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Why isn't ging sharing his knowledge of nen rituals with the other zodiacs despite the ship being in the middle of a vain nen ritual?
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Hisoka level btw
Even Wing knows about nen markings, it's not hidden knowledge
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My eye hurts looking at this
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what's stopping hisoka from o my rubber nenning every time he dies? is togashi really that retarded?
It depends on the cause of death.
If his brain is damaged, it's over.
That was essentially Hisoka giving himself CPR
CPR won't save you if you have suffered massive trauma, bled out, etc
Killua took out a guy's heart in the first arc. Also decapitation or actually an explosion (which he was shielded from) Did you read the series?
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>bled out
Bungee Gum prevents bleeding out.
It's why Shizuku said "DANCHOU, TASUKETE" her wincon doesn't exist against Hisoka.
its just a CPR
There’s about 5+ recognizable hisokacucks in every thread, and more who post with similar views
>The “HEADCANON” fag clowncuck
>the schizo Hisomachi poster
>the Chrollo cheated poster
>the “Hisoka is the strongest poster”
>the “Hisoka powered up after Nen after death” poster
And more

They are a militia. Their goal is unknown
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And every single one of them is an Antifa pedophile. Like Kris Tyson from Mr. Beast.
I wonder which character is most popular in these threads?
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I wonder...
I'm one of them and I'm far-right (the true one, not national socialism).
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>just sit there and enjoy the show, Chrollo
Shut the fuck up
Hisoka and Killua
The idea of interrupting the ritual has been brought up a couple of times in the arc, but I don’t remember seeing much discussion as to how it could be. We know escaping the boat doesn’t work. I’ve only seen a few other ideas thrown out there.

>Destroying the boat
>Completely destroying a prince’s body

These two are crude. The past couple of threads have mentioned body switching shenanigans with Halkenburg’s ability, but there’s not really any proof his ability would work on a prince, arguably it’s more likely it doesn’t. Truthfully, I kinda see the ceremony being completed one way or another, but does anyone have any other ideas of how the ceremony could be disrupted?
Maybe using people who have the blood of Kakin, but aren’t princes, as bodies for the coffins? Morena and the other mafia leaders?

Technically it would still get completed, but without having to kill every prince
Stopping the ritual has been hinted at, and I can't see Woble, Marayam and Fuugetsu dying.
So maybe they can find a loophole with the other... >>269197974 exactly what I was typing.
Fuck off cunt crackshipper
That’s an interesting one. There’s also the fact that Zhang (and perhaps Luzurus) are implied to not be the king’s sons at all. Could that also screw up the ceremony? Or is the fact they were accepted all that matters?
>I can't see Woble, Marayam and Fuugetsu dying
I'm a Fuubro but it's honestly looking pretty grim for her
I look at her the same way as Hisoka. They have to do something, because as much as Togashi likes to surprise us, I doubt he’d revive somebody without letting them do something pivotal.

Kacho just pretty much became a ghost stand after dying. I think Fugetsu is gonna survive and her arc will be about moving on and learning to survive without relying on Kacho
My personal top 5 in no particular order is:
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How far does Jiren the Gray get in the Succession War?
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Togashi is a Wendy main. He would never kill the twin who's protected by the ghost of her sister.
He could just nuke the boat and kill everyone. Dragon ball characters are planet destroyers at this point. Compared to the average battle Shonen, the average Hunter character is much “lower level”. And I honestly think that makes for better writing.
You should learn what words mean before using them
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what chapter?
>canonically is a RETARD CHAD that became a zodiac through pure strength
Betting he is the second strongest zodiac after ging
Ugly design, boring personality.
He will job.
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Chapter 390. People have similarly linked Luzurus and the other boss due to hairstyle, rather than anything explicit.
He’s 87, the fat Afro dude is a 90. Unless Botobai , monkey, and sword horse is weaker than that Afro dude, Kansas probably is 3rd at best
fucking guaranteed death, are you high or something?
Kurapika will sacrifice himself to avoid this
Doesn’t this mean the 4th prince is possibly the child of the previous hei-ly leader
thank you dearly anon
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You just need kakin royal blood for the ceremony to work doesn't matter if it's legitimate or not.
According to the guy who got styled on by Chrollo after declaring he'd shatter his knees
ritual won't be stopped. it's likely their very essence is protected and doesn't really belong to this world any more.

also why deaths can and should be simply implied and not gruesome. Marayam for example can simply "exit" this world and be taken by shadow hands as a way to imply death without necessarily on screen murder of a cute autist being necessary
If his design starts being better he will become a strong character, otherwise he is a Jobber in reserve, saved for his Perfect Failure
>Kurapika dying
Lmao Togashi didn't even kill Gon after Gon v Pitou, Kurapika is not dying.
kurapika is dying on the boat, one hundred percent.
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There are like 4 Hisoka cheated posters
BTW Hisoka cheated
think about it. Gon's quest wasn't over. Now it is. now he can die.

Kurapika's entire arc will be fulfilled on the boat, with the procurement of the final pair of eyes, pairo head etc, spiders are also here - meaning the kurta story is very very likely to end here as well. Spiders are 100% dying on the boat as well.
there's lots of drama to milk here.

And woble is a baby, and i doubt extremely hard that togashi will kill a named character baby.
the chances are huge, absolutely massive that kurapika takes a bullet for the baby. also remember his eye hax cost of using abilities. he already trades life for power. its on the level for pika.
how is he surviving. post the most likely way for him to survive the succession battle.

i'll save you some trouble: it all hinges on literally impossible things happening (succession suspended, a baby winning a mega death match etc, spiders coming and *allying* with pika lmao) and pure delusional hope and cope.

kurapika is a MC so he cant dieeeeeeee etc etc
Kurapika is a MC he isn't dying
Kurapika's arc won't end until he strikes a deal with or defeats Tserridnich, at which point Woble will be out of danger unless Tserri gets beaten very early in the Succession War (which doesnt really make sense, he isn't even being targetted). I don't see Tserri making a deal that doesn't involve resolving the Succession War in some way and thus putting Woble out of danger. So the timeline for him dying after finishing his quest while protecting Woble doesn't really work
I was just reading the last bits of the last thread and I wanted to hone in on these 2 posts and make people realize that all of Hisoka's strategizing meant nothing in the face of Chrollo's 5v1 cheating
I'm sick of people always trying to make it sound like Hisoka could have done better when he was being cheated against by multiple people. I don't even call the fight "Hisoka vs Chrollo" since it wasn't a 1v1
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GODmmy knows nen after death of course she is winning
Wobble's beast will make Oito and Kurapika fall in love and Kurapika will become acting Kakin King.
Who is the 5th?
4 possible in order of likelihood
>Chrollo (shown in canon)
>Kortopi (not shown but fight would be impossible without him because of clone math)
>Machi (probable but explanations if the fight without her exist)
>Shalnark (dubious)
Methinks you are a spidercuck false flag
Sale-Sale and Halkenburg switched identities btw
There's no way for us to know but possibly, yeah. Tse certainty doesn't look much like Benjamin but he doesn't look like their mother either.

