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>new fan favorite
i don't care about asa mitaka
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Reminder that the cover is supposed to evoke a dream. That's why it doesn't have such clear-cut lines. That's what the surrealist artists did based on the psychoanalysis. The message here is that it's all in Denji's head. Nayuta is not dead. No mole, also
Nayuta fucking died lololol
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I come from the future and this actually happened
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>Death Onee-sama.
>Lord of the old order.
>If you have known sin, if you grieve for this world, then yield the path forward to us.
>To I, Makima, and my promised consort, Chainsawman.
How bad is the seethe gonna be when part 2 ends without another conquest devil showing up?
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Reminder that the Kigger poster already unlocked the plot. And yeah, Nayuta isn't dead:

Kiga's plan explained.
Pre Falling arc:
>Use Asaru to weaponize CSM
>After Aquarium failed, she tried to take direct control of Asa by starving her.
>Once under her control, probably she would try the weaponization plan again
After Falling:
>Kiga realizes that Conquest powers can be used in "this" particular way.
>Tells Nayuta that she needs her power, but Nayuta rejects her offer.
>Then Kiga decides to starve Nayuta instead of Asa.
>Fakes Nayutas death to mindbreak Denji and summon CSM black.
>Use Nayuta's powers to make everything taste like crap for CSM Black, so he pukes out the nuke devil, the WW2 devil etc.
>This makes Yoru super strong again, and also allows Kiga to take control of Pochita
Things we learned today:
1. Kishibe cares about Denji
2. Pochita is good
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Manifesting Yoshimiko
makima is dead
>another conquest devil showing up
so you accepted nayuta is also dead?
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>Denji is also a victim here
He's not. He actively wanted to get rid of Nayuta so he can be free to chase random sluts, how he achieved that varied from situation to situation. If his identity got exposed at the start of the story without the help of Kiga, Barem or PS, Nayuta would have still gotten lynched by mobs of CSM haters. So you see it's all his fault and these other characters are nothing more than bystanders. Kiga and Barem simply exploited Denji's own desires. If there was nothing to exploit it never would have worked. Remove Kiga, Barem, Fumiko and Yoshida and nothing changes, Nayuta still dies because TARDji exposed his identity and mobs attacked Nayuta.
>new thread less than 15 replies
>still manages to mass reply and seethe
Powerbro has mastered that art
>malding that he got btfod
pochita killed innocent people and deleted a vital organ
He’s literally an amoral devil who only cares about his best friend
How to save the manga?
Remove Asa and pretend that she never existed.
I don't care about TRANsa MANkata
Based slowreader
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>Doesn't understand the reference
>one schizo already seething
I kneel, Slowreader.
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. . .
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>Kishibe cares about Denji
Yeah... thoughts and prayers from Hawai.
Not my problem.
Plotschoolars already knew this
This break week
Day 01: cuckquest chair
Day 02: this masterpiece
Man I sure am hyped for the rest of the twelve days
>The thread hasn't started and the schizos are already logged
Fuck, it's over
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Holy fucking KINO.
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Kishibe only cares about his biological son Hirofumi. With time he'll learn to care for his future daughter-in-law Asa and his grand-daughter Death devil chan.
>Day 01:
Falseflags aren't funny
This in the other hand... >>269163621

