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Couldn't find a thread under tokidoki or russia. Put the title in the subject field.
For a second I thought she'd tell her that he knows Russian. But I guess that would clash with the title, because she wouldn't do that anymore then.

The threads are usually found with Roshidere in the subject, but the prior thread is about to die anyway
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but the state of modern anime is dismal
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do zoomies even know what this song is?
>source identifier
Alya's white pubes
>make a show about worst girl
>gets mogged by her sister and my mcs sister
is the author a retard?
>Makes the sister suffer a slow death AND be barren
Holy based
Imouto needs to win
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Yuki a best
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ruski a worst
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Giving Alya a feet massage!
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>MC offers his full support to Alya
>Think of another girl for 1 second
>Gets beaten up for no reason
Alya is an unlikeable violent bitch
that's how russian women are irl
The show would've end if he explained why he's thinking of someone else.
God damn this show went to fucking shit.
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>Gets beaten up
God I wish that was me
Only a whole imouto arc can save this show now
>actually like the show and its premise
>got spoiled that nothing happens for 8 volumes
Why not just agree to rotate whatuses which field every x days
*who uses
She's preparing herself for me
I can't even disagree. Alya is great, but Yuki is just miles above.
Most romcom LN, if they make past the axe, only last for about 13-14 volumes, so we are about 60% done
Great ED this episode. Let’s hope they keep reusing good classics.
/a/ resident since 2006. Guess why.
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Did not expect the Haruhi in the ED. Would have been neat if they put the dance in as well.
Is this a preview for next week? Another imouto service episode is what we need right now.
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How many episodes until the next panservice?
This show is quite good, but its very sad that its literally Russian imperialist propaganda. They are using their money to buy soft power, just like Japan and Korea do.
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>I dont know why, but the idea of having a rough sex with a dying girl sounds hot in my head.

thats literally what happens in strawberry panic
>that pic
wonder why the anime skipped maria's scary face
the slap was too much
>pimp out your girls in exchange for a football field
would you?
What else are they good for?
So each ED is just going to be a different pop song? Not that I mind.
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They really should have animated the ending.
>yuki is dying
Fuck off and dropped so fucking hard. Make a better main girl if you're so incompetent. This is why creative types need the long and authoritarian arm of the magazine or their editor to correct them every once in a while. To keep them from being so fucking trash.
She's dating the baseball leader anyway.
What a slut
I bet the Student COuncil President loves Alya as well.
its not even pimping when the girl was the one who proposed it

anyway im surprised that I havent read any anons talking about how her bf isnt getting ntr'd by the guys from the football team
He's railing her sister.
S3 by DogaKobo confirmed.
The only good thing in this ep was Hare Hare Yukai. Alya is such a boring feMC...
>Alya can be best girl if I kill off every other girl better than her
Terrible writing.
>Yuki is dying
Are you for real? She's the only character making this shit worth watching. Holy terrible writing.
>not dropping it when you spotted the generic harem flags
fake news
I just started reading the ln ( vol 2 at the moment) and its pretty dififcult to think that alya or the mc are that interesting compared to the other characters, right now im more annoyed at the mc than alya tho
Yuki needs her onii-chan seed to survive.
Fuck her, already!
>multiple girls after one cock
Yuki's episode was the pinnacle of the show so far. It's all been downhill from there unless you're a zoomer.
wrong. It's only downhill and despair for incestfags. For Aryan chads, it has been peak
Why are there Bauhaus backgrounds?
Does zoomer now mean people who hate incest and paedophilia?
Sumeire sings it better than Hirano
Why was this episode a slide show?
Blew their budget on Alya's panty shot scenes.
The middle girl looks like she's an adult.
does Alya have mental disorder?
>is in HS
>autistically starts muttering to herself in a foreign language in front of people who don't understand it
Yes, being a woman.
Lol no
>Haruhi ending
Wtf, where the previous ones also from oher shows?
we literally discovered last episode that she's autistic. what do you think
They were all covers, yes
Don't be so hard on Hirano, she's actually quite liked again these days
who's this bitchi
A psychopath
Go back to xitter newfag.
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I genuinely thought I was having a stroke when I heard the first few seconds
She has no friends so what do you think?
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сука блять
The most based of based
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The Student Council from Alya as the S.O.S Brigade from Haruhi. I love Hare Hare Yukai.
Source is the Manga Artist's Twitter.
Imagine losing the cf you've had a crush on for nearly 10 years to your little sister. Masha's life is pain. Then again she deserves it for doing fucking nothing.
Why, did she finally fuck the bassist?
When do we see Alya's pantsu again?
I will personally strangle everyone who mentions mental illness outside of purely clinical contexts in the slowest, most painful way.
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We have a real schizoid here
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>stuco pres is the most into it
What a fucking chad.
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It's so rare for romcoms to have good bros these days. Prez seems super based
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Alya's anus.
The dirtiest part of her is right in front of me.
He probably actually watched Haruhi.
Well he is doing his best Koizumi
>Hype is dead
>Worst episode yet

