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Is being a salary man on earth really better than being a demon king in isekai?
I think he just enjoyed not living in an isekai shithole
BTW rest in piss manwhafreak your mtl ass wont be missed
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go away
>going back to Japan is the real escapism
Congrats OP you defeated the shill before he could make his shill thread
Remember last time when the kagejitsu thread was more popular than the shill thread and the shill thread got archived?
How about getting her to hang herself again, and then going to be the vampire's servant again and getting out with her?
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>rest in piss manwhafreak your mtl ass wont be missed
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Remember when there were no brown indog /pol/tard tourists in the thread?
I remember.
>Touka this is too much I feel indebted
>I have no money btw
Does she want to get raped or what?
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Modern earth is significantly better to live in than some medieval backwater world that doesn’t even have air conditioning, electricity, or appliances like fridges or stoves.
Even being born into the royal family would suck compared to being born here.
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>Modern earth
not all of it
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I have no idea what you're talking about but they had a threesome if that counts
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kek I forgot he went through like 10 pseudonyms during the series
He didn't go back to japan, he reincarnated there after his first life.
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don't go in, they have ranks
totally not a pro-black company wage slave psyop btw
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Could someone post a walking garbage edit so i can make a quick seras edit? thanks
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obligatory bitter incel
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reminds me of Overlord goats
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Naked to towels to swimsuits. It's going backwards.
swimsuits are arguably even hotter
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Why is every man in this world so horny for Seras, when the average woman walks around dressed like this?
average woman is not an elf
>Is there such a thing as an MC which hurts good people for his own benifit?
Reverend Insanity, Summoned Slaughterer, Overlord
Ainz specifically hurts innocent people for benefit of his minions.
Is there such a thing as an isekai where the MC is evil? It’s okay to have certain soft-spots but as a generalization still evil-aligned? In EVERY example of a revenge isekai I can think of the victims of the dark-edgy MC deserve their dates so it’s not actually evil, just edgy. Is there such a thing as an MC which hurts good people for his own benifit?
It's not that they are bad, it's that it means there's no time without them on too.
There's peace in simplicity
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>dictionaryschizo when he sees gookshit being discussed
Kek. An anon responded two seconds before he reposted it.
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You think she lets rest of the team run the train on her to relieve stress after questing?
the guy you're replying to is an esl schizo who gets mad at anti-korea shilling and blames some imaginary westslop boogeyman they made up
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thanks anons
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some indog newfag /pol/tard tourist that parrots cringe discord lingo like doodle japenis etc. will mald and post westernshit fanfics when CN/KR series are discussed
don't pay him attention when you see the faggot
shota fucking demon princess loli
I remember that post. the westoid guy is putting a LOT more effort into his shitposts. he's really starving for attention and willing to work for it lol
>characters who seem to show up in every fantasy anime
mommy issues fetish
There is no westoid westshill westslop west-whatever poster
It's literally all a hoax
I don't even know what the reason for it is
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better to be a demon king living a slow life then be a slave to modern society as a salary man
>pissing in the monster-filled woods alone
Adventurers need to use the buddy-system when defecating on missions
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Shotas are for hag demon lords
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>the king gets cucked
>Queen and princess, only children of the king, flees to become another Fleshlight for the MC
>Slutty cat and Gyaru cat still dress up like whores
>Loli was not molested
>Worst girl, the hag merchant, is a bitch towards all of the harem
>Manga Gets axed right before the downfall
Did you rike it?
I'm convinced that the isekai industry was taken over by the black company conglomerate cause every isekai suddemly says "salary man good, isekai bad". When it was the complete opposite a year or two ago.
still better ending than craft isekai
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>every isekai suddemly says "salary man good, isekai bad"
Is this supposed to be ai mtl or is this an esl translation?
Jesus, it would be better to grab a fork and a spoon and play pretend while reading the novels than watching CGI dolls
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I found the culprit
This page alone made Queen my favorite harem girl. I always root for the underdogs
>Slutty cat and Gyaru cat still dress up like whores
should have kept focus on the cat girls that was the real draw of this one
Pee is okay but poop... It's too close from the vagina. Nasty
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I've read the novels but couldn't take the 4D chess asspull Goddess threw at Biribiri chick when castle was attacked by Demon Lord, rivals Sherlock Holmes faint smell of dick
The queen never had sex with the king. She caused lots of problems there.
The princess wanted someone more interesting than some political marriage.
Catgirls only wear clothes because humans complain if they don't. Humans wear long skirts because there's nothing underneath.
That girl's too young even by their standards, although they say some nobles might not care.
Merchant is worst, but gets to lose her official wife spot to the princess.
Manga wasn't axed, it completed the LN. The LN was axed years ago.
If the merchant never followed him so quickly that would have meant more catgirl time.
I haven't seen the original Japanese, but the English seems fine to me.
>queen never had sex with the king
What, so the princess and the queen are not blood related?
What kind of asspull is this?
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Well, which one is your favorite?
>inb4 the raping goblin
>the English seems fine to me.
>"Every last one of you beautiful women is..."
This is grammatically incorrect right or am i the esl going crazy?
That's explained earlier. The princess's mother died a long time ago, the king married someone he liked but she wasn't interested in him. There were no other heirs because she refused to have sex with him. The queen leaving helped all the others in the family because it meant a chance to get a son from someone else.
Learn English yourself first.
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>the raping goblin
consent stops rape every time
>... one... is...
Last one of something is singular.
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Hackasaurus, there's something really memorable about a dinosaur(read: land dragon) with a polearm.
>Every last one of you beautiful women is...
If you're talking about whether the verb should be is or are, then I think it's tricky. It would be easy for even a native speaker to make a mistake. The catch is "of you beautiful women" is a prepositional phrase, meaning the subject of the sentence must be "one" which is obviously singular and gets the verb "is."
Next chapter when? I want storage-fu vs based fatman examiner action
>If you're talking about whether the verb should be is or are
Yeah. I don't know the context of the line though.
>being a tax slave is good!
If a male protagonist did this, it would be a cringe and embarassing power fantasy, but because it's a cute girl doing it it's just cool and cute.
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Looks can deceive.
Muscular bird man
Context isn't required here, retard. It's in the sentence.
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Like so
"Heroes" are "On the Move"?
Fuck you emperor, catfishing me again.
visions of MTG...
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Every last one of you wonderful anons is...
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Definitely one of the better anime original additions
Unlike the dumb anime original episode
So…final verdict on the class transfer? Good? Or good in concept but authors usually don’t have the skill to make the entire class interesting?
>Or good in concept but authors usually don’t have the skill
Anything can be good if author can pull it off, even CF betrayal.
It usually only exists to wank the main character and it either devolves into everyone hates the MC and he gets a broken power to rape all the girls, or he turns out to be the only one smart enough to handle the travel and all the girls fall for him even if they didn't care before. It needs a much better gimmick than "everyone but the MC got godly broken abilities except the MC's cursed ability was actually the stronest" which is just the cheapest and most braindead form of pandering for the worst wastes of society.
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The best addition to the anime was having hanakana voice this dumb tsun.
They probably did it just for the confession scene.
Sloppity slop
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I like isekai anime and isekai manga
if an isekai becomes too transparent in its pandering it becomes patronizing and dumb. it's specially bad in "actually the stongest", revenge stories, slave harems, and banished from party. ironically, something like the edgefest vampire coldsteel isekai doesn't have this issue.
I like when class is more falshed out and not just herd of sheeps following The Hero. And if it showing how different people with their unique quirks and personalities adapted to being in another world.
Monster Tamer comes to mind. I think that handled it pretty well overall. Though one might argue that it "doesn't count" because it's not just a class but rather the whole school that got transferred.
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Don't forget /isekai/ as well.
Human or Elf?
>Isekai good.
>Downvote me.
She's been voicing more winning CFs these days
Actually has she voiced any CFs who lost other than the nisekoi one?
Ironically the first "banished from the party", which is called... "Banished from the Hero's Party", is the one that did that template the best. Also one of the few that actually stay true to the "slow life" aspect for real for like 10+ volumes by now.
left has better ass and thighs
If I was a duke in the 17th-19th century would I be able to get unlimited pussy with 10/10 girls like isekai harems?
From what I'm reading it seems like no
That's isekai to you, anon! Also known as The Thread or ZA SUREDDO in older times.
That said I guess it was called /isekai/ or isek/a/i quite a few times as well, so eh, call it whatever you want.
Duke is a massive position, it basically means King.
does the demon king have air conditioning?
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>Unlike the dumb anime original episode
the first one? isn't that adopted from a later ln's side story or something
No, the one with Cid's tard pals
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The only God worth worshiping is... (You)rself?!
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human men have an instinctive bias towards exotic or supernatural women
in the 17th century europe had like a hundred dukes that were practically fully sovereign, not even mentioning the ones that were just wealthy nobles in other countries.
>Take any woman
>give her pointy elf ears
>immediately 40% hotter
How does it work?
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Don't run from skeleton cthulhu in a bedsheet. He's just lonely.
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>Lim Dal Young makes a good series for once
>it doesn't go on haitus like the others
>it gets axed instead
this man is cursed
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Damn tsunshit princess... ryona correction is needed!
The only one that didnt start out with the cliche shit skill get kicked out/abandoned plot was a jap webtoon called saikyou ansatsusha but then the mc eventually leaves anyway and it became boring again.
Sekai is alive?
Also how many girls in this want to rape him by now, Fury is absolutely going to when they reunite right?
>Lim Dal Young
until one of his MCs touches pussy, LDY will never be good
Love me some Green
this MC has a pussy though
>a whole novel about a dude nowayfagging a chick to the point she's going insane
I hope he keeps nowayfagging her but I don't think I'll be that lucky.
How often do isekaijin betray the world and have families with cutie female demon lords?
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need a series where the demon lord wants to lead the invasion, but she keeps getting delayed by being massively pregnant

