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Handholding, Love Confession, and Kiss all in one episode. Are Russian girls all like this? Shameless whores?
I love bold girls that aren't afraid of acting on their feelings and act immediately.
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The only good Russian
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*farts in Russian*

it's fine, nobody speaks Russian so they won't know what I just did.
The Haruhi ending song?! What the fuck?!
>Meanwhile still shames everyone else for being a slut
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Another episode of panservice-less suffering.
literally just watch porn coom brain
>Handholding, Love Confession, and Kiss all in one episode
At least this is progressing quickly, they'll surely be dating before the season ends, right?
Giji Harem is down the hall.
Yeah, it will come right after MC reveals (directly or indirectly) he knows Russian!
You wish
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>hare hare yukai
Holy fuck, what if Alya gave you a handjob? Wwould she crush your dick?
>girl is in love with MC right off the bat
What kind of shit writing is this? Does the author know what catharsis is?
>ending theme
>really like the harejuku fashion they three girls wore
Is it okay to wear that as a boy?
what? they've known each other for years
>dances with her
>helps her out when she needs it most
>comfortable around him
Girls love that shit
It's still shit. How are we supposed to get invested when their "history" is just a bunch of flashbacks? A proper love story shows you everything from start to finish, but then again this is a gimmicky fake harem and only the imouto is good.
Alya won bigly, contrarian imoutokeks dont need to apply.
>cover girl whom the series is named after wins
No way, really?
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No one asked
You're talking like you know the middle act already
Btw your comment indicates that you don't know what catharsis is, lmao
>the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
>they still don't know
Another crap episode with zero fanservice and retarded drama.
Catharsis is not falling in love with somebody. Catharsis would be confessing your love to that person. So your comment unambiguously proves that you don't know what catharsis is.
LOL. This is the point where development stops and you only get drama.
>The main and titular heroine wins
das rite, we are watching to see how she wins. The fact she wins is already set in stone.
Who are you explaining this to? Confessing on ep 4 isn't real catharsis. Stop acting like you're smart.
I'm not sure if I'm smart, but you are a rare idiot
Read my initial post again and you'll realize how retarded you are. Now stop replying to me, retard, you aren't worthy of my time and never will be worth anyone else's.
the last two episodes have been boring as fuck, is the show really carried by the imouto or is the fanservice making my brain happy?
porn doesn't have Alya san you twitter retard
It's carried by girls being hot. Plot is trash.
Is the anime just speeding through things or was the manga just super slow? The manga was like 30+ chapters by this point wasn't it?
The manga is slow but reading it in one go instead of monthly fixes the pace, the anime is rushing shit too much making the events feel forced.
I liked the fashion sense, they should always dres like that.
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Based and Tsar-pilled.
>Hare Hare Yukai
Confirmed for bros
Masha will try to cuck Alya, won't she?
Depends if they want a second season. I could see an original ending
>hare hare yukai
absolutely kino
What was said here?
>Elder Kujo
What the fuck are these subs?
anons told me the feet scene in ep1 is the peak
mangafags, is that true?
Are there not copyright restrictions on that?
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>я тебя люблю
>I love you
Alya is such a crybaby.
I think a megacorp like Kadokawa can handle licensing or whatever is needed.
I want to brush Yuki’s teeth
>"я тебя люблю"
>"Nooo wait I can't do that, I have more important things to do than romance, I need to live up to his expectations and become student council president!"
God dammit.
russian is such an economic language, pretty sugoi desu
>Elder Kujo
This grinds my gears more than it should. Kill crunchyroll.
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Bros... Even though I like Alya I actually like the sister more! Hoping he ends up with her instead. She's a qt
>amasaki-san, this is only for a youtube engagement, take it easy
the guy danced better than the mocapped alya lmao
>No Yuki ep.
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>Are Russian girls all like this? Shameless whores?
All Slavic girls are like this, it's part of their Slavic culture.
So he just pretends this didn't happen at all for the rest of the show? He clearly understood that shit. What is with him and refusing to let anyone else know he knows the language anyway?
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>Masha will not be real
>Osanajimi will never win
Don't remind me anon.
I need a russian gf...
I get it, there's two Kujos and he's differentiating them. But this sounds like shit.