So LNfags were right and it really peaked in 2nd episode? What it is going to happen for the rest of the season?
How does she bend her toes like this?
She's clearly caked up, so she can make it clap right? Right?
Anon, you can't grip your grippers?
If I try to bend them like that, I get intense pain in the balls of my feet.
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>imouto in bed
>this entire episode and ED
I really like this show
fuck off shitty counterfeit rei
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Should I expect more drama in next few episodes?? Because in this one it was nearly unbearable
Yuki means 雪
Can Russians form fists with their feets?
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She moved on to mostly TV and stage acting, even broadway musicals. She's good at it (always has been a good actress). Got married this year too I believe.

She was great in that recent live-action Pokemon show too
She's coming back to voice acting with the new Kimi no Todoke season too
This series is nothing but drama.
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>new Kimi no Todoke season
Wtf, what year is it?
It really did peak with Alya's panties. Next 8 episodes are basically fanserviceless filler
Losing my shit at Hare Hare Yukai. It's 2024 and I'm loving it.
she recovered from her scandal? I know she married a chad, but still, I'm surprised.
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I like Alya!
the president should be a cute girl too
It's a timeless anthem
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Masha should take back what rightfully belongs to her
Why do these threads love Yuki so much?
What else to like in this series? Look how much less activity last 2 episodes got compared to first 2, show is not fun trying to be serious. Yuki, character banter and fanservice is what it does best
Yuki is overrated and anons only like her because she's a blood-related imouto.
She's a woman, what did you expect?
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It is a romance. Of course it's gonna have drama
Where is this from? Weren't we supposed to get a Yuki changing scene, or did this replace it?
Man we got fuckin' robbed
I'm not sure they grow 'em that big in Russia.
WTF. We were supposed to get this scene?!
Regardless of quality both romance and drama in Kaguya were at least more entertaining and creative then here. Roshidere setting is just too ordinary and plain in comparison, that arguing between sports team portion was atrocious. If this is the level of studco shenanigans show is giving us then it's so over
lmfao damn, guess I'll stop watching
We're getting an Alya onsen scene later on anyway, just wait for that.
Too bad they didn’t actually dance to it
Is Alya the self insert? Kuze feels like an easy i can fix him project who has top tier management skills and only shows off when she needs help.
This was a boring episode, oh well. The last scenes were good but as an anime-only I doubt there will be any progress as a result of them.
When is the next novel coming out and will Yuki be fine?
>where the previous ones also from oher shows?
covers, not necessarily from anime.

1) Gakuen Tengoku by Finger 5 (1974)
2) Kawaikute Gomen by Honeyworks (2022)
3) Omoide ga Ippai by H2O (1983)
4) Hare Hare Yukai by Aya Hirano (and others) (2006)

