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show me some god tier manga paneling
Thought this was yaranaika guy
is that Gon?
I don't know, I think that 45-degree shot kind of clashes with the zoom-in on the second page. In a vacuum, at least.
video girl ai? not sure
kinda weird the two friends teleported
im a newfag fucking loser. where is this from?
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seems like it. going to give it a read. looks beautiful.
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this one is also good
Hitsuji no Uta (Lament of the Lamb). just put the source you faggot.
Looks like shit ngl
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I like this one.
Isn't that the point? It conveys the dude does not care about the blonde really well.
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that ii's doujin by redlight is just fucking godtier
I just don't think the two-panel zoom on the dude's face works here when you've already shown him in a closeup on the previous page.
it's fine you have no emotions
is that fucking Birdman
I don't think the second to last panel contributes to any sort of emotional payoff, it breaks the flow by making it look like he zones out for a second.
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>god tier manga paneling
It's absolutely standard. You better be baiting.

This, is top of the line paneling
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I miss Mamayuyu.
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Otomo always had a great hand at direction.
Yeah I really don't know what's the matter with these idiots who post series they like and don't bother to make it easy to look up, especially if it's obscure.
Is saucenao broken?
I thought it was yaranaika guy mixed with Urameshi.
>newfags don't know how to find sauce
read the thread retard
You know that's not what he meant you retard.
No, but instead of just putting the title in the filename to facilitate ease of discussion, one would have to ask him for sauce or paste it into mspaint, crop it, and then hope it gets a match. And that's not going into the manga that aren't reverse-searchable, plenty of times people will post fanart or manga pages that aren't indexed by search engines and then just vanish.
It's a fucking trash, the mc is an indecisive faggot. I dropped this on volume 8 I think
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Abyss have a lot of kino paneling
>le cuck face
>This, is top of the line paneling
Who's baiting now?
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Otomo's sense of scale, perspective, fine detail, motion and speedlines are still unmatched, even though he changed the medium forever over 40 years ago. There's manga made before akira was first published, and manga made after...
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MamaYuyu had better pages
The crushing spell with the demon in the first chapter and the flickering lantern come to mind
Takemitsu Zamurai has really good paneling, some of it quite creative.
>it's mostly standard paneling
are you faggots meme'ing?
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All this image does is highlight the subject in each panel. There is no actual direction conveyed for the eyes to follow. If this is meant to imply good panel flow, then it's failed. Not that it's a bad page, but the circles do not make it evident what's supposed to be so good about it.
Are there any manga that incorporate the onomatopeia into the background art like picrel?
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The red lines actually ignore the speech bubble's tail and lines of action to make the page more readable than it actually is.
See bottom panel >>269198782

If you mean incorporate the sound effect into white space, i'm guessing none because the kanji meant to represented in the chainsawman example are way too distorted to be recognized as such, without even the number of strokes being correct...
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That's an example of well executed panel flow, but there's more to paneling than panel flow. But this is something we can't reasonably discuss on /a/ because paneling is very heavily a "feel" thing. When you disagree with somebody on paneling, there's no logical argument to support your argument with, because whatever emotion or feeling you're getting from the paneling might not be felt by the other person.

I'm also of the opinion that discussing a single page's paneling doesn't quite capture the full picture, as part of what makes paneling difficult is the choices made throughout an entire chapter. Comics are a funny thing where the "pacing" of a work is limited by the literal physical space you have to show the events, you only have so many pages to illustrate a story within and within those pages is only a limited space on the collective pages. I've made plenty of works myself where I had good ideas for paneling but had to truncate the idea so much that what made the paneling good in my mind was lost on the page. Often what you choose to have your story can limit your options with paneling, as pacing becomes a bigger and bigger issue the more you are trying to convey in the limited space available to you. Sequences like that in OP would be very difficult to work into, say, a 20 page one-shot for example.
All that to say that that, in my opinion, paneling is a part of comicmaking that is poorly understood by readers and difficult to comment on beyond when it's flashy or in individual sequences. Very little thought is given to the less sexy choices earlier or later in the space the author had to enable such sequences in the first place.

