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>wireless earbuds
Picked up.
>Doesn't explain the point on why that is a problem.
>Just post a thread
You just want attention.
If you have to ask, you're underage
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I was going to make a comment about licking her earwax off of the earbuds, but then I remembered that Asians have dry earwax that probably doesn't stick to earbuds...
>samsung buds
that gave me the ick!
I'm going to explain the obvious: because wireless earbuds keep dropping out of ears.
Why would you move around enough to do that?
I like over the headphones but that's a retarded take.
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Maybe if you're using cheap chinese earbuds and a sweaty fuck to boot. And even this one isn't a proper excuse, because I myself am a fat sweaty fuck, and i can use wireless earbuds just fine while using my bike. (ear wax does become a problem, but that would happen with any kind of in-ear buds, wired or not)
Thanks, I dropped those.
The real reason is because Bluetooth compression fucks up the audio, but /a/ doesn't know that.

I lel'd
Im an headphones/iem guy but >>269194568 is right. Level up your ears bro. They dont fall out anymore.
>overpriced hipster fordable phone instead of an iPhone
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knife-eared elvish scum delicate hands typed this post
fuck, it was meant for >>269194429
This new thing called tinnitus
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Joke? Was that the main point?

Try harder.
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>not liking the feeling of someone else's ear cheese
Why are you bringing up actual physical problems? That has nothing to do.
>Bluetooth compression
its so damn good these days that i cant bring myself to care. im not going to commute with open-back headphones and a usb dac in my pocket. i thought i did. i have flac on demand through plexamp. but i dont.
You're all lying. Samsung earbuds (which are the ones in the image) do fall out. It's a common complaint.
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Fuck off and die wojakker
nigga your ears are disgusting
Here, retard.
Take that with the company instead of telling up on /a/ that he was wrong for being considerate.
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I've been using sony linkbuds for awhile now and they're pretty nice. I like having total freedom of movement while I listen to anime scenes during my maladaptive daydreaming walks.
It's also common to a lot of people around the world to be retarded and not being able to correctly put and adjust the earbuds in their ears in a manner that avoid slipping
>p2 phones connected to PC
>left channel works fine but right channel goes through the left channel too and so the right side has no audio while plugged to the PC but works fine elsewhere
>have to set the audio to mono for it to work
>can't use an actual sound card because my old as fuck mobo is mini-atx and only has a single PCI-E slot which is already occupied by my video card
>get one of those usb sound cards and the sound is actually stereo now, except that there's some small buzzing in the background
>find out after a lot of searching that this happens because my old as fuck house doesn't have proper grounding
I'm at my limit, I can't believe I'm going to fucking learn how to properly ground my electric sockets just because of some easy to ignore buzzing and this all could have been prevented if it was a USB headset instead.
>old good new bad
This is why I won't ever use wireless technology.
Cope. It shouldn't even be a problem. It's not a problem with wired headphones.
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I'm not the one who keeps losing his earbuds, mate
I only bought two pairs and realized their inferiority. Never buying what these companies keep shilling. The audio is superior with wired anyways.
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The audiophile in just me dies every time I see someone wearing them.
Every *phile should die.
>im not going to commute with open-back headphones and a usb dac in my pocket.
That's not the only alternative.
The proper solution is closed-back headphones wired directly into your phone with a proper AutoEQ setup.
>uhhh...like...why do you care about audio quality? just use wireless earbuds bro...
Why is /a/ like this?
I said this 20 years ago about Wi-Fi.
I may say the same in 20 years about Bluetooth, but today is not that day.
I still didn't buy that stuff because I would feel like a disgusting hipster wearing them. The only people I see using wireless earbuds are hipsters, Turks and the worst of all, bankers.
>letting microwaves that near your brain

