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Raws are out, the one after this is gonna be the Final Chapter!!
>author is so terrified of fujos he refuses to make the main ship canon
What went so wrong?
Horikoshi is a fudanshi and always has been. His staff is full of fujos and fudans.

probably because its not the right moment to confess, anon. And whens the last time a confession happened in a battle shonen manga... Tokyo ghoul?
But bakudeku is the main ship and it’s canon
Who are the other two busts?
Manga ended in a whimper
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>Ur my hero academia, ochunky!

Yeah, they fucked later.
>Deku and Ochunko finally get their 1 on 1
Jesus fucking Christ what an insufferable bitch.
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>Deku, Shoto, and Bakugo's significant others are all on their team
You love to see it
They did have a scene though, you're just mad because it was platonic
How did you guys like the penultimate chapter to a 10 year long story?
I don't give a fuck about romance. It pisses me off that he can't do an emotional scene between two characters without inserting a bunch of nobodies in the end to ruin the moment. He has done this multiple times throughout the run and it never fucking works.
Has it really been 10 years? Shut the front door! Excuse me while I hang myself.
Actual brainrot if you think Deku calling Ochaco his hero is romantic. That's the most friendzone-y shit ever. Especially when it comes from Deku of all people. You'll have to say Kirishima calling Mina his hero is romantic too.
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The MIB (Mina In Black) is here.
>reddit hates it
We won
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Keep seething, fujocel

(valentine day illustration btw)
>You'll have to say Kirishima calling Mina his hero is romantic too.
I mean, yeah
True. Real romance would be him intimately hugging if not outright kissing her. Handholding means literally nothing especially in that context and Hori knows this.
But enough about Bakugo and Deku's friendship
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Your fujocel seething is palpable no matter how much you try to be a coping smartass about it
It felt more romantic when kirimina did it. Izuocha's version was like a little boy telling his mom he won't rely on her so much because he's a big boy now.
Damn you're really unsatisfied by the events if this chapter huh. You also noticed how quickly Deku lost focus of Ochaco as soon as Bakugo spoke to him?
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>Deku and Ochako didn't even have a confession and fujos are still having a melty
>Tsuyu stole the hug
I'd be mad too
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Just keep posting through it fren you'll feel better soon
Post the HOAD please
It's time to accept we're in the age of the fujo.
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It's insane how hard they are pretending to not be mad and yet failing miserably at it.
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He has a scar now?
your very post is between two HOAD fujo cope posts, just read the thread and enjoy the fujosalt
In the timeline where this isn't pure projection, what would fujos be mad about? All this chapter proves is Deku has never been interested in Ochaco that way and Ochaco prioritizes Himiko-chan over her crush on Deku. You all built this chapter up as being the definitive canonization of Deku x Uraraka and got power of friendship'd to hell and back.
>(valentine day illustration btw)
I remember how hard this mindbroke the fujos and how hard they tried to ignore and deflect that fact whenever that pic was brought up in a convo
Tsuyu deserves all the hugs.
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Yep. They're scarface brothers now
see >>269183639
Valentine couple forever. Keep seething.
>Fujos were MINDBROKEN because they reacted with a level head and didn't freak out
I know this is current year but words still mean things.
You reply to my posts without reading them because you know I'm right. I also love how none of you are actually posting panels from the chapter itself and have to cling to a non canon promotional art from 3 years ago.
>proceeds to deflect and ignore hard facts again once again
Speaks volumes by itself, really.
Canon valentine couple btw, let that fact sink in along with the pain.
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>I also love how none of you are actually posting panels from the chapter itself
see >>269183104 and stay mindbroken
2 more weeks ochako sisters
You people are so sad actually.
actually, just one more
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>there's actually a malding fujo ITT and it's not even the last chapter
this gonna be good
I do not care too much about Deku, Ochaco, and Bakugo
Classic. I feel so bad MHA got infested by those cringe american fujos.
The only thing sadder than losing is being unable you admit you've lost.
Why is Hori refusing to show us what Mirko looks like now?
Ochako won though.
The Togabowl
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going to be funny watching shipfags seethe for the years to come
...the platonicbowl
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Here, Hori shared this panel from the last chapter with me. Don't go spreading it around
The only people with anything to lose are izuochakeks for assuming they would de-facto be canon in the end. Everyone else hopes for their ship but they don't truly believe.
So these are fujos malding right?
proof - >>269183844
even in posts dunking on shipping in general they can't help but be like IZUOCHAS LOST, despite the fact that 99% of the shipping community for a manga as unshippy as this are fujos
Ok, so did you win? Has this chapter made you feel like you've won? Explain how please.
>Ok, so did you win?
class 1-A came to support their fren and tell her it's okay to cry
Horikoshi is a coward
true especially tsuyu deserved to be there as ochaco's closest person
Barafags are way better than fujoshis.

