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So are we finally done with the bad romcom era?
I don't really mind the genre as a whole, but in the past few years it just became
>guy with borderline autistic social skills meets a girl that's super into him because reasons
Seriously Japan, just start producing something more original now that there's going to be a vacuum.
Wait for Kanokari to finish.
>things i dont like exist
>and now I am mad
>how could this be happening to me
Go back xittercuck tourist
>NTR shit
I don't know if this should even count, it is its own devil
>and now it doesn't exist anymore
>I think we should improve romcoms somewhat
>yet you still participate in the genre. Curious! I'm very intelligent.
I'm just sick of the
>hundreds of chapters of will-they-won't-they that resolve in the last 5 chapters with one confession and kiss scene and then an epilogue set 20 years later
formula. It's stale and boring as fuck.
How did it end?
Did they end up together?
no it ended with him just drawing her again lol

whole series is filler
Just as they are about to kiss again, Yupiel shows up and abducts senpai. To be continued.
>I think we should improve things by posting on 4chan
>surely that will help
you’re getting mocked because you’re just screaming into the void and demanding others join you and praise you for it
>guy with borderline autistic social skills meets a girl that's super into him because reasons
Now its "I was treated badly by a bunch of girls in my early years and now that I got a haircut they all want my dick".
>hundreds of chapters of will-they-won't-they that resolve in the last 5 chapters with one confession and kiss scene and then an epilogue set 20 years later
This, it's the worst offender in the Japanese media, even if it's just a regular romance in story not a romcom.
They rarely ever explore the story beyond that point.
The faggots shrieking about romcom quality usually out themselves as having no experience in that genre whatsoever. It's a flimsy pretense.
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Yes, don't mind the literal normalfag twitter tourist
most of the time they are also yurifags too, which makes the complaining about everything being the same even more ironic
What are you sick of? You don't sound like you read them and the anons who do don't seem to be complaining. Are you actually crying that other people are enjoying somehting you don't?
I'm pretty sure as long as lonely, borderline autistic dudes exist, there will be romcoms in this formula. That's just a demand and supply thing.
And I'm sure as long as emotionally stunted adult infants exist, so will the battle shounen genre.
no, they break up. realistic ending.
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not a twitter tourist, nor a yurifag
this is how it should've ended
both are bad
Wait for the canon doujin, he couldn't put that on the magazine
Nah, neither are.
>shonen bad because I'm a moefag
You guys are niggers.
This genre is just rotten. It's impossible to do anything good in this format.
Guarantee OP knows 3 romcoms
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Love won
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Goodbye to the best romcom
Noa-san watomodachi is nice
Nah, the only rotten thing here is your brain. Stop reading battleshonen shit for 2 minutes, you will never be a dragon ball or whatever it is
>battleshonen shit for 2 minutes
nta, but I don't think I've seen a single battleshonen since I was 14 and still hold the same opinion as anon.
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Ironically enough battle shounen on average has SIGNIFICANTLY better romantic subplots than romcomshit. Incomparably so.
I won't even ask you what's your fav genre, instead I'll ask you why do you think it's rotten. But if the answers will be
>same tropes over and over
>they are all the same
>it's a genre made to appeal [insert category of people]
>girl likes MC for reasons
Then it will be a really futile opinion
>bad romcom
Ahahahahahahahah I fuckin knew it, it couldn't not be a shonentard
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I don't read manga anymore, I just keep coming here to look at sexy waifus. Nagatoro was a qt but her manga, like almost all manga, sucked.
>instead I'll ask you why do you think it's rotten
Not him, but because it's a non romance. It's an endless tiptoeing and pussyfooting around the actual relationships for hundreds of chapters, sometimes with no resolution at the end. It's a non romance. Usually it's a non comedy too. It's not even a wish fulfillment, unlike any garbage isekai which at least routinely has sex and power fantasies. It's by far the most repetitive, shallow and unimaginative genre out of anything japan does.
Based. Literally any other genre is better and has more payoff.
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I like many genres. It just happens that shounen have significantly better romances than this garbage non-genre.
>I won't even ask you what's your fav genre
I don't really have a favourite genre, but if anything has an actual good drama in it, I'll probably like it.
As per romcoms the things that I dislike are
>the constant will they or will they not
>finishing the story on BS like first kiss, instead of exploring it further
>hundred of chapters without any development between main characters, essentially just fillers
>forced love triangles, usually because series popularity has started to dwindle
>frequent weak endings, although this one can be said about a lot of non-romcom manga too
This is the best way to enjoy her manga.
>Not him, but because it's a non romance. It's an endless tiptoeing and pussyfooting around the actual relationships for hundreds of chapters
That's what this genre is made for, yes. How it's made makes the difference.
>sometimes with no resolution at the end.
There are bad series too, of course.
>It's not even a wish fulfillment
Bokuyaba is peak (garbage) wishfullfilment for example, so hard disagree.
>It's by far the most repetitive
Like any other genre, there are series that sink on the tropes and others that make to be original with using those tropes and pulling out new ideas, so the "repetitive" critique makes no sense. I'd rather say read more.
>I like many other genres
Yeah, I'm sure about that kek
you're asking this on the board where everyone is obsessed with waching rom com slop
You too, read more. Thinking that romcoms are all the same just demonstrate how unprepared you are on this subject.
kinokari is way better than all these trash romcoms
is this official butte
I think it's crazy that Bisque, Bokuyaba, Komi, Megumi, Uzaki, Nagatoro, and Tomo-chan were all running at around the same time and yet it's not going to go down in history as the golden era of romcoms. What fucking happened?
sounds korean
Have you been paying attention to this season?

It's not over
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No, but you can dig in the story and find official butts yourself
huh maybe romance shouldn't be a genre in and of itself and it's better used as part of another story
waifu does not mean anime girl
Japs are planning a new era probably, just hope it will be as good
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It means cute anime girl who is a member of my jerk off harem, duh.
It has only just begun.
Too many were shit.
Make it yuri.
If you ask me I was expecting more, it ended up to be generic very quickly.
Fuck off. Threads get enough shitposting because of faggots like you.

