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That was a nice chapter. Can’t wait for the official release

Someone needs to grab that sword ASAP, obviously without getting mindcontrolled.
Also, should I dump the pages here with the translations?
Rakuza City arc > Sojo vs arc
Shoseki Ranking Top 500 (July 24)
61. Kagurabachi #3
>84. Kagurabachi #1
>94. Kagurabachi #2
>Also, should I dump the pages here with the translations?
yeah, do it
Rakuzaichi arc is better than Sojo Vs and Kyora is a better villain than Sojo
takeru is a the boys chad
>Ino and Braids are literally going to be the only surviving members
Yes please, page with translation in the post.
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If it keep going like this, the quality of each arc will keep getting worse.
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Can Takeru top this arc?
Did Soya really die?

Tenri got blown up to smithereens but Soya?
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As always, thanks TLAnon and whoever dumped the leaks, I'm just putting them together here. Thank them, not me.

Page 1
>Blurb: Save the people left inside the storehouse!!
>SFX: touch
>Chapter 43 - Fulfill
>Chihiro: Alright....
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>The Boys
Grim, shit fell off hard after the first season. If KGB suddenly gets flooded with edge gross out shlock with zero substance I'll be sad.
>edge gross out shlock with zero substance
Sounds kino. Do it, Takeru.
Didn't we ask this same question last arc?
Hakuri will be benched so who's gonna be the arc hero for the next one?

Don't say Hinao, it's not happening
The source material is infinitely more worse. Just be glad it’s succeeded despite it all
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Bachibros...how do we tell him..?
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Well well
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Page 2

>Chihiro thoughts: I just have to touch everyone
>Chihiro thoughts: and save them!!
>Hiyuki: How many people are left inside?
>Hakuri: ...Twen....
>Hakuri: ....36!
>Shiba: Can he do it....
>Chihiro: !!
>the first season
lmao what? season 3 is peak, retard
s4 was shit though, but it's setting up for a big S5
Is this normal to cry after reading this chapter?
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Page 3

>Chihiro thoughts: Hurry!!
>Hakuri: The only thing delaying the storehouse's destruction is Father's will struggling against it.....!!
>Hakuri: If Father's will is engulfed by the demon blade and disappears, the storehouse will...
>Hakuri: Along with Chihiro and everyone--....
>Shiba thoughts: Its all up to Kyora....!!
3 first season were peak, S4 is ass tho
I really hope it's Kazane but man, I don't think he's coming back as an ally.....
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>Audience: Hey what is this!!
>Audience: Keep it going, dammit!!
>Audience: Are you stupid.... We should escape from here
Hiyuki obviously.
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Page 5

>Audience: He's out of control!!
>Tafuku: ....
>Kamubro: We're getting out of here
>Kamuwaifu: Huh, but
>Kamubro: Do you want to die? No matter how you think of it, the Rakuza Ichi is over.
>Kamubro: Even the auctioneer has lost his mind now!!
>Kyora: AH
>Kyora: AH
>Kyora: UGH
>Kyora: UH
>Kyora: AH
>Audience: Get awaaay!!
>Shiba: There really is no way he could control Shinuchi
>Shiba: Its impossible now....
>Shiba: Even now.....!!
>Hakuri: ....
>Flashback Sazawife: You can just end it now.
>Flashback Sazawife: The Rakuza Ichi
Season 3 was meh with Jensen Ackles hard carrying it, the finale was also dogshit
All she did in this arc was standing in high heels looking pretty
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> season 3 is peak
Leave me and my wife's son alone!!!
Yeah, in season 4 when Sojo revived out of nowhere in Tafuku's body that was the limit of my patience. They completely ruined how Tafuku showed small signs of changing body language throughout the season, what a shit adaption.
I mean, he can literally make a new character and that was how Hakuri was introduced
Kyora was the true protagonist so not really.
I'll probably reread the entire arc someday with this in mind and get a completely new perspective of it.
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>Flashback Sazawife: I was unhappy the whole time,
>Flashback Sazawife: So at least for now.... let me be honest.
>Flashback Sazawife: Calling it tradition or sacred,
>Flashback Sazawife: You're all possessed by it.
>Flashback Sazawife: If the Rakuza Ichi never existed, then I would never have been married to you.
>Flashback Sazawife: And you... without the Rakuza Ichi,
>Flashback Sazawife: You might have been a little bit of a better human.
Yeah, I can see that, only a little better tho lmao.
>Kyora narration: Why now. My wife's....
>Kyora narration: final words....
>Flashback Sazawife: Without the Rakuza Ichi---....
What was the purpose of Ino Sazanami? She's not even Kyora's child
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Previous one was page 6, I forgot to say that.
This is page 7.
Beautiful page.
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Page 8
Beautiful demonstration of Kyora's obsession.
>called him papa
She might be other wife's child
Remember there are also small children in the estate. No way Kyora is monogamous.
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Page 9

>Flashback Sazadad: I have fulfilled my role.
>Flashback Sazadad: From today, you are the family head. ....Kyora
>Flashback Sazadad: I entrust it to you.
>Kyora thoughts: Yeah
>Kyora thoughts: Of course....!!
>Kyora thoughts: I....
>Kyora: will not end
>Kyora: Kill the ones in the way, you scum!!
season 3 was only good cause Jensen's natural charisma carried it, the finale was shit cause they couldn't sell that Soldier Boy was a dangerous man that needed to be stopped, he was simply too based
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Page 10

>Shibayuki: !!
>Shiba thoughts: His obsession to the Rakuza Ichi is holding back Shinuchi....!!
>Shiba thoughts: These children were betting on that....!!
>Shiba thoughts: How tenacious....
>Shiba thoughts: Each and every one of you are insane!!
I agree with Shiba.
yes she is
kyora has a tons of children
and either she's just a rando or she's some kind of big scheming character
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Page 11

>Kyora: I will give as much as money as you want if you kill these guys!!
>Kyora: The auction will continue!!
>Kamubro: This is just crazy now
>Hakuri: ...
>Hakuri: !!
>Hiyuki: I won't let them touch you
>Hiyuki: Keep your focus!!
So now that the dust has settled and Hiyuki turned out to be just another one in the line of shounen eye candies only good for off screening fodders - how long until she gets kidnapped like Rukia, or even gets Nobara'ed and Power'ed?
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Page 12

>Shiba: Push on, Hakuri-kun!!
>Hakuri: Yeah!!
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Page 13

>Hakuri thoughts: Never again,
>Hakuri thoughts: will I let it slip through my fingers!!
>Hakuri: Ten people left....!!
>So now that the dust has settled
Go back with this question in a month bro
The arc hasnt even ended and the next volume/arc's theme hasnt been teased
we're getting a homelander based antagonist soon?
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Page 14

