don't know tries to kill you and the only way out is through the eyes deal.
Misa made the deal but she also had an extra lifespan from Gelus.
Wasn't Beyond Birthday from that prequel novel born with shinigami eyes?
We still don't know the explanation for that.
When I first heard about Death Note before I actually bought the manga I spoilered myself a lot and I also saw Beyond Birthday among the characters list. I misread something and thought that he would also become a Kira.
I seem to have confused him with Mikami for some reason
I looked him up and he had L's appearance but I didn't kow L's appearance at that time. When I watched about Death Note L and Light was shown and I thought that L was Beyond Birthday.
It was the helicopter scene and because I mistook him a bit with Mikami I thought that he worked for Light Kira and that's why he was with him together in the helicopter. I also misread something about the synopsis or Light's character. I read that L died and I read that Light died but for some reason i thought that the story continued after Light died with another Kira. .
>how about returning the ownership of the notebook to me?
>no, that would only end miserably for me. He has evidence.
if only Higuchi was a cute, ditzy girl, then none of the evidence against him would matter and amnesia would absolve him of all his problems.
>there could be a shinigami watching you right now
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aren't they scared of Higuchi using his control-powers on Misa?
>Misa Amane - dies of a heart attack in three after making sure to always have her cellphone with her and answer it when it FUCKING RINGS
>"SHINIGAMI could be here" he thought
"SHINIGAMI could be here" he thought, "I've never seen this notebook before. There could be SHINIGAMI anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE SHINIGAMI" he thought. L's Theme A reverberated his entire helicopter, making it pulsate even as the ¥22 banana digested in his flat autistic stomach and powered his (merited) suspicion of murderers after dark. "With this notebook, you can kill anyone you want" he said to himself, out loud.
>Shinigami have males and females
how do they reproduce?
Maybe, but why waste the reader's time showing that? Whether it's magic or science-magic is completely irrelevant to the plot.
Replace the face with Light's, and sure.
This is L's biggest character flaw by far.
He saw Higuchi get Matsuda's "real" name, write it down, immediately calm down and walk back to his car, do absolutely nothing else during the walk back and few moments sitting in his car, and then suddenly start freaking out over the fact that Matsuda hasn't died yet. There was no moment between him writing the name down and him freaking out that wasn't monitored on camera.
At this point, it's pretty obvious that Kira kills people by writing names down, even just from L's limited information. This explains why Kira fears investigation, because there'll be physical evidence of names written down. It explains why Misa didn't kill L on the spot when she saw him, because she didn't have a chance to write his name down. It explains why Light and Misa didn't fight back when Soichiro pointed his gun at them, because their hands were tied and they couldn't write.

The fact that he didn't jump on Higuchi at that moment is a microcosm of why he failed to catch Light. He can't accept the obvious and will only accept 100% certainty. He could never win their game because his win condition was too steep to ever be realistically achieved.
Am I the only one who likes Higuchi?
I'm pretty sure new Shinigami are created when Death Note owners die. So rather than actually having male and female genitalia, they just know they're male or female based on their past lives.
I think the comedic aspect of this moment deserves more highlight. After so many plans within plans the secret of the Death Note is finally exposed in broad daylight and it goes completely unnoticed. The killing method happens to look completely banal. The greatest detective in the world is looking directly at it and can't see shit. The idea that the worst mass murder tool in history is an ordinary notebook is completely out there. It's not even a magic grimoire, not some satanatic human skin parchment, it's a thin bland modern notebook. How is that a magic tool? Since Kira needs to know someone's exact name it just makes sense that he'd write down the correct spelling as the first step of the unknown killing ritual. It's just too stupid that this *is the whole ritual*, it's so dumb that the answer's gotta be something else.
Refresh my memory, when a shinigami does the trade do they temporarily lose the ability to see names and lifespan?
no he is pretty funny, i like all the yotsuba guys, i wouldn't mind if the show had become Light and L capturing death note users
Why are they assuming he’s not just a schizo
I love how his first suggestion to everything is murder.
I like his vegeta hair
I like him. He has a unique face and he reminds me of Zoolander for some reason.
Nope. There's no upsides or downsides for the shinigami. I have no idea why the trade exists, to be honest.
Don't they get the years from the human they trade with? It's been forever but I seem to recall that in order to stay alive the shinigami kill and take the humans remaining years of life into themselves right?
Rem is the MVP of the Shinigami world. She's working with minimal information and trying her best to predict what would be the optimal outcome for Light and Misa. She learned from Misa that Light's keikaku doori is looking a bit shaky these days, he is chained 24/7 to L and it's probably something he never planned for. In that case is it safe for Higuchi to be captured now? Wouldn't the notebook go to L and not Light? Rem quickly evaluates that maybe she ought to convince Monkey to return ownership, preventing both the Death Note from being captured and not allowing L to get critical info out of Monkey. She's completely in the dark but her judgement is 10/10.
Kek good analysis
Still, after seeing Higuchi confirm he's done the ritual, they should know it's the writing
I like how whenever Light strongly react to something it looks over the top and forced. When he's Kira he looks like a terrible actor, when he's himself it turns out he just naturally looks fake as hell.
Very true, very true
Now, counterpoint: she traded eyes with the person she wants to live a long happy life, gave her a murder tool that no human has ended up happy with, leading her to go meet another person with his own murder tool, putting her at risk from investigations and more. She ended up protecting the bastard using her as a human shield instead of going to her place and telling her to stop killing the very day she got released (which is already insanely generous)

