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Chapter 6
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Done. I wonder why the english got so much worse so suddenly.
Are you an expert blower?
See you tomorrow!
Lucky Seki
Thanks OP
Are you an expert blower?
and that was the day little Makkun became a boobfag
>sheep in bottom right
The mangaka have based taste
Evil Yokoi is so sexy, I want to see her doing bad things
Na naaaaaaa
Nanana na na na na, na
Katamari Damacyyyyyyyyyyy
Thanks OP
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The only use I've found for blowing is for hardboiled eggs, you see once they're done cooking, you run it over cold water, crack both ends of the shell, then blow through the hole until the egg comes out, without any shell attached. I never have to peel them now that I'm an expert at egg blowjobs.
>Are you an expert blower?
Only time I ever had to blow balloons was when I worked at a family buffet, luckily we just used a helium tank.
Thanks OP
thanks, OP. There's a reason I chose percussion
My childhood
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where's my nigga mo?
I thought it was just me but I think the Japanese are actually getting more into western memes than before
Montego Bay
Sounds ethnic
Ethnic stripper name
Man. Manga like this almost make me wish I had a kid.
Thank you for posting.
Thanks OP

>Are you an expert blower?
I just blow my will to work
A manga that kinda gave me that feeling was the "beard gorilla and I" manga
Titty monster.
Cute chapter, let's hope that Makkun stays on the path of righteousness.
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Live for another day
Should have posted mushroom saying she's fine with dying
My sister was so sick of blowing up balloons for my niece that she bought an electric balloon pump.
Thank you, OP!
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Skill issue
abe doing his job from the grave

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Thats but with my cock
>anon breaks his cock
For you
I'm a big guy.
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Slow down.
Not for me
No, faster
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Ok, but only a little bit.
I claim Gotou as my wife
>Are you an expert blower?
My mouth is used for arousing speeches, not blowing.
The same is probably true for my fingers.
Unfortunately Gotou had a heart attack on learning about Seki jr
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Chapter 7
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Done. Rumi is a manipulative woman.
Are you a master chef?
See you tomorrow!
There better be flashbacks to for her pregnant belly!
Thanks OP
>Are you a master chef?
My Air Fryer is
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That panel look lewd
>no way fag
Thanks OP
>Are you a master chef?
I can boil pasta
>Are you a master chef?
I cook extensively, and I was told countless times to open my own sweets shop, but fuck that, too much shit to deal with.
literal autism
Pregnant Yokoi
>future Makkun
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looks more like a chick leaning over and showing her butt
no imaginary soup for you!
Mrs. Seki
Thank you for posting.
I'm the best cook I've known, but considering what absolute shit the rest have been that's not saying much. I don't miss my childhood in that regard.
Thanks OP
Thanks OP
A hundred children, maybe more
even thought my mother has cooked for a whole 30+ years, i still find myself teaching her about cooking.
I've become sort of a taste tester for meals, and everytime she makes food for a reunion. I'm the one she comes to, for an opinion and to tell what should be corrected to make a better dish.
she always get high praise for all her meals.
Also i'm thinking of opening a Ramen shop.
This woman needs a daughter
You are probably right
Yokoi is honestly quite self centered, even as a mother, she still wants all games to be to her exact liking and be all about cuteness and shit, like, yeah you can you preference but she takes offense even when others do their own thing that doesn't affect her aside from not being something she likes.

Is Yokoi a japanese karen?
she just cares too much
>These are the fights they have as a couple
And here I thought Seki was just a talented excentric, but I guess even he cant escape autism
We can get comfier
>Are you a master chef?
No but I'm comfortably above average.

>People stop being people when they have kids
Imagine a man who likes to build scale models and who is the father of a 12 year-old kid. He wants to share his knowledge and bond with his son by building a diorama together and buys all of the stuff to make it but after half an hour it's painfully obvious that his kid isn't into it. How do you think that makes the father feel? This is just the toddler version of that and you don't even have to be a parent to experience it; if you've ever bought a kid something that you're into (a board game, a stylophone, painting supplies, etc.) only to have them not care about it whatsoever then you've felt something like this.
The thing is, she does the same in the main serie, getting angry at Seki for doing his OWN games, bothering no one (most of the time) yet if the plot that Yokoi cooks in her heads makes her think Seki is too sadistic or even, no cute enough for her sensibilities, she decides to just get in the way because she doesnt like it.

