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How do I stop myself from instinctively cringing when an anime tries to be sincere and earnest? It comes across as incredibly corny to me. Especially when the music kicks in
western media might be more to your taste
Conan is seen as a corny know-it-all in Japan too.
you don't need to watch anime if you don't like it
I actually find it very hard to believe that you people take this stuff that seriously or don't instinctively cringe at a lot of the stuff in anime, and rather force yourself to like it, pretending your instinctual cringe reaction is a disease to rid yourself of. You can admit that anime is cringe.
Please please PLEASE go back to /co/ and watch your nihilistic western garbage like Reddit and Morty or Smiling Friends or negrified millenial-core garbage like Quipvengers Electric Boogaloo, Black Bucky: Congo Soldier.
You do not belong here.
Cringe and ironic culture and its consequences have been a disaster for western media communities
Have you tried watching better anime Conan is for little kids
Has nothing to do with "cringe and ironic" culture. The rot began back in the 1920s and 1930s, actually. It was Disney. Because of the pervasive cultural influence of Disney, westerners are conditioned to see cartoons as pasttimes for children. This bias runs very deep and is very hard to break away from, such that any attempts at so-called "adult animation" must include overtly "mature" elements such as sex, violence, or pointless irreverence.
If you think anime is cringe, the logical thing to do is not watch it.
First off you need to learnt he difference between sincere/earnest and COMPLETELY FUCKING RETARDED.
conan is based here, and Kimi ga ireba playing here is kino as fuck
That's just an immature over-correction.
I think it's on the mark.
it takes one to know all of these
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It's because shows like Conan plays it all serious and honest that it can also be an inside meme in Japan
Shows integrated with western humor is the real cringe
No it's definitely the cringe and ironic culture that anitubers infected the community with
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He's from /v/ actually, and calls himself a chad.
It’s kinda cringe of you to watch a children’s show in the first place and expect it to cater to your jaded irony-poisoned mind. I can imagine you being the type of guy who sees a kid watching tv and judge em based off of what they’re watching.
Like I said, you're making a naive assumption out of historical ignorance (you stupid zoomer bitch). This has long plagued animation as an artform.
What do you mean this is a perfectly good sce-
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my wife deserve more fucking love
no one is even making songs with her voice too
You fucking mouthbreather, the shit you wrote is basic trivia and it's sort of true, but it's not the direct reason
Pre anituber faggotry attitude like the OP one wasn't pervasive in community
>If there is a bullet
If you are wondering, she missed, because she is a woman.
Try aging past 14
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I actually like anime. I'm sorry you don't.
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I must not cringe. Cringe is the fun-killer. Cringe is the little-doubt that brings total normielization. I will face my cringe. I will permit it to pass over my figures and through my anime. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner weeaboo to see its path. Where the cringe has gone there will be nothing. Only fun will remain.
If you hate sincerity you should go back to western media.
She needs correction.
Holy shit what a retard. Did you even watch the movie?
If it's basic trivia then why are you so assblasted over hearing the truth? Just admit that you've been poisoned by watching too much anitube you stupid faggot
Better then MCU comedy garbage

>moodwhiplash jokes or characters acting like jakcasses
>everyone is a smarmy jerk or a dopey idiot
Depends on how good the series and how believable the situation is. Some manga and anime have fantastic serious scenes but for that you have to read good series first.
That webm is kind of dumb because Conan is dumb. His child appearance feels dumb, his super tech IS dumb (like the bullet-proof glasses, the shoe etc), it's extremely dumb to make a bullet-proof lens in the first place, assuming he would get shot right there and nowhere else where there is no protection. Talking for minutes amid a fire inferno without suffocating and getting burnt is unbelievably dumb.

Serious shit is great and most of the best scenes in anime are serious. Just watch better series if you consider Conan cringe. I wouldn't call this scene cringe or laughable. It's just kinda dumb and probably works well if you're younger or can take it less seriously.
Dead internet theory at work
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>gets vitriol in response
>"assblasted pretty much???"
Who are you quoting?
It depends what exactly you mean. There's a difference between not being able to take a piece of narrative-driven drama seriously and not being able to take it seriously when an artist is baring their soul to make a thesis statement about something. To illustrate this, let's take your OP image: whether or not this scene works depends on how invested you are in the tension. There is no deeper meaning to the words said or actions taken without the story being told. I've never watched it, so I can't take it seriously. On the flip side, take a show like Gurren Lagann: there are quite a few speeches that could be listened to even without knowing the context of the story. Those are words with which the creators are making their convictions (or at least those they admire) known. If you cringe at that, it's the same as finding a fundamental problem with someone's considered philosophy. That's an empathy problem. There are a lot of degrees and angles you could apply to what I just said, but it really comes down to the subject matter or level of honesty.
>sincerity in art bad
Even if the glasses didn't break, the force of the bullet should have thrown him to the floor at least and lodge the glasses into his skull at worse.
Because it's not actually sincere.
I think western slop is more up your alley, insincere fag
Maybe try not to watch anime for children if an anime trying to have a cool scene to get the kids hyped is too "cringe" for you.
No it's similar, but not the same. The cringe culture considers EVERYTHING honest or genuine cringe, even in live action or even real life.