Tldr: Rem is very smart.. until she's not.
The whole time that Higuchi is freaking out of his mind Misa is like
>ha ha he tried calling me again :)
An innocent person died horribly just because L wanted to be 100% sure of the killing method.
Soichiro was right. L went too far this time risking other people.
I have more empathy for Higuchi than Misa at this point. Misa is a soulless pig who talks about cute dates and with heart emojis as she plans to murder Ryuzaki and the day after it happened, too even after sharing moments with him. She also openly gloats a few times. At least with Higuchi it's business.
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I think it's fair assumption that Rem didn't have any particularly strong feeling for Misa when she traded the eyes. The feelings came later. Misa is the Shinigami whisperer, if any freaks from hell spend a few days with her they pledge their life for her happiness.
If Rem had any agency, she'd just order Higuchi to stop killing criminals. She knew Misa was in the clear and memoryless. No more criminal deaths, and all she'd see would be like 20 deaths a year related to business, barely a blip in the radar. This is the good ending. Misa can marry Light and live happily ever after.
L was wrong but Soichiro's idea of going on SakuraTV to say "Kira works at Yotsuba" is so braindead I can't believe a human being wrote that.
Kinda amazing that Light was the only Kira who mastered the art of cutting a tiny piece out of the Death Note to not stupidly walk around with the whole thing. Even Higuchi just slapped the full notebook on the desk of some unknown office that might have cameras, knowing it was weird he was allowed to go there. He could've just brought a tiny scrap of paper at least.
4chinz OC never dissapoints
Higuchi locked in
Higuchi's death note had a fake rule against tearing it up, so maybe that's why he never bothered.
It would be funny if Higuchi did return the death note while in the car with them all watching on camera and they see the notebook just hover through the air
I don't think Rem knows about the car cameras here
How does testing the 13 day rule mark Light and Misa as being Kira/2nd Kira? I thought L was the kind of person to do things all the way, so why would testing if the 13 day rule was fake convict Light and Misa of anything? L would still need definitive proof that they were indeed Kira/2nd Kira. Would anyone even believe him if he just said "Light and Misa are Kira because the 13 day rule is fake" without backing it up with concrete evidence? Would L himself even be satisfied with convicting light based entirely on conjecture/circumstantial evidence?
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From what I understand if a person is 30 years old and would die naturally at 60, when they do the eye deal they'd live to 45 and the shinigami would get those extra 15 years, but it's not really important since they could always just kill a 30 year old that would live til 60 and get the full extra 30 years instead of the extra 15 from the eye deal. I think the only upside is that they don't have to kill anyone to get more time but it doesn't seem like shinigami have qualms about that
no but it will be enough to put them in suspicion considering their personality shift and that the soichiro test meant absolute shit considering they couldn't write anything
The 13 days rule being fake is incredibly suspicious and seems designed to innocent them. If it's fake, it's not really a coincidence at this point.