Plus, there's anons who literally can not tell good paneling when it's staring them in the face, like these guys >>269200303 >>269200813. How are you supposed to discuss something when half the people you're talking to are straight up blind to the things you're seeing in it?
Watch the anime.
the furigana ruin it. the ka too. kubo-san, what the fug.
Yeah, going from the Garo crowd and Go Nagai, which have comparatively stiff paneling and a presentation that just feels old, to Otomo, is a huge jump.
His stuff reads like a modern series despite being >40 years old.
In a way that series made just a few years before him don't.
>How are you supposed to discuss something when half the people you're talking to are straight up blind to the things you're seeing in it?
By discussing it? My post wasn't even insulting or dismissive. If there's some secret magic happening on the page I initially responded to, then I would like it explained to me. Believe it or not, we don't all have the same eyes.
Alright, when is the thread starting?
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It is only hard if you ignore your eyes and go by vibes. Those posts describe very well what doesn't work in that page for them.
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"WIDERNESS" Ito Akihiro
Pay attention to the frame layout and whether or not sound is included.
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I feel like his influence has waned in the last 20 years.
I'm not hard to impress when it comes to panel flow. Illustrating movement and having the direction/speed of that movement remain consistent between panels works for me.
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>the 1 frame in 2 panel
>the feet slightly out of the panel for the effect
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The japanese themselves point it out.
Well, you notice how the page has a descending zig-zag pattern to the points of focus? Ignore the red shit the poster drew on it and just focus on the page on the left. A reader starts at the highest point on the right where the first speech bubble is knowingly placed, then follows it to the speaker's face, then their hand, then their next line, which conveniently is placed right next to the protagonist's eyes which the human brain is wired to instinctually pull towards. As we meet the protagonist's eyes we take in the full figure and follow it down to the same protagonist in the wide, and follow the wide to the end of the panel and presumably the next page or to the page turn.
This zig-zagging pattern that guides the eye down the page in a natural feeling way is not something inherent to a comic page. It needs to be deliberately composed to give this effect. In my opinion, this page doesn't execute it perfectly but it does do it very well. This kind of panel flow is commonplace in japanese comics, but it's a mistake to take it for granted as it's really not an easy thing to consistently pull off.

>Those posts describe very well what doesn't work in that page for them.
Anon one was pointing out that the singular speech bubble tail does not align with the red lines as if that somehow breaks the panel flow on the page (it doesn't, it's still "flowing" in the same sequence as the red lines indicate) and the other seems to be taking more issue with the red lines the anon drew than the page itself honestly. Which isn't what I was talking about in my post, this is more like "talking past the topic to criticize somebody else's illustration of their point", a separate issue entirely from not understanding the topic I admit, so my bad there.
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Some more Toriyama kino. This one punch feels more heavy than half of what you'd see in Kengan. If I were to be a pseud for a moment, I'd say it's because of the 'conservation' of momentum between the first and second panel. Frieza punches fast up top so the viewer automatically assumes Goku is punching back just as fast. No need for a big wind-up panel.
I think I've seen this manga around here a few times. Must have been a popular 90s manga everyone's forgotten. There are a few like that.
Hell there are 00s shows like that nowadays.

>cough Love Hina cough
Never watch Love Hina, it is boring.
In direct influence he honestly was mostly passed on from by the 90s, only oldheads that are still writing today and started in the 70s and 80s have that Otomo blood in them directly.
But in terms of his revolution on manga's style as a whole and how information is presented, we're still in his paradigm.
I can't think of any other big artists that have come through and changed how manga is paneled since him.
>Well, you notice how the page has a descending zig-zag pattern
I fucking hate hate ecelebs, their basic as fuck takes and the pseudos who parrot them.
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Did some irrelevant fag say the same thing?
So I guess everyone who mentions this well known and frequently observed point must just be brainlessly parroting them right? Guess manga editors are just eceleb worshiping zombies now.
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On a second look, I'd give the artist praise for grouping several shots of the protagonist together like that to help dramatize whatever new resolve he seems to have found. But I think further context of the story itself is what lends it most of its impact.
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>But I think further context of the story itself is what lends it most of its impact.
I think I would agree. That's one complaint I have with this page, I don't know the context so on it's own it feels like it's lacking in gravity.
got any more info about this?
What exactly is meant to be impressive about this?
Feels the opposite to me, the punch just happens off-screen, it's sold entirely by Freezer's reaction.