you need to do some homework
Zoomer invasion
I don't even use wifi up to this day. Hate phones and fail to see why I should use them if I have a PC and I don't have any hobbies that would make it necessary to go online with any other tech.
If OP knew what homework was, she wouldn't have ended up here.
You imply that those were the same people, you imply wrong. I hate both.
No way. Women are the first that latch onto that shit because iphones. Classic headphone wearing women are cool but rare as shit.
And the romcom of these two begins
>Classic headphone wearing women are cool but rare as shit.
Because I married all of them. Sux2bu.
There are very few things in the world that make me think less of a person but wireless earphones, apple products and reading of webtoons belong to them.
some webtoons are actually not that bad but most are trash and the fags that shill them are subhuman
>n-not all webtoons
Stop being Korean.
>bro bro bro, omniscient shitters and the gaymer are the greatest webtoon ever made you absolutely have to read them,
>manga is poop
>how dare you call me a shill
>yes of course I only read exclusively ntr porn
>I always have anyone who dares to tell me webtoons don't belong on /a/ banned usually for off topic or for trolling outside of /b/ they will have to learn webtoons are the future of /a/
Whomst've'd are you quoting?
The reason I don't use Bluetooth is because it makes my PC's internet shit.
The italian gookbou we must not name
I hate Waluigi so goddamn much
>wireless earbuds
This can be annoying, they can be hard to find or somebody can step on them
>Sharing earbuds is a dying trope now
It's a metaphor for the atomization of modern society.
You don't need a wire to connect to each other now. Red thread of fate is obsolete.
get with the times old anon
I swear people that shill specific webtoons are like idiots that watch youtubers. There is always someone trying to tell you that THIS one series or guy was totally different from the others and not shit and everytime I give it a chance it's not just pure garbage, it's the exact same garbage as all the others that the shill claims to be worse.
this triggers my no headphone jack autism
>Red thread of fate is obsolete.
Now you need the red oscilloscope, antenna not included.
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>USB-C to 3.5mm adapter
It's crazy how many scenes and plot points you simply cannot write anymore because of the existence of phones. I mean you can always choose the setting for a story and just make it take place in the past, but editors don't like that and the majority is allergic against stories that don't reflect their current modern life to the point at which stories that canonically take place in the 60s or 200 years before get rewritten to be up-to-date like Banana Fish and the Simpsons every 10 years.
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kyon-kun, denwa
I got a pair after stating listening to audiobooks, the convenience of not having cables makes it more than worth.
My problem with them isn't compression or losing them or anything else. I just hate the idea of having to charge to use a tool.
It's as asinine to me as going "hang on, I need to plug in my axe before I can chop some wood". inb4 chainsaw comparison fuck off
>but editors don't like that
is this better? for me no
Make romance denpa again.
I find this true upon a cursory review of my recent experiences with anime but fail to understand why, given isekai and the like are super popular which were obviously written in the past before magic usage went into remission.
Trigger fag doesn't get to judge anyone
I agree with you. It's not any better.
I still feel weird when I see smartphones in anime.
Yes. This one is a "let me use a tool so I can listen to music without bothering those around me". The former is "let me use this unnecessary corporate middleman device so I can [etc.]"
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As opposed to non-corporate middleman device?
You still can't charge your phone while using an earphone.
Isekai don't follow any era so they aren't perceived as historical. The authors are usually very inexperienced young people without much of a common knowledge and no care so they just throw everything into it that sounds cool to them so you get shit from completely different eras and even continents but modern mindsets all mixed together.
That's such an obscure observation I had to go and test it just now. Thanks for that.
I'm able to charge my Nord Oneplus N10 while listening to music through earbuds. Can't say for other devices obviously.
I still remember how fucking weird it felt to me when some anon revealed that smartphones were popular in Japan and that they were more commonly used than PCs. It was like a mindblow to me and I didn't get why.
Then a few years later I realised that an old online friend of mine was logging in from the phone all day. That guy was a NEET, so it made even less sense. I considered him retarded back then. Then I slept under a rock and was busy with work and hobbies and then all of a sudden the whole world was already using those phones for years and nobody had a PC or knew how to work with one anymore.
Almost felt lime time travel or isekai'ing.
I will accept that defense, however that shouldn't preclude older authors from writing about their own time periods.
>younger audiences may not care for it but that's another argument
Don't worry, it's the children who are wrong.
It makes sense depending on what you're doing. You can just grab your phone while laying in bed. I sleep on the ground and keep a laptop next to me so I can also do that reliably with the laptop but 1/3 mornings I still default to grabbing phone to do whatever morning stuff I need (checking news, reading articles / books, etc.)
PC is only better for a few things, such as a writing, programming, watching media, gaming.
And the normalfag doesn't do most of those things. There are some weirdos who will even write entire webnovels or LNs on their phone.
I think that historic stuff (to which I also count past recent eras) is commonly seen as dry. Try to get a westerner into reading Golden Kamuy or Historie for example and you will witness what I am talking about.
I never really understood it so I cannot explain their way of thinking, I just know that historical manga tend to be painfully underrated. Sometimes Japan loves them (like Golden Kamuy) but the west ignores them completely. Sometimes it's rather the other way around, sometimes both ignore it. But I never witnessed that it was generally popular unless you count series with magic and everything where the setting is barely relevant besides being the backdrop or reason for some cool some costumes.
It's THE reason why I will never buy a phone without a 3.5mm jack.
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Nah it makes literally no sense. The earphone thing for example is a preference, yes. But I would have to hit the max. character limit if I had to list everything that makes phones shit and way less handy than PCs as well as harder to use and generally crippled.
It's like pretending that eating shit was logically the way to go because shit can be seen as food and unlike pasta or a steak it is easier to get and free since you just have to follow some dog or something. Sure it's free and easy to find, but every sane person would still ask why you would prefer this over BBQ.
I will never buy a phone, period.
>I will never get a job, period.
I love it when corporate drones try to control me and ask my for my what's app and I tell them I have none.
Okay, the children are wrong AND stupid.
I mean I've had a smartphone since 2011 but for some reason whenever I see one in an anime it just feels so wrong and it immediately breaks all immersion and I become really distracted by the fact they're using a smartphone and how wrong it feels. I don't even know why I feel this way about.
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They unironically are and that increases my job security.
That's the only correct decision in modern society.
Based NEET
oh shit she dancin!
I love living in the countryside and not having to interact with corporate drones at all.
The 80s or 90s could work for a LOT of settings.
Someone's being hunted down in town at night and can't call anyone. You have a friend stumble upon them to increase the drama because now two people are being hunted. Modern day == cell phone to call for help and it ruins the atmosphere, unless you have something like "no signal" but then you need a reason for that, such as a jammer or a supernatural element. Phone not working for some reason in Tokyo inherently means something's wrong which may not be the vibe you're going for.
IDK I'm just rambling at this point, but a lot of technology makes certain elements inherently untenable.

It actually really bothers me. I used to save certain anime for rewatches later, having the thought of "I'd like to watch this with my child one day (>implying)", but now thinking about it, they'll feel unable to relate seeing media without phones and faggots and the every growing signs of the decay of civilization around.

They don't let you do that? Lol...
WAIT. I guess it's because they have only the one port. Okay I feel retarded now. I thought it was some software thing you were referencing.