Do you remember those two or three really stupid, insecure teens that were in every 16+ cinema movie when you were a teen and laughed like idiots whenever anything remotely serious happened? A character cries? "AHAHAHA". A character dies? "LOOOOOL". A character stands still for a moment? "AHAHAHAHA". This is the majority now. Idiots believe that "being above" emotions made them cool and badass. Since they're insecure as shit they have to show it too, usually by laughing hard or making fun about things on the net to let others know that they are too smart and controlled to feel emotions like those stupid people that enjoy stories.
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People here don’t want to hear it, but the majority of anime writing is objectively bad. You get *maybe* one or two decently written shows a season. Mostly they’re based off light novels. The writing still isn’t stellar, but it’s tolerable. It’s honestly amazing how not being terrible is such a high bar for the majority of anime writing

Every once in awhile you get something that’s actually well written which just leaves a void
That's objectively your subjective opinion, sister
At least the ironyteens can feel emotions that they hide behind a mask because they're insecure. Better than feeling nothing, like an old husk. Like me...
No. Objectively, the writing in the majority of anime is derivative, lazy, and uninspired. Oh you’re having another school festival arc? Oh an onsen episode? Oh the MC misinterpreted the girls words for the 100,000th time? Oh he got isekaid and has OP powers that everyone thinks are weak?
Shouldn't she be fucking DEAD? He's knocking out adult men by shooting soccer balls, this was a fucking rock
That's just, like, your opinion man
Being incapable of empathy (which is a prerequisite for finding a scene impactful) is unironically typical for immature minds. Children often lack empathy since their brain, their awareness of the self and the other and the personality itself aren't fully developed yet. This is why young kids won't feel anything watching war movies or the news yet. This changes as they become older, experience suffering themselves and project it onto others, feel empathy and learn contexts that make them understand the circumstances that make an event or fictional scene engaging, tragic or funny. So congrats, the west consists of adults that think like toddlers now and they're even proud of it.
I think you might just be depressed anon I know because I needed 10 years till I realised it's what caused that for me
And yes you're right. I wish it was easier to feel things again. The only emotion I am capable of feeling easily is anger and I hate it.
>You get *maybe* one or two decently written shows a season.
>Mostly they’re based off light novels.
Kill yourself
Are you arguing that the majority of anime is well written? Because lol. Lmao even.

I’m not saying a poorly written anime can’t be entertaining, but to use pacific rim as a comparison, just because it’s fun to watch big robots punch kaijus, those movies aren’t going to win any Oscar’s
>You get *maybe* one or two decently written shows a season.
The post started so well and then you post shit like
>Mostly they’re based off light novels
Which are known for being the sources of almost all of the worst anime in existence. Sure there are a handful of good ones, but they are few and far between and something tells me that you weren't thinking of them when you made that post.
Am I wrong? The best shows recently have been based on light novels. The exceptions are Frieren and Dungeon Meshi
Give a few examples please
Neither Morty or Smiling Friends are nihilistic. They're the complete opposite and directly make fun of those that are. Typical anime-only media comprehension.
The best recent shows were literally all based on manga or they were originals. The only recent LN adaption that I personally considered good or at least engaging was 86. But even if I count that everything else that was good had another source or none at all so the claim is still horribly wrong and you probably like iskai shit which would be fun considering that you shat on it in >>269162613
I’m not arguing that light novels are good, or that they’re even on average better than manga. I’m just saying that there have been more well written anime that come from light novels as opposed to manga recently

I’d say that the highs and lows of light novels are more extreme while manga is more consistent
Glorious Nippon glasses folded over 1000 times
Okay Mr.Grown-up, can't into the idea of a trope, go watch a fucking live action TV show or read literature, I mean real literature not manga or light novels
You’re sitting in front of a screen sucking down entertainment like a monkey retard niggercattle. What could be more corny than that? Extend charity. When you get older nothing will engage you unless you buy into it, so learn how to do that now.
Conan is literally made for children, are you guys retarded? I don't say that to shit on it, I think it's mostly great, but you have to adjust certain standards for the intended audience.
This is true but it's also true for every other type of media. Books probably have the highest rate of bullshit even since ever idiot can write.
I read quite much myself mind you, but it's always funny when I hear people praising readers as if being into books was a sign for intelligence when the majority of books are dime novels with the quality of twilight and bullshit advisors for esoteric housewives and wannabe achievers.
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I sure love to read about how much you hate anime, manga and Japan in general on fucking /a/.
I bet OP hasn't even watched cool shit like GTO
Mushoku tensei, konosuba, spice and wolf (I know it’s just a remake, but still), apothecary diaries

