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>kikyo died 550 years ago
How was Kagome her first reincarnation?
anon, it's not like you where when you shit your only pair of pants, you need to immediately throw them in the wash to wear them again.
Are you implying Kagome's a held in shart?
How come there's no demons living in Modern Day Japan, they made a big deal out of ones like Inuyasha and Sesshomaru would live for centuries.
there are if you watch the spinoff
How come it took until the spinoff to confirm that demons lived into the modern age?
Why is Sango not sitting on my face?
they might have been in the filler episodes too, I don't remember exactly
the original manga had very little content in the present time iirc
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>How was Kagome her first reincarnation?
Maybe she partied with Yama for a few centuries?
No. Kikyo is though.
It's been 20 fucking years. You have to accept Kikyo did nothing wrong.
Monk hands typed this post.
I would rather have sex with Akane than Kagome.
You're not gonna have any kek
Anon you can't have sex with pencil and inks on paper.
Says you, in my imagination I can freely sexually dominate both of these characters.
>wants to have sex with the woman who sounds like Kikyo
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You wouldn't say that to her face, would you?
I'm raking my brain, but it's been so long since I watched the show or read the manga. Did Kikyo and Sesshomaru EVER interact?
many dont know this, but ww2 was actually a war between human and crypto demons
The demons where investing in crypto?
>Did Kikyo and Sesshomaru EVER interact?
I think they only talked to each other like one or two times.
Naraku "killed" Kikyo in front of Sesshomaru in the Hakurei arc. iirc
I'm rewatching with my sister and Kikyo just started her journey towards the mountain
What would they fucking talk about? They barely even say a full sentence. Oh to be a fly on the wall to witness those two fucking emaculate speakers talk.
I know they interact in at least one of the movies.
Yeah, that and a conversation between them later I think are the only two times I can remember them interact.
there were lots of modern age encounters like the mask with shikon shard which were not caused by the well
Yeah but that's another whole plot hole.
>That mask with the shard existed when Kagome still had the whole jewel in her.
more like time loop or something
after all Kagome is her own ancestor
How come everyone in Inuyasha's dads are dead?
So, hypothetically, Sakura from Urusei Yatsura MIGHT be related to Kagome somehow?
I believe Rumiko officially considers all the series to be separate universes
She shouldn't. It'd be more fun that way.
Kikyo is cool beauty, and Kagome is fiery hot. They are nothing alike but in appearance and bloodline.
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They barely look the same. You'd see more in common with Sakura and Kyoko with Kagome before you saw the similarities between Kagome and Kikyo.
How is Kagome related to Kikyo anyways?
>Kikyo died with out having children to continue her bloodline
probably through siblings or something.
You're telling me someone fucked Kaede?
And how was Kikyo able to revive if her soul was already inside Kagome? Reincarnation implies a soul switching bodies. You can't be the reincarnation of Kikyo AND meet Kikyo at the same time. Kikyo's soul was already inside Kagome when the later was born.
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Rumiko's same-face design aside. They have the same eye, and hair color. The main difference is their personality traits that shine through their facial features, along with hair style.
>please tell me my reincarnation isn't drinking a soda, oh christ she's gonna be so fucking fat
How many souls do you think exist?
What makes you think there’s not a long ass line to be reincarnated?
This, also new souls can exist as well. Reincarnation as a concept does not exempt new souls being born. It is more so a ideology of wicked or divine souls coming back to redeem themselves in another life or be rewarded for living an outstanding life. Souls are allowed to rest and move on as well. I might be misunderstanding the concept of reincarnation. Could also be another fable to quell the fears of death for one's self or the lost of lived ones from horrible violent deaths like most religious beliefs.
Did you see how many souls flew out of Kagome when Kikyo was being ressurected? Like nine of the fuckers.
yeah me
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Hag fucker.
>How is Kagome related to Kikyo anyways?
Where does it say she's related? Kagome is a reincarnation, not a descendant.
>And how was Kikyo able to revive if her soul was already inside Kagome?
Urasue took the soul out of Kagome and revived Kikyo. Then Kagome took back the soul. That's why Kikyo survives on stolen souls instead of her own soul (which is now inside Kagome).
Kaede obviously secured her bloodline before menopause.
Cool down timer
Think Kikyo has a cute butt?
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>Think Kikyo has a cute butt?
Not as cute as Sango's.
>How was Kagome her first reincarnation?
Because before Kikyo died she subconsciously wished she'd see Inuyasha again and the shikon jewel granted that by reincarnating her as Kagome.
She isn't actually related to Kikyo, but she did do the nasty in the pasty and likely became her own ancestor.
Those were just parts of their soul
Did Kagome freely go back and forth from past to present in the manga or was that anime bullshit?
Seemed she did it the same way in the manga and the anime.
Why the fuck did Kikyo tell Inuyasha where the fucking jewel was? Why didn't she like, toss it in a lake or something? Keep it in a koi pond?
She is suppose to protect it, not discard it. I dont know why the later. Sense of duty or tradition?
She could have protected it in a koi pond and not tell Inuyasha or Onigumo where the fuck it was.
Wolves or Wild Dogs would just get into the kai pond for the fishes. Dogs like Inu-Yasha!
Yeah for the fish, not the jewel.
That's what makes it hot. And funny. The two silent spergs together trying to make things work without speaking a word because they're too spergy.
Or double funny if they're actually talkative with one another.
If one of the Kai had swallowed the jewel, than a said dog could fish it out and ingest it!
Put it in a little box in the koi pond then.
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>this ass was perfect enough to stop a letcher monk from accepting death
A wooden box? Anon, we're talking in circles now!
So a small tomb.
To keep the jewel safe, not put Kikyo in it, you weirdo.
I'd sneeze into Sango's pussy.
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What a asslet
what's with the inuyasha threads recently?
that's very anti-semitic
Some anon is pushing hard to make it a General.
Probably rumiko fans coming out of hiding for the new remake.
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Rumiko general when?
>Ranma was the semi-level headed on, Akane was the hothead
>fast fowards to Inuyasha
>Inuyasha was the hot head and Kikyo was the level headed one.
Inuyasha was also popular in the West. I'm starting to see a pattern here.
Was more of a joke about them having the same voice actors.
One set of Ranma dubs had the same voice actor for both male/female versions. Not till later one did they have two voice actors for the same character.
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Why does Yoda have a beak
Any chance this gets the remake treatment after UY and Ranma? On one hand it's Rumiko's biggest work, on the other, the original anime isn't that old and Yashahime kind of poisoned the well on potential Inuyasha nostalgia.
I don't think Yashahime poisoned it. I just think it was the only logical step to go. If it was remade, people would say 'it's not even 20 years old yet'. If it was continued 'what else is there to tell'. It went with the logical route.
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Yashahime 2 is the logical next step
and they can learn from their mistakes and make Moroha the main character this time
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>Inuyasha: The Final Act
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I don't think I've seen Inuyasha in 2 decades but I remember Sango being the hottest.
also another contender was the hair demon but she wasn't a recurring character