>it's like eating literal shit when
>why would you prefer this
You probably are like me and associate phones with trends and trends in media are fucking shit. I feel the same about phones and memes in cartoons.
>design patterns
good morning sir
It doesn't matter where you work in my country every upper echelon is a workaholic that expects you to be same and the coworkers are leeches that demand your number so that they can call in sick and force you to step in for them (everyday). This is the main reason for why I am not giving it to them. I even have a phone I just never really use it. Even if I gave them the address it would make things worse since I would never notice when they call me and work would be even worse since the bosses would claim that you knew and ignored it.
>Someone's being hunted down in town at night and can't call anyone. You have a friend stumble upon them to increase the drama because now two people are being hunted. Modern day == cell phone to call for help and it ruins the atmosphere, unless you have something like "no signal" but then you need a reason for that, such as a jammer or a supernatural element. Phone not working for some reason in Tokyo inherently means something's wrong which may not be the vibe you're going for.
>IDK I'm just rambling at this point, but a lot of technology makes certain elements inherently untenable.
Interesting. I never thought about that.
>they have only the one port
Yes. Which is why removing the 3.5mm is retarded. "To make the phones slimmer" just doesn't cut it. But normalfags' obsession with wireless headphones/earbuds just lets the corpos get away with it.
Memes in cartoons are truly awful. Especially because memes are so transient now, at least in the past memes (the dictionary definition of "meme," not the "look at this funny tweet" definition of the word) lasted long enough to become culturally significant and weren't just jokes that become stale after 2 weeks. They're always WAAY behind when they put memes in cartoons, and not behind enough to be charming because of nostalgia, but just behind enough for it to be extremely cringe inducing because you know whoever wrote it isn't actually up to date on these things but felt it was necessary to "stay hip" and googled "memes" and picked whatever the first suggestion was.
This is just the "old losers bitching thread", lol
touch grass
Yeah this. It's worse than the cop problem. As in "why don't they just call the cops"? Before cops were a thing drama, threats and conflicts were much easier. If you wanted a modern setting you always need an excuse as to WHY the MC isn't just calling the damn cops or why they don't notice the serial killer. Phones made that even worse for the reasons you mentioned.

Instead of coming up with gay excuses writer should state that their story takes place in an alternative reality, everything is the same but phones were never invented and Jobs was murdered as teen at the beginning of the story.
I'd rather be murdered than use a phone to call the cops.
My biggest phone fag related shock was that 99% of them are willingly eating up ad-ridden garbage or paying for the ad-free versions which is just as bad.
No person with a sense of intelligence and/or pride would ever accept this shit. You either get it for free AND without adds or you throw it into the garbage bin. AFAIK blocking is much easier with PC and honestly I wouldn't even be able to tolerate the modern internet without 50 different add-ons that make it acceptable.
Humanity is doomed.
Even though I'm complaining about it, it probably won't be THAT big of a deal. Stories happen regardless of the setting. In Kaguya you have moments where she's hesitant about answering Shigure's texts too soon to not be clingy. In the norse days of Vikings obviously you won't have that worry or story element.

When those tech elements were still new you and not truly integrated to society yet you had creative work arounds like "plebs can't see spiritual energy like in Yu Yu Hakusho, so Yusuke can just fire off spirit guns behind the teacher's back without anyone noticing. Monsters masquerade as humans until they start killing people".
But now it's something like "we will create a closed space and pause time to have a super natural battle and then fix all the damage and restart so no one interferes and it's like it never happened in the first place!" like in Sasaki to Piichan.
With all the advances in tech perhaps the worst thing is the almost vanished sci-fi stories, only dystopian stories remain. Grim.

You can put adblock on a mobile browser and use something like vanced or newpipe and that covers 90% of most phone stuff normies (and myself) will use or care about.
I tried putting ublock on someone's PC (they were borrowing from someone else) and they didn't want me to change anything because what if I break it. I wasn't close to the person in the first place but after that my respect went to zero. Half being a techlet / not understanding the tool you're using and half for thinking I'm as ignorant as they are.
Fuck. Dropped again.
Most of the normalfags don't even know how to block ads on PC let alone on phones. The thing I don't get is why the corpos keep trying to push ads to those who do know how to block ads. Ad blocking is not as prevalent as they seem to think.
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Air buds
Spotted the normalfaggot
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Never had them fall out before. What deformed fucking ear do you have?
Stop listening to inferior quality audio.
Or what?
>Windows 11
Never mind. You're just retarded. Carry on.
Thank you father, I will!
Airpods wall out as well, it's annoying as hell.
Now I picked them up, it's NTR now, I'm gonna fuck you
Just get a good brand like JBL and this won't happen to you.
>The thing I don't get is why the corpos keep trying to push ads to those who do know how to block ads
Didn't even know they were doing that. Haven't seen adds since late 2009 or something. Whenever adblock became popular.
Youtube keeps breaking alternative frontends. Google keeps shafting UBO on chrome (which is what normalfags use). It's mind boggling.
I'll stick to Moondrop and wires.
My left wireless earbud stopped charging since more than a year ago, so only the right one works. And wired headphones also always break on one side after around 1 to 2 months of usage. The headphones industry is such a huge scam it's actually insane
It just works for me, I'm mostly deaf from blasting metal at full volume for over a decade so hi-fi hardware is probably wasted on me.
Is it me or have brain tumours become more and more common the moment these appeared.
I swear I now know at least 3-4 people that have had tumours now.
Let's see those stats
>Youtube keeps breaking alternative frontends.
Oh well was lucky then. Only use youtube to find music though, maybe they don't bother with niche folk shit. Chrome was always shit yeah. Used it once until it tried to switch my add-ons off. Deleted and went back to my other browsers.
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>the ick
I want mid 20s cougars to leave /a/.
Only 12-19 yr old schoolgirls and 30+ yr old cougars are allowed here.

>mfw my sister said this literal shit the other day
>bitch you ain't young anymore, don't get picky
Doubt it. I witnessed so many cancer cases when I was a kid in the late 80s and throughout the 90s. Knew at least four people that died from brain tumors alone. Like leukemia brain tumors are a type of cancer that is quite common among young(er) people.
25 is young, incel
how many eggs she got left?
mine only survived for 2 months before left one lost battery life
I'm 29 can I stay?
Install gentoo
Wireless buds are the best thing for doing workout or cleaning your house.
Hitler invented smartphones
Jesus would hate smartphones
Never forget
Hitler killed 6 gorillion
What have you accomplished?
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I lose just as many sperm on a daily basis to my angel Gura-chan
I used in ear buds when the ipod/mp3 craze started, I'd leave them in my ears overnight 50% of the time, for a couple years. Now I've got tinnitus, doubt that would have happened if it was a headset and couldn't sleep with it.

