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new kirara carat in 40 minutes
who wants to bet on whether we get a new chapter and finish up volume 7
New chapter this month
Where do you see this?
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same as it ever was
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I'm willing to be new mazoku chapter or announcement on 9/28
I ain't gonna bet on 8/28, but it'd be nice to have one
I pity anybody who bet on this month's
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>who wants to bet on whether we get a new chapter and finish up volume 7
I pity the fool who'd make such a sorry bet. Then I'd send them to get souped to feed to the Itoextendinator.
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Ito status?

How long are they going to keep listing the Tanuki series?
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Shamiwait shamicontinues.
As long as Ito is alive, there is still hope
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I demand more Shamiko
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>What are we going to do this month, gosenzo?
>The same thing we do every month, my dear descendant.
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Find the mazoku
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The manga was oficially on hiatus, I dont' believe it'd just come back without another announcement of its return
Thumbnail looked like she inherited Mikan-mama's mikans.
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Trust the plan.
what are you favorite shamiscenes?
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The one where Shamiko admits she's trying to protect Momo's smile.
oh I hate this
The struggle is real.
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marry ito to take care of her
What's the difference between 告知の通り休載 and normal 休載?
Two mazoku threads, dunno which one will survive.
normally a manga just missed the deadline and will be back next issue, so your given a notice that it won't be appearing this month but you can reasonably expect it'll be back next month. for manga like machikado mazoku that aren't publishing regularly, it's just on a hiatus, so don't have expectations for when it'll come back
I see.
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What kind of ritual do we need to restore ito's health?
The number of sacrifices is already causing population decline. We need a new method.
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We're not prepared to go that far just yet. In the meantime please enjoy the waiting room music while our leaders set up the various SPACs needed to move the funds for the project.

welp, see you all next month
doing it to revive ito
We need two threads in order to give Ito extra power.
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>all those moments will be lost in time
>like floof in rain
>time to die
Would that I could...
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loose the juice
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When will the fosexual harassment be stopped?
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Lixpo needs milk and OJ to make breakfast, so the mazoku molesting will be a recurring affair. I love breasts.
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Getting milked by lixpo sounds equal parts thrilling and terrifying
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Kiss the goat
Shamiko, greatest of all time.
Is Mikan juice as addictive as succubus milk?
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The acidity is not for everyone, you'll have try for yourself to find your own answers
Power shamis.
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Machikado doujins are great.
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That's really cute.
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Built for nipple assault, that's Shamiko!
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Shamiko's hefty holsteins. Can't believe it's canon that she straps down to this form on her way to school for the speed buff. Shamicrime time.
y shamithread die?
Its better to have one thread.
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The dark clan favours threads with machikado mazoku in the OP.
The dark clan, more like the dork clan
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The wold is a touch place.
Why doesn't Lilith just walk around naked?
Cute demon sisters.
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>The dork clan, more like the spork clan
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That's so cute!
Foxes can't love tapirs. It's extra-species love.
The spork is the dorkiest utensil.
It's doggy mazoku world.
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