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Previous thread (Chapter 63):
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CHAPTER 64 - The King of Hell's Recital


>Someone come!


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The King of Hell's Recital
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>Goheita's dance is splendid as always...
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>You're really identical to him...

>...but you're not Goheita, right?
>Who are you?
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>Who the hell is he?!

>Eh eh eh!
>I didn't believe that you'd discover me.
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>Urgh! He's not Goheita!
>Damned fox!

>Cut off his head!

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>Eh eh...they can no longer move because I've securely tied them with my secret technique.
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>Tell me who you are.

>I am the messenger of the king of hell!

>King of hell?
>First of all, it is absolutely not true that Hideyoshi is a samurai who hopes for peace and detests needless killing!
>In the past, he has killed tens of thousands of Ikkō-ikki men in the name of Nobunaga, and just recently Hideyoshi decreed the death of another ten thousand people with his measure of disarming civilians!

>And now his jaws are about to bite the provinces of the east!
>That is why the king of hell is in a rage!
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[Hideyoshi and Mitsunari could easily find out that this is a plot by Hōjō. The entire staging is a clear and unmistakable warning to Hideyoshi.]

>Come forward, Chacha...and all those who are present. Memorize this face well!

>Even a cruel man like Hideyoshi will be tormented if he loses his most beloved concubine and the child she carries in her womb.
>You will see hell alive, before anyone else here!

>Ugh...Lady Chacha...

>You're really clever.

>Because you even managed to make the skilled Mitsunari fall into your trap.

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>I imagine that you caused those riots at the imperial palace and in Nagiri.
>Alarmed by those riots, Mitsunari has left, taking all the ninja from this mansion with him.

>Oh...this woman has already noticed the ninjas' absence...

>But how come the king of hell hasn't ordered you to kill the Kanpaku directly?
>Why did you appear right in front of me?!
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>Ehe...not for nothing, she is the woman who inherited the blood of Nobunaga, the ruler of the Sengoku Jidai...
>...she shows no agitation even though she knows that she will be killed in a few moments...

>Eh eh eh...
>You're such a skilled woman that I'm sorry to kill you!

>So imprint this face well into your memory!

>And report to Hideyoshi!
>If he continues to be greedy, this messenger will return among the living and lead him straight to hell!
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>Oh...Lady Chacha!

>Lady Chacha is in trouble!
>Urgh! So...someone help Lady Chacha!
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>Eh eh eh...you've been very brave, Gessai, my shadow!
>From now on, I, Fusai, will be your specter and astound Hideyoshi!

>In any case...I have to admit that you put on a really chilling display, Gessai...congratulations!
>...even Hideyoshi, who loves gory scenes, would have been disgusted!

[Gessai took his own life on purpose to warn Chacha that this is not a joke. The features of his decapitated head were imprinted in the memory of Chacha and the others present. An unforgettable memory.]
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>After crossing the bridge, we will arrive in Nagiri, Lord!

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>What's that rock?

>...it's the tomb of Ofu's mother.

>Oh, it's her mother's tomb...

>Uhm, but...
>...how come it's here in such an isolated place?

>Her name was Oyuki and she always stopped here...
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>From the day Ofu was abandoned along this river, Oyuki would come every day to pray at the end of the bridge, waiting for her return.
>But Oyuki died without seeing Ofu again...

>That's why I've placed her tomb here as if she were still observing the river in person.

>Ah ah ah!

>Go ahead, I'll catch up with you quickly.
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[Keiji is a kabukimono, but he's also the nephew of Toshiie Maeda, one of the five most important daimyo of the nation. A class act like Keiji doesn't hesitate to kneel down to appease the spirit of a deceased person from Nagiri. Iwabe has never met such a transparent and generous samurai.]

>Sir...but you...
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>You fell in love with Oyuki, didn't you?



>Cough! Cough! That hurt!
>Ah ah ah!

>I can't walk by the grave of the woman you loved without feeling the obligation to stop.

>Ah ah ah!
>Eh eh eh!
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Chapter 65 in 6 hours 44 minutes.
Thank you for posting and translating.
A bump for Keiji.
Let's go!
Clever girl.
Is this martial arts?
It feels unnecessary.
Thx mate.
That's a nice sentiment.
Keiji, a true class act.
Almost there.
He can be so considerate. Like a true gentleman.
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CHAPTER 65 - The Quarreling Ban

[When Hideyoshi heard that Chacha had been assaulted in the Noh theatre pavilion, his face paled and he rushed to her.]

>A...are you all right?!
>And my baby in your belly?!
>Yes, he's safe too.

>Eh?! What's the matter?!
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>Just now...
>...your baby kicked me.

>He gave you a kick?!
>He gave you a kick, eh?!

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>He seems very strong... just like his father!
>Li...like his father...
>...you're talking about me?

>Ah ah ah! Well, of course...it's natural, he's my son.

>The important thing is that you're safe and sound...now I feel relieved.
>Your Highness!

>Lord Mitsunari Ishida has arrived.
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>How did they die?
>There was a decapitation order because they weren't able to defend Lady Chacha.
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>I've just returned!

>I...I apologize for what has happened...
>Listen to me, Mitsunari...
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>Do you know what this head said to Chacha?