>complain yuri isn't straight
>complain straight isn't yuri
You're all the same.
>Japan woman
>Japan woman but Russian
Seriously, it's like the romcom authors are not even trying
You will never be a woman
Homos are malding, lol.
Kill yourselves.
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This is
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And this
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So many romcom haters here wow
Well, I'll keep enjoying my age-gap romcom anyway
Imagine being mindbroken by a yuri lol.
Fuck off tranny lmao
not much of a golden era if the entire genre has been reduced to a handful of samey tropes where the only thing distinguishing them from each other is the main girl
Don't say that out loud, anon.
All the series I listed were extremely promising to start with.
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Post the good one at least
Why are tourists like this?
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>So are we finally done with the bad romcom era?
Not before kanokari ends, but we're getting there.
Replace men with girls and the genre would be KINO. But the Japanese are too backwater for this.
I like romance as part of a story but I don't get the appeal of stories that are primarily about romance.
Her asshole would be completely spread and exposed here
It's bad but take what you have. Soon we'll have a very short era of romcoms where they get together in the middle of the story, and then after that japan will fall and every romcom will have the girl getting railed by fifty different dudes before settling down with mc.
>That's what this genre is made for, yes.
And it's shit. SHIIIIT. The genre is garbage on a fundamental basis. Unfixable.
Why would i make it dogshit?
How long ago was Tenchi Muyo? This genre is permanent.
Time to start reading VNs lol
It's already dogshit with het romance tho?
No, it's good because it's normal* romance instead of gay shit made for self inserting looney troons.
Kanokari isn't a romcom, it's not a wish fulfillment series, it's a comedy of the awkward, similar to the british office
Enjoy your homo MCs and bimbos falling for them because they're yasashii x787878783, lmao.
The latter 2020s and most of the 2030s are going to be an incest renaissance. The Tokyo law is going to be struck down and the imoutos, nee-sans, kaa-sans, and baa-sans will all be freed.
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Hopefully. Kimi ni Todoke will be returning in August to remind everyone what a good romcom is like.
What about musume (or musumes if you insist)?
Yes, just like Rin Tohsaka. Like a second reproductive opening. Totally defenseless.
You are consuming emotional pornography for teenagers.
>I don't get the appeal of stories that are primarily about romance.
They lose me if they're just pussyfooting around it and that's the only premise. I do like some romance in other genres where it's not the main focus
Because they actually have to be good. Sounds more like a dark age if those are the most recognized series. If there ever was a golden era of romcoms, it would be sometime before that.
Your threads are about as stale as the romcoms you hate so much.
Because all of those are fucking shit that their fans deluded themselves into thinking it's good.
Sono Bisque had the best potential, but it went down the drain the moment they did not fuck in that hotel and the author decided to go for shitty drama in the manga.
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i will miss this smug gremlin & her tight perky butt.
I should make a compilation of ironic weebs complaining about romcoms
>Sono Bisque went down the drain the moment they did not fuck in that hotel
>Nagatoro went down the drain the moment Senpai sperged out in the onsen
I see a pattern
I dropped that shit so early on. Don't remember exactly, I just remember that the author came to the first fork in the road where they could go for melodrama or advance the romance plot. They picked melodrama and I knew it was over.
agreed. romance in & of itself isn't enough to pull me in. i used to avoid reading romance mango because they simply never emtionally/mentally stimulated me- but as i grew older i started following some, to fill the void in my heart. they grow stale really quick, especially when they start introducing new designated losers, you know it's done for.
whole other medium, but something like mexican telenovelas is really much more engaging. they have a strong focus on the plot, which often complements the romance. helps for it not to be overbearing as well, as they're not regurgitating the same subplots time&time again.
I will, but i will also enjoy other romcom stories
However the same can't be said for yurishit as they are all the same crap
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If you don't believe it either, it's not even a bait.
>>guy with borderline autistic social skills meets a girl that's super into him because reasons
>boy meets girl and they don't fall in love because reasons
Sick of this fucking kike psyop. Kill yourself anti-natalism scum
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>they don't even have sex, marry and have a child before they're 16
watch better anime anon if you're so into natalism
Fuck off pedo.
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>Disingenuous tranny trying to seed conflict in an otherwise civil thread
>So are we finally done with the bad romcom era?
So long as one Jap on this Earth continues to draw breath, you had better believe there will be a shitty romcom out there, and you had better believe it is somehow still making enough money to keep going.

They were already together for a handful of chapters, I think all that happened is the confession/the "yes", they had what was ultimately a very minor disagreement that lasted two or three chapters, and I think that was it leading into the last two or three chapters which were just ending set-up. Really kind of crap considering how we got here but whatever.
wow you really are a tourist, yurishit
Friendly reminder that the mc of that anime was spying on his underage niece and tried to rape his daughter.
Only first bit is true
the other is a meme that we invented on this very board to trick stupid tourists like you
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Honestly I'm pretty sick of the loser-self-insert, girl does all the work to make the relationship happen fantasy wish fulfillment stories too but I enjoy what I can out of the females characters and the shenanigans. I preferred the baby boomer jap writers that wrote their mc as a skillful chad that actually deserved to have SOME girls he meets fawn over him. Like a role model or character to like and appreciate atleast. Not always "heh heh he's a retarded crying loser nice guy tm like me!" This whole
>I'm a timid autistic loser that can barely speak up yet this beautiful flawless girl is suddenly obsessed with me just because ok!
is really forced and fake feeling to the point it's annoying. It shouldn't always be ya I enjoy that show except the lame annoying main character, every time. Especially when they keep repeating the cycle with every new female character introduced, it's like the writer gets bored with the female characters he already made and is like "oh I got to make a new chick in this arc that falls in love with my mc because he helped her once for 5 minutes!" like fuck man not everybody has to inexplicably fall head over heels for your self-insert loser-kun write some diversity in character relationships other than that one tune unrequainted love harem song. Raildex is pretty great example of this where there's so much good in the stories and great female characters and secondary mc, support cast, interesting concepts and powerz, relationships, and plot lines and the worst part is kamijou toma and his relationships to every other character in the series and there's even an arc about this in the LN how the story world would be so much better off without him and it's like YA BRO IT WOULD FUCK....
>no it ended with him just drawing her again lol