1) is a normal song but covers were used in several anime and other series (e.g. Hibike Euphonium and Takagi-san)
2) is a character song I think
3) and 4) are anime songs.
>More entertaining
Don't kid yourself. Kaguya's sama was just as fucking cringe if not more. Be thankful this is all the drama of Roshideru will amount to. Besides Alya's complex, there's nothing more
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At least Alya has someone to masturbate to now
Is there a leak of what else is coming?
Alya's white pubes
yeah the only good bit about the new episode was his origin story. took control of his life, got his girl, living on top of the world. the true MC
>This mad lad went all out to court a girl way above his league and manage to pull it off
You know what they say, love changes a person. Have you tried changing yourself for a girl you like back then?
I don't know - hoping for Tokimeki Tonight's ED "Super Love Lotion".
September 1st
How did he got rid of the freckles?
Too far
>Alya is an unlikeable violent bitch
She's R*ssian, duh.
>changing yourself for a girl
Petty and recipe for disaster
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Why is Masha so adorable?! I love her voice so much. Her smoothing voice puts me at ease. Where are the Masha fans at?
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She needs to do more squats
It was probably pimples. That usually goes away with age + diet/exercise.
You a not losing anything if you get rejected (except your pride & ego). See it as a means to an end but not an end in itself.
would her handjobs be painful?
You are mentally ill.
/a/ has never been an onee-san board, it's always been more of an imouto board. Just see how much Yukifags outnumber Alyafags and are already wishing to drop the series. Funny when Alya is an imouto too.
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If /a/ is an imouto board then why is Futago barely talked about here?
Does 2ch like imoutos?
The appeal of that show is twins, not imoutos.
Alya-chan is my wife actually, thanks.
This would really fit. I'm hoping for Fushigi Yuugi's ED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHYGXaM-aWU
>Her seiyuu has done ASMR
Dry humping Alya
Actually let's go full Utena opening if we're going this way. Uesaka Sumire would be a good singer for the shouty lines.
I was confused for a couple seconds realizing what it was. Is there some relation between these two series?
Both are considered, and this is a technical term for anime connoisseurs, ahem, "kino."
>Think of another girl for 1 second
He thought of Alya but neither has realized that yet.
That wasn't Alya
how did we go from that incredible imouto scene to this?
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The way I would proceed to strip her down and breed her
>Uesaka Sumire
>Ue Saka Sumi Re
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did they for rizzle just do the fucking Haruhi song
> Besides Alya's complex, there's nothing more

Don't lie, there is a shitload Masachika's family situation drama or him feeling "unworthy" of her.
(´• ω •`) Masha~
Her presence in the story overstayed it's welcome
Fuck Alya
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blasting this vatnik's asshole
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She can start with 10x3 on my cock alright.
Hey, she's that girl I keep seeing in the Elaina threads!
that ass is made for plapping
a plap is what I'll do
Im confused, is this made for women or men? MC feels like a dream boy and Alya is comically incompetent
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I want ti eat her out if you know what i mean
More like Yuki
Alya has so many flaws it's unreal
>hyper competitive
>can't be honest with her own feelings
If she was ugly she would be a femcel
Sorry but
ED 3 > ED 2 > ED 4 > ED1
Who was that blonde girl during the flashback?
She's pretty low empathy, she can't fathom how other people don't simply behave just like her.
It's Masha
This reason why it's a massive hit because its a wish fulfillment that appeals to both demographic. Alya is the ice queen of the school who is turns down any boys who dared to approach her and Kuze is the Ikemen who is the only person in her life that can melt her ice (and heart). There is probably more going for it but to anime-only fags that is enough to get them hooked on.
I thought /a/ hated Tsunderes
Me when I was 18. It worked.
insult Hare Hare Yukai again and I can't guarantee your safety
Omoide ga Ippai > Kawaikute Gomen > Hare Hare Yukai > Gakuen Tengoku