Inner ear buds just hurt as well, I regret using them.
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understandable have a great day
Why do you need background music while working out or doing chores? That's literal NPC behavior. Stop listening to music as background noise.
I just want to drown out the horrors of city life.
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>Uuuuuh I left dem buds in my ears an' now I gots the itis oooooooh
>hey old man you dropper your pods
Listening to music while doing chores is efficient, how is that npc behavior?
Striving for efficiency is soulless NPC behavior.
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>Zoomer thread still not deleted.
Get some with winglets. Those won't drop out of your ears.
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Is that right, Billy?
You're not young. You're nearly 30.
Zoomers are like 27 now.
No, wait a year.
27-29 sucks man, it's just impeding doom of 30. You've already missed the boat and decline is well on it's way.
Then again, that is the case post 21. Especially with covid now fucking the brain up neurally.
Zoomers are like 30 mate.
Some of Gen Y are nearly 50.
My Dad's not much older than Kurt and he's nearly 70.

It's not 2004.
I mean I feel pretty okay, I'm not all that concerned about being 30, or even not having kids. Childbirth has always seemed terrifying.
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This sounds like cope.
It's begun.
>t. Gen Alpha
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And listen to only one side or be forced to set it to MONO? You think I'm some kind of TROGLODYTE?
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>Gen Alpha
They're only 14ish or somethi- OH NO.

How are 2 younger generations copying my generation's hobbies still?
I see them IRL still doing the shit my gen began.
How is Pokemon still selling.

Is this it?
Are we all eternal zoomers?

We're really going to be 80 yr olds talking about why Charmander is the best starter, aren't we.
Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism
The future is deferred. Zoomers have been dressing like it's 2004 for about 3 years now.
Yeah, in-ear are way better and headphones will never reach the same quality of audio for the same price.
Are boomers using wireless tech, gramps?
I also used to absolutely detest this when kids passed me one side of their earphones.
This is why they don't do this now. Instead their phones actually have decent speakers.

Actually... they did when I was a kid too 2bh. They have been better than portable speakers since like 2009.
I've never liked using my phone for this shit though. It sounds so bad you might as well not listen to it.
But most people listen to garbage where you cannot tell the diff.
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With USB dongles. Sure. It's the only way that you can make sure the connection isn't shit.
2004 was 30 years ago...
Do wireless earbuds fit in your wrinkly ears?
I use over the ear headphones, Earbuds cause hearing lost, and buildup of gross earwax/bacteria.
You're dad is 27?
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I talked to a silent gen person the other day that was using bluetooth in their hearing implants.
They don't use buds.
>clearly they never heard about the medical issues with bluetooth because the lobby is that insane

I am so done with the medical industry. They're like a monkey's poor. They'll give you convenience... but it will give you tumours and they'll lobby and lie to cover that up.
This is why I see older people use this shit more. They simply don't care at that age, they're already dying.

And I'll bet the market went - hang on, why don't we psychologically abuse youths into suicidal behaviour so they buy more of our shit too!
And now you know why they sell drugs and recklessness to kids through media.
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>1990 was 70 years ago

I blame capitalism.
Gramps tend to be all in on the blutooth.
The only people I know not using blu are like gen X and younger because they know about the health risks.
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>monkey's paw
Don't type tired.
Be real, unless you're a neat freak would putting a thing INSIDE your ear canal every day not cause problems?
>Bluetooth gives you cancer!
Okay, say it to me again and with a straight face.
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There's a reason why GitS still uses wires even post wifi.
That shit can mess with your computers, let alone your brain.
>boomers enter the thread
>schizo tinfoilhat theories begin
No I've literally had wax issues in my ears from buds. They're pretty dangerous things. Can cause deafness from wax clogging in the canals. I had that recently and got the wax washed out by a doctor.
>There's a reason why GitS still uses wires even post wifi.
You mean, because the manga was written in the 90s and it would be weird to break continuity?
We just said that baby boomers use this tech the most.
Because only people older than 60 think this shit is safe.

They grew up in a time when asbestos cigarettes were considered healthier too.
God bless lobbying.
Anon, that was what I was saying...
I knew the reactionary techlets were terrified of 5G giving them aidscancer, but I didn't know that bluetooth of all things was on their list as well. Let me guess, cell phones also make you sterile, wifi wilts plants, and nonionizing radiation is just one big cover-up, right?
Please tell us again how bluetooth headsets will give you an incurable brain tumor. Please. Just say the word.
No, it just doesn't make sense.
You still see cyberpunk doing this today and it's because of security issues.

In GitS SAC security of a cyberbrain was a key thing. Clearly IG were thinking about it.
Let's get you to bed, gramps.
>You still see cyberpunk doing this today
Because it looks cool.
Get with the times, ojii-san
These things have been extensively studied over the course of like 30 years (like something else that was supposedly super dangerous that you guys said would kill everyone, but I don't want to derail the thread) and no link has been found. Do you think Apple Watches give you diseases too? The sun gives off more radiation than any of these devices.
>And now you know why they sell drugs and recklessness to kids through media.
I won't argue drugs but kids and young people have always been reckless as a general rule.
It's just the way of the world.
Having 3-4 people around me having tumours is a bit of an eye opener. 2 of them were less than 30 (one was less than 20).
But continue believing in a billion dollar industry made to lie to you.
I'm betting you idiots all use microwave ovens to heat your food, too. You won't be laughing when you visit the radiologist in 10 years. The science is out there.
Hope you get your own tumor soon, gramps.
>You still see cyberpunk doing this today and it's because of security issues.
Why do Dominators in Psycho-Pass not have wires? I thought it'd be very important for them to be secure, and IG did that one too
But you're gramps if you use these, gramps.
Imagine using insecure protocols like blutooth in a world where AI can be leveraged to fuck your brain with it.