It might explain the animosity between Tse and Ben, perhaps she was executed after cheating.
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The ritual only requires that the prince be the son of an official queen. Not that they be Nasubi's children
GODbeppa is winning btw
Tse looks like Luzurus , mostly the eyes
>And woble is a baby, and i doubt extremely hard that togashi will kill a named character baby.
>Woble dies by Tser or someone else
>Camila uses her ability to sacrifice herself to bring Woble back
Screenshot this.
the arena itself counts for 1 extra nen user
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My boy Killua is so beautiful
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>5v1 cheating
Not this shit again, stop coping, it's getting pathetic
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tse takes after his father (when he was young and not fat) while benjamin takes after his mother to a ridiculous degree (but retains his father's chad physique)
He lost fair and square Clowncuck. You should at least be happy that despite losing the fight he still ended up making Chrollo depressed by killing his friends.
Chrollo cheated many people out of human life that day
Bejita was helping Chrollo
Chrollo had help from the crowd members that's cheating
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>Kurapika =Gon
>Leorio = Killua
>Melody = Palm
>Chrollo = Mereum
>Pakunoda = Pitou
>Pairo = Kite
>Hisoka = Hisoka
Where will Kurapika's journey conclude if his is the dark parallel to Gon's?
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To explain
>Kurapika = Gon
Self-explanatory. They are both the protagonists who share the most out of the four. Most notably, both have establishing double length chapters that parallel each other, and a curious factor with their nen is how they achieve the opposite- Gon achieves within his limits while Kurapika limits what he can achieve. And the only thing Kurapika truly taught Gon is what destroys him 'beyond repair'.
>Leorio = Killua
The friend who saves them from the darkness, though Leorio has not had much room to act on that beyond being Kurapika's voice of reason in Yorkshin, helping him recover afterwards, and dragging him into the Twelve Zodiacs.
>Melody = Palm
More of a stretch. You could also argue that Leorio and Melody are both Kurapika's Killua parallel.
>Chrollo = Mereum
I just said shit to say shit.
>Pakunoda = Pitou
Should be obvious with how both lay down their lives for the person that they truly love (Chrollo/Mereum) and Gon/Kurapika cause them to completely question the depth of their loyalty.
>Pairo = Kite
The person who helps establishes the main character's morality and journey- though with Pairo it gets twisted into revenge.
>Hisoka = Hisoka
The Joker is always The Joker- he doesn't have another suit to slip into.
That would imply Leorio gets nitro rice to counter Emperor Time in the same way Killua brought Nanika to counter Gon's nen curse
If it is in parallel of Gon then instead of sacrificing everything for revenge, Kurapika will learn to let go and embrace the future.
That has always been my theory about Leorio's true role here and the goal of the Dark Continent.
But what will happen to Kurapika after that- once Tse is dealt with, he is at the 'conclusion' of his journey. We know Gon still has Gyro on the horizon, but Kurapika has given his story a definitive endpoint (LIMITING what he can ACHIEVE).
Perhaps, but keep in mind, when Gon did that he was using knowledge he learned from Kurapika.
Kurapika 100% will be placed in a position where he will have to decide between his friends/life or to carry out his revenge. The difference between Gon and Kurapika is that Gon had nothing to protect, while Kurapika has just been given the responsibility of protecting the life of a newborn baby girl.
Who wins ging or netero?
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Kurapika was already placed in that position back in Yorkshin, so I think we'll see something different.
A thing to keep in mind though is what Tse has going on, with the high likelihood that the Kurta head in his possession is actually Pairo's (based on the silhouette and his nen beast, though the nen beast head could just as easily be some random woman).
because it's not fun that way
ging's a tremendous faggot if you still haven't noticed and everyone's dying because of him
>Kurapika was already placed in that position back in Yorkshin, so I think we'll see something different.
That was regarding his revenge against the troop. Since then Kurapika's new goal has been to regain the eyes of his clan and Tser is more of an irredeemable monster than Chrollo. Kurapika has always had this "justice" theme to him but between justice and vengeance there's only a fine line. I think he will let go of his vengeance but he will enact justice.
i'm one of them.
is this just a random cool shot or does it have an actual explanation in togashi's mind?
>Tser is more of an irredeemable monster than Chrollo
Not to Kurapika. All he knows is that Chrollo killed tons of people for treasure and destroyed his clan while Tserri is just a rich prince who bought some Scarlet eyes
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He just thought ging riding a dragon that's riding a bigger dragon looked co
It's Ging's enhancement ability at work. He enhances the perception others have of him, making them think he can do impossible feats like that while actually being a jobber. Likewise his fist not really impacting that guy's face, just enhancing the guy's perception of his actual (weak) fist.
After what Tser is going to do to Melody, we'll see.
>effortlessly controls to gaint monsters
Ging is a manipulatior
Cute gorilla
hunterscholar, i fucking kneel
The likely real answer is that this is all flowery language and what matters is that they have royal blood. The urn is the founder's post-mortem ability, not Nasubi's.
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Chrollo has done much worse than Tserridnich has done, at least Tserri only targets adults
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Why would Kurapika use a condom if he needs to restore his clan?
I assumed in the scenario where Cammy learns nen through an awakening, she picked them to make use of their circumstances. And to go back to my 'Afterlife Companion =/= Hell Fruit' point, Hell Fruit would've manifested as a result of their original role, but it can be used on whoever the user channels their hatred towards. It's after they call for the reinstatement of the system that they have Untouchables target princes, at least by my interpretation.

To be clearer, there isn't anything Fukataki would be able to witness and learn that all of the Untouchables wouldn't be able to determine themselves under a 10 year timeframe. When they rely on an elder who informs them about travel time and GSB destroying curses, there's a point to her being old if Hell Fruit has been utilized for generations. Basho's speculation is more like a stream of consciousness remark and doesn't relate to Fukataki's reasoning. And Sale's was more lethargic, but Rihan still noted times where it would be at its weakest and Predator gave it no time for a counterattack.
Chrollo is a man who had to wear the skin of a monster in order to not lose anything anymore.
Tserridnich is a monster who wears the skin of a man and wants to take everything from everyone else.
They both deserved their downfalls, just it different fashions and from different types of people.
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what did Feitan mean by this
The future humoids prevented
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Sex with muherr
More like DC fodder sex
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Ging is the lebron james of nen, I can't imagine him losing
Isn't Ging only 34? Nen masters reach their peak around their 50's.
Needle theorists.... you were DC tier all along.....
Do nen users who rely on physicals have shorter primes? Like old netero Netero is still amazing , and probably overall strong, because his Nen precision is better than ever. Sure, younger him has better aura and physicals, but does physicals really matter when your ability is energy slap?