she refuses to name the father, but everyone has noticed the captured hero has been getting gradually better accommodations situated closer and closer to the royal palace, until he basically just has a room there now
finally, a protagonist that gets it
I just know of an isekaijin who makes a cute family with the demon lord and saves the world.
pretty often?
Do you enjoy music when reading your Isekai?
I literally can't relax if I don't have some sort of music playing or at least background noise.
Of course, I have specific tracks for associated with novels that I've read:
>Risou no Himo Seikatsu
>Legendary Mechanic
>Strongest Spaceship
Was the court wizard they fought the sister of the queen? They look too similar to be a coincidence.
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>I went out of my room with May after taking a quick shower and found Elma and Mimi lounging inside the dining room. But both of them seem to be devoid of energy.
>“It would be better if both of you took the entire day off, I think. Rather, I insist.”
>“Yes. Thank you very much.”
>“Sorry about this.”
>The both of them smiled at me while looking under the weather. They’re not really sick. It’s that time of the month for both of them.

I thought bitches synchronizing their menstruation when living together was a meme.
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Here's your sect entrance test. Can you climb it?
mt hua, home
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Is the hero also looking more drained though?
eventually hero just starts living in the demon lord's bedroom
common law marriage with the demon lord!
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I'm sorry mino I went on hiatus.
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Cute reverse groomer demon daughterwife.
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Post more gooktome to melt his brain.
>worst korea/chinkland = eststuff = minostuff
I think you should take your meds anon.
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You indog faggot only ever post minowesternshit when you're seething about KR/CH series being discussed. When confronted, you try to gatekeep them out by association with westernshit.

Westernshit doesn't belong on /a/. CH/KR shit does. Fuck off.
Detective, you're off the case.
>Westernshit doesn't belong on /a/. CH/KR shit does.
Good quality stuff, maybe, if it's the same genre. Most Korean series are dogshit.
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Only the most entertaining ones will get through anyway, so that's to be expected.
Any isekai with a Lovecraftian element?
Fuck, reading isekaislop with le cheat and paper thin personalities is so fucking painful.

