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Did Laios actually fucked the 14yo orc?
Leed married him.
what if he did?
what about laios on human flesh?
Did he ever wonder what it taste like?
He is a mega fetishmaxxed perv for orcs

Who else is in his harem? Pattadol? Misyl?
Yes, I did it
Even better
14yo is the age of maturity for orcs
bro did you forget that Namari very obviously has a crush on him by the end?
also kot
At least two of Chilchuck's daughters
Which two
So a 26yo man is marrying a 18yo.ick.
He's not that bad...
what can a pre-25 man provide for an 18 y/o girl besides sex?
Esl retard thread.
The hot ones clearly
All 3?
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>cucked by his sister
>cucked by an orc
>cucked by other elves
>cucked by halfoots

What are you even talking about?
She is the only important female that didnt end up as king laios' concubine
She’s the queen not a concubine
We orcs are a loving group. We just get treated badly by stupid elves.
Do advisorcucks really
Hes the king. He could do whatever he wants.
Orcs are absolute barbaric trash, they kill and pillage others but then they get assmad when there is repercussions.
Pitiful and pathetic race, they resorted to hide in caves. I mean, they don't even have the sunlight nerf like in Tolkien and they still lost
this was the page that made me pick up the manga. i love laios and how much of a fucking weirdo he is.
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I only fap to on character porn
Should I unzip my tablet to do laios x misyl
Sure but make sure to draw Marcille crying off to the side
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Laios is one of the deepest and coolest male characters in manga imo. What I really like about him is his relationship with his father and mother. The way I see it, his dad is exactly like him. Like him he's not good with people and is more comfortable with the "the other" (he's passionated about mythology and legends, hunting and hunting dogs) and he's a different breed among people nearby. To me it looks like growing up he understood or learned he had a duty, as a noble/village chief among the people and he had to sacrifice for them, like Laios did for the kingdom. The difference is that his father had no quirky party around him to accept him, so he had to harden his hard instead and go full on autism Jotari Kujo silent type to avoid issues, do what he needed to be done and avoid issues.
As funny as it sounds this is actually in character for Laios behaviour like.
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He's also cool in a sort of unhinged why. To think his greatest wish was turning into a man eating monster.
This panel hit me hard in the feels. For years I thought the only thing me and him, the silent, roughhanded, manual laborer boomer were our hunting dogs. Growing up I understood more and more he was a weird autist with quirky interests exactly like me.

I really like how the message is conveyed in the panel without moralizing or screaming at the reader. It's a subtle blade that goes straight for your heart.
I wish we got some kind of resolution with his dad
>pic of Laios as psycho Goku seen by the profile
>indeed this is our wedding night my dear, but my carnal desires differ from your average human, as you probably hinted by now
>Marcille! Bring me the royal cauldron the royal cutlery! Wood for the jolly fire! I can't wait to see how an Orc tastes...
>you said you would offer your body for your race, am I wrong? Too late to go back now...
*me and him refers to me and my dad, not me and Laios.
Does his father know he's now a king? Will he visit him and say he's proud of Laios? :(
One as a cocksleeve and the other to conversate about dragon dung.
I swear there was an extra where Falin said she messaged their parents
There's an extra saying that Falin still writes to their parents (and given her personality she probably doesn't lie to them), but that was before the whole adventure started. We've seen Laios' father in volume 14 when the demon was taking over the world, and Falin mentions she wants to go visit home again, but we don't know how they'll eventually learn their son is a king. I assume that's the kind of news that travel fast though, given that magical phones exist.
I thought that was after the story concluded.
Need more LaiosxFalin porn
I'm sorry, what?
this and kot are my otp with Laios.
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Laios does not want to have sex with his sister
Kui disagrees
source? saucenao says it's
>COMIC LO vol. 55
>Publication Date: 2008-10
It’s Perle
No, he only fucks her sister and marcille
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Do you think they still share a bed?
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They didn't share a bed here so I doubt they do now Laios owns a castle
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Full OST is out btw

Looks like there are some tracks meant for season 2
Okay, where's the anon that translated perle's doujin?
2.08 is perfect for the winged lion reveal
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I don't think Marcille has the right pervy tallman energy. But someone else might..
The more I think of it the hotter it gets
>both tallmen (it works all the way)
>both are overt predators, a very obvious cat and a less obvious hound
>maybe in more senses than just eating
>metaphorically sniffed her all over out of curiosity for her body
>and petted her all over on at least one occasion
>is a literal beastgirl fetishist
>confined to her with task of literally killing him