You're living in 2001, gramps.
Blutooth is an insecure protocol and your government is literally using it to fuck with you and your family with it, gramps.
I don't use bluetooth devices but not because of schizo theories.
I live in Russia. Our government is based.
It's not inside the ear canal, it sits in the large dip of the ear where you can put your thumb in.

NTA, but the human brain can detect the electromagnet waves of the earth.
I'm not going to say anything about bluetooth or whatever because I don't have the data on hand to know, but earth has been emitting said electromagnetic waves since ever and we're only just now finding out we can detect them ourselves to a small extent. I wouldn't be surprised if data comes out later saying bluetooth has some sort of effect.
>maybe if I make up anecdotal evidence people will forget that nonionizing radiation provably does not give you cancer
Yeah, uh, good luck with that.
2bh, any body part connected to an electrical grid with poor maintenance is a potential health hazard.
If you have blackouts, you shouldn't connect your body to that grid. You're heading for disaster.
Whoops! I wanted to go to /a/, seems I went to /pol/ by mistake!
Is Bluetooth tranny demon technology compatible with the latest COVID vaccines? Are they using modified RNA to amplify the bluetooth signals?
I just find them annoying, they cut out and then your music blasts on your phone.
Which is embarrassing.

Who said it was your own government you had to worry about?
Well I hope they really tried with those protocols then
>it's /pol/ when I disagree with an opinion
Ok pal.
My based KGB government will protect me from other evil governments
I was never capable of loving people romantically and having others around me in my private rooms so that part is good and kids have weird proportions and can't talk so I wouldn't know what to do with them. My issue is that I feel that everything is getting more boring since childhood. But once you turn 30 you lived for so long that nothing feels new anymore which makes everything worse, especially when you realize that miracles and cool things never happen. Maybe I was so happy as teen and 20yo because I was delusional, but I felt like the world was full of adventures and mysteries back then and that something big would happen sooner or later, and now that belief is gone.
It's not the protocols.
It's things like power surges and capacity issues.
Our grids are not in good shape. They're run on cheap now.

I get more blackouts nowadays than I did as a kid.
Yeah how delusional is that mentality ay?
And yet people have that opinion in the older generations.
Gen X and younger have 0 faith in their system though.
It's pol when it's schizo spouting nonsense "theories".
my 60 dollar ones lasted 4 months
meanwhile my 9 dollar ones last 2 years and sound better
This is why the West will fall and we won't
Stop pretending you're russian.
I knew this thread was getting fucky.
Your fortune for today is: [More than slightly retarded]
> My issue is that I feel that everything is getting more boring since childhood.
That's one of the main perks people report about having children, is that they experience a sort of second childhood raising their own children because the newness and excitement rubs off them in a secondhand way (even for the crotchety ones who doubted it would work that way for them).
You're missing out because you're not doing the thing you're somewhat programmed to, such as the whole hormonal rush towards fucking in your teens / 20s which would have inevitably caused the children for you to raise in your 30s and 40s.
You step off the path then you shouldn't be surprised when things feel wrong.
That's not what I heard from hacking seminars like 37C3.
Blutooth is a failure.
With AI it's a disaster happening to people.
It's not an opinion; It's an assertion.
And it's retarded.
>Do you think Apple Watches give you diseases too?
I wish, imagine getting rid of apple fags that easily. But yeah. People genuinely don't understand how radiation and any sorts of wave work. It's like the tards that still claim that microwaves would kill you because they don't read books or even wikipedia that explain what energy levels are.
>With AI it's a disaster happening to people.
Don't forget to send your money to Yud too
Oh well that makes sense at least. But I am not into others so I doubt it would work. Never had the urge to fuck as a teen either, I was busy with books and daydreaming. Touching people disgusts me for some reason and naked humans are ugly.
It's already started with the Galaxy Ring. People are afraid it'll cause their fingers to fall off. I'm not joking.
even now having a usual bud with cable need something extra to be useful
>official Gimai thread dies in less than 100 posts
>screen from Gimai thread 200+ posts and counting
Wireless earbuds are /g/ approved. Glad this board continues to prove it has shit taste
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I made the switch to wireless and ruined 2 pairs because I kept forgetting to take them out in the shower
just don't shower man, that's NPC behavior
>Wireless earbuds are [HEADCANON]
We need an anime about a loner from the 90s getting teleported into the 20s and hating everything new.
Isekai Ojisan really missed an opportunity
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Why did he do it?
Typical Shamiko behavior.
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That's what you get for being an inferior demon.
Every earphone in existence used to drop from my ears even when I sat completely still until I found about these, blessed to be. Best invention for my weirdly shaped ear canals.
The music you listen to is so shit it wouldn't even matter if it mattered
could you repeat that?
we're all in the wired now
>the red thread of fate is frayed
it all makes sense now
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>doesn't want cancer
>still walks outside
They Feed Us Poison
So we take their 'cures
While they suppress our medicine.
Beautiful thread.
Good night /a/.
do morons really think that music helps them study? I have hyper-focus, I isolate the universe when I"m studying. I don't understand. I can read Kierkegaardin a head-banger concert (and I did) and still write an essay about it.
whatever the fuck happened with ecchi-bait lo-fi channels? o0
All I wanted was an attention grabbing screenshot, and they're all sanitized now. wtf.
broke ass bitch doesn't have airpods
>I have hyper-focus, I isolate the universe when I"m studying
I also have hyper-focus, but it only works with things I enjoy. So if I tried that, I would end up ignoring everything else and focusing on the music instead (I play guitar and bass and my autism makes me imagine the finger positions on the fretboard even if I'm not touching the instrument).
nah, I live with passive-aggressive demons. My hyper-focus works the other way around. I isolate all I hate and focus on what's pragmatic or what is needed. Either way, music would be at the most useless white noise, and no one should even need that. they need to fucking understand the text. not create distractions. which would hurt instant gratification, low attention span, morons even more.
also, I hate everything. so there's that.
Depending on what you're doing, some people need to hear some noise to calm down their brains
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Real niggers harness bluetooth daemon tulpas for sexual purposes.