Why doesn't Suimere actually speak proper russian?
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*unsheathes blade*
I love Hare Hare Yukai and all but Sumippe's cover just doesn't stack up to the original
they didn't even bother animating the dance. Wasted opportunity
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Alya's design is too hot. Im following the series till its conclusion simply for this
anon thats been explained multiple times since the first episode aired
Can't tell if larp or humblebrag. If former then congrats.
This is AI isn't it?
/a/ really likes silver haired girls don't they?
>gets hurt by a girl grabbing his hand
MC is a fag
This show just lured me with fanservice, but is now serving me boring romcom drama slop.
Yes, but who cares.
Хаха Маша, 5 рублей и ваша.
I do and it's not ideal.
No changing your face or height
>no Yuki for two episodes
boring slop
Christ. It's like they took my high school photo and animated it. Same headshape and everything. Quite literally me
>no nipples
Bros you didn't tell me this was actually trash.
Yuki got 5 seconds of screentime each episode though
Why is she so perfect?
when does the ln gets good? the first two vols were boring, besides >>269178025 alya and the mc are pretty damn boring so far
How is it possible that left looks more normal than right to me
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When's the swimsuit episode? That's what I'd like to know. The anime itself has been fine. The first two episodes were great, last week's not so much, and this week was good but not on the same level as the first two. Personally, I don't feel baited, but I never read the source material and didn't expect there to be fanservice so what do I know. All I know is Alya has a bakery in the back.
sex with imouto
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is he wrong tho?
he is not
why are team managers always female?
you just know
so why did she dye her hair and wear different color contacts?
incestfags are annoying porn fried pests that can never be satisfied that's it
The words aren't necessarily wrong, but I feel like it's not a good idea to tell a little girl that she's got looks and talent, you're just asking for it to go to her head. The essence of noblesse oblige isn't "look at what charity I can dole out to the poor, unwashed, plebeian masses", it's "but for the grace of God I could've been born in their position".
What did you expect?
That rejection sounded pretty personal, btw is the author a woman?
I wish
for what purpose did they do this
Me at age 16 to 22. It didn't work.
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I like watching girls blush and get embarrassed.
Imouto does not do these things while Alya does.
Thus, Alya is my favorite.
At least some fanservice, but apparently they even removed it >>269168084
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shut the fuck up
it's not about incest (that's just a bonus). she's clearly not really into her brother and just likes teasing him, alya and people in general. she just straight up has the best personality and design in the cast. it's that simple.
We're getting more down the road anyway
I hate Yuki
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I like all the girls
What the fuck happened to the studio after the first 2 incredible episodes?!
i love russian girls so much
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Never forget what they took from you.
People are so pessimistic when the anime, if it follows the manga, will probably have at least one more if not two pantyshots anyway.
If it follows the manga we would've had >>269168119
>Well we're getting X anyway
We don't get it until we get it.
There's one unnecessary extra dancer
But what happens if/when we get the Alya onsen scene?
Everyone jerks off?
Does this mean pantyshots are fine but naked scenes are not allowed? Will there be other naked scenes going forward?
>Will there be other naked scenes going forward?
There's still the onsen scene, not sure how many episodes until then though.
Does /a/ still like this or has the inevitable drama filtered them hard?
I speak for /a/
/a/ would be fine with drama if we had more imouto
Okay, this is enough for me to give the manga a chance despite the terrible art.
Is this what /a/ really feels?
Based patrician.
It's mostly Yukifags who are complaining about the last two episodes. They're pissed that their character who was never a main character to begin with lacks screentime.
girls develop their brains faster than boys in adolescence
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Kek, the nandatte callout.
>Has no real friends.
>Only good for is her body.
Just like Russia.
>if it follows the manga
why would it do that when the source is a LN?
Because the manga adapts the LN and just puts the LN's words into pictures?
It's Masamune-kun, but somehow you like him now because this time he's a side character.
Wow this thread sucks. Barely any talks about the show, just tribalniggers arguing about supposed lack of pantyshots or tertiary heroine.
Like a Westoid woman.
>the slap was too much
it WOULD have been too much if it was left at that
However she immediately helped him get up and it was clear she wasn't permanently angry at him, she just wanted to punish him (and he agrees he deserved it). He even got a kiss on the cheek later, more than making up for the slap. Masachika is a good sport. Don't get hung up on details, look at bigger picture.
>What is surgery.
he's a woman inside
This was clever damage control on part of the author. It's like he knows the romcom meta of /a/
I demand hey hey hey hey hey
Yeah, the show is full of tropes but I think they're used skillfully. I'm mildly impressed with the show so far and looking forward to how things develop in the future.
It's popular in Japan for a reason.
/a/nons actually like what Japan likes.
They better not be covering half the screen with steam.
Why can't you cunts stay in one thread?
Just to annoy you
Because fuck you, that's why. Total Russian supremacy
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Would you buy a Roshidere VN if Kadokawa greenlights it? It's the only way fans can be satisfied.
Funky anime, but when is MC plapping his Russia wife, imouto wife and second Russia wife?
Next comiket.
Make it with H scenes.
with a joke route akin to the Putin VN way back when.
Joke route?
trash violent tsundere
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we need best girl back
>best girl
Not when Alya exists
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Putina is best girl.
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>ya tebya lyublyu
>cheek kiss
I'll have what he's having