>Day 02:
Funny because it is true.
Kishibe 's excuse for leaving Nayuta with Denji always felt iffy
considering PS knew who/where she was and didn't do shit
>samefagging this hard
stop it Powerbro
Kys powertroon
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Powerfag also samefags like this? I thought you were better.
>There are still 12 days to go until the next chappy
This thread is not going to hold up at this rate
>guys it was a false flag, I was just pretending to be cucked
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I want to learn how to draw anime lips for kissing, seems like a good first step for porn and it can be posted here
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>yesterday we had conquestfags embarrassing themselves
Never happened.
>today we have Powerfags embarrassing themselves
Always happens.
I mean if Public Safety wanted Nayuta, they could just break in and take her at any moment.
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POOPwer melty! POOPwer melty!
They did, this gives credence to the theory that Kishibe planned to mindbreak Denji to eat death
>all 1 minute appart
kekaroo it's true, what a mindbroken schizo
yeah, which is why it's weird
they only used her as blackmail for denji
Kishibe won
SHITji and SLURPchita lost
you have to stick to your own kind lil sissy
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Powerkek keeps humiliating himself
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Are you retarded? Denji and Nayuta lives were ruined by people who already knew who Denji was, he didn't exposed his identity also even if he did people would have second thoughts into killing a kid. You forget that Barem tricked the mob of civilians into attacking Nayuta by calling her a witch.
Why is there an ear devil?
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>Are you retarded?
You know who you're replying to, right? And if you don't, then yes she's retarded.
tfs an ear
Different people find different things scary. There are all possible devils.
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Nope, not me, that must be the work of an Asassisy.
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Cuckquestfag cope
>Makima watched
They didn't care about making her Makima 2.0, they just let Denji and her do what they want. Yoshida and Public Safety only got involved when the Church became too big.
Devils aren't created via fear they are just boosted by it
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DENJI!!!! I command you to FUCK and BREED Asa whilst I watch like a pathetic KEK!!! There is nothing I want more than the most important girl to KEK me with your ALL POWERful chainsaw COCK. Ever since I saw Asa pleasure you in the alley I have become determined to be the bestest KEK that ever lived!!!!
Very good work, detective.
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It was your so called sisters
You are stupid, Denji didn't Nayuta to be dead nor gone, he simply wanted more freedom to do what he wants without anybody trying to dictate how to live his own life.
So they knew he is a jobber and only brought him to delete ears from existence?
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Oi oi oi... Watch what you say yoshitakek!
*slaughter yours self insert*
what about this post >>269193774
Yes and we are about to know why
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This is how much of your VIOLENT chainsaw COCK I want to see pumping into Asa. I beg you, KEK ME CHAINSAW MAN!!!
>Makimasis still doing damage control
Sis take a nap
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>Yoshida: "What's up, SLURPji. Remember me? It's Yoshida, from high school"
>TARDji: "Hi, Yo-Yoshida and A-Asa"
>Asa: "Who's this stinking incel?"
>Yoshida: "Don't you remember, Asa? He was a guy who you thought was in love with you, until one day he confessed to you that he wanted to suck my penis"
>Asa: "Ew"
>Yoshida: "Yeah, sorry my dude, I'm not a massive faggot"
>Asa: "Yeah, whatever, just put a baby in my womb, I'm not getting younger"
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>His falseflag gets debunked
>B-but w-what about this one!
Last (you).
Is the furry schizo still here?
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Wtf is wrong with yoshitakeks? Did they get mindbroken from some banter about their incel self insert?
Maybe so that command devil doesn't work, but i doubt the target needs to actually hear the command.
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yoshida mogs asa so hard
Yes but no in this thread
>who already knew who Denji was
And I told you their lives would have been ruined anyway even if those people didn't exist. Why? Because Denji actively worked on exposing his identity to the public, and we've learned over the course of the story that he has tons of rabid, violent murderous haters among the human population.
>also even if he did people would have second thoughts into killing a kid.
No they wouldn't and you saw that in real time. Their second thoughts lasted 10 seconds and dissipated. Kiga and Barem did not raise their hands on Nayuta, the human mob did. They would have done the same if TRASHji exposed his identity to get girls.
>You forget that Barem tricked the mob
Which part of "even if Barem didn't exist the same thing would have happened" did you not get? Barem isn't necessary when MORONji is actively trying to expose his identity. The only reason Nayuta didn't die sooner is because Yoshida stopped Denji from exposing his identity and hence Kiga and Barem were needed to take the story to it's natural conclusion.

It's all Denji's doing no matter who was involved and under which circumstance. Remove Barem, Kiga and Yoshida and nothing changes, Nayuta still dies thanks to NIGGERji and his desire to get girls by exposing his identity to the public. It's a simple issue to understand, what are you retarded or something?
Powermonky is always here.
Asakeks are speechless.
>Proof of makicucks being cucks
>L-last (y-you)!!!
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Hey FAG! Just got done getting a handjob from 'your girl' LOL. Your moms next BITCH!
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Viva las reze my friend. Hopefully Reze's Vegas vacation is going well. search for 0oOpPDb reze on shwitter
>Yoshida pretending to be a woman so he can rape Asa in the female toilets.
>Asa not wanting to get canceled says nothing
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>Wtf is wrong with yoshitakeks?
They are the new Powerfags
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omigosh Denji you're so cool and badass! Please save from that freak! He keeps saying he wants to WATCH! WTF???
Why is Denji about to suck on Yoshida's ear? Was his butthole not enough for him?
Powerkek self inserter
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Since Yoru and Asa did this to Denji they could never recover
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I'll save you from that incel king of self inserters babe dw.

*slaughters all incel yoshitakek self inserters*
Keep living in your delusional world because Denji exposing his identity wasn't never the issue since PS nor Yoshida never gave actual damn about Denji and Nayuta.
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Kya!!!! I want your babies Denji!!!! FUCK ME CHAINSAW MAN!!!
Yoru did give a handjob to Denji.
Hey, not bad. Thanks.
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Whats wrong with yoshitakeks? Are they crying because I made fun of their self insert? LOLOLOL
>Denji exposing his identity wasn't never the issue
It's your word vs the canonical manga. Seethe on cuck, Nayuta's fate was sealed from the moment Denji tried to expose his identity for the first time ever.
>Kiga and Barem did not raise their hands on Nayuta
You are retarded because Barem was strangling Nayuta and using her as hostage against Denji, also Kiga send Barem and the hybrids after them.
she wanted to crush his balls and then splurted under 5 seconds lmoa
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yoshitakeks will NEVER score. Just like their abstintent kek self insert. He LOVES to WATCH!
Tiny penis devil, where are you.
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Asa is Having sex with Denji??? gulp*! Give me a chair conquestsisters we are watching this together!!
dubs and Nayuta is dead
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yoshtiakek self inserters are so embarrasing lmao
Even Asa said that Chainsaw Man would be in serious trouble if his identity was exposed, but Denji's mind isn't capable of thinking of the bigger picture and the possible repercussions of revealing his identity.
Nayuta is immortal. Like these dubs
If Pachita eats the Tiny Penis devil will all penises disappear and just the tiny penises and everyone has a big penis?
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See >>269194110
Another thing other countries already knew who Denji back in Part 1 and send assassins after him, keeping his identity hidden was equally pointless.
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I kind of feel bad for the yoshitakek self inserters imagine being that mentally ill lol
trips and Nayuta is alive
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Last digit is Yoshida's penis size in inches.
>all ONE minute apart
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Yoshidabros why are they insulting our self insert. Also they're making fun of cuckoldry. These stupid chuds don't know we're secure in our sexuality.
>You are retarded because [retarded babble]
Serious question, how retarded are you? The topic isn't what Barem or Kiga did in the Church arc situation, the topic is what would have happened if Yoshida didn't continuously thwart Denji from exposing his identity and Denji succeeded in making his identity public. Mean a potential situation predating Kiga and Barem. The result would have been the same, mobs of haters would have attacked Denji's residence while he was away and raped and lynched Nayuta to death while he was flirting with his fans at school.