If I had to guess >>269170286 happens and he decides to let it slide. Stupid, but it's a rom com, you know how it goes.
九条 姉 = Elder Kuze
Should have translated it literally as Kuze-ane.
Kadokawa owns the rights to both series. They can get away with this.
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>Just read vol 8 spoilers
>Election hasn't happened yet
>Alya realized imouto and MC are siblings at the end of the vol

What the fuck is this level of glacial pacing
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Romanov-level, anon.
Russia is cold, it only makes sense.
He doesn't know if he likes Alya back. He was oging to reject her then if he knew of her confession
Why don't the sisters speak russian when they are alone in their home? No wonder their russian doesn't sound good, they barely ever speak it.
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she is so feminine...
maybe they're 2nd generation russians
The stark contrast between the sisters only makes it better.
Alya was in Russia during primary school though.
How big would the shitstorm win if the author pulls a last minute Masha win?
>Anime/LN named after her imouto
>おさななじみ ever winning
How do I make it happen?
Alya cunny or Masha cunny?
Look at her eye color
eye colors can also change over time
Masha cunny.
>anons arguing over Masha or Alya
tsk, everyone with taste knows Alissa is the best.
I know. It was a faux pas on Kuze's part. I wish I have childhood friend holds on to her feelings about me.
>What is with him and refusing to let anyone else know he knows the language anyway?
If anyone knew he could understand Russian then this series would be over within a single chapter. Author is clearly stretching it out for as much as he can like Nisekoi's did and they will only get together at the very end, don't expect the series to show them dating.
Yuki knows. It's not relevant to others that he knows Russian. and he thinks alya would die from embarassment.
Knowing Russian is one thing but does anyone ever find out that Yuki's his little sister?
maybe they grew up speaking japanese. mom and dad spoke japanese at home
Japanese is her first language and Russian her second one.
Alya finally found out at the end of the latest LN volume. Yes, it's that slow.
Didn't you watch the post ED scene?
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I didn't realize Alya was a Ben Shapiro fan
>watch episode
>think oh hey I wonder if there will actually be development in their relationship
>or if he’s gonna get with the sister who is his childhood friend
>google if he gets with anyone
>they’re on volume 9 of the light novel
>there has been literally no development after this point
What the fuck
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It caught me off guard, but it was pleasantly surprising.
But to what end?
I keep seeing that posted so I'm just hoping they speed things along a bit for the anime. I guess if nothing else I do enjoy the characters.
Ya I was hoping that since there’s no ambiguity about whether or not both of the girls have feelings for the MC, he wouldn’t be such a weak minded pussy, but sadly that’s not the case
How delusional do you have to be to think the little sister character has a chance in a series with the other girl's name in the title
Is this what they call hiding your feelings in Russian?
Judging by the pacing I doubt it will adapt more then 3-4 volumes. So no, false hope.
I'm pretty disappointed that most authentic Russian aspect in the entire series is that look of flashback classroom in episode 3, even writing on the school desk felt fairly accurate. Sadly rest of the series doesn't go beyond sometimes speaking wooden Russian lines with shitty accent. Like since his grandpa was into Russian movies author could have at least bothered to give some example, but no, that's too much effort. Instead of Russian you can insert any other language, series won't change at all.
Not sure why you’re being so hostile, but it’s happened before. Do I think he’s gonna get with sister instead of Alya? No
It could literally even be in English since most nips can’t understand English at all. I’m glad it’s not though because I fucking hate when voice actors who clearly can’t speak English try to portray a character that’s fluent
I find it pretty amusing
Most nips do understand English, especially the younger generations. They just can't speak it.
I like how they put a new ED every episode.
I was surprised when I went to Japan for a month, almost nobody spoke or understood English. There were a few standouts, but I had to lean heavily on google translate. I think it’s funny that the average dude in the Middle East can speak better English than an educated Japanese man

