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Is anyone actually excited for Season 3 after the literal entirety of Season 2 was essentially a battle between two simps (with one of them simping for a woman who had been dead for 4 centuries) that happened while Rem was in a coma the whole fucking time? Plus it was all animated like shit compared to Season 1.
I just wanna see arc 6 animated and then I'll drop the franchise
A certain Re:Zero singer is coming back to sing the OP so yes I'm excited.
>shit & hemmoroids
re:zero is doomed
No, not Myth & Roid. The singer of Redo.
I find it hard to imagine that S3 could be worse than S2. So sure, I'm optimistic.
No, dropped it when Rem got fridged for no reason
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Season 3 should be great if it follows the WN. More Emili/a/ than ever, which is what this story is all about, after all!
Are they finally going to fix the retarded subs that say "bubby"?
Season 2 made me not want Emilia
I think that Petelgeuse will become forgotten completely after getting overshadowed by the new Sin Archbishops
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Nah, ReZero is fucking garbage
not going to waste my time with this shit
>not season 1
Going to laugh if male characters still get barely any merch after Season 3.
I think it should be fairly obvious that a considerable amount of people who watch Re:Zero do not really like Subaru and many consider him a monkey up to this day.
he's either nonexistent or just treated as a self-insert template, people watch this series mainly for the girls
and few are powerscalers too
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Nah this shit is trash every arc is the same, dude dies like 10 times or whatever made up number until he resolves thing with his talk no jutsu since he can't do jackshit.
No, I only watched Re: Zero for Rem, but Tappei put her in a coma because he was upset that she was far more popular than his Waifu Emila & the director is a bias Emiliafag who tried to cut as many of Rem's scenes as possible & downplay the relationship between her & Subaru.
If the new season has more Beatrice, then yes, I'm looking forward to it.
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Subaru has actually been showing up in merch lately.
While a lot of people don't like Subaru, he does have a bit of a fanbase on account of basically being all the ryona/edgy fetishes in one character.
>people watch this series mainly for the girls
I'm not excited for the amount of complaining there's going to be about arc 6.
Powerlevelfag here, how many "reality-warpers" are there in the Re:Zero verse? I need it for an argument
Regulus (lowkey due to his Authority)
Reid (can cut concepts)
Subaru (RbD)
The Gluttony Bishops (lowkey can erase people's existences from the memories of anyone else)

I think that's about it, I kinda find it strange that Reinhard is the strongest but also does not really have any ability that could really be considered "reality-warping", they're more akin to boosts and perks
Does Beatrice (full power) count?
>Zero hype for Season 3
>Zero hype for Arc 9
>Thread still has Emiliatard lurking
Remind me again why these threads still exist?
she doesn't have any ability that actually alter or manipulate reality, it's just magic stuff
She opened another dimension to throw the rabbits in.
yeah, that's magic, unless you consider magic to be indistinguishable from reality warping in this case
Not that anon, but magic (supernatural force acting upon the world) by definition is reality warping.
That being said, I imagine you mean a very specific kind of 'reality warping', so can you be more specific?
She can fuck around with the forces of gravity, she can fuck around with action and reaction (Subaru and Beatrice together can do a sort of immitation of Regulus's immunity bullshit).
Can you give an example of what kind of reality warping you're looking for here?
Isn't opening dimensions and creating warpholes/infinite hallways reality warping regardless of whether it's magic?
I get where you're coming from, but magic is most often considered separate from reality warping abilities in most series, in Re:Zero this is especially evident since it require spells, rituals and mana to use, whereas reality warping is usually more loose on how it affects the world, usually on a more grand scale

But you do have a point that what differentiate a magic user from a reality warper can be very blurry in some cases
Stay Alive is a great song and the only thing I care about from this series.
Takt of Heroes -Origin- is also great
crazy how the entirety of season two was like 2 days long if you don't account for the repeats
What about puck? Some of the lines he said to Reinhard and actions during the failed Emilia timeline leads me to believe there's more to him than meets the eye.
Who would win?
Regulus got BTFO by both Betelgeuse and Pandora whenever he got distracted, so it's a no contest here.
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I know I might be beating a dead horse here, but Satella is Emilia from the future, right? They look the exact same, talk the exact same (both voiced by Rie Takahashi) and love Subaru the exact same. Plus Emilia literally called herself Satella at the very beginning of the story and Satella was the one who gave Subaru the power to travel through time, meaning that it's one of her own abilities.