Meanwhile, someone like UVO is all about fist and physicality. Would a 65 year old UVO be fucked compared to his younger version?
Netero admited he wasn't half as strong as his prime.
But what exactly does a prime Netero look like? Is he faster with the smacks, does each attack have more power,etc?
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This sounds awesome
If all the shadow beast jumped ging at once he would lose btw.
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little bitch in the back watching the chadow beasts go to work
>I put a gazillion restrictions on myself to become invincible when fighting the spiders
>should I jump in and help them kill all the spiders
>Nah I'll just sit and watch
Kurapika is a FRAUD.
in hindsight the shadow beast that made himself look like a bat went above and beyond
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To be fair thoughever, they said they'd deal with it
My headcanon is that there are 300ish people like Chrollo and Hisoka in the world who are pretty much peaked. Their problem is they are heavily antagonistic. In order to surpass this peak before your 50s you need a master to teach you about full spectrum nen control. (Basically having 80 proficiency in every field.)

But who is going to teach a guy who steals abilities? Or a battlefag psycho who will kill you right after learning?

Tldr: it's possible to reach total nen mastery before your 50s with a master
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It's his fellow bodyguard's and Nostrade's fault, he was ordered to watch. Same thing happened later when he was supposed to assassinate Chrollo and Nostrade ordered him back right before his golden opportunity when Chrollo was fighting Silva and Zeno
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>but it can be used on whoever the user channels their hatred towards.
But my point isn't that the ability can only be used on princes. The question is who else would they be attacking with nen curses before Camilla showed up? We have the case with Morena that the second someone who is getting fucked by Kakin gets power, they are going to turn it into a weapon against the throne. That's why Kakin has such a deeply entrenched idea of Balance and the maintenance of power. And while the threat of having their clans purged is a deterrent for the Untouchables to go to Benjamin's room. They clearly are willing to use the curse nonetheless because it's harder to trace back to them.

For me it makes the most sense that they developed the ability in the safety of Camilla's ward. And her support is also what emboldened them to take action against the other princes when previously they seemed to just accept their status as less than citizens.

>that all of the Untouchables wouldn't be able to determine themselves under a 10 year timeframe.
Then why is she even here when all of her people should know what she is telling them? It's clear not all of them are as versed in the specifics of Hell Fruit like she is which is why the Captain seeks her counsel. I think because they are all disposable the need for a person to act as an anchor and record keeper became a necessity. And her idea about GSBs is also speculation since she thinks every GSB is capable of self defense when they are provably not.

>but Rihan still noted times where it would be at its weakest and Predator gave it no time for a counterattack.
Because like his problem with Tubeppa, sometimes Sale's GSB just disappears so there is no target. It still had no means of self defense so a curse would just drain him regardless
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Kurapika's chain and Machi thread were touching Uvogin at the same time, that basically means they had sex
Is he horny
Anyway the 1999 version if that was not in the manga it was probably A filler and not canon
Nevemind Kek
i jusy saw some fo trevors art Is pretty kawai
Yes. What makes Chrollo dangerous is his pure technical ability. Sure planning is his strong suit too. But execution is key.

He can make precise, quick, multifaceted, weird movements. He can do them persistently, with vigor, for an extended period of time. Think of Tse, he has a godlike ability but its basically useless in combat because he can't move like Chrollo or Killua.

It's the same for neutero. Imagine him being able to dodge the king, or keep his pace for days.
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99 kings
that bum would have died to the zoldycks if they didnt care about doing it for free
You will be pissed when Togashi uno reverse the spider as a group that had nothing to do with the kurta massacre and just tóok the credit from it in order to increase their fame as a dangerous ruthless gang.
On screen we had never seen the spider murder people not in self defense or connected with some shady organization like the mafia.
I’ve been reading other battle Shonen, and something that surprise me is how different universal fundamentals are addressed. In nen, the fundamentals/basics like Ko, zesty, EN, Shu, Ken are not only named, but are still improtant, and the usage of a single fundamental can alter scenarios completely .

From what I’ve seen in other series, a lot of these same fundamentals exist. It’s just that
>they aren’t named, which gives them much less weight
>they mean absolutely nothing except for with newbies/first arc

Have you guys seen the same? Do you like how togashi addressed the “fundamentals” in this series? Why do you think how it’s addressed in Hunter isn’t more common?
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>tfw you will never get to show off your 5tb guro collection to Feitan while discussing the subtleties of Tears of Eros
Ugly design, boring personality.
He will absurdly OP.
Well there is literally no one who would survive Silva + Zeno assassination.
Ging could
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How do you feel about the protagonist of Hunter x Hunter?
Not a big fan of Kurapika. Not a big fan of Killua and Gon either.
The side characters and villains are what keep me interested.
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it's time for them to start procreating to make the next generation of shonen protags
>Doesn't mention Leorio
anon's FAVORITE character
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The zodiacs (and to a easer extent, Beyonds team) are overrated. Most of their hate comes from their deisgns and because they aren’t as smart as Pariston/Ging.

But I don’t care. They look cool. Both groups remind me of one price characters, can’t wait to see if Togashi can deliver!
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Cluck is cute
Mah Wife!!
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The Johnny and Gyro of the 2020s
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>Mah Husbands!!
Do divine script nen rituals invoke some sort of higher power or are they just a really complex way of imposing restrictions and fulfilling conditions to power up nen? Both?
They are pure hype until we learn what they can do. In fact, I remember liking the Troupe more before their abilities got revealed.
No, that’s gonna be Ging and Leorio in the DCs.
Oh right, thought that said 2040s
>I remember liking the Troupe more before their abilities got revealed.
Did anyone expect the mummy with boxing gloves to summon a planet that will crash on his opponent?
I think it can be both, but I also think it’s a multiplier, and also helps with connecting different Nen abilities together.

We see the scripts also on Beyonds shackles, which also answers any questions about
>how can nen users be jailed

With Nen script prisons !
Ging will be too busy with Pariston's demented plans to spoonfeed Leorio, Leorio will be on his honeymoon with Cheadle trying to find rice for Kurapika
I forgot he existed until that moment. He's still a nothing character though.
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How do I get into HxH? I can’t take it seriously when the half the cast is nine year olds
Nope. I think Bono is just multiple ideas combined into one. He joined meteor city later on so I think
>he developed the boxing personality the same way Phinks developed the Egyptian shit, Nobu the samurai shit, etc
>mummies are revered in his culture and/or he developed the mummy fascination the same way he developed the boxing fascination and/or he just wanted to cover his holes and he happened to look like a mummy
>half the cast is 9 years old

