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Someone actually and unironically wrote this with a straight face
i remember memorizing it and chanting it when i was a kid, why kids nowadays think everything is cringe?
Isekai is cringe, so it comes with the territory
And what's wrong with it? Fiction is supposed to be cool. You sound like a blandfaggot.
They can't be genuine anymore. Everything is hidden under a layer of irony, sarcasm. Even under the guise of anonymity online, where they can leave it all bare, they're too attached to their personas, too afraid to be genuine.
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I am being 100% genuine as I'm telling you that OP line is retarded.
/a/ called archer and these types of characters GAR
im sure you are cringing as you read that
and they got magneto to read it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YukKDks9GVg
Now this is gay
not isekai redditor
>why kids nowadays think everything is cringe?
The real question is why did anyone ever unironically like Fate shit there is nothing remotely good about it and shit like this is just embarrassing.
>They can't be genuine anymore
You can be genuine with out acting like a retarded faggot. I bet you're also one of the fags who confused people having fun shitposting about code geass with it actually being a good show.
Yeah it's cool
>Code Geass out of absolutely nowhere
KEK, mind broken.
I watched it without /a/ and liked it plenty.
/a/'s shitposting isn't needed for a show to be good.
And here we have the local 16 year old talking about things he wasn't conscious for.
people die when they are killed
hating on popular things doesnt make you smart or interesting
That's the way it should be.
I blame /pol/ for this
I got chills reading that.
the literal translation from nipponeses is more cringe. this is just bad grammar.
You're not supposed to find this appealing if you're above the age of 15.
Idk why people still pretend like fate is anything more than a shallow shonen for nerds who lose their mind when they recognize a name
>kids nowadays
Even back then when I first saw it as 15 years old, I found it silly, and it's just sounds even worse now.
I do think it's mostly just because of the grammar, not the idea of "special move with a chant" itself. If it's resembles a poet or song lyrics written by an actual english speaker it would be many times better.
No, don't give me that "broken engurishu is part of the charm" shits.
>i remember memorizing it and chanting it when i was a kid
I don't know why you thought that was a valid argument, or are you going to tell me you still do that?
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Yeah this. Kids are scared shitless of being sincere. Notice how many of them shit on everything and call it bad but adamantly refuse to tell anyone their tastes?
It's really easy to criticize. Anyone can do it.
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The answer is chuunimaxxing
It makes me right and that's all that matters.
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>mfw OP
ChuuniGODs won, majimefags lost
So you watched it a year ago?
>he cannot appreciate pure chuuni
You're never gonna make it.
Fate is worst than shounen slop, it's chuuni slop that's nip wank
Nasu is Japanese, anon.
I am surprised the English is even that coherent
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because kids find anything from the past cringe that's nothing new and that's why things like fashion trends change because kids don't want to dress the same as their parents for example.
There's nothing broken about the English.
>hurrr but swords don't have bones! engrish!
Metaphors like that are what poetry is all about. It pretty clearly stands for a metaphorical backbone, core or essence that makes his swords what they are, and as we know, his swords are quite literally him and vice versa.
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Someone wrote with a straight face that he's directly communicating with God, that every word he wrote down directly came from God and made up a shit ton of retarded stuff that has caused and continues to cause immense suffering to this day. I'm talking of course about Joseph Smith.
You're correct, but you're not right.
A man dies when he is forgotten.
Reminder that the English version isn't actually a straight translation of what the original Japanese text says. Here's what Archer and Shirou's UBW chants would sound like if they were translated faithfully:
It's just disappointing. Subpar, even. As an anime connoiseur, you have many masterpieces to choose from like STEINS GEYTO. That's hype. Then you look at fate expecting something cool and..."my sword is the bone". For reals? That's just lame. It's more mid than nuruto.
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Zoomers are braindead and think nothing is genuine anymore, is also the reason why there are so many ironic weebs since "anime is trash and so i am XD"
tl;dr zoomers are retarded
fabled that

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