>Hakuri thoughts: This is bad...
>Hakuri: Just one more....!!
Next arc will start with Hiyuki getting imprisoned for cooperating with Chihiro and it'll be a Hiyuki+Shinuchi rescue arc.
>or even gets Nobara'ed
straight up, i don't think anyone is ever gonna get Nobara'ed again, Gege fumbled her death so badly
>hakuri coughing blood to save people
>kyora coughing blood to keep the auction running
This chapter is way too many levels of kino.
>The arc hasnt even ended
nta but it basically has, just a conclusion chapter next week left
I wonder how Hakuri will develop further if all his family is dead. He doesn’t really have any other narrative threads set up. His character arc feels really complete.
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Page 15

>Shiba: ....What happened?
>Hakuri: ...We made it
>Hakuri: Everyone... is saved....!!
>Shiba: And Chihiro-kun....
Soya is still alive
trust the plan
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Page 16

>Flashback Sazawife: Without the Rakuza Ichi---....
>Kyora narration: No.... My life's
>Kyora narration: mistake is not that.
He says 敗因 which is "the reason you lost or were defeated". That felt a bit weird in English, so TLAnon shifted it to mistake. Which is functionally the same thing, in this context.
>Flashback Chihiro: The best would have been to believe in Hakuri.
>Kyora: You were right.
>Kyora: ....Rokuhira Chihiro.
>Kyora narration: Because "it didn't fit my ideals",
>Kyora narration: I turned a blind eye to it.
How many chapters are left in volume 5?
No it hasn't ended.
>Soya is sti-ACK!
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Page 17

>Kyora narration: I am the only one.
2 if he keeps it the same as v3, but it's not like he can't end it at 8 chapters instead of 9.
Yes it hasn't really ended until next week's conclusion. But 99% done makes it practically ended.
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Page 18

>Kyora thoughts: I am the only one who couldn't fulfill my role.
>Chihiro thoughts: He pushed back Shinuchi's corrosion.
TLAnon went with the literal TL, but he thinks "infection" might be more suitable here. Its more that the blade was invading and infecting and growing into his body, from what we saw.
>Chihiro thoughts: And as Sazanami Kyora, he has--....
shiba is known for his off-screening so it’s not just a hiyuki thing. takeru just needs to slowly get into the idea of fleshing out characters not named chihiro or hakuri
he'll die this arc anyways
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Page 19

>Blurb: Born into the Sazanami, this man lived for the Rakuza Ichi. That pride, That delusional conviction, until the very end----....
妄執moushuu is "deep seated delusion" as well as "firm conviction". He combined the two meanings here.
>Blurb: A Center Color Page next issue!! We head towards the ending of the Rakuza Ichi's arc and its fierce battles-----....

That's the end of the dump. Once more, thanks TLAnon.
And goodbye Kyora, you beautiful proceeding bastard.
>takeru just needs to slowly get into the idea of his next arc focusing on different characters
Yeah. Hakuri isn't surviving this
I hate waifushitters
The Rakuzaichi arc is centered around Hakuri, so it's obvious that he got fleshed out.
I didn't realize it, but Kyora is straight up looking at Hakuri there.
His "everyone else did their job" thing is applying to Hakuri there, too. The failure, fuck up the family did his job the best.

Thanks for the re-dump, anon.

Super curious to see how Hiyuki takes all this next week. I feel like its obvious she's not going to attack Chihiro now, but who knows.
Probably this. She disobeyed orders and now basically in Rukia position.
You now just wait for 'You will be get rid of Rikuo bit it can only be done through the ritual death of the hostage' piece of info, and it's going to be Soul Society arc basically.
Vol4 is 99% will be 10 chapters, so 3 chapters left for 9 chapter vol 5.
>next week is conclusion
We've been through this during volume 2
He'll squeeze an epilogue at the end of the volume that teases the upcoming arc.
There's no "practically over" until it's actually over.
>chihiro-char-sojo arc
>fleshes them out
>chihiro-hakuri-kyora arc
>fleshes them out
I mean, it makes sense.
It really sucks that Hakuri got fleshed out and not Hiyuki
It's supposed to be her arc with Chihiro.
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Okay now that Kyora has fallen, rank these KGB Villains
>this edit took me longer than I would like to admit
they make coom art though. every big fan base needs some of those
A mysterious player will snatch Magatsumi next chapter and escape so that they can somehow give it to the user.
ok but.. who gets the sword now?
yeah it's over lol
You coomed to Slam Dunk? Anon you have something to say to the class?
Kamunabi gets it according to Hishakuman's plans. Kamunabi arc begins.
find out next time on dragonball kgb: bejita edition
It has 3 more chapters in a volume.
It's really baffling that they go introduce Hiyuki, but focus the arc on some shitter anyways
Shiba's comment here makes me think that he's seen quite a few people try and fail to wield Magatsumi's power. How desperate were they lol?
more like 1-2
Huh? She’s still going to be a recurring character and the entire arc is on Hakuri and his family we have more arcs in the future for that
i was also disappointed desu. i thought we were getting some romance for chihiro but it ended up being like the usual shonen SLOP like the first arc
truly a waste of potential
Anon, I understand that you wanted more especially with such a proactive character like Hiyuki, but in the end it's shounen, and female characters here are never even remotely equal to a male ones.
She is going to get at least one good fight against female Hishaku, because that's how shounen logic operates, and the rest of the story will be her glazing over Chihiro to then become his reward in the finale. That's it.
The faster you get used to that, the less annoying Hiyuki's irrelevace will feel.
T. Redpilled Hiyuki fan.
Just sounds like it's his obvious assumption that no one except the actual owner of the strongest sword can properly use it. You don't need to see anyone else try to use it to assume as much
Maybe Hiyuki uses Enkotsu to detain the sword and thus acquiring it for the Kamunabi and allows Chihiro to escape.
Vol 4 is 10 chapters, Vol 5 is 9, so 3 more chapters left after this one.
if there’s a hole, there’s a goal.
lol you fucking wish. Hiyuki is dying next chapter when Tafuku betrays her.
Who fucking cares about Hakuri though?
Not even nips talks about that waste.
It should've been Hiyuki in his place instead.
>10 chapters
When did they post the page count?
This could've been Hiyuki's arc. but alas, the usual editor meddling.
Trying too hard there
I don't give a fucking shit about Hiyuki or Hakuri. Give me more Tafuku. Where the fuck is his character arc? It was supposed to be his turn.
Hakuri needs to die next chapter to complete this shitty filler arc.
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Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.
Make your bets, will Hakuri assume the position leader of the Sazanami's, or will he leave his family to be fixed by itself?
Shiba flashback arc when
I think everyone here agrees that chapter 37 would be perfect volume ending, not Hakuri flashback.
That cocksucking beta faggot will die and nothing else will happen so we can finally focus on Hiyuki like its supposed to.
His direct family is all dead. He has 0 reason to care about random distant relatives when he owes everything to Chihiro, his one and only friend he's ever made. Now he has to pay his debts by following him around everywhere.
>Sazanami without Storehouse
What? 36 isn't just a flashback. What you agree on doesn't matter to Takeru either.
After the Kamunabi arc introduces all the sword wielders.
This arc could've been better if Hakuri died back when Hiyuki hit him and immediately join Chihiro's team for killing that shithead
She’s pretty much fucked since this was supposed to be her arc with nothing to show for it and no Rukia is the best SJ heroine. Getting Hinata’d makes more sense
The main heroine.
The TRUE protagonist?
This is Hakuri's arc anon, its literally about his family, Hiyuki is a side character still, we might get her arc next
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Anon, he's samefagging and shitposting. Leave him alone, he's clearly mentally ill.
He is just spamming at this point, anon
Does it matter if he's dying anyways?
Literally a filler character for a filler arc.
Just skip right to Hiyuki's arc and get on with it.
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Yeah, but If you don't think that volume ends with this you don't understand Takeru.
I really hope that this arc will be the end of editor meddling and finally focus on Hiyuki.
>mom dead
>dad dead
>older brother out/dead
>younger brother dead
>rest of the family bullied you hard
I doubt it will, Hakuri going
>let's blow this shit up
is a perfect end for the volume.
What we can agree is that a volume will never be 8 chapters looking at our current chapters
Realistically no matter what he’s penned in. If he stays behind he has to deal with Sazanami bullshit, though I think this would be very interesting. If he doesn’t take up the headship though now you have who knows how many Sazanami sorcerers let loose without a purpose or paycheck.