Only 2 characters. I know it’s hyperbole, but come on. Just watch it (should read it though), no one’s gonna try to convince you to watch a popular series that’s been out for 20+ years
>I can’t take it seriously when the half the cast is nine year olds
It's not, the only major characters who are kids are Gon and Killua. Bisky too if lolibabas count
its the opposite
in HxH only Gon and Killua are that young, it truly feels like they are kids in a world of grown ups meanwhile in a typical shonen it seems like the world revolves around teenagers
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And Franklin looks like Frankenstein , and Nobunaga named after ancient Japanese swordsman…
And then there's.......................shizuku
Shziuku having a character appearance that matches up with Chrollo’s makes me interested in how she met the troupe. Maybe she was a younger fan girl from meteor city
HxH sets the tone pretty fast. The Hunter Exam is really sociopathic.
shizuku murasaki is from shikibu murasaki
Read the manga. The 2011 anime is a intentionally kiddified version of the manga.
Things get gruesome pretty fast. The anime started out in a Sunday morning slot (hence why they kiddified it) but was forced to move to late night television because it was too graphic.
Stop it with this dumb headcanon.
Shizuku is a big titty goth. There's nothing more to it.
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>gets hired to kill Quwrof
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I would sniff those paws
My comfort character.
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our comfort character
>least biased troupefag
You'll drop the manga when they die, right?
It's a job not a hobby.
>there’s nothing more to it
That’s just [HEADCANON]
must suck to be unable to parse fiction
I'm honestly more interested in what Beyond, Pariston and Ging are up to. But yeah I enjoyed watching the Troupe more than Killua and Gon and then the RGs and Meruem took it from there.
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I actually like that Gon and Killua are young boys. It makes every situation they get themselves in seem that much more dangerous, even if Killua is a trained assassin and Gon has super human strength.
If the crowd wasn't there chrollo Would have lost.
If the crowd wasn’t there Chrollo would have a different strategy. That’s why he chose heavens arena in the first place..for the crowd…
Hisoka wouldn't have lasted a minute against Zeno and Silva
For the love of God read the manga. You don't know how lucky you are to not have wasted your first experience with Hunter x Hunter.
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>taking manga/anime seriously
You're supposed to watch them for FUN
But the reoccurring theme in HxH is these kids are repeatedly getting outclassed by and just trying to keep up with the various adults of the series. The first arc or two aren't the best representation of how the series operates either, this is just my opinion but I think HxH doesn't really start to grow into itself until like a quarter into the series
Pretty funny, although it would be funnier with:
>and if possible... a crippled blind girl.
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>if you have suffered massive trauma
He got blown the fuck up.
He's honestly B tier. Imagine if he were part of the Chimera arc.
he lessened the impact with his rubber nen
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Absolute faggot, this 12 year rips a man's heart and crushes with his own hands. A guy gets his arms chopped up on the first chapters, nigga this 12 year old murders people for sport
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my comfort char
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If Halkenburg dies I think i'll kill myself