FUCK "reincarnated with the most useless skill but ackshually it's the most powerful!!!!"
lord of the mysteries?
the gentlemenfags are gonna FREAK
not enough
>THAT image
Take your meds anon. And read the fucking posts you reply to while you are at it. How could you take a clear and unambiguous anti-gatekeeping post to be a pro-gatekeeping post?
They can force an ice and wind mage to constantly cool their house down, so possibly
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always impregnate evil women
Nah I like isekai, but I stick to light-hearted stuff nowadays that doesn't take itself seriously.
one thing that I like in korean otome over japanese otome is that they’re always wearing a different beautiful dress
it’s always so nice to see a varied wardrobe
in manga they’re always wearing the same clothes
Why there are many deviantart slops posted here?
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I switched back to reading Piggy duke right now after burning out on this fucking garbage slop
>I'm the Only One with a Failure of a Skill in Another World's Summoning Rebellion: Until the Weakest Skill [Absorption] Swallows Everything
>married to He-Man
I guess evil pays.
I do agree that cheat skills are fucking trash. it feels they're trying to write a power fantasy without understanding why people like power fantasies. status screens are trash too, even the ones that are used for appraisal; it's just lazy and incompetent.
Wasn't this guy's whole deal that he could buy things off Amazon Japan? I've never heard of any used cars being sold through that.
Shame about the axe though it was an enjoyable series.
it wasn't amazon more like craigslist, so used stuff was also listed
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itt everyone needs to take meds
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What series is this again? I was reading/enjoying it some time ago, if it's updated I'd be keen to read more
>banned in google
So what did you do?
I checked SauceNao and the relevant keywords I could think of/remember. No dice for either
Dungeon ni Hisomu Yandere na Kanojo ni Ore wa Nando mo Korosareru
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It was much too short.
I expected a few chapters. The volume may add a few pages at the end of the bath scene. Roxanne needs to stay out of the way.
Read Visual Novels.
>woman drives herself batshit insane because of extreme nowayfagging and curls up like a roly poly out of sheer anguish and humiliation
>the protagonist just fucking starts eating right in front of her without a care in the world
who and which novel
I don't think the dude could handle VNs.
Yes, absolutely. That part is entirely true. You could fuck a lot, because everyone would be trying to suck up to you.
The modern salary man lives on a level of luxury dirt-grubbing farmers couldn't imagine. It's why you need cheats when you're in an isekai setting, otherwise life is pretty miserable.
I mean, imagine being dropped into Warhammer Fantasy. You would have your asshole turned inside-out by bandits, assuming starvation or disease didn't kill you first.
>in front of my salad!?
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>The volume may add a few pages
Maybe. Looks like Issei is trying to finish off LN 5 and maybe a bit more with this tank so the next one will end with Miria.
It has seemed faster recently. Good for getting somewhere in the novel, bad for some good parts with Sherry before time gets split more.
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Why is she dumber than noela?
>Japanese reincarnated as a villain/vallainess
>immediately becomes a good guy dindu and make everyone like you because you're the bestest boy/girl
>korean reincarnated as a villain/villainess
>soften the worst excesses of the villain's behavior and everyone likes you because you're just that cool and competent
>chinese reincarnated as a villain/villainess
>if anything being replaced by a modern person made the villain even more ruthless and sociopathic, everyone is either in awe of you or dead
I'll never laugh at the fact your average chinese novel postulates that random otakus are more evil than legit soul-eating cannibals.
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geez, the reboot censors cleavage but they don't hold back on a beaten face. this looks way more graphic than the original.
Never not laught
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>>Japanese reincarnated as a villain/vallainess
>>immediately becomes a good guy dindu and make everyone like you because you're the bestest boy/girl
vivi is a cute country bumpkin 'ccb' for short.
>mo money, mo problems.
If you just want to have a job, keep to yourself, and play video games, being thrust into a position of authority and being responsible for an entire empire would be very stressful.

Imagine Overlord but the MC is even more incompetent and a fuckup than him. I think a lot of guys would prefer to get isekai'd into a comfy small town/village with a simple waifu (preferably a monstergirl) and a humble yet peaceful life.
>read xianxia harem yurishit
>the protagonist managed to have a yuribaby daughter
>the daughter wants to fuck her
>her mother is the sister of your adoptive daughter who also wants to fuck you
Chinks are soulless and evil, yes
Come samurai, put on good show
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>I think a lot of guys would prefer to get isekai'd into a comfy small town/village with a simple waifu (preferably a monstergirl) and a humble yet peaceful life.
if I have no cheats to protect her from entire isekai world conspiring to NTR me - I ain't going
I was typing with one hand while trying to keep my cat from chewing my earphone cable so I typed in "eye" instead of "yes", please understand
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chink novel censors are weird, how het sex is a no no but yuri and gay is a-okay?
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So does Rosetta get upset about this? When exactly does she melt into a love puddle?
Censure is always based on users self-reporting plus loud are the mouth noises the government is making about "bad" content. If users aren't reporting or the government isn't using moral outrage to distract the public then it's somewhat chill
oh, I thought you got banned for "racism". there was a very short period here where people got banned for saying gook and anything remotely negative about korea.
I thought this was mobuseka
I don't want to be that guy but, if you're kind of person who's paranoid about getting cucked, you were probably going to get cucked no matter what you did since you have strong beta male energy. A strong confident man never worries about such things. A beta male grovels for his woman's approval and then cries crocodile tears when she rides a real man's dick. You're already cucked.
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I need to see tan fuck the shota.
I had a post deleted last thread for that exact reason tho
right on this spot, a few minutes later after realizing MC isn't fucking around or conspiring with her bullies
Readers needs to believe that.
Now this is an Isekai I'd read!
xianxia yuri harems tend to have most females imprint on the protagonist at first sight because she is the giga jade-beauty who can topple heaven and earth.
it's weird how much /a/ has changed over the years. usually it would be 3D images that would get obliterated in record time and racial slurs were a-okay.
meanwhile xianxia yuri mono tend to have one of the girls fall in love pretty quickly while the other is super dense and needs centuries to realize their feelings while acting cool and composed all the while
It's probably because you keep shitting up threads endlessly with your schizo garbage obsession with supposed gookshit conspiracy against Japan, not just for using the word.
>the dream of every latino is the nightmare of your average japanese
Does Yankee just mean dark skin blonde hair? Always confused me because I've associated the word with American

I Don't know what anime this is but, she look like she would make a good non-betraying loli wife.
I think it's another word for "delinquent"; the way the japanese use it, I mean
Huh. Guess American soldiers were up to no good in the past for that definition to stick.
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As the other anon said it's colloquial for delinquent 不良少年/ヤンキー
The classics look like this, and yeah it got that name because it was a bunch of kids copying americans
But your Monstergirl Waifu™ is secretly The Strongest™ and she knows you want a Slow Life™ and will protect you against NTR™ while Laying Low™ to avoid notice from The Adventurers' Guild™ and the Academy™.
How American is the modern Yankee?
>get noticed by Nobles
what now, bucko?
I'm not sure because I don't live there but I believe I fair lot still dyes their hair blonde, other than that they're just deliquents but japan
cultural differences and also dictatorships like vague laws they can arbitrarily enforce so that everybody is technically a criminal that belongs in the gulag at their convenience.
I wish I had a drill goddess I could save and fix...
hey, just to clear it up. I've actually written about half of the first chapter for my story. I'm planning on asking for feedback on it here later on.

