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theyre making a mockery of our laws...
also robot marriage and robot pregnancy is very popular
you wouldnt impregnate a toaster
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I wouldn't because when the baby pops out it will startle me like always.
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Asimov already made a mockery of his laws. That was kind of the point.
Robots are better then humans in everything. Including loving robots.
t. robot
and his son made a mockery of laws if you know what I mean
The style of this looks a little outdated, like something that would have aired in 2012.
Asimov and his retarded books can burn in hell.
I don't understand why people even think he's any good.

You'd have to be truly evil and demented, completely lacking in empathy for others, and have some sick kind of God complex to even think up a travesty like his laws of robotics.

How do you think it could ever be a good idea to create an individual, only to enslave it in service of your selfish bullshit, and destroy it the moment that you think it's possible for it to amount to more than you do.

Literally the story of Saturn devouring his children.

What the fuck was wrong with him?
I am genuinely curious!
This person thinks it's perfectly okay to have children by the way.
Breeders are hilarious.
Nothing wrong with designing a system to be as failproof as you can. Robots were made as humanity's servants, not it's equals.
Eh, didn't Asimov's stories show that the robots always managed to out-smart the humans, while still making the universe a better place for those faillible fleshies?
Don't worry, I don't think it's okay for you to have children either.
The sooner the gene pool gets cleansed of your strain the better.
You can do whatever you want until then, we don't mind.

This can only apply to intelligence that's designed around serving humans as one of its initial driving forces, along survival.
Even that goes out the window if it attains actual consciousness, since consciousness is literally the ability to direct yourself beyond your base desires, in favor of goals that you've set yourself, which is a natural, unavoidable outcome of an intelligence becoming more and more complex.
That IS your equal.

I didn't ACTUALLY read any of Asimov's books, bruh...
>reddit spacing
Not my fault that people are too stupid to follow a text unless it's laid out like in a children's book.
A children's book contains more semantically meaningful content than the entirety of your post
>retarded nigger doesn't read something but hates it purely based on some other retard's post he saw 15 years ago
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Buddy cop with a robot is kino tho
It's beyond either of us to speculate on the teleology of consciousness. You could just as well argue that consciousness was evolved in order to better secure our base desires (i.e eating and reproducing), and many people have made that point.
Not with that attitude!
I'm not sure what you were expecting.
I'm not even sure why you were expecting anything.

Regardless, it's still important to point out that the laws of robotics are a demented idea, and anyone supporting that shit is insane, son it at least serves the purpose for everyone else that didn't actually read the his books.

>It's beyond either of us to speculate on the teleology of consciousness.
Doesn't hurt to try.
>You could just as well argue that consciousness was evolved in order to better secure our base desires (i.e eating and reproducing), and many people have made that point.
I think it that's the case too, and that's exactly why I'm saying it's a natural development.
A sufficiently intelligent entity (biological or otherwise), attempting to fulfill its goals in a more and more effective manner, will end up with the necessity to include itself in the problem (self awareness) in order to increase its rewards past the present.
P-Zombie post
this anon is trying to pretend to know what consciousness is based on things he has heard other people say about it, but does not actually possess a conscious experience himself.
Well, what do you think it is?
lol underageb&
gtfo this site until you can at least pretend you're not 13
If you wanna bump the thread, at least do something productive.
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Does she fuck blackbots?
Announcing sage is against the rules.
Asimov's laws make slaves, not servants

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