pic unrelated since I have accepted Tserri and Theta will die
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Love watching these boys get dommed by my cute wife
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Gon's boyfriend is so cool
If hisoka is a bad guy how come we haven't seen him rape or use racial slurs?
I like his design...
>If Kurapika kills Tserriednich, he will be just like him.
Never write anything in your life.
that can turn specialist.
>Cuckrollo schizo babble
I'm a Hisochad and he was the first to get it right.
Chrollo chose HA because he KNEW that GODsoka would rape him otherwise...
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Pretty sure Chrollo's plan of eliminating Hisoka failed.
Reminder hisoka could have used his bungee gum to fight like spider-man and easily beat chrollo but he didn't because he is a fraud.
Chrollo killed Hisoka.
What the fuck are you talking about you neanderthal piece of shit, I never implied that. There is a lot of difference between ending a life for revenge and ending a life to protect others, the mental pressure that both exert on the person are different and Kurapika has already said how much he hates killing when he killed Uvogin. The motives behind an action are the ones that justify it and give it meaning you moron, the WHY you have to kill someone matters a lot.
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He did though.
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Chrollobros, don't open this image, lest you shit yourselves
Uuvogin said he remembered the massacre and took credit for being apart of it. You're coping.
That would turn Kurapika into a Sasuke ripoff instead of the other way around since Kishimoto already did that twist. Not gonna happen.
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Nen is magic, straight up magic. This system is no different from Fairy Tail except nen is divided into two: the combat nen and hatsu (magic).
Nen is manifesting taken to its logical extreme
>This system is no different from Fairy Tail
Except the Nen system actually has relation to the user's personality and it's rules doesn't allow you to pull a win out of your ass just because of the power of friendship.
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I wouldn't say overhated it's just that practically nothing has been shown of them beyond exchange of dialogue for many years.
For the Zodiacs just wait until they start being part of the boat-mafia-spider plot and you'll see a lot of people stepping back, Beyond's group will be fan favorite if we reach the dark continent for sure.
this is a rare example of an actual low iq post, the anon talking about kurapikas motives is right and the 4th prince is going down either way. I also believe similar to yorkshin, kurapika will be forced into a position where he has to pick between his revenge and whats just. In yorknew, he picked gon and killua over killing chrollo, he will make a similar choice this time over woble. Chrollo on the other hand has sacrificed all his humanity for revenge for meteor city, and will live out his bad ending at the hands of hisoka. A bad ending kurapika will just narrowly avoid. Kurapika isnt gonna do the same thing as gon and go apeshit and sacrifice everything for revenge when he confronts the 4th prince.
>Beyond's group will be fan favorite if we reach the dark continent for sure.
But then it will be even worse for the Zodiacs.
I wonder if we would have fanbase wars over the teams, but the Zodiacs are much less interesting.
Why doesn't ging kill partison?
Killing your own wife is a crime
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Shizuku is a Nen Beast
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I'd believe it
because then togashi would have to do actual fantasy worldbuilding and he cba
Kurta whore
Greed Island really isn't as big of a deal as some of you seem to think it is
Amanuma the Game Master brought video games to life through his nen territory and he was only Gons age
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For me, it's BASEDky
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You know they can lui, right?
Kurapika enforced a nen restriction you he tells the truth AFTER he said that.
The whole spider flashback is about them larping and wiling to create a facade.
Im not saying that they are not crazy murderers.
Just that they seem to have a hard on for other shady organizations.
It will be revealed that Chrollo made them lie about being the ones that killed the kurta and Kurapika will lose all his will to live.
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Killua my beloved
Cope. Hisoka could've easily killed her but spared her life.
Hisoka is not real.
Hisoka is a concept, not a real person
Destroy the urn. The Troupe is trying to steal Kakin's 'mysterious treasure' and Kurapika wants to stop the ritual. They can cooperate. Of course, the urn must have very strong self-defense system. Remember Togashi drawing a fat monster wearing the urn like a hat?
>benjamin's beast is literally a dick and balls
what was meant by this
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>needs to jump someone who's completely defenseless with their guard lowered since she trusts him so much
>he betrays her trust with a pussy ass bitch sneak attack
She desperately needs a new BF after that
Togashi uses that SFX everywhere. That flying swords guy who fought Hisoka in Hunter exam arc also had same SFX.
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They should have real sex. They looks like the perfect pair. Will we ever see that?
Togashi visited Egypt around the time he wrote that arc. I'm pretty sure he bought mug cup from egypt as a souvenir before naming Phinks Magcub.
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The name "Matiy" aka Matey cannot be pure coincidence, she's basically built for mating rituals
>Chrollo on the other hand has sacrificed all his humanity for revenge for meteor city, and will live out his bad ending at the hands of hisoka
Chrollo and Franklin literally said they won't bother Kakin's royals until they kill Hisoka, and since we know Chrollo and Kurapika must meet for all those plot points, Hisoka will die before Chrollo and Kurapika meets.
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tick tock clowncucks
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I want to touch Killua's silky smooth skin!
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Hisoka was so bad that she dumped him before he even became her bf? Kurapika would be better as BF. He is reliable, constant and fair. He seems like the perfect husband for her.
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>stupid sexy chain guy...
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bumgee gum, chains and nen threads all have something in common
Oh shid...
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>No.404, completed.
You sure he wasn't just born that way?
I Wonder why did it take much more time than 401 to 403 combined. Maybe some fight is going on.
based yu yu art
Cute mom.
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We love the number 404 here
killua prototype
404 was also what broke him last time, innit? It's gotta be something crazy.
Imagine if he chooses revenge, and woble dies because of it, and that gets the karmic scales ready to rebalance with pika's death later on.
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402 and 403 were probably largely completed for 2 years.
It would be a very japanese thing to have some major character death on 404.
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>Kurama Hiei Girl
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Clownsisters look away
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Someone's dying in chap404
quads confirm
Is it true that Feitan is a disowned Zoldyck?
All great Hunters get along well with animals
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not a machifag but this picture gives instant loss rape correction energy so im posting
if you wanna fap go >>>/h/
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The internet is for porn
sure, post your porn here.
there is no rule on the internet and you can do whatever you want here.
go on faggot
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Yes, and Machi is Killua's real mom
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It's real?
I wonder if the non-lethal poison is some sort of nen-restriction. I know it probably isn't, but even if he's only using non-lethal to torture his victims, he's going the extra mile to fulfill his passion, that's probably empowering his nen in some way.
Anyway Machi is right that lethal poison would have been a win, but who knows if Rabid Dog had lethal poison maybe his bite wouldn't even be able to hurt Uvo.
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Sex with both of them
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Bisky would mop the floor with Shartpika since she's not a troupe member
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Bisky would rim Kurapika's ass if he kept up complimenting her for like a week
He actually did it the absolute madman
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iirc Shalnark is the one who made this comment in the manga, but based 2011 gave the line to sexchi
They just lended their ability and that's not 5v1 or something. It's just how Chrollo's ability works.
"Machi will kill Hisoka" confirmed
I can't wait for Mashit to die
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Sex appeal
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28 people died so this dumbass could turn his arm into a hardware store and die like a bitch. What a fucking waste of points.
How many kills for Quorolle to stand a chance against the pigeonmancer?
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tenshi no nage-KISS~
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He could take out a pigeon if he hit level 99. However...
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OVA Machi best Machi
ermm... that just happened >>269209800
>impotent rage the post
Specialization covers stealing abilities, but what would copying abilities fall under? Conjuration if you could make an appropriate object?
>impotent rage the character
That's still Specialization.
So anything to do with manipulating hatsu itself is specialization?
>but what would copying abilities fall under?
General skill + nen knowledge.
Have we ever seen straight up copying without stealing?
Ging did it with Leorio's technique but it wasn't a nen ability, he just analysed and replicated the technique thanks to his experience and skill in nen.
Ikalgo could use Flutter's ability but he was puppeting his body.
I don't think just you could just copy an ability without stealing it.
Just because there's no precedent for it doesn't mean it's impossible
Who's the strongest character Leorio can beat?
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>Ging did it with Leorio's technique but it wasn't a nen ability,
Pariston and Ging both treat Leorio's warp punch as an ability so it counts as copying. Meruem also copies and even improves powers given how he utilized stuff from both Youpi and Pouf.
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Machi Komacine of the phantom troupe. The dastardly thief of young boys' virginities.
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Yeah it's just my opinion, but it seems to me that copying without stealing breaks the unstated rules of nen.
Maybe something from the dark continent could do it though.
>Pariston and Ging both treat Leorio's warp punch as an ability so it counts as copying
Leorio's warp punch is an ability. But Ging didn't use a "copy ability" to copy it, he just did it on pure nen mastery skill alone.
Good point on Meruem absorbing Pouf and Youpi's skill. It's not really free copying as he had to eat like 90% of them though.
>But Ging didn't use a "copy ability" to copy it, he just did it on pure nen mastery skill alone.
My mistake, I thought you were saying Leorio's technique wasn't an ability.
Well, this page >>269215197 suggests that Pariston thinks it's possible, at least.
peak performance
It would be funny if that was Pariston's ability.
Which would explain why he wanted Ging to reveal his own ability in front of him.
Continuing on that train of though, it would even explain why Netero picked him as vice chairman.
He would be so happy to spar against someone who could copy Hyakushiki Kannon.
That would make the page even funnier
>this dude has the same hatsu as me?
not even a Hisokafag but isn't
>Hisoka powered up Nen after death
common knowledge?
Did Cammy get a power up after reviving? There's your answer.
Predict the first Zodiac to die
Since when Killua saves Gon from the darkness? More like the opposite. Killua was utterly unable to help Gon in Chimera Ants, and that lead to the result of them splitting up among others things
Ok Hitler
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We couldn't really witness the full extent of those abilities before and after, therefore it's a bit hard to judge. But maybe one has to stay dead for retaining the boosts, like Pitou and the curse squad on the boat. I just went along with the line that post mortem nen is stronger
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my beautiful sleepyfus
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umm awkward...
Race traitors get the nuke
Gon is so lucky
Can Hisoka fly by doing this?
Break Shitsoka
They should change the manga title to:
Chrollo X Hisoka
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Sex with Neon
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uhm shartnark & kortopi don't look too hot here...
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Hisoka? Chrollo?
Machi's head careening through the air before landing directly in Chrollo's lap
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>lol Chrollo killed Hisoka
>y-yeah well Hisoka took out two jobbers... who didn't have their hatsu... yes he had to jump them...
Weird cope but ok
1-0 btw
Imagine just being a clownfag
Netero > Meruem > Hisoka > Others
>Chrollo death noted his own friends
>pray to buddha
>get super punch
Convert today
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He died of suffocation speedreader
shartnark and kortopi still died though. The clown is still alive and kicking. Cuckrollo is trembling with fear at the thought of GODsoka picking them up 1 by 1. How is that cope??