They sexualize a lot Endeavor, All Might, etc and don't expect any of these characters to be gay.
It confirms Izuocha endgame.
Random cope but okay.
yeah gege maybe is a hack, but at least he doesn't give a fuck about readers shits.
Explain how with citation please thanks.
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Thank god SHITga is dead.
She loves her Himiko-chan so much.
Read the translation and you will see.
the objectively best characterfag in these threads is a togafag and they are not only grieving, but being strong about it
kys for kicking down
I read it and saw no confirmation of any ship. Let me know where you felt izuocha has been confirmed.
>major interaction in 2nd to last chapter
>hand holding
>Deku telling her to rely on him
>Deku saying she’s his hero
Even my dog can see where this is going.
He did manage to write KINO intimate moments between Deku and All Might like the beach scene after the kamino incident.
This fujo is really malding
Yes, Ochako is lesbian now!
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Where's the sex?
Just for extra meltdowns I hope Tsuyu steals more Ochako hugs and snuggles.
>this is wsj future that you chose, anon.
I wish Tsuyu would hug and snuggle me
I think uwabami is going to appear in the next chapter
Dont we all...
Here lies DeKEK, he never scored.
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in Mina's throat
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The fujoshi won. Izuocha lost.
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Are you intentionally making this easy?

>major interaction in 2nd to last chapter
Which was promptly interrupted by the rest of the class after maybe 2 minutes real time

>hand holding
Vigilante Deku learned from Iida that holding hands makes him feel at ease, so he's holding her hand as a friend the way Iida did that time

>Deku telling her to rely on him
He wants her to rely on him and everyone else too, given how happy he was when the rest showed up

>Deku saying she’s his hero
He's grateful for her kindness over the last year and "saving" him with her support

Your proof is starting to be as vague and far reaching as the fujos you always mocked. The fact is there was no love confession, kiss, or even a hug, but their friendship has definitely grown closer and I can't take that from them nor would I want to. This was a sweet chapter but not romantic in a literal sense.
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I love Momo so much. I wish Hori didn't hate her.
Can this fujo fuck off now
Tsuyu won, yurifags are kings.
Tsuyu called Toga "Himiko-chan" too, so I'll accept her.
Who cares, she's a minor character like all the others except for Deku and Bakugo
Mirko and Mt Lady.
sick of the games.
Did they get smaller?
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imagine the smell of her underboob areas
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The true Fujo ships anything and everything but her main ships are M/M. Any other variant is a fake fujo, not rotten enough.
Your final COPE is a shock value marriage with kids ending for the sake of feeding off fujo misery for half a day as a final fuck you to a series you don't even like in the first place.

My final HOPE is a full-circle callback to the earliest chapters between our dual protagonists Deku and Bakugo and their deuteragonist All Might, leaving the longtime readers happy and satisfied by a heartwarming send-off after inviting us on their journey for the last 10 years. We are not the same.
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so how many weeks do we get to watch izuochas and shipfags go NO U
You only like bakugo
There are maybe 2 real izuochas at most per thread at a given time. So the answer is maybe a few before they jump over to jk chainsaw whatever for their next dosage.
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Here is the real moment. since other anons are being doom faggots.
Liking bakugo at all means "you only like bakugo" in your mind.
>as always
At least it's not ai slop this time.
Did Iida and Deku hold hands? Why isnt their ship more popular
>19 Months Past Due
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Rank the villains based on their endgame from best to worst.
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where is TFbro?
is he okay?
Iida is unpopular in general for shopping despite always ranking high in the character polls. He's had a boost since being used as a human shield to keep icky girls away from the fujo sacred cows Shoto and Katsuki, but in the end that just makes todobaku more popular.
He already translated the chapter in the last thread.
I think AFO would have killed the granny if she had helped Tenko...
So... is Deku's going berserk every time Kacchan gets a paper cut going to be addressed or does it just speak for itself.
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Hawks will marry Fuyumi to become a Todoroki
what dumbass made the last thread? I don't see it in the archive, got a link?
Shigaraki would be the top one but Hori really butchered him
Dabi is at the bottom of the list because Hori pussied out of double family suicide
Twice lucked out and died when the manga was still good
Spinner got pretty much the ending I was expecting him to get and it was decent at least, probably the best chapter of the epilogue
Compress got one cool moment only to get benched forever
Toga's Sad Man's Parade resulted in exactly 0 deaths but at least she got a few good chapters focusing on her, something most characters in the series never got
I still find amazing how if the finale and the epilogue happened right after PLW the whole thing would not only feel less insulting to anyone's intelligence, but would have required less asspulls to deliver
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why did hori drop the bakugoxkirishima timetravel plotline
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That seems likely and would be a fujoshi win, the series closing out with a close moment between Deku and Bakugou. Definitely a bookend to the beginning of the series, which is Bakugou bullying a young Deku.
same reason he dropped the dad for one plotline - he didn't
But what happens to Ochako?
Is it Hall of Anal Devastation time yet?
I got you, man
I'm the OP but I wouldn't mind a confession from her just so she'll finally see the world doesn't come to an end when she confronts her fear.
It got postponed to next week.
You will all get blueballed
She already confessed she loves Toga.
What do you love about My Hero Academia?
Toga is her true love but this means she shouldn't be afraid to admit her puppy love anymore.
That's fine by me. Sometimes getting exactly what you wish for is the worst outcome.
Why go for the middleman and just go for the goods he was aiming for in the first place? Everybody would be thinking he was fucking her dad either way.
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We love Nejire here.
Art, Todoroki subplot, character designs, act one, and Mt. Lady
The characters and the world
>can't write a love story for shit
>the main ship of the entire manga almost had a heart warming intimate moment and he writes it in the most autistic robotic way possible
>they probably won't even kiss
horikoshi is such a faggot, just another example of how shit he is at writing
Wow. So many characters but no one died
Twice > Toga >Compress > Shigaraki >Dabi
Every one of them got what they deserved.
im the ice cream
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>axed clover
will it be fujo hoad or will it be otaku hoad?
>Jeanist is number 1 hero
Don’t project yourself onto Hori
>before the chapter release
>after the chapter release
>"noooo le ebin fujos made hori back down!"
lmao even
damn, sato and bakugo are canon?
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For me, it’s Hawks.
so the last chapter will be bakugo bullying deku's penis?
makes sense
The hot bitches
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She's so badass
damn, Momo's outfit seems to be shrinking
How would that affect the plot?
>All Might cucked Endeavor