Him ending up as Chihiro’s dog seems like the most likely outcome unfortunately. Nothing else has been set up for him.
>Nothing else has been set up for him.
except for his spot 6ft under
Yep, 40 and 41 will remain the best chapters for a very long time.
>this was supposed to be her arc
>the sazanami family arc was supposed to be her arc
Kek how is that healer character arc going?
This is nice.
doesn't make sense to make the traitor the next leader
especially since he's the one who ended their reason to live
Hakuri will die
Hakuri will be joining Soya very soon.
it was changed due to editor meddling.
it was obvious that it's supposed to be her arc and Hakuri was supposed to be some random mook that should've died tanking flame bone
I don’t want Hakuri dying but I also don’t entirely hate it because it feels like the end of his arc. If he collapses and Yuki Onee’s ghost is there to help him cross over it would be kino.

But it would still be sad to see a character finally get away from his abusive family just to immediately die after. Whatever direction taken for Hakuri’s character I think needs to considered in how it relates back to the Ice Woman. Her friendship and death was Hakuri’s life catalyst. I don’t think you can analyze his character going forward without taking her into account.
Great characters make great stories.
Kyora was beyond bast until his very last breath.
Hakuri went from mega cringe to giga based.
Kuregumo was mvp. She will forever be missed.
This is peak shounen.
>Kokushibo's hands
It does match the 'all scum go to hell' catchphrase.
What were you thoughts when Soya was introduced?
>Oh here comes Itachi to be Hakuris nemesis until the very end of the story. Wonder what his long backstory and powers would be, Kishi was Naruto fan after all.

This was mine
Thats why he needs to die. He ate too much of Hiyuki's supposedly screentime.
He really needs to drop dead fast.
As of now the only fleshed out characters are Chihiro, Hakuri, Kyora, and Sojo. 4 characters in 40 chapters isn’t a good look for such a small cast
>He doesn't look that ba-
Anon... stop. My first post about Hiyuki was the last one. There is no need to turn it into absurd.
>holy shit he's tall
He's still a Sazanami though. and all Sazanamis shoul d just die already.
He was a fun villain, and even more so checking out the fujo response
Char got as much development a 5 year old kid could.
>character focus of the arc
every arc is a decent approach. Hell, Hiyuki has gotten a decent amount of stuff despite her limited screentime.
I think the manga is good as is but I do think this will be what holds it back from being mega popular. The true Big Ones usually have large casts of young looking an d attractive characters.
>2 protagonists and 2 villains
I don't see the problem.
Naruto at this point also only had Naruto, Sasuke, Zabuza and Haku touched upon. Chuunin Exam just started.
Best character Takeru has crafted. Hands down.
Super fun and entertaining overall. He always delivered on each panel he's in.
i was also thinking the same thing desu
i feel like the editor changed it to hakuri living instead of it being the start of hiyuki's arc
truly a shame
I think Char is actually a pretty well written character, she is fleshed out and she did get character development. But her arc is finished now in part due to her age. I don’t think anyone in the cast wants her to get the sort of character development that comes from conflict and hard ship, they just want her to be a happy girl developing like a normal child in safe circumstances. Granted that is a downside of her age, there’s only so much you can do with a 6 year old narratively compared to a child that is older.
>Same editor as fujo academia

no wonder Hiyuki got shafted.

I hope Hokazono changes editor soon.
Nah, that's the Sazanami family as a whole. None of them really stand out alone.
Kyora's ending was also phenomenal, but that was only possible due to how much his obsession was shown to have damaged his entire family.
>”Oh he’s hot”
Anyone reading sports manga is a faggot. I barely see any fucking cheerleaders or even one male and female oriented sports manga
>The true Big Ones usually have large casts of young looking an d attractive characters
>to be big you need to sell your soul and become character gacha in manga form
Man it's sad to think this has been the meta for decades proceeding manga like Kenshin, Slam Dunk, YYH
Bro... your edgy badminton manga?
This projection is so big it envelops Gotham
Kinda funny on how Hakuri ended up becoming Souya's Itachi lmao
Not really, Char's story isn't done yet. There's still her father plot point that hasn't been developped yet.
That's like saying we should revisit Ice Hag's motokare for Hakuri's revenge
A girls beach volleyball manga will become the new spokon heavy hitter just you wait.
No, that's nothing like it. Ice Hag isn't a main cast character, and she's dead now.
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Now that everyone's safe, what's stopping Shiba from teleporting everyone to a safe location?
This but unironically. Outside JJK other big series had effective vast cast usage. Even if side characters didn't get much of the story relevance, they won with good designs. Naruto, Bleach , KnY, MHA among the best examples. Vast cast covers bigger audience, make up for more surrounding content like fan art, discussions and merchandise.
KGB is below mid in that aspect.
Partly due to its straightforward and focused nature, that is positive to some.
To me that hyper focused plot isn't perfect because it hurts characters like Shiba or Hiyuki, I.e. main cast, and even more so makes third characters boring and waste of space (characters, hinao, tou, kamunabi etc).
KGB will be remembered as action revenge movie, that again, may be rather successful but it will miss on a huge audience who want to just dive into the world and characters for 10+ years.
Nah, I feel like with his love for western media, she'll be fine. She's already high god tier.
Because he's Shiba.
And wasted as always.
>The true Big Ones usually have large casts of young looking and attractive characters.
>Card Captor Dakura had a big cast
>Death note had a big cast
>Hokuto no Ken had a big cast, of young looking characters at that
>YYH wasn't the same 4 guys + chearleaders combo for 99% of the manga.
Lol, lmao even.
Alright so why did she appear in the arc and went to the auction? You know besides being a female spectator
I honestly think thats what is going to happen. Hiyuki is going to be caught between attacking Chihiro and her acknowledgment of him. But she will override her emotions with her sense of duty, and go berserk. Shiba steps in and swoops Chihiro and Hakuri away. And then we get the epilogue/aftermath.
Some shit like that.
I don’t think this will necessarily get touched upon. Between Char’s father, Ice Hag’s boyfriend and now even SazaMama there’s a fairly persistent pattern in how banal evil is depicted in the manga. So I think Char’s father is just the first to establish that this is a world where bad men treat their women as commodities, so his action is in a sense, not that special.