I've told you this before Barem even showed up for the first time ever.
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he got cock extensions but after kiga ate his wallet...
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One happy family.
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Wtf is wrong with yoshitakek self inserters why are they so addicted to WATCHING. Are they trying to mimic their kek self insert?
Off-limits for Denji.
Makimasisters we wanna be Barem's fucktoy
uh oh
I wouldn't trust Asa word on it because she went and did the same very thing she was criticizing Denji for it, also Yoru was right with CSM being Denji.
>defending his sunk cost fallacy
Kek. Aged like milk.
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yoSHITa loves WACHTING people bang. Just as he loved watching Asa pleasure Denji's cock
I don't understand the point of this falseflag since all the Yoshida posters hate powerfag already.
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Still bigger than Denji's https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/267154767/#q267161650
You are saying that Barem didn't harm Nayuta when there is a fucking page of him grabbing her neck.
>subpar series carried by fan artists chasing after clout
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clean yuko!
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yoSHITa loves to WATCH? His kek self inserters are also into being cuckolded? Big if true
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this is sadly true.
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yoSHITa keks are so embarrasing...
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Sounds in-character for both of them. If Yoshida banged her she'd just go
>oh no now he'll think I'm easy and will break up with me
In fact this will happen.
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Wtf is wrong with Makimafags?
>kino series carried by /a/ melting moments
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No one said that. Go read the posts again. You lost the argument either way.
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Trust the plan.
am so sad the state of this general yoshida doesnt deserve this
Read your own damn post >>269193981
>Kiga and Barem did not raise their hands on Nayuta,
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Best doggy
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love this artist
>Schizos seething about Denji and making the same retarded arguements
Raising your hand is phraseology for "killing with your own hand" retard. Learn English.
Yoshida watches from his camera as Denji got jerked off and kissed
what's she saying?
Yoshidakeks are enemies of everyposter on /csm/
Oh look, it's the thread narrator. I wonder who this cuck could be. Yes faggot, if Denji exposed his identity Nayuta would have gotten lynched by mobs without the help of Kiga or Barem. Good thing Yoshida stopped him. Pity once cant stop a retard from finding other methods.
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He does a lot of weird shit, but some of his works are awesome.
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Yoshida pulling out the Yoru shirikodama from inside Asa
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This anon is now motivated.
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Disabling the evil War Devil
I don't care about your retarded autistic argument, you schizo. It's fucking tiresome to enter the thread and still making the same shit everyday.
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tentacles are erotic
So it was you spamming the porn lol
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too hot
are you gonna cry fag?
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Characters that are still alive and part of the story:

Katana man
Fakesaw man

If your character isn't on this list they don't matter and you should crop this manga.
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so you are saying...Yoshida mindbreaks?
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That's a concession right there. Go take your meds and make sure to change up your knee pads.
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Can't wait Part 3 for Conquest 3.0!
>if Denji exposed his identity Nayuta would have gotten lynched by mobs without the help of Kiga or Barem.
Probably, good thing it didn't because now Pochita can come out all according to Kiga's and Barem's plan.
Does this kill the Yoru
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It's so funny going back to all the jewtube reactions to the anime:
>this is,like, the most hyped anime in history, tell me in the comments down below if you agree
>guys, this is the most anticipated anime ever, tell me in the comments down below what you think
>completely forgotten in a year

Not that I'm complaining that normalnigs fucked off.
What I'm saying is that you reap what you sow
cute and based
The fuck does Haruka even do at this point? I get that the church needed a younger figurehead or some shit but now he's just like Buddy. I miss Buddy.
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Meowsa in heat!
Yoru's teasing Asa about her not being able to get Yoshida's face out of her mind.
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And endgame too. It kills the shizos.
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Sowing my seeds insides Asa and reaping my baby.
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Add Power and Reze
>Le YoshiAsaschizo
I hope Yoshida punches her so she becomes infertile.
You are stupid.
No, but Asa's brain might have a little damage
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*Yoru's teasing Asa about her not being able to get Denji's face out of her mind.
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Breeding the Nyasa
But, Yoru wouldn't tease her about that, she would get upset she likes her mortal nemesis Chainsaw Man.
There's no falseflag
>Yoshida posters hate powerfag already.
They don't really hate him.
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she teased Asa a bit
>is he really your knight in shining armor
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Haruka's purpose will be the same as the fangirl on television during the Koma Komagawa report. The girl was deluding herself that the photos were fake and they had some pro come on TV explaining how it's all just a conspiracy to throw dirt on Komagawa. The girl was still a passionate supporter of Koma Komagawa despite not being able to stomach the allegations and being disgusted by them, so she instead deluded herself into thinking the allegations were false. Haruka will be faced with the same situation as the girl on TV, either keep supporting CSM despite the allegations he'll hear (more dirt will be thrown on Denji most probably) or see CSM for what he truly is, a fucking sociopathic loser. He'll have to chose between becoming a blind supporter or CSM's biggest hater. I think I know which one he'll chose in the end.
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Nayuta can't be dead because Dogru has to come back
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>You are stupid.
Yoshidakeks and Powerfags, the alliance that killed /csm/
Not your boogeyman
>Post a YoshiAsa pic
>Denies to be a YoshiAsaschizo
To hate a mentally challenged person would be a bad look.
Posting Reze, Power or Nayuta should be considered off-topic posting desu
I see good evidence, that scene wouldn't be added if it didn't have a purpose, so Haruka watching that scene of Koma Komagawa will be something similar for him in the future.
Yes, not your boogeyman
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why can't Yoshidafags and Denjifags just get along?
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Yoshida and Asa? Still alive, still part of the story and HEROES who are about to destroy PooSHITa.
>Denji, Nayuta, Shitwer, Reze
Gone and replaced, dead, very dead and forgotten, retconned in that exact order.