>If I continue to be greedy...
>...he will come back to life. Having said that, he killed himself. Doesn't it seem completely insane to you? Eh eh eh...

>Anyway...how dare he threaten me?

>And you?...Where have you been all this time?


>...I was in the village of Nagiri...
>...to safeguard the witness and foil Hōjō's conspiracy...
>Mmm...and did you succeed?

>U...unfortunately no...

>There wasn't a living soul in Nagiri, was there?
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>How did you know?!

>I am more informed than you!
>The men of Nagiri have already abandoned their village to better monitor the imperial palace!
>Oh, that can't be...

>You fell into their trap like an idiot!

>They've finished attacking Nagiri, but in reality they want Jurakudai palace!
>You have been completely tossed about by the enemies, you foolish greenhorn! You must never move as and when you please!...Use your head...or you will lose it!

>And tell me...If something happened to Chacha, how would you have apologized to me?!...Crawl like a worm at my feet?!
>And tell me again...if Chacha had an abortion, how would you have compensated me for the damages?!...Work all your life as a servant in the rice paddies?
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>Listen to me carefully, Mitsunari! If you want to expose Hōjō's conspiracy, you absolutely must find evidence!...Understood?...
>And if something were to happen to Chacha again, your head will keep company with the others on display!

>...Yes Lord!...I will defend the Lady even at the cost of my life!

>Good!...Now showcase that head in Shijogawara!
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>Oh, so it's that man...
>Just think...he broke into Jurakudai alone.

[Keiji has already returned to Kyoto. And in the company of Kanetsugu, he went to see the head of the man who made Mitsunari fall into a trap.]
>Eh eh eh!
>Eh eh...

>Uh uh uh!
>What's so funny, Sir Keiji?

>Well...I imagine that this affair has thrown Hideyoshi into a panic...
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>You've been deceived by this guy too, eh?


>...but it doesn't make me angry at all. Look at this head here!
>He's laughing!

>We can't underestimate rivals like these!

>Ah ah ah!


>What...what is it?
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>You no longer need us, don't you? So when are you going to stop following my Lord?!
>I'll never stop.

>I shall be one of his servants.


>Don't be ridiculous! I'm his only servant and that's enough for him!
>And then don't you think he'll be bothered by the fact that you're a giant?...And then as if that weren't enough, you also look like an ogre!

>Oh! What a beautiful horse!
>Go back home, it's for the best!

>Whose horse is that?
>It's called Matsukaze. I believe it belongs to Sir Keiji Maeda.

>Uhm...he's not of the Maeda family for nothing!
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>O...oh, it's true! What a fantastic horse!

>And tell me instead...who's that gigantic and filthy man that looks like an ogre?

>Could he be a vassal of Sir Maeda?
>He looks truly dreadful!
>If that were a vassal, Sir Maeda's reputation would be diminished...

>You heard?!

>Get down!
>Damn you!

>And then look at that midget standing next to him! He's terrible too!...A real freak!

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>Even though he is a kabukimono, Sir Keiji Maeda is the nephew of Lord Toshiie Maeda, the heir to a domain of one million koku in Kaga!
>If he wanted to become an officer, he could certainly get land worth fifty thousand koku! What a shame!

>His vassals are an ogre and a midget! Very interesting...even bizarre...!
>Ah ah ah ah!



>Who...who the hell are you?!
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>Bringing people down with harsh words...
>...it's absolutely intolerable!

>I'm going to have to sort out all those who laughed at these two men!

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>When men quarrel, you don't think about rank! Let's set all ceremonies aside!


>Lo...Lord! Forget it, I beg you!

>Who are you?

>I'm Keiji Maeda!


>I will also participate. I'm Kanetsugu Naoe, military commander of the Yamashiro Province!
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>Oh, thank you Kanetsugu, you're really generous!
>How fortunate you are! You can strike the military commander of the Yamashiro Province without any excuse!


>Go ahead! Feel free to strike down anyone you don't like!
>This is a party!


>Ah ah ah ah!
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>First of all, I hate this one here!




>I...I'm sorry...
>...for having caused you so much trouble...

>I...I'm leaving now...
>...Thank you for everything that you've done for me...
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>W....wait, Iwabe!
>Are you sure you want to leave?

>What are you saying!
>I also want to stay with Sir Keiji! I'm not even afraid to die!

>...if I were with him...


>I beg you...stop Iwabe!
>Keep him as your servant!

>Be...because he...

>...he raised Ofu and even made a tomb for Oyuki, even though no one appreciated it...
>I was also an orphan...and because of this, I understand very well that he's a man with a pure heart.
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>And in reality...

>...it's me who wants to be with Iwabe!


>I will accept it only on one condition.

>Always keep your loincloth clean.

>Yes...my Lord!

[It doesn't matter if he's covered in rags or jewelry. When a man dies on the battlefield, his adversaries strip him of everything and he is left only in his loincloth.]
[Keiji expressed his firm warrior intention and benevolence to Iwabe and Sutemaru.]
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Chapters 66 and 67 tomorrow.
Thank you, see you tomorrow.
Peaceful smiling head.
Servant NTR!
Based master
Good times for everyone
Thx mate.
Based Sutemaru.
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Goodnight, thread.
From now on I will always keep my loincloth clean.

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