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So what in the actual fuck went wrong?
It seems like this was the dream team once in a lifetime production with many prominent artists both on animation side and the music side who all loved the manga came together to work on this a-la OPM s1 but in the end we got the most amateur voiced, watered down, grey and sterlie, 3d cg infested wet fart of a release that just fizzled out.
And then to add insult to injury instead of trying to recover and bring the momentum on their side by remedying this in season 2 they decide to DOUBLE DOWN and do the same thing again but now with a movie that will take a decade to complete and not even release outside of japan and will completely bury any chances of seeing season 2 until every current fan dies of old age.

So again I ask, what in the actual fuck went wrong?
The source material was trash and they've done the best they could with it
trash source material
director went off the rails and got over ambitious to the point where it went to his head
i'm just going to wait for the reboot 7 years from now
The series director has never directed an anime before, this was his first job because of nepotism.
And he hates anime and his job.

And sony wanted to shoehorn in their new voice actors who have also never had a job before and got in because of nepotism.

The animators felt fatigued and a lot dropped out in pre-production from trailer to final release due to absurd production cycle and work environment at mappa.

>what in the actual fuck went wrong?
So basically just nepotism and bad working conditions where everyone involved had no idea what they were doing and also hated what they were doing.
It got Tokyo Ghoul'ed.
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>So what in the actual fuck went wrong?
Chainsaw Man Part 1 was really bad, and Part 2 is even worse. So the the "Dragon" improved the anime adaptation.
The source material was ass.
the manga was shit
as a manga reader episode 5 was when i checked out shit was so bad
stop spam posting you zoomer faggot
>fecal enjoyer can't see when improvement is staring him in the face
Only zoomers like chainshit, faggot
Do you need a reason other than “hiring a first time director isn’t a good fucking idea”?
There's a variety of issues but I've never understood why they decided to go with such flaaaaaaaat art. It's like midday drama lighting
As a manga reader chapter 2 was when I dropped this, it was so bad
The anime was much nicer though
Nothing, it's great. You just have no taste.
No one had any fun making this fucking show
The director
How many times will you make this thread?
Well why did he get chosen to be the director then?
Because he's talented, handsome and /a/ is too stupid to understand his vision
Shit source material = no care for adaptation
God I fucking hate nu-anime. When that fucking haremshit waifu bait popped up and hugged him and was oh so mysterious like she could be a villain or a mommy waifu for laifu and acted all cutesy and manipulative and god it's so fucking pandering and overused trope garbage. I hate this already and I haven't even complained about the tracing and overuse of the CGI yet. Yeah I know for some fight scenes, maybe CGI MIGHT be required (it isn't, MAPPA definitely has the talent and the budget, but they keep cheaping out for profit from retards like you), but then they have fucking still shots with CGI in them. Like when the devil hunters showed up to the warehouse. There was an overhead shot of the warehouse, completely still. Their cars pulled up and opened the doors. THE CARS WERE FUCKING CGI. WHY? THAT COULD HAVE BEEN HAND ANIMATED IN LITERAL SECONDS. It's lazy pathetic trash.
I've noticed that you can really tell how good or bad something is based on how much it's talked about after it ends. Chainsawman basically got forgotten immediately.
I don't think you're allowed to hand draw cars.
They can only be CG these days, some animation labor law or something.
It's still being talked about though, like right now?
Is this some schizo posting or something?
>It's still being talked about though, like right now?
The only talk that I see about the anime is the same old shit that I wouldnt even be surprised is done by a single guy who makes a new thread once in a blue moon. There's no genuine discussion or interesting takes surrounding it, mostly used for bait because CSM fans were acting really cocky before the anime aired.
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What does everyone think was so bad about the anime? I’m generally one of those ‘new anime bad, old anime good’ types, but I actually thought the CSM anime was pretty good.
I didn't like the art style very much or the animation, I never do nowadays, but other than that I thought it was a lot better than most modern anime.
I watched it before I read the manga so maybe that had an effect, but what was so bad about the anime in your opinion?
my only problems were that cg was horrible, mostly the ghost, i would forgive it if ghost wasn't cg but he was the straw that broke the camel's back
some of the scenes like with the curse devil killing katana just looked back with him popping in and out like a bad cutscene
and just the colors/emotions were very drab and low while manga was colorful and expressive

the vibes were off basically
literally nobody talks or praises the anime anymore, it's like it completely erased itself from everyone's memories as soon as it ended
The mistake was releasing this in the same season Bocchi the Rock aired, this show ended up becoming Bocchi's victim
the chainsawman part 1 manga worked because it was snappy and blunt. the anime was the opposite by trying to be a live-action film.