I couldn't help but notice that it all perfectly mirrors the old Final Fantasy VIII conspiracy theories about Ultimecia being a Rinoa from the future who turned into an evil witch because of her mad love for Squall.
Iirc it was around 1-2 weeks, no?
This idea came to me while watching season 1 many years ago.
Satella has the ability to summon isekaijin, and could have picked anyone in the multiverse.
She picked a self loathing coomer with an obsession with physical fitness and no powers.
This somehow works because he turns into a gigachad who dedicates his countless lives to her goals after talking to her for five hours.
The timeloop is stable because Subaru will always help her to reach the point where she becomes Satella; he is basically the only person who would put up with it.
I don't think so.
For one thing, both of them exist at the same time and it's implied Emilia is Minerva's kid.
They're probably related biologically imo, which is why Emilia makes for a good vessel.
I wonder if Earth is ever going to be brought up anywhere in the story or if it's kinda just gonna be left hanging there as some "otherworld" that no one but Subaru and AI know
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You know that OPM's new antagonist can ignore distance, size and energy, get out of causality and attack with dimensional slash in hyperspace outside the multiverse and outside causality, right? He even proved to be easily able to bend the space itself with his bare hands. This guy was one-shotted by Saitama in the webcomic, so why don't you wait to see what happens in the manga.
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Subaru's wife is so cute
Shame that rem returns but with lost memories, now she hates subaru.
Subaru isn't a coomer. If anything, that's a problem people have with him, considering he shoves Shaula off saying she needs to value herself more and he says directly that he isn't attracted sexually to Elsa.
He also brings up silver bells rather than Emilia's tits.
>For one thing, both of them exist at the same time
That has never been a problem in time travel stories.
She’s one of the worst “characters” of all time.
There seems to be someone obsessively falseflaging here.
I guess, but imo Emilia is a red herring when it comes to this sort of thing, she really is just Emilia. People just see that she looks like her and jump into "oh fuck the witch" when it's Subaru that's the actual vessel with all the witch and curse stuff going down.
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It's likely going to be a triple red herring.
>they are introduced as different characters
>we are then shown elements of extreme similarity between the two
>the story then gives reasons why they can't be the same person (e.g. Satella killed Emilia when Subaru told her about RoD)
>but at the end, they are actually the same person and Subaru refuses to kill her
Eh, I just think it'd funnier if when all the witch stuff comes out people are shocked to discover that it's stemming from the half elf that looks exactly like the witch.........'s knight.
It seems like something Tappei would do.
Who do you think the "silver haired girl" Al failed to protect is going to end up being?
Another Satella reincarnation or maybe another half elf?
Have Roswaal, Puck, and Beatrice met Satella? They were alive around the same time, they were Echidna's disciples/spirits and Echidna did hang out with Satella.
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Rem being written out was probably one of Tappei's best decisions. The story would've ended up even shittier if she'd been allowed to stay. But I don't think he had to slam dunk her into the trashcan like that with the "I love Emilia". That was just brutal.
Lmao YenPress actually turned Subaru into a lolicon with their translation.
He is though. He spends more time with lolis than any other type of female.
If he really was a lolicon, he would've definitely touched Meili or Louis. Even Otto points that out.
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That's just how it is bro. My man tappei is savage
They fear you because you speak the truth!
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Latest chappy for those who missed it:
Thanks WNchad
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>he would've definitely touched Meili
I tried real hard to like Moblia since she is Megumin's voice actress and I enjoyed her in Konosuba but damn if the writing isn't garbage whenever the story focuses on her, Rem just won me over, its no competition.
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>he would've definitely touched Louis
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No problem, anon. us WNchads gotta keep the thread on topic.
Nah, I already dropped this garbage.
Crime Lord Otto will be a thing in the main timeline?
Tappei changes his personality all the time so probably
It does feel like Tappei's writing skill has worsened since arc 7. I think its because he's in a hurry to release more chapters instead of taking his time like in arc 6
Fun fact: if you google "most brutal anime rejections" the top result is "I love Emilia & 9 other brutal anime rejections". It was so fierce that they wrote articles about how hard Rem got mogged.
If you count this then Subaru has gone the farthest with Roswaal.
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kek what the fuck it's true
Eh, it tracks if you pay attention and read between the lines imo.
It's why "Edgtto" was around even before arc 6.
>expecting people to read
>between the lines, even
Not possible.
i'll try this, reporting back in 1 year
>my source on what the story's like is what people in the market of watchmojo top 10 slop have to say
I mean, at least you're honest about your level of engagement with media.
I'd die over and over for a chance at the legendary oni shimaidon. Imagine going to the beach with Ram and Rem, and having Ram call you a filthy pervert for oogling their bodies. So as punishment she decides to take you to a private area and jerk you off to "release your impure thoughts so you don't ruin the beach trip"
>This guy was one-shotted by Saitama in the webcomic, so why don't you wait to see what happens in the manga.

I'll wait to be disappointed because I'm sure it will miss the mark, again.
He's another Wilhelm and Rem I'm sure. He was probably supposed to die originally in the WN. The WN version he betrayed the expedition when he got captured by the Witch Cult. That's why Subaru is so hostile to him at the beginning of arc 4 in the WN but not in the LN.

You can literally pinpoint the change in his personality when the LN started getting published.
True. Only animeonly faggots claim that as their source and completely ignore the novel >>269184266 . But just ignore, lets discuss the series instead.
What are the odds of a satisfactory resolution to the story? I notice more japs struggle to properly finish a series.
The only people that take this shitty story seriously are jap fujos.
Everyone else just jerks off to the girls, buy merch of the oni, and throw out the rest.
Afaik they just released yet another Rem figurine. Tappei sure is milking Rem for all her worth
>The only people that take this shitty story seriously are jap fujos.
I know you're shitposting but this actually kind of true and I think Tappei adding so many twinks like Eugard and making Cecilus a shota is a result of this. It just make too much sense. Most of the art you see now is Subaru getting raped or Julius or Cecilus being gay.
He wasn't hostile to Otto in arc 4's wn at all until he tried to carry Rem, even then it was just that.
If anything he kept flirting with him and trying to convince him to stay. If he was hostile it wouldn't make sense at all.
Fuck she's so perfect. Subaru is such a faggot, I would have loved to cuddle with an unwashed Rem as she spent days without a bath in the dragon carriage during arc 3. Her pungent pits and footsies must be heaven!
>He wasn't hostile to Otto in arc 4's wn at all until he tried to carry Rem, even then it was just that.
He definitely was. He took jabs at him multiple times. Calls him gay, calls him a traitor, calls him a failure, shit like that. They only became friends after chapter 80.
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Damn. At least she didn't get dropkicked as hard as she did in the WN.
I want to marry this cute oni!
>Subaru: “You're wrong. You've got it wrong, Otto.”
>Otto: “I have what wrong. If you think you can take back what you said, it's too late...”
>Subaru: “You don't have lower priority than the ground dragon. You have infinitely lower priority than the ground dragon.”

