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Adaptation of the visual novel Tsukihime, following primarily Arcueid's route.

Chapter 49
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Chapters 47 & 48: >>269120848
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Ganbare, OP!
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End of chapter.
Is she... you know...?
I can't be the only one who thought of that scene from Drive where both the lady and Gosling are separated but can't stop thinking about each other while "Under Your Spell" plays.
I'm surprised Kouma made an appearance here, he's not present at all in the vns
Fucking hell, this kid has seen some shit. No wonder he has murder rapist tendencies.
how do you even survive this?
>Bottom right
What does that face mean?
Just fuck already
Thanks OP
Ah, what I wouldn't give for KnK era Kajiura to make an OST for the original visual novel.
Bros, how do I Nanayamaxx?
he's present in that scene in Kagetsu Tohya. Though, shouldn't he have been younger here?
among us
Thank you for posting.
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bumping so i can read
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thanks, OP
This song and the other version of it play so often in the vn. Yet it never gets old.
First you must rape the maids each morning.
Only one, the one that deserves it.
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Posting Neko-arc is always a contribution.
That's not the real Kouma tho, it's a nightmare version that Shiki had since he remembers him from the massacre
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>What does that face mean?
plotting murder
Kouma shows up in person in Red Demon God.
Where was it established that only one pair of MEoDP may exist at any given time? Does this mean that the Tsukihime timeline's Ryougi never got hers? Does she even exist?
I mean the prequel Urobuchi wrote centered on Kiri and his fight with Kouma during the Nanaya massacre. Its in the KT extras
There's no Ryougi in the Tsukihime timeline, in melty blood she travels from KnK through the root go kill archetype earth
>there are people who are unironically willing to commission Shirou x Ryougi art, the crackship to end all crackships
What has this world come to.
Look at her go

tickle tickle tohno kun
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>got stabbed in the chest by a demon as a little kid
>not just once but twice
No wonder his health is bad.
It wasn't.
Just that the two Shiki don't exist on the same timeline.
Can't meet through Ahnenerbe because they're important characters.
People just conflate these statements as meaning multiple MEoDP can't exist simultaneously.
They were merely flesh wounds.
This woman surely can't be evil.
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i wonder how akihiko and shiki met, those two aren't alike at all
It was in the game but I forgot. iirc they fought over things unti lthey became friends, Shiki wasn't always so "calm"
what no shikicock does to a true ancestor
>Shiki wasn't always so "calm"
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Chapter 50
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End of vol. 6.
Thanks OP
>Getting this horny just from his voice
And somehow they still haven't fucked
Thank you for posting.
Neko Arc!
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>rape compass
How does one evoke this sort of reaction from women?
Be a very average looking main character.
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Somebody post the humanoid Neco Arc sprite from the remake with the fluffy ears.
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Thanks, OP!
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Streets is watchin
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the other girls < little sister
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>the other girls < little sister
Very trve. Akiha belongs with her nii-san.
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What's Shiki's excuse?
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Why did you save the thumbnail?
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Oops, didn't notice. Thanks anon.
Yeah, that one. Thanks.
>catgirl design has both animal and human ears rather than settling on one or the other
Why does this always look so cursed?
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How would she react if you rubbed her cat ears? They look really fluffy.
having tohno/nanaya gland for starters
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I pray to her.
We need more Neco Ciel.
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>Akiha belongs with her nii-san.
That's right.
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>cucked by his own brocon imouto
If I were SHIKI I would've ended it all right there and then.

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