It's a really dull action scene.

No better than the guy posting something like this >>269201573 as "God tier panelling. Somehow.
I want to understand the kind of person who posts something like this and thinks it's somehow, not just good, not just impressive, but "God Tier" panelling.

It's the most bog standard panelling in a whole thread of embarrassingly bad panelling.

You're competing with:

For that
Absolutely god tier not only in paneling but every other measurable metric in art, manga and storytelling
>It's a really dull action scene.
I mean... yeah? I only posted a single punch. You're seeing one-seventh of the actual fight in question.
You confused composition for paneling.
>You confused composition for paneling.
This whole sentence is what makes this kind of thread awful. Both elements coexist with each other, you can't take one of them out from the equation.
They are the same thing. Japs call it コマワリ and it does indeed refer to what he's referencing there.
>his understanding of paneling is just limited to boxed framing
>Putting bleach from the faggot who is to lazy to draw fucking brackground and say its god tier paneling.
>jjk trash
Neck yourself
I hate to break it to you bro but most mangaka aren't drawing backgrounds, that's assistant work. Leaving backgrounds out is a deliberate compositional choice, not a lack of effort.
And that JJK page has pretty nice flow. What's the problem?
See anon. This is the kind of tumor you cultivate in this thread when most of what you posted all this time were "creative paneling".
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You sound like a huge faggot
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>Insect inhaling copium already
I'm just a grown man who can see past his own biases. I'm not fond of either series, but paneling is not either one of their problems. And what I said about backgrounds is undeniably true. Don't use HnK to wage your gay teenage-anger-fueled pissing contests, that's an insult to the work.
You're free to dismiss my point with some non-argument again.
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It's surprisingly hard to find japanese sources, as otomos conversations with various artists are fascinating, but are more about what inspires their art rather than the impact of their works. You have to look at what the giants inspired by him say:

>As artist Naoki Urasawa explained in 2009, it was Otomo’s unfinishedFireball(1979) that began to reinvent the way manga was done, across the board:1

>… because ofFireball, now everyone draws this way — and I mean absolutely everyone, including myself.[…]When I met Otomo, I told him that for us,Fireballwas ourNew Treasure Island[Tezuka’s first major work].[…]It opened the door. It was the beginning of the manga of our age.


If you meant details about what makes otomo's panelling so good, i guess this might help:

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Also showing how his panneling still impresses despite being mirrored for americans to be able to read it left to right.
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All of this doesn't stop the author from being a lazy faggot on background.
You are free to cope and seethe harder and blab like the insect that you are.
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I prefer this one.
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That's an odd way to read that page desu, isn't it closer to something like this?
do americans really need a mirrored version to be able to read it?
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You don't look two directions at once, you focus on the whole panel as you slide your gaze down. The red just outlines points of focus in the order you look at them in.
Back in 1985? Being mirrored and coloured was the only way it was going to get accepted. This only changed in 2002 when tokyopop decided to save money by making as little changes as possible to the manga tankoubons, outselling the rest of the competition.
this is comic, not manga
Manga still lags behind the best of western comics/graphic novels when it comes to interesting panelling. Pax Americana blows this thread completely out of the water.
Saucenao is worthless half the time. I know its considered "spoonfeeding" but when reverse image search is so unreliable it doesn't hurt to put the title in the filename.
why does source matter if we are only discussing about paneling?
because he wants to read it retard
what's god tier paneling then?
you clearly don't know shit
Look at that panel flow!
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The majority in this thread need to go to /mmg/ and apply themselves there.
readers and artists won't have the same answers, because they have different understanding to manga paneling
Is this one of those "Japanese cuisine" threads where people argue whether some shiitake over a grill is a bread roll?
I feel lost because some panelling looks original, but most of the posts are just basic shit. And then there's this gem right here
>the punch just happens off-screen
Do I share a board with blind people? The punch is in the panel to the fucking right. >>269201832
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Then the reader need to study about the art. For example, you'll almost never see a manga use a cross framing, the "+" intersection, for readability purpose. That one difference actually led to the major divergence of style between the manga and western comic.
Formalist wankery can be fun, but I think it's daft to treat it as the pinnacle of page layouts.
>i-it's costumer's fault!
screams unemployment
I thought about posting something, but reading the thread made me realize that my example was more about the art doing the job rather than the paneling itself.
Interesting stuff.
adachi manga
Are there any well made resources on understanding how to better articulate "good" paneling? I'm sure there's a proper language when critiquing manga that I just can't seem to find, I know good manga when I see it but I struggle to find the right words and terminology to express what I'm seeing.
Ehhh I think the art elements, especially in composition, is equally as important. What's inside the box matters more than the box itself. If not, we're never going to get one of the best meta page in the industry.
Agree mostly. I started to read those how to draw manga books and there’s one on how to write manga, as in how many pages it chapter has and how to accomodate the narrative structure across different number of pages. It also gives directions in how to draw panels and how many is a good idea to have.
I applied this to keroro, and it was eye opening. I counted the pages of each chapter, 16 in this case, including chapter cover. Then seeing the narrative structure, usually 4 part, but it’s not evenly distributed. Climax of the story almost always at the same page across chapters. You start to see rhythm and cadence in manga storytelling.
Give it a try, especially with serialized manga.
I'm not saying that. What I suggest is more like how you approach music with active listening. See the page's layout structure and how it is connect with each other, how the pages transition, the composition of elements within, etc. Dissect the page and see what's working and what is not from your own perspective.
>face in the shadow at bottom right with light coming from the left back
>inverted light in the panel on the bottom right.
the style is nice but fuck thats nonsensical.
Yeah, and where'd the stairs go behind the girl??? and how come there's only cherry blossoms in some of the panels??? this page is so unrealistic
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>seething this hard
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Greatest page in all of manga
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Yep and I'm also coping and dilating and ooooh I'm so mad!!! In fact I'm pretty much whatever makes you look less silly.
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That's super cool. I was thinking about asking for interesting comic paneling because I was curious, but I didn't think asking on /a/ was the smartest thing.
I thought this page was really clever
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Unironically superior panelling, playing with expectations, and then the comeback.
This is cool as fuck and tells the story way more effectively

I can't fucking understand what this is supposed to convey that wouldn't be better served with basic bitch pages
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>the backgrounds meme
At least read the manga instead of regurgitating stale memes.

Also what do backgrounds have to do with panel composition, you dumb fucking retard?
>No better than the guy posting something like this >>269201573 as "God tier panelling. Somehow.
So you understand nothing about paneling, why are you even here, retard?
NTA but he doesn't zone out he reaffirms his convictions this should be obvious even to someone who hasn't read it
Oh is this sasuga kei? Her paneling in the crow girl manga was so good.
Why would you include >>269189516
It's just a bit gimmicky in the last panel, the rest is whatever. You're lowering your street cred, homie.
Anon, everyone knows that when people say paneling they generally mean page composition + panel composition + paneling. In fact your example is also page composition.
Anon, no hate but this post could have been 1/3 times it's length.
Absolutely not. 構図 
Bros. I agree that he was being picky, but he is right. >>269203113 good on you mate.
Also, >>269197940 isn't even really good paneling, or good composition, it's just two people standing, one on each page. I mean it's fine but why would you use it as a shining example of paneling. If you're going to be autistic, at least be correct.
Btw to the anon who posted >>269197940, you posted some really cool pages, and I hope you keep doing so. Nothing against you.
Standard can be godlike.
What most people refer to as godlike is somewhat creative gimmicky mediocre panelling.
For example chainsaw man has a lot of gimmicky panelling/composition, see literally the post after yours >>269199959