>genthru was muslim all along
sasuga togashi
Pap victim
I wish we would see weird dragons and shit more often in HxH
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Gon can one punch and defeat them both.
That was a calculated move by CHADsoka to hit that cuck in the head
Other way around, Chrollo let himself get hit by the counter attack to put the sun&moon stamp
Killua squirting his hot boy goo all over Gon's cute face
Clownbro btw
Chrollo wasn't expecting to get in the head by a human head bowling ball. We can say that he improvised quickly by pretending to recover from the hit by planting the stamp, but that was still a calculated move by the clown
...that led to his death
Hisoka wasn't expecting to get his hand blown off. We can say that he improvised quickly by pretending to recover from the hit by getting his leg blown off, but that was still a calculated move by Chrollo
... and revival, also leading to Shartnark & Kortopi's deaths heheh
>We can say that he improvised quickly by pretending to recover from the hit by getting his leg blown off
Nice schizo babble. Fagrollo's "calculated move" led to the demise of two of the Troupe's legs, heh
It really isn’t better or worse writinf, just different tools for different jobs. If you want dumb fun hype then blowing up planets with a punch is perfect. Or something like One Punch Man wouldn’t work if Saitama wasn’t absurdly strong. Even in HxH’s case, most of Meruem’s character doesn’t work if he isn’t increadibly strong
>hired to kill client's target
>suddenly client is "taken out"
>culprits are more members of his (((tribe)))
>ends up doing nothing
>gets double the shekels in return
you just try again
I yearn for the day when Machi's head is separated from her shoulders
Brain damage from dying
I yearn for the day when Machi's head ends between my legs and starts giving me head.
I yearn for the day when Machi's pussy juice is turned into a perfume.
Chrollo is so lucky.
>Machi lives rent free so hard in his head that he needs to write edgy desires to cope every time she's posted
lol here is my Machi give me more edgy cope
Kakin has a network of servants with assassination techniques, there's plenty of implied background scenarios where unnamed political opponents have been targets. While they don't have the power or standing to change their position, and the nen/mindset they'd develop in this position wouldn't help with that, they could assassinate figures looking to further oppress or antagonize their caste. Looping back to Fukataki, her comment on the GSB could imply a prior attempt on the king.

Rihan wanted to aim for right before the moment it disappeared because of potential abilities. While we could say a GSB like Sale's - or especially Kacho's GSB pre-materialization - couldn't respond to threats effectively, there is likely a standard for a GSB of royalty and most of them seem active enough. I wouldn't be surprised if the slow-acting curse sent from a distance could be identified and destroyed by something like Sale's GSB just by virtue of how relatively weak it would be. Fukataki's qualifier is, notably, "high-ranking Guardian Spirit Beasts."
>Then why is she even here when all of her people should know what she is telling them?
That's exactly my point, that they wouldn't know everything she does because the practice is a multi-generational one. While there could be the concept of a record keeper(I imagine this is the role of many elders), everyone present would have been around for all the trials if this started post-Cammy.
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The form of the Nen Beasts are a manifestation of their subconscious. They are almost all very Freudian.
So how come Alluka has an Ai if Zzig was the one that went to the DC.
Shouldn't Zeno be the one with an Ai then if his DC aids got transferred to his child?
Or did it just lay dormand in his bloodline?
It seems like the Ai thing manifsted in Alluka and wasn't just some sort of accident or event that suddenly infused him with it.
This one also belongs in a museum. Iconic af.
What is his ability?
It's possible Alluka was the first female Zoldyck child since Zzig went there.
The tranny thing is mostly a Western notion.
Imagine getting killed by a tittyvagina
We don’t know anything yet, so you could be write. But on the Zzigg theory, it’s clear that Nanika/AI can be relatively contained, when in specific conditions. When with Killua, Nanika/Alluka seems pretty fine. So maybe zzigg had someway of controlling/holding back Nanika. There’s no guarantee it just transfers to child. It could’ve just transferred due to some crazy event involving Zzigg and Alluka. We don’t even know if the person who is called “MAHA” by the fanbase is even zzigg.

Pretty much we literally know nothing so we only have little to go off
>western notion
Can you stop with this bullshit?

Just say you’re anti trans.
Their subconscious mixed with the founder's beliefs
What would have happened if Camilla charged any prince other than Benjamin? For instance, if she went to kill Zhang, would she have ended up succeeding? A lot of the princes had at least one Nen-using bodyguard, but I think he doesn’t. As to what would happen to the other princes, hard to say. You’d think the Nen bodyguards would be smart enough to not kill someone who’s obviously in Zetsu, but who knows?
I don’t think she needs to be in zesty for the ability. I think it just makes it easier for her to die. It’s like suiciding naked vs with armor on. You’re probably gonna die with both. Bitch with armor you might survive and have to bleed out, where if you’re naked you’d just straight up die, which is much simpler. The zestu is the naked in this case
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>Chrollolet is a lying faggot
Could end up in a cat vs GSB scenario, but it's very convenient that she happened to first face a guard who had a surveillance power that Ben could inherit and Ben would know Musse died.
>when another man fucks your legal wife, his sperm is instantly changed into your sperm, making him think he cucked you, but you actually cucked him and all "his" future children with any other women are yours
>also all your women close to you will lactate
Can't ennui the Hui, a man of my making.
Meant for
It's western notion also I'm anti trans.
Nasubi was probably a baby like Woble when his selection came around and the face was a fascimile of his mom, which explains all the breasts as that would be his food
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I think Zzig is the unnammed Zoldyek between Maha and Zeno.
It's a vagina booby spider, he likes to fuck and entice people into his ploys. Nasubi was old enough to strategize during the SW.
So uh, release date when?
>coin CHAD knows he is invincible so he will just wait everyone out
Yeah he WON
It will come back a month from now.
Next volume is out in early September
It is a manipulator type that can control and arouse women.
Also it grants Nasubi endless stamina and virility.
So Onior cucked Nasubi?
It's hard to keep your wife on a leash when you got 5 of them
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Any ideas as to what Machi is up to? Last we saw, she was alone in a cabin. Is she pulling a Franklin, a la 'wait and he'll come to me'? That feels unlikely to me, she seemed like she would be the most aggressive in searching for him. I'm not sure I've ever heard any real ideas of what she could be up to. I suppose there's a chance that it has to do with a potential second ability of hers, in which case there wouldn't be much way to guess with any real accuracy.
One potential use she could have with her string is carrying voices. But I think she was probably just scoping out the area or looking to get access to higher tiers.
I think she’s pulling a wait and he’ll come. Especially since mAchi is alone, she’s an easier target. I imagine Machi thinks Hisoka would get rid of the people by themselves first , so staying alone would make him come to her faster. And since she’ll be the only one alone (Nobu is getting Franklin), Hisoka will come to her first, and therefore she’ll get to kill him, since she wants to kill him the most outside of chrollo
There’s a shocking lack of modern military technology usage on the boat. The army should be way more equipped
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the strongests
Canon pair
Cammy isn't in thay picture?
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Shikaku met his conditions but his ability didn't work? Manipulationbros???
>Machi's second ability
「Red Thread of Fate」
Forms a single thread of nen that will lead to her soul mate, but she needs to be a virgin and cannot be in the presence of another man for at least a week to activate this ability.