Here is a quick example I grabbed of their exchanges in early arc 4 (wn). Subaru hates his guts. It's because Otto bargained with Petelgeuse in arc 3 which only happens in the WN.
All of this and I mean ALL of it was cut in the anime and the LN.
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Speaking of, the anime side has also been recently posting stuff like pic related.
Reread the beginning of arc 4, he's bantering with him but he didn't want to throw him out. If he did he wouldn't have led him into Roswaal's office and trick him into looking at private documents unless you think he was actually trying to have him killed.
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Subaru is completely powerless because he's a NEET who had already been isekai'd in Luganica once as the most op protagonist ever; he had built himself a harem like every other good isekai protagonist would, but those sluts in his harem sucked him dry and somehow stole all of his Witch Factors (previously called Wizard Factors), turning into witches. After sealing his strongest power in the Elior Forest for safety, the witches had fun reigning supreme over the world; they created the Witch Cult, gave some of their powers away to their most loyal worshippers, killed countless humans for sport and enslaved and humiliated Subaru (now an empty husk) for hundreds of years. Satella, the only girl in the original harem who genuinely loved Subaru, felt remorse about everything that happened to him and desired to restore him to his former power, so she killed all the other witches, stole their remaining Witch Factors, erased their memories and tried to give Subaru his powers back. However, Subaru was too weak and mindbroken to receive his own powers back, so Satella erased his memory as well and only gave him Return by Death, his weakest yet most useful power. As a way to make up for all his suffering, Satella planned to give Subaru a new harem, starting with Emilia, a clone of herself. Pandora, leader of the Witch Cult, becomes the villain of the story as she attempts to stop Satella and get revenge for the deaths of the witches she worshipped.
im still disappointed that the story doesn't show racism as much as i'd expected, the amount of people who called emilia an half-devil are probably barely the same amount of fingers in a single hand
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Pic related
I have no idea how you don't see this as clearly banter.
Dude this is banter lmao are you autistic?
Tappei only wrote Rem out of the story because he was upset that she was far more popular than his wife Emilia. If it was up to him he would have killed her off for good, the only reason he didn't was because the fans, his editor & the higher ups would shit on him if he did.
The closest Subaru will come to actually fucking a witch are Rui and Beako.
I hope im not the only one who think that every Witch that isn't Satella, Echidna and Pandora feels pointless in the series, like they're just kinda there, without really carrying any weight in the story, we don't even have side stories or flashbacks about them, they're just waifu placeholders and they were given powers even though we all know they'll never use it at any point in the story
Vollachia is supposed to be rezero nazi Germany with all the racism and shit. That's why chaosflame exist as a safe haven from demihuman racism. Except nobody seemed to give a shit which contradicts the lore.
Tappei doesn't produce merchandise, he just signs off on it, if it was up to him there would be less Rem figures & more Emilia figures.
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That would be far too based, meta and kino for Tappei.
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>everyone I don't like is samefag
It's all so tiresome.
Would you do any better, anon?
Agreed. Tappei just forgot about the racism halfway. I want my cute racist Rem wife!
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Based and subarupilled. Emili/a/ gonna be bumping when s3 drops
Lugnica is the more racist country. Vollachia is more survival of the fittest.
Pretty sure Vincent passively makes fun of this in the EX since in Lugnica demihumans aren't able to hold political positions at all while in Vollachia it doesn't matter what you are as long as youre strong enough and aren't part wolf.
Chaos flame is more for the weak.
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>This thread...
>more Emilia figures.
Shelf warmers more like, RZ survives off Rem merch and soon that gacha which like the previous one will be JP only.
But Rem and Ram are literally demi-humans too...
Meant for >>269194014
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This anon get it, the three main girls being demihumans is a deal breaker.
>people watch this series mainly for the girls