The worst offender is where the arms are the panel dividers. That just made me groan. The sound effects thing is fine.
pyw, anon
I politely disagree, I think the storytelling is mediocre and the paneling is beautiful but not really good.
You have 2 panels with just a slash for some reason, you have a random little nigga looking for some reason, we zoom out then in then out again for one sword slash for some reason. The character art looks amazing of course, it's Inoue.
The ka doesn't ruin it at all.
Forgot to add to my reply to you, the paneling itself is also very good (as is the flow).
The crazy thing is I actually like the top better. I hesitated to say it earlier in the thread because the mangaka on the bottom's pages were nice and the one with the waves crashing was 11/10 awesome as fuck but overall it's just not as expressive, leaning on realism to its detriment. I'd take the top over the bottom in that book any day.
Love or hate the series, Toriyama is undefeated.
>autism longposting
anon, just draw a diagram, even people who are as skilled as you or even more skilled than you aren't gonna want to read that.
Go to Twitter if you can't handle a paragraph or two.
Pretty cool. Would have loved to see how the Japanese version was because the English lettering often nerfs the composition.
>That's one complaint I have with this page, I don't know the context
Bro. You need to take a modesty pill. Your complaint with the page is that YOU don't have the context? lol.
Still sending my love to you though, I don't mean to be too harsh. Just for contributing your honest thoughts you're already in the based book.
In vacuum you could say that the top is the best but if we apply the context and few additional koma to support the bottom it might come out better.
You're probably replying to *my, the pestilence that plagues /a/ and more.
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>Naoki Urasawa explained in 2009, it was Otomo’s ... now everyone draws this way — and I mean absolutely everyone, including myself
Fucking gross. I hate the "realism" school of works. Give me Tezuka, or Toriyama, fuck Urasawa.
It looks awesome, but what's happening from panel to panel is pretty dull and not well presented imo. Amazing art.
lurk moar faggot
The epitome of gimmick paneling aka "guys I'm an artiste with an e". Mamayuyu did it too much sometimes as well.
get on my studying level faggots
Go read tkmz, Abe Yoichi or papanya then.
Yeah I politely disagree with you two. That comic page is just a montage, a collage, the actual individual panels are trivialized all for the sake of a page with dulled motion, no payoff besides the reader going "huh. Ok" for a second
Art sure, lots of comic artists have awesome looking art, most manga are more stylized so it's hard to even compare. But paneling nah this is trash artiste gimmick shit, trying too hard and ending up not accomplishing a single thing.
This is really fucking cool.
Now someone post the yabuki nipple version of this.
I don't really like it. My eyes zigzag back and forth along the wide panels but on the left he's trying to do a sequential thing focusing on just the left half. I never really like Miura's panelling. godlike detail though ofc
I don't think the last camera angle was good, the 180 rotation and moving to behind the 2 background characters is disorienting - not to say that disorientation is bad, but here the main source of disorientation should be the paneling effect itself, which is getting diluted. You're right though very clever.
Shoujo manga has so much awesome paneling, I'd love to see more in these threads. Especially with all the supervertical sliced panels, and how they incorporate those emotional tone effects into the composition. Most shonen mangaka barely using emotional tone effects and even if they do they usually just paste it in the whole panel or one awkward section within a panel. Women really clear in terms of emotional manga storytelling.
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I can only go by feel
>backgrounds have to do with panel composition,
A lot actually (in-panel composition). But I agree with everything else you said and the anon you're replying to is likely that notorious mentally ill shitposter.
NVM I'm fucking retarded I meant to say kei toume
>last update over a year ago
what happened
Very good point anon. Just based on my own reading experience though I'd bet money on the top guy's style being better in general throughout a manga. Unless you want to watch a movie in a manga which I would argue is a boring use of the medium.
>Twitter out of nowhere
We're talking about a visual medium, don't be autistic.
underrated mangaka
I do like tkmz.
>page composition + panel composition + paneling
What is "panelling" supposed to be if not the page composition and panel composition in combination?
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Ah shit, my editor's never mentioned 構図 before, he always talked about the コマワリ when talking about the page compositions.


Sorry bro, can't be bothered to edit down just for a 4chan post.

Let me rephrase. My complaint with the page is that it's lacking gravity, but that may just be because I lack context. That is to say, the page in a vacuum doesn't feel like it has much drama or impact, just art-wise. Maybe it's a cool moment in context, I don't know. It's not necessarily a flaw in any case, just something that could have been done a little better.

Yeah, the choice with backgrounds can dramatically alter how a page feels. It's a part of the page's composition.