Don't get me wrong , I know what you mean about trying to show or do something with a kid just for the kid to reject it, but for what we have seen of Yokoi, is just her being a cutefag about everything and not accepting someone doing things their own uncute way
Half of the chapters are basically "Seki is having fun by himself but then Yokoi has a woman moment"; it's a pretty well established part of her character. She's just very feminine and motherly and so can't resist getting up in the shit of every male in her life for better or worse.
Probably the result of no having any brothers
She does have a brother; he just tunes her out when she starts getting obnoxious (every sibling can do this) and that just frustrates her and leads to her taking it out on Seki
she does?! When was this shown?
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Thought it was going to end like this for a moment.
Maybe when he is older, he has inherited his dad's penchant for sadistic scenarios in games, but too young for something this dark, UNLESS he starts watching nature documentaries since he is clearly influenced by tv because 2 years kid and all that.
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>Are you a master chef?
Just a bit above average. Good enough I'd say.
>Yokoi is honestly quite self centered
Woah, Yokoi is a woman?! I would have never guessed.
Man, Yokoi really needs to get pregnant again.
Easily the most morose looking Yokoi so far.
My older sister always wanted a younger sister or a daughter. She got a younger brother and three sons instead.
Stuff like this seems to happen a lot. It's like the asshole desire sensor in Monster Hunter.
>anons came to me with (You)s in their hands, they offered me, I didn't ask them, I didn't post bait, I was running from that.
rumi's watching rumi's watching rumi's watching
What if its a girl? The risk is too high
Cute potatoes.
I will eat the potatoes
I would do the too
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You could never beat Yuuri. Her hunger is too great.
I'm Italian, I am built far eating lots of food
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Were you born to eat?
We italians wouldn’t have good food if we weren’t born to eat
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I am currently the best cook in my family, but my sister has been improving in her skill alot lately.
Time for your training arc
You have a rival. Now you must overcome her.
>Are you a master chef?
No, just a master chief.
Was breaking your cock part of your plan?
It's hard to imagine that Seki has actually had sex and even made a baby, he's too pure. Rumi manipulated him into impregnating her didn't she?
And she should do it again.
Yes, my cock will just become stronger after the defeat
Almost there.
That’s sure is a title
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Chapter 8
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The Seki x Yokoi shipper must feel like such a winner.
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Done. How about that? A cliffhanger.
Do you deny reality and replace it with your own?
See you tomorrow!
Gotou... not in public
If only they knew her novels were based entirely on her teenage fanfics of Yokoi and Seki's relationship.
>less autistic when not with Yokoi
So he do it on purpose, truly Seki's son
Thanks OP
>Do you deny reality and replace it with your own?
I accepted reality but my own is still much better
shimeji simulation anime?
Thank you for posting.
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I miss the City
I see Yokoi only got bigger when she went to highschool.
>Do you deny reality and replace it with your own?
There's no difference between the two. Nobody experiences reality objectively.
You'd think she'd automatically know, given how horny japanese moms have permanently ruined the casting choices of Toku for the past couple decades, but I guess she never got to actually watch the show.
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Thanks OP
I wonder if she ever realized her ship during school was all in her head
Seeing my sister dealing with her own first kid, little kids really act differently with some people, especially if they know someone spoils them
The chapter show that she didn’t at all
I was speed posting
Ok, I need more explanation on that
Kamen Rider Kuuga, the first Heisei series and the return of the franchise, featured Joe Odagiri in the starring role, and his attractiveness to Japanese mothers resulted in a large spike in viewership outside of their target audience of young boys. The younger and more handsome (to Jap moms) the actor was, the more likely they were to sit down, watch it with their kids, buy toys, and even enjoy it on their own. Since then, this has been called the Odagiri Effect, and it's heavily skewed the roster of Riders towards pretty boys more and more over the years.
>you will never be lusted after by a whole generation of japanese milfs
I want to read Gotou's Yokoi x Seki fanfiction.
So this is how you get that female audience on a male centric show. Amazing
Is she just cumming in front of her friends based on nothing more than a memory?
That's her mo.
Gotou once again shows that she is the most rational and sane character in this series.
Big fat tomboy titties
More like pure evil. Have you seen how cruel and sadistic he can be?
She's just very girly, leave her alone.
wtf why is she so big
she was nearly flat in the prequel
Imagine the crazy sex scene she write
Chemicals in the water
She was like 14, and now she's like 25
>Do you deny reality and replace it with your own?
Working on it as we speak. You'll know when I succeed.
Anything you will erase from the world
One thing is being girly, another is getting into other people's business because you don't like it
Welcome to humanity dear alienanon
The lack of resources for adaptations of good manga.

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