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The future of this franchise and its fanbase are looking grimmer than ever.
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Who made her cry?
My hotwife sxarp
that's me wtf
Aoyama's Blue Mountains!
by me
Thank god! I'm in the mood to shi- I mean funposting again.
Tippy is gonna die
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premature megging
Chino chan cute shitpost
>megger are rapper
explains a lot
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Yes, worst girl is associated with worst music.
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my wifey wife Chiya
would meg this, so hard
Mental ages of Gochiusa characters?
Cocoa: 12
Chino: 28
Sharo: 16
Rize: 22 (nerd)
Chiya: 6
Megumi: 10
Maya: 12
(You): 4
>Chiya: 6
Chiya might not be smart and possbily even a little dumb, but that's kind of rude.
/a/ Gochi: 9 (>>269184082)
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Are these girls... you know...
Reminder sharp is poor and smells bad
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Lets be real its the fate of all SOL series, the plot either goes nowhere or there is no plot at all you can't just drag the series out without it turning stale.
My wife is so sexy
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there is no board called /A/ tho
Fuyu and Chino with large boobs?!
this is a repeated post
>he doesn’t know about /A/
When I listened to the full version of Daydream Cafe (S1 OP), I was so disappoint about the song ending differently from the TV version, I had to edit it in. Here's Daydream Cafe the way it was meant to be: https://litter.catbox.moe/x65kv9.flac
I thought you were referring to the jingle at the end of the "order the songs" version, but this is just autism.
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Holy cute (and holy big).
there's nothing wrong with having the 'tism, don't be rude
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I wanted to make the same exact joke lol
Reminder that in reality Sxarp is a elegant ojou-sama (might even have royal blood) and smells deliciously.
what came first, chino or the egg?
Damn, I have a deeper cleavage from my pecs than Syaro's.
Not now Sharo, I'm gaming
Sxarp is better
Sxarp lost house. It’s gone and never coming back and there’s nothing you can do about it.
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Meg megged house.
Spraying megu with my foam
>house on fire
>Megu has the extinguisher and is laughing
What the fuck? Was Megu the culprit this whole time?
Does this mean senpai noticed us or is it another tkmiz card situation?
She should extinguish the fire by flapping her skirt.
Can I get the quick rabbitdown (qrd)?
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Just tkmiz putting /a/ in its rightful place.
I don’t believe in Sxarp
I never have, I never will
Her name isn’t Sxarp you fucking RETARDS
He’s right. Her name is: Sxarp.
Syaro sounds like some poisonous plant. Like, go pick some berries but make sure to not pick any syaros.
Sharo sounds cute.
Sxarp sounds like Sex and Sharp
Her name should be LOCALIZED as Sharon.
And Rize should be Liza
Chino is super duper cute
Finally, a good coherent post.
you know what must be added to save it.
male romantic interests for the residents of gochiuzbekistan to repopulate the nation.
marry and reproduce.
I really need a Sxarp wife
My wife Chino is so cute.
You can borrow my hotwife all you like
Don’t you have a guppie thread you need to trash up?
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mof/u/ mof/u/
Chino will survive. She is immortal.
And it's Cocoa's fault
Gochiusa general crackdown by the FBI and the ATF.
Step one: Obtaining your Chino
Chino Militia.
The Chino extremists are a threat to our way of life
Improvised explosive Chino
the answer my friend is chinos in the wind
Ruby Ridge. With Chino.
Going off the grid with Chino
Hummingbirds remind me of chino
Chinos resisting my sniffs today, guess I’ll try again tomorrow
Making dinner plans with Chino
Taking an evening walk with Chino.
Sex between twins
Picking out a cute sundress to surprise Chino with
you shouldn't be posting that
There are only high quality posts from intellectuals.
You should be doing that though
thought about Chino
the future of this franchise and its fanbase
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mental illness
don't reply to "him"
>this thread
Doya was right, it's nothing but trash
It's too hard.
surprising fuyu with a kiss
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y r u still here
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imagine life without chino
sad life that would be
Chino is not real.