Wonder what we havent seen, in the dark
What if Izutsumi is of royal blood?
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laios is my "he just like me fr" character, I even look similar but probably less attractive
That would be gay and retarded. The "this unlikely character is actually from le heckin special bloodline" is so shit and it's so popular with japs for some reason
Stfu laios
Would make a reason for going through the trouble with all the soul mixing sorcery. And make it fun in the court intrigue phase of adventures
imagine if Laios was a bard instead of fighter. He would be drowning in monster puss
He says he can't sing or dance in an extra, though his siren song is pretty good, so that's probably just his low self esteem talking, he could have potential
Imagine interspecies reviewer with the DM crew
Why does Marcille identify with being an elf more than being a tallman when she's 50% of each?
She grew up around tallmen since her mom was the court mage of a tallman kingdom, but because of her fucked up development she was too different and doesn't identify with them. Probably would have been the other way around if she grew up with mostly elves
Marcille has some inconsistences with her backstory. I don't know why she would think Laios was hypermasculine since her dad looked just like him
>Bard with 0 charisma score
>I wonder what orce sweat tastes like!
lmao I love that line. Perfectly apt but still sleazy as fuck
They will make good couple
Esl tard
Did he fuck the mermaids?
how come there is no sex in the manga despite all the nudity
but she didn't
wish he did, just to freak up twitteroid.
Would you?
porn really rots brains. artistic nudity is a thing and it’s very well done in dungeon meshi
So basically his dad was forced to learn how to mask while Laois found people that let him keep some of those walls down, tragic...
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> his dad was forced to learn how to mask
he didn't do a very good job of it, he's not really any better at communicating than Laios is even as an older man, he's just quiet autism while Laios is babbling autism.
Based anon
Laios would be into the latter
>dragon dung seller
>probably sells other monster goods too
Chilcuck has pratically lost his daughter to laios at this point
Laios is definitely based on Rance, with hints and tints of Guts.
>with hints and tints of Guts.
does that mean that Kabru is Casca
Methrun is griffith
the more i think about that one the more fucked up it gets
Horny jail, NOW
hey, i was just asking
Too much time in girl's school.
>I don't know why she would think Laios was hypermasculine since her dad looked just like him

Sis/Bro I have something I want to tell you about feminine psychology
It wasn't so much that he was literally hyper masculine, but the way Falin had talked about him, she expected Laios to basically just look like a male Falin, and was so disappointed that he didnt that her mind sort of exaggerated any 'non falin-like' traits he had, making him look like a huge weird looking manly guy.

Also as another anon said, she'd probably been spending way too much time at the academy, where the majority of people there were women and children.
Imagine being the only half-black kid in a school of scandinavian kids, your "foreign" side will make you stand out more and it'll naturally be what you identify with more.
Marcille grew up mostly among humans, so her elf side stood out
To be fair, she DOES look more like an elf than a tallman. The main visual is basically just that her ears are a bit rounder than a normal elfs, which most non-elves wouldn't (and didn't) even notice.

Plus they've still got higher magic capacities + long lifespans, so they're closer to elves in terms of traits than they are to tallmen.
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>Laios is definitely based on Rance
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Rance kind of a jerk antihero who fucks women left and right? What do those two have in common?
Uohhhh kabru sexo
Season 2 in 3 years
Cant believe theres no one recreating the scene with DM chars yet
18 is the moral age of consent everywhere

I would say obliviousness, and that both are tanks. No idea what that other anon meant
Laios is literally Joe Rogan

Maybe he will be in his fifties, gaining some levels as a king

Laios isnt manlet tho
Because Kabron is nothing like Casca outside maybe his looks. He's literally nothing to Laios, hell he can't even remember his fucking name
Where did you hear this? Thats rough if its true
He acts like griffith though
Maybe the rape scene with falin?
He could've avoided all of this if he'd just said "there are some humans who are romantically attracted to non-humans but me personally, no."
Bro wut
His actual sexual preference is monster girl Marcille so no one would believe him
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>He acts like griffith though
No, Kabru likes the sex with old men.
The money is just his psychological scapegoat, to pretend to himself that he's doing it for more logical reasons and not for the reason that he's a genuine horny masochistic slut that likes being hard chokefucked while being called a worthless cum toilet by his grotesque obese daddies.
Femkabu definitely fucked laios
Imagine Laios going to the dungeon with her and whoring themselves out to various monsters in exchange of foodstuff and shit
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Why would Laois do that when he can eat monsters?
Plus he's only sexually interested in monsters, not people.
Hes interested in every aspect of monsters
Sex included
roleplay chat room dude
Laios is truly a gigachad
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People exaggerate this, Laios is mentioned to have thought his ex fiancé was cute in the adventure bible and Giga Marcille is still Marcille
A true psychopathic monster molester.
And some monsters are into it.
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No, this proves his obsession with eating monsters is even more fucked up than people think.
It's not about the taste.
It's about the act itself and his obsession with them.