Goes even further if you do think of the swords as being women hmm.
Nah, Hakuri will defend Chihiro again from Hiyuki and die for good this time around.
Hiyuki will get invited to Hinao's shop as a celebration later.
Well, you should have tried harder to time your tafuku post.
Hiyuki is being developed as Chihiro’s cocksleeve and that’s only a benefit for him
Same thing that stopped him from participating in anything actually important to the plot until now.
Hakuri is a main cast character and revisiting Char's mom who got betrayed by her husband (Char never got any interaction with her father btw) is akin to revisiting Ice Hag who got betrayed by her boyfriend (Hakuri never got any interaction with the boyfriend btw).
Both are nonsensical.
And look how that worked out Naruto
>true big ones
Anon please.
Ice Hag is dead and isn't a main cast character, and nobody gives a fuck about her ex boyfriend as I told you. Char is a main cast character and her dad is definitely working with the hishaku since he helped them. We're 100% gonna see him.
The ONLY reason I could see Char’s father getting revisited is because there might be some mystery to what happened with her clan’s destruction.
Are people forgetting that Demon Slayer became the largest manga ever with a cast that has like 90% of their characters arcs right at the literal end? Like Kanao is right there.
>don't like the art of a manga so much you stop reading it
>think about buying the volume anyway
What causes someone to act like this?
The best selling manga after One Piece?
Hakuri is main cast, not Ice hag you moron. Also Ice hag is dead, retard. And nobody cares about her ex boyfriend or whatever you're on. Char is alive, a main cast character, and it would be very interesting to see her interact with her father.
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Kamunabi arc is def. next.
Would also be a good time to reintroduce Kazane.
If Farmer is looking to create a schism in the Kamunabi's forces, he seems like he could be a loose end in terms of how the Shinuchi is handled.
>What causes someone to act like this?
Clout. Its obviously just "oh X got popular. Gotta jump on that bandwagon and get more followers".
>Hakuri's clothes cover as much of his skin as possible
Soya molested him
Teleportation is such a nasty power for story writing. Its great to use to skip the path from point A to point B, and effective usage of space, but shitty for everything else. It requires a lot of obstacles and BUTs to balance and explain why the character can't just do something that can be easily solved by simple teleportation.
I hope Takeru will plan next arcs having teleportation in mind very hard.
Absolute moronic post.
Char never interacted with her father because he doesn't exist in her life. The father's character arc if it even exists is with Char's mom and she's dead.
Your hypothetical is absolutely the same thing as wanting Ice Hag's ex coming back into the story to somehow interact with Hakuri. Both ex and father are connected indirectly to the main cast through a dead character.
I wonder how much she would care. Chihiro may very well be the first major positive male influence in her life. I don’t think she thinks of him as her dad exactly but the role of principal male influence is already accounted for so her birth dad might not matter at all to her.
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This is all cool and all but
Hiyukifags are retarded and can't even understand how her character is written and what her role is supposed to be. The first thing we knew about her when she was introduced was that she's endgame and had to hold back for the story to mske sense, which means she narratively needs to not be pushed to her limits yet. Still you dumbasses want her to be explored and go through the hero's journey (which isn't mean for endgame peieces anyway) from the get go.
I'm glad you retards didn't write this manga. It's been a while since I genuinely read something solid out of jump.

Anon, death note has sold more units per volume than Naruto and has breached the maintream audience harder than your favorite manga.
YYH is the reason why Jump lets Togashi hiatus his way through HxH, it literally SAVED jump and earned Togashi special contract for his future works.
CCS remains one of the most iconic manga ever and Clamp's biggedt work.
I could also mention Sailor Moon, but nobody gives a shit about the canon SM manga.
Newfags, I swear.
KnY had godlike character designs. Very little of samefacing, colorful outfits of well combined pieces, very stucky and memorable. Designs and well defined personalities carried them when personal stories didn't.
And I'm saying that while finding KnY story a generic dogshit.
People are also acting like this is some already established long series like

We are coming up on chapter 50 and they still only have 1 sword, and the Rakuzachi arc is very likely gonna end up with none obtained through interference, and the next arc (if it is a kamunabi breakout / related arc) also has like 0 chance of obtaining a sword
We're not talking about Hakuri's ex you utter moron, you're literally talking about Ice Hag's ex who's a fucking secondary dead character. It's nothing like exploring the parents of a main cast character. No it isn't, her dad has barely been mentionned at all, we just know that he left her mom as soon as he knew she was from the clan. Clan that literally has very high relevancy btw because you can literally make enhanced blades tier weapons with their dna.Hokazono literally said he had something in mind for Chihiro's mom so he probably has something in mind for Char as well, so cope, faggot.
>well defined personalities
if exaggerating a single aspect of a character is well defined then it's truly over for the manga industry
The series is gonna be around for a while, it doesn't need to rush anything
Ironically, Hakuri was called "Bachi's Zenitsu was introduced".