And ironically all the significant female fanartists seem to be WN readers
Nobody wants to get isekaid to a fantasy land with fantasy races only to fuck a human girl otherwise what's the point of the fantasy land?
Rie Takahashi is amazing, almost tempted to call her a goddess for her based shotacon taste, she'd probably approve of the Ram/Rigel stuff but it's pretty amazing and I guess sad that not even Emilia being voiced by her has made Emilia interesting infact it seems "people" would rather talk about her increased and inaccurate breast size instead of her role in season 3, can't say I blame them considering she spends a good chunk of Arc 5 being her usual Emilia self then the rest captive in Reggie's mansion prepping for the wedding, as always Arc 5's saving grace is every conflict BUT Emilia's situation, I don't particularly have any intrigue for Season 3 but seeing a younger Wilhelm shouting at Reinhard could be interesting.
Oni can be racist too. Didn't Ram or Rem call Moblia a half devil too?
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Medieval fantasy human women, especially the knightly or nobility kind, are attractive
Replace Emilia with Felt and I'll take it.
Roswaal is called a freak pervert for employing demihumans at all.
Demihumans aren't allowed on palace grounds unless they're accompanied by a human. (Iirc this was in ex 1)
The reason why Fredrica wasn't around before arc 4 was because she was traveling around trying to find positions willing to take demihumans.
Felix was forced into a cage for the first decade of his life because his father thought his wife fucked a demihuman.
Demihuman taxidermy is a thing. (EX 6)
Heinkel was willing to eat Groovy. (Arc 8)
They had a race war.
an actually based opinion
Yes, as long as they get the action decent enough. Sengoku Youko hasn't been terribly amazing or anything, but it's been good enough and is a massive improvement over Re Zero S2.
Exactly. Also
>Rie Takahashi is amazing, almost tempted to call her a goddess for her based shotacon taste
What a based woman. I'd love to marry her and have her use Megumin's voice as we copulate!
After Rem and Shaula, I do consider Crusch worth marrying. She's quite hot
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Depends on what level you mean.
He does. You cannot hit him as a matter of physical law basically. If you try reality will stop you in some way. A nuke would fail to detonate if he was included in the radius, you can see Elsa's knives divert to avoid him even if he does nothing to stop them actively. Same for anyone else who would have those blessings.
Some of the swords could also be said to warp reality.
I love Emilia.
>because his father thought his wife fucked a demihuman
I mean, how else would that happen?
>Demihuman taxidermy is a thing
That's freaking cool. I hope flaying demihumans alive is a common thing.
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We know, Subaru.
If I was reincarnated like Subaru, I would spend all my loops trying to copulate with Rem while completely ignoring the main plot
No, Vollachia cares less than Lugnica does, they only care about strength. Chaosflame is a sort of global special exception, there aren't any horned demihumans in Lugnica either, they're global persecuted. It's weird that Tanza's backstory as some rando side character has more racism and discrimination in it than Emilia who is a main character that this is supposed to be a major thing involving her.
Speaking of the Witch Cult, I'm also rather disappointed that it's mostly compromised of humans, with only Petelgeuse, Sirius, and Pandora being the confirmed non-human members in the cult.
I don't know if Capella counts.
Iirc it was a freak genetic throwback, an ancestor fucked a demihuman.
It worked so well here that an anon wrote his dissertation for psychology on it. Got a good grade too.
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If I was Subaru I'd loop until I create the perfect situation where I can elope with Rem, Ram and Beatrice, not seeing Felt again would suck but she's safe with Reinhard and I'm not gonna die 50+ times just for Emilia to handle looking at her own reflection.
I didn't even finish S2. It had some good stuff, Echidna and Roswaal, but way too much stupid bullshit. And it sounds like it's going to drop the death loop element and become more about action? I'm convinced the first 2/3s of S1 and the aforementioned good stuff in S2 was all just a fluke, this show has no fucking idea how to be good.
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>it's okay honey, you must have had a really distant demihuman ancestor
Tbf they're wearing hoods most of the time. Here's coping for inside witchcult this arc.
My perfect ending unless I attempt to go for the Lust If is to get Rem, Ram, Shawler and Crusch to impregnate.
It didn't because that was your post and you made that up because larping and samefagging in these threads is all you do with your life.
Someone in his lineage did, but not his direct parents. Basically he's a genetic throwback who is less demihuman than Garfiel or Frederica, but has more traits than either of them. So it's understandable to call shenanigans. Although it's weird to raise a stink about it since his real mom is some random maid anyway.
Do Emiliafags actually exist or is it just shitposting?
It would've already been obvious if you'd read the WN. Subaru loving Emilia is the basis for this story, after all.
Yeah honestly its quite pathetic and sad.
Just shitposting, I don't think I've ever seen a real mobliatard in the wild.
Literally just tourists shitposting. I guess some legitimate ones exist in Japan somewhere.
Crusch was the one that found out and told him. Don't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure Felix's mom went mad and died in prison, I dont think she ever forgave him for being born like that.
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We don't call it emili/a/ for nothin. This board is probably among the largest concentrations of emiliafags around
She dies in the fire, staying with the house and his father as it burns down. Assuming you mean his actual mother Hannah Regret and not his official mother Hannah Argyle.
Liked her purely because of her sexy voice.
I fucking love Rem and her cute pale skin
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Emiliachads keep it real here.
You can safely disregard the third reply to your posts, no, there are no legitmate Emiliafags here, we have an Emiliatard who has spent 4 years repeating the same shitposts but beyond that they don't care about this story or Emilia as a character.
It's one dedicated shitposter
Wasn't that how the wolfskin Groovy has got made?
There's also a wolf ring that can transform someone into a werewolf that probably called for some fucked up shit to happen.
You can dislike her, but she DOES have more character development than any other female character in Re:Zero.