Stern russian handjobs
Put in a womb (my seed).
Making out with Russian girl asses.
Discount Hayasaka.
>still images
>no dancing
what? Masha? but she also loves Masachika!
Lads, I fixed Arya.
How can she slap??
Saw on youtube that your show had cover of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbKqZF3wc5g
based, unironically based. Would be great surprise to watch episode live and hear it suddenly starting
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no, he's railing the VP
Main girl's voice is a professional singer and she records a new ending for each episode.
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What would she have done if he asked her to repeat herself while thinking of another girl?
I assume punch in the face followed by kick in the guts when he's on the ground and leaving him there.
Except Hayasaka is not mean.
Color her skin green and add protruding teeth.
I wasn't trying to make your mother.
make that anon a mother
Yes, my mom is fugly. 3DPD. Now do as I say.
I should've made him a father when his real one went to buy some milk.
>Nigger projections
Is the anime adapting like 8 chapters of the manga per episode? The manga felt so dragged to me. Anime is the superior adaptation.
They don't drink milk.

she's so dreamy :3
The manga sucks. It's adapting the LN as it should.
They drink the brown stuff.
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I love her so much bros...
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Holy shit the ED theme is so fucking bad
not only it didn't cover the iconic dance, THE VOCAL ALSO SUCKS.
older seiyuu really were better than the academy-produced modern ones, huh?
Aya mogs Sumire so hard
Honorary Ruskie >>> Slag
Aya sounds awful these days.
>Aya mogs Sumire so hard
t. bassist
I thought new episodes dropped on Thursdays? Why did this one release a day early?
That would be because it airs on Wednesdays.
u dumb
When is kaichou's VP gf showing up?
Sumippe just sucks at singing. Her Kawaiikute gomen was a lot worse than most of Hololive versions. She's an amazing seiyuu regardless, voice acting is her main task, not singing.
They promoted the 3rd or 4th volume by saying that sneaker bunko titles haven't seen sales similar in volume since Haruhi
What they're really gearing for is a new Haruhu season with Uesaka voicing her.
First it was Lum. Now Haruhi.

What other beloved female anime icon will Sumipe hijack next?
Uh.. it took 2000 chapters and 10 years before we found out Luffy was the chosen one that ate the God Fruit Nika. This is too fast.
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If we don't get a good imoutohug on the next episode, the studio is over.
thats how women are
We will get imoutosex
I dont think the ln is that good
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Everyone and their mothers know good romance can ONLY be found in shonen
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She was actually being merciful. This is only .000001% of her true power. Not a bot, btw.
Alya needs to be dicked down
Is this yuri?
kill yourself
What a said little bitch. Someone should spit on her
Russian women are trained not to hit men, because Russian men hit back, and hard. Instead she would destroy his soul with concentrated misery by nonstop nagging and passive aggression while sleeping with every Muslim she could get in touch with.
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Alya-san is cute even when she cries
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No, that is Alya.
This is Yuri.
>Alya after reading these threads
Alya would love these threads. Everyone wants to hang out with her and be her friend.
With benefits!
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>two autismos
If Alya looked in my general direction I'd combust spontaneously.
the last part of vol 3 was fucking lame
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That's a pretty good Yuri. What do you think about this Yuri?
Walking corpse
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A wise choice comrade
>two Roshidere threads up
>neither have hit bump limit nor are they even close
What went wrong?

captcha: PS4D
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Lack of best girl
>side character
Loving the anime, do you anons have any recommendations similar to this one?
>You have to like the main girl reeeeeee
Shut the fuck up and let people like who they want.
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Any hero got the full version? Also I'm planning on commissioning my own Yuki art as well.
I don't know, this is the first romcom Anime I'm watching. I'm not much of a romance guy but Akya's design and personality grabbed me
>Also I'm planning on commissioning my own Yuki art as well.
Make her have a bush.
Next week bro
In the end, the yuri community had to step in and save it.
Because Nisekoi was peak amirite?
You're not mentally well are you?
Alya needs hard anal without lube
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*farts in Russian*

It's a good thing nobody understands Russian or this would be quite embarrassing.
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Faggot MC-kun should have accepted her confession.
Yeah, he came across as a really generic romcom MC and a faggot too
I'm Russian.
but her personality is utter shit
I just watched the first episode. Didn't expect the pantsu shot in this economy.
How cute are you?
I wanna cum between Masha's thighs

>captcha: JK0G
What is not a faggot MC here? Some Jojo sigma?
Stop hiding his ability to speak russian a secret
A real chad would have use that to his advantage to bed her on first night
I know /a/spies would rather just go to fugging, but the romcom genre is all about chasing each other using petty mind games and that annoys the fuck out of you.
Yeah, he should have shown his cards right away, because that's definitely how you get an advantage.
He already did. He has a sharp sense of humor plus he knows how to read people. That's more valuable than comprehending Gopnik speak.