But regardless of this rule, Light and Misa should have never been let off the hook.
Misa also doesn't have any loyalties towards her *friends* and will kill them off with no issue, but that's not much different than Light
Would handwriting analysis prove anything? L could probably find Ukita's name written in Misa's handwriting
I'd imagine that the 13 day rule wouldn't be sufficient in making an arrest because the evidence is not sufficient enough to leave no room for reasonable doubt, but L would place Misa and Light under strict surveillance/house arrest to ensure that killings do not start happening again.
If criminals stop dying then it would be enough to convict them both, but considering L is using a con-man and a thief to help him with investigations, I believe L would work something out to have Light help him with future cases rather than have him be put through a death sentence. After all, L only cares about solving the case, he leaves all the legal stuff to the other guys.
They should have looked for Ukita's name, and actually any name with specific conditions.

Actually... If they don't find some of the names written by Kira or Kira 2, this means pages were torn off. And iirc they added a rule saying you can't do that. So this is clearly an inconsistency between content and rules.
This is very fishy
Light killed one of their friends. And many innocents. I'm pretty sure Soichiro himself would want Light convicted, maybe killed.
No, really, the best these guys can get is indefinite house arrest/surveillance. The stakes are just too big, this is the most lenient they can get.
The fact that the story needs to nerf L common sense so much for Light to "win" is so stupid
>And iirc they added a rule saying you can't do that
I'm pretty sure that the rule was only for destoying the entire thing.
and since the note never runs out of pages ripping only them out should be no problem?
Basically the story needed L to stop being aggressive like he always was before while also making him give Light and Misa too much freedom. It's not like they can defend themselves by going "muh civilian rights", they've become part of the task force and therefore have all reasons to comply by living in their buildings at the very least.
You're right
Still, it's going to be interesting to examine the handwriting and seeing Ukita's name in it... What else is there?
pretty much. there was enough proof to incriminate misa and light clearly had some sort of gambit in mind. he even figured out the memory wipe and instantly called bullshit on the 13 days rule. at that point he lost because the task force is retarded
it's possible that if the human really wants to trade they can't refuse. but what you said also makes sense

she wants misa free, so she needs to follow light's keikaku. until she sees misa is beyond suspicion she won't stop
Misa is already shooting more movies and Rem knows about it from the ad. She should think it's good enough and stop taking more risks.
they wouldn't be finding ukita's name regardless because that's ryuk's note. misa never wrote on it
for all she knows she wasn't yet 100% clear. she knows L is sharp and she knew about the fake rules and what they were for
L not having any READY backup is the worst part of this. At least put Watari out of the way. Get someone you trust ready to do the stuff that needs to be done.

Couldn't L just take Mogi in another room and tell him that if he were to die, he should put Light and Misa locked in one of the rooms with no notes, have an inmate test the book, and if the 13 days rule is bullshit, keep Light and Misa under surveillance? I'm sure Mogi would do it, it's retards like Soichiro and Matsuda that would refuse
I think his hairstyle make him look cool and distinctive, I like his design. He can also be a funny guy. It's a shame he killed Hatori, he was the Yotsuba Boy with less screen time.
I wonder why Rem never threatened him about not killing Misa. In fact Higuchi never knew that Rem had a connection with Misa.
probably because she didn't want connections to misa. she cant reveal who other users are and if she made him figure it out he could've talked about it once arrested.
she only helps misa prove she's the second kira once misa tells her to do it.

tho that begs the question, imagine if higuchi started pointing fingers immediately, confirming misa is the second kira
>The shinigami eye deal is honestly so shit.
Remember, Ryuk said the eye deal existed since ancient times. People didn't always walk around with their ID in their pockets, heck, I bet many peasants didn't even know their full name in medieval times or some nobels had several names
King Charles Julius Amadeus Frank the third
If it's Ryuk's note then it'll be really funny to not find either Ukita's name on it (second Kira) or any of the FBI agents (if Light kept these in, he's fucking dead). Leading to the conclusion that it's either a 3rd notebook or that some parts were left out intentionally. Actually, just by reading the criminals names you should be able to see which Kira's book this was, and if the book was cleaned up or if it's a 3rd note it makes things even more fishy. Literally no reason to relax even for a second.