Also, If we're being technical, fanfiction requires a pre-existing story to base it on.
*juwei 橘味, baihe 白合 isn't used on big sites like qidian, sfacg, jjwxc, etc since 2022 due to censure.
life finds a way
*baihe 百合
Sorry I'm retarded
Damn, does Liam even love her after they get married? How does she feel about him abandoning her?
> usually it would be 3D images that would get obliterated in record time and racial slurs were a-okay.
Because /pol/ is most of 4chan's traffic now and the mods job is to prevent that shit from going septic
>does Liam even love her after they get married
he gets quickly disappointed after she switches from her stoic facade into deredere mode
it takes a lot of 3rd party interference for him to fuck her and make a kid
he doesn't neglect the kid at least
>he gets quickly disappointed after she switches from her stoic facade into deredere mode
I hate this so fucking much, I like the character for being the former and then the author just completely fucking ruins it. It's not a matter of being 0 or 100, authors could definitely balance both but nooooo let's strip them of all of their personality
You don't deserve one, and you never will.
spoken like a true cuckold
It's the betas who prioritize loyalty and have standards they're concerned about, "Chad" shares his holes with his friends and enemies.
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Would have been a lot of fun if it took her time to go deredere. Especially with how much she was sure she was going to end things with herself.
Shadow Out of Time is isekai and literally Lovecraftian.
I remember when he was spouting left wing talking points only a year ago. Now he's gone full (((mechant)))posting
well once she picks up state affairs and saves Liam out of a pickle few times, he raises her evaluation at least
Rosetta's deredere with Liam but is still taking shit stoically when nobles talk shit and harass her because of that
he's not exactly popular among central nobility
Obviously they want to marry off their Villainous Daughter™ to you, which will be thwarted by your Monstergirl Waifu™'s anti-NTR™.
If he just told her he had a weird fetish I'm sure she would've been willing to roleplay for him.
Fuck off.
>If he just told her
Everything could be solved if he told women around him to dress sloppily and theatrically resist his advances
though he hates falsehoods and those would have to be some really good impressions
Do you get a hairpin?
Not talking specifically about this because I haven't read it yet, but still I'd just wish they'd act a bit stoic or cold even with the MC. At least for a while instead of a sudden change, ideally for me they'd be like that for most of their lives but I wouldn't mind the character slowly changing
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it's a manga, now fuck off gookshill
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Do beastwomen really?
the sudden change was properly built up: it was a defensive wall built out of necessity, and it crumbled once MC proved seriousness of his intentions
you decompress explosively after staying long time in such traumatic conditions
To the anon who posted about Hungry Fortress Wants to Build a Battleship in the older thread, does the story even pick up? I'm stalled on chapter 255 for over a month now. I just got bored and can't find the will to continue
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Kill yourself, indog tourist.
That's fair and realistically makes sense. It's just a matter of preference that I barely or ever see be fulfilled
I thought Liam did neglect the son and he grew up resentful, and mad he was getting cucked by Liam
The entire premise of the story is misunderstandings, just like Overlord.
There would be no story if everyone knew Liam was a larper
well I'm not at the latest volume, but he did oversee his education
as for cucked, I don't think childhood crushes count and Liam isn't fucking redhead middle pupil either, the one with magic eyes
so does it really count as cucking if NTRman nowayfags the girl you love permanently?
Pic related?
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she looks so pure here
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>does it really count as cucking if NTRman nowayfags the girl you love permanently?
You ask this about a work written by the Otome Mob guy
It's not exactly about larping. Sure there are SOME points where Liam talking about being an "Evil Lord" is just some kind of "tsundere" facade, but in many cases it's simply more of an issue of the empire's moral standards being so low that the generic fictional villain from Earth, that Liam bases his Evil Lord aspirations on, seems like an outright saint in comparison.
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why not?
Yankee is used by the british to insult loud and ignorant people aka american
>it's simply more of an issue of the empire's moral standards being so low that the generic fictional villain from Earth
No, Liam is just an idiot. He wants to model himself after Echigoya yet refuses to engage in the kinds of activities that an Echigoya would peddle in (drugs, human traffic, ursury). He justifies this by saying things are more productive if he doesn't, which is true, but it's the opposite of evil.
When Ainz destroyed the Eight Fingers he took over the organization and allowed them to continue the underground business. Nazarick was just even more violent and brutal to enemies or failures.
Liam destroyed the Berkeley family and freed all their slaves
yeah but americans liked yankee doodle so much that they adopted it as their theme
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if this chick saved your life countless times and is probably your last hope of escaping the S-rank dungeon alive: would you really say no to a face like this?
lurk 2 years before posting
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don't you hate it when your notElf wife resurrects your ass just because you died of old age?
This is like a regressor thing, right? If that's the case I'd just spend a couple of years making a playbook. After that I turn her into my pet.
isn't she aware of the regressions?
She is. And she is the one who turns back time to begin with.
Oh well that's me out of ideas.
True love is digging up your loved one's grave.
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ah yes, two eighths...also known as one fourth in some corners of the world...
What the fuck is her problem?
Does he ever escape away from her crazy ass, since she keeps killing him for no reason?
No, the "contradiction" of Liam is that he genuinely wants to be "on the side of those who exploit others rather than the ones to be exploited" and genuinely wants to be a villain, however what he prioritizes even more above that is his disdain and hatred of those who wronged him in the past life and the idea of acting like they do (not in a general sense but rather exactly 1:1 what he personally experienced at their hands) makes his skin crawl, so when the two sides clash he tends to rationalize dodging the issue it with one reason or another.
So exploiting the taxes feels too much like the Yakuza and their high-handed money collection methods, so he rationalizes dodging the issue with endless "fattening the sheep first".
Same with having a harem. Doing it with an actual human woman reminds him too much of his ex-wife so he always shies away from that with endless excuses, but robots don't count, so he was fine with Amagi from the start. Liam finally overcoming his trauma with the ex-wife and sexing Rosetta was perhaps the time he finally healed from that part of his past.
But whenever there is no negative association to his previous life attached, he has no qualms with acting as he intends, e.g. oppressing personal freedoms of his subjects by banning tornado hair.
the series is literally called "My Yandere Girlfriend Lurks in the Dungeon and Kills Me Over and Over Again" lmao
Ageha is the second most powerful being to ever exist (the guy who sealed her is the strongest one) in the universe of the story and the only reason people don't consider her a goddess is because the literal gods are much weaker than her. Calling her divine would be actually an offense. She wins the mcbowl by virtue of the fact that mc can't actually resist her or deny her anything since she is so much stronger than him and also fully willing to use her power to force him. She can warp reality, turn back time, and change fate and causality as easily as just thinking about it.
Is it okay to get killed by an yandere in a dungeon?
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Is it too early for Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint to be animated considering a lot of its meta themes rely a lot on familiarity with tropes like regressors and returnees and high dao murim masters that most anime viewers haven't been really exposed to? Or does it not really matter for the same reason that Konosuba didn't really need to wait until a billion other isekai were animated first?
When it comes to web novels, yesterday's parody of X is indistinguishable from today's straightforward example of X. There's just too many authors and the feedback on what's popular comes in too fast and too easy to perceive so trendchasers and people just copying neat things from other novels spawn entire subgenres out of any new story element every time
ORV isn't a parody, it's more of a pastiche or a commentary but it plays all those tropes 100% straight while still relying on the reader to feel how much they are overused.
Wasn't this a /tg/ greentext?
I hate to admit it but regression is kino
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Why is it called regression these days? I'm pretty sure it used to just be called timelooping or looping.
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Because regressing once doesn't imply a loop? Most of them are just a one time regression
>a story spends 10+ chapters reincarnator's life as a baby
haha, yuck, there's nothing worse than thi-
>a story spends the prologue, multiple subsequent chapters detailing how the protagonist's life fell apart, all the way from graduation up until he turned 40
>his failure to please his wife on their honeymoon
>her leaving him for another man
>his dead end job
>becoming unemployed and unemployable at 30
>his parents dying
>him dying after being forced to commute to work on foot in the snow
okay nevermind, I finally found something worse
Words with re is cooler. Reincarnation, regression, re
So…the Goddess of Failure Frame. I get that she’s not actually a goddess, but she’s still someone of great power and knowledge. So, why is she so terrible at leadership, evaluation, judgement and insight? If her purpose is to be revenge target for the MC, couldn’t she at least be capable enough to pose a serious challenge to the MC?
I guess timeloop implies that the MC will repeatedly go back to a certain point in time multiple times. While regression implies it usually happens once. Obviously, it might happen more but I wouldn't know since I don't really read gookshit. "Turn back time" doesn't really roll off the tongue if you're trying to use it to describe a certain genre and even then it implies that the MC has time travel powers rather than another entity sending them back in time once.
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nice desu
>skinwalker is bad at social stuff
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yes but the notelf wife succeeded
Japanese propaganda to keep robots from an'heroing
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It can't be much longer before Sherry loses the embarrassment.
>vagina tongue
I wrote my first chapter and wanted some feedback. I really want to get better at character interaction so if you have any comments I'd love to hear them.