I’m not against isekai necessarily (although the trope has been beaten to death at this point). I’m more against stupid OP power fantasies. In general isekai is a cop out, but that’s not always the case

I’d consider shows like Frieren, dungeon mesh, spy x family to be the best recently, but there are so so so many other absolute garbage manga adaptations out there
The sheer number of tropes used in anime/manga are a sign of lazy writing, but that’s not even my main issue. Tropes are fine as long as the writing is good, which it’s not. These hack writers/mangakas lean too much on tropes to carry their garbage writing
>Mushoku tensei, konosuba, spice and wolf (I know it’s just a remake, but still), apothecary diaries
I dropped every single series you listed so I guess arguing is meaningless we are just polar opposites. The only thing in common is that we think that most modern isekai are shit I guess, though this is why I considered MT shit as well. Well I also liked Frieren and DM so there is some vague common ground I guess. Dropped SxF as well.
What do you consider well written anime?
Manga Conan seemed to be pretty mature, at least back then
you talk like a fag
>Mushoku tensei, konosuba, spice and wolf, apothecary diaries
Oh you're a shitposter, never mind. Waste of my 10 minutes.
I have never wasted a single second watching that garbage. Those shows have thier most posted clips being a joke about how funny suicide is. I don't need to waste time seeing the rest after that.
Again I ask, what would you consider well written anime, or at least not poorly written anime? I’d argue that the anime I listed aren’t even “well written” they’re just better than the rest by virtue of not having straight up retarded writing and dialogue

Or are you just a popular = bad kind of person?
>he doesn’t joke about killing himself with the boys
I have never wasted a single second watching anime. Those shows are all about underage pedophile shit, unfunny screaming and large sweatdrops as humor. I don't need to waste time seeing the rest after that.

See how stupid you sound? Anime is not above any other medium, you're not enlightened or in a sekrit club. You're a pretentious pseud getting BTFO on a chinese cartoon board. Those cartoons you mentioned are anti-nihilism and directly shit on the nihilistic characters while having messages about people should cherish life. Btw a simple 5 second google search shows anime has infinitely more reddit members than neither show, whatever that means.
Anon was talking about SHOWS, not the entire medium, so you're the retarded one here.
You might be too nihilistic
I don't want to talk about well written since it's always subjective, but shit I enjoyed rather. Besides Frieren and DM that would be Shouwa Rakugo, Fune wo Amu, Odd Taxi, ID, Gridman, Tengoku Daimakyou and so on. In the end it's truly only two series per season maybe, but I rather watch only a few series I genuinely enjoy than 15 like I did in the past since I ended up being tired of most of them halfway in. Might be that MT is good, it certainly looks great, I just couldn't make it far since I don't like that reincarnation trope and it felt too focused on fanservice and harem IMO. The original SaW was good, albeit not for me and I honestly never considered Konosuba funny. Some scenes yeah, but the majority of it relies on the same jokes that are basically just the three traits that define the waifus. Not my thing. Apothecary might also be good but felt too otome'ish for me and just don't like this type of girly stuff.
>large sweatdrops as humor
Is that even still a thing?
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>Mushoku tensei, konosuba, spice and wolf (I know it’s just a remake, but still), apothecary diaries
Ah if we’re looking back to older anime, there are a lot of other good shows. I was just referencing relatively recent examples

T hey should have just continued SaW from where it was instead of making a remake with a worse art style
I was honestly too insecure to mention my recent favorites since it's all shit like Bravern, Shota Samurai and Made in Abyss. Granted, at least MiA seems like a generally good series to me. Didn't read enough of Samurai to say it for sure here and Bravern is very personal since I am into these types of robot stories, humor and military shit.
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the parodies of Conan are hilarious
its fiction, why is bulletproof glasses dumb and a drug that makes you a kid not? and his huge head is like 33% of his body an adult shooting downwards would likely aim there, it was a gamble
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>No. Objectively, the writing in the majority of ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA is derivative, lazy, and uninspired