All Might would have needed someone to support him like Hawks supports Endeavor.

What if All Might had arrested Hawk's father?
Would he admire All Might?
Really was hoping for something more, I've always thought they were really cute together and hoped he'd at least match Pop and Koichi's moment that was genuinely really sweet and drove home the kind of guy Koichi is
Hawks literally thought of his Endeavor plushie when he talked about heroes and pros while he was talking to All Might. That is double cucking
It seems the main ship of this story now seeing how it will end was Ochako x Toga one.
kino character
Good fucking riddance.
He would've, but he couldn't have groomed Tenko into villainy the same way if someone had reached out to him. Tenko wouldn't have come away with the feeling that society didn't care about him. Without rejection and the resulting hatred, AFO couldn't have turned him into Shiggy.
>that chunky ass plebeian foot
he took bakugo's virginity
Wow, Reddit is vocal about the last chapter, and they're not happy. They're discontented with Izuocha scene turning out platonic and not getting a kiss or confession. I guess they were holding out hope for a Deku x Ochaku ending. There's even a petition that's gathered thousands of signatures to have the ending changed. Obviously that won't happen, but it goes to show you how unhappy they are.
It gets even better. He talked about the people focusing on the cons of the hero world and he intend to make people see the pros of it. All of that while thinking of his Endeavor. He will eliminate the backlash and hatred that might come from Endeavor.
Wow, Reddit is vocal about the last chapter, and they're not happy. They're discontented with the lack of Dekubaku sex scene. I guess they were holding out hope for scene where Deku matingpresses Bakugo and creampies him. There's even a petition that's gathered thousands of signatures to have the ending changed. Obviously that won't happen, but it goes to show you how unhappy they are.
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It's sad that All Might, as number 1, has little interaction with other Pro Heroes.
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Anime only here. Maybe I wasn't paying attention but at what point did Deku become the strongest hero alive? It seems like in this latest arc everyone is counting on him to be the one to stop Shigaraki who is the strongest villain but as far as I know he doesn't have the rank or status of even a top 10 hero, so when exactly did he go school boy to the strongest hero in Japan and why hasn't anyone acknowledged him as such until now it seems?

Or maybe this is an oversight by the mangaka? It just feels like it happened too quickly and he hasn't done anything in particular to prove he's the strongest aside from people finding out he's All Might's successor.
>so when exactly did he go *from* being a school boy to the strongest hero in Japan
I honestly hate fujoshis. Endeavor is the gayest character of MHA according to barafags and yet they know Endeavor is married and straight
>10 year timeskip ending
>everyone in class a is conveniently single
how fucking mad would you be?
Which sub?
Fuck off back there.
straight up taking bird cock from his wheelchair
Better than the shit of what Bleach or Naruto did where they paired up many charaters with randoms which had zero sense storywise just to get kid cast out of them sequels.
Toga is alive and works for Hawks as an assassin
happy. it means they probably gangbang bakugo on a regular basis and just dont talk about it.
That’s exactly what’s going to happen, however people have a right to be mad. This series fell off a cliff after All Might vs AFO and thus the only remaining fans are shippers. Hori thinks he’s appeasing everybody by leaving an open ending but instead it’s coming off as just failing to stick the landing.
Toga IS alive, but she is living the rest of her life as a sex slave in Anon's basement
I want her to fucking punch me
Why? It's like what NightEye said, All Might was and still retarded. He never cared to work with other heroes.
I feel more sorry for Mystery boy than Dabi. He was abandoned, had only bread and was severely abused by his family.
Hori is fucking boring
It's because Dabi was never abused. He was loved and cared for.
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>series ends with vanilla
Spics waited 10 years for this
> This series fell off a cliff after All Might vs AFO
I respect your opinion. But that fight was overrated. It becomes shot once you realize AFO let All Might win. I think only burngers liked it.
Welp, that was that. Gonna fight the urge to open any more mha threads after today.
Still no Toga, huh?
Vanilla is a great flavor
>my hero villain
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>Oh Izuku, I'm so happy you gave me the courage to express how I truly feel. I've always been deeply in love with his Royal Nastiness, the King of the Koopas, the Dark Lord Bowser! He calls me his little princess, and I'm going to have his next litter of koopalings. Isn't it beautiful, Deku? I DO!
Rei will waste all of her life taking care of Endeavor
I'm guessing instead of a dramatic "I love you" from Uraraka, we'll see a panel of them casually holding hands in the next chapter. Deku called her his hero, and they both deeply care for each other. There doesn't need to be some monologue confession of love; what's most important is their bond, which is showcased in this chapter. They're here for each other no matter what. Ride or die, forever
Why is Allmight becoming younger?
He absorbed a tiny bit of Rewind energy from AFO
If that fight is overrated that just makes everything else more trash
Wheres the rest
Thats a kdrama. Is Hori signing up for a gook adaptation?
>Mirko is a cripple
>Jeanist has a lung
>Endeavor a cripple in a wheelchair
>Edgeshot is a mascot
>Wash is alive