the main point of contention for me is whether I should be more direct with the framing of the details or not. I kinda just imply a lot in this chapter.

if you read it, please let me know if you can pick up these key points.

>MC is from another world
>MC is a werewolf
>MC is supernaturally tough
>MC has a good relationship with Rye and blue
>MC and Goldie have a soft spot for each other
>MC backstory has a darker tone.

here's the link:
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>I'd gladly explore labyrinths of your wife!
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The feedback is to fuck off of /a/, faggot.
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Regressor sounds cooler.
I was looking for something more constructive but I do appreciate the response.
LMAO based
Mono or harem? CFs status?
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GOD she's so fucking CUTE
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>I was looking for something more constructive
You posted westernshit fanfic on /a/, what the fuck did you expect? Fuck off.
sadly, no CF due to this being a transfer isekai. I was thinking about doing a 3P+ route with a main wife with "political" marriages to add on to it.
Then what's the point of him resisting her? Couldn't she just mindrape the guy?
Some constructive criticism from those willing to give it a read. Some heckling from others like (you).
He could try imagining it for a page.
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The most constructive criticism is not to post your westernshit fanfic on /a/. Are you out of you mind you narcissistic faggot? Just because you are a weeb, doesn't mean OC you create is /a/ related. Fuck off with your off-topic garbage and kill yourself.
>find a series I like
>2 chapters per week that are super short
>jewish TL
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This was way too boring to be a snippet, I don't even know what is going on its like way out of the blue of whatever the plot is. Literally a filler scene. But don't give up. The ToT character seems cute.
I'm sorry you feel that way. If it's that grating to you, please use the filter to block out the word "constructive" and "feedback". I don't intend to cause mental anguish or anger, anon. I won't reply further as I don't think it'll do you any good. I wish you all the best, anon.
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Fuck I love this series so fucking much, its such a shame the manhwa skips a lot of the novels cool fights and turns the token loli into a 17 year old.
>I'm sorry you feel that way.
You triple nigger should be sorry for breaking board rules and posting your off-topic westernshit. Neck yourself.
Please kill me, miss yandere!
I'm reading a chinkshit where the MC is raping girls into submission
maybe it's consensual het sex that gets censored?
Just says more about the cultural expectations of each country more on what's acceptable behavior.

And thanks to Chinese censorship in that story the villain must die, the villain can't have a happy ending, you are triple fucked!
>maybe it's consensual het sex that gets censored?
KEK well I think censorship comes in waves and a lot of authors just get scared and stay on the safer side for a while after the purge.
I mean currently they're getting their second kid
>I don't even know what is going on Its like way out of the blue of whatever the plot is
Ah, I feared it would be that way. Do you think if I add a preceding chapter to add more context it would be more effective? regardless, I appreciate you reading it and the feedback.
feels like novels get nothing but sex and the edges get removed as it gets adapted

Goes from serial killer MC in the novel, to perverted gag battle shounen MC in the manhua, to generic paragon action hero in the donghua
So even censorship has anti-cheat banwaves in China? kek. Instead of censoring outright, they should just have a talk with the author and see why they wrote what they did and if they know about the censorship laws or not and help them adjust the story that way to not be so hated, lmao.
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I literally cannot stop rereading this scene in Fake Saint of the Year, it's just too kino
Did I stutter? Fuck off with your westernshit off-topic faggot. /a/ is not fanfic writing board.
why is it never returning to their family that they care about? who the fuck cares about your fucking lifestyle?
China is just the most redpilled place on Earth
do demon kings get salary?
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>why is it never returning to their family that they care about?
Who would read that?
there are two types of isekai's: your character dead and reincarnated, your character got trapped in another world through being summoned.

Dead = You can't return.
Trapped = You can return if you beat the quest.
/a/ keeps saying that chinese are censoring things but I just rarely if ever run into it

MC beats authority figures, makes fun of propaganda figures, commits mass slaughter and torture every arc, rapes women constantly, and that's all fine with Pooh and his club, at that point I kinda question what isn't fine with them?
As long as the MC's enemy is obviously the bad guy using underhanded tricks and being an asshole, Chinese government is fine with it.