Yeah, sure. Not with the manga's horribke art though. And KnY's popularity had jackshit to do with that, it happened in ep 19 which focused on the fucking titular character and his sister.
Not to mention the most popular character in Japan is Zenitsu got fucking dammit.
Anon I think it’s bait. This obviously can’t be Hiyuki’s arc. This was just the arc where she got introduced in anticipation of an arc where she could be more relevant.
I meant "main". Dammit I need to sleep.
>ex and father both sold their partners because clan sorcery to yakuza
>both never interacted with the main casts directly they don't even matter to them
>both women who they betrayed are main drives to the main casts
>their existence were mostly to hammer down a reality of men in KGB universe who see women as commodities
>>reeeeeeee I want him back into the story despite his existence not directly mattering to any of the main cast
lmao glad you're not in charge of writing
This arc and Hakuri are obviously editor additions, anon, unlike Hiyuki.
We were supposed to have her arc and become Chihiro's love interest, but unfortunately the editor meddled in.
They are very different archetypes. Sojo is a foil to Chihiro in their interpretations of the latter's father and their usage of the swords, while Kyora and Hakuri feel parallels for Kunishige and Chihiro, respectively. I like both and I love how they have different fighting styles.
Every week we get a new schizo
Hakuri is dying this arc btw.
It's obviously the same guy lmao
This arc not being hers isn't an excuse to not give her at least one charactet moment.
In this chapter it wouldn't kill Takeru to draw Hiyuki using her power to help Chihiro getting all hostages, he did a lot already anyway and it wouldn't take away from his heroism. Not would it be more asspulish to draw Hakuri having enough blood in him to teleport two people instead of just one, it's in author's power anyway.
No one asking for this arc to be her arc, but being offscreen queen and glorified NPC onscreen is an opposite extreme.
Takeru should have find the golden middle and he didn't bother.
>is brain damaged enough to compare a main cast character to a secondary dead character
>reeeeee I don't want char to be developped because I absolutely want only chihiro to be relevant!!!
Glad you're not in charge of writing, faggot.
She shielded Hakuri, what else do you fucking want?
Takeru struggles with placing focus away from Chihiro. Shiba being another example. I think Hiyuki got handled better than him this arc. We saw her beefing with her bosses, being a cute while eating spaghett, a cool ENTER fight with Chuhiro albeit cut short, her chat with him in Tafuku’s spatial dimension, fighting alongside Chihiro against Kyora and now we see her torn between her loyalty to the Kamunabi and potential admiration for Chihiro’s ideals. I think that is all a fine showing for her in this arc.
>I hope Takeru will plan next arcs having teleportation in mind very hard.
Haha, no. Takeru will just keep removing Shiba from action with convenient excuses. Which is planning in itself, I guess. Gotta plan out all 10 excuses to get Shiba as far away as possible for the next arc!
This arc doesn't have as memorable scenes as the bunch of fishes in the room ch14, Chihiro beheading the dude on the rooftop, Chihiro sitting on the chair looking at the goon nenacingky, Sojo gettin power up against KGSquad and Chihiro vs Sojo both battles.
Sojo arc was shorter but had more energy to it.
Rakazuichi arc was good, don't get me wrong. It wasn't as close to perfection as Sojo one. And Kyora while being good villain, still isn't as effective and energetic as Sojo.
The arc could've been much better if it was just Chiyuki having dates and stuff while killing yakuza scum along the way.
It's really unfortunate that Imamura just had to ruin it with Sazanami bullshit and Shitkuri.
I really pity Hokazono for putting up with this tirade.
She did get character moments.
>Negotiating with Chihiro
>Getting fed up with all the compromises, deciding to just save everyone
>Deciding to kill Chihiro
>The near panic that sets in when she thinks she fucked up by helping Chihiro, that the Kamunabi was right that you really can't save everyone all at once
>Being shaken by Chihiro's near-suicidal adherence to saving everyone
False flagging as Hiyukifans is a new low
Man that would've been so much nicer than the current mess we have
Kagurabachi needs more sol and romance hijinks desu
>wants Char to be developed
>gives her the guy she never met and never cared
>can't recognise the parallel in Ice Hag and Char's mom's conditions
The absolute retardation.
If you wanted Char's character arc outside Chihiro then the obvious alternatives are either a school arc so she grows up like a normal child outside her bloody past or bonding with Inazuma.
Imagine wanting a literal who irrelevant nigger to come into the story. Absolute moron.
Let me guess you watch Marvel movies while eating Micky D’s for dinner
thankfully takeru will fix it with hakuri's death next chapter.
good riddance.
Dead soon.
>In before last chapters were getting good ToC in response to Hakuris potential and not because Nakano, and the moment Hakuri gets less screen time, we are back to bottom 3
so uh...do you think kyora actually regrets proceeding at all
>>gives her the guy she [HEADCANON]
>can't recognize the fact that he's comparing a main character to a secondary character
Yup, you are absolutely and utterly retarded. Like for real. This isn't a SoL manga, nobody cares about a school arc or about the litterally irrelevant inazuma kid, you absolute ape.
>Magatsumi unleashed
>Enten retrieval
>Kyora battle
>Hakuri payback and granades
>Kuregumo last stand (Lightning always strikes bad guys 2)
>Yuki-onee suicide
>Chihiro and Hiyuki meeting 2
>Inazuma kino (Lighting always strikes bad guys 1)
>Shiba teleports Souya
Nah, you're just wearing tinted Sojo glasses
I’m gonna guess that Hiyuki’s arc will be somewhat similar to Hakuri’s in that she is trapped in an abusive relationship as well, it’s just that hers is to the Kamunabi’s instead of to her family’s and she doesn’t realize that the relationship is unhealthy. Maybe she’s an orphan child soldier or something that got pressed into service due to her connection to Rikuo.

She finally leaves once she realizes everyone was getting paid for their work except for her.
He gave her a setup for her eventual development.
This arc by merit of being longer has more opportunities for cool moments. I think I also prefer the Sojo arc but it’s impossible to separate out my enjoyment of the content from the genuine anxiety over the manga’s fate, the content mirrored reader anxiety in a way that can never be recaptured.
lmao her mom never even used "your father" to Char
Nigga coping his idea is retarded and completely crumbles when it's compared to another similar situation in the story
Ice hag and Char's mom are parallels, retardbro. Char and Hakuri are both main casts whose live dangled under them. You wanted a man whose existence only mattered to the woman Char's life dangled under, not herself.
holy shit. why are hiyucoomers are so fucking OBSESSED with hakuri dying?
leave the poor boy alone. he suffered enough.
He has to die to finally know peace. Not a hiyucoomer btw, she is kinda ugly.
>Maybe she’s an orphan child soldier or something that got pressed into service due to her connection to Rikuo.
There is that one panel dialogue flashback of someone telling her that she will now use her power in service of the country. Iirc, its sandwiched in one of her "great power has to be regulated by the country/Kamunabi, and not used for personal gain" bits.
So I think its that young Hiyuki used Rikuo and caused a lot of harm, an accidental activation or unintentional or she lost control or whatever. Kamunabi found her, took her in. Trained her, taught her to control the power. So because she's seen first hand what personal use of great destructive power does, she fully believes that it should be under governmental control and that they know best.
I think its less abusive, and more true loyalty. She's clearly not accepting of some of their actions and politicking, but to her they're the best option.
Just my guess.
I'm thinking Sojo arc major moments felt better because the arc was shorter and has less minor moments.
Rakazuichi arc had its major moments but also had a lot of bickering in the hallway that drown the major moments a bit.
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G-guys nips are cracking the code..
Yeah can’t for Keijo S3 as well. But you’re not listening to me I want girls and guys on one team I’m getting tired of the same ol gender imbalance bullshit
Provide a link bro, I need to see what nips are thinking
If you don’t want him in the story he doesn’t even need to die. Ice Hag died thinking there was no more potential for happiness and she’s the person that’s had the most impact on Hakuri’s life; Hakuri could leave the story simply by having the sort of happy life he wanted for her to have and that would be a great bookend to his character arc.
Being contrarian for the sake of contrarian while bashing the the best part and what made Naruto a best seller is not the move but you do you bro
Nobody cares about your retarded parallels. The fact is one character is a main cast and another one is a secondary cast, and a dead one, faggot. Char will always be linked to her father by blood, but you're too retarded to even know what family is.
that's just a repeat of ice hag's fate though which is depressing enough.
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The next pillars...
That sounds too good to be true. Would also be a nice setup to have him return later stronger and more mature to help the mc.
it would be nice to have someone teach Hakuri true happiness that doesn't involve Shiba taking him to the red light district.
an antithesis of ice hag would be nice
>Chihiro's character has been shallow and she's just a device to create cool images. Hakuri is more interesting to watch.