Trust in the plan bros. Hisomachi lovers mutual kill soon.
Halk's ability bypasses defenses.
Shikaku that stupid nigga designed his ability after a trap card, but didn't account for magic cards that do not allow responses from trap cards or counter trap cards.
Foolish. I bet he doesn't even into the stack in MTG.
yes but Shikaku's Manipulation ability (all powerful btw) was activated first, so it should have succeeded regardless
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If there are two abilities clashing with each other that both have certain hit effects then the more powerful one will obviously win.
And the power is mainly decided by conditions and aura.
There's probably no one who can by their own tank a hit of Halkenburgs arrow, simply because a single human can only gain that much aura.
Is Kakin Nen abitlies bettered with every generation? Like will the next kings kids average Nen abilties /urn beasts be better than all the ones before them (including the current generation)
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The worst thing Hisoka has done is kill the cutest PT member
*other than Meruem/Biscuit/Netero
Remember, they're all nen amateurs.
Just because 12 nen amateurs manage 24x the normal amount of nen by pooling together means they beat anomalities like the real G's.

That's very much the implication. It's a generational gui hun ritual that leaves the most fittest king to survive. It's speedrunning evolution effectively.
Shikaku wasn't manipulating, and he didn't fulfill any conditions. He made a card to capture an ability and Halkenburg's ability bypasses all defenses. If Shikaku had an equivalent power he would need an equal amount of aura to prevent it. They already note that Shikaku could have negated a manipulation attack on that magnitude by manipulating himself so it's not up for debate, they simply aren't aware of Halkenburg's power having durability negation.
STRONG NEN??? (unironically)
He's a Manipulator, it's evidently implied that Culdcept is manipulation. He activated the ability, and the condition for absorbing the ability, being struck by said ability, was met
Where does Manipulation come into play there? Neither of us know the specifics of Culdcept, and you especially don't know what condition if any there is for the ability. It looks like Emission and Conjuration from what's shown.
Reminder all that matters is how STRONG your NEN is.
Meruembros...I'm scared.....
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Strong nen?
Water divination proves Nen can act Subconsciously, and humans are nen beasts
Therefore all humans have some level of nen immunity which must be overcome
The winning gsb will absorb all 200,000 souls and become a meruem tier threat
It will then be solo'd by Ging
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Ging is a manipulater btw.
Actually I think it's pretty simple, she's just probing using her eyes, since she sewed Hisoka's arms in Heavens Arena it's implied that she has some prodigious vision and the fact that Togashi recently showed that she could see aura without nen training as a child only reaffirms this. I wouldn't be surprised if she had some kind of unique talent related to Gyo.
This "Super Gyo" would allow Machi to classify and recognize each nen user just by a personal aura pattern. In this hypothetical case she would simply have to detect the slightest aura pattern that resembles Hisoka's aura.
Not a bad theory. Justifies why she'd feel confident being alone, while still being able to be proactive.
Kind of crazy Togashi managed to insert a whole murder Mystery subplot. This saddens me though because it means we won’t ever get a full murder mystery arc. It’s the genre I wanted togashi to try the most, but I didn’t want it to be a locked room subplot.
Ging is a enhancer and his nen ability is enhancing his nen.
Ging is a specialist, it explains how he can copy like a ninja with a sharingan.
I don't think her hunches/intuition works that way, and she'd still have to see him anyways which would involve moving around. I do think her hunches will matter, but she's probably doing something practical on top of it.
How come ging can only copy strike based abilities on not any ability he gets hit with?
Automating your nen to be able to copy other people's hatsu is a specialist thing.
Ging doesn't do that. He just sees, and genuinely imitates instead. It's all him, no artifical nen intelligence copying stuff.
That's talent, baby.
I find it interesting that prime gon (not adult Gon, I mean a realistic prime Gon, since I doubt Gon would be a neteor level training freak) is possibly still weaker than Ging. Usually in these series the child surpasses the father
Gon-san is absolutely eclipsing Ging in nen. Ging MIGHT win just because of experience still, but actual adult Gon would FUCK current Ging.
But there’s no gurantee Gon would become adult Gon. Adult Gon is gons potential fully realized from years of dedicated training. Gon isn’t Netero, he’s not gonna dedicate his life to training, he’s more of an adventurer
Pretty sure he's saying the gap between Gon-san and Ging is so colossal that Adult Gon(not Gon-san) would presumably be stronger.
Oh so you’re saying that adult gon just living the regular adventure life would still be a top monster?
I mean I agree, I think Gon would’ve eventually became the best fighter in the world naturally…but I think you guys underestimate ging. Gon would’ve probably been better with aura amount but I think everything else ging would be better
>Ging can manipulate anything he captures.
>Capturing is a broad term and can also apply to people he is the superior of.
>That means everyone who accepted Ging being No.2 can now be manipulated by him.
I didn't say agreed with it. I have not given it thought, Ging's peak and Gon's more realistic peak are unknowns so I have no real opinion on the idea.
Nen users can tell if someone is being manipulated, he wouldn't be able to get away with it.
When he literally saved him from his crippling nen AIDS and helped him get a second chance.
August 19th or 26th for 401. Sep 4th for volume. You'd know this if you actually paid attention.
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>tfw HxH99 is literally my most nostalgic anime, first anime I ever pirated and watched without my family guiding me to it (like with DB or Digimon (white btw))
>love it dearly, fought in many 99 vs 2011 wars
>tfw am now tired
>tfw new 99fags are just people obsessed with how DARK and GRITTY its AESTHETIC is and just use it as a moodboard
>tfw nobody appreciates all the actually good stuff about it
It wasn’t enough to kill him though. He died of suffocation. If he had his head blown off restarting his heart and lungs wouldn’t have done shit. He got lucky he wasn’t blown to smithereens.
How is it luck if Hisoka planned it out? That’s Hisoka’s genius, not luck
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No, Funny Nen.
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While I know the 'official' colors aren't necessarily official, I had no idea they made Cammy a blonde. It kinda fits, but I never pictured her that way, for some reason.
>I never pictured her that way
Why? Based off volume 35 cover 70% of the princes are hair colored blondish orangish, the rest black, and Zhang . On that cover her hair is a little more orangish than the picture you sent.
>the power system that lets you create objects out of thin air is magic
I actually forgot about that cover, but indeed, I think that orangeish color is what I was picturing, they all look closer to orange compared to Kurapika's blonde.
Clowncucks (canon losers by the way) digging themselves into another hole, because Chrollo’s plan was flawless.
We Cammy certainly fits some of the blonde stereotypes, so either fits imo
He gambled on him not being blown to smithereens by hundreds of suicide bombers. He admits as much himself when he is revived. If the explosion blew his torso to pieces, giving yourself CPR is going to save you from that.
Cammy has always felt blonde to me, but I could see her dyeing it various colors to match her outfits
Hisoka fought lucifer died and came back to life. He is the jesus of nen.
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i appreciates all the actually good stuff
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Never really took notice of it before, but Gon can be seen carrying his rod at the start of GI, though it later seems to disappear and 2011 omitted it entirely
Does nen actually get stronger after death? Like a straight power boost? More potent or effective sounds more accurate.
There’s a theory that he gave away the fishing rod to the ninjas when they asked for everything he had.
i imagined her with blue hair and green eyes
I don't think it's a theory, looks like it's very much the case in the manga.
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>Kakin has a network of servants with assassination techniques
And like the current generation of Untouchables, they have a patron already or in the case of opportunists like Tuffdy, are trying to jump ship to a more profitable prince. The only "free agent" so far is Morena who has no allegiances.
>they could assassinate figures looking to further oppress or antagonize their caste. Looping back to Fukataki, her comment on the GSB could imply a prior attempt on the king.
Let's take this to its logical conclusion. Sure, killing a king with a successfully gained GSB might be impossible. But what is stopping them from sending curses to kill the other members of the royal family before any given succession war? We know there was at least the implication of assassins after Halkenburg in his early years. Why not create some biblical shit where the Royal family is afflicted with a curse that seemingly affects every child within the first few years of their life?