Oh and specific frequencies of sound can and will be utilised to produce specific cellular situations in the brain that can cause things like nausea, but that's a conspiracy theory and not an auditory weapon device that is literally used by the army nowadays.
It's not like auditory noise isn't commonly used in brain therapy already.
Get with the times.

These daemons are fucking your brain.
No it's /pol/ when you disagree with it because /pol/ is a marketable scapegoat for lobby enthusiasts that believe nothing but their cult and don't want to be perturbed with thought.
Then again, you can't even type forward slashes so you are either a bot or a retard with no energy to think things over.
>Wireless earbuds are /g/ approved.
Not what I heard there. They have /ieg/ and it's constantly calling them cancerous devices. Not literal cancer, just shit sound quality.
But they also cause real cancer.
>hating everything new.
But baby boomers love these new things.
Only kids hate new things.
But continue sprouting your boomer theories.

Most kids today hate tech. It's ruined their lives.
I got free wireless buds with my phone. They're convenient and sound good
I've never had a pair that didn't drop out constantly.
I bought expensive ones once and that didn't change shit.
They are garbage because the protocol is garbage.

People have been complaining about it since like 2000. It's never improved. It's still shit and a security vector.
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I think the problem is that things are so bad nowadays that people tolerate shit tier quality more and more.
We've had bluetooth since I was very very young and they've never really improved. They're still so bad. People just tolerated them after a while because Apple and co decided to force people to use it to cheapen out on their manufacturing costs.

This is how dumb people are.
This is the industry you're reinforcing.
You are paying for low tier garbage that won't be properly improved and made safer because conglomerates of corporations don't want to pay for cords.

This is your modern tech industry. It will feed you cancer to feed their profits and that's it.
Now fuck off with your buds and read things about them before using them. Not from the source though, from specialists that complain about these industries because they're way more trustworthy having next to no lobby against an industry with a massive lobby.
I read that in Eyebags Man's voice.
I really thought complaining about bluetooth headphones was a thing of the tens…
You people are so stuck in your head that you’re still having these converns a decade later
Life must be suffering when you have superhearing that prevents you from enjoying all music and media trough wireless earbuds
Still complaining about this stuff is frankly pointless and makes you look like a huge weirdo if you actually do it in real life
But hey it’s your life, you’re allowed to not enjoy it, but the rest of us have to deal with your laughable complaints
Me too as I wrote that.
I think that's why it came out that way.
Let me guess: you also stream your anime and see no problem with it.
What do you mean? I have old hardrdives all around the house filled with all the classic
But I don’t have an autistic seizure if some of the files are in *gasp* 480p
Just like streaming videos is objectively inferior in quality, music through bluetooth is too. But you're too retarded to notice the drop in quality in either case and only torrent anime (if you even know how to) because /a/ told you to.
>I really thought complaining about bluetooth headphones was a thing of the tens…
How old are you? 12?
It's been a thing since it came onto the scene.
It just disconnected a fuck tonne and sounded trash.

It's disconnecting a tiny bit less now, but it still sounds like dithered trash.
I think it's interaction with mp3 creates a terrible sound. It's overcompensating for errors probably to do with compression and quantization over the top of what already is there with just the MP3 format.

So it sounds kinda buzzy and makes things tinny and not in a way that guitar distortion does well with. It's like mosquitos to me.
/a/ sure is full of boomer brained gen xers. I wonder what they'll complain about in 20 years.
when will they learn
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I agree, bluetooth listeners and streamers deserve death for tolerating garbage quality.
God I was watching a show the other day and there were so many iffy moments with the sub translation (because it's just the dub now, and we all know the dub is always wrong).
Well you should.
Unless you're a fucking idiot or never experienced fansubbing and the issues with translation back then (which were in retrospect far better than the shitty corpo subs we get now).
You can really tell that none of you ever go outside
Wireless earbuds have been the most significant edition to the quality of life when actually moving in the outside world
Gone are the days when the cuckstring connected me to my mysic device like a slave
Your insults really lack effect when you were wrong in the first place
Kinda grasping at straws with the retard calling too trying to shift the blame into something else like a baby
I’m sorry you can’t enjoy life or anything, maybe some incel corner in the backside of the internet will share your woes and pat you on the back for your ridiculous opinions
Funny that all of you are having these problems that (were somewhat relevant in the tens) I haven’t had for a literal decade
What’s whit this disconnecring talk, like I’ve had that happen like once in my entire life
And as to what comes to the soundquality and buzzing you’re talking about
Go fuck yourself that’s just you autists whining about a pea under 10 matressess
Why the system genocided youths and elderly because they just obeyed their system and never questioned shit like slaves. Apparently.
Of course, the youth don't do this. I see them all the time and they discourage phone use nowadays in groups because it comes off as horrifying to them.

To my gen it was normal to read facebook during gathos. In retrospect, kinda dumb. But I learned from the kids doing this to put my phone away.
>quality of life
It actually decreased the quality of life.
>Want to listen to music on the subway
>Need to keep my earbuds charged all the time
It's just peak consumerism where whatever new lies the corpos pedal, normalfags eat it up. Not to mention that the audio quality to non-deaf people is noticably worse.
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>You can really tell that none of you ever go outside
I do and only the dumb yuppies use earbuds or elderly people.
I grew up with these things, nigger. I know what it's like.
They're fucking 20 years old. They're not new. They're old technology. They've been around me nearly my whole life.

What is this? An ear buds promo thread?
Fuck off ear bud pajeets.
I'm not tolerating your shitty quality.
Oh and you add the fact that there ESG issues with getting rid of cord pollution and limiting the quality of these products for the fucking environment.
Now that's another can of worms.