The two have a good ending.
Kamui will marry Mount Lady. Hawks is quirkless and the boss of the heroes.
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Soon Todomomo shippers. We will rise.
Because he didn't want to reveal he and Yoichi were bastard Himura children and Shoto was the true prince of darkness all along
The difference is how exclusive what occurred between Hawks and Endeavor plushie was. All Might was a dime a dozen and almost every kid in Japan was saved by him or had merch of him. All Might had Nighteye but he broke up with him in the most egotical manner.
Not really. Other fights had more emotional depth and real fights other than punching harder after hearing everyone cheer for you.
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He chose that. He didn't even care to always remember them or talk to them being so busy and deserted his greatest bf Nighteye and stopped calling his mentor Torino till he needed something from them
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My favorite couple when I started reading this. It's shame Hori mostly forgot about them after act one (besides Shoto hyping her up during JTA and her visiting him in the hospital) but they'll probably still end up together
He is the worst member of the family. The Dabi flashback revealed Endeavor tried to stop Dabi multiple times and Dabi shat on his own mother and tried to kill Shouto. None of this was Endeavor's fault and even as a kid Natsuo noticed that Dabi is deranged... Yet as an adult he blames everything on his father instead of facing reality. Literally the most worthless family member.
You mean Shigaraki. Dabi was a happy well fed kid with mental illness and never got hit or sent to time-out by the doghouse unlike Shiggy.
>fuyumi is the same age as me
holy mating press creampie
Hawks will get a harem with Mirko, Ragdoll, Burning and Fuyumi and have a throuple with Rei and Endeavor as the side dish.
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Why is Momo whitewashed
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And here's an oldie, for i still remember Todomomofag.
Deku will marry Uraraka and their two children will be named Tenko and Himiko.
Shoto and Momo son name is Touya
Hawk and Fuyumi's children are named Tomie and Jin.