which was based, but it could have been more based if he was drawing her AND his kids.
>muh unobtainable goddess female attention
Really the best way to describe romantic anime. To think r9k is full of fags thinking they're going to find it in real life.
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>Honestly I'm pretty sick of the loser-self-insert, girl does all the work to make the relationship happen fantasy wish fulfillment stories
Have you tried reading more romcom
Bet you didnt
name? yandex tells me it's chainsawman but I doubt it
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Sensei wa Koi wo Oshierarenai
>yandex tells me it's chainsawman
lets be real, the loser-guy-flawless-girl premise itself is not the real problem. it's popular because it's a good premise that can be interesting and funny. I think the real problem is that authors never go deeper into these kind of relationships, they always stop at kiss/confession but they never explore how these characters develop. the loser guy keeps being the mumbling beta loser even after hundreds of chapters and that's the main issue, characters should change through their experiences but we never see it, so there's never new ground to explore as these stories develop
I mean Naoto steps out of his comfort zone plenty of times and strives for self improvement
He's better than most romcom MCs
KEK, that is funny.
I have seen and read plenty I enjoyed tomo chan is a girl because jun is actually a likeable strong guy that handles himself well and yet is still human with flaws and setbacks. It's actually believable a hot tomboy would love him especially their social awkwardness and ignorance is appropriate for 15 year olds and they move beyond it. My senpai is annoying also has a competent male lead that's has believable appeal for futaba. Relife had a decent mc and it was the girl that was severely autistic. Yet these stories still suffer from the
>50 chapters of will they, wont they. They will!, love, kiss, story end.
That other anon is right about the writers should really try exploring beyond that point they probably would sell like banger and make a fortune. All the repetitive story format and limitations does get stale and annoying. It's like jap writers have a limited range when it comes to relationship stories and they can't go outside their zone.
Good riddance. It got stale like 9 years ago.
Are you ready for him to ruin Yupiel next?
I want to go back to the monster girl era but hyper focus on the reverse rape and femdom aspect.
I want the male lead raped and forced into a marriage and kids from said rape
What arc is this?
I loved romcoms, shame it's ending.
Nagatoro is sexy
Haven't kept up with Bisque Doll and BokuYaba, but both of those had pretty substantial differences in their protagonists despite having "loser" protags. Both of the aforementioned series have their characters develop over time. On top of that, they're both very different in how their stories were told. while you could even make the argument for Bisque Doll being a borderline shoujo series with how much of it is from Marin's POV.
Do they ever show her nipples or am I just wasting my time if I read it?
You know... most yuri and yaois romance manga are romcoms, its the same shit
Every mediai emotional pornography, that's the ultimate objective is to invoke an emotion on you.
Barbie doll bodies
I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed...
Bisque doll protag is not a "loser" by any means, dude is tall, well build and has friend
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>guy with borderline autistic social skills meets a girl that's super into him because reasons
OP is either a femoid or a troon. I bet you'd rather have a female self-insert with a reverse harem.
Just imagine all those k-pop faggots gangbanging (you) in your wet fujoshi dreams.
Perhaps you'd like Gojo to eat your stinky femcel asshole too.
this dogshit was peak bottom of the barrel. good riddance.
I don't think these really fall into the rom com genre as I think of it. They usually severely lack rom and com. More like will they won't they and sensible chuckle. And it's not that the japs don't understand the genre because Akutsu and others exists. I just think art and design supersedes writing and the simps rally
You know that you can always not read romance manga dont you? I fucking despise moe shit like k-on, or cute-girls-does-cute-things shit so i don't watch or read it.
Your edgy 50 year old seinen is emotional pornography too you retard.
This is Joe Biden, peasant of the (You) mighty states of hoes and mercy, and I approve of this message.
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I give BokuYaba a pass because of the size difference and I like it when it's the women who are bigger because I'll never experience that in real life
redditors and discordfags can go back now
but you're still here
This is the most autistic shit i've ever seen, i'm in disbelief
I was hoping for that as the final few pages. Show him drawing Nagatoro in the club room, shows the scene fade a bit, and it zooms out with him older putting the touches to a family portrait. Don't even have to show it all, but just the fact they did get married and have kids. End with Nagatoro calling him for dinner and making some snide remark.
Doesn't have to show us everything, but it would've been nice to get some sort of idea of the future.
That's Mizukami having great romances rather than battle shonen
thats the laziest fuckin bait i've ever seen good lord
It's pornography because its primary objective is fufilling a very specific fantasy for you to insert yourself into.
>what if I, vanilla person, was suddenly accosted by a haughty hot girl who looks and acts like a whore but is actually pure (Madonna–whore complex solution) and likes me because I'm... nice
This is NOT criticism. There is a place for this kind of media, and for all demographics. I was pointing out why OP's expectations were misplaced.
Nah it's not just Mizukami, the best place for romance is in genres that aren't romance, since there'll be actual plots there that romance takes a backseat to. Which might seem restrictive but is actually enlivening, since that means you don't have to worry about the common "If they get together the series ends" type issues, and can write and progress the romance however you want. Not to mention you can create tension by having literal demons they can overcome and beat together, instead of writing infuriating misunderstandings, love triangles, and other artificial conflicts.
god yes
it feels like kc has capitulated with mge and half of them turn into standard doormats once they get their initial rape in
NO nigga i want to be a malewife to a woman with a full head of height and 50kg of muscle on me
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>reading Choujin X
>the manga just introduces several romantic subplots as a part of the narrative without hurting any other aspects of the story
>they actually support the main themes and the pairings are thematic as fuck (thief's daughter/cop's son, Death/Life)
>apparently love is playing a huge role in the overarching story as well because it's a motivation for the central antagonist
This is significantly more interesting than any romcom
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It is time for the exhibitionist era
>twitter thread
Make sure to report and ignore.
Hey, come on, Bokuyaba and Tomo-chan are really good honestly. Uzaki is ok, i guess. I don't really care about the rest.
Amazing how many people go to bat for this absolute dogshit. Hopefully the artist can go back to making actual hentai instead of this poor excuse for fapbait. This one in particular doesn't deliver on any level beyond "oh my god this one is brown!!" which is a stark reminder of where the internet and this board is now demographically. And after they moved in they're all calling you a tourist, the nerve.
Weird thing to give it a pass for compared to just, like, it being really well written.
It's literally tan because she swims.
You fucking tourist.
What an ugly fat pig
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>how dare you recommend me something that takes longer than 10 minutes to read?!
Gay on so many levels
>he thinks they discuss VNs on /lit/
> guy with borderline autistic social skills meets a girl that's super into him because reasons
Not one thing wrong with that. If anything whining about it makes you come across as an edgy putz
Well I'm sure as hell not discussing them here
>defending twitter screencap thread
>seething about brown girls
>when she's tanned even
You have to go back
Unless it got a good anime adaptation, or is in a list of preapproved VNs that are ok to discuss on /v/ or other game related boards, or is straight up hentai, it won't be discussed on 4chan at all.
>he wants endless pussyfooting instead of actual romance
Who is gay here?
Dunno, unlike you I don't need wishfulfillment, so you tell me
>I don't need wishfulfillment
>reads the wish fulfillment genre
You are arguing with a consolewar faggot who hasn't read a single romance manga and being a consolewar faggot yourself anon.
>people being in a proper relationship and the story exploring said relationship is wishfulfilment in 2024
you can't make this shit up, how alone are you anon?
As an anon in a thread a few weaks ago said, I read them become they are emotionally rich and aesthetically pleasing. If that makes you upset, then I dunno, keep seething?
>t. Homosexual
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I actually like the new era of romcoms mostly have the couple confessing and starting the relationship early on and the shenanigans consist of their experiences as a couple and growing up together.

