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I finished the original run yesterday and have some mixed thoughts. Overall I liked the show and thought it was endearing and fun. I'm not planning on watching the remake until it catches up to and goes past where the original ended (if that happens). I'll spoiler from here since I'll be mentioning stuff that isn't covered in the remake yet. Please do so aswell if you're going to discuss them so zoomies don't get the upcoming episodes spoiled
I like Holo alot, but I'll admit that I started liking her less when she began bringing up that she was ran through. I'd like to think that she was just doing a bit of trolling and is actually a wolfvirgin instead of a wolfslut, but that's probably unrealistic. Still, overall I liked her character. Everything from her design to her personality was fun and cute. I will say that I started to get filtered out of their playful banter towards the end, meaning I started asking myself "what the fuck are these two on about" in the last arc. Which, speaking of which, I thought was pretty underwhelming and ended in a weird way. They ended in sort of a halfway point where only lawrence confessed his feelings and they were left with nothing after being scammed by that bitch. It felt like they ended in the middle of an arc. What I liked the most about the show was the more quiet moments where they were just enjoying eachother's company. I liked their jewschemes, too, but I did get filtered out of some of them towards the end. I got the main ideas, but the details were a bit confusing, especially in the second season arcs. After the end of the first season, I wanted more cute wolfwife and less wolfteasingslut, so I guess I'm just dissapointed in the overall direction of the story
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I'm not a furry, but I would berry my dick so deep into Holo's wolfpussy that whoever pulled it out would be crowned king arthur
Feel free to use this thread to talk about the remake btw. I have no actual thoughts on it since I haven't seen it beyond a couple clips (first impression is that it's a downgrade even if there are some better aspects)
Post wolf old and new
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i mean she isnt really a slut or anything. she is a tease kinda and its a slow burn romance. by the 5th book, they are very clearly aware of each others feelings and are gonna try to make things work but both of them have their various hang ups. id say by the end of the gold arc, both of them do LIKE each other.
I love their banter. But I've always loved that sort of dynamic. I'm probably very fucked in the head since I sometimes catch myself thinking its the ideal relationship.

I watched the original years ago, and now watching the remake I actually understand some of the economic concepts they use, like the current arc in the show is a classic shortsell. Being older and knowing more definitely lets me understand the show as a whole better.
>I'm not a furry, but I would berry my dick so deep into Holo's wolfpussy
uhhhhhh based dept is calling you better pick up.
I don't mean that she's a slutslut, she's clearly very loyal to Lawrence and would never betray him while theyre together. But there was a time when she was counting on her fingers how many dudes were in her wolfussy in the past, which just kinda rubbed me the wrong way. I came across as a half-joke. But I don't like those kinds of jokes bros.. I need to believe Holo is pure waifu
She's a several century old god.
She's had other companions than Lawrence. Its not surprising. If you get with a deity they'll have fucked before.
Not canon
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this. she is like a thousand years old. its honestly kept vague. she might have been with a couple people, she might have not, she has clearly had crushes hard before and been burned. hell half the reason she stays in the village for like 500 years is because she had a crush/loved the guy who asked her protect the village. also she loved lawrence enough to marry him and have a kid even though she has major reservations about it.
Lawrence has got to be the most underrated anime protagonist of all time.

He's not some shonen action hero, a cool badass like Spike, a meme autist like Okarin, a 3D chess player like Leluche or a fucking snarky high-schooler.

He's just a humble 25-year-old with the stressful job of a merchant in the middle ages as well as his own subtle insecurities.

He never fetishes Holo or complains she hasn't fucked him yet. He just fucking cares about her because he relates so hard with her loneliness.
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she likes apples. she likes different food. one of my favorite moments from the book is her making an analogie about hard choices where she talks about hunting sheep. "you ever heard a sheep/lamb when a its in a wolfs jaws, its an awful sound and i hate it but my stomach is louder". i love that holo is genuinly caring and nice but she has those cold as fuck moments.