Bakugo is childless.
Her body is wasted on him. Give it to someone who can appreciate it.
Minetabros... No harem...
Don't forget he squeezed lots of money from his dad, a new house, and a new car and he said he doesn't want anything from his dad. He would rather believe the words of a lying 14-year-old than the whole family.
He’s autistic. 100% chance he’d spend the first hour of their first time in bed sucking her tits
Kaminaribros? Why does Deku get Ochaco and Jiro?
The second Shoto discovers sex exists he'll be all over her, especially with all the mommy issues he has
He can't get it up unless she scalds him
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Best I can do is two autists fucking
It's to symbolize he and Jiro will be the only couple to get divorced
Meant for
Take away Bakugo, Deku and Shoto; who becomes the leader and strongest in the class?
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Which one?
imagine the spaghetti spilling
He’s autistic not a masochist.
momo there is a plotline about her being the best suited as leader of the class and whatever
Iida or Momo becomes the leader.
Tokoyami is far and away the strongest besides the main trio
Probably Tokoyami.
Ya know it is pretty hilarious how quickly well liked heroes that were murdered are just completely forgotten like how there isn't a memorial place for crust or how aizawa and present mic didn't do anything for midnights death.
Endeavor took AFO’s mask after wiping the first with him. Someone like it kinky.
I get that you're allowed to kill Nomus and that Kurogiri is technically one but Bakugou casually killed him and no one cared, not even Aizawa and Mic.
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Rare case where they're all great but Momo would literally be a perfect wife and mother
This manga is too inoffensive to seriously evoke such emotions in me because Hori is too boring for that to be a possibility.
I think timeskip Momo is most likely to gain over 300lbs like Anko did in Naruto
You faggots promised me a fujo HOAD. Where the fuck is it?
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right here buddy
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She keeps a similar hero costume but she's always got the MILF fupa
Don’t like scar on Bakugo face, Hori is always fucking up a perfect design
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Endeavor's future sight quirk already showed us what she looks like
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This chapter sucked.
shippingfags on suicide watch
I suppose you think you would be a better option
That’s not timeskip, that’s like the middle of Year 2 or start of year 3
lmao what font is that?
The last chapter is going to be about how Deku retains OFA, there won’t be any timeskip or ships confirmed
sounds good to me
bowser is a prime husbando
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these people are mental
they barely even displayed any intimacy
bakugo and iida have both held hands with deku
Is expanding the Hero Billboard to hand out more participation trophies a good idea or should it have just been shut down?
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Hori better not make a BNH The Last movie just to confirm DekuOchaku. I WANT IT NOW
>All Might will die without having a wife or children
>Endeavor got laid multiple times
Ah i see what you are doing there Hori. Virgin Deku will truly follow All Might's footsteps to the very end, won't he? Imagine your rival leaving legacy while you are homeless
Hawks will make Deku his successor!
Deku becomes the new hpsc boss.
I come from the future
>deku is goig to follow that drill anime ending where the mc ends up a (happy?) hobo, but deku here will become a small time hero with no powers while dressed like all might.
Oh wow I was just rewatching season 6 where she got her arm fucked up, didn't know they censored it that much
Deku is the most insulted character in this finale. People recognize Bakugo and Todoroki more than him and Monoma gets a statue while he gets nothing. Poor Deku fans getting spit on and seeing how they make their favorite character a nobody.
Well, to be fair, Naruto and Sasuke also held hands in penultimate chapter(s) and basically did all the other stuff you mentioned and see how they ended up.
You can't compare the interactions of two characters of the same genre to the opposite sex.
Hori has one chapter to explain the greatest hero thing. Up to this point it seems like he’s been ignored on purpose by everyone.
wtf Kurogiri is dead? It didn't even hit me
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Don't worry bros. Believe in the Shonen Final chapter confirming pairings. That one never fails
I don't remember that either
last i remember he appeared briefly after Deku lost his arms but got shoo'd away by All for One
Bakugo blew him up when he tried to intercept Deku in the very last fight
Tanjiro and Kanao were cute as fuck
They are the best last minute pairing in shonen
Glad this shitstain is finally dying.
In retrospect the only good villain that I actually felt sympathy for was Twice, his death hits like a truck even for a second rewatch
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>Mina in a suit
didn't he change that after the dark deku arc
>this is the story of how WE became the greatest heroes
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Reminder that Momo is Endeavor-approved
>being a Deku fan
why is decuck's head so long wtf
did shigaraki pass him a fetal alcohol syndrome quirk?
Where's Kyoka?
In the final chapter, Dabi will die and apologize to his family
IzuOchakeks on suicide watch
What happens if IzuOchako doesn't become canon in the final chapter but Bakugo is married and with children like Endeavor? Who wins
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>their so awaited Spirited Away moment went to TogaOcha instead
Holy kek
Bakugo will marry Shoto Todoroki. He will be Rei in this scenario, an abused housewife cumdump for Todoroki children.
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Naruto and bleach don't have to be the strict model for the shonen manga. Some authors are actually good.
You guys have no idea how disappointing this ending is. I'm seriously considering burning all the MHA volumes I own, or atleast donating them to the local library. I want nothing more to do with this shit series and regret ever investing any time or money into it. It is very clear that the final chapter can not salvage this trainwreck. God, what a shitshow. And no, I'm not saying this because I'm a shipper. I don't care about that. I just wanted a good story.
Why? He hit what he deserved.
Don't tell me you expected the villains to live and have a happy ending?
I can't believe it. Deku is a worse MC than Boruto
I wouldve liked to see Bakugo's ankles instead
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I still don't know how we went from MVA, HE and PLW to this shit
fucking bizarre
the last act makes Joint Training look like high art
>Ochako becomes a voluntary celibate nun since she can't marry her precious Himiko-chan anymore
Aside from the Eri bullet asspull, Bakugo’s death, and Iron Might, everything is decent.
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how the fuck is ironmight a problem, better than him just asspulling more embers
A discret and elegant rich lady wouldn't wear this
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All you got was a scene of Bakugay ignoring Ochunko because he was worried about Deku instead
not necessarily even in the shipping sense, but I wonder if Hori did this on purpose
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two friends
I don't know. How about sitting in it for months and not using it until everyone got fucked up. Didn't use it to help Demu and the pros hunt the villain, step in to protect Deku from the civilians as his mentor, or let Endeavor help Shoto take down Dabi while he fought AFO. Why hide behind the screen watching students and fellow heroes get beat up before helping? Let's not mention he watched Bakugo die and do nothing and filmed himself like an attention seeker. The concept of the suit is ok, it's the timing.
>both fujos and izuochas managed to have a melty over this chapter
based how does Hori do it?
lmao is she ugly crying?
>based how does Hori do it?
More like every shipper is mad.
Izuochas cause their ship was sunked into friendship.
Fujos cause they didn't get anything.
Even yurifags got destroyed by Hori killing Togo off.
Non-shippers won.
Izuocha means green tea in Japanese
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Fujos are already furious enough with the fact that Deku called Ochako his hero instead of Bakugou. They are coping hard.
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Damn Hori is a monster jabbing and laughing from shippers so much.
Ocha means tea in Japanese, while Midori means green. So, green tea has come to be the ship name for izuku and ochako.
it's an open future, the hero's journey has just begun.
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I will miss so much Endeavor being sexualized

One of my favorite anime characters of all time. Thank you Hori.
anon, when deku started sniveling so that the citizens could let him into UA, I knew this manga was shit, was going to keep being shit, and was going to stay shit til the very end. No offense but how did you not see this coming? A good story hasn't existed since All Might retired.
>She's still crying
One pep talk alone wasn't gonna fully cheer her up.
You can't just say that and not explain what makes it so disappointing to you. Is it that the hero kids all failed in some way? Is it the tonal clash between the downer parts and the cheesy parts? Something else?
Did you somehow miss Momo's hero costume this whole time? She's a repressed deviant
they will change their minds when deku calls bakugo his cumslut next chapter.
So I've heard some kind of rumor for a sequel called "Universal".