Rem just became a completely different character overnight, then almost immediately went into a coma.
And this reply from the same poster as >>269194831
can also be disregarded.
How would Rem react if her lover confessed that he was formerly part of the Witch Cult but betrayed it in favor of her?
Gimme ideas for a fanfiction
I've been watching shield hero because I was looking for something too fill the void after mushoku tensei but its trash.
Is this any better? Waifus look top tier at least
I was referring to the way you replied to your own posts.
I mean, Subaru/Flugel literally founded the witch cult.
Yeah, people use parts for weird stuff. Hell, the extermination of the werewolves and moles was itself just ingredients for some ritual.
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>You can dislike her, but she DOES have more character development than any other female character in Re:Zero.
That's a good fucking joke anon, my right hand has more character development than her.
Was the maid his bio mom? Why wouldn't the dad throw her in prison for giving birth to Felix rather than his wife, or kick her and Felix out since it'd be no biggie?
Probably conflicted. You could get her to come around, but you'd have to calm her down first and probably do something extreme to further prove sincerity.
Re:Zero is pretty good.
I'd say about a third of regulars are emiliafags, then we've got a third disgruntled remfags (as you can see in your replies) and the rest are a mix of crusch/petra/ramfags. Probably about half our remfags are schizo, driven that way by the author.
Based Petrapedo.
Yeah but I'm speaking of a scenario where Rem has a lover and he confess that he was a part of the Witch Cult and betrayed it for her, what would her reaction be?
I hope they go more into detail on metia. I'm surprised Subaru didn't try to create or buy some to compensate for his lack of magic.
She would try to murder him, only by doing something big like saving the entire village from the cult would she be impressed enough to spare you like she did Subaru. But damn wouldn't it be worth it just to get to marry the cute oni
Also he doesn't read the novel at all. So just ignore the faggot
She's heavily implied to be. Which makes the father's behavior sort of political grandstanding since the woman he blames for it definitely has nothing to do with it. And after kicking his wife out he'd be out of a warm hole so why not just keep the side piece around?
Did your right hand get a character development haircut?
>She would try to murder him, only by doing something big like saving the entire village from the cult would she be impressed enough to spare you like she did Subaru. But damn wouldn't it be worth it just to get to marry the cute oni
So it wouldn't be a good idea to reveal that you were formerly affiliated with the Witch Cult, even if you tell her that you betrayed them for her?
Idk. I remember her being more of a mother to Felix and having feelings for the dad, but the dad going as far as to try and resurrect his wife doesn't seem like the type that would have a side piece, especially considering he seemed uptight about genetics.
>You can dislike her, but she DOES have more character development than any other female character in Re:Zero.
She really doesn't. She's had more screentime devoted to what has amounted to absolutely nothing compared to any other female character though.
>Rem just became a completely different character overnight
You mean like Emilia did between arc 1 and arc 2 as admitted to by the author because her actual character would have prevented arc 1 from ever happening at all?
I guess she may be conflicted but come to accept it then but it would take time and she would be suspicious for a while. Probably spy and try to keep tabs on you to make sure its the truth. Even then she may also want proof that you were in the cult.
I mean to get Rem to open up enough to start a relationship would require something extreme already since she's so broken after what happened to her village and Ram so that would be a challenge on itself.
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I enjoy it.
Episodes 12 to 17 are genuinely painful because of how dumb Subaru is, but if you can get over them then Season 1 could still be worth watching. It's at least better than Shield Hero.