I need more Rom in my Coms. That being said, i loved Nagatoro and i'll miss her dearly
>I actually like the new era of romcoms mostly have the couple confessing and starting the relationship early on and the shenanigans consist of their experiences as a couple and growing up together.
Try Fujiyama-san.
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Oh, it's the same author of the insominiacs one. I hated the ending of the insominiacs one, but that looks cute
I wish more manga was like Jitsu wa in that regard. Having the main couple get together by the halfway mark and then have the freedom to explore other ideas.
I want romcom with a normal guy and normal women in university or job, is it really too much to ask?
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Try Smoking behing the supermarket with you or Sweat & Soap
It's uzai (annoying) era, some girls literally named Uzaki
What was wrong with its ending?
I get it was implied she died and the guy went schizo, or that they just werent together anymore
I didnt liked it
>spying on his underage niece
Retconned in the the canon light novels
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That wasn't implied at all. Did you fall for the schizoposter?
Reminder that all anti-nagatoro posts are typed by shills that get gibs from the CCP to undermine Japan.
Nah, i wasn't really in the threads
I think it was just because it didn't showed her and they seemed a bit distant with the dialogue
Epilogue showed them go to the class reunion to watch the eclipse, as they promised, there wasn't much more to it.
Tell me you havent read the manga without telling me you havent read the manga
Literally who's tweet?
Sotty but fujos have trascended the need for garbage self-insert loser protagonists ages ago, keep gobbling your basic-bitch incel wish-fullfillment safe zone entertainment up though and keep seething.
That's the author telling a spaniard, I think, that the manga had a happy ending. I think there's a second one where she's more explicit about them living together but I don't have it on hand.
That's a lot of buzzwords.
>I'm a virgin AND illiterate lol
>i have no real answer
its a yurifag who hates himself for being a man
>i have no rebuttal, better call him names
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Add another to the list.
>I have no rebuttal, better start pretending I don't know basic internet lingo
What happened to the brown girl and the blonde shota? That was my favorite couple of this
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>i am retarded
Unfortunately, nothing. Brown girl turned out to have a crush on the femc midget, I think.
>noooooo only use the buzzwords I approve and like!!!
>still no argument
>Brown girl turned out to have a crush on the femc midget, I think.
Yeah, i remember that but then the author dropped that plotpoint and made the brown girl sleep with the shota then i stopped reading
>are we done with romcoms
Most romcoms are formulaic and padded dogshit, get taste and don't consume them in the first place
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Take the slut romcom pill
How it ended?
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>wtf bros why are these mexican soap operas so melodramatic and silly
This is what people complaining about romcoms sound like
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>Complain about how japanese media related to romance is shit
>Get given a japanese media where those problems are fixed
I prefer romance where both the characters aren't ciphers. It feels like a waste if one of the characters is a stand-in or an uwu 10/10 perfecto idol
OG Nagataro has more sauce and the guy has more power in their relationship, manga Nagatoro makes a poor first impression in that context ("a-a-awa, N-n-n-n-nagatoro-senpai!!") that makes me disinterested in spending more time with the characters
If the genre is strictly romance, then the romance sucks all the air out the room
If the story is about something else then the romance (and everything else) can have room to breathe
>complaining that people are mad and have the power to not make themselves mad
>be mad anyway
No, anon, you are a complete ignorant and idiot.
Maybe Nagatoro was not perfect, but its from the best you can find in the romcom genre, pic related its just a taste with things like cuckori out there
We're not mad, We're making fun of (You) for reading romcoms aimed at horny 14 year old virgins and expecting Anna Karenina.
Yet everytime the couple does fuck you see purityfags and self inserters throwing a fit and it turns into rampant shitposting. Or suddenly 'it's boring now, we need some drama.' No pleasing some of you fags.
Seething. You are describing seething.
>If that makes you upset, then I dunno, keep seething?
Read the post he's replying to.
Yeah, because you don't want to live one yourself, you prefer self-insert in a fiction relationship.
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i heard everyone was looking for a tasteful romcom to save the genre
I did, I'm asking how it should make me upset
>pic unrelated
This one was very good
my homies know it
Anon, are you genuinely on the spectrum, what is your grudge against this genre. People tell you they like reading romantic fiction and you seem just, unable to comprehend why people would wanna do that. Literally every piece of fiction is written in a way that makes it fun and engaging, that's why shrieking wish-fulfillment and self-insert outs you as either a shitposter or a retard. You're not convincing anyone.
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As the anon said, try the two smokers
How would I know why you're upset. You just sure sound like it.
Uhm... but I like romcoms
Damn what a godly tummy. I kneel.
>We're not mad, We're
Don't vindicate the other guy with a response or you look mad. Simple as
Then you should have a good idea why people read them, unless you are literally projecting.
New era of NTR romcom SOON!
No? I was pointing out that the ones who keep shitting on romcom genre because it generally ends before the relationship part is the kind of people who needs wishfulfillment. And that's not arguable.
I think you are not following this argument properly
the best way to combat "u mad" is ask "why would i be mad?"
the buck stops right there every single time
these zoomers don't know the internet argument shortcuts i'll tell ya hwut
It is slop for failed males that is all.
>t. Xxpussydestroyer2010xX
stay mad
i want to nakadashi Yoshi while Sakura watches and gives me tips on my form
they're practically married from chp.1
or do you prefer edging for years until one of the losers says d-d-d-d-daisuki desu!!
>are we finally done with the bad romcom era?
It will never end. There's at least going to be one "romcom" about "guy with borderline autistic social skills meets a girl that's super into him because reasons" every single season.
The currently airing Russian girl is pretty much another one of these tripe.