Reminder you will eat ze bugs and you will listen to ze bluetooth.
You know something is lower quality when faggots use environmentalism to leverage it as a product.
Just look at electric cars.
I’m just here to challenge the retarded status quo of 4chan that all you retards try to upkeep
You’re so young you have no idea what other problems listening to music on the go used to have and you want to identify with this websites boomer incels so much that you’re willing to hate anything that’s good and useful
I’m sorry you have retarded ears that make you hear buzzing and screeching when there is none present
>too retarded to keep a device charged
I recommend assisted living
Isn’t that just a consequense of making stuff more enviormentally friendly
Like really take 2 seconds to really think about that…
>I'm free of the cuckstring!
>What do you mean you can't plug in a device for charging constantly?
You're the one claiming that you're free you fucking retard. At least read what you post.
But I know you will keep licking corpo boots like you always have. Normalfags like you will also justify removing the 3.5mm jack because it's "useless" and buying overpriced shit.
>0 argument
Why did you even bother, this is embarrasing
>audio quality is objectively worse
>quality of life objectively decreased
There's nothing to argue when you will eat up anything.
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I'm genuinely convinced some of the people grumbling about the prevalence of wireless technology are zoomers pretending to be oldfags. I can't be fucked going outside and deal with the noise of loud monkeys and an irritating headphone cable getting tangled while I walk around or in the crowd. But hey I discovered this great pair of noise cancelling earphone which happens to be wireless and guess what, TURNS OUT THEY'RE FUCKING AIRPODS.
Though I still use my wired AudioTechnica headphones for my computer.
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Yeah it is the consequence of rich people forcing plebs to use inferior shit so they can get more of the superior shit.
And I'm a bit of an environmentalist. I'm so fucking jaded with that leveraging ruining environmentalism and diverting attention from bigger issues to tiny minor niggles for the sake of profits.

Look up "green ammonium" btw.
BP is a major lobby for that.
Only gen alpha uses wireless tech.
You forgot the (TM).
So are AIRPODS(TM) now targeting anime and manga as product placement?
If so, that's fucking disgusting.
You shouldn't read these manga if they are getting kickbacks.

This was bordering intolerable in the 00s when CG and DtB did it (used to be considered a positive thing for some fucking reason in the mid 00s when it was new). It's now cancer. Stop.
And not OP?
Wow you're just a shill then.

And that post was in reply to environmentalism. Fuck off.
Take another 2 seconds
Maybe a course in school or something? idk
Mysteriously this sentiment is only shared ln this cesspool of conspiracy theory central
A retarded post at that
You claim to be only somewhat of an enviormentalist so no wonder you parrot this heard a thousand times clueless centrist crap
>Wireless technology is so superior that corpos have to literally remove the wired option from devices to pedal it
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Reminder that astroturfing is a form of product placement.
It's funny how any opinion anons, i.e. real people, have are conspiracies and the only non conspiracies are just corporate propaganda made by corporations. Anyone noticing that? If it's not official corpo dogma, it's a conspiracy theory. This is clever marketing.
No wonder idiots listen to airpods(tm) nowadays.
>zoomers pretending to be oldfags
That’s literally it. And what’s even worse that they’re doing it only to get validation from the 40yo 4channer boomers
How do people buy this shit?
Then again, most people I know don't. They see it as a fucking disgrace and an annoyance unless they're a weasly faggot with no brains and bling to high hell because that's their literal identity - to be this poster child for corporate crap. That's their thing.

You know the sort.
People that wear fucking Beats by Dre and use an Apple watch (although I kinda like that one kek).
Again, your post is not even remotely related to what I said
You just read words and reply with more random words without any thought put behind it
Really makes conversing with you impossible because unfortunately for you, I do not engage with utter nonsense
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>clueless centrist crap
>you have to burn the environment to be right

I don't believe in dogmatic dichotomy for marketing purposes.
Unless you call my waifu a shit.
Then I will burn you and your family for blasphemy to my waifu.

Though I'll bet you'll retort to this with
>eww waifu crap
because these marketing moguls like to replace board culture with their own stand in product stances nowadays. Board culture impedes on their profits from marketing nowadays. It renders their astroturfing ineffective.
Yeah welcome to this brave new world.
Where they psyop your forums for the sake of advertisement.

Also smoke crack(tm).
You people post all this and get pissy when I call out that conspiracies (and crazy people) run rampant on this website
>there ESG issues with getting rid of cord pollution and limiting the quality of these products for the fucking environment.
The lithium batteries any and all chargeable devices are immeasurably worse for the environment. I'm willing to acknowledge they may not be one day with vastly improved battery technology but for the moment it's no contest. You have no idea what you're talking about.
I also used to hate it when anime featured smartphones.
You were calling opinions rubbish on sound quality by discrediting them on the basis that they were made by this place, a "cesspool of conspiracy".
And I retorted that calling things "conspiracy" was a marketing tactic because that upsets you and your viewpoint on what the concept "conspiracy" is - which is a marketing phrase that shills use to leverage their products now apparently.

How much do you get paid to post here btw?'
If it's nothing then I feel genuinely sorry for you.
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>anime promoting phone posters

Absolute disgrace.
Burn these heretics.
Marketing is super efficient in this age. The corpos made people somehow convinced that having less options is better.
They also sold actual spyware devices to consumers and nobody batted an eye then. But then it turned that the "conspiracy theories" about Alexa and shit were right and then everybody acted like they always hated that tech. It's genuinely baffling.
Based married couple
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>They also sold actual spyware devices to consumers and nobody batted an eye then. But then it turned that the "conspiracy theories" about Alexa and shit were right and then everybody acted like they always hated that tech. It's genuinely baffling.
Actually the first device doing this was the telephone.
Then things like personal computers.
All of these were ways the system leveraged surveillance for marketing.
Really it's a form of capital management. You are just capital to these people nowadays. That's all they care about.
Worst part is that communist countries did the exact same thing, so there's no real solution to this behaviour in a complex human system with a substantial population. Eventually the hive wants to be your enslaver.

