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/a/ - Anime & Manga

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How's that manga collection going /a/? I actually sold off 100 volumes from mine but still buy some volumes every now and then.
I stopped buying manga and started focusing on eroge.
small, but slightly larger than I originally thought when I found 2 volumes in a hallway cupboard
I don't believe in physical possessions.
I got a few series I like but it probably only adds up to a couple hundred volumes. And that's including a not insignificant amount of omnibus and multi volume editions. Haven't really done a count though in a while.
It is good. I got most of what I want. There are three ongoing series I buy from, but they are slow. I also am trying to complete an out of print series but it is becoming cost prohibitive. I am tempted to stop and sell what I have vs complete the series.
And do people actually read that? I always see big ass shelves with books or DVDs and then they go unused because nobody can be bothered to actually open them up
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I'm just buying manga that are unscanlated or have terrible scans. Latest manga I completed was Karakuri Circus. Absolutely amazing first half, easily among the best in the genre, sadly loses some steam in the second half and great finale.
I got 3 volumes of a manga that haven't been scanned yet. After reading them, I realized why.
Most of the stuff I want to collect is either not translated into a language I can read or has some volumes that are out of print with a handful of them be grossly over charged. Whatever retard said that it was easier to get manga than western comics can kindly go fuck himself because he's probably some shounen shitter only following current trendy series.
Manga prices hiked in my country and imo reading on my kindle is almost as good as reading on paper so I just slowed down a lot my purchases. I sold some unfinished collections I didn't care that much about and I'm focusing on finishing what I do care about.
almost all digital. komga library has a bit over 1100 titles. the few physicals I have are basically what others have described, not available digital, only really poor quality scans, etc. I don’t understand why you would keep hundreds or thousands of volumes of manga when you could just get a $100 8tb hard drive, set up komga and komf, and basically store every your entire library 10x over in 1/1000th of the space. get an ereader/tablet/phone that runs android for a few hundred bucks and you can stream all your manga to it with one of the tachiyomi forks. open your server to the internet and you can read literally anywhere, or leave it local and just quickly download titles before you leave your house. they even have tachiyomi forks for ios now if you’re a macfag (ereader is best tho).
I bought a shitton of manga last year and even brought back tons of volumes from Japan that sams year.
But since I dont have space I pretty much just buy the following
>Mato Seihei no Slave in ENG/JP
>Iruma in ENG/JP
>Vermeil in JP
because jp raw quality sucks ass
>I don’t understand why you would keep hundreds or thousands of volumes of manga
Because one, I only collect a very select few manga, and two, I like having non electric options as I live in a very hurricane prone area, and three, I legitimately would like to have something for my own future children to read God willing
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I own every volume of the original printed run of Blade of the Immortal
I just started buying manga again this year. I have about 60 volumes. I lost probably 150 or so volumes when I was a teenager and I had them in a box in the trunk of my car. It rained and water got in the trunk and ruined all of them. I was very upset, but I had also stolen most of them from various bookstores throughout high school so it felt a bit like karma to me
Reminds me of the one time here when nip raws were so ass that they had to scan one collector's personal stuff to get usable ones
If you have children then they will think our father had nice things. If you’re lonely then gameover
My sons will thank me for providing amazing big titty manga
Give up your PC, phone and internet then
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>buying anything
lmao, do normalfags really?
I'm thinking of only buying my favorite manga. I have the first 8 deluxe edition volumes of Berserk, and I want to get the remaining ones and start collecting BLAME!
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i'll sometimes buy a oneshot or a full run omnibus, but i'd never buy 10+ volume series when a single volume i'm gonna spend an hour reading once or twice in my life is at least ten bucks. not to mention all the space
I don't collect pieces of paper and plastic available in digital format
>broke neet can't afford anything and thinks he has the moral high ground
I've bought 300+ mango in the past 12 months. But not a lot this month.
Thinking about stopping / just completing the series I really like.
'been thinking about being more into digital as >>269180726 suggested
but still, nothing can beat the feeling of having that book/manga in my hands
I think I'll do both.
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Got some on the way
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Only buying manga you've already read is the way to go.
Do you have mostly digital, physical, or a fairly equal amount of both?
I have bought 0 manga digital, all pirated.
Only buy select manga are worth getting physical, so 99% digital library.
>internet is physical
>when a single volume i'm gonna spend an hour reading once or twice in my life is at least ten bucks.
Learn to buy used. Half price books has $7 volumes and I just bought 10 volumes at $4 a piece.
I own a couple hundred book since I was buying pretty frequently close to a decade ago (not to mention the huge haul I bought for cheap in Japan). Nowadays I only collect a few series I really like leading to only buying around 3 volumes a year.
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I only buy tanya the evil as they get published, or those box set manga like Kuro, i really really really want to buy sweat and soap but it didn't get fully translated yet
My bookshelf ran out of space and I can't afford another because bookshelves have apparently become some luxury design product for bankers and cost hundreds of eurodollars
the internet is like a big truck
Ikea is your friend, you don't need to buy one with those weird overpriced design
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>Ikea is your friend
If these are cheap to you, I shudder to think what you find "overpriced"
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Nigga where are you finding that shit?
Now, i know white is boring but manga/books have lot of colours so you end up with a fun to look at library anyway
3 berserk deluxe's and that baggebo shelf is collapsing.
I stopped collecting anything physical years ago
In exchange, my disk storage is ~40TB

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