Is this actually possible after how these past chapters were written?
Take your guess at what happens to Deku in the final chapter
>Loses the embers, becomes a quirkless wagie
>Loses the embers, becomes batdeku
>Keeps the embers, becomes a normal hero
>Discovers he got AFO from Tomura
Green Tea is a popular cold drink in japan you fucking retards. enough.
i forget, did any students even die?
The last one would be my favorite option, but realistically it'll be the first or second.
unless you count Bakugo for that 5 minutes he was dead
Option 3.
He will take Bakugo's embers by force next chapter. Trust in the plan.
he becomes a splendid janitor
>A good story hasn't existed since All Might retired.
So you're mentally stuck in the first 100 chapters.
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With the tease of changes to the billboard, itseems like a setup for 1 or 2
Her hero costume has the excuse that she needs to wear something like that to use her quirk, but there's no reason for her to wear a revealing swimsuit
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option 4
also he will become possessed and be the big bad in the sequel
>Loses embers, but quirkless people will now be allowed to become heroes
Naruto ending 2.0
She suppressed her grief and survivor's guilt because the war's over, everybody survived and are happy to be alive, and want to put it all behind them. So she didn't want to bring the mood down and just pretended to be the cheerful, peppy girl she always is while being eaten away inside knowing that Toga died because of her.

Of course there's no counseling or therapy available so the best she could hope for was someone who could relate to that same hidden survivor's guilt. Luckily for her, Midoroya is that person.
what if it gets revealed he was never quirless but just a fringe case where his quirk developed extremely late which coincidentally is the time the final chapter shows
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>Loses the embers, becomes batdeku
he just needs the right sensei
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She's pulling out all the stops to overcome Shoto's autism
God imagine getting matingpressed by Bakugo hhnngg
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>Bakugou unironically says he and Deku have a toxic relationship in the one shot
Uh, Hori, what ever happened to this?
I HATE Iida’s swimsuit so much it’s unreal.
not a shipping manga
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is it canon?
bakugo being tsuntsun again.
That’s my concern, I wouldn’t mind batdeku but civie deku getting #1 on a technicality while Bakugo probably gets #1 on the actual list is such a fucking horrendous idea but Hori may actually do it. Will be the most “did you rike it?” moment in history
>Of course there's no counseling or therapy available
One of the weirdest and dumbest aspects of the setting tbdesu. The only therapy that exists is quirk therapy for teaching kids how to suppress themselves, there's nobody out there to help people get over traumatic experiences, even though someone like that would be swimming in money given what's happened in the setting. You can tell just from Toga's flashback that Hori fucking hates shrinks.
even if it's possible hori shouldn't go through with it because his writing sucks
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Are you ready?
that's not being a tsun anon, that's called a cry for help
i watched the first 2 seasons of this series, and watched a bit of the third season but never finished it, did it end up being as boring as it seemed?
>Somehow, AFO has returned
To be fair, it was completely his own fault it was toxic (but inseparable) and he's awsre of this and is actively trying to mend things now.
Deku will be #1 Janitor
Bakugo will be #1 Cockslut
Everyone wins!
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imagine the shitposting
It's a thing common to many fictional stories. This one is especially bad though because it's a "modern era" setting and the protagonists don't live in a secret society or anything to preclude it. So poor Uraraka had to suffer in silence. Even Tsuyu, worried Uraraka was gonna kill herself, wouldn't be able to relate and help her.
What about the rest of the class?
thats some impossible boobage, unless adhesives are involved
>Deku will be #1 Janitor
>Bakugo will be #1 Bull
>Everyone wins!
hori how did you fuck up something so simple
As a bkdk fujo I've been rolling my eyes all day at these reactions. Hori is clearly setting up a story where everyone is everyone's hero and there's no exclusive quality to being a hero for someone. It's as simple as taking someone's hand literally and metaphorically, which is illustrated by the old woman taking Not-Shiggy's hand in the end. Deku's character has never solely revolved around one person, and I don't get the sudden insecurity coming from these shippers. We know how much Bakugo means to Deku already, and they will remain in each other's lives for a long time regardless.
Do you have a boyfriend?
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muh dick
So….why couldn’t awakened Shigaraki just….win? Like, literally, why couldn’t he? The only one who could have stopped him, All-Might, was out of the picture. Was it just multiple layers of divine intervention and meta-hax and I shouldn’t think about it? Or is there actual internal logic at play I didn’t pick up on? Help me understand.
I hope the anime does it justice
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cool story bro
well because the good guys have to win
Dropped this after that happy guy lost his powers and that horny chick saved the crying guy. Did anything important happen after?
Monoma was copying Aizawa's quirk and keeping a laser lock on him until Deku arrived, that's the only reason why everyone on UA survived and weren't instantly dusted. It's why Monoma got a statue. Once Deku arrived he took over, and attacked Shigaraki's soul directly.
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He’s so handsome
bakugo lost his virginity.
To Deku's butt.
Who did he explode on?
>Deku's butt.
Sludgerape happened in chapter 1 anon.
It's also especially bad in this case because therapists and counsellors canonically exist, but they're useless at best and harmful at worst.
Yeah, okay I get it, everyone's supposed to reach out to everyone. If this wasn't a story where just hearing a song was enough to make the aftereffects of severe abuse disappear almost entirely, it wouldn't be enough to fix people's problems.
cursed image
Women are hypergamous, why should Jirou settle for something as lowly as this useless retard?
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How would he be able to have sex? It was already concerning when just his hands could explode but now every crevice of his body is a bomb. It's been shown quirks are affected by emotions, so...
It’s also just a cute little nickname for IzuOcha. Just how Nips use yakitori for EndHawks. It’s nothing to be getting upset about.
>cute image
>therapists and counsellors canonically exist, but they're useless at best and harmful at worst
True in real life unfortunately. It's literal gamble of time, money, at even your own mental health to find a therapist worth half a shit.
What did Aizawa do in the final arc?
I haven't checked my fap journal stats in a long time, but pretty sure that ~60-70% of my Nejire faps are thanks to shpo, and Nejire might be already in my top 5 most fapped to MHA characters.
>Deku is going to retain OfA
So little stakes we've gone vegan
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Bakugo produces nitroglycerin which is used to treat anal fissures and also acts as a suppository. Meaning Bakugo's rectum is essentially lubed up 24/7. You wont even have to prep him, just stick your dick in.
Just don't fluster him too much or you'll risk castration by butt explosion.
t. extremely gay anon
go to bed deku
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What about a cute boy smiling is cursed?
Villainfags can't read the manga

