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I checked the manga and he doesn't look like this in there. This expression also doesn't convey the "annoyed but excited, but for the most part annoyed" mood expressed in his lines at all
Esl retard thread.
To get fujoshis to buy BDs. They have the most spending power and is the most important fandom to pander to. Why do you think all the biggest shounen series have yaoi bait? It’s not a coincidence.
They did the same shit with the bath scene in dugeon meshi, it's to get fujos and yuritards to talk about the show and buy things
To appeal to straight men that love traps
They knew it would result in hudreds of threads on /a/.
Kill yourself spammer.
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This is why:
>Due to the great response, the free period has been extended!
>The free release of volumes 1-3 of The Elusive Samurai on JUMP+ and Zebrack was scheduled to end on July 25th, but due to a greater response than we had imagined, we have decided to extend it until September 30th at 23:59.
>If you are interested in the original manga through the TV anime, you should check it out!

>Backlogs (July 24)
86. The Elusive Samurai #1
95. The Elusive Samurai #2
128. The Elusive Samurai #3
139. The Elusive Samurai #4
170. The Elusive Samurai #5
178. The Elusive Samurai #8
183. The Elusive Samurai #6
184. The Elusive Samurai #7
215. The Elusive Samurai #15
223. The Elusive Samurai #10
229. The Elusive Samurai #14
231. The Elusive Samurai #13
232. The Elusive Samurai #9
269. The Elusive Samurai #12
272. The Elusive Samurai #11
Love yourself spammer
This series has nothing else to go for it. Take away the blushing shota and it's just boring historical revisionism.
>incoherent faggot babbling
Imagine manhandling Tokiyuki's tiny body
They made an anime of Sekiro?
Sex with boys
>underage child raised by /pol/ babbling
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>"teehee im such a huge faggit im sooooo attracted to kewt 'ittle boyoosss"
>these "boys" having a big asses and hips, smooth skin and blushing like girls

you are not even a bona fide faggot. you are some sick, twisted, mentally ill pervert beyond repair. you are even more demented than faggots, who are already severely fucked in the head
boys don't have hips like that
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>im sooooo attracted to kewt 'ittle boyoosss"
This but unironically.
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I like cute boys non-sexually.
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You know the funny thing about "draw a girl call it a boy" characters is that in nearly all cases, there isn't actually any hard proof or evidence that supports them being male. Do you ever see a bulge or male genitals from said character in the canon events of the show or source material? In most cases, no, you don't, so you're left taking the character's word that they're being honest when they claim to be male. Frankly, this character is a girl to me. Operating under a basic, "Female until proven otherwise" rule. I will continue to assume that this character, and any character like this, is a girl until I see absolute, canonical, VISUAL proof that says otherwise.
They even have long hair
What's the point? It makes you want to jump off a bridge or pump a shotgun into your face. Why, why, why?! Disgusting.
Given the character's age here's literally 0 reason for not showing weewee or even just (male) nipples when doing so is perfectly legal and has been done many times before
They're saving it for later.
We get it, you're gay. You don't have to tell us every day.
Well, why would you keep watching if they showed willy right in the first episode? Gotta juice it a little.
Even showing that much would not be sufficient proof because flat women exist.
This isnt fujo this is straight up gay nigga shit blud :skull:
Forced inclusion type shi
We gotta do something or the white race is doomed dawg
Anime has fully cucked out to the west and we're in the no fun allowed era.

They can't show the ochinochin anymore
Ok I will watch it
But we literally just saw Rudy's cute little chinchin a few seasons ago.
>He doesn't know Rudy's show.

Even when fujos have a feminization fetish, it's just some muscley guy wearing a maid outfit and blushing slightly.

It's nothing compared to this.
post it
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Geez, that's tiny.
Just the way we love it. Hope Tokiyucute's chinchin looks similar.
Oh, you meant Rudeus

Wasn't this character supposed to be like 30 or something?
So what? We got to see his cute little chinchin.
I'm fine with small cocks but this is like peanut sized
That translation was off anyway.
Knowing that's a fat ugly piece of shit neckbeard on the inside ruins it. I would a pretty boy getting turned into a shota, or even a buff dude, but not a degenerate /a/ poster.
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It's hotter when it's /a/non.
If he didn't like it he would just evade.
That's why it's disgusting
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>he doesn't look like this

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