Is your character alive and relevant to the story? I think not.
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Uh oh, YoshiAsaschizo melty.
What are you going to do about it, pathetic freak?
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We are reaching negative IQ levels with this Yoshiasaschizov
>so Haruka watching that scene of Koma Komagawa will be something similar for him in the future
I'm sure of it. He will feel as depressed and torn just like the girl on TV.
Kishibe will be relevant soon.
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Yoshida gently scolding Asa for trying to help Denji
War devil defeated by the power of friendship
Well hopefully some shit like this will happen soon(within 4 chapters at least).
No doubt. Asa and Yoshida's baby aka Death-chan needs a grandfather.
>within 4 chapters
Why 4? Obviously it will happen in the next arc when the shitstorm cools down.
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Yoshida beating the unborn Death devil out of Asa while it is weak
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Asa will kill him.
Will be saved by the power of LOVE
Asa will help Denji to save her too, with the power of LOVE
She was in a good mood from war drawing nigh and being remembered and causing fear.
but nayuta is dead
power of L.O.V.E still going strong
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Holy based sister.
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>alt tab
>see thread
>not a single post worth reading
>see this pic >>269195575
>laugh a bit
>goes back to enjoying my CP
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Kishibe and Yoshida vs Pochita.
L.O.V.E. of Power still going down
Absolute kinoma
Samefag, conquestfags became pathetic since Nayuta died.
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Nothing beats L.O.V.E
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i love Asaden
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It is confirmed.
Yoshida mindbreaks
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Not your blog
I think this arc would be a more perfect time for him to have this decision within himself. His "hero" has been revealed to be the weird kid from school last arc and this arc he saw his hero turn into Pochita/a scary fucking demon that (that just erased the concept ears but that's off screen to him).
>I am fat
Brave and stunning.
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Shitposters in shambles.
doesnt change the point, the og art implies she's in a good mood anyway
I will take this and make it a new pasta, I hope you don't mind, sister.
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Seigi lending his aid in Yoshida's darkest hour
Haruka having a melty doesn't sound fitting for an action sequence vs Pochita. Maybe only if Pochita picks Haruka up like he did Kobeni and goes on a date with him, then it would be fitting.
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All true, but wouldn't Haruka forget he even had ears to begin with?
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Asasisters saving the threads and the manga as usual.
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Which is why Yoshida and Asa will defeat Pochita/Tardji together. Nothing can stop them.
And then Asa will see Crocsa's head and realize that it's her long lost sister.
Seems like pefect foreshadowing actually. Too perfect even? Fujimoto does a lot of random shit so who knows, but this is a good theory.
You're a tranny with a penis and you will hate Asa once she kills Denji and fucks Yoshida. Prove me wrong.
Seigi should help fight Pochita go for combos
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Our hero.
They should jump him
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Allow me to show you how a fight between Pochita vs two martial arts gods would go
>Haruka having a melty doesn't sound fitting for an action sequence vs Pochita.
I wasn't asking for him to go up against Pochita. I expect a little bit of what the fucking from seeing a head on a plate, Denji popping Barem like a Confetti poppers, and then turning into a giant killing machine all with 5 minutes.
>Maybe only if Pochita picks Haruka up like he did Kobeni and goes on a date with him, then it would be fitting.
Gay but fitting.
Maybe. Though as I said above bro literally saw shit go from 0 to 100 real fucking quick. Man I didn't expect to be talking about Haruka today.
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>Needs to post fanart
That is the fundamental difference between us.
>Prove me wrong.
How? I'm not transexual, you want me to fuck you or something?
Could be Quanxi and Yoshida vs Pochita
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Girls that want to have SEX with Yoshida
Girls that want to have SEX with SLURPji
>Reze(male and dead)
What did Fujimoto mean by this?
Yep, I'm thinking yoShitsafags lost.
Or even Yoshida and Fumiko since she showed great reflex so maybe
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There's no Asa in your picture sis. My picture? 3 panels of Asa Mitaka ovulating over Yoshida.
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This movie is undoubtedly kino from a aesthetics point of view
But DiCaprio unironically mogged Juliet so hard
Maybe Seigi will join too to prove his nettle
This was definitely not an excuse to dump my favorite 2 vs 1 fight.
>off topic/spamming
Anyway they won thanks to aikido maybe that's the key to beat a powerhouse like Pochita
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Based, whales can't tell the difference between Asa and Yoru.
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Don't forget her
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Denji-whales are are retarded as their hero.
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Yeah, sure. But Yoshida ONLY wants ASA and Asa only wants YOSHIDA
> are are
>minor spelling mistake