Why can't there be room for both? A more "realist" approach (it doesn't even come close to realism but whatever) ala otomo is still a far cry from movies with plenty of room to make full use of the medium it's in.
Definitely including the empty polygons on a page, and in most cases both the foreground characters and the background. Sound effects and bubbles are more compositional elements to me, but it probably isn't really wrong to count them as part of コマ割り as far as I know. Anyway I don't know which anon you are so I can't reply in detail to whatever point we're supposed to be disputing.
Oh haha lol I had a feeling it was either you or another anon I know who I was talking to... (basically every single post you replied to besides pyw guy and bleach background image post guy is me lmao), Sorry if I was a bit rude in any of my posts I'm phoneposting at 6AM lol

Idk if I have the energy to reply back to every thing you replied with... Collapsing in bed now but I'll try.
I think it would work better not drawing him completely on the other side
Rarely do you see quality thread here
Full disclosure, I cannot give a 100% accurate explanation on where コマ割りends and where 構図 begins. Maybe you could ask your editor if you're curious enough.

>Sorry bro, can't be bothered to edit down just for a 4chan post.
It would have been easier to just redline in the first place.

>My complaint with the page is that it's lacking gravity, but that may just be because I lack context.
I don't really get hyped looking at it either but it's pretty clear that this is an impressive rival to the MC and a fierce battle is about to be fought, and that's really all you need. I think it's a great page - even if it's not a climactic or emotionally cathartic page, if it serves its purpose maximally I'd take it over most of the "godlike" pages in this thread.

>Yeah, the choice with backgrounds
Totally agree ofc and also ofc Kubo's white backgrounds are largely stylistic. It's not like he lacked the money to hire more background assistants lol.

>Why can't there be room for both? A more "realist" approach (it doesn't even come close to realism but whatever) ala otomo is still a far cry from movies with plenty of room to make full use of the medium it's in.
I'm just putting my feelings into words here, but generally going closer to realism is limiting. Manga is as much about paneling as it is about symbolization/stylization and using manga techniques like emotional toning (one example of many), etc. are usually sacrificed for this movie-like emphasis. Those are a few reasons, I could probably give more, that I would take a work drawn in a Tezuka or Toriyama flavor any day over the Monster guy's best work. (Also, over detailing can be a huge issue which I see in katsuhiro's pages as well. Not sure if I have his name wrong. Can't remember Jack shit rn)
>Berserk which has among the most static panelling of all well known comics.
I agree.
Everything else you said was retarded. I understood your basic-ass comic pages and disdain them. Go back /co/fag, I'd even wager that you're a certain mentally ill faggot. Now shoo.
From my understanding コマ割りis the distribution of koma throughout the page and how you arrange them while 構図 is the subject composition inside the koma, that's my conclusion after reading the reference here and what I already knew.
My assumption was that 構図 could refer to the overall page composition as well.
After all, you can probably use 構図 to refer to the plot as well.
Like any other romcom protagonist then
File deleted.
>basic ass
Lmao. Said the retarded weaboo who is drooling at shitty, simplistic panels drawn by bog standard artists. Imagine thinking akira toriyama with his one hit wonder story for manchildren is a great paneller just because he draws hundreds of lines on fist and foot to convey "muh dynamism and flow" lol.