Look what I found:

>not to hit Russian men*
Jap faggy boys are free game.
To steal Russian women.
Miko Imouto
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Does she enter power slap contests?
Goood god Alya is fucking useless, she might as well just become a public toilet like the managers.
what is she doing to him?
What's with the female baseball managers being sluts trope in anime?
It's their version of cheerleaders.
You know what's a novel thought? The "Good morning my brother" scene has become so viral that you just know that some real-life imoutos have done it with their big brother and a handful of them have probably gotten plapped for doing so. Isn't that nice to think about?
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Does /a/ like other Big Boob White Hair Alisas?
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Big breasted silver haired russian girls have no equal.
why couldn't it have been me
What the fuck is that dialogue, real people don't talk like that
Maybe it's down to translation. Either way, the manga is better. It uses the medium really skilfully too, one of the few I'd call "good" rather than "enjoyable, but ultimately forgettable slop".
Pretty sure that's an Okada work. you should read up on her life.
Fucking when? I expected that this ep after the confession.
Threads should return to form next week then.
Did anyone link the full version of Hare Hare Yukai yet?
the show savior..
Please tell me she is going to hit the volleyball to her head.
>this scene next week
is her armpit hair also silver?
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Shaved. Just like her pubes.
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I like her too but girls like her are always destined to lose
>Thread is still around
Looks like the hype is (justifiably) over.
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Shit taste
yuki extended the hype but they didn't show enough of her
Coomfags should leave
I heard something about Netorare?
Picked up
She's saying she got NTR'd by Alya.
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That's my opinion as well. I might just drop this altogether if they don't start showing more of her. Alya is boring and generic.
Nobody wants to watch a show about fucking chads.
I do
That translation is wrong.
Thats a long leg
Shes gotta be at least 180cm in this shot.
Would be unironically fun if the MC immediately replies in Russian the moment she said "I love you"
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Then an anal massage.
I want Masha to break the osananajimi curse.
It's called perspective.
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Finally imouto is back
But what about the Yuki changing scene?
based N5 """"""""translator""""""""""
Then watch homoshit.
Incestcucks like you will never have another Oreimo. You've had your time in the sun. It's time for Slav sluts.
I'm actually starting to dislike Yuki because of how annoying her fans are. Yuki is overrated even for an imouto yet imoutofags act like she's the second coming of Christ.
>basing your opinion on the opinions of others
couldn't be me
You're just saying that because you're a Yukifag.
These days it's just MTL + human editing
Preparing to pee on him
Masha is mine
When the main heroine is utter shit it can't be helped
>main heroine
>utter shit
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I love her. When she teases it makes my heart goes doki doki
Our time will come Masha-bro
Alya really just gets away with slapping the shit out of the MC for no reason. He should have taken her offer to get some ice and let Masha baby him right in front of her.
why is it using Haruhi's ED?
Not complaining
>incestcuck seething
It's hidden advertisement for season 3, trust the plan
I'm kind of a Yukifag (my little sister is just as evil as Yuki is), but Alya is just peak woman. Peak fucking woman right there. No other whore can remotely compete.
violent tsundere bitch is a low tier shit yes
I just wish Alya and Yuki were in different series. Both are great and deserve to be happy.
I'll make Yuki happy and we won't have retarded and deformed babies.
>waits til ep 4 to ask this
not paying attention?
Yuki is made for her onii-chan-sama.
has Masha's family every questioned her about her "boyfriend"?
A retarded and deformed father is bound to have retarded and deformed babies.
>Make the picture of the boy you used to play with your "boyfriend" instead of searching for him and getting together for real
>One day your sister meets the boy and they start to fall in love with each other right in front of your eyes.
Masha is a retard.
So you are telling me Alya never looked at kid Masachika's picture and realized
>Shit, he looks pretty similar to my classmate
we can't let that gaijin ntr her...
How is she supposed to "search" for him?
Aren't they in the same town? If so she just has to look for similar names on the school and go from there.
Rape Alya
I think it's established that she is hot and cute and not the brightest bulb, her sister got the smarts.

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