Ehm, Chihiro bros?
Retardbro still doesn't get Char's father coming back to Char is like Ice Hag's ex meeting Hakuri that both are completely irrelevant to their characters.
What do you want her to do? Complete irrelevant family drama between Char and him? Fucking retard he's getting beheaded in 2 seconds with everyone behind Char at all times.
What the fuck kinda development do you want retard
Did you mean Hiyuki?
>that doesn't involve Shiba taking him to the red light district.
I think it’s hard to make a good spokon with male and female characters on the same team because men and women don’t excel at the same sports. But if I had to offer suggestions:
>dressage and other equestrian sports
>trap shooting
>aviation sports
Maybe something like a football/rugby story that split focus on the female cheerleading team could also work.
Even as a Hakurihater I kinda agree with it. Wow.
we don't know much about hiyuki yet though
and no, i wasn't talking about their pussies
Rock Climbing manga would go hard
That’s why I think I could see Hinao being set up as a future love interest for him, she’s so bubbly and positive. But damn I think any female love interest he has will feel like she comes up short compared to Ice Hag.
I forgot about that, wasn’t one of the top climbers in the world a little Japanese girl some years back?
Yeah you're just retarded. You don't even know how family works. You're a failed human being whose parents loathe you and wish they didn't give birth to you.
I don't know, maybe? I just think a rock climbing manga would be cool
yeah, ice hag really set the bar high up for Hakuri's next pairing.
its kind of a dead end really, unless hakuri mellows up to someone opposite to her
Unironically the last time Chihiro hit me with his personality was him buying Hakuri with Enten.
Since then it was just the same unwavering dude which snt bad but I can see why nips call him shallow. He isn't shallow, but show nothing beyond his default mood, and central character place was taken by Hakuri.
well it is the Sazanami family arc, it's fine for Chihiro to take a backseat
you have to agree that Hakuri is the most developed character in the series right now though.
he pretty much eclipsed Chihiro since the ice hag chapter
damn, that one was so fucking good really. i hope chihiro gets something similar in the future
I don't care for the pairing otherwise but Chihiro is the only other person possible (presented thus far) that can even hold a candle to Ice Hag. It's at least part of why I think Hakuri shouldn't be paired up (and celibate, for ten years at least!). I just don't think any other chick will measure up, even if I could buy that Hakuri liked the person and that they were happy I just don't have faith it would be as interesting or satisfying from a reader perspective.
>another CP

Does Saito want to squeeze the whole reserve of red black and white paints out of Takeru?
Okay, if my math is right I'm about 30 chapters behind. How's it been going since the Sojo fight?
nah, well get another lineless 80% black cp again this time and you will rike it
I'm doubtful. I like Ice Hag and Hakuri a lot but the thing about dead characters is that it's almost impossible to sour the pairing because you're left with imagined potential.

Kuregumo is a GOOD girl. Maybe even Best Girl. She did NOTHING wrong and DESERVES Chihiro's heart.
I don't know why but I don't think Hiyuki is getting an arc for herself. Maybe a short flashback but not a whole arc

Kinda like Shiba. It's likely a brand new character that will get an arc like with Char and Hakuri
>and celibate, for ten years at least!
t. ice hag
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>Cover soon my childrens
>you WILL use different colors this time!
>well, from now on you will be making color pages every other week until you willingness to use green, yellow and blue improves.
It's cool to have a structure like this is you actually give side characters enough time to shine, which hasn't been done this arc. I want new characters with new stories but please give others some important fights/spotlight.
Next arc is going to be Hiyuki rescue arc, intertwined with getting former blade wielders out of the prison all while battling Hishaku squad who was sent to kill them.
i hope the next arc has at least 3 chapters of chihiro getting molested/violated
No, next arc should be at a beach

KGB's time period would mean Speedo Chihiro is viable.
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Anons...This might happens but with Nue.
Disgusting level of cross promotion lmao
You're getting Chihiro wearing a full body (black) wetsuit. and you're gonna like it
I don't think she's getting an arc just yet either and as much as I like her and want the female characters to shine I don't think that's a problem.
You forgot about the best sports you can easily play with women
>Boat Racing
There’s lots of sports they could try to utilize but it’s just not happening even though battle shonen has female characters overpowering male characters. And there was a baseball anime where the girls went up against the boys in a series a couple of decades ago so it’s not like it’s never been done bedore. It would’ve been pretty refreshing to not only see something different for a change but to actually have the fanservice and character relevancy on equal footing
What are the chance of Kgb getting prop from MHA when it's ending? like a little easter egg, since they share the same editor, maybe we will get something in the Group cover too
It's probably a wetsuit. Even Chihiro wearing shorts is somehow not happening
It's getting a cp the issue it ends.
Good enough.
he'll have shorts over wetsuit for good measure
You mean like Mash is wearing....

It's a funny look but it doesn't fit Chihiro
Have you read "The Climber"
Oh, it's "what if", not flashback.

My dudes, I'm sorry but your reading is just to surface level and reliant on what you are told. Do you need Tafuku to explain for you?

Chihiro's character has the subtle depths of a vastly intelligent but passionate man. His conviction, decisions and gambles are informed by thoughts and feelings which runs deep. Over the course of the series we've been hit time and time again by moments where Chihiro does split-second decisions that reveal to us the reader who he is, what he belives in and what makes him feel conflicted
>A child over Kuregumo
>Bystanders before victory
>Father's legacy
>Staking your life before theirs

I guess the problem with Chihiro is that he's a bit too intelligent for a MC. He's consistently shown to be thinking multiple steps ahead, not only in planning and tactics, but also ethically. When he thinks about right or wrobg, he has shown that he can think further ahead to not only the immidiately right, but also the moral implications of action or non-action.