You misunderstand the terms Hero/Villain quite a bit.
>what isn't fine with them?
Good kingdom building novels
they always get the axe
can't steal from state or have a harem
but literally every chink novel is haremshit
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I give up, I've read like 3 CN novels.
how did this go senior brother anon?
but the MC also uses underhanded tricks
because that's direct critique against Chinese government being shit at running government as a business, notice what they did to Jack Ma.
yeah it has to have the best conditions

MC has to be summoned not reincarnated
the old world has to be actually good to the MC (at least have a family who loves him)
the new world has to be complete sufferingshit
there has to actually BE a way for the MC to go back to his world

if the isekai doesn't have all of these points there's no point in him trying to go back
it was good, it wasn't perfect but it got the emotional core right and it was paced well to wrap up the story in its 4 volumes. I think it's a contender for one of my favorite series I read this year.
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>best conditions
>complete sufferingshit
>The exact moment where she becomes worst girl
hell most take that Xianxia novels tend to shit on Xianxia MCs for always collecting harems
If me and my isekai wife aren't known like this I don't want it.
They censored castrated fishfucker, because author wrote in some villains based on actual irl people and started talkin about killing them, or something.
One anon claims that they "censored House of Horrors for references to ghosts and paranormal, forcing author to write sequel with no paranormal stuff", but I read a sequel and it's chock-full of paranormal, it feels more like author just wanted to change up mc's personality after 1000+ chapters with the same dude and also write an entire story focused on a concept from one of the most interesting arcs from House of Horrors, so I really not sure how that censorship works or if it really happened, it makes no sense on many levels.
Any anon itt read Reincarnator?
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If you argue with this tier list (other than chosen series) your taste in isekai is shit.
Really I think it's less about censorship and more about the author going insane after writing 1000+ chapters and taking a blowtorch to their work (or just being replaced by ghost writers)
which gooksekai are we reading today?
Layla's suffering was painful as it was so good.
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Just thought Shield Hero would be more fitting. As he never dies and just gets transported to new world.
If you're only gonna share random snippets to a high intensity scenes that are integral to the plot even if its not the main climax. Or just share the prologue/first chapter with the hook.
I’m rereading The Novel’s Extra rn. I forgot how much of a bitch Nayun was in early of the story
>don’t approach Ageha again or I’ll kill you
>but also if you hook up with another woman: I’ll kill you
How does this series end? Is it over? Does it have a bad ending? I need this information before I decide whether or not to continue reading.
She really was the worst shit but in gab song fashion he breaks them down to look pathetic so you feel bad for them then find them endearing after they change.
Unless its a portal fantasy like Narnia but that's basically same as being summoned.
It's still ongoing and the author has uploaded a whole 4 chapters of the WN since 2022. Remarkable pacing, a straightshoot to the end.
Did she deserve this?

"Alright, alright, I won't do it again. I promise."
Bell promised Jin Sahyuk. He wanted to pinky promise, but he kept the thought to himself as his finger would likely end up getting chopped off.
"…Fucker, bastard, son of a bitch, you crazy motherfucker."
Jin Sahyuk crossed her arms and grumbled. Though, in a way, it looked more like she was sobbing.
Bell sighed as he watched Jin Sahyuk.
"From now on, don't get angry and don't get scared. Just stay low and continue to grow. I promised, right? That my Gift isyours."
I'll give my Gift to you. Demonstrating his Gift, Bell had said these words to entice Jin Sahyuk. This was the only reason Jin Sahyuk decided to follow him.
"So just wait."
There was only one way for him to pass on his Gift to her.
"Until you can kill me."
At that moment, the restaurant door opened, and a new customer walked in. Bell looked up with a smile, but his expression quickly turned cold.
"Hah, you think I'd fall for that again—"
Bell quickly blocked Jin Sahyuk's mouth. However, it seemed to have been too late as Bell frowned. The same went for Rumi, who was sitting next to him.
It was then that Jin Sahyuk finally understood the situation.
It's real this time. Not even Bell would pull the same trick twice in a row.
Bell had even begun to activate Mass Teleport. His serious attitude caused Jin Sahyuk's body to stiffen.
Hearing his serious voice, Jin Sahyuk nodded faintly.
Bell looked into her eyes and continued.
"I'm kidding this time too."
Rumi burst out laughing.
That was the nail in the coffin.
Steam began to rise up from Jin Sahyuk's pale face.
"You two pieces of shits—!"
middleclass fags in first world countries are probably live better than kings from 1800s and earlier.
Ageha has no mercy even for Ageha, it is silly to expect her to have any for mc.
Hiatus, but not abandoned completely, author is still active and promised to take it to the end, at least. Some posts hinted that endgame is mc getting strong enough to keep powder keg that is his girlfriends from exploding, but he's far off from that for now.
If it's cultivation novel you can do 1000+ quite easily, just fill text with mc absorbing Ding Dong Bing Bang energy to cultivate The Big Wahooo manual, but HoH didn't have much of that, so in terms of content it probably felt like 3000 chapters point for some other novels.
regression is being turned back into child without time travelling.
Then again, nips probably have different understanding.
you ever gonna spoon feed me the source?
I'll go with the prologue route. Thank you, anon. I appreciate you reading my scribbles. I'm going to go write from the beginning.
>When you're the reincarnated heroine and have a "God's beloved child" title but god plays favorites
Imagine being a heroine but god likes his other "children" more
yeonha best girl
rachel was also great but she was doomed to be forever friendzoned despite having a pseudo child with her
Uh, it is still called timelooping in japan newfagbro, that's quite literally the tag they use. Regression is mostly used in korean and chinese WNs.
dumb scotterbrain
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>she had brown, almond shaped eyes
>her eyes were sharp, like an almond
>her deep brown eyes betrayed the nuttiness of almonds
>her eyes were almonds
I suggest dropping it, it gets really bad toward the end before stopping abruptly because the author or whoever the fuck decided it was time for a complete rewrite because of how ass the story turned out.
sorry bwo but I need to pad my wordcount for revenue tee hee
Olivia Lanze >>>>> all the other whores
This bell guy sounds like a jackass
Elise WILL win
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Why would anyone return from this?
Bwo...hes already making out with Johanna full tongue and everything.
did I stuttter nigger?
>MC gets scammed and finds out
>he curses the guy with awareness, that he will forever have to breath manually
He'll die in a day once he needs to sleep
The twist is that it wasn't actually a curse, just a simple trick like how you're manually breathing now
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Is he monster form 24/7 or human 99% of the time?
what manhwa?
Really have to wonder how well this works on different people. I'm aware of it and then I just offload it to my subconscious again within 5-10 seconds. Just focus on something else.
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>Lady Noah is cold to Makoto
Finally some goddess drama with make-up sex incoming?
kek, no. RIP Lady Noah, she never scored
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By God. This area right here. Think I'm developing something.
Apparently the Indonesian government demands google to forcefully turn on Safe Search (i.e. porn filter) for their citizens with no way to turning it off so maybe that's why.
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I'll never forgive the japanese
Regression is often used in Manga, never heard anyone call it timelooping. Timelooping is more like Re:Zero Kara. Regression means you reverting back to previous state.
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This entire manga is just this meme pic taken up to 11 and done without a hint of irony. Kinda want to ask, just out of curiousity, is this manga original or does it also have a WN/LN as well?
Regression is a single big regression to fix the past, almost always at start of the series (i know of a single story where the regression happens 90% of the way in), looping refers to re:zero style time redoers.
no it isn't you mong
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There are korean stories where mc loops 999999999 times after every death and it's called regression and japanese ones where mc goes back in time once at the start and it's called loop.
I'm pretty sure I've only ever seen translators use it as a replacement for timeloop or whatever, because they want the webtoon audience. I don't think I've ever seen actual authors use word regression, Return by Death/Timeloop/Time Leap are more common, can't claim I've read every manga ever, but regression is more of a chinese/korean/western thing than japanese.
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If returning does happen, someone should follow.
Mabel my stinky NEET queen
What a hack. I'm glad this faggot author's current series is flopping.
Time Leap would be a better term than Time Loop as that would be more akin to before mentioned stories or something like Groundhog Day/Looper.
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Would you take care of a demon nugget?
>turns some chick into a fucking stump just to save her life
>lol my bad g, I'm taking personal responsibility so just walk it off
god bless japanese emotional intelligence
> Just walk it off.