It's a fact most mangaka are simplistic as shit when it comes to both story and art. Even someone like Inoue with his top tier art is a mediocre paneller.
Yeah, that paneling is mediocre, the average chainsaw man part 2 page is better. Now go back to your Futurama Funko pops and Boku no hero hentai choco
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>My assumption was that 構図 could refer to the overall page composition as well.
I think that's also applies. Nowadays, mangaka are reducing more and more koma for each page that we frequently saw sub-3 koma, might as well consider again our understanding for paneling in the modern era.
>weaboo malding
Lol. Like clockwork. If shitstain man was good someone would have posted it here. But weaboos only care about weirdly drawn scream expressions and two page spreads with no panels to speak of. That's the extent of their intelligence.
You're absolutely right of course and awesome page, but I'd add that even when there's quite a few panels, page-level composition is still a notable factor worth consideration.
Germ, just go back to co. We're tired of your seething.
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Amazing artist.
CLAMP's magnum opus
Now THIS is a godlike page, and godlike paneling. I fucking kneel CLAMP-ojousamas.
It's a bit gimmicky, but I like this one
I have gotten on witch hat atelier's case for gimmicky paneling, but boy does the mangaka pull it off. What a magical double spread.
How is the anime even going to attempt pages like this haha.
Worst spread since nu-Oda rear its ugly head.
Next volume on August 9th.
>weeabo tries talking about art
Please, don't even try. Retards are calling what is bog standard panelling in graphic novels as top tier panelling itt. You have to be blind to think this basic bitch shit >>269214369 is good panelling and this isn't >>269207973
Its like a poor black and white version of that comic from 50 years ago.
Stop replying to yourself retard
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I really like karekano.
How the fuck am I wrong. That kind of page is what people are criticizing Oda for nowadays, a spread just for the sake of showing one.
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Dumbass that's a symmetric fight scene as a double page spread. It's what weebs cum to ("muh flow"). Oda's brain is too small to fit doing a double spread like that.
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Don't reply to Jeremy/Eric/chocobear/judge fudge. Just hide and ignore.
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cute page
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Forget about tight panelling I'm posting Kago
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Also, apparently FKMT legit reuses old paneling compositions on purpose haha. Well, he's preddy autistic so it's understandable that he'd stick with a system that works for him. His paneling is completely functional, as in it works well.
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Either you have failed to read the image in the correct order, or the mangaka has failed to convey the correct (temporal) order to you. Either way you're a retard
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3-gatsu is a gold mine. I'm basically picking random pages and they're all good.
2 spreads, ackshually.
Glad you like 'em!
Let's not get too autistic now. Different people will have slightly different redlines, and in fact in many cases vertices on a redline are visited more than once, creating cyclical graphs. That's one beauty of manga, how you can appreciate different aspects of the paneling through different lines of sight.
You're better off ignoring the troll, but for context, that spread is from an issue in which the page layouts are deliberately symmetrical with that spread as the middle point. Also, in contrast to Oda's modern spreads which leave panels obscured by the crease in the middle of the volume/magazine, this was originally released as a floppy that can be laid flat with little problem (and TPBs weren't as common then as they've become).
NTA but you're right about ignoring the troll, and that's cool info. However I don't think the crease is relevant to what that anon was talking about.
Years ago anon would spam him in OPT or this kind of thread, the demographic of the board really had changed huh.
Those pages look very interesting but 2 or 3 pages are enough imo. I don't need to see more of them. They're gimmicky, which doesn't mean that they're not good, but personally I'd much rather prefer pages that deliver a purpose with high levels of precision, forethought and skill as opposed to mangaka trying to be all playful and patting themselves on the back.
ITT: Average manga paneling
Aki Irie's art still has me in a thrall. I buy all her raws and English versions.
I like OP's paneling better. Much cleaner imo. Well neither of them are shit though.
I felt it got too experimental with its paneling in the beginning. Not bad but it was kinda weird.
Wow. I really need to read her manga someday. Her art gives me Kaoru Mori x Haruko Ishikawa vibes.
*forgot to attach an example of paneling.
I'm more impressed by the usage of those sparkles and circle things. Their location and application don't ruin the feeling/composition despite adding so much detail. Aesthetic knowers, I kneel.
Anon, can you not read? He's making fun of Bleach, JJK and the other listed examples.
Using "he" to mean "I" is strange but I suppose it goes well with the strange dialect of English you used in the long post.
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I think KGB has a lot of examples that're certainly well up there, this comes to mind immediately.

The pages where he weaves the fishbowl in to show Chihiro's shattered past would be another example.
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Similarly Spy x Family recently had a fantastic example of time dilation and then Martha's world and dreams shattering into pieces.
One minor nitpick I have is that I don't like how some of his single pages always make me think it's part of a double spread and I'm missing the other half kek
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I wasn't any anon you were replying to and I wasn't trying to dispute anything, I just wanted to clarify what you meant. I often feel like the word "panelling" gets used in a murky and vague way and it's hard to grasp specifically what people mean when they say it (which is part of the reason I prefer not to use it myself).
Oh, cool. Yeah, you're right. I usually use the following terms when I need to clarify a distinction:
> in-panel composition
> page composition
> line of sight
> panel divisions