Why would authors even bother when they can just copy the exact formula with minimal effort and become top sellers?
At this point, I rather watch Shoujo, or just romance subplot in non romance series.
We're not getting another one like Kaguya or Juliet again anyway. If I really want actual bona-fide romcom where the romance is good and the comedy is actually funny, I'll go play VNs.
>guy with borderline autistic social skills meets a girl that's super into him because reasons
>Seriously Japan, just start producing something more original now that there's going to be a vacuum.
Why /a/ hate assertive girl? You all prefer passive doormat female characters?
>married from chapter 1
Ah yes, like tonikaku and look what a garbage series came out lmao
No I think I am following your argument properly.
Shoujo has the same problem, if you read one then you have read all of them
Then why should I be upset?
You tell me.
i spit in your mouth sir
Who is “we”? Are you writing a romantic comedy right now? What the fuck do you mean by “improve”? What are you going to do? Complain some more? Damn…
The only ones upset here are those who keep shitting on the romcom genre because it's not like their personal concept of "real romance" or because it doesn't give what they wish ;)
But personally as romcom reader I haven't nothing against the other kind of romances or genres.
I'll gurgle that spit and double spit it in your mouth again, kind friend. The plot of that series is just stupid
if we're talking about the tonikaku kawaii manga then i don't know, it's for girls and you should let them have their fun
if we're talking about aharen, then i can name very few manga that allows the 2 leads to grow and have their relationship blossom as well as this one
Now you got your diploma in gay, congrats
We were talking about tonkikaku
>it's for girls and you should let them have their fun
I'm not denying anything to no one, sir. I think it was stupid, that's all
>criticize bottom of the barrel otaku wish fullfillment shit like isekai and loser mc with hot girl "romcom"
>/a/'s worst and angriest autists come out from the woodwork screeching and screaming
Like clockwork
Hey, don't insult isekai by mentioning it in the same sentence with romcom garbage.
Twitterfags it's over... what will be the next thing we complain about.
>guy with borderline autistic social skills meets a girl that's super into him because reason
Are Autistic people not allowed to want romance?
Yes the winded up together.
> leftist meme
> shit opinion
Checks out.
yeah, looks like you'll have to go back
>/a/ is only for retards with shit tastes
People actually read hundreds of chapters of this shit?
the only good one out of these "teasing" sub genre is takagi
Is it too much to ask for a romance where both parties put in effort and act with a semblance of humanity?
School Rumble already perfect the formula
both the romcom as a genre and tsundere archetype
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Why is Twitter like this??
Empty life from the other side of the keyboard, I guess
Pretty much. Anyone who unironically posts on Twitter can be quickly and safely dismissed as a subhuman narcissist with nothing in their lives worth being happy about.
>tonikaku kawaii manga
>it's for girls
No it fucking isn't. It's for essentially the same audience as Hayate.
Takagi isn't good either
it's mostly lonely otaku losers and seanegros lol
> harem anime used to be common place
> now having one girl like a guy who isn't a social butterfly is considered absurdly gauche male wish fulfillment for losers
Fucking hoeflation is infecting everything.
Nice strawman.
>that comment section
>pedo pedo pedo pedo pedo pedo pedo pedo
Why are Gen Z anime fans like this?
Give zoomers a break, they went through puberty right in the peak of #metoo and it damaged their perception of sexuality forever. Absolutely everything is some form of rape, assault, coercion, abuse or pedophilia to them now. The only way to interact with women they've been taught is appropriate any more is sending them money on onlyfans over the internet.
there's like 500 manga being published at any given time, just read something else faggot
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I prefer straight-up romance without the com
I read manga because of the drawings, otherwise id be reading a actual book
>another one like Kaguya
People really just throw scorn at every name they see. It's the easiest stance to take
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>No pubes
Dropped faster than the burger in "THIS is how you eat a Big Mac nigga"
How would you define a femcel?
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Shes a swimmer, its obvious she wouldn't have pubes
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Pubes have no effect on hydrodynamics.
no, kaguya is just an actual dumpster fire. Gotta admit tho, It was really enjoyable to follow because every next chapter was more unhinged than the last
them getting attacked for their tourist opinions is pretty based though never thought I'd say that about twitter users
Zoomers are just braindead in general, most modern anime watchers are ironic weebs, except we have gone past that
But the hair sticking out can be humiliating
>most modern anime watchers are ironic weebs
I have a theory that they dont actually watch any anime and just get their episode information entirely from twitter and reddit memes and rundowns
I still enjoy it up to the end of Ice Kaguya. Meanders after that
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I don't feel humiliated by looking at girl pubes at all.
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What >>269215563 said. I guess you could argue there's a bit of an age gap thing to the romance, but still pretty cute dynamics between a customer service girl and an office guy.
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for the swimmer i mean

But Gamo 100% has some thick fanta colored bush down there, Sakura has a airstrip and Yochi has the typical teen girl bush
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Tank Chair also has some good ones. There's genuinely no reason to go filtering through the garbage dump of rom coms for good romance, just read what looks good to you. If you like the general premise and plot of a story, you'll probably like any romance subplots that sprout off from it.
Why do women try to gaslight and shame men so much for what they like? Why not just go and make your own thing that gets popular?
they have nothing better to do, literally
whens the last time you saw a woman with a genuine hobby
that's called shoujo and it has the exact same problem
> everyone who doesn't like romslop is a woman
Yeah but men leave shoujo and women alone. Women invade all the male spaces and cry and bitch about the things they like.
The side characters got more action before the main couple
>guy with borderline autistic social skills
Ranma used to be as bad with social skills,many romcom MCs are actually bad with girls.
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Ranma's also a lot more proactive and malleable a character, which I guess is something people here want more out of from the romcoms, but they're presumably the vocal minority when Nisekoi-tier stuff sells a bajillion volumes
>bad romcom era
>guy with borderline autistic social skills meets a girl that's super into him because reasons
There are much more egregious examples of this trope than what you posted, just admit you hate popular things or go back to jelking on shitter
>when Nisekoi-tier stuff sells a bajillion volumes
And Ranma sold way more. It's not a vocal minority. There was a change somewhere from Ranma to the garbage MCs we have now.
check it >>269216146

pretty shit if you ask me
Its impossible to defend Kaguya manga
>Main couple got married
>Author keeps drawing porn on the side
How is that a bad ending?
That simply isn't true. People who haven't read shoujo parrot that as a common deflection. While there is a lot of low quality generic stuff, you don't need to go digging far. There's a lot of variety in the character relationships, dynamics, plot, etc in big shoujo romcom titles like Kare Kano, Fruits Basket, Cardcaptor Sakura, Kodocha, Ouran, Kimi ni Todoke, Nodame Cantabile, Maid-sama, Lovely Complex, Hachimitsu to Clover. There's a lot more variety and depth there than this output >>269196286. The truth is the romcom genre was in a much better place when it was mainly a shoujo thing.
Gundam Seed, apparently
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Anon it was never "mostly shoujo". It has never been mostly shoujo. It's only in recent times where faggots like you are so in demand to censor male interests that romcom for men is dying simply because it can't be made appealing to men anymore.