He's like a serial killer rapist and a mad scientist.
Imagine if Leed eventually got married to Laos and instead of a deranged fetishist she got an actual loving husband like that one guy in SBR
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Imagine thinking Laios is some kind of sex pervert when he just likes his sister’s friend in dog ears
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Liking his sister's mule friend is freaky
God I miss this show already.
Director was posting about it
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Kabru is just as autistic as Laios but his special interest was simply being a manipulative little bastard instead of monsters.
Kabru belongs to Rin
>Laius dad: "Son, are still retarded?"
>Laius: YES
>Laius dad: "Good, be a great king and eat properly. See you next summer, your majesty."
Falin will lost it and rape Laios
>>Laius dad: "Son, are still retarded?"
>>Laius: BARK
>>Laius dad: "Good, be a great king and eat properly. See you next summer, your majesty."

I wonder when the next time we'll have something as special and consistently good as Dungeon Meshi.
Feels like a 'once in 10 years' kind of series.
she's 14???
i imagine he's gonna keep cutting out parts and have marci heal it so he can have as many bites as he want
>but his special interest
Was his autistic and addicted obsession for old man cock. We've already been through this.
He was neurally wired to pleasure himself for men as a woman. Shrimple as.
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Unrelated by why does Laios make gay twitter artists so horny?
Gays have fetishes for straight men for some reason
I don't know. Bara artists are fucking cancer and I fap to Kabru.
Most absolutely butcher his slim shape and make him hercules.
Few make him effeminate, which is probably what he is body wise.
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For me it’s Laios and mule
He totally would've tapped her chimera form if she wasn't controlled by the dungeon
Why does she have a choker
This is your Dungeon Lord for today. Please don't bully her, she is trying her best to be frightening.
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She just likes it I guess
I wanna show her my fairy material making techniques.
And by that I mean masturbation.
Director made an informal comment about a grandpa wanting to see the rest with an "maybe if he stays around for 3 more years" or something like that. Don't take it seriously.
Well I'd say it's a good indication that the director is pretty sure it won't take any longer than that
Obviously. The Queen makes sure she performs her "diplomatic duties" regularly.
Learn fucking English.
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Pattadol is for Mithrun. Those two are the Laios and Marcille of the Canaries
>Did Laios actually fucked the 14yo orc?
how old is that in orc years, tho?
Actually real cute. I love those kind of little peeks into the normal stuff between adventures, and that kind of top down angle.
>Those two are the Laios and Marcille of the Canaries
So like best buddies almost siblings?
That’s their age of maturity so it’s the equivalent of 16 for tallmen

The real question is about Marcille, she’s 50 but the age of maturity for elves is 80. But since she’s a half elf her aging is fucked up and she’s already drinking alcohol
Laios is not a homosexual
Soon to be lovers.
Man I want a Falin hug too, every piece of art that involves her hugging Laios make it look like her hugs are the best thing ever.
Based, Perle
Mithrun is more like Pattadol’s boss

I guess Laios is technically Marcille’s boss but he doesn’t act like it

Yep. I'd pork the orc,
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Better question, how much of the Royal treasury is just noting but these little guys?

Scrapper, what in the goddamn are you doing here? Don't you have Avatar threads on /co/ to shit up?
Treasure bugs are based on a real thing?
Because of her jugs.
>Yes, Yes, YES
She had a crush at the beginning as in before the start of the show
>Gays have fetishes for straight men for some reason
>straight men
Gays like MEN. Simple as.
Laios is hunky, and a dumbass.
Namari fucks tallmen(any)
no he's right. There is a fixation on straight men specifically. Last time I looked at craigslist personals it was almost all gay men seeking straight men.
like half of all gay porn videos will be titled like "straight friend takes dick for the first time" in the same way as any video with a mature woman will be titled with "step-mom"
It's not true, but it gets the audience going
Where's the Laios harem art?
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>no porn of laios with chil's daughters
what the FUCK, bros?????
There’s like one picture of evil Laios and Marcille raping Nemari with Falin in the background on pixiv
Fucking this. Those sluts were ready to eat him whole and there's no porn?
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>Better question, how much of the Royal treasury is just noting but these little guys?
None of it, because any they try to put in there flee in terror of the king.
Looks cute enough
Marcille's hairy and wet anus
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no, he gangraped a 123cm tall elf girl anally and orally though
Elves are second class citizens
They can't be raped
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married to captain
finally Laios on Tims content
>its homoshit
internet considered harmful
>fem Layos
>becomes queen
>gets kobold butlers 1st minute after coronation
>called Fucci
It's like Boss & Secretary affair, but it turns out boss isn't actually married, needs a wife taking car of him else he won't survive and also the secretary has to to all the work when fucking him and courting him too

Noble family is absolutely demolished and causing flood hazards with tears of joy that their hopeless child not only didn't end up single, but landed a spouse from a nice noble house. On both sides.