Denjibros win again.
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>Asa Mitaka ovulating over Denji
>that minute
so mindbroken
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3 panels against
shitshidafags status? melting down and mindbroken.
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Yoshida using Octopus to suck Yoru out of Asa
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Not looking good YoshidaAsawhales... not looking good.
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I'm thinking Crocsa fiend might be the Jaws or the Teeth devil. Then we have that brain looking dude, he could be the Mouth devil because his lips are pronounced. It would make sense for PS to send the most dangerous aspects of CSM to get eaten by him. If he ate the Teeth and Mouth devil then PS forces would have a better chance against him. Eliminating the hearing devil might cripple Pochita too since he has no eyes and perhaps relies on hearing primarily.
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Post panels when she say that, and don't post chapter 121 retard
>Known eachother less than a week
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ironic statement
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>no ovulation to be seen
Now this here, this is ovulation.
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Holy cope, PS are useless and a joke, get over it.
Public safety will win
yoshiasabros... our reseponse? (Im shaking and makinf typos)
yoshida has interacted with asa for less than an hour even
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>Pochita eats Mouth devil
>Pochita permanently cripples itself
>But makes all previous changes permanent as well
Talk about a Faustian deal
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and it's not even updated
And they already passed third base
>But makes all previous changes permanent as well
No. It would be a temporary crippling, long enough to defeat him and have Yoru make him vomit all the devils out.
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Yoshida crying after Future taunts him with visions of Nuggetsa in pain
kek I would say 30 minutes at max
He wouldn't be able to vomit anything out with no mouth. They'd have to cut him open or some shit, and I think he's too powerful for that right now.
He interacted longer while she was unconscious in the hospital. He took her there and waited for the doctor's report.
jean and mikasa interacted for less than 10 panels and look how it ended
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and he managed to rock her world in a fraction of the time
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>They'd have to cut him open or some shit
Leave it to Yoru. But yeah I get your point. It's better if they fail and he retains his mouth and teeth, more adversity to be had there making it more exciting. I mean Yoru won't be nuggeting herself after all. Someone will have to do it so Yoshida can save her.
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The absolute state of yoshiasawhales lmao
damn this caused quite a melty
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Is it true that we won't have a popularity poll because the manga moved to jump plus
>This retarded only post chapter 121 kek
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Strong chemical reaction
asadone will flop regardless
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>I'm a speedreader therefore it's headcanon
Yare yare daze. You really will hate Asa once she kills Shartji and finds a boyfriend and a family in Yoshida.
>>This retarded
>nooo don't expose my lack of media literacy
How will this one evolve, Yoshida's next enter.
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He'll save her from Pochita. Not hard to predict.
Fuck off. We all know Asa is going to start dating Miri kun.
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>Asa is going to start dating Miri kun.
Bargaining stage so soon? Poor AsaDone whale.
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Her heart rate peaked during the amputation. Denji could never
kekarooo, pochita would oneshot that PSissy before he can even blink
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this was really efective
Pochita will be busy not knowing what the hell just happened, same as PISSji when Yoshida KO'd him 3 times. Yoshida's too fast. Poshitter will be deaf (no ear devil) and blind (ink).
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>Nayuta isn't dead
>Nayuta is not dead
>Nayuta didn't die
>Nayuta is immortal
>Nayuta can't be dead
This Cope again, Déjà Vu!
He cute
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Indeed. Yoshida achieved more in 1 hour than Denji could in 3. Not to mention he'll last longer during the BJ.
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>You okay there?
>You okay?
>You'll be ok... with me.
pochita doesn't have ears in the first place, btw he's even faster than quanxi
Is the yoshiasa schizo is still malding?
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>piss eyes
Huge amachu melty
>t.Hirofumi Bogard
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Just shut up already Yoshidashitters, you only make it worse.
Why did Fujimoto crop Asa's toes
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I came dangerously close to replying to a post in anger. Scary stuff.
Not for the faint of heart
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Which one
he doesn't have eyes to blind either
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retard you already had your ass whooped by Fujimoto when Asa and Denji had sex in the alley, and you keep asking for more?Do you want Yoshida to die?
Deja vu!
I've just been in this time before (higher on the beat)
And I know it's a place to go
Calling you
And the search is a mystery (standing on my feet)
It's so hard when I try to be me, yeah!