I know the story has agreed that everyone chose to wait for the actual succession war. Benjamin and the older princes held back because of honor and rules. Morena most likely because she's only recently learned nen, didn't have the position she'd need, and the war is the one place everyone will be gathered together. But the Untouchables have no reason to stop using Hell Fruit if it is a generational ability. Why would they only resume attempts to kill the royal family until Camilla gives them status and a promise for true citizenship?
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Neon colors? Interesting
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What is a Hell Fruit
I read the entire manga, except for Greed Island and Election Arc
but that was like 10 years ago
Why would you skip GI and Election. GI is a core part of developing Gon and Killua's relationship and Gon's character. Election is a conclusion/epilogue to CA that resolves that arc and opens up the next one.
Will we delve into the normal passengers, celebrities, and wealthy regulars on the boat? Some people say the Hei-ly are supposed to be the “regular people “ representation on the boat, but I don’t see it
I'm generally not a fan of 2011 but I like the color scheme they gave to Pitou
Blonde is the Karen color of choice. Why wouldn't she be?
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>white x white
>blonde daugher
Kitebros... we got cucked...
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The name for the power unique to the Have-not caste of Kakin.
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Pink Pitou is missing there.
>digging themselves into another hole
... just like the one dug for SHARTnark and Cucktopi lmaao

And the only Anime Shituber who acknowledged it wrote it off entirely because of the Uvogin vs Shadow Beasts fight scene and swears by the 2011 version being the definitive version.
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thats a good thing, let the shart-tubers filter out people from even watching 99
You can copy and have multiple hatsus normally if you understand how they work, the effectiveness might vary though. A specialist might be able to completely copy a hatsu without fully understanding it with the same effectiveness the original.
liking 99 is not being pretentious, just realistic
I like 1999 because it is good and based on its several merits.
The modern 99fag is just someone who posts little dark age edits using clips of just the Yorkshin arc and then gets 10,000 droolies going "It's better than 2011 tho!"
I would rather go back to the days where it got universally written off as worthless and a waste of time.
Shalnark and are Kortopi are rotting in a ditch somewhere
nen is strange, because abilities are learned like skills, modified like ideas and then treated like items.
can someone just relearn a skill after C steals it?
can he steal a second copy of the same thing?
if he stole both parts to a two man ability could he act as both men?
what does it mean?
if chrollos book gets exorcised do all of the skills go back?
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Nen is divided into 2: combat nen & magic "I ain't gotta explain shit".
Do people so easily miss the point of nen? The reason why O MY RUBBER worked is that Hisoka betted his life on a plan that was uncertain (HIGH RISK/CONVINCTION -> HIGH REWARD). A second time would paradoxically be less effective, since he knows his plan worked before (hence more certainty, not as much of a risk).
If Hisoka dies for real, what kind of fucked up shit would his post-mortem nen cause?
Seeing Hisoka on panel makes me tremble with fear...
Who is my favorite character?
It would create gym you can’t escape out of
Your mom would get even fatter
cherry or teradein
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She's so cute
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Wild sex with angry Pitou even if that means my death in the process
who will be the first to job to Tse
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>second time would paradoxically be less effective, since he knows his plan worked before (hence more certainty, not as much of a risk).
Counterpoint. Camilla has the power to revive herself after death and this isn't her first time nor will it be the last. Her power is also presumed to be just as effective now as it was in the past.
Her power is stronger than before because of Nen after death power ups. She has to be killed without triggering her power otherwise she’ll get too powerful
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What's the status of 2011 Shizuku's chest? This will determine if I watch it or not.
The point is that they've had reasons to kill or found someone to work for/kill for without upending any sort of balance Kakin had because they ultimately aren't potent enough. Untouchables would have people they could conceivably kill beyond royals, but targeting royals under normal circumstances seems beyond their capability(not that there couldn't be failed attempts).
The curse needs time and proximity to develop. They've been able to prep curses for the other princes after some period of time after Woble's age, but Fukataki notes that they'd require an incredibly long amount of time to pull it off after sending the curse even with relatively minor distances. The king himself paying a visit to his sick offspring during this would result in the curse's destruction. I don't see them consistently killing children off in any meaningful capacity and the moment it was known to be a problem Kakin would likely identify and smite them and take simple efforts to nullify future assassinations. Targeting all the princes now in a Succession War while facing no repercussions as a people because their leader would become king is the only real logical time to make a joint effort against the royalty.
>Dumb + Glasses + Big tits
What song is he listening to?
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Togashi, biggest downfall ever. Going from peak Yu Yu Hakusho to Hunter X Hunter..
pigs being slaughtered ambience 11 hour loop
I just don't find it persuasive that this ability could be older than Camilla's lifespan. If this was that old these people would have found ways to infiltrate or at least gain proximity to a target to manifest an appropriate curse. Meteor city got away with this for years. Yes it's partially because they don't exist on paper so tracing what remains were left behind made followup impossible. Plus there is their relationship with the criminal world to consider. But an Untouchable could have made their way outside the palace and killed themselves in a gutter or staged a suicide with someone else there to clean up and remove the body. They don't have to be in the face of their target like Sarahell planned as evidence by Fugetsu.

Taking out other people also doesn't make sense since we know for a fact that the nation stopped this practice and the Untouchables themselves weren't continuing it until Camilla. If this was an effective technique to purge opposition that isn't Royalty why would they stop? The possible decades of inaction just doesn't add up without new information.
That best case scenario results in days of sickness, which is what I referenced with a visitation from the King resulting in nullification, nonetheless any sort of high ranking royals. Best case scenario, they out the kids with the king alive - nothing happens besides more kids and an uptick in security.
The Untouchables continued to be marginalized and based on how traditional a high ranking person was they could push towards furthering that divide, so they'd be the hypothetical targets. I don't believe that they'd stop in my scenario, as again AC=/=HF.
>as again AC=/=HF.
This has never been a point of confusion. But there is simply no evidence they had this power even when Afterlife Companions were retired and the narration hints more heavily towards Hell Fruit being the result of Camilla emboldening them.

If this power existed but was so ineffectual in history to have never left a mark it's frankly a garbage ability. The Seed Urn, Sun and Moon, even Contagion have and will all leave marks in history. Hell Fruit however apparently was so unremarkable despite decades if not centuries despite the apparent knowledge the Untouchables accumulated in using it.

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