Watch Cautious Hero if you want a more entertaining isekai.
>but the dad going as far as to try and resurrect his wife
Maybe he found out the maid just doesn't really cut it compared to the noble pussy. He's kind of a cunt.
S2 was dogshit.
Satella is related to Beatrice. Her Birthday is big spoilers and we have an idea who Puck once was before becoming a Spirit, we don't know what Beatrice is, except that she was kept mostly isolated until Subaru forced his way in. Who did Subaru 'bring out of the darkness'?
Episode 15 made me fall in love with Rem
The ending was weak but the season had genuinely great moments too.
Emilia = Satella has been foreskinned since forever and basically been confirmed in the Isekai Quartet movie.
Any more lies faggot?
Rem + alcohol is my favourite combination. I want to turn Rem into a cute alcoholic!
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I'm beginning to see why Emilia won. Only best girl could have a rack like that.
The second arc was pure kino. But it all went to shit after that.
Eh, I think it's more likely that the maid had one sided feelings for Felix's dad and wanted to step in as Felix's mother.
Could Re:Zero have worked better like this?
No. The death scenes would have been more censored.
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EMT's EMTs are truly the friends we made along the way.
guess I'll give it a shot
Depends what you mean? Emiliafag as in a poster that likes Emilia, cares about the story and wants Emilia to do better? or Emiliafag as in a poster that uses Emilia to shitpost until this series dies? Because the latter exists but the former doesn't. just look at the previous replies to your posts, even got one poster trying to twist the narrative because they already know the truth but admitting to said truth will only mock their own efforts here.
the replies to this post are very schizophrenic
meant for
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Based. you are now on the Subarupilled path.
Same. This felt like the arc that was supposed to make me like her, which just made how boring she was in it worse.
yea, that's our typical remfag schizo
I guess you're right. I'm still angry at the lack of Petra gore
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Shoulda read the WN. Emilia carries the story there.
Idk, I'd have to double check and reread the story to see if I have differing opinions. Its been too long for me to remember specific instances of for/against, I just came away with the notion that the maid was supposed to be his real mom.
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>RZ becomes loli harem series with no cheap murdergore loop porn
>Don't have to deal with current Emiliafags because they'd soon get bullied faster than Remfags bullied most of them out of these threads
>Smolmilia is actually tolerable and cute
>Tsundere loli Ram slowly falling for Barusu
Peak fiction, but we lose Felt and Petra unless I guess in this alternate timeline all the girls would just be the same age like dragon ball daima?
I think that answered my question pretty well. They exist, but the majority is just shitposting.
It's even more apparent in the WN, it's funny, both in the story and meta, the series is carried by everyone BESIDES Emilia, the "main heroine" Rem carries the merch and practially every side character carries the story.
Fwiw I'd say it's one of those where different interpretations are fun.
The WN helped her a bit when I read it. She had some more complexity, things could be blamed on her, etc... it seemed like a good set up to her improving. Then the next arc starts and there's nothing and she's exactly the same, maybe more openly retarded. Then the next arc starts and she's even more openly retarded. Then the next arc starts and she's even more op-- you get the idea.
And the LN version removes even that, which since it amounts to nothing maybe makes it the more consistent version.
Emiliafags are schizos
With takes like this they should just let the fujos have it.
Hey man, fujos are unironically a better option at this point then the current state of the threads.
Pretty much, the argument can be made that the shitposting "Emiliafag" is not even an Emiliafag, they seem to only post with Emilia because despite everything, they know how badly Emilia is disliked here.
They exist on Twitter, they live in a safe space where people can’t bring up the WN/LN for arcs 2-4 without being viciously attacked
How was the first episode of S3? Wasn't it already shown somewhere or something?
Lolimilia would have been an improvement over what we got. At least like that her retardedness would make sense.
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Reminder that the waifu war is over and Meili won. YenPress agreed, don't bother them about it.
They added extra scenes between Subaru and Julius for the fujo crowd.
She's already unironically a babaloli canonically.
Yes, but you have to take secondhand info. Most seemed positive but you have to remember the kind of fan who would go to a live premiere at an expo is a, well, fan, and so likely has more favorable than normal opinions.
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I never doubted.
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How do you even fuck up this badly with translating? I remember when American translators deliberately changed lines to make characters sound less pedophilic instead of more.
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It was a little less gay than in the web novel.
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Re:Zero is unironically dying but not because these threads are dying or even because Season 3 will ultimately be lame, it's because we have not had a single good doujin in years, not even a continuation to that Emilia/Lucas series, Season 3 better deliver on the Felt goods.
Which is funny because I know for a fact that the retard that shitposts here is exactly one of those twitter tards or WCT troglodytes, they only feel comfortable shitposting here for as long as they have because their real identity is not at risk.
Doujins that aren't some kind of gachaslop/vtumor are dead.
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I think it's because season 3 is on the horizon and the WN started up with some new chapters.
Monkey's paw you get genderbent bl djs of Forte.
Emilia a cute and you're gay.
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The one melting down is you because as always like the insecure sissy you are, you can't handle being called out, so you samefag to hide.
This may be a crazy controversial idea but, what if Subaru likes both Rem AND Emilia?
I hope the wn quality improves
It doesn't matter, that won't deter the shitposters.
>what if Subaru likes both Rem AND Emilia?
This has been well known for a long time but our resident shitposter doesn't care about this since that would destroy his retarded narrative of Emilia "mogging" everyone else despite the simple fact that at this point Petra could breathe and that would gain more support than Emilia's entire existence.
I wish Rem got to meet Shaula, I think they would get along quite nicely
Even Meili is now a contender for joining Subaru's harem with the latest translation of volume 25.
Maybe in the future. So far they've only met in AU.
Anal sex with Petra.
I don't remember Rem liking her much in >>269196401
Petra is too powerful and Roswaal accidentally taught her magic crack cocaine as her magic. She can't be stopped.
They initially fight but reach a devious understanding by the end of the chapter they meet in. Basically they're going to tag-team Subaru.
They fought for Subaru and Shaula is a bit of a delinquent in that AU so they struggled but in the end they figured they got a lot in common and enjoyed each other's company.>>269196497
>but reach a devious understanding by the end of the chapter they meet in. Basically they're going to tag-team Subaru.
He does, explicitly in the text, but the way he likes them is different, explicitly. Only one of them can be seen as a romantic love.

A copy pasta I have saved

He doesn't love Emilia in the same way he loves Rem.

His love for Beatrice is more defined than his feelings for Emilia.

>???: <I, at least knew that... you aren't, they... but...>
>A sound to constrict his chest.
>He hears this sound, and he cannot restrain himself. A sound near to tears. A sound which must not come to tears. A sound he must protect. Sound. Sound. Sound.
>???: <Show me how awesome you can be, Subaru-kun.>
>The sound of something inside him thumping to a high beat is his reaction to this sound.
>His body heats. A sense of duty spurs him to motion. This sound, had always been supporting him.
>???: <Thank you, Subaru.>
>This sound.
>???: <—For saving me.>
>—This sound, which announced the beginning of everything