Before your teasing romcoms was two decades of constant ecchi harems.
the fuck are those noodle ass legs
Autistic social retard will always be the MC because that's what the anime fans are.
Until there's a better medium for them to self-insert to, anime will continue to be this low effort slop.

Wasn't Senpai canonically good looking and talented? He had positive qualities that could be considered attractive. Nagatoro was not perfect by any means but it evolved much more beyond same joke every time.
It's simply a larger net. It's not about being autistic, it's about being a mostly blank slate. One size fits most. In order for people to like romcom there has to be a level of relation that people feel with the characters which is why they tend to be tropey rather than super fleshed out.

Also the nature of having to do this in the format of a short light novel or anime with a dozen or two episodes.
Exactly, look at how the delinquent genre died when everyone realized most delinquent MCs would probably hate 80% of the readers.
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She is a noodle if you didn't notice
More effort seems to be going into yurishit unfortunately. COVID really did a number to romcoms.
That's just because a man can enjoy two women fucking each other without having women get pissed off about "male self-indulgent fantasies"
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good fucking riddance, nanashi is a fucking retard who thought he was hot shit because of his messed up doujins and proceeded to nuke all his original nagatoro images to go mainstream, then proceeds to make 154 chapters of pure fucking garbage
If that was true then I would have my Aki x Shiho sex chapter already
>a romcom... with an ending???
what happened to the brown girl and the blond shota
>doujins and proceeded to nuke all his original nagatoro images
this literally never happened
He probably made a fortune off of it so I don't think he lost much
>More effort seems to be going into yurishit
I have never seen a famous yurishit
Wrong, it's because trannies like yurishit
By trannies you mean women since they are the main consumers of yuri and yaoi. 0.1% of the population doesn't fucking matter for anything market wise.
check that yurihime magazine data and come back to me

Women like shounen, not yurishit.
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I take that as a compliment.
I mean if you completely ignore the trend of romcoms ending and very few new ones coming out, particularly ones that men liked to consumer with fanservice.

Combined with the general decrease in fanservice/ecchi across the board in anime with women constantly bitching about said genres. It's easy to see what's happening. Anime industry is shrinking too, it's on the same path to what happened to Western industries.

Westerners are basically a locust plague on any entertainment they latch onto.
Post the data since you have it.
holy fucking shit go back to your containment board
why do you guys care about women and sales if this board is unrelated to both of them
this isn't /jp/
I'm already in it
You're the one seething about romcom, loli, normal relationships in manga and posting twitter screencaps
I don't have it, i just remember seeing how half of its consumers are some meme gender bullshit
I don't care, but unfortunately tourists are seething about normal romcoms again
I think you're full of shit
Gundam Seed Destiny. Gary Stu and Mary Sue sit around for 30 something episodes barely doing anything other than exist, Gary Stu almost dies, then they hijack the show. The show's original protagonist gets turned into a throwaway villain so Gary Stu's friend has someone to beat up after also doing jack shit for the middle part of the show.
What about moi?
1. endless romcomslop is not a good thing. i enjoy the genre but i hate 300 chapter behemoths that go nowhere and drag on forever, causing precious resources to be spent on adapting and producing absolute trash. concepts that deserve maybe an ova at best like rent a cuck get a billion chapters and seasons.
2. we're getting 50+ anime a SEASON, it's an obviously unsustainable arrangement when you consider actual people are working on it and we had loud scandals over studios like mappa overworking their staff relatively recently. it's not about women, there's been a lot of people complaining about ecchi manga since its inception and they don't share a gender or specific political beliefs. it's not going anywhere. manga artists don't give a shit and will keep making it like always.
How is this even an argument? Let supply and demand take its course. There's no need to censor shit, you can just ignore it and watch the stuff you like instead.
It's definitely going the way of the dodo. They of course still want to make it but year-by-year regulations are getting stricter and stricter. I would not be surprised if loli is straight up banned within a few years in Japan. Then stuff like high-school settings with any kind of fanservice will follow. It's already going towards that trend.
Any other romance mangas that feature adults?
I'm tired of schoolshit.
Shittoro is Hitlerian and I'm tired of pretending it isn't. The protagonist is literally a failed artist
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I understand not wanting to have the couple fuck. But setting up scenes like Marin/Gojo in the hotel or pic-related just kills the story.
It goes beyond "will they - wont they?" and enters the realm of absurdity. I know there's a population of anons that vehemently disagree but that's just their puritan ancestry talking.