Because yeah paneling is a vague word.
That's just two good illustrations, how is that paneling? There is literally one panel per page.
 ⋮Can't go wrong with paneling when you only have 1 panel per page.
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Plagiarized from Devilman
Maybe it was done on purpose? It seems to be inspired by the composition but uses it for the opposite meaning.
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Hayakawa Nojiko
Go read the adventures of gay niggers from outerspace or whatever else you westshit cocksuckers do
anyone else remember those dating sim games on newgrounds
Most of Berserk's themes are just straight ripoffs of Devilman's, but to be fair most shonen does that too
I don't care about you saying berserk rips from devilman but how do shonen manga rip off both of those? The main theme in Shonen manga is friendship effort victory anyway.
Given that it's a thematic reversal, it's pretty uncharitable to call that plagiarism. That's a clear homage, it builds off of the inspiration rather than merely imitating it.
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>The main theme in Shonen manga is friendship effort victory anyway.
You mean the motto of Weekly Shounen Jump.
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surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet
Animelets will NEVER EVER enjoy good panels such as this
>top is akira becoming a mosnter and left his humanity consumed by rage
>bottom is the reverse guts left his blind rage and become a human for the sake of kaska
if you dont understand something so simple you a composition iliterate
Maybe if you didn't insist on dumping an entire comic
Kill yourself
>capeshitters are THIS fanny flustered
>Let me go to another board and piss on their doorstep
No, kill yourself.
you're embarassing yourself with this dump dude, there's plenty of western comics with good paneling but that isn't one
Pretty sure they know that and this is a pure troll.
They should still do a flip.
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I wouldn't say it's god tier. But I really liked this panelling.

oh i understand you now, go on with your art exhibition
I don't have it on hand but the page of Ayakashi Triangle that got censored in Jump where he drew the nipple as something on the other page so it would bleed through when you turned the page/held it up to light was a stroke of genius.
One bullet is all it takes...
Is this panelling?
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God doesn't exist.
Her work's incredible. I haven't kept up with BL for like 10 to 5 years so I only know her, Asumiko and perhaps ZAKK (Canis) and Ryo Suzuri (MADK) for the art.
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>cut it with frames
>rinse and repeat
I'm more disappointed in the jannies than anything.
Why are the panels and pages so disorienting? Is it to show the protagonist, the blue guy I assume, is totally crazy and his memory is disorganized?
I don't read or watch any Marvel so forgive my ignorance if it's just how their comic normally be.
Too much wisdom in this post.
If I wanted wideshot wanking I'll just stick to manga, heck they even have a thirteen-pages spread for it.
Censorship paves the way for innovation once again. Reading through it reminds me of those 2000's porn vn's that go a bit deeper into character's thoughts, emotions and dynamics than your typical ecchi or hentai manga. It's surprisingly good for what it is.
Yeah, I remember my first time in Nokstella.
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Toriyama and Otomo have a lot more in common than you think, both being of similar age and getting their big sucesses st around the same time, starting with a career in illustration and short stories before being confident as manga artists, being very inspired by the work of golden age disney animators and pioneering japanese animators. The main difference is that while both of them are big fans of mechanical/industrial design, toriyama is a very intuitive artist and prefers to only draw the absolute minimum required (which makes it more impactful), while otomo plans everything he is gonna do thouroghly and loves detail, even if it's superfluous.
god i wish all of these fights got animated someday
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Not even the greatest page in Berserk.
Your post and picture feel very off, as if you did something completely repulsive on a fundamental level.
your filename feel completely dishonest, you should do more introspection
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dude burning the flashback is one of the most creative panelings lately
More than a decade ago we got a burning the ending page.
>Aki Irie
Yeah, she's great and her characters are extremely sensual. I should make a mental note to read everything she's made, though there isn't much and the one about Iceland has had no releases since last year.
Not sure if I'm alone but there's something Western about her art style imo.
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The example here >>269201745 wasn't drawn by otomo, it's drawn by another artist trying to illustrate the diferences between how and otomo would illustrate the same scene. And in my opinion, he is doing a bit of disservice to both, the example above is not distorted enough while the example below has a flat background and motion lines that don't make sense.

Besides it's not like tesuka wasn't capable of making interesting panelling himself.
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