>Reze reappears
>just to disappear or die next chapter, or even worse the next few pages just after her ENTER
Imagine the meltdown
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>It's afraid
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Weed eyes
...of old age holding Asa's arm
ofcourse Asa sisters are new to this.
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>Just shut up al-MMMPHHH
Nah rezeden will win, endgame ships only appear near the finish line
Fuck your schizo shit. Okay here is the question, the last video game you played is how the CSM game would play?
>Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
>Denji and Asa killing zombies in a mall while fighting humans or devils as bosses.
Been exactly one year since best chapter
Fuck off powercuck
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Kek I only just now noticed.
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Yoshida building his farm so he can repopulate the earth post apocalypse
Yeah, a whole year since Denji's last chance of redemption sunk with his own faggotry. He could have been a based delinquent fucking shit up with Fumiko, now he's a pathetic mouth-breather waiting to get put out of his misery.
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>Entire thread is just schizo shipperwhales melting down

I can't wait for Shitshida to die by Denji's hand so that our threads can finally start healing. These Discord fujo trannies are UNHINGED
You know he will just be replaced by the next guy or girl.
i hope you realize this would only make the anti-denji spam harder
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cute and canon
Why is Fumiko so FUCKING cute?
Everyone dies and only asaden survive? No problem BULLchita will cuck Denji.
ugly* I meant
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>I can't wait for Shitshida to die by Denji's hand
You'll wait for eternity then Denji cuck.
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>BULLshida will cuck Denji.
We know
>Asa and Denji have to repopulate the Earth as Pochita and Yoru bicker in the backgrounds of their minds
Instead of vomiting out nukes, he shits them out. Protect the asshole devil at all cost.
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No, she's pretty cute
>is 22
>looks younger than Hagbeni and cronesa
what's her secret?
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We all share the feeling.
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>Pochita eats the asshole devil
Zinc cream
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it's only fair
Would Asa accept him?
>repopulating the earth with only two surviving members of the species (assuming they can still have children)
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Here's the asshole devil
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>Everyone on Earth cums
okay I chuckled
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All 14 inches
Asa is a lucky man.
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No. Nah. 16 inches!
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Denji is so lucky. He won the Asabowl
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Body-heat thief
Why are her eyes so big in recent chapters? Did Pochita eat the facial proportions devil?
God why is Yoshida so FUCKING cute
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Fujimoto stopped caring about her, the division 5 girls didn't have this problem
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She didn't want the ride to end. Denji's strong and hot body was such a nice feeling...
it's funny because it's true
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I mean, it's not like anyone else took part in it
why was he such a cunt in aquarium
sweaty boys
>1. Kishibe cares about Denji
I think he does, but he values humanity more

>2.Pochita is good
He's murdered innocent people.
Yup Pochita's not a "good" guy.
>He's murdered innocent people
no witnesses
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Asa is such a degenerate...
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Asa is such a degenerate..
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>final fantasy 7 remake
>Denji, Power and Aki team
>It's essentially a hack n slash but still a turn-based system that just plays out in real-time. There is still an ATB bar that you have to fill up in order to do anything other than basic attacks, and basic attacks don't do very much damage on 95% of enemies by themselves. You can also slow down the action at any time to take your time in planning your next move.
>set after Reze arc and before IntAss
>Talks with himself
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Motorboating Fumiko's fumis
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Meds, now.
Very good eye, detective.
What is this detective meme? Explain it to me succinctly.
This is a newfag
Good job detective
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we WON
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It's literally G*j* level twitter-fag cope
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of course. We can't lose
It's fitting since Conquest is literally the Gojo of csm aka strong and most popular.
This is what a detective looks like.
Fujimoto gave Denji a make out session and a handy, before making him fall into despair from seeing Nayuta's head. Now Pochita's out, I don't think Denji's coming back for a long time.
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>The strongest
1 Died to Power's blood and the other died to Barem, possibly even Humans with weapons.
>Most popular
Couldn't even get #1 on the first poll lmao. Can't wait for the 2nd one and #1 is Asa/Yoshida/Power/Reze. Regardless of who it is it won't be Makima or Nayuta lmao
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>He won
This is what winning looks like according to Denji chuds. Asa could not be more disappointed, emotionally hurt and traumatized by this mouth-brather. It's only going to get worse once Pochita almost kills her.
The losing competition.
Makima is more popular than Power and she's treated as the Gojo equivalent everywhere.
you shouldn't have (You)'d him here >>269199207
he's gonna start the same old arguments again
Stop posting Asa.
>Makima is more popular than Power
It doesn't matter how many times you say it she clearly lost. It's in the picture if you didn't see it see >>269199329
And she's gonna lose again. When is the next poll? I'll be happy to come back to you when it comes out to laugh at you for being retarded
>Gen Z csmfags who'll never know how GROOVY inspired Barem is.
I love Makima
Don't we all?
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Powa is best girl.
>Can't wait for the 2nd one and #1 is Asa/Yoshida/Power/Reze.
the delusion is strong with this one, it's either asa or denji
>When is the next poll?
Will it be announced somewhere?
I won't engage further. Besides I really don't care about either was just making a point about Makima and Gojo getting treated the same on the internet
Not only do you doubt Normie Yoshidafags (in Japan), but the point is it'll be anyone but Makima/Nayuta
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>aka strong and most popular
Lost to a retarded teenager boy, never won a single popularity poll
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you really shouldn't bother, he's such a massively obsessed schizo
There won't be a next poll something jump plus and digital manga
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Yeah, i'm thinking based. Just see how he's coping, seething and dilating at the facts.