Which is strange as teenagers were always separated in times of old because everyone knows if they're allowed to be close like this then they WILL fuck.
People, especially teenagers, especially especially attractive teenagers in these situations do NOT act this way.
Sorry sex scary for men sex bad for women
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>more effort seems to be going into yurishit unfortunately
Good, hopefully straight romcoms can learn from yuri too. Have the characters get together early and have them do lewd things together.
Fighting, sports and comedy are all more important genres than romance for manga targeted towards males as opposed to shoujo/josei manga, where it's the main genre and tends to have better writing as a result
>Have the characters get together early and have them do lewd things together.
So lesbian hentai?
Miss Nagatoro stopped toying with him
It doesn’t have to be sex but just have both of them get into it. Nothing worse than when something lewd happens to the MC and he rejects it.
The fact you would even try to compare the two is an insult to common decency.
After 20 years??? Wtf why
Now that this shit's over can Nanashi go back a make a sequel to that Mami human toilet whore doujin. The single best Madoka doujin ever, It's been 5 years I'm cumming to it blasted at least 10 loads to it.
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Don't listen to the other replies. Try Wotakoi. Sweat and Soap is okay.
learn japanese and pick up any seinen mag
You'll bring out the incels
Long noodle
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It's literally the formula of most romance to begin with. Do you know why? Not only because it sells, but because it's easy tension and because of something called build up. If it's there at the start then you're left with just things that would be obstacles for them to overcome to strengthen their bond further, which is actually highlighted a lot more if they do the will-they-won't-they to begin with. This especially applies if it's especially romance focused, anytime they do it at the start it's almost always baked into part of the premise itself.
Let me put it this way, would you not think it more satisfying to see love bloom after they've been through all sorts of trials and tribulations together? What if there was a story about defeating a demon lord, but the demon lord is defeated at chapter 3 and the plots just over at that point? It's just bad in regards to a serialization.
I agree with this. It just feels stronger if it's part of a setting with other things going on rather than it being the main deal.
>it was never "mostly shoujo". It has never been mostly shoujo
Yes it was. Shoujo dominated romance for many decades until recently. Stuff for male audiences could have romance as an element but it was usually never the main focus. Anything considered romance was also action or fantasy or scifi or whatever which got a bigger spotlight than the romance.
>two decades of constant ecchi harems
Like To Love Ru? That's what you consider romance? By two decades, I assume you mean starting in the 2000s because this stuff didn't take off until Ken Akamatsu. Even then, this wasn't huge and a lot of it came from VN adaptations (and that applies to the real romance titles too, not just ecchi harems). Shoujo still had the majority of the romcom market in the 2000s.
>Before your teasing romcoms
The teasing romcoms of today were ripped from shoujo as well.
I like romcoms and am happy all these major series are ending making room for new series to come to light.
based reasonable optimist anon
No thank you, this is a used woman's wish fulfillment
>shounen have significantly better romances
lmao even.
>r9k is full of fags thinking they're going to find it in real life.
no it's full of fags that know they'll never have it in real life.
I just want my MC and FeMC to have unprotected sex and teenage pregnancy drama in the middle of the story is that too much to ask?
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Teenage pregnancy can add so much drama, comedy and romance to a story. It's really a mystery to me why no mangaka ever tried to implement that.

Also daily reminder the author of pic related had to take a hiatus because she got too horny while drawing the manga and got pregnant
Just read kodomo no kodomo
sometimes screaming into the void regardless of praise is cathartic
>the author of pic related had to take a hiatus because she got too horny while drawing the manga and got pregnant
But that whole thing seemed really miserable to me... How did she get horny from drawing that?
It's cropped from a manga about a girl who gets insanely horny for a dude, she gets teachers fired and students expelled for trumped-up harassment charges and the prefect isn't having any of that shit
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It was one of the parts where she masturbates herself imagining getting fucked by the hall monitor
>kodomo no kodomo
I'm not reading that shit, again.
Made worse when it's bloody obvious who's fucking who and when they write the two as if they're already dating. Dress up darling is very guilty of that, Marin was way too comfortable showing her panties to gojou before they even considered dating and gojou got jealous of marin wearing lewd cosplay in front of others again before either of them seriously considered dating each other.
Everything you said just shows that it's an easy clutch for bad authors and a low hanging fruit for entertainment. Can't blame them for wanting "easy" money, but there are plenty of stories out there that do not follow that crappy script and are great.
You say "easy clutch" and "low hanging fruit" but why do you actually think it's that way? Say whatever you will about garbage that pads for the sake of padding with no real character progression like Rent A Girlfriend but the will-they-won't-they has an appeal for a fucking reason. It's like watching a flower bloom and people love seeing love bloom.
There is. You just need to search
>my girlfriends child
why does this sound like cuck shit or NTR? I still need some comedy in my romance, that cover looks depressing.
What the fuck is this garbage
It's not cuckoldry unless he/she cheats whilst already in a relationship.
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>I still need some comedy in my romance, that cover looks depressing.
this desu
Horny teens fuck. She gets pregnant and drama ensues. But is not NTR or sad but realistic. Not a comedy tho
>I need comedy in my romance manga i can't take drama
Bunch of pussies. Don't you all want romance? Comedy gets in the way. In that case just read fucking romance targeted at women
Nah, it's cuckoldry to raise another mans child as well, I mean that's literally what Cuckoo birds do.
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if I wanted drama I'd actually listen to my boss when he complains about his lazy whore of a wife
Nope. The literal definition is someone cheating whilst you're married.
I'm fine with drama faggot, I just don't want to be drowned in drama, I get enough drama in real life I don't want to be suffocated with it in my fiction unless I specifically go seeking it.
Jesus Christ why reading a romance for drama?
Drama isn't much if it doesn't have some comedy to contrast with it. What good is sadness if you don't know happiness? Laughs mean just as much as tears.
and the etymology literally goes back to the Cuckoo bird that lays their eggs in other birds nest forcing them to raise it.
Don't deal in absolutes
It's not the same with humans because cuckoo bird offspring often force the parent bird to take care of them or they get killed when the bird notices something is up depending on the kind. A human has no such dynamic.
>A human has no such dynamic.
They do in america.
nta but one of the biggest fears and concerns with cheating is the dude unknowingly raising another dude's child. Why do you think they chose cuck over any other phrase for infidelity
Yeah no, I think I'll stick to stuff like Nagatoro instead of hitting my balls with dramashit like a complete brainlet.
>>i can't take the drama
I like it in a very small quantity, but romances based only drama... Just they are not even worth to be called romance
do they actually fuck regularly and go through realistic relationship drama?
That is true. It's just that it's entirely different if you already know it isn't yours and you enter a relationship with someone who already has a child.
Well I started reading it, and the FeMC is already starting to annoy me by being a bitch to her boyfriend when he's being so supportive, though I know thats pretty realistic(I've literally seen it happen multiple times in my life, pregnant woman driving supportive men away) but it's still anoying.
I don't know about the relationships you've seen so I won't speak on them, but I'd give them some leeway due to already having to deal with periods and a fucked up body for the next 9 months.
>but I'd give them some leeway due to already having to deal with periods and a fucked up body for the next 9 months.
I do give some leeway, but the women in my family are bitches and I feel bad for the men that fall for them.
>So are we finally done with the bad romcom era?
To begin what? The non-existent romcom era? Because there's no replacements for Takagi-san derivatives like Niggatoro.
>Wait for Kanokari to finish.
Kanokari has been more eventful in the past 2 chapters than the other long-running romcoms (cuckoo, cafe, mayo, amagami). It's almost eerie.
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Síguele jugando al vergas cabrón
Great manga, need more incredibly thirsty girls.
EVERY romance has drama one way or another
So i read nagatoro today and they seriously had the audacity to imply nagatoro and senpai weren't together at the end? Wtf.
There's so much wrong with this series
The early bully dynamic was interesting but it was quickly forgotten.
The ticket was never used.
Nagatoro is a cuckold, whenever another girl interacted with paisen she got mogged.
The pres and shikki are exhibitionist whores (also shikki is obese)
The rest of the girls are sluts too.
The judo tournament arc was decent because oh wow it took time away from the "romance" and developed several characters and it wasn't just the same stale flirting just for the sake of it and despite the conclusion to the judo arc being pretty solid they time skip and nagatoro and paisen just high five after being away implying they aren't even together anymore.