same. he is just a likable dude and i think the remake gets closer to the book version where he is much less of a dumbass, he is just kinda bad with women somtimes because he has mostly fucked prostitues and or random bar maids. like he doesnt even fuck up holos meltdown until the end.
Dayum Holo gets to fuck THIS??
The NTR queen.
If you only watched the og anime, the last 6 episode(from 20 to 25) of the remake will (most propably) adapt a skipped arc (book 4) it's not the most interesting one but you might want to check it out.
I'll wait until it's all out anyways so I don't have to wait weekly
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lol. the books and the remake make it super clear its not.
used by thousands of dogs and millions of men
I'm pretty happy because the 4th book is great and I'm really looking forward to see it finally animated, but the 5th one was perfect to end the season.
I'm catching up with the remake. I just finished Nora's arc, and I'm pretty satisfied so far. However, at this pace, there's no way they will ever finish adapting the original story... they would need at least six more cours if they don't want to skip anything. I already got burned with the last Full Metal Panic season... I don't want to keep having my hopes crushed...
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buddy, you know what happened to the last dude who tried this shit. you know she is a wolf the size of t-rex rights. i have seen her tear people in half and hunt animals,. anyway last faggot who pulled a knife on he choked on his own blood when she crushed his chest with a paw. and then chewed his head off. so yeah have fun.
they are doing book 4 next and next season will be 4 books too.
>and next season will be 4 books too
Did they really confirm another season already?
Idk, but I just confirmed that you're a fucking faggot, homo
What do you think about that? Huh?
presumbly. its not that much of an expensive show and the merch makes money plus it does well with the critics and viewers. it will probably pick up more when we hit book 4.
As others have said, she's centuries old. She's not a slut, she's more like a widow.
Just accept that despite looking young Holo is an older woman and for the most part comes with the ups and downs of that. Since she's physically young it's mostly upside, you get to skip the retardation of young girls. Since she's been doing the local god thing for a while and the villagers haven't even seen her, she probably hasn't fucked another guy since your grandfather was born.
It will either be 1 or 3+ seasons.
If they end it at the same place as the original then it has nothing to stand on.
The OG was far better but if they can push the line in the books then it might be acceptable.
However I do not believe this to be the case.
The remake is awful.
It's not the same characters.
They may look like a cheap sketch of the characters we (I) love but it's only a imitation; it's all smoke and mirrors.
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sorta. she was never married or had kids before. i dont think she has fucked since she started sitting in the field. im sure there is some word for it or some shit, but i dont think she sleeps with guys unless she actually LIKES them, im sure she has legit eaten more people then she has had sex with.
Spice and wolf has to make a fuck ton of money from the LNs and merch, I've haven't seen any other Fandom here that has so many book readers and merch buyers for a decades old anime, if the demand is there, I don't see any reason they don't try to adapt as much as they can, it's like free money for them
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this. its very easy to keep pumping out prints or statues or plushies with holo but in a new hat or modern dress or nude. the two side series keep coming out and the main series has an ending they can get too. its not some GOT shit where there is never gonna be an ending so two retards tried their hand at it. it has an ending and they have two side series they can make if they want too.
I think I spent some 200-300k yen on spice and wolf goods in the last 2.5 years. If I preordered the BDs it'd be even more but I think I'll pass.
> I'd like to think that she was just doing a bit of trolling and is actually a wolfvirgin instead of a wolfslut
God you're such a fag. She's hundreds of years old for fuck's sake.
based tranny
You're the kind of guy to realize his grandma slept with men before she met your grandfather and stay up all night crying about it faggot.
based tranny
to be fair, i think she is fucking with lawrence to a degree based on other stuff in later books but i do think she was probably with other guys before but it either fell apart or they died or who knows.
whats a good place to buy them? im getting another statue at some point. i only have the popup parade and the nentendroid doll.
I grab almost all of my stuff from amiami.
Not him, but at one point when I was playing CK3 I learned that it's really common for your spouse to cheat on you, even if you've got the "lovers, soulmates, and friends" tags alongside the "wife" tag. It was bullshit so I restarted my game. Eventually I just deciced that the best way to ensure a family line was to make it a circle. So I started in ireland and made a religion with my first guy that allowed for incest and went from there. Eventually I managed to accidentally create leprechauns just because I wanted to make sure that if at any point someone in the lineage was unfaithful, it would still statistically tie back into the family. I ended that playthrough right after uniting great brittania under leprecaun rule but then the english rebelled and I didn't feel like playing anymore
Haven't picked it up since
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i mean i assume holo is kinda of an alcoholic. she doesnt suffer any permenent damage because 1. magic wolf person/spirit and 2. i think her body just regenerates fully everytime she turns human again.
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3. alcohol is good for you and claims otherwise are a psyop
There's still no proof that she isn't a virgin, which all anime girls are until proven otherwise
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Oro loves boozing up, so far 3/5ths of all episodes have shown her hitting up the jug
Alcoholics need alcohol to function normally, our fun waifu just knows how to enjoy herself when they're out having fun eating and drinking
It helps that the author is not a hack and can actually keep the story going after so long. The sequel is even better written than the original series.
>Economics 101 but with cuckshit
Why did you guys like this again?
so... do nora and her dog... you know...?
yeah. it helps that while its very episodic, character growth actually does happen. by book 5 they are in love, it just take awhile for eveything to fall into place.
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