Actually... Fast forward a little. Why aren't they waaaaaay more scared of the shinigami? They really relax around Rem with really no guarantee of her being good or neutral. For all they know, Rem needs to write a name every 13 days too and will just write one of their names in a moment. At this point in the game, they need pawns that are in another place altogether so they don't all get swiped by Rem or someone else should anything happen.
What I also like about Higuchi is the move from teenage protagonists to petty greedy adult. Higuchi is actually pretty composed even if he suggests killing thrice per meeting and clearly more mature than Light.
The shinigami eye deal is actually beneficial for the shinigami. You dropped your book, a human has it, you'll die before he dies... There! He gave you half his remaining lifespan, he'll die sooner and you'll survive until then.
>And most shinigami don't even seem to know that it would kill them if they rescue a humans life through the Death Note that they are attached to.
While they don't know it would kill them, they know, either by instinct or law, that it's wrong. Rem tried to warn Gelues to not do it, even though she didn't know about the death part yet.
but yeah, if he hadn't tore the pages L may have figured a lot out tho they know immediately there's at least one more note.
as for relaxing around rem... honestly she's with them for so little we don't have time to see the characters parse the existance of actual gods. i suppose L thought she wouldn't kill anyone, after all why wouldn't she have killed kira if she needed to kill every 13th day?
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Look at this shit. The Task Force did everything wrong. They're eager to make false conclusions and force them on a vastly more competent investigator, the guy who holds best detective rank 1, 2 and 3 by himself. They didn't help but they still force their input with an authoritative tone. I hate these useless cunts.
Either the shinigami king, or they don't.
Remember that Ryuk said early on that their stomachs have evolved/devolved to a state where they can't die from hunger anymore. In other words, they used to have normal organs once, including sexual organs from a pure logical standpoint. However since Shinigami are not needed anymore for whatever reason, there is no need for them to reproduce anymore.
Rem also killed the guy to help prove her she's the second kira to higuchi and she wasn't a user of the note yet. the real difficulty is getting the shinigami to care, ryuk would never help light unless it benefits him in some way. and if they care they may know it could kill them and not do it
That's the real issue. Not that "L lost common sense" or "He isn't as aggressive as he used to be"
L still made all the correct decisions, his only weakness was that he cared about his comrades too much and thus didn't want to them to constantly nag him. The power of friendship was his downfall
damn, Satan hit the bump limit
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You have to trust the science Ryuzaki, forget about how suspicious Light's requested detainment was and all the physical evidence against Amane.
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I don't think Ohba has an idea of the scale of the killings done by a DN... Unless that shinigami is specifically refering to "deaths by death note" but he's probably not. The wars in shithole countries that don't make the news kill more than Light ever did.
So? If you want to kill a person, you probably know them well enough to know their name.
There is a difference between the killings from Kira and kills in wars. The people who died in wars don't get into the news. At most, every other month you hear "1000 people died in ukraine this month" and then quickly forgotten. But "MASS KILLER KIRA IS CONTINUING HIS MASS KILLINGS! BE AWARE!!!! LOOK OUT FOR KIRA! OH MY GOD THE HUMANITY!" is more attention grabbing.
Shinigami don't have a scouter for how many people died, they watch the human world like how we humans watch TV.
No, I want to kill random people in the streets sometimes too.
No you don't, especially if you get consumed by the ability of being able to kill. Your first murder might be one you wanted to kill your entire life, and maybe the second. But the third, fourth etc. are strangers. Sometimes you get to know the name of that stranger, sometimes not. For example, you walk through your city, then a guy comes and threatens you with a weapon unless you give him your wallet. He runs away after that. You want to kill that guy. But what is his human? You do not know. If only you could have looked at him to find out.
*is his name
Good point, I just hope it's the shinigami watching the news and not just Ohba not using his brain.
>At this point, it's pretty obvious that Kira kills people by writing names down
Eh, I can excuse L not realising that immediately, because it's objectively ridiculous. It doesn't jump at us only because we're used to the premise. And writing is such a natural action, too. There was no apparent technology, no magic spell cast.
That works until Higuchi asks why Matsui is still alive in the car. At this point the footage only showed writing, so it's writing or telepathy, but likely writing.
Good one, I haven't thought of that. So much for "we can predict his actions" shtick. L would have felt so stupid after Misa outed Matsuda before dropping dead.
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RIP thread
Hey, you're right. That actually sounds too sensible for DN writing. The trade ensures the shinigami's lifespan is at least the same as the human's.
If all they do is watch the real world, then they should have a more true-to-reality understanding of the death rate since they observe it directly, rather than consuming a curated and sensationalist news reporting.

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