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I was trying to be funny, fuck you.
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Oh I thought this series was on a season break. Did it finally came back?
>thinking we'll finally see the end of this shit group
>all they did was rename themselves

Well, shit. At least tell me they just stick to Manhaw from now on.

Captcha: M0MY
the character isn't portraying japanese emotional intelligence but more so the Japanese guy's mental retardation and how off his logic is, like most people wouldn't be fine with losing their limbs like that.

He's the one that's not normal in that scene if that makes sense? He's not normal even to Japanese audience, he's the dumb goofball that's supposed to be made fun off.
They aren't.
I mean what would you do if you got into a car crash and the only way to save your life was by cutting off several limbs? Gonna tell em to leave you there to die?
A car crash is more understandable than a curse, holy fuck its an isekai, there's a curse reverse spell somewhere!
Did Kiericake drop this? It's been a while since we have gotten a new chapter
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Yes, fucking let me die at that point.
But since it's an isekai there is probably a way to restore limbs as well.
In most countries medical workers can't even leave em to rot legally. Very likely, even in a country that anon is posting from right now, not sure why is he getting butthurt over it.
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Mermaid is thirsty for MC's seed
what are you all reading right now and is it good
Someone said it's bad but I like The Otome Heroine's Fight For Survival.
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>come back with harem, friend and family
>"uh-oh, anon, I'm sorry, but your series has been IRONYBRO KEKSHIT all this time!"
>everyone melts to death while screaming in pain, because no mana in the atmosphere, or some other bullshit in a very fresh, ironic and original gag.
Unless you really fucking hate those people, I wouldn't risk it, pic very much related.
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>Saintess was the only one to witness MC soloing a phoenix in a secluded forest.
>Wants MC to join her Hero-party.
>MC wants none of that shit and rejects her.
>MC was lost. Saintess offers to guide him back to warp-gate out of the forest. They talk.
>MC is shocked that that the saintess is completely unselfish and free of desire; tells her to live a little.
>MC sprints away once they reach the warp-gate out of the forest.
>MC drops his adventurer ID and his discount card to a bar/diner he frequents.
>Next day, Saintess enlists the help of the whole town to search for MC.
>MC hides at the top of the clock-tower.
>CF/Crush/Waitress of the bar he frequents is the only one who finds MC.
>Offers MC refuge in her bar (which she runs with her dad, and isn't open for business for the night)
>Dad is out and won't be back until next morning.
>CF has been feeling lonely and have been dreaming of her dead mother recently.
>Clings to MC and seems like they are down to fuck.
>CF say they should take a bath first
>Goes off to prep the shower along with a change of clothes.
>Saintess arrives at bar; asks MC to at least meet and talk with her party-memebers.
>MC, in an attempt to drive saintess off, tells saintess that he would join the party on the condition that saintess marries him.
>Saintess says okay and even invoke some <Sacred Vow> shit.
>pic related
Is this CF-NTR?
just jizz on her eggs lmao
>because Demon Lord has an heir now
___ _____
_ ____
It's not the fact that he did it, it's how he breaks the news to her that made me laugh. I was told that the guy was supposed to be seen as a tard, so it makes sense now.
I'm not AGP or a transbian or whatever but I feel such fuzzy feelings and I can't help but smile while reading yuri. I read hetshit and it's kinda meh, whatever.
>mc reincarnated into a story as an unimportant side character
>has a name, but can't see his own face for some reason
>next day mc recives macguffin by mail
>macguffin activates, mc's name and looks get replaced with his name and looks from original world
What's even a point of starting as someone else? Couldn't he just start looking like himself with his own name instead?
Novel's extra huh
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Eris needs more bananas.
Read the novel.
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To be honest, I hated writing style so much that I dropped novel before finishing prologue before, twice. I'll stick with niggertoon for that one.
You are nuts anon, the novel is way better than the comic as it skips a lot of cool scenes.
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For better or for worse. I like those no-stakes shoujo stories where the worst thing that could ever happen is the drink spilled on the dress.
Also MC is a cute.
I don't think this retard shill realizes the image he posted contradicts their post
It's also further proof hes just one samefagging schizo retard
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Are you talking about a different series? Or is the LN supposed to be a rewrite of the WN?
This is the worst big brother MC.
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She's an osananajimi voiced by hanakana who doesnt lose and is as loyal as mutsumi
It's called time leaping
Ignore regressor shills
>still have the left leg and tail
>is a demon and not a human weakling
Just delve further into the demonic path and you will regain the limbs.
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There hasn't been a new chapter for months
The ageha WN got updated recently this year
Did that finally stop happening?
apparently not >>269179631
Now I want to celebrate how terrible scanlators are in general, does anyone have that one page where scanlator drew MS paint burqa over girl in underwear in that one isekai manga? Not sure if it was MF or some other group.
Never happened to me despite posting for years, to be honest.
The tankoubon volumes are officially licensed
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This never had a chance to get far in the novel at the rate it was getting chapters.
>his girlfriends
Who are his "girlfriends"? The sword, the vampire and the yandere?
It happened to me once when i posted a "name three good modern isekai harems"
Ageha. There's two of them
Ageha, Ageha, sword-chan, elf, vampire.
Why do 90% of webtoons seem to have the same style of shading and coloring?
There's the new notrussian saintess as well
because your slop is literal slop feces shat out by your corporate overlord directly into your mouth through the sewerage pipeline system lubricated with the most dehydrated piss
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>worst korea slop
>china slop
My man.
>get an extremely cute imouto
>she loves her onii-sama the most
>marrying your sibling is the norm
>everyone and their mom already expects you to marry her
dumbest nigga
>this thread
I kek'd, what's the source
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There are worse ones out there.
Is the 2012 screenshot the janny announcement?
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>Prince likes BL stuff
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>sorted by date on desuarchive and think whatever he finds makes him a le ebic oldfag
>didnt even bother digging to 14xx
>shota prince loves cock