I mean, people call him Batman for a good reason. He really does closely resemble Batman.
Does Hakuri have his own personal pocket dimension or is it shared with his dad's? Or does he have access to both? Was it explained?
>what if I wasn't a shitty dad and husband...
God I love Kyora.
try to read slowly next time anon
I think boat racing/sailing yachting could be the most interesting that would be semi-realistic that readers could accept. You've got the potential for interesting preppy fashions and beachy fan service and it's probably(?) easier to draw than something like horses.
Literally read the chapter where he accesses his dad's.
No but I have watched Free Solo
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>CP would be Chihiro wearing Deku's green costume
Is Kagurabachi actually good or am I getting tricked again like I was with JJK and KNY?
KNY was good though
No, not Deku
Chihiro in Bakugou's sleeveless hero outfit
nah, you'll get his revised hero costume with pretty much no skin and you will rike it!
Oh that's an actual manga, I'll check it out later

I mostly meant as like a "cute, fit and sweaty girls in short shorts" thing though
Bakugou's new outfit sucks.
Too bad. Both the anime and the manga Bakugo are now at his new version of his outfit
KNY was decent and had solid themes beyond
>stupid power fight of the week
that's been jjk since basically shibuya.
I didn't like the first three chapters, but find it better with each subsequent ones, turning really good by chapter 10ish.
So many words just to say he is an intelligent goodie mc.
I liked the crack theory about both of them having been betrayed by the same man.
Not the
>You did well, Inazuma
>It's Mr. Inazuma
>Mr. Inazuma. You did well
>show nothing beyond his default mood
Did you close your eyes while reading his interaction with Hishaku man?
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I have good news, it even has an anime adaptation
Why do people read one comment on a thread and pretend like it's a dominant opinion because it's from a Japanese guy. Chihiro is still the most popular character by far.
already seen him being mindbroken before and it was eaten by the immediate default 'im going to fight anyway' mood
>Because i am the only one who couldn't fulfill my role
That’s the thing it’s not supposed to be realistic. Have you seen the crazy shit going on in Kuroko and Eyeshield 21? Now males and females playing soccer doesn’t seem so difficult. But for me the best sports entertainment and fanservice wise would be volleyball and baseball because of all the ass and thighs being shown in tight clothing and the performance would be pretty even on both teams. Remember it’s not girls vs boys but a mixture of them
>Make the sword to be untouchable like One Ring
Who is gonna destroy it now? Isildur?
KnY was admittedly enjoyable where there’s an emotional theme per arc
how on earth will Chihiro tame this crazy bitch?
repent for sins of the father
Lasso it, surely it won't control you through a length of rope
Chihiro looks like someone who will sacrifice himself in the ending.
I wonder if Rakuzaichi's stage looking like a top of Aztec temple during sacrifice intentional or not.
I still think it's a shame the shed thing over the stage didn't fall in a dramatic way.
But no one was sacrificed though
Kyora's family keeps sacrificing their lives for the rakuzaichi.
And they are so brainwashed they think it's ok.
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Nah, thats a coincidence. Its a sumo stadium style auction hall.
It's a pretty funny inspiriation for a japanese styled auction house.
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Kyora's determination to see through the fight on his own terms instead of letting the Shinuchi or Hakuri dictate terms to him.

Hakuri reaching out to those imprisoned via Chihiro so he doesn't repeat the mistake he made with the ice lady.

Kyora relenting in acknowledgement of Hakuri as both their masks, and the legacy of the Rakuzaichi, fall apart and still not letting the Shinuchi take over after admitting defeat. Even sitting in the proper afterduel seiza posture and putting aside the Shinuchi to end the match.

The massive amounts thematic kinopottery on this level in one single chapter should not be possible but there it is laid bare for all to see.
Im going to give him that - he never ever pussied out like a typical 'hardass' villains from other shounens would do, and comitted to his goal till the very end. He is very good and memorable villain.
I honestly can't believe we got cucked from a shinuchi possession through consistent character writing and themes.
Fuck you Hokazono I should be mad.
>Shinuchiman helped heroes to deal with Kyora and the rest of the auction scum.

This is our HERO.
Not really. Think about how Kyora is all about stoking fervor and hype in his audience. All for that singular moment when something is bought. Exactly how sumo matches work. You spend ages with the build up to generate excitement in the audience, just for a sub-ten second blast of furious action. And then you do it again, and again, until all the matches are done (items are sold).
When you consider how culturally important sumo is (well, was. I dunno if thats still the case today. I'm not tapped into the culture anymore.) to Japan, its a wholly appropriate inspiration. Thats why the auction is sacred to the Sazanami. Why its a matter of honor that only the auctioneer and the hologram of the merch (the ref and fighters) are allowed to be on stage. Hokazono is pulling a bunch of aspects of sumo into the auction.
RAKUTEN - Kagurabachi #3 (56)
KINOKUNIYA - Kagurabachi #3 (1)
Next week celebrates the reprints, maybe they'll have a date.
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>these two out of nowhere even though it was perfectly fine to leave them out

Mom and granddaddy WILL resurface at some point in the story. Hakuri's personal arc WILL live on.
Kyora had a personal connection to the two, so showing them here was necessary, unless you want to rewrite the scene entirely.
They're both dead, by the way.
Even the audience members got proceed pilled
Is that the ice lady?
>Kyora won the yakuzamurderbowl of the arc

Kyora's wife. Maybe hakuri had mommy issues but we'll never know since Kyora refuses to show her face.
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Could you safely pick up the shinuchi if you were wearing mittens?
Maybe with aluminium foil mittens
Predict next chapter
>Hiyuki jumps in and takes Magatsumi back to Kamunabi
>Chihiro cloaks himself with Nishiki, grabs Magatsumi, then Shiba teleports them back to the car and skeddadles
>Farmer goes back and grabs Magatsumi for himself
>Kyora becomes a zombie and escapes the building to engage El Hermano's prison-break
Soya ain't dead
I kinda hope chihiro picks it up and we get a conversation with EL HERMANO or something.
Anyone just casually grabbing Magatsumi would result in disaster.
Maybe Hiyuki with Enkotsu's fingers?
I imagine the building gets cleared out and the Kamunabi eventually arrives to carefully retrieve it.
Yeah... Chihiro disagrees, that's his yandere onee-san you're talking about.
Good GET for actually good criticism
Link to the last thread?
>who want to just dive into the world and characters for 10+ years.
Does every series need that? They all get bloated and go to shit once the author is forced to make all his popular characters do stuff every arc and lose focus.
Bleach is an example of countless filler fights just to have the whole cast do something and most of them have paper thin characterization.
JJK's sukuna's fight is the apex of how shit this is.
Hakuri puts Magatsumi into his personal storehouse before falling into a coma, ensuring that nobody can access it until he regains consciousness
Start of leaks was >>269172393
Razuka Ichi brothers... did we lose?
Kyora's end was fucking spectacular, damn.
Extremely cinematic too.
They need it for merchandise
Okay but what about the BANDAGES?
>vol 5 has three (3) cps to bundle it with
I guess they can move the chihiro and hiyuki one to vol 4 maybe? It's not extremely spoilerific like Hakuri's.
Unless next cp is focused on the sazanami family and doesn't feature chihi- I can't even type that.
>godlike character designs
lol no
>Hakuri puts Magatsumi in his storehouse
>Gets kidnapped
>Retrieval arc
>Now have to face the Shinigami...
hey wait a minute
I realized that this chapter will result in a lot of casual Soya fanart