I don't remember anyone else in the series other than the obvious MCs
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you remember wrong
Her ass was able to start and stop wars.
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its the eye shadow
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The outfit and hair were nice but sure that looked fine too.

I forget who that is but she's a nobody IMO.
The one I was referring to is Yura and she is a pure sex demon. I think I might be changing my mind and putting Yura #1 and Sango #2 now that I refreshed my memory. Yura had such a weird power that I remembered that for what it was but damn I didn't remember how hot she was.
Don't look at the population statistics now, but there are more humans alive in this moment in time than have ever lived while humans have existed
thats not true
but I can understand why you'd think that
If anyone has a character with sex appeal even in the same league as this one go ahead and post them.
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I like presents better when I have to unwrap them myself.
Kagura's not a nobody, she was gonna get Sesshomaru to kill Naraku for her.
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But muh Mao anime
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Remake by Mappa with Kikyo ending, SOONᵀᴹ. Trust the plan.
How's this idea for an OVA or miniseries?
>How Inuyasha and Kikyo met.
Doesn't Kikyo save Rin when she's kidnapped and taken to Mt. Hiei? I remember Ssshomaru goes for a hail Mary and throws his sword at an enemy but it doesn't kill him, and then Kikyo shoots the enemy before he can attack Rin.
Yeah but if I remember correctly, they just sort of nod at each other after Rin's saved.
>How Inuyasha and Kikyo met
The anime already made some filler episodes about that
>They barely even say a full sentence
Only Sesshomaru is like that
Kagome has a thick bush.
>Kikyo stares at him
>Sesshomaru stares at her
>Jaken: Fart with reverb.mp3
>French cut buruma
My god
So does Kikyo, your point?
only Kagome's got schlop schlop schlopped
Bullshit. We've seen Kikyo fully nude. She had no bush.
RNG could have been far worse, m8
>Kikyo's reincarnation comes through the well
>It's some lard ass turbo virgin who collects katanas.
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Kagome gave me sailor uniform and pleated skirts fetish
Not the cast of Sailor Moon? It was kind of their whole gimmick.

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