Impossible. I need chino chan
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Is the order a cat?
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I don't care what they say.
My wife Fuyu is so cute
i love fuyu chan
what does fuyu smell like
i want to sniff fuyu chan
fuyu chan sniffing
ARGHHH fuyu chan... arghh *sniff* *sniff* SEX fuyu... FUCK FUYU Arghh I want to envelope fuyu around me and CONTROL HER ARGHH THE fuyu... fuyu FUYU CHAN cute sex
sxarp for what
sxarp for president
Sxarp doesn't deserve clothes
Queen Chino Approximately
I need yura to drain my balls empty
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Now when all of the bandits that you turned your other cheek to
All lay down their bandanas and complain
And you want somebody ya' don’t have to speak to
Won’t you come see me Queen Jane
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For me it's Ballard of a Thin Man
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Chino, just allow me one more chance
Chino & Kita!
and also Iroha!
I don't know who the two girls on the right are.
I would fuck the two on the right so hard
I hope they strangle me and cut me up while fucking as well
The pink girl is a pedophilia psychopath murder-rapist (unsurprisingly), the bottom one some slut from BNHA.
>boku no pico academia
do people even watch that?
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yeah I did, 3 seasons even
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> pink girl is a pedophilia psychopath murder-rapist
How do you deal with the resulting brain damage?
I'm so sorry anon. I hope you're okay.
Well as you can see, I'm posting in this thread right now
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No, Satou from Happy Sugar Life. Pink girls are usually like this.
nope, it's Nana
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Fuck China
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Whoops, of course this is Nana, >>269207642 is correct. My own brain damage is worse than thought.
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Here is actual Satou with her wife Chino.
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Why are there so many off topic posts
scraps keep moving
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dumb idiot fucking retard sxap
shut the fuck up cocao
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imagine the smell
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Adachi and Shimamura.
S5 when?
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my wife Sxaerp is so mature and intellectual.
when doya apologize
faggot cant evin spell
cute SSxarp
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I don't know what happened with this show, I liked S1 and S2, but these threads are certainly garbage and filled with retarded faggots.
like you
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Chinacchu a cute.
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I thought this was Eru but turns out it's actually Scalp
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each Gocho sxj is sex ie wanttos sex tghem ejth SXARO anbd Fragile by Yes
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Scrapy is also cute though.
Anon don't drink in the morning please...
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youn shirld Kikel yours elf, Sxaros ios beteful no matter whart cher bbnrest aoxe ios
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translation please
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Uhmm, Sxarp and Cocoa are looking a bit weird in that image...
Why is there a arrow pointing towards Cocoa's nonexistent chest?
chino. just chino.
What happened?
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Seriously disturbing lack of Mochaposting itt
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why is nobody posting chiya
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Why is Bright Bunny like this?
You should post her big soft tits
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>no ginger in the ingredients
Fake BriBu.
Cute hag, but Cocoa is just better.
Dangerous whores
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green girl good
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Sxarper Slurper
She slurps old men
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The gochiusa blonde ojou-samas team.
(Aoyama is behind the camera taking the photo, she's also part of the team)
Blonde bunny club
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Yes but only for money
Good girl
Don't make fun of Scxps
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He's alive.
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Subject code names:


Detain on sight.
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Chino chan cute blob.
MGM all night
My daughteru Chino whom I named after her mother.
chino would never wear that
Chino no
Crispy chino
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I want to hug chino and fuck these chinos
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This, Cocoa is a slut not a whore.
What makes her a slut
She does it out of love
Of cock?
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Her insatiable thirst for mofumofu.
Yes, and Sxarp is a whore because she does it for money
Please be more wholesome and also less rude to the gochis. Thank you.
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Call her onee-chan.
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I decided to visit Bright Bunny the other day. It was a very unpleasant experience.

The girl at the counter was very cute and polite, but gave me a psychopathic smile after taking my order. I then sat at one of the table. It was wobbly. A freaking wobbly table, nobody likes that. After a while, another girl brought me my scone and my coffee. The scone was soft like a muffin, and the coffee was cold. I grabbed another one of the waitresses to complain that not only was the coffee industrial slop, it was cold and I wanted her to heat it up. She insisted the coffee was hot, so I put my nose in it to prove to her it was cold. She started mumbling and crying so I eventually left.

I was so upset I was thinking of setting up a spite store, but then I remembered reading an article about another coffee shop being run by three sisters. I quickly headed there, and was greeted by three beautiful young ladies. They immediately took my order and sat me at an old but extremely robust table. I could see the younger sister grinding beans at the counter and brewing the coffee all by herself. I was very impressed. No slop there, but real coffee. I was served a hot cup of coffee with beautiful latte art. I felt myself relaxing and thinking his town would be in safe hands as long as Rabbit House was there.

tl;dr: avoid the Bribu slop and come to Rabbit house.
It's spreading..
Hotwife slut
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>gave me a psychopathic smile
That is so rude, Fuyu-chan tries her best but she is afflicted by a rare case of smile dysfunction.
Please come at Bright Bunny!
I had a similar experience when I visited Bright Bunny. I'm not much of a coffee drinking myself, though I do know the basics and I just like to have a cup in the morning to get my day going. So one day I stopped by after noticing it open on the main strip (must have cost a fortune to open up a new store there).

After waiting in a long line at the counter, I said I'd like a coffee. The girl working the counter asked me some strange questions like if I would rather have a caramalmochalattefrauppucinogrande or something. I wasn't quite sure which language she was speaking, so I reiterated that I would just like a coffee with a "please" this time. She looked quite disappointed, didn't say anything else other than the price (which was around 15 gochidollars, quite high even for the wartime we are in right now).

When the other waitress did bring out my coffee, it was in a cheaply made paper cup and it was scalding hot. While I have no way of measuring the temperature, it had to be way higher than the recommended temperature of a properly brewed cup of coffee, probably in some corporate effort to keep the coffee hotter for commuters going into the office or something. I feel that if a coffee shop can't do the basics, then the rest is no good either--no matter how much hazzlenut flavored syrup they put in it.