One of my favorite interactions was a middle school boy asking me to take a picture of him then saying “I RUV YOU”
Fuck I miss those little heated coffee drinks. Why can’t the US have heated vending machines??
people would probably find a way to abuse or break it
>I fucking hate when voice actors who clearly can’t speak English try to portray a character that’s fluent
Imagine hating engrish, thats the best part
>Why can’t the US have heated vending machines?
You can figure this one out anon, I believe in you
Whу can't you cunts stay in one thread?
Because fuck you, that's why. Total Russian supremacy
It's because of the Jews, isn't it.
It's always about them
Want to see Alya sucking a Big Anonymous HIMARS with contempt
Only after hohlonymus suck her big Russian Iskander
which thread should i use?
I wish the wartard would stop dodging bans.
Wish me luck. Gonna watch the dub for Russian Ash.

Clips show that Alya just sounds more authentically Russian.
the real reason is no other seiyuu can speak russian to voice masha
Season 3 never ever
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>no other seiyuu can speak russia
Who's this slampig?
They are half Japanese. And being actually in Japan means there is more reason for them to speak that
>Why can’t the US have heated vending machines??
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wtf seeing that they still mess that up, AI still has a far ways to go skynet on us so we are good for a long time
>nostalgia hit
That was dirty and when will Yuki come back?
Fuck Alya
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>this is what the captain of a Japanese high school baseball team can pull
Impressive. Very nice.
Her eyes are so pretty

she looks like she'd be a tigress in bed
this shit is literally only carried by character design but the story itself is the most boring romance slop ever created
>alya: woe is me i am too smart and pretty to make friends
>also alya: boohoo why won't anyone listen to me while i talk to myself in my head
What a shit character
is right
Their mistake is trying to have a muh serious story with muh drama and student council election stuff instead of pure fluff like Takagi, but with russian
Based. I like Giji Harem in this season much more than Alya despite much lower production costs and zero pantsu
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Strong and thick big brother dick
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yeah she's gorgeous all around
That's pretty common.
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Alisa, who is a tsundere cockdoll, sometimes whispers sweet nothings to me in Spanish
>make a huge deal out of mc and his sister getting off at the same stop
>completely drop this in the next episode
What a complete garbage show
>me gustas
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It took her 8 volumes to find out? Lol
she is fucking dumb, what did you expect?
t. average Ukranian asking for reparations
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NPCs are pretty cute
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she was pretty cute
Кукожа, а не кринж, по-русски если говорить хочешь
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>no commie gf to get drunk with
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At least I can get drunk alone
I'm sorry, I'm a teetotaller...
Zoya from Akiba Maid, or maybe she's too old
at this point just hire a random vtuber they're generally good at voice acting
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why the fuck didnt they cast jenya for alya in the first place. sumipe pulling strings?
It made me do the onions face.
Can't sing all the songs and probably had some deals with a licensing company
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You're not alone anon, I'm getting drunk right alongside ya
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yes, time to drink with anons
I NEED to slide my cock between imouto's breasts
We're more likely to get a remake than a season 3 at this point.
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Gochuumon wa?
>got nothing in the fridge to drink
owari da
3>2> 4>1
Theres like 3 volumes to adapt, whats the fucking point of this anime?
There are 8 volumes with another one coming in a few months?
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I am severely retarded and thought of a different manga
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Even so
The anime is based of the LN, not the manga
It might cover up to Vol 3
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it's fucking 40ºC, nagger
Good to see they're bringing back the classics. Better than the average mumble/monotone zoomer trash songs we got these days.
ARYA hates judeo-bolshevism.
Don't forget the hoarseness and the nasality. Won't be zoomer music if it sounded like a healthy person.
Damn her Russian is fucking awful.
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She reminds me of Diana. I love her
yukifags realizing side characters dont appear in every episode, a shocking development
Kill yourself, retarded tourist.
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Diana Cavendish

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