Look. What does the Emilia quotes have? Literally nothing. There is no description of emotion. Beatrice's words make him want to protect her. Rem's words makes his heart beat faster, his body heats, a sense of duty spurs him into motion. Emilia? Crickets...
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>what if Subaru likes both Rem AND Emilia?
I mean, didn't Subaru literally say he wanted a polygamous relationship with both of the in the WN/LN?
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Reminded me of all the weird crossover art I've been saving.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the way Tappei handles Emilia, not just in regards to her "romance" with Subaru is really strange, everyone in the Emilia Camp acknowledges what a retard she is and she barely solved any of the problems in Arc 7/Arc 8 and if we want to talk about the romance aspect then even now she's still going "Teehee, Subaru? Well I guess I like him"
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I want to make sure Freddie gets plenty of bedrest.
He does, but that's because he's sunk cost on Emilia. Like, he doesn't know what he would even do with her. The common metaphor is a dog chasing a car, it does it but it has no idea what it would even do if it ever caught it.
Yeah he always seems brainwashed when its related to Emilia. But he lacks developed feelings, he seems to have more chemistry with everyone else but Emilia. I wonder how much is intentional.
Considering Emilia is an idol in the school au, her being similiar to a celebrity crush makes sense.
Explicitly in the WN as he tells Emilia to her face he's taking Rem too, heavily implied in the LN but he's cut off before he can tell Emilia more than "I like Rem as much as I like you".
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Oh no.. They're posting the actual WN now...
The "joke" with Emilia is "two more arcs, trust the plan". But it's not really even a joke, that's exactly how she is actually treated in the story. "Oh, she'll get better later", morons investing in her because surely, at some point, she/they'll will figure out what she/they are doing and it will be amazing. This is true across the board.
Her "fans" "like" her not for anything she does or is, but for what she surely must do later. You can see how hostile they are that she has to win and win alone because they decided she's the main girl and backed her like a horse in a race that isn't even over.
In the story her leadership is undeveloped, everyone knows she's an idiot, but aside from Roswaal having ulterior motives, people like Subaru and Otto just hope she figures it out one day.
Her "love" for Subaru is the same way, just an empty promise of "Oh, one day I'll figure out what love is and when that happens I'll probably love Subaru, but I have no idea what it is now, tee hee hee"
And Subaru's back to her is equally as vague, weak and wishy-washy. She serves as some kind of unattainable goal to him that he can constantly move towards because he will never reach it and it will never be realized so he never has to think about what it actually is.

I think this is done on purpose and the author will have something to say about it eventually. But for now what insufferable fans she does have pretend that 'potential' is just as good, if not better than actualization. This same trend is why every new Hollywood release is "peak" on launch and then declared dogshit once it's over by the same people because the promises are provably broken. Then they move on to the next lie about 'potential'.
>"Oh, she'll get better later"
I remember Spfag saying this way back before arc 4 was translated.
It's still a thing almost 10 years later.
>Her "fans" "like" her not for anything she does or is
I will do one carveout here for people who think she is cute/sexy and just jack off to her and nothing else. Those are 'fans' after a fashion and their desire for her is genuine. But they like a character design, not a character. We are not the same.
So why am I rooting for Emilia again?
Because she's a royal candidate? She hasn't done jackshit, Subaru with the help of Ana's and Crusch forces took care of the White Whale and later saved the village that Emilia was supposed to be protecting but was too busy going "oh woe is me, the villagers don't like me" to lift a finger to actually protect them, Subaru deserves praise for the work he did but Emilia deserves jackshit in that regard, she can't even get into another country without a little girl doing all the work, there's no way she won't be a puppet ruler if she "wins"
So should I like her for her romance with Subaru? Because that's not really an option either, we're onto Arc 9 and they're not any closer to becoming a couple than they were in Arc 5, which is funny because they literally kissed in Arc 4 yet somehow as pointed out by Felt their relationship has actually REGRESSED, Subaru has more of a romance with Otto at this point, ok but what about her tragic backstory? "Oh no, I disobeyed Mommy, met some mysterious witch and now mom is dead, my friend is dead, my adoptive father is dead and everyone else is frozen, oh no woe is me, I can't handle looking at a mirror because my own reflection is scary! I'll spend years and years doing nothing to deal with this until an isekaied boy solves all my problems" meanwhile Roswaal has spent 400 years bodyhopping bodies and struggling to follow through with his plan to revive his mentor and has to constantly convince himself he's evil and is only following gospel autism yet still does "good" things like saving Carol's life despite not needing to, helping Ram and Rem avenge their family and village despite not needing to when they're already his "pawns", there's also Beatrice and Garfiel and practically any other character I could talk about, all come across as more interesting than Emilia, so why exactly am I supposed to root for her?
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Rem is too good for Subaru anyway. I wish Emilia said "I love Rem" and they dumped Subaru's lame ass
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There's some that like her as a cute but dumb shoujo styled girl/the mascot of the main group.
I think that's genuine.
Emilia is basically a genderbent shounen protagonist and I think it's on purpose.
From her pov, it is basically a shounen adventure story.
It's why she clashes with the tone so much and all the other characters start acting retarded around her. Author is a hack.
The clash in tone is pretty much on purpose imo.
It's kind of a big deal that what Subaru sees is different than what Emilia sees is different from the rest of the camp, etc.
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The camp only consists of three factions, that of Subaru, that of Roswaal and that of Otto.
Rem knitting clothes for our cute half-oni children!
So whatever happened with Felt's camp going to the watchtower? Did Reinhard read Subaru's books of the dead?
That plot is still in side story hell.
By the way, do you rike Vollachia?
I do.
no chapter today or what
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>I do.
I'm glad it's over. Way too many side characters I don't really care about. The addition of Louis to the cast was great though. Also Vincent is a fucking homo lol.
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>I'm glad it's over
>Implying it's over
I'm being genuine.
Beats the hell out of the academy arcs I've been going through in some other series too.
This so much, I'm surprised by how bad those arcs were
It's the opposite, Subaru should have left Rem for dead a long time ago.
>reductive criticism
You're either genuinely stupid or underage lol
The Empire's story arc is done for good. Now we go back to Lugunica where all the interesting stuff could come up. I'm assuming there will be more interactions between Felt's and Emilia's camps as we've had plenty with Anastasia's camp and Crusch's camp is dead in the water.
That would have killed the franchise since Rem is one of the few good things left in the story.
Thank Madokami!
>Crusch's camp is dead in the water.
Fuck ShitHackPei
Doubt threads will get better considering everyone skipped over a lot of the plot. Nobody knows what's going on other than sexo fanart.
In some ways Crusch's loss hits harder than Rem's. Rem's still got Subaru gunning for her, a chance of recovery even if it did take the better part of an IRL decade for any progress to be made on that front, and still plenty of popularity, but Crusch is just fucked, irrelevant, and forgotten. It's not fucking fair.
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I always associated this color with Re:Zero
Does it fit?
Crusch is treated like the losing sub-heroine in a harem series while her obiter Felix got feminized and cucked hard.
what is it about magenta that makes you obsessed to linking it with rezero?
genuinely curious because you seem to post the same thing once in a while every thread
I've tried to go back and finish arc 8 but I can't get motivated. I stopped when they decided to back to the capital after leaving it only like 25 before then.
I've read all of Mushoku Tensei since then. If arc 9 seems really interesting I'll go back and finish the last 60 or so chapters of arc 8.
It's not FUCKING fair.
Makes me fucking sad. Just like Rem, Crusch was fucking amazing and a fan favorite. Also one of the few candidates that actually does stuff.
That is the most likely cause of the meltdowns. The season 3 announcement was pretty much the final victory over remfags.
Ngl Arc 8 was way easier for me to read than MT season 2 was to watch. Something about school life arcs are just really boring to me. I'd rather read about Heinkel losing the bad dad Olympics with Rowan.
Mushoku tensei had Sylphie sex.
Nobody has sex in arc 8 despite that being Rem's role.
What do you mean, the Pristilla camp got fucked hard.
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Don't fuck with us Re:Zero fans, we don't read the novel
Vollachian so nobody cares
i would rather read 5 volumes worth of school arc than go through the vollachia namek again
Also tappei needs to stop pulling this depowering subaru shit
it was fun the first time with the amnesia but bringing him apart from beatrice, then having him turn into a kid is lame as fuck
Pretty sure Tappei mentioned years ago that he'd never let Subaru get too strong and would keep nerfing him.
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Jeez, with the amount of autists on this board, it wouldn't be far-fetched to say that if the average anon got a witch factor they're compatible with, they would be atleast Regulus tier in power.
I'd be pretty compatible with Pride, Greed and Envy.
I don't even read this and I'm mad about that.
give me the witch factor of melancholy and watch me reach satella's level of power
I agree with this post
But we do, and damn I want to cream all over Rem's thick and strong oni thighs!
I'm quite compatible with Lust, Sloth and Envy
i just think it's lame how the story is going in circles
>Crusch gets gluttony'd
>Priscilla gets her lifespan multiplied by 0
>Anastasia is a fucking capitalist controlled by a fox
>Felt is a weird childish anarchist (but she has the swordcuck)
>Emilia is a communist and can't accomplishing anything without relying on others, she did nothing basically

