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This is Dhomochevsky. Say something nice about him, since he didnt make it to the Master Edition covers.
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One of the hardest working men in the city
And he can't seem to catch a break.
Silicon fucker, his death couldn't have come sooner. ALL Silicucks must be dismantled
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He lived a hard life.
He did until the editor had it redrawn multiple times
so you got your GBE 3D printed, you did, right anon?
This thread just reminded me, whatever happened to the Blame movie having 3 parts? I remember it stated that there was going to be 3 parts to the Blame CGI movies or be a trilogy or something.
Good, Dhomochevsky in nu-Nihei style would've been a travesty.
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I've actually just started reading blame today, is this guy something important in the manga, ive heard there are multiple editions
I recently tried reading it too, but I don't understand what the fuck is going on. I know they say show don't tell, but Nihei takes it too far.
he looks like a silver case/25th ward character
I'm sorry you were born to suffer.
I'm borrowing this thread to talk about Tower Dungeon since the new chapter seems to be taking some time.
Before the basilisk everybody was concerned with the half dragon with really made me think what the fuck cut the dragon in half? I think the creature that slashed the dragon might make an appearance soon
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You're not supposed to understand until much later, its only like ch. 10 I finally got some backstory to some of wtf is going on

There's a whole fuck ton to show tho it's easily one of the best parts looking at the landscapes, I love how fucked everything
One thing I remember well about Blame is that Killy was far more expressive in the early chapters
He was really smug when he blows up the nursery
yeah Killy isn't totally expressionless, but the guy is just endlessly walking through all these fucked environments, I think there's days passing in between some of the panels when he's walking through these huge fucking areas, and not like chapter to chapter different environments, panel to panel he'll spot something in the distance and be there the next one, I figure he has to be mostly dead inside at this point
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Not making it to nu-Nihei style Master Edition covers is a win in my book.
Blame looks like the scribblings of a School Shooter
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must be a pretty good school shooter than, he's got a future as an artist
I have nothing nice to say about this fuckup
chubby hamster cheeks killy can suck my dick.
before reading the manga I thought he was like a super cool and reserved villain
imagine my surprise when I realized he was just a cute dork (still badass though)
his final moments were epic as fuck, it was actually pretty emotional even though we didn't really know much about him and his ghost frend
t. Nihei's editor
I hope so.
he looks just like me
When you get further into the manga you find a few timeframes directly stated.
None of these are less than several months.
There is a years long elevator ride.
Killy is likely hundreds of years old.
After he gets fixed his expressions just become more safeguard like. He still has them they're just subtle and hard to read.
Came here just to say this. Nihei's current artstyle is so damn soulless. I feel bad for him.
There was a popular storytime thread(s) a few months ago, which I think really increased the Blame posting here - I found it much easier to understand with some people weighing in on some details
Is that story about the title originally being BLAM but Nihei didn't know how to spell it true?
I believe he could be even more than a thousand years old
Well the netflix movie pronounced the title Buramu, and the japanese title is ブラム!
I just realized the kanji spelling for killy's name makes it literally mean mist boar
>thousand year old robot that just walks bc his program doesnt have a stop protocol
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what did nihei mean by this
fishie fish

Dhomo was a based retard
he made such kino when he used fucking real pencils.
I haven't seen a mangaka's art fall off a cliff so hard and so fast as Nihei
I've been reading blame by going through the archive storytimes, the threads looked extremely comfy
Is sidonia worth bothering with
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Niehi copied another story
The beginning is interesting (and grim), the end is baffling. It may or not please you, Sidonia is for a larger public.
If you like Nihei's dumb dumb humor I think you'll enjoy it. I certainly did, and the mechs were very nice as well. It was a bit rushed at the end though.
thats not Feersum Endjinn
lol I wouldn't say he straight up copied it, he just took inspiration and the names of the protagonists. But the differ in personalities and abilities, and the story is pretty different as well
It's just a guy that goes around shooting silly cones, why cant you enjoy?
Fish are very important.
Give Tower Dungeon Chapter noooww
Cool design
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Cibo's face is melting off.
I think theres going to be tons of shit stronger than dragons in the tower and the necromancer is just in sheer disbelief at the dracometamorphs sense of superiority. Since one of their strongest was tiny compared to an actual dragon
Such is life.
they look dumb as shit but guess what i like them, theyre realistic and tridimensional and an obvious evolution of nihei's style. i just wish he would ditch that broken line bullshit hes doing lately.
god hes so tired
is kiri even a physical presence? hes immortal, massively damaging, cant be talked nor bribed. hes more akin to a tornado or an earthquake than a "person", he sort of just happens.
He can be defeated, and even though he's fucked up in the head and he keeps moving forward through pure inertia, he does shows signs of emotion at some points, like when he recovers his weapon, he's OP as fuck but he's still mortal, althoght at some point, after so many years i'd assume you lose sense of yourself and yoy don't even care that much about dying, it's not like there's much hope anyway
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Here is your final boss.
>years long elevator ride.
No there's not. Stop with that nonsense. How can so many people misinterpret that? It was only a few weeks. The 256 year jump was only about OP's guy past to present day.
about 10.000 years elevator ride.
a walk from the earth to neptune is like 90.000 years. he went further. thats the scale of things.
Is it the editor the one that forces nihei to draw big tits and girls peeing?
Am I just paranoid or do BLAME! threads tend to get deleted?
yes. he hates tits.
literal schizo. threads die bc were a hardcore fanbase of like 4 anons, and we need to sleep sometimes.
Dhomo is very old and weary

There's also a killy fish later
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They explicitly state at one point that he's been on his current mission for several thousand years.
Blame is very old and very niche so it attracts precisely 3.5 anons to bump the thread if they even have anything to add at this point
Can you post a source or are you talking out of your ass?
Will there ever be a better manga?
>that INK SOAKED linework
ahh im cooooooming. young nihei needs to be cloned
Sanakan and Cibo look the best with them small
post blammo cuties
Also the one to blame for Sidonia turning into moe harem shit around the middle. Though allegedly Nihei was doing it to appeal to his daughter, but I find it hard to believe it was just that considering how off the rails it went.
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it was revealed to me

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