Also coffee is good for you.
And buy airbuds(tm).

This thread lost it's control now and things are just escalating.
I just really can't stand faggots that tolerate corporate faggotry and then preach their dogma to others like a cultist while calling you the devil/conspiracist when that is a marketing tactic nowadays.
No? I use ones than cost less than 30$€, and i run and walk around. They never fall. Muts be your ear shape.
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Look, I'm just here to rub it in that these people are soulless human drones for corporations. Less than human. Brainwashed serfs.
That's all.

You're the one calling me a conspiracy theorist to bait this reaction, probably for astroturfing. Who knows nowadays.
It's far too humiliating to be called a serf and tolerate this crap if you're not being paid though. So I assume it's shills.

No ones that masochistic.
The thing with you is that you really don’t know what you’re talking about
Like the pit of what you don’t know is so deep that it’s no use trying to engage with you
And as usual and expected you’re completely oblivious to these things you’re unaware of
And despite all this you post these essays where you’re so convinced everything you think about is right
No sane person would or should waste time engaging with you
A higher education is the only thing that can save you at this point
The simpler explanation is that you’re just crazy and misinformed
Like either there is a grand conspiracy or you’re just fucking stupid
There's no conspiracy. It's just efficient marketing towards tech illiterate people like you.
Isn’t it funny that either it’s your correct opinion or then it’s the marketing conspiracy at work full force
It literally is marketing. Explain to me how you and other consumers benefit from the removal of the 3.5mm jack.
You can’t figure that out?
Can you figure out why we don’t have landline telephones anymore?
Newer houses can’t physically even have old telephones because there is nothing to plug them into.
And imagine how much enviornment gets destroyed by telephones that have a dangerous battery inside of them.
Like get the fuck out of here you unapologeting buffoon
>Also coffee is good for you.
Specifically for anons curious, it induces stress which is bad for the body, and separately, it reduces skin elasticity making you wrinkly more + saggy skin. Use it only when necessary, such medicine when sleep deprived or having headaches. (Also sleep is super important make sure to get enough)
None of that benefits consumers. Only corporates. Thanks for reconfirming you're a shill.
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>nobody benefits from having a phone on them
Thanks for confirming that you’re even more retarded than I gave you credit for
>having less options is good
Do you think that if we still had telephones, it would deter you from using a smartphone?
You still haven't given any argument as to why a lack of 3.5mm jack option is a benefit, shill.
>just use more material and resources to pander to the whims of internet weirdos
It’s no use arguing with you when you have already made up your mind
I don’t see you crying over all the the other older legcy ports that are useless to most people nowdays
You just want more for you and don’t give a shit about anything else
Any inconvinience you face no matter how minor is sure to send you into fullblown assblaster madness
I do want those ports back but this thread is not about them, is it? I still want VGA.
>inconvinience you face
Yes, why would I care about corporate interests, ESL shill?
You still haven't provided any consumer benefit.
Even when presented with an argument you still deafult to saying you recieved no arguments
But this is exactly what I was talking about when I said the pit of ignorance
Now let me repeat
>less material wasted for useless features
>it benefits the consumer to not have a device filled with features and ports nobody needs
Do you need further clarification?
Nobody is crying that cars don’t have cigarette lighters anymore
>>less material wasted for useless features
Corporate interest.
>>it benefits the consumer to not have a device filled with features and ports nobody needs
So your argument is literally just "less options is good"? This only works on mindless drones or shills like you.
I can’t fathom how you don’t see how using less useless material is a good thing
Industry doesn’t function in some isolated bubble of existance, it’s all a part of what’s really happening
You’re literally putting your feelings above facts
And yes, less options is good when the options you’re talking about are useless
A fucking cd player on a laptop today is useless and would only take up space and use extra materials for no reason
>useless material is a good thing
It's not a bad thing. That's it. It just doesn't affect me. I don't care about the "industry" or corporates.
>feelings above facts
You're the one projecting your feelings of not needing something onto everyone else.
>fucking cd player on a laptop today is useless
Yep, you're a shill. I still burn CDs.
Unlike CDs, plenty of people still use wired headphones. In fact they're the default still.
Aside from that, it is not any extra material.
I bet you also advocate for sealed phones i.e. non removable batteries.
>Yep, you're a shill. I still burn CDs.
For what purpose anon? Car music?
For backups.
>It just doesn’t affect me
The pit of ignorance
I also burn cd’s to use in my 03 golf
You accept that some tech is obsolete, yet agrue that some tech that’s absolutely going obselete should still be available 100% of the time?
You guys just hate change and are resistant to it for no reason other than that you don’t like how it feels
>Not caring about your corporate overlords' interests is ignorance
>Still no argument
Find new ways to shill.
You thinking it doesn’t affect you is all I needed to hear
There is no use having this conversation any further
It doesn't benefit consumers. But it's in the corpos' interest to make you believe it does, isn't it, shill? That tactic won't work here.
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They've been around for a decade.
What's the latest tech in wireless audio equipment? What do you think latest means?
Note my cautious statement that some aren't that bad but most are trash?
>What's the latest tech in wireless audio equipment?
Elon Musk's brain chip
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Never had a problem with these chink bastards in my ears. Good sound and no slipping
And now i've lost them during a trip because i left my bag open, i'm a fucking idiot
>my generic chinese earbuds are missing
>You accept that some tech is obsolete, yet agrue that some tech that’s absolutely going obselete should still be available 100% of the time?
I loathe the idea that something I want to use could be rendered unusable due to insufficient battery.
If you can find me wireless headphones that operate off of orgone energy or something similar I will switch to them perhaps even happily.
It's not a direct improvement to go to wireless with temporary battery.
Not a fan of these since I've had one earbud not sync or charge correctly too many times. I'll pick connected earbuds any time but it seems like they are getting phased out for this airpod crap.
what a horrendous thread

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