I'm glad i didn't followed this series as it aired.
Ok, I'm almost done with whats translated so far and.
>Fuck the MC's mother
>Fuck the FeMC's brother
Why is the first world so fucking anti-natalism? Why did everyone stop caring about family aspect and become so "me, me, me" why did we go from "It's takes a village" to everyone wanting to be solo, disconnected and away from their families. I don't want to sound /pol/ish but I'm starting to think a certain group is behind the breaking part of the family system in first world countries.
It was good.
Imouto introduction showed promise and then the next 2 episodes were generic as fuck melodrama about him being nice, never seen the ass fall out of a show so quickly.
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Stuttering faggot betamale herbivore protags are the kiss of death for any anime, doubly so for romcoms. People want to watch chads like Ararararagi or the dude from Busou Shoujo, not weedy bullied losers. The prevalence of "femdom teasing" shit has been disastrous for a generation of anime.
Especially when said country is currently suffering from lack of children haha. But oh well, at least the end of the volumes comes with info about how to handle a pregnancy
Tell me about it, it's so fucked, no one wants families anymore they just want to party, be 100s of thousands of dollars in debt and die from overdose.
>being a bitch to her boyfriend when he's being so supportive
I understand the boyfriend being all smiles and supportive might come as annoying for the girls considering he isn't the one going through the pregnancy. Really makes you wonder how you should act in a situation like that. Stressed? worried? Don't say anything sweet and just be serious 24/7?
>no one wants families anymore they just want to party
Well the millennial generation doesn't really want to deal with those kinds of responsibilities. God knows i prefer shitposting in /a/ and playing vidya over dealing with a relationship.
>Fuck the FeMC's brother
He is cool. Much better than the fucking dad
A female celibate. Voluntarily obviously. Female incels can't exit
There's nothing you can do right but just keep your cool when she inevitably blows up at you.
>Well the millennial generation doesn't really want to deal with those kinds of responsibilities.
Don't want to sound like a faggot, but I was born in the wrong generation...
Did it end with a blowjob?
Did you want to be born alongside the Baby Boomers? Because i doubt Gen Z and Alpha think any different.
>Much better than the fucking dad
Once I got to the dad part I was so fucking annoyed, they're doing nothing but putting extreme unnecessary stress on the girl, only adult worth a damn is her mother. Also can someone fucking sit the boyfriend down and have an actual man to man with him instead of blaming him for everything.
Yes, but it hasn't to be 100% drama
>Did you want to be born alongside the Baby Boomers?
No, I wanted to be born 70 years in the future after the apocalypse, in post apocalyptic america where unity and tribalism is law.
the ending was weak and plain af

>Author keeps drawing porn on the side
is not even porn is just smut
did senpai get his dick sucked?
>instead of hitting my balls
I thought Nagatorofags enjoyed cock and ball torture.
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Yes, OP made a cameo during the 4chan crossover chapter and sucked senpai's dick for 20 pages.
It was quite an uncomfortable read.
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Only on Friday, sir
SJW tourists are what's killing manga/anime
There’s more cucking to be had in the epilogue, hopefully.
>takagi-san had to wait until becoming an adult
>nagatoro got nothing
>titty gremlin got the DARK DRAGON immediately
She won big.
Good riddance. It wasn't that good to begin with
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Finally, he can get back to making more monkey rape.
It happens because no one wants to turn the money faucet off of a series that is selling. Ideally though I think a lot of romcoms would be stronger if they were just shorter especially if they don't have anything interesting planned for the couple after they get together.
Twitterfags are salty like you wouldn't believe kek
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Mogged from above and below!
well I refer you back to my previous post >>269203809
>teenage pregnancy
>in the middle of the story
>more to come
>the romance part is kind of meh though
Nowdays it''s always polar opposites. "She's popular, he's friendless." "She's outgoing, he's a loner", "She's dumb, but he's smart" , etc.

When was the last time when we got an "anime" romcom where the male lead is on the same "ground" as the heroine?
As in, both parties are the popular/rich/talented or combination of those type of people, and the "tease" isn't one sided?
Was it Masamune?
Taking from life experience, having a gf that's an opposite of you in a meaningful way is a recipe for a toxic relationship
don't do it bros, it only works in fiction
I don't see anything wrong with either format.
>I preferred the baby boomer jap writers that wrote their mc as a skillful chad that actually deserved to have SOME girls he meets fawn over him. Like a role model or character to like and appreciate atleast.
>Raildex is pretty great example of this where there's so much good in the stories and great female characters and secondary mc, support cast, interesting concepts and powerz, relationships, and plot lines and the worst part is kamijou toma and his relationships to every other character in the series and there's even an arc about this in the LN how the story world would be so much better off without him and it's like YA BRO IT WOULD FUCK....
So which is it? Because most of the girls that fawn over Touma do so because he saved their fucking life. Also maybe stop being a secondary retard and read the novels, since the arc you mentioned was about a goddess trying to get him to kill himself and him coming to terms that its ok to be selfish and want to live for his own sake.
Your next move will be to act like the anime is a good enough representation of the LNs despite being a fucking dogshit adaptation.
>So i read nagatoro today and they seriously had the audacity to imply nagatoro and senpai weren't together at the end?
Nothing in this post ever happened
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I've already read all of MT.
Kill yourself, retarded tourist.
Defective life.
anime and manga wasnt gatekept hard enough
Where's the gaslighting and shaming ITT, though? Lots of fans don't like where Sono and Nagatoro are/were going.

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