Advise Monoma on how to use his quirk and run comms, because he lost an eye in the arc prior to that and couldn't use his quirk effectively anymore.
best BKDK without question
>I hate the fact that, nobody except Deku knew about Tenko's story, but somehow, the society changed Just by seeing Deku fighting Shigaraki

Oh my... Villainfags are dumb as hell
bakugo appears to have breast cancer
Who gives a shit
Why are villainfags so retarded? Did they unitonacly believe the villains will get a happy ending after all the bullshit they pulled?
This is all that old lady's fault though.
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Based Bones pushing the bottom Bakugo agenda
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Shigaraki fans need to realize he isn't a unique case and plenty of unknowns in their world have suffered worse than him and they all deserve to be saved too even if it was too late for Shiggy
I supoose in the end she was not the designated love interest.
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aizawa's so lucky
>You'll have to say Kirishima calling Mina his hero is romantic too
In the end she was... a useless ham planet
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she was his hero.
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started rereading, this time the physical volumes
goddamn, Uraraka was so fucking cute in the early game. Like she's cute late game too, but not like she was in volume 1.
She was best when her motivation was to get rich.
Are they illiterate??? All Might and Endeavor threw all of their pride in the trash and All Might is promoting anonymous people to be heroes too.
>If this wasn't a story where just hearing a song was enough to make the aftereffects of severe abuse disappear almost entirely, it wouldn't be enough to fix people's problems.
It's ironic that the most cheerful girl in the class is the one who wound up with deep survivor's guilt, and judging by the last page she's still not over it, tearing up. A single song wasn't enough here.
His fans tend to counter that by saying AFO grooming him since before he was born is unique (which is somewhat true), but ignore that the grooming wouldn't have been effective if Nana hadn't had to chose between heroism and her family, or if literally anyone had tried to help Tenko when he was wandering the streets for hours.
Aizawa lost his friend, his eye, tried to bring his friend back (and failed), and watched Bakugo kill him. He is not lucky at all.
It's not her fault. She saw a creepy kid covered in blood. She got scared.
>Deku already thanked and acknowledged her contribution to his getting inti UA
>He also did this when she changed the meaning of Deku
>He also thanked her when blackwhip went haywire
so making a big deal about it now as though he regrets not doing this sooner is reeuctive as well as redundant? ah
Ochako the kind of chick to play Umineko and actually feel sympathy for Yasu, kek
What do shounen authors have against long-haired bishies?
Next week.
they didn't even kiss or hug
I dunno why you fujos are so buttblasted about this chapter
For me it's the framing of it as something he's neglected to do when he's consistently given her the appreciation she deserves this whole time.
Honestly those look like happy tears to me, or at least tears of sadness mixed with relief. She got to see a kid get saved before he could turn into a villain, even if she couldn't do it for Toga. Now she knows that while the past can't be changed, things can be different.
Can we finally admit that Dabi was a piece of shit who kept poking his family weak spots and pushing both his parents mentally because he wanted attention? Bitch wasn't abused he was a spoiled brat.
have you really never had a moment where you express appreciation for a friend or family member who's always been there for you, even though you've thanked them for individual favors before?
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Hori isn't brave enough to make his main character gay, but he'll appeal to fujos by making TodoBaku canon
soooo timeskip next week?
How do I get a fujo gf
be a skinny but muscular asian femboy and be willing to fuck other men in front of fthem
Sure but they usually involve words of affection and maybe a hug as well. Regardless, this scene hasn't satisfied a lot of readers and you can tell by the current atmosphere.
She is Toga's love interest
well its not like she's had any recent interactions with him.
i'm down with that.
>this scene hasn't satisfied a lot of shippers****
the scene was perfectly fine
go watch a CW show if you want a soap opera
>Some authors are actually good.
>Cowering and kneeling to fujos
Kubo laughed in the face of all the insane IchiRuki faggots and to this day they are still crying. The likes of Hiroshikoshi couldn't eve risk Bakugo's "death" being anything but a fakeout, and now he doesn't have the balls to fully commit to Deku and Ochako.
It's kind of hilarious that Bakugo murdered two villains but doesn't suffer any grief for it despite one of them being Aizawa's childhood friend.
I don't get how or why Deku and Uraraka were watching not-Shiggy out of nowhere. This chapter is all over the place.
The scene was fine but not great. You could even call it mid. Deku not hugging Ochaco here feels unnatural.
He's just reminding her of the times when she rescued him from going off the brink, and showing his appreciation. If it wasn't for her he wouldn't have gotten into UA, gotten over his derogatory nickname, lost control when his power started burgeoning, and have been lost in his own misery when he went off on his own as a renegade hero. She kept him sane.