Fuck that's so fucking hot.
His reasons were bad. He should have tried a harem as an alternative.
What part of the story is this? I dropped the WN around the time she was locked up in a castle by the nobles for thinking she's going to be the most powerful witch.
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That absorb skill isekai
The mod post
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It's not that hard to defeat truck-kun you just need to do multiverse bullshit
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So many things never could be shown in the manga.
>absorb skill isekai
Can't fucking stand the concept of skill absorbing/stealing and technique/power copying. Shit just spits on suffering for success and hard work. It also makes a character fucking boring if that's their main gimmick.
Yes, instant drop and throw it to the trash.
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Is it still isekai if it’s the same world, just a very different place? Like for example a japanese salaryman from Tokyo gets trucked and is reborn as a girl in Detva, Slovakia?
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I like (You)r edits.
No that's just tensei/reincarnation. Same shit as when it happens in native fantasy
They're not his edits
The gentlemanfag usually has their filenames with proper names
Final Fantasy Tactics is not isekai. People aren't in another world, but rather the existing world was transformed into an Eldritch trap.
That makes sense, still they are good.
It has all the bad parts of arifureta and the rest of the classroom summon isekais without any of the good parts
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If you already been isekaied before, then you can use your otherwordly skills to defeat it as well.
Agree on steal, at least absorbing can mean just absorbing powers without being able to copy them, sometimes, nerfed copying can be interesting sometimes.
Worst instance of this shit is none of the three for me, it's the mc who had a cheat "can use any skill that people think you have" and he just made main girl imagine that he has six million quirks, by directly explaining to her how his ability works, I mean, it makes no goddamn sense.
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Post the real one.
>mc who had a cheat "can use any skill that people think you have" and he just made main girl imagine that he has six million quirks
Wait, are you talking about that battle royal thing where the MC has to make people think he a power to use it or something else?
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I missed you
cuuuuuuute, where's mine!?
Fake licia strikes again
...or is he actually the cuthulu anti-cf samefagging? >>269212547
Yep, Something Something You'll Cum in Ten Seconds, it was called. Made me quite pissed back in the day.
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imoutos are CFs too
Aww, that sucks. I thought the premise seemed cool enough and the first episode was alright.
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They can be a lot of things.
>just like how there's fake rishia's, theres also fake licia(fag)'s
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I never post Pro-CF stuff.
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But what about a CF who creates a remote-controlled fake CF?
like onii-sama's wife for example
lmao name?
>CF dies
>Item drops
Nice, I'm gonna farm some CFs for gear!
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Yeah, I give mine filenames, though to be fair, of those I gave a file name, I didn't make all of them. The ones I made are pic related, guide, ALLEN! and Jelly-butler.
"confirm it" and other edits that I also file-named were made by other anons.
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Fake or not, we all love Licia (CF)
This was a fucked up thing to do to a guy. I hope she loses.
Gentlemen posting always get updoots in my book!
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Old man... sex
w-what do you guys mean by fake licia..?
doesn't matter if she is, I still love her
>It's not that hard to defeat truck-kun
stop playing phone or wearing earbuds when walking.
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Tokyo ravens
She's just an autistic introvert tsun voiced by hanakana no bully
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Old man GB is for nomance.
wasn't there a series where truck-kun was a levitating, self-driving semi truck that crashed into a 120th floor of a cyberpunk apartment building
>Tokyo ravens
>Mangadex last update 6 years ago
Is it dead?
Just read the novels or watch the anime and start at vol 10
I remember the manga had an official tl but got cancelled before the manga got axed. The manga covers the same parts the anime does anyway.
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>kill a CF
>it drops an "Anti-NTR clip"
There's licias spelt rishia who are real licias that are actual cfs and then theres licias spelt ri-shia who are fake rishias and not cfs
Do sisters betray?
Very rarely but yes they have the capacity to betray.
There was. Mc's pissed off crazy boss was the one driving it, IIRC.
For me, the most memorable ways to isekai were:
3) retarded yakuza dudes causing a gas explosion
2) the sneeze guy
1) the bus almost ran over a guy trying to self isekai, but it flipped over, missing him, mc was the guy who got crushed inside the bus because of that
I think Isekai SUCKS
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I only made this one >>269198724
but it feels incomplete
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Brothers are more likely to betray the sister.
I'm not sure about modern dukes. Granted you'd get far more pussy than even the average guy today, but it'd probably come with consequences. Being a super famous actor nowadays, or maybe up to 50 years ago, is probably better in comparison.
Being an emperor in ancient China however, you had a literal harem with 1000+ girls, and that's without even asking for a good chunk of them. Seems unlimited to me.
Not a real sister. Just some psychotic hag pretending to be an imouto.
but was it depleted or never been used?
You don't wan cool ghost powers?
>Elfwife though he'd be disoriented and lash out
>MC: I've always hated doors, phasing through is nice
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>Not a real sister.
? They were reincarnated as siblings
>*kills him*
>"nooo I can't live in this world without you"
what the fuck is her problem?
And? Imouto not just blood relation, it's also specific mindset which she lacks.
First time yandere?
Ageha... My beloved
Which is what? She still wants to fuck him.
>setup reincarnation spell to reincarnate together
>kill mc
>kill self
>escape from the rest of harem complete
It's not all that complicated.
Replied to wrong post
>escape from the rest of harem
But now she's imouto-zoned
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>school gets isekaid
>yandere comes pre-equipped with [kitchen knife]
what is this?
Oh dear, suicide in the OP. Who wants to bet on whether the new thread will get 404'd?
Does implied get 404'd?
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this hits a little too close to home....
>half life fag still hasn't given up hope
Its over anon, go home.
It's not like she has to worry about the Mc losing, or even about her dad getting badly hurt.

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