Idunno, I love it.
>Elf girl is tied to the hip to the guy that can transform into a wolf
she's tied all right
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Many such cases
Guys, what number in the OST is that track that starts building up to the main theme with piano notes? The last bgm from the final episode.
This is the music I'm looking for, it plays in many episodes but I'm not finding it in the OST.
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Elves live longer and are generally portrayed to be callous, aloof pricks towards the other races, if you were half el half anything, why wouldn't you go all in on the elf part? You're already living longer, and by virtue of that fact you're basically just an elf with a weird wasting disease, much closer to them than someone like Chilchuk, who'll be dead before you're a quarter through your natural life
Just read the Manga, it's not even that long

I mean, I get it, the number of times a gay man must be attracted to someone straight in their life, just based on relative population, it's not surprising it becomes a common fetish.

Lesbians have a similar thing, but they mostly bitch about straight women and their dating choices.
gay men are the largest victims of The Friend Zone
Straight men and gays wouldn’t be friends so I don’t believe it
Pregnant Falins so erotic
I just went throught the whole OST and I guess this song really didn't make the cut among the other 70s huh
Actually true. The friend group for most gay men mostly consists of girls.
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So all Extras from the BD releases are out and translated, right? No more DM until 2027?
meant to say masked bisexuals
his greatest wish was a monster farm or something, no? Lion stopped monsters from approaching him
Yes, Daya too
How good is mith at sex
Actual sex is the end of romance story

Per Shonen rule you can tease as much you want but save the actual sex to the very end
Nah, it would just be the fem!Chichuck one. The other two love dwarves.
There's that little elf that got gangbanged.
Imagine when Laios hav sex with her he got constantly reminded of chil though
Wouldnt that be gay
probably can't find his way around Pattadol most of the time
Pattadol totally tops, but what if making pattadol cum is essential to lure monsters? Would he do better?
He would put her in a coma for hours
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I uh, I carved laios's spoon
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sand down and put in the oven for 40min
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Neat. I tend to prefer wooden utensils over silverware these days
Unexpected here, and COOL.
Nice, anon.
>you outlived your dog and became all alone again
Not if he had a son
>Marcille and Laios have a son
>She outlives him and their grandchildren and great great great grandchildren too
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bet that pussy tastes like bacon
hmm, based?
>the words we couldnt say
>not because of hate
>but because we just can't
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It's not a wooden shoe though.

Wooden shoes were all the fashion until the beginning of the 20th century. Kinda weird how wooden shoes were absolutely commonplace in pretty much all of Europe (England, Frande, Germany), for centuries, for everyone, and then they were lost to history in a decade or so. No wooden shoes in any anime ever.

Except the getta. The getta have some wooden shoes. But my peet peeve is wooden shoes, and how anime doesn't correctly picture wooden shoes in current media.
Orcs have different standards of beauty too, so replace Laius's face with the average seeding ojiisan to understand how the orcs truly feel.
Payback for those orc rape doujins
better than the tsukimichi pork girl
how do i get started with whittling?
>the words we couldnt say
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Same, however I am king of manlets.
>kui gave us a reverse ugly bastard joke
get a stick and a knife maybe a penknife
make sure the knife is sharp if you want the wood to be easy to carve then make sure it's still green
get used to handling the knife and controlling the cut so you don't hurt yourself
clogs are actually recognised as safety boots, because they're light, warm insulating, and very impact or puncture resistant as far as I'm aware the dutch still manufacture a lot of them for that purpose
He's effeminate looking enough. He gets a pass

Plus he's obviously tsundere for him
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Laios would ravage this
IIRC, The Dutchmen in Samurai Champloo wear clogs and their footsteps make a *clunk-clunk* noise
Mutts love each other
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Excellent job.
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holy sexo
I ship Patadol x dagger in the back
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>ogre girl is tying her humungous tits
implying she was topless just before this
The first two panels are so ooc for Chil
The first one was in the manga tho
Nah it's consistent that he usually acts like that with people, and hides that he's actually a wholesome girldad
I'd just stay in not-japan making babies with hien
>act like a horny teenager to fit in
>gets immediately exposed by shuro for being an middle aged dad who actually lived with women and knew the shit part of it

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