Power is #1
yoshida hasn't been a thing in like 30 chapters my guy
>When is the next poll?
We've had it recently.
Check on pixiv either Makima or Power is more popular.
Everyone watched Pulp Fiction
We? There's no ''we''
>Power is #3
Lmoa. And we all know Asa and Yoru are more popular too.
Denji couldn't crack the top three in his own part and that was prime Denji. I know Aki Makima and Power are dead but they are still just as popular as they were before
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Any predictions for next chapter?
>saints row two
>set inbetween part 1&2 I guess
>Denji goes around toyko driving cars/bikes
>fight yakuza gangs, Soviet mobster, private hunters from the ussr and devil bosses/mini bosses cause public safety is still in the shitter
>doing activities like fight club/hot fuzz/Septic Avenger/Insurance Fraud(to help pay for Nayuta's schooling)/Mayhem/etc
>chainsaw man power with some melee ground and aerial combo but also guns and shit for Denji to throw/use to base someone's skull with (tvs, mail boxes, cars, bodies/body parts etc)
>chainsaw man powers run on blood so you will need to continuously kill with saws or preform executions to bull up blood or take a blood pack
>as a joke Denji needs to buy new shirts since well clothes don't regenerate(like that x men origins game) this does not effect special outfits
>shoe horn in reze to explain where the fuck she's been and cause purple
Probably a better chainsaw man like game would be play more like the a gorier yakuza game(or the fist of the North Star game made by the same devs), a DMC/Bayo/NG like game, a prototype/web of shadows type deal, or splatterhouse/x men origins. Thoughts?
And? How does that make him not popular/liked?
Everyone fucking loves Orange Dog Pochita and he barely appears
Powerbros are cool. Such high energy posters
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Sisters, i don't see shartkima winning any poll? Are you ok? Maybe the Rule 34 slop porn competition...
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Why is it so underwhelming?
>Pulp Fiction
lol. lmao even
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Hey! Does anyone remember these thread back when I kept telling you Kiga would have Nayuta killed? Remember what Conquest shits kept spamming then?
>You're retarded YoshiAsa cuck KIGA LOVES HER SISTERS, Kiga needs Nayuta and will join forces with her, protect her
Whereas I kept telling you Kiga was preparing Nayuta murder the moment Nayuta rejected her after the barf incident. Then many months later a new cope arrived
And power-tranny joined in with
>Kiga saved Nayuta therefore Nayuta is still alive
And don't forget these weren't one or two posts, these were entire chain discussions spanning for multiple threads where schizo browns decided how they'd DBOONK my claims. Months on end too. Who was right, faggots?

Kek. You pathetic fat brainles shitstains. Learn to read a story, what can I tell you. Next on the menu is AsaDen cucks.
Not just that we already seen Yoshida place at the top 6 during part one when he was less popular
>Any predictions for next chapter?
Yeah Nayuta comes back to life with the power of C.O.P.E. Reze arrives and saves Denji from Yoru. Everyone claps and then Yoshida dies offscreen.
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Barem is nothing like Ash Williams.
people love orange dog pochita because of merch, after the handjob chapter it's 100% asa
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Because the main character is a woman
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It doesn't matter how many times you say it she clearly lost. It's in the picture if you didn't see it see >>269199583

It's so funny, this shit always makes your blood boil.
Go back to rddit, jew jew gay cuck
Makima is only popular for AI-made porn spam. Never won a single popularity poll, never got a single omake, never got a sinlge anime ending, all her merch is stuck while Pochita and Power are best sellers.
Kekaroo Kobeni's manager was quite popular.
Pick your fanfic for next chaptee
>chapter starts with Pochita feeling unwell from eating ear
>He gets peppered by bullets from all sides
>Switch to Fumiko in a circle made of Denji nails and hair
>Yoshida is getting juiced up on roids
>The plan is to teleport him using Fumiko's contract for him to land a big hit and make Pochita pukes
>They do just that but in the midst of getting teleported back he get kicked by Pochita
>Fumiko rushes to Yoshida who got teleported back to check on him
>Both Yoshida and Pochita start puking in a double spread
>Chapter ends on Quanxi getting ready and a blob falling from Pochita's mouth
Or extreme fanfic number 2
>The 7th shows up on the battlefield
>Pochita is feeling unwell because he ate a poisoned ear
>They jump using weapons
>Crash into a parking lot only Yoshida follows
>Pochita is getting ready to puke
>as Yoshida is laying on him Pochita swipes
>Fumiko screams after seeing this thanks to the future devil but Yoshida can't hear
>Yoshida still dodge which intrigues future devil
>Turns out he has the samsara devil instead of octopus
>His ability are karma based on the cycle of rebirth
>The more good karma he has the stronger ability he can use
>Octopus is just a manifestation of life a lower form
>Pochita pukes ears as octopus picks up the dead division 5 and 6 members
>He uses his ability to reincarnate them on the spot
>He has lot of karma because public safety helped him do good deeds when he was missing
>He taunts Pochita by saying he can hear him now
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>It doesn't matter how many times you say it she clearly lost.
Correct, shitkima clearly lost and never ever won a single popularity poll. I accept your concession

>It's so funny, this shit always makes your blood boil.
Mine? It's you who always get butthurt at the fact Makima is not popular between CSM consumers. See >>269199732
you are so sad powercuck, someone points out makima is like gojo and you instantly sperg out
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To think this all started because someone compared gojofags and makimafags
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Pretty funny how accurate that is.
Makima is like Gojo, both gay jobbers whose fanbase is embarrassing. Indeed
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>couldn't even get to #1
>lost to Aki
>Powa was #1
It's over Kimasisters...
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And yet somehow she's still a better character than SLURPji. Explain that? Maybe the problem lies somewhere else, what do you think?
Yeah the horsemen sister love cope was pathetic
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Public Safety will try to make Pochita throw up the Ears Devil and possibly more Devils too.
They're obviously testing shit out, and this story obviously isn't gonna be
>no ears no one can hear each other
until the very end.

Yoru will probably try to do it herself but notice PS is doing it, and try to jump in while they're making him throw up to get Nuclear Weapons out.

Also, when Pochita does vomit whatever he vomits, that will satisfy the "Starved" condition for Fami and she will control him fully. Then we'll see if she's with PS or the Church or if she's with both or PS and the Church and doing 4D chess manipulating both of them.