This is gonna be fun
>Farmer appears
>Kamunabi elders appear

That would be stand off but they will make a deal and that would disgust Hiyuki.
Yall read the JJK leaks? That shit read like a fucking shitpost
I love how mindbroken Hiyuki looks in the face of HEROISM and UNMOVING CONVICTIONS.
>guy you wanted to murder is about the most selfless person around
>guy you punched unconscious is bleeding through every orifice just to save people
>you are there, standing, completely impotent
Fun fact, since Saito is here, Kagurabachi didn’t leave the top 5 in toc, you guys are more than safe
>more than safe
has been for ages and I don't need muh rankz to tell me
I wonder if pushing kgb could've saved Nakano's position
we were safe since volume 1 sales, the worst thing that could happen was a transfer to jump+
For half a year maybe.
Nakano is now in charge of all One Piece media bro
That's a promotion
Hmm, I saw a lot of doomposting after the two bottom 3 and the new series reveal, better ranking good as an insurance
>out of nowhere

grandad is Sora Sazanami. Did you miss his funeral in ch. 34?
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How are we feeling today bachirats?
>top 3 toc
>tsugimanga soon
>great sales
>Anniversary in a month
We are just getting started
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How the heck does Hokazono plan to wrap up the arc in 1 chapter?
>show who gets magatsumi
>use that as a lead into the next arc
There's still more left in this volume. "Ending the arc" just means someone taking the sword.
Did we really just spend 3 volumes in the same hallway
It's not a hallway, idiot.
>Kyora had a personal connection to the two, so [headcanon].
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I need him the next arc.
I am sure the shitposters don't actually read the manga.
Don’t worry, we’ll get more Hiyuki soon. Her arc in this whole thing is to (try to) kill chihiro once it’s done. We still have time for that.
I am not sure, see the dragon room debacle.
Is it going to get special obi for all volumes if it wins Tsugimanga?
So why did Nakano hate the series so much that he wanted to put it down on the ToC?

Hakuri does the stupid thing, touches it and sends it to the remains of the storehouse to keep it out of everyone's reach not realizing that it's going to eventually corrupt the whole space and take over him in 3 more arcs.
Not obi, but shop will stick as many
>#1 place is tsugimanga
decorations as humanly possible.
Shiba's face of pure disbelief is incredible, it's like
>what the FUCK Chihiro
he should put chihiro on a leash next time
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Imagine when the trio is assembled, all of them mass murderers for a good cause.
can someone post the
>noo don't die you're so sexy haha
hakuri edit?
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>retarded pseudo-intellectual waifushitter opinions getting lots of replies
Nice samefagging, loser.
This page is unreasonably sexy
While the chapter was good I still feel like chihiros ideals weren't challenged enough in this arc, i hope he fails at least a little bit next arc. Or maybe I'm just a cynical asshole who likes suffering
its normal desire
This wasn't a clash of ideals arc, this was a
>I lucked out super hard with my dad
Hakuri challenged Kyora's ideals and won.
First arc already was a lot
I just feel like it would have worked well
with hiyukis arc to show that saving everyone is sometimes impossible and that you have to think about what's most important. But hey at least we got more PROCEEDING kino
Also nice digits
>saving everyone is sometimes impossible and that you have to think about what's most important.
What you want wasn't set up, in fact, it was the opposite, Chihiro and Hakuri showed her you CAN save everyone if you don't waver.
So did Shiba use talk no jutsu on two remaining Tou?
Chihiro can't get Magatsumi. It would be too much winning for the protagonists.

Ideally, one of the following needs to pick it up
>El Hermano
We're getting the next arc setup soon, so who knows
Kamunabi, the setting is too stable.
The hishaku know that this fucking thing is gonna tear the leadership apart
>Chihiro touches Shinuchi and speaks with the Shinuchiman through it
>Shinuchiman recognizes the son of his creator
>Shinuchiman explains that he IS Shinuchi

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He teleported behind braids and smacked him so hard on the back of the head he got knocked out.
He then teleported his dick inside Ino and tore off her clothes
That would be pretty kino but I think he's a real person.
However, the sword actually being evil would be interesting as it would force Chihiro to re-examine his father.
>I created evil for a good purpose

Chihiro ideals in this arc was juxtapositioned to Kamunabi's cynical "pick one or lose everything" stance.

Chihiro's reply through his actions was "ok, I'm going to wager my fucking everything then". Because he's not a fucking coward and he knows that with the great strength of a katana comes the great responsibility of staking your own life. Or, to borrow a bit of Sojo's philosphy that he internalized:
>If you have chosen one path in life, at least commit one measly lifetime to it
If Chihiro is gonna walk the path of justice, he can't fucking pussy out when he has to risk his life for it. Just because his ideals got challenge it doesn't mean he's forced to compromise.
>saving everyone is sometimes impossible
Saving everyone is normally impossible* bro
Hiyuki's fault was taking this adage and running with it until she met Chihiro outside the main stage and she said fuck it we saving everyone.
This came back when the storehouse was crumbling and she was gonna use the adage as an excuse AGAIN to not even try saving everyone (Shiba was also guilty of this) despite Hakuri and Chihiro having the conviction to do so.
This chapter also revealed that Kyora is also guilty of this. Takeru put 全 (everything) in his monologues. He could've tried mending his relationship with his wife, paying attention to his kids, being a good son to his father's wishes, yet he only chose being a patriach to a family tradition that makes people miserable and ignored everything else to proceed.

Kyora is now dead but Hiyuki's conviction will be put to actual tests in future arcs now that this arc laid her bare. Either choose to be a political guard dog under the Kamunabi or save everything as per your conviction.
The sword saint is a hollowed out corpse inhabited by the will of the sword
Sojo already challenged it tremendously. The Sazanamis made him how question how prepared he really is in his quest for the blades since it's clearly not just going to be as simple as taking revenge and checking off the list with how big a shadow his father cast on the world.
Makes way too much sense and I hope this really is what Takeru intended.
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Next arc will be Tafuku focused
>yfw you find out what's under the bandages
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How will KGB end?
Hiyuki dying without a single arc to her name
Chihiro slices and dices all his enemies, saves Japan from the yakuza menace, finds a tradwife and lives happily ever after.
Katanagatari boss rush against imitation demon swords.
All I want.
Hakuri is Togame.
>How desperate were they lol?
It's funnier when you realize that if sojo's flashback is right, the original user was a child soldier
>make the strongest, most fucked up sword
>only a kid can use it
>no one ever wants to talk about it after the fact
This is still the worst theory and idea ever and I hope you choke on your food.

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