the pacing left too much free space between scenes, the fights dragged on for cinematic effect, the characters were all drawn and shaded in this realistic manner that has nothing to do with the original material.

you can see how jarring the show's pacing by going through the bat/leech devil episodes and by the fact they felt it was a good idea to have 3 (three!) post-credits scenes in the final episode.
Akis good morning routine was animated incredibly well, himeno's pov of being drunk off her ass was a nice touch, the soundtrack was killer especially for makima big reveal, the cinematic vibe meant it didn't just look like x generic Shonen and was actually trying to be more than the usual boring anime cuts and framing, the voice acting was great especially for denji screaming his nuts off, the ops and Ed's were amazing, the aki snake fight was great, the fights were fun to watch, etc

Nobody talks about it because some schizo spams bait posts trying to shit on csm 24/7 and no one wants to talk to the autist when it repeats the same post ad nauseum every time and just wants to circle jerk csm bad
>Nobody talks about it because some schizo spams bait posts trying to shit on csm 24/7
MAPPA happened
sadly this
Same. The CGI looked pretty bad, but it was decent otherwise. CSM fans are just insufferable.
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>CSM fans are just insufferable
ESPECIALLY post-part 1 newfags who got into the series after it got ''big''

A bunch of pretentious midwits faggots, the lot of em
At least we got all those cool EDs out of it, right?
>this was his first job because of nepotism.
>So again I ask, what in the actual fuck went wrong?
I want to know too. The 3dcg looked disgusting. Mappa ruined Shingeki no Kyojin too.
Nothing. I just didn't like the pacing, the small little changes(no muscle devil, the shitty additional katana man monologue on top of the subway cart, etc), the ost usage through the show being underwhelming, and chainsaw man himself looking fucking weird in some parts. Also the director is a fag who made Reze's hair blue(also I really hate the idea of end credits bullshit getting shoved into chainsaw man and for me it kind of ruins Reze's introduction by then again Mappa is literally making a movie with her front in center so that point is null and void). Kind of wish the show was more like EDs 3 and 8 visually speaking.
Yeah, i already give my thoughts about the anime and why i didn't like it many times before, but nowadays is discussion being done to death and people bring it up in order to shit on CSM, there is no genuine discussion about it.
Yes but you are also insufferable. I dont know where to place you. But you are.
CSM fags are mindbroken by low bluray sales so clearly the anime must be bad
I watched the anime first, liked it, then read the manga, liked it
Now I'm stuck on this godforsaken board with the CSM retards (just scan the thread real quick) waiting for part 2 of the manga to stop being terrible
we really need the ip counter back
dogshit director
they tried to be beastars but ended up closer to ex-arm
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>dude what if we, like, spent hundreds of man hours of animating on every episode having a unique ED as a gimmick instead of doing the actual show
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Reze movie and S2 will be the greatest comeback story in the industry

Trust the plan
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>So what in the actual fuck went wrong?

Pretty much everything:

>god awful director who has 0 synergy with the source material
>terrible grey and dull colors that don't fit the series
>weirdly realistic art style with too much shading etc. which just doesn't fit the series
>anime atmosphere feeling way too serious and losing the original appeal of the manga, as a result the humor falls flat as well (Kobeni just screaming too much and being annoying when it was way more of a joke in the manga)
>many iconic moments in the manga butchered in the anime (nearly every Makima moment)
>much more animation resources put into character animation than the actual fights
>voice actors told to hold back to be more realistic and less "animeish"
>dragged out fights for cinematic effect
>heavy overuse of CGI
>mediocre usage of OST
>slow pacing, much slower than the actual manga
>removed manga scenes (muscle devil, Denji helping a bunch of people)
>anime was only 12 episodes and ends at a terrible spot, basically just covered the intro phase of the series

The upcoming movie with a new director is Mappa's last chance to salvage the CSM anime.
God it's so bad.
>the characters were all drawn and shaded in this realistic manner that has nothing to do with the original material.
Anime fans are retarded. Film at 11
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>So what in the actual fuck went wrong?
Nothing. It was fucking great. Can't wait for season 2.
manga did it better
i liked it, does that make me a normie
No, normies watch Shikanoko and share it on tiktok
>lists all the things that made it good

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