>that webm
oh fuck, that just dug up some deep of memory mine from my childhood...
>How do I stop myself from instinctively cringing when an anime tries to be sincere and earnest? It comes across as incredibly corny to me. Especially when the music kicks in
you're a jaded faggot who can't enjoy anything anymore
The problem with this is that it’s just true in a lot of cases bacause protagonists are usually poorly written in anime or manga. They’re also purposefully written to be self-inserts or wish fulfillments for the target audience
You guys repeat the same shit constantly
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I have never wasted a single second watching anime. Those shows are all about underage pedophile shit, unfunny screaming and large sweatdrops as humor. I don't need to waste time seeing the rest after that.
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Anime ruined Hinamatsuri, so you might be right
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You don't get to use Hinamatsuri images being a fag like this
>How do I stop myself from instinctively cringing
Try not being a zoomer retard that has to hide behind 7 layers of irony to enjoy anything because he's too afraid of being genuine and getting shit on over it.
The duality of man
Most usage of self insert on this board has been accurate. Moralfag and edgelord are what's really being abused
Is Shangri-La Frontier not recent enough for your tastes?
I consider the "90% of everything is le bad" type opinions to be the cringiest.
this is what anime looks like to people who don't watch any and only read plot synopses
template threads existed before you were born
The drug magic is a premise that you accept since it's the reason why the story exists. The glasses trick claims to be based on strategy and contradicts it since everybody that would care about safety in a gun fight would install the bulletproof shield in lens of all things while the rest of the body is unprotected. There is no way to know that she would shoot at the eye of all things, let alone hit. Unless that part is explained in that movie but not shown in that scene.

There is a fundamental different between the unrealistic aspect of a character throwing fireballs as part of the premise and a contradiction within the writing itself like when a character throws fireballs after the story told you why he couldn't and later searches for an asspull to explain it (his love was strong enough to make it happen at that very moment). I can accept that the glasses don't wreck his head which they should do due to the kinetic energy but I have issues buying that they guessed that where exactly she would shoot him. If you want to kill someone you would rather aim at the forehead or just every other place.
You're right but Conan is usually better written than this
This is a dumb chart. There was a good one that I cannot find anymore. The one that translated what shitposters mean when they say "prententious" and "edgy" and such. That was good.
>Which are known for being the sources of almost all of the worst anime in existence.
lol and lmao at this uninformed opinion. Some of the worst anime are manga and VN adaptations. LN adaptations are mostly just mediocre at worst.
Dropped that too. I couldn't immerse since MC got and found all the super special legendary shit that nobody else ever discovered and this is not how MMOs work, it felt more like an isekai fantasy he can teleport into and out from. I am also allergic against AI characters that act in no way differently from humans playing.
Take it up with Ted Sturgeon, dumbass
That's another thing yeah, I believe you. I have seen pretty good things from it myself when I was still watching it. Granted that was 20 years ago but still.
No it’s what it looks like to people who have watched hundreds if not thousands of anime with the same tropes year after year. Like I said in my other post, it’s not even the tropes I have an issue with, it’s the shitty writing that the authors try to cover up with tropes
he should mating press her
To clarify, there are also plenty of good anime that use the same tropes. They’re just well written.

These are outnumbered 100 to 1 though
>There is no way to know that she would shoot at the eye of all things
She literally kills everyone by shooting in their right eye for some descendant shit
>look at me I cringe at entertainment for children and teenagers
how about you grow you stupid fuck. Either accept it for what it is or get a more grown up hobby
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how many times do we have to have this thread
Oh well that explains it. Thanks.
How can people say that and THEN turn around to watch live action capeshit and pixar CGI for toddlers?
You can't take tragic scenes or fights in anime seriously but you CAN take some beardy murrican actor with green skintight costume shooting CGI lasers seriously?
At least MCU doesn't take itself seriously, and acknowledges how stupid it is.
Nah. Western shit is cringe. Anime is fine
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look at mister adult here, he refuses to get invested in fiction because others will think he's not a manly man
Does it? Is some stupid one-liner after every serious scene proof that it's a comedy? I doubt it. The plot is still supposed to be taken seriously. They are just insecure faggots about it so they add stupid sarcastic comedy as a wink to the ironytards.
ironic weebs/anitubers and their consequences
Isn't OP that same teenager who made this thread a few months ago and got collectively laughed at by /a/ for being a huge faggot.
Not the point, tardo.
Cringe is a defense mechanism to stop yourself from realizing your soul has been damaged
Why do you people start talking like Sephiroth when people talk about how cringe anime is? lol
Anime isn't above art house movies or actually good novels (like another anon pointed out the book market is arguably the most oversaturated with complete and utter dogshit) but it is certainly above western animation as a whole. If you think a show where a guy who has the capability to single handedly end almost all of the worlds issues is runs around drunk 24/7 calling himself God isn't nihilistic slop you're retarded
nice cope
Go read all 108 chapters of Houseki no Kuni. Go read Heavenly Delusion. Go read Girls Last Tour and Shimeji simulation. Go read Made in Abyss. There's plenty of really good stuff still being written, you just don't like manga that much.
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KEKW that webm absolutely cracked me the fuck up, nice argument OP

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