>Regardless, this scene hasn't satisfied a lot of readers and you can tell by the current atmosphere.
I agree with this. Should've given her a hug, and the rest of the class shouldn't have shown up.
They just happened to be there. Iida was there too.
Aizawa and Mic gave up on Kurogiri. Mic called him a corpse. None of the heroes empathized with All For One, none of them will mourn him. He's also not the kind of guy to get hung up on this.
It's been established that the hero students are doing reconstruction work, and scissor boy was in an area which was still mostly in ruins.
He's a delinquent sociopath who used to bully a disabled child, you think he would feel bad for killing a murderer?
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Anime AFO >>>>>> Manga AFO
Deku is not and was never disabled.
I love dark skinned AFO
Pleb taste. Manga AFO's eerie skin tone and eye color is superior.
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Why would you want one?
They were there because the plot said they needed to be there.
AFO is too bara to be haunting looking.
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Hes neither a delinquent nor a sociopath. Stop being so jealous of him.
MHA will forever be remembered for the fap material it produced.
Bakugo ate Kurogiri.
AFO killed himself.
A full grown man came out of Bakugo's chest.
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finally something we can agree on.
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Todobros we lost
I will miss Endeavor so much. I would buy any spin-off of him.
Theres no need for hr to have a boob window when she could wear a sports bra with space on top and tummy exposed with shorts instead of a slutty one piece suit. Or get a Mirio like costume created so things come out through her fabric. Also its the 21st century what does she carry around an encyclopaedia for?
Toga is missing in that image
You will miss the 15635176382627 porn fanarts of him.
Waste of a plot. Both Shigaraki and Toga died, and Dabi most likely is out forever too, so Hori will never address how it actually looks like to deal peacefully with quirk wackos like them. How does rehab look for someone who wants to destroy / bleed / burn everything? Who knows, Hori just introduced the issue but killed them all. Endeavor was a fluke, he didn't go for the obvious death = redemption thing with him and had him actually deal with the family drama.
She went to hell.
why would they kill the rival when they can just write him to be seething about not being number 1 for the rest of time?
What would a personal nemesis for Bakugo have been like?
If you say Endeavor has more chances to go to heaven than all MHA villains they would throw rocks at you
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literally deku
That's because she is alive
deku but less rapey
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what happened to my beloved?
where are the raws?
sex with rabbit
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Literally Muscular, have them sperg out at each other, and it'll make Bakugo's growth more apparent when be becomes mature and stops being a crazy destroying bastard.
Muscular would like Bakugo and try to recruit him, thinking he's a perfect fit for a villain.
Deku sees Koichi and is inspired by him so he goes to Mei with an incredible idea, new shoes called Air Trecks
also a virus kills all the quirked
Endeavor will go to heaven for all the quality gay porn he has gotten
You just don't understand the themes
And just before Mei finalized the shoes, too. Will he be able to get his near-completed new shoes to Melissa Shield before society collapses?
no u
>How does rehab look for someone who wants to destroy / bleed / burn everything?
You already know that the manga doesn't believe in rehab for people who've committed violent crimes. The only thing approaching the question of what to do with out of control quirks is the brats in the Remedial Course arc. The answer is that while they're still kids, you gotta treat them normally instead of freaking out, and find ways for them to use their quirks in socially useful ways. No quirk is inherently evil and none of the villains started out wanting to harm people. Don't treat a kid like a diseased and dangerous pariah and they won't act like one.
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Have faith! Still have another week!
>No rehab for criminals
>No therapy for traumatized heroes
And they wonder why villains keep popping up
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How do we fix Bakugo?
>didn't get the obvious message
The society is built in a way to steal wealth from the poor, funnel them into villains, have those villains killed and their assets liquidated by the government. Quirkless rule everything, it's why they're so despised. The ultimate message was the futility of individualism, no matter how hard you try the gears of society will crush you into dust.
Be a tiktok fuckboy o a k-pop idol
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>bakugo's harem
It's okay, villains can rehabilitate themselves and walk free if they bust their ass for a society that fucked them over. Only if their crimes were minor though!
We don't. He's already perfect.
corrective rape.
...and Camie!
Camie is the harem.
Have him fuck with Kirishima
Eraserhead smiling is genuinely uncanny.
Deku is so lucky bros.....
She's in Miisnao's poop cave

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