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Did you miss the original artstyle when watching Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club?
Larger chest is nice.
Her eyes are more expressive.
Uh yeah but that doesn't answer my question.
nijigasaki is shitty
I think Anigasaki was easier on the eyes, compared to previous generations. I actually prefer this, but I don't dislike the original artstyle.
It is less shiny
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The best idol
Totally. Left feels lifeless. I guess not aiming for Love Live does that to you.
No. It's good that they didn't use the original Love Live shitface in this.
hard to decide, I never really like right side's eye styles, but then again tits
why calvin klein
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left is superior
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Nijigasaki is 100% for roasties. There is zero sex appeal. You are a fag if you watch it.
I'm literally Yuu btw
You're literally a tranny
No I'm literally just Yuu. She's the self insert in Nijigasaki right?
More proof that Nijifagsaki is for roasties.
>on the left there's a sad virgin Yuu before engaging with idols
>on the right there a happy Yuu who got plumper after eating sweets every day with her idol girlfriends
I see it as a natural evolution.
What is the original Love Live then for?
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30+ year old ugly bastards. They must've seen those bucks im@s made by appealing to roasties and decided to do the same. Male division soon.
Exactly. Love Live has always felt like a plastic product to me. They decided to make a safe as fuck anime with cute girls singing shitty idol songs with CGI dancing. I like IM@S more because it's not as pandering. In Nijigasaki they atleast changed the same ass faces.
left has some sexy child birthing hips
> Its not pandering.
> Literal pedo-pandering.
> Here's your 13-yos to lust after lolicons!
> Of no substance.

The devil that killed Berserk.
Shizuku saves the sex appeal.
where is blue archive
i don't see a difference
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Why is it so low quality?
That's obviously part of a larger picture
doesn't mean it should look like that, why would it look so blurry instead of cropped?
Because it's been blown up
The original's this big
Keep everything new except the eyes. The eyes were the only bad change and it's very unfortunate.
Better cropped than blown up
I don't get how the hell Gintama is so female heavy. Has to be a meme.
Ayumu really did a good job there
>Superstar S3 downgraded even further to baby timeslot on educational channel
Is there still hope?
for what anon
not at all, the new artstyle gave space for better and more fluid animation, and i hated the og artstyle since they started giving every single girl those damn droopy eyes.
It is so over.
I just came to Karin Asaka
Nijis are truly natural born succubi, but Karin is in another magnitude
right is way too shiny
left is way better
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For me it's Shizuku.
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where did you suddenly grow a chest from?
Ayumu's been massaging them everyday
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Naipran is the best LL artists ever.
>basically a better Alp
>always draws full color with great shading
>no shitty censorship
>great fetishes (curvy, pubic hair, futa)
>draws best girls from relevant gens
The only thing I can't understand is why the fuck Yuu turns into a nigger half of the time.
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She always had something.
>Ayumu's been massaging them everyday
Ayumu... i don't remember you doing that..
her first artwork was so different from the personality she ended up having
Maybe they thought that the initial pose they used would obviously be seen as her about to play piano instead of grope girls.
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and now both things could fit Yu
IIRC, staff said they didn't want to define Yu too much in S1 because they wanted to keep the self-insert aspect of the character from Anata in SIFAS. That changed with S2 with her arc of learning to compose and play the piano. I'm gonna assume staff didn't want to give Yu too much of a distinct pose in her reveal art.
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>didn't want to give Yu too much of a distinct pose in her reveal art
It's a pretty odd pose to me.
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yeah. i still remember fanart just memeing about that pose
Naipran is fucking shit
But who massages hers in turn?
Not us!
true i guess
>soul vs soulless
left looks better by a large margin
>Is there still hope?
you should never have had hope to begin with
i just never cared for super star
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I love You
Right is better than left
Too bad the franchise never recovered from the orange slut
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Are you trying to some poorass Majimafag of Love Live threads?
LL's peak
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still disappointed setsuna never wore her sifas costume in the niji anime
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the stuff ayumu has to deal with
i really dislike how every LL now has copy and paste face & eyes like the abomination on the right
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how that one episode could have ended
Nijigasaki has the best music out of the whole series, that's the only good thing good about it
You forgot to mention best girls, anime, shorts and manga.
>no smol smug mold man
shit crossover
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I keep getting a feeling that those two may be the same person
Yes, I liked the artbook where she was drawn by the original artist.
cute! four pairs of friends
It would have been nice for consistency. But it's whatever now.
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did people like the notBocchiTheRock artstyle we had now?
Bully short idols
Any new Niji projects being announced?
closest thing we had is the visual novel on switch and movie trilogy
Would you watch it?
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Will she be in the sequel?
british yupomu will be in the third movie
Looks like a Harry Potter character.
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what a stupid woman
Ah Mama Yuu... anything more like this?