And people should stop trying to compare csm and jjk all the time.
all facts. irrefutable
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Pls Powerbro, being compared with Gojo now is bad? You are literally Nobarafags... Kekus Maximus.
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Hellz yeah sister!
It's mappa that treated them that way
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>They're obviously testing shit out
They are?
control sisters our fucking response????
>Nobarafags = powerfags
Couldn't be more accurate.
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Denji won the Asabowl...
What? Mappa didn't write the series anon they just animated them
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Powercuck is gonna be melting down about this for a while, no need give attention to him bros, let him cope and seethe.
you are such a pathetic petty faggot
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Jjk is ending and there was no word on Nobara, really makes you think.
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>You are literally Nobarafags...
Who? I don't consume BL slop like you.
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lucky guy. Asa is a treasure
Yes but they still make the anime and represents it with merch and ads
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I remember the original DxF fanart having Reze instead of Asa, it was made before part2 started.

DxF will win btw
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I accept your concession, xir.
Reminder, never won a single popularity poll. Never got a single omake. Never got a single anime ending. All makima merch is stuck because they don't sell.
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>Denji wo-ACK!
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what concession is there to be had? algerian was agreeing with you and you started lashing out against makima out of nowhere, buckbroken monkey
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You are talking again about GODjutsu CHADsen? you Chensoyfags are shit. Stop comparing your shitty characters with JJK, you fags will never get on our level
This destroyed the nobar... I mean, the powerfags.
Sorry I confuse them because they are the same.
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>sunk cost fallacy
Nayuta and Asa never even met each other. Let that sink in whales.
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Who? I'm not part of your discord. All i saw was some lost jewjewgay yaoi slurping tourist implying the dog fucking fecal matter was ''the most popular''
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>never even met
Part is me is just starting think PS was just attempting to bleed out Pochita so he can be weak enough to recapture.
I guess extreme batshit number 2. Cause at least it explains that public safety isn't that retarded. But the fuck is a samsara?
>no ears no one can hear each other
That or texting from phones, or writing shit on paper, or the least likely sign language BS. Still retarded that they let a devil representative of a part of the human body/the five FUCKING SCENES go up against devil that can erase shit from existence by eating devil.
>discord fregoli delusions
kek, please keep it up pathetic faggot
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>JuSHITsu KaiSHITtin'
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>You don't need to kill him just injure him any way you can
>*pochita is injured*
>He is bleeding CONFIRMED
>*They're watching him through a camera to see if he'll eat the devils they threw at him*
>He's eating Ears CONFIRMED

They wouldn't need to be confirming all this shit if they wanted to kill him.
They're confirming if:
>It's possible to injure him (so they can kill him if need be and make him vomit (which they do need to do now))
>He can actually erase things (ears is the most blatant thing to erase for a test)
>If he can actually vomit stuff back up (this will be next chapter or 174 and they will "CONFIRMED" that too when everyone's ears come back)
And then finally, Fami will swoop in and try to controll this starved Pochita OR PS has another method of control. Maybe the 3rd Control Devil who knows.
And I don't know how Yoru will do it but she'll try to get Nukes from him too.

I do agree that through all of Part 2 PS has been jobbers and useless, but they aren't dumb.
They're very calculated with this and wouldn't just send EARS in for perma-kill it.
The Nobarafag is having a melty I repeat the Nobarafag is melting down.
Again, i'm not on your discord and i don't know who this fregoli is
Furthermore, go back to your BL jjk threads, we don't want your kind here.
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yeah lots of fanart with reze as nayuta's mother or reze in the school with Denji...
I guess Asa is a better character and took everything from Reze hehe
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What do you mean by yet? You expect Asa to die and go to hell or something? Yoshida won't let that happen. Don't forget Denji got Nayuta killed due to Yoru's kissies too, kekus.
look up what fregoli syndrome is, pathetic schizo
All of you are pathetic schizos.
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i mean this in the most non-confrontational way possible so don't get me wrong but, this sounds really dumb
which means its probably true since i predicted Denji wouldn't think he did the Chainsaw Bike the same way...
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>power-troon was a Nobara loser
Now everything makes sense.
Who do they send in to beat him up and make him vomit?
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FLopsawman how is that second season going? how good is part 2 selling? kek
I dont think i will, tongue my anus you retarded cuckold
Look at schizo malding that her crackship isn't real.
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Last for Yoshimiko my beloved
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who the fuck is nobara, i only know nobana
then stay ignorant, favela monkey
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>gets cucked by plotGODS and by Fujimoto
>A-All of you are pathetic schizos *sniffle*
You lost fat pig. Go work out, you're disgusting.
This never happened btw
I don't see how it is I think it's smart.
Both PS and the Church want to use Black Chainsaw's erasure, and they need to test it somehow first before they even begin trying to control him.
Like this thing is a super-speed insta-kill monster. You need to have some plan not just throw meat at it and hope it works

That's a mystery. Justice vomitted because Nayuta made him eat "Shit", but she's not here.
So either Yoru has a secret way of doing it or PS has a secret way of doing it, find out next time on Chainsaw Man basically.
Why the fuck would you send an important organ devil to fight someone who can delete devils?

Who the fuck is afraid of ears??
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The hour glass is seeping, whale.
Why are you samefagging. No one is going to argue with you faggot. Enjoy getting hit by a train next week retard
>>A-All of you are pathetic schizos *sniffle*
>no sense of punctuation
>likes jjk
it was algerian
the jjk never agreed with the powerfag and kept saying makima was the gojo of csm and the most popular of all
latinasa mi mami elmosa
they were both agreeing that nayuta was as dead as gojo
this literally never happened
whatever you say schizo
Mental illness.
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Last for Yoru GUH

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