Rabbit House? Now that is a fine cup of coffee. They roast their own beans and have their own original blend, and you can taste the love the barista puts into every cup. And might at add that even though she's still young, she seems to have a complete mastery of coffee. And she's quite cute, as well. I feel it's worth the trip out of the way every time I go to Rabbit House.
I will cum at fuyu
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Chino lost.
To modernity.
Chino won. She fucking WON. Total Chino Victory. Absolute Chino triumph. FINAL CHINO SUPERIORITY
when is new mitya gonna drop bros...
Chino-chan should just modernize Rabbit House, only an old ojii-san would like these aesthetics. Well it's not as bad as Amausa-an at least.
>the all by me meme is real
Sorry for ironically reporting you, bro.
love chino hug chino mofumofu chino-chan
What did you mean by that, bro
Oh I see
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It's even worse, clearly he is using at least 2 or 3 IPs considering only half of his stuff got deleted.
I bet it's the gooned to chino post that got him
the "half" are mine, not his
Tell me your secret, how can I get IP wiped consistently, sometime I want to bring the thread back to life
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What if they ban you and only wipe the porn
Too late. You're on a different IP now. I have seen IP range wipes, but they are very rare.
Wait a moment, 26 posts just disappeared from the Mitsuboshi thread. Sometimes it requires replying to a thread to register the deleted posts.
I personally would rather wholesomepost about how cute my wife Chino is (she’s super duper cute)
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Chino on the way back from the grocery store. Notice how cute she is.
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Chino-chan pyonpyon.
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>buying bread
>when her onee-chan could have baked it
Chino-chan was spoiled by Mocha's bread.
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Mocha is very dangerous (almost as much as Yura) she should be kept away from Chino.
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chino the predator
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Fuyu looks like she would enjoy being lovingly mating pressed.
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The predator becomes the prey.
almost had a heart attack
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Chiya-chan mofumofu.
post rin
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Take a woman like you
To get through to the man in me
chino-chan is the besto desu
Describe Chino in one word
my wife chino... I WANT TO FUCK CHINO
please chino is so cute my wife chino is so cute chino chan sex chino sex with chino i'd like some more kafuu chino sex with chino kafuu chino my wife cute is so chino wife
anyone have the video of chino husband in a mental asylum?
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Pouting Mandarin with cute cat ears.
Please don’t dox me.
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That's not even a word.
>That's not even a word.
>right click
>add to dictionary
it is now
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chino practicing CQC
close quarters cuteness
Wife so cute
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Mitya update.
Safe and effective
is the condition that serious
poor mitya-san ;_;
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>fails to avoid the shredders
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>saving meg from the shredders
>brain hemorrhage
>complained about the low survival rates
Eru when she meets a rapist (me)
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Haven't been on in a few days, is Mitya alive yet?
just had a nice little date with chinochan
in your dreams
which became reality
also known as your schizophrenic delusion
Chino lives in me 'ead
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My two cute concubines and our quite rural life
Kyouko x Chino
Me x Chino
Chino is the perfect wife. name ONE flaw i dare you
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Eat anon, I promise it's not laced with periwinkle colored cyanide.
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My two cute concubines are helping take care of my pregnant wife
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My wife names all the losers
She forgot one >>269233353
We like cocoa here
sniffing lines out of my wives arse
Giving chino an olfactory inspection
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was the spoiler really needed?
What did you find?
She was a bit stinky I had to fail her…
Stop calling my wife stinky
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chino wins
scrap accepted her 2nmd place
Look at how happy Chiya is. She needs to be mofu'd more often.
Chiya needs to lose weight
chiya nees to gan weight
By Cocoa (and me).
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Chiya armpit licking
you just posted a chino, though
Getting lost in Chinos beautiful eyes
yeeha chino is watching
I thought scrapfag was a neet why is he sleeping?
Died by his own hand…
Chino loves her master (me)
Chnio is perfection. Chino love chino chino chino race chino worship. Chino religion. ITS CHINO TIME
Think about Chino
Think about Cocoa
we like everyone but the twins here
I especially like Chino, though
there's a few of them. The one that has the my wife club is (please forgive me for saying this) a german.
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based chinobro
Could you beat Chino in a fight?
define fight
why is chiya so cute in not-green?
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She's always cute though.
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holy sexo
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What the fuck, Cocoa?
I'm addicted... I'm addicted to chino
no gochi is sexo
All gochi is sexo

But the twins
Ive got a bad case of this Chinos
the low iq ones aren't sexo

My wife chino is
Going for my little sister's new friend.
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what are you talking about
Chino won
Scrapfag cried
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Scrapfag you are supposed to run these threads 24/7. I didn't know you had a wife tut tut
Chino won RETARD
my wife club is a website one of the sxarpfags made for sxarp and a few other girls (might not even be this one), he doesn't have a wife
my wife is SXarp RETARD
NOOOOO you aren't allowed to be druk and downloaded random gifs this is a serious general
It's poison. Stop drinking RETARD
You shouldn't post low quality images of my wife
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Naaa naaa Chino endorses alcohol scrapfags can't afford it
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Why do you think of me when you drunk
You're my favourite midcarder Scrap
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This but unironically.
Drink responsibly.

Is it really poison if it stops him from committing suicide?
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>He doesn't get drunk of coffee
are extra sexo
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Ok lads I'll stop shitting up the thread now
It's alright, the thread can not get worse than what it already is
Based Chinobro
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What a sexy body
this thread is pretty fun sans the trash posting earlier
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Sxarp is an appalling disgrace
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4 hours sleep is not optimal
Chino save
save Chino
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I love these two kinds of Ginger flavour.
I want to taste Eru's fishy flavor.
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Just listened to a Sxarp + Meg song
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I blame scrap for this
You forgot to sage, idiot
Sage is for pussies
Chino time
>chino time
>thread goes dead silent
sounds about right
>bumps because he sees chino
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the world revolves around chino

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