How fried is the kingdom?
>Priscilla gets her lifespan multiplied by 0
The way you put that is infuriating and I don't know why.
Emilia will be their only choice left and she will burn it to the ground
>MT season 2 was to watch
MT anime suffers from the same problem RZ anime does. Namely, no Rudeus inner monologue. School arc is much better in the LN simply for that reason.
Woah, based and subarupilled
How likely is it for Felt getting a Canute type of treatment to actually fucking grow and take the throne
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Do you guys like Carol Remendis?
Imp it's more of a problem with the story not being visually honest with what it is.
It'd be easier to temper expectations and accept nerfing and cycles if it was more honest with being a darker time loop series.
She's going to take the throne.
Not sure if she'd turn into a Canute type though. I think she'll stay at least a bit feisty.
MT still gets way better treatment than RZ, it's hard to include multiple monologues in anime adaptations
I hope you are right, Emilia taking it would be ridiculous
Cute tomboy
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Maybe Tappei will throw a twist and have no one inherit the throne, with the priestess contract getting broken.
they fucking absolutely ruined Season 2 what a fucking disgrace fuck those niggers

re-do it properly before moving on
Cute meidos!
>re-do it properly before moving on
I'm possible without adapting the WN version of arc 4. The LN is that shit and that is why S2 was shit.
Only good for the doujinshi nowadays.
Sex with them must be glorious!
>I'm possible
Fucking auto correct.
I really really like really need a Rem wife!
What is your favourite Re:Zero song, anon? To me its Styx Helix everytime with Wishing a strong second.
I can see it, reminds me of Satella
What's Rem's asshole like? Does it have hair?
Nothing gives more joy in this life than reading Salty Remtards crying about Re:Zero every post.

This idiots probably will not realize but Tappei will bring Rem memories back then permanently kill her.
Pity (you) now run along back to discord
They're just posting about armpits and buttholes.
I don't think they care much about what happens.
Rem is just so amazing, I wish I could date a girl like her in real life.
>Nothing gives more joy in this life than reading Salty Remtards crying about Re:Zero every post.
You must have a very shitty and joyless life.
Cry more remtard.
>My greatest source of joy is reading shitposts on 4chan
I feel bad for you, anon.
Rem's memory status in the current arc?
Gone, but Spica can take people the HoMs now so..
Sounds better than Vollachia war already. Subaru's adventure through the Halls of Memories! That'd be fun, he could explore the memories of Flugel and Dona. Also I hope he gets the Gluttony authority
Season 3 is going to be shit, it's all just fight faggotry.
It's why arc 5 is considered the shittiest arc by some people.
Confirmed to also adapt arc 6, so you're incorrect on that.

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