Most of the comments on both trailers are about disliking it and none of the merch announced so far uses it.
give her a song already, lantis
Yeah. The muse manga changing artists halfway through pissed me off
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Okay, so which one would you?
jk is peak design
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Rin anal sex
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Margarete got moefied.
Left is superior
this one, meanwhile...
They gave most of the girls porn proportions since they were made for a gacha. Anime did them dirty on that front.
As if Yuu would wear a bra this fancy
How far back does LL and Yakuza go?
We WILL get a YuPomu kiss in the new movie. I'm trusting that plan so fucking hard right now. Liella is the baby series while Niji is there to experiment with!!
It leans a bit too hard into Kerorira's artstyle. Even Bocchi didn't stick to his style that much.
You people shit on the trailer while in Nijiyon Kerorira's parts were highly praised everywhere. Yeah, fuck off.
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but i want to have sex with shizuku?
Nico's Mom and get her to dress like Sailor Moon
His art is just repulsive, like, barely above Mamimi-tier
Obviously he wants to draw raibus getting fucked by blacks but he can't even commit to his idea so he has to pretend it's actually Yuu as a bizarre middle ground but that makes it even worse
cute! four pairs of lesbians
So who's the best little sister?
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you posted her
1 and a half.
Mirin' those c&c pairings
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Yu always tends to dress the most boyish of the group
she can afford to be
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true i guess
oh come on, why is yu in such a boring outfit
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switch game art.
phone game gets at least saved in some way
I am warning you
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>oh come on, why is yu in such a boring outfit
as a non-idol . Yu cannot stand out to much
Yes, staff dresses Yu in boy-ish clothes to emphasize that she's not an idol like the rest. I'm sure it's also so she can be a self-insert for male fans as well.
which is kinda funny. because doing that sometimes results in Yu standing out the most
If you wanted to list an example of that iM@S is the worst example. Their middle schoolers are by far the worst among all idol franchises with middle schoolers.
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>more viewership
>more merch sales
>younger generation aka longer term fans
I will always have, HOPE.
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I want s3 to be a success and lead to s4 so you all seethe.
why do Yu live like this?
Nobody gets how that data was collected either.
>massive idolfag
>no posters
>no merch
what was I thinking?
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Yu know what happens if you go too far in that
Look at those wide hips on the left, damn
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Ayumu doesn't want us to look too good to the other hussies.
so how was season 2 of Nijiyon. Should I spend 30 minutes watching it real quick?
What is this, fanart? Seems kind of creepy for Ayumu to have a Yu harem.
on the whole better than s1
>Seems kind of creepy for Ayumu to have a Yu harem.
a dream for Ayumu
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The plan doesn't seem to be working.
Does she dream of futa too?
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I just came to Ayumu, she is so hot.
who do think commissions all those Yu futa doujin?
Unironically canon.
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Pomu isn't the one that commissions those shizuyu futa doujins....
Love Live VS Precure?
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Ayumu needs a little conversation with Shizuku
just to clear things up
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latest example
a Yu for everyone
Niji always gets the best costumes.
I want love live to look like love live again.
I want to insert myself in Yu
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I self-insert as Yuu so I can have an Ayumu wife so I'm glad she has those boyish clothes, very cool Yuu.
I am the only Shioriko fan worldwide
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that is unfortunate but at least she has one
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don't get it either
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Here you go, senpai
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Best idol of all time
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I miss the Niji season one threads. They were really fun...
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the live reaction to this scene was quite something
what episode was this
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11 i think
Clingy girls are so cute.
I like the original more (haven't watched either.)
Me on the left
Actual Love Live character on the right
Left face with righr chest
Shiny eyes are gross and gay
Why is she so fat?
Yoshiko's isekai anime was so boring and slow.
Hopefully they up the pacing and cut off the SOL crap for the main anime.
The episode feels like something staff got away with that couldn't get away with again. I can't think of another LL episode with the same intensity as this and the next episode defusing the powder keg by literally rewinding Pomu out of Yu's room always stood out to me. Another opportunity for a moment like this would have been Lanzhu dealing with Shioriko becoming a Niji idol -- especially considering how the mindfuck she had in the game after Shio told her to fuck off -- but the moment never happened. Granted, Anigasaki S2 was busy as fuck, especially that episode since it also deals with Mia becoming an idol.
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Even if they didn't do anything quite like it again they at least still included some fun stuff the stalking bit and a song like Walking Dream.
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Not a fan of Love Live but the Angel-Devil Yuu is top tier design
What's that?
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>The episode feels like something staff got away with that couldn't get away with again
Agree, it was too good for Love Live. Doing something crazy like that in the end of the season instead of the usual out of nowhere forced drama.
I hope Teren will be able to outgay it one day in Hasunosora.
oh that was already posted
I still have a sliver of hope that we'll get a conclusion to their relationship in the next or final movie, even if it's mostly cope